En Repentance by Mexican Bishops For Adopting Pagan Practices Into The Mass

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BCP: Repentance by Mexican bishops for adopting pagan practices into the Mass

video: http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=23428 https://the-time-ripe.wistia.com/medias/efe2vudota

https://bcp-video.org/mexican-bishops/ https://ugetube.com/watch/kixeJYoQofEnE9o
https://www.bitchute.com/video/5z0lL6byZn0w/ https://cos.tv/videos/play/46706286459130880

Draft of the letter prepared by the bishops of the BCP

We, the bishops of Mexico, hereby publicly repent for having approved, and some of us even for having
adopted, a so-called Mayan rite of the Mass with idolatrous elements. The two pseudo liturgical offices of
a principal and an incensor are absurdly included in the rite. The principal can also be female, though at
times appearing of greater importance than the priest. The role of the incensor is in fact a combination of
the roles of the deacon and the celebrating priest. The new rite also includes an idolatrous ritual dance that
worships so-called Mother Earth, i.e. Gaia or Pachamama.
We, the bishops of Mexico, acknowledge in repentance that we have been deceived by the magic word of
inculturation promoted by Vatican II Nostra Aetate syncretism. We refused to see the reality of pagan
cruelty and demonism. Our ancestors, the Aztecs and Mayans, suffered under the heavy yoke of this
slavery. Up to 20,000 human sacrifices were offered to demons annually. While still alive, a shaman cut
open their chest with a knife and sacrificed a bleeding heart to Satan. Blood rituals were often
accompanied by ritual dance. Besides the shaman, the roles of the incensor and the principal were also
relevant in human sacrifice rituals in the Mayan culture.
Our ancestors 600 years ago lived in fear and terror that if they did not make daily human sacrifices to the
pseudo-god, Satan, the sun would not rise. The fear and darkness of pagan superstition ruled our forefathers
even after the arrival of the Christian missionaries. The spirit of paganism, embodied in so-called Mayan
culture, continued to dominate even our baptized ancestors. The dark bondage to demons, causing people
to live in fear and sorrow, persisted. The turning point only came when the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared
to the simple peasant Juan Diego in Guadalupe. Within a short period of time, the people underwent a
profound internal change. The Mother of Jesus crushed the head of the infernal serpent, which had subdued
the nation through paganism and its so-called demon-worshipping ritual dance tradition. The Blessed
Virgin broke its dark power. Nine million Mexicans, who were converted in Guadalupe immediately
afterward, were delivered from this strong spiritual bondage. Gone was the deep sadness that had
previously blanketed all of Mexico, holding it under the curse of paganism. God spoke to our ancestors in
their own language, when He used symbols on a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin that opened their
eyes and hearts to the Saviour. For the first time, they were able to believe the good news of the Gospel
about our temporal and eternal salvation. So great was the joy of the people that faith spread like fire.
The Mayan (and Aztec) culture, on the other hand, burned incense to worship demons instead of the true
God! Scripture clearly warns: “What pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God.” The Apostle
further warns: “I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord
and the cup of demons.” (1Co 10:20-21) Promotion of so-called Mayan culture reflects a basic ignorance
of Holy Scriptures and Tradition. The prophets always warned the people and God punished them with
diseases, wars and Babylonian exile for their pernicious syncretism with paganism. These punishments
are a warning precedent for us too. They are the consequence of the sins against the First Commandment.
According to Church tradition, the early Christians preferred a martyr’s death to offering a single grain of
incense to pagan deities. The proposed Mayan rite is supposed to be a breakthrough in the efforts to
eliminate the Most Holy Sacrifice. Contemporary religious relativism and syncretism is now being
embodied in practical steps towards self-destruction of the essence of Christianity.
Public idolatry is currently being committed by Bergoglio. The October global synodal assembly in the
Vatican is to launch a secret coup in the Church. The Synod also plans to discuss and vote on the adoption
of Mayan pseudo Mass as a precedent for the whole Church. It should be known that all participants in
this robber synod are subject to a latae sententiae excommunication, i.e. expulsion from the Church. This
applies to all the bishops, priests, cardinals and lay people present.
The fraudulent legalization of idolatry has already started with the Amazon Synod. Cardinal Brandmüller
said about its documents that they were not just about apostasy but about stupidity. The enthronement of the
Pachamama demon in the Vatican is a public apostasy from Christ. In 2022, the invalid Pope publicly
dedicated himself to Satan in Canada to the accompaniment of a sorcerer blowing a wild turkey bone
whistle. This is an official satanization of the Church. It takes a more covert form by promoting so-called
Mother Earth (Gaia) worshipping ecology. Its outward manifestation is sodomite propaganda as part of
the so-called synodal LGBTQ journey.
Therefore, we, the Mexican bishops, now definitely turn away from the apostate step of introducing the
so-called Mayan rite. We dread to think that it would ultimately eliminate the mystery of faith, namely
