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The invention discloses a method for cooking Spicy Filipino style

peking duck in coco milk with turmeric. A method comprising the following
5 steps: Cooking the meat until coco milk becomes sticky; Separating the
meat from sticky cocomilk; Setting aside the sticky coco milk; Frying the
meat; Topping the pride meat in a serving plate with sticky/oily coco milk
sauce; and serving the meat with a garnish of sliced boiled potato
sprinkled with spring onion. The method has advantages for filipino
10 specially the ingredients are commonly found in the Philippines. It used
turmeric as the main ingredient to make the food nutritious and delicious.
Apart from it, it has a fragrant and have strong marinating aroma which
also add colors to the meat. The food is good for everybody because it has
no additives and preservatives which is good for sickly people specially to
15 the people with cancer.

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