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Project management and organization theory: IRNOP Meets PMJ

Article  in  Project Management Journal · August 2014

DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21442


13 2,961

2 authors:

Jonas Söderlund Ralf Müller

BI Norwegian Business School BI Norwegian Business School


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Guest Editorial
Jonas Söderlund, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian
Business School, Oslo, Norway
Ralf Müller, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business
School, Oslo, Norway

Project Management and Organization Theory: IRNOP Meets PMJ

This is the first Project Management Journal (PMJ) spe-

cial issue with papers from the International Research
® had an intention to move IRNOP forward by adding their
personal flavor. From the very early days, the intention
Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP) conference. was to improve the linkages between project manage-
IRNOP has established itself as one of the leading and ment and organization theory; later, some of the topics
most prominent meeting places for scholars in the realm added have been more specific, including innovation and
of project organizing. This loosely coupled network was business models. Over the years, IRNOP has accumulated
founded in 1993 and held its first conference in Sweden quite an impressive group of people who are currently
in 1994. Since then, the conference has been organized sharing the interest of making project management more
bi-annually and has travelled the world, with stops in connected to organization theory, and on the other hand,
France, Canada, Australia, and several other countries making organization theory more focused on projects and
on its way to Norway, where the conference was held in temporary organizations.
2013. Table  1 provides an overview of the conferences Indeed, quite a few publications have emerged from
organized since then. We were fortunate enough to host the series of IRNOP conferences. Perhaps one of the most
this conference and are now fortunate enough to edit this significant is the special issue that was published in 1995
special issue with some of the papers presented at the by the Scandinavian Journal of Management. In this issue,
2013 conference. we have some of the most cited works in the area of project
This introduction will give you some thoughts and management, including the articles by Lundin and Söder-
ideas on where IRNOP is heading and how we wanted holm (1995) and Packendorff (1995) on projects as tempo-
to affect its trajectory. Our goal with the 2013 confer- rary organizations. In addition, in the same issue, Midler’s
ence was to focus more on the methodological issues (1995) influential paper on the projectification of the firm
and at the same time stick to the conventional focus on appeared. Hence, already in the very beginning, publica-
project management research that draws on organization
tions from the IRNOP conference made powerful imprints
theory. All past organizers of IRNOP, we believe, have
and, over the years, have received quite impressive citation
scores from a wide range of scholars, not only within the
Year Venue project management community but also from scholars
1994 Lycksele, Sweden in the fields of innovation and management. From the
subsequent conferences came a series of books (Lundin &
1996 Paris, France
Midler, 1998; Lundin & Hartman, 2000) and a set of special
1998 Calgary, Canada issues addressing topics such as renewal and learning.
2000 Sydney, Australia Primarily, since the conference held in 2002, selected
2002 Rotterdam, The Netherlands papers from IRNOP have been published in special
2004 Åbo, Finland issues in the International Journal of Project Management
(IJPM). For the 2013 conference in Oslo, we have two spe-
2006 Xi’an, China
cial issues—one that will be published by IJPM and this
2007 Brighton, United Kingdom issue of PMJ. There is a difference between the two. The
2009 Berlin, Germany issue published by IJPM specifically addresses the meth-
2011 Montréal, Canada odological issues. The PMJ issue has a more conventional
2013 Oslo, Norway touch—it publishes a few select papers from the confer-
ence that the track chairs believe would be interesting
Table 1: Overview of past IRNOP conferences.
for researchers and reflective practitioners in the domain
of project management. The idea was to provide a broad
Project Management Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2–6 view of what goes on in the area of project management;
© 2014 by the Project Management Institute hence, we have papers in this issue dealing with decision
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21442 making, portfolio management, ethics and governance,