Holy Mass. In no way can the introduction of pagan practices contribute to a deeper experience of this
mystery! At their core lies the dark spirit of paganism, the spirit of apostasy.
As part of penance, we bishops present to you a real deepening of the mystery of our salvation, which is
made present through Consecration in the Mass. First of all, stop saying in the Mass the name of the
invalid Pope Francis, who has brought upon himself an anathema according to Gal 1:8-9 for an idolatrous
anti-gospel. By doing this you will get from under the curse that every Catholic brings upon himself if he
inwardly submits to him, thereby renouncing Christ and His Gospel.
As for deeper inner experience of the mystery of the Mass, make two pauses for silence. The first one
before the Consecration and the second one after it. Before the Consecration, let each celebrant kneel
down and realize his priestly anointing, through which the Holy Spirit works during the Consecration.
Again, briefly with faith, let him ask for the renewal of his priestly anointing. At the same time, let him
realize with a living faith that now through him the Holy Spirit will make present the mystery of Christ’s
Calvary sacrifice. During the second moment of silence after the Consecration, the priest kneels again and
remains in short adoration with the people. He realizes that Jesus is here now. It is a moment of grace. In
spirit, he is by the cross of Christ and he realizes: Jesus sees me, Jesus now speaks to me and entrusts to
me His testament before death, saying: “Behold your Mother.” With the same faith and devotion as the
Apostle John, I now receive the Mother of Jesus into my innermost being, Greek eis ta idia (Jn 19:26-27).
Then priests and believers ponder the reality of Christ’s death, in which there is victory over sin and
death. We were immersed in Christ’s death in Holy Baptism (Rom 6:3).
The silence before the Consecration lasts about 3-5 minutes and so does the silence after the
Consecration. At this time, there is either silence or the choir sings an antiphon – one to the Holy Spirit
before the Consecration and another one after it repeating the name of Jesus, Yehoshua in Hebrew.
Instead of the words before Holy Communion, “Let us offer each other the sign of peace,” the priest
says, “Christ is risen!” The people begin to sing a joyous antiphon or song celebrating Christ’s
resurrection. Everyone should realize their participation in Christ’s new life. The essence of the liturgy is
the making present of Christ’s death and resurrection. In liturgical terms, the resurrection is expressed in
the placement of a particle of the Body of Christ into the chalice of His Blood.
Holy Communion follows, where the priest and the faithful are united with Jesus not only spiritually, but
also physically. The condition for Communion is not to be in a state of mortal sin. After Holy
Communion, there can be absolutely no room for pagan dancing, so-called ritual dance. The Spirit of
Christ in the Mass has nothing in common with the spirit of paganism. One cannot use pagan elements to
“enliven” Christ’s sacrifice of the cross!
The Church in the current extraordinary situation is in a state of sede vacante. Until a rightful Pope is
installed, the orthodox college of bishops assumes the responsibility for orthodox doctrine and morals.
This college is accountable before God Himself for the purity of the teaching providing a guarantee of
eternal salvation to all of you. However, everyone must strive for salvation through a life of repentance
and prayer. Without repentance and prayer no one will be saved. That is why we call for the spiritual
renewal above all of priests and religious. It consists in the fact that everyone must stand on the path of
salvation, which is Jesus. Therefore, they must categorically reject the false path of Bergoglio’s
synodality with the promotion of idolatry and sodomy. His false path leads to eternal destruction. It is
necessary for every Catholic believer to realize this. There is only one way to salvation, and that is Christ.
The path of paganism is associated with the worship of and submission to demons. This path leads to
eternal destruction.
As part of the repentance and spiritual revival of our nation, we call on priests to strive for a period of one
year to implement the basic principles on which the early Church was built. Here were also the Virgin
Mary and the apostles. These are the four spiritual pillars according to Acts 2:42: 1) prayer, 2) apostolic
teaching, not heresies or false ways, 3) fellowship – koinonia, 4) Eucharist – Holy Mass, not syncretism
with pagan demons.
How to implement these principles? Let the priests spend time in prayer together the day after Sunday, at
least four hours, and then in fellowship. Let preferably 4‒7 priests meet in groups in one of the parish
houses. The strategic moment is for them to gather already on Sunday evening. They mostly need to share
with each other and also get out of a kind of feeling of outward loneliness or emptiness, which usually
overwhelms them at the end of Sunday. After lunch together on Tuesday, the prayers and fellowship will
end. It is during this meeting that God gives insight into His Word, which every preacher needs. The
living water flowing from these regular priestly meetings will cause a spiritual awakening. Our Lady of
Guadalupe intercedes for the new warriors of Christ, the Cristeros, just like in the generation of Mexican
Catholics a hundred years ago. These warriors will remain faithful to Christ as martyrēs even at the cost
of martyrdom.

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