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Content: OC 11.1 Nature and Elements of Communication

3. Communication Models

Content Standard: The learner…….

understands the nature and elements of oral communication in context

Performance Standard: The learner…….

designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities
based on context.

Learning Competence: Differentiate the various models of communication. (EN11/12OC-Ia-3)

I. Objectives:
K- Identify the different models of communication.
S- Differentiate the various models of communication.
A- Value the importance of various models of communication.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Models of Communication
B. References:
C. Materials: Laptop, projector, Meta strips, pictures, video clip
D. Value Focus: Valuing the importance of various models of communication in daily lives.

III. Procedure:
A. Review: Recap of what is communication and the communication process
B. Motivation: Picture Analysis
Say something about the picture

C. Presentation: Lesson Proper

A. Activity:
1. Group of 10 members, brainstorm the process of communication depicted from the assigned
pictures and draw a diagram on how communication was processed.(10 minutes allotted)
2. Presentation of work

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

Group 4 Group 5
B. Analysis:
A.1. What can you say about the models of communication process you have drawn?
2. Is there any different you have decipher from models presented?
3. How did you come up with your models of communication?
4. What is the purpose of communication models in presenting the Process of
B. Short Lecture: Power point Presentation (10 minutes allotted)
A. Various Models of Communication Process
1. Aristotle’s model
2. Shannon-Weaver Model
3. Transaction Model
4. Schramm Model
B. Illustrations of diagrams for each model to show differences

C. Abstraction:
1. What are the various models of communication?
2. Give the differences of each models?
3. Why is models of communication important?

D. Application: Role Play( Use Video)

In group of 10 members, perform a situation depicting the different models of communication.
15 minutes allotted.

IV. Evaluation:
Do this in a 1 whole piece of paper.
1-2. Why are the models of communication important?
3-10. Complete the graph by briefly differentiating the Three Models of Communication.
Models of

Transaction Model Shannon-Weaver Model Schramm Model

Transaction Model Model

V. Assignment:
Research on what are the functions of communication

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