2 August/September 2014 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

complexity, risk, and improvements. In our opinion, these are success and the optimism bias typically observed in a number
all ‘hot topics’ that currently attract a lot of attention among of decision-making situations preceding large-scale projects.
scholars in project management, which might also spur The first paper by Werner G. Meyer, “The Effect of Opti-
some interest from scholars in adjacent research domains. mism Bias on the Decision to Terminate Failing Projects,”
Of course, the general idea with this special issue is not only on the effects of optimism bias and how this affects the deci-
to show what currently goes on in the domain of project sions to terminate failing projects, draws on experimental
management, but also to point out some directions for future data involving 345 individuals. The paper makes a distinction
research. This is one of the main ideas in this introductory between two kinds of optimism bias: in-project optimism bias
paper. What goes on in the area of project management? What and post-project optimism bias. The author demonstrates
are the paths ahead and research topics for the future? that in-project and post-project optimism biases have effects
As pointed out, we do not have a particular focus for this on the escalation of commitment of failing projects. The
special issue. Rather, the six selected papers demonstrate the study lends significant support for the two types of optimism
current breadth in the domain of project management and bias, indicating that decision makers were likely to escalate
deal with several different levels of analysis and a range of commitment to a failing project. The main reason was that
different theoretical problems. It is quite interesting though to they had the perception that the benefits from the project’s
see how the papers in a variety of ways respond to the calls for product would exceed the benefits that were calculated in
rethinking project management research that was introduced the project’s business case. The study also shows that deci-
by Winter, Smith, Morris, and Cicmil (2006). In Winter et al.’s sion makers tend to be optimistic about the influence they
paper, the general idea was to highlight a path ahead for proj- have over the outcomes of projects, in other words, what
ect management research. In particular, the authors pointed the author refers to as in-project optimism. Decision makers
out that there was a greater need to address the complexity were also optimistic about the value that projects deliver. In
of project management; to investigate the social processes particular, they tended to be optimistic that projects deliver
of projects; to explore the value creation properties and better business benefits than what can be proven through the
processes of projects; and to look at projects from a broader, business case. The latter is associated with what the author
more holistic viewpoint. The papers included here contribute refers to as ‘post-project optimism,’ which is an optimism
to this agenda in different ways. They strengthen the call for bias prevalent throughout the project. This bias increases as
more research into these specific domains and also demon- the project approaches the end. The support for post-project
strate that project management research has moved ahead optimism bias indicates that decision makers believe that a
to new territories and new calls for rethinking, including a project will give better returns after the project is completed
broader view on decision-making processes, a more dynamic than what was initially identified in the project’s business
perspective on complexity, a greater interest into the value case. Post-project optimism bias suggests that decision mak-
created by innovation projects, and a more current take on ers are either not well-informed about the project’s business
the improvements of the management of projects. These are case, and what can realistically be achieved, or they choose
all topics that will be discussed by the papers presented in to ignore the facts of the business case in lieu of their own
this special issue. Following we summarize the main ideas assessment of the project benefits.
coming from these papers and the way we view them; then Tim Brady and Andrew Davies address the issue of
follows our view on how they impact the way we should look structural and dynamic complexity in projects in the second
upon future research. paper, “Managing Structural and Dynamic Complexity: A
Optimism bias and decision making have always been Tale of Two Projects.” The authors draw on in-depth findings
essential parts of project management research. One of the from two case studies of megaprojects in the United King-
most important contributions is probably the work by Staw dom: the Heathrow Terminal 5 project and the London 2012
and Ross on escalating of commitment and why decision Olympic Park project. The authors argue that prior research
makers stick to failing projects. This has been a popular has shown that complexity is a significant factor in a project’s
theme in research within the decision school of project man- failure to achieve cost, time, and quality objectives. Based on
agement research (Söderlund, 2011). In recent years, this prior research, the paper initially makes a distinction between
and other studies have received renewed interest, which has structural and dynamic complexity. This distinction is then
spurred the interest in decision making preceding projects. used to compare the two projects. The paper reveals a num-
Most notably, Bent Flyvbjerg has called attention to a series of ber of differences in the approach to managing structural and
decision-making problems in the domain of projects. Nobel dynamic complexity. The paper also identifies several com-
Prize winner Daniel Kahneman has of course also influenced mon factors that may help project managers achieve positive
a number of scholars in social science and, not surprisingly, outcomes for their complex projects.
also scholars in the field of project management. One of his The authors are particularly interested in the condi-
main ideas with this stream of research is the delusions of tions under which megaprojects can achieve cost, time, and

