Nature of Comm

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Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

Grade Level: SHS- Grade 11

Content: Nature and Elements Communication

Content Standard: Understand the Nature and Elements of Oral Communication in


Performance Standard: Design and perform effective controlled and uncontrolled oral
communication activities based on context

Learning Competency: Demonstrate sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of

communication situation with focus on: gender (EN11/12OC-Ia-7.2)

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

K: Determine a person’s freedom of gender preference

S: Create a role play portraying language barriers between genders
A: Appreciate the functions of the different genders to society

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Gender Sensitivity
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, books
Reference: Oral Communication in Context
Time Allotted: 50mins

III. Motivation
The teacher will show the students the following pictures. Ask the students to
describe what they see in the pictures.

A. Activity
Group the students into five, have each team pick one picture and brainstorm the
role/ function of the people in the picture in the society and what are their challenges.
Have their roster of thoughts be presented in front.

B. Analysis
Ask the students the following questions.
1. How do the people in the picture usually speak?
2. How are they the same?
3. How are they different?
4. How are these people being viewed/treated in the community?
5. What are their roles in the community?

C. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss about:
The Different Gender Competences
1. Display of respect
2. Orientation of Knowledge
3. Empathy
4. Interaction Management
5. Task role behavior
6. Relational Role Behavior
7. Emotional Expression and Interaction Posture

The Barriers to the different gender communication

1. Stereotypes
2. Body Language
3. Translation Limitations

D. Application
With the same group, have a role play of the different misunderstanding with
regards to gender sensitivity.

Rubrics (role play): See Attachment

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Write a three paragraph essay about the gender sensitivity issue
present in our society.

Rubrics (Essay): See Attachment

V. Assignment

Look for an article related to gender sensitivity issue.

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