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ETM 521- Quiz 01(Open book)

1. During this lab you have done some TLC experiments to separate the compounds in a
mixture. Following questions are related to TLC experiments.
a. What does TLC stand for?

b. List any 3 stationary phase materials and mobile phases that can be used in
TLC. Also indicate the relative polarity of the materials that you mentioned.

c. What would be the result if you forget to mark the solvent front of a developed
TLC plate?

d. Explain what happens if your base line is too low and solvent level is above
the base line.

e. Explain what the result would be if you use very concentrated stock solution
to spot on the TLC plate. Draw sample TLC plate to illustrate your answer.

f. Figure shows a sketch of a TLC plate after developing with 10% Ethyl
acetate:90% Hexane. Answer the following questions based on that.

I. Calculate the Rf values of each spot.

II. If we use silica as the stationary phase arrange the
compounds according to ascending order of polarity.

2. In this laboratory experiments we used different type of extraction techniques.

a. List 3 different extraction techniques that you use the experiments.

b. Explain why we use kupchan Scheme for a extraction. How if differ from a
simple solvent-solvent extraction.
c. What is distribution constant and how it relates to this separation?

d. If you compare the Soxhlet extraction with other extraction techniques, it’s
considered to be more efficient. Explain the reason for that.

e. Solubility of compounds play a major role in the extraction process. You have
given a set of compounds below and suggest the best solvent that you can use
to extract the following compounds with valid explanation.

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