August/September 2014 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 3

Guest Editorial

quality objectives. They argue that the two selected projects about the importance of different governance structures
are examples of successful construction megaprojects. Both for the management and leadership of projects and adds
projects involved the integration of different types of infra- an ethics and trust dimension. Initially and based on the
structure, including a variety of buildings, transport systems, literature on project governance, the authors make a distinc-
energy and waste systems, and IT systems. The authors are tion between four types of governance paradigms to which
particularly interested in understanding why the projects organizations are expected to adhere. The study is based
were able to achieve cost, time, and quality objectives. The on a global, web-based survey with 331 responses. One key
paper shows how complexity associated with the two projects observation from this study is that the types of ethical issues
was addressed by creating distinctive organizational struc- vary by governance paradigm, country, and project type; in
tures and processes. The analysis reveals a set of differences addition, the behavior of managers varies a great deal by
with regard to the approaches taken by the people manag- the governance structure, as does the managers’ willing-
ing the two projects. In the Heathrow T5 project, the client ness to resolve ethical issues and the trust among stake-
created a controlled and tightly integrated umbrella frame- holders. The study indicates that higher levels of trust are
work based on a consistent and standardized process and a typically observed in predominantly stakeholder-oriented
common code of behavior, which was used across all major governance structures. In accordance with agency theory
projects and sub-projects. The Olympic construction project and stewardship theory, the study showed a dominance of
and its delivery partner adopted a tight–loose approach to transparency issues in projects governed from a shareholder
managing the project to establish consistent processes for perspective and a dominance of optimization issues (the
managing change across the entire project while adopting ethically correct distribution of benefits and risk among
different approaches to individual sub-projects and provid- project participants) in stakeholder-dominated governance
ing contractors with the autonomy required to developing paradigms.
specific solutions to dealing with problems encountered in In the fourth paper, “Value Management for Exploration
each project. Projects,” Rémi Maniak, Christophe Midler, Sylvain Lenfle,
The authors point out that dynamic complexity is often and Marie Le Pellec-Dairon investigate some of the innova-
overlooked in large-scale construction projects. The authors tion challenges associated with the management of projects.
stress that managing such complexity is a process that, to a The authors argue that a greater focus on innovation-based
great extent, depends on finding the right balance between competition has led to a paradox for project management.
control and interaction and of being able to “do the extraor- On the one hand, the authors point out that firms have been
dinary.” Balancing requires the project organization to find a continuously streamlining their new product development
suitable structure to fit the project context that can accom- process and have integrated their project management into
modate the needs for both interaction and control. Doing the a strongly standardized model of project management. This
extraordinary, it seems, sometimes means developing new standardized model puts much attention on the elimina-
and creative ways of maintaining progress in the face of major tion of risk and the achievement of cost, quality, and lead
obstacles that can arise during the course of a complex proj- time optimization. In that respect, this model focuses on the
ect. Brady and Davies show that a higher order of cooperation convergence of activities toward a predefined goal. On the
among stakeholders, project champions, highly competent other hand, the authors note, firms cannot only rely on stan-
individuals; and the ability to discover unique solutions dardized projects to renew their products and capabilities.
and seeing events as opportunities rather than threats are In such settings, the authors claim, there is a need to launch
all important factors in successfully managing complexity and implement breakthrough innovation projects—projects
in large infrastructure projects. The authors identify a set of that, in the literature, are typically referred to as “exploration
common patterns across the two cases with regard to strong projects” (Lenfle, 2008). Such projects struggle with unfore-
client leadership and capabilities, collaborative behaviors, the seeable uncertainties in which both the goals and the means
ability to be adaptive and responsive, innovative approaches, are difficult to define at the outset of the project. According
and the use of digital technologies. to Maniak, Midler, Lenfle, and Le Pellec-Dairon, one of the
The third paper, “Ethics, Trust, and Governance in most interesting and pressing issues with such projects is that
Temporary Organizations,” by Ralf Müller, Rodney Turner, they should not only deliver a new product, they should also,
Erling S. Andersen, Jingting Shao, and Øyvind Kvalnes, and—in some cases this might be the primary outcome—
reports on findings from an investigation on the types and deliver a novel organizational capability. The authors argue
severity of ethical issues project managers face in different that it is well recognized that the project evaluation and value
governance settings and how managers deal with these ethi- management methodologies are likely to kill exploration
cal issues. The study also looked at how the governance par- projects. By relying on in-depth longitudinal studies of three
adigm influences the trust among stakeholders in a project. exploration projects in the space and automotive industries
In that respect, the paper participates in the ongoing debate and the aftermath of these projects, the authors document

