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Research Method (MA 200):

Guide to Developing
Modest Research Proposal for
Masters Degree Program
(BU Graduate School, Midyear Summer 2023)

Prepared by: Alex P. Camaya, Ph.D. CRM Unit, BU Tabaco

Campus. Philippines

Lesson 3: Guide to Writing

the Chapter I –
Introduction of the Study
Stages in writing thesis introduction ✓ state the
general topic and give some background

✓ provide a review of the literature related to the


✓ define the terms and scope of the topic ✓ outline

the current situation and order of information

✓ evaluate the current situation (advantages/

disadvantages) and identify the gap
✓ state the research problem/questions
In case of publication/extended abstract)

✓ identify the importance of the proposed

research (significance of the study)

✓ state the research aims and/or research

objectives (objectives of the study)

✓ state the hypotheses (hypotheses)

✓ outline the related literature and studies

✓ outline the methodology

The ‘Objectives of the Study’

🠶This is a very important and pivotal section and
everything else in the study is centered around it
🠶The objective of the proposed study should be
stated very clearly;
🠶The objective stated should be specific,
achievable and measurable;
🠶Too many specific objectives must be avoided
(at least 3);
🠶One clearly stated general objective for a study
would be good enough;
🠶If there is more than one objective the objectives
can be presented in the appropriate order of
The ‘Significance of the Study’
🠶This is usually series of sentences telling the reader
everything they need to know about this research
🠶This provides the opportunity to gain the readers
interest and excitement about this proposal.
🠶It should contain the background on why this
research is important, hypothesis, and objectives.
🠶Should state the innovation of this proposal.
🠶Finally it should in a clear statement demonstrate
why this project is significant and what impact it will
The ‘Hypothesis’
🠶Clearly state the hypothesis or number of
hypotheses that will be addressed in the proposal
(may depends on the no. of objectives).
🠶Give a rationale why this hypothesis is important to
🠶Avoid combining hypothesis with other section. It
could be confusing to the reader.
🠶Too long hypothesis makes it hard to understand
the aim of the research.
Thank you very much for
your attention!

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