4 August/September 2014 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

how value creation can be regarded and managed as a dual Ward, and Madalena Araújo develop such a framework to
process of potential value creation and value realization. guide the analysis of the most worthwhile improvement
The inherited rational approach widely relies on the ex- efforts. The framework is based on a literature review and a
ante definition of a given set of performance (price and vol- large-scale interview study involving project management
ume, lead time, and customer willingness to pay for a given practitioners worldwide. The resulting final framework high-
set of functionalities). These theories hardly take into account lights 15 key project management improvement initiatives
the serendipity required to reevaluate during the project the and 26 embedding factors grouped by the factor analyses into
set of performance settled at the beginning. Thus the project three improvement themes and six embedding themes. The
reaches the objectives or fails, but does not map how it could paper addresses two primary questions: (1) What improve-
build on the ongoing experience to redefine its value and its ments are the most useful? And (2) What factors can facilitate
ability to open new business avenues. Even if the capability how improvements are embedded into project management
building approach now clearly identifies the importance of practice?
the learning cycle occurring from one project to another, it is
right now far from being used in the concrete value manage- Future Research
ment toolbox. The six papers in this special issue address a wide range of
More and more organizations and scholars show an inter- topics—topics that are important to managers as well as
est in developing their capability of managing project port- scholars in the field. We would like to point out a few areas for
folios. In the last few years, this area of research has perhaps future research, which we believe emanate from these papers;
been the most vivid one in the area of project management. of course, there is much more to be said about the subject,
In the fifth paper, “Risk Management in Project Portfolios and indeed more details are found in the various papers
Is More Than Managing Project Risks: A Contingency Per- included in this issue.
spective on Risk Management,” Juliane Teller, Alexander First, we believe there is a need to better link governance
Kock, and Hans Georg Gemünden seek to integrate the issues with issues linked to the management of projects: What
emerging literature on project portfolio management with governance paradigms exist and how these various paradigms
the literature on risk management. As the authors state, many affect such things as decision making in the early and later
studies have indicated a positive relationship between project stages of a project. We also think that there is a need to better
risk management and the success of R&D and IT projects. understand the impact of corporate governance on project
However, the reality might be very different at the portfolio governance and from there what actually affects the ethical
level and it might be quite insufficient to only look at the indi- behavior and various unethical behaviors in a project context.
vidual project risks. As the authors argue, risk management Second, we believe there is a general need to investigate
at the project level aims at reducing the likelihood of project the potential difficulties and clashes between the project level
failure; however, to manage risk at the project portfolio level and the portfolio level. Risk management is one example.
requires a broader perspective. The authors present a study Innovation is another example. What activities might work at
of 177 project portfolios. The results suggest that formal risk the project level and what activities might work at the portfo-
management at the project level and integration of risk infor- lio level? What activities might produce effective outcomes at
mation at the portfolio level are positively associated with the the project level but may lead to deteriorating results at the
overall success of the project portfolio. The authors also dem- portfolio level?
onstrate that simultaneous risk management at both levels Third, how do organizations build project capabilities?
increases the positive effect. In addition, risk management at There seem to be two specific areas of importance in that
the project level is more important for R&D-dominated proj- respect: One area relates to the role of innovation projects in
ect portfolios, whereas the integration of risk information is developing project capabilities in building improved perfor-
more important with high levels of turbulence and portfolio mance in projects. The second area relates to the improve-
dynamics. ment initiatives in project operations and what specific
In the sixth paper, “Developing a Framework for Embed- improvements that have the best effects on project capa-
ding Useful Project Management Improvement Initiatives bilities. These and many more questions are up for discussion
in Organizations,” Gabriela Fernandes, Stephen Ward, and need answering. There is a lot to research out there. We
and Madalena Araújo introduce a framework to improve the look forward to the next IRNOP conference in London to hear
analysis of project management improvements. The general some of these answers.
idea is that the management of projects needs to be improved,
but practitioners have little understanding of what initiatives Acknowledgments
are worth pursuing. Hence, the authors argue, there is a need The authors are grateful for help and support from the
for a more elaborate framework to guide scholars and prac-
titioners to better target improvement initiatives. Fernandes,
Editor-in-Chief of Project Management Journal , Hans Georg
Gemünden, who handled the editorial responsibilities for the

August/September 2014 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 5

Guest Editorial

paper by Müller et al., who is co-editor of this special issue

and whose paper had to be handled by an editorial board Jonas Söderlund is Professor at BI Norwegian Business
member other than himself. The authors also acknowledge School and a founding member of KITE at Linköping University.
the help and support from a large number of reviewers who Dr. Söderlund has researched and published widely on the man-
reviewed the papers that were considered for publication. agement and organization of projects and project-based firms, time
We also acknowledge the financial support from the Project and knowledge integration in complex projects, and the evolution
Management Institute, the International Project Management of project competence. He has written about the fundamental
Association, the Norwegian Center of Project Management, questions of project management research, the schools of project
and BI Norwegian Business School. management research, human resource management in project-
based firms, the P-form corporation, the pressing challenges for
business schools, and teaching project management in busi-
References ness schools. His work has appeared in Advances in Strategic
Lenfle, S. (2008). Exploration and project management. Management, International Journal of Management Reviews,
International Journal of Project Management, 26(5), 469–478. Organization Studies, Human Resource Management, International
Lundin, R. A., & Hartman, F. (Eds.). (2000). Projects as Journal of Human Resource Management, R&D Management,
business constituents and guiding motives. Boston, MA: Kluwer International Journal of Innovation Management and International
Academic Press. Business Review. His most recent books are the Oxford Handbook
Lundin, R. A., & Midler, C. (Eds.). (1998). Projects as arenas for of Project Management (Oxford University Press), Human
renewal and learning processes. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Resource Management in Project-based Organizations: The HR
Publishers. Quadriad Framework (Palgrave), and Knowledge Integration and
Lundin, R. A., & Söderholm, A. (1995). A theory of the Innovation (Oxford University Press). He can be contacted at
temporary organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management,
11(4), 437–455.
Ralf Müller is Professor of Project Management and former
Midler, C. (1995). Projectification of the firm: The Renault case.
Associate Dean at BI Norwegian Business School. He is the (co-)
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11(4), 363–376.
author of more than 150 academic publications, including the
Packendorff, J. (1995). Inquiring into the temporary orga- first book on methods for project management research: Novel
nization: New directions for project management research. Approaches to Project Management Research: Translational and
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 11(4), 319–334. Transformational (published in 2013 by CBS Press), which he co-
Söderlund, J. (2011). Pluralism in project management: edited with Nathalie Drouin and Shankar Sankaran. In 2012 he was
Research at the crossroads of specialization and awarded the IPMA Research Award, together with Monique Aubry
fragmentation. International Journal of Management Reviews, and Brian Hobbs. Before joining academia, he spent 30 years in
13, 153–176. the industry consulting with large enterprises and governments
Winter, M., Smith, C., Morris, P., & Cicmil, S. (2006). in more than 50 different countries for their project management
Directions for future research in project management: and governance and also held related line management positions,
The main findings of a UK government-funded research such as the Worldwide Director of Project Management at NCR
network. International Journal of Project Management, 24, Corporation’s Teradata Business Unit. He can be contacted at ralf.

6 August/September 2014 ■ Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

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