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THANKS FOR PURCHASING OUR PRODUCT SWP MIG 280/4 (Suiteable for1~240V) MIG/CO2 Semi-auto ARC Welding Machine CE Operation Manual (Read the manual carefully before installation operation and maintenance) Prolegomenon ‘We do very spprecited for your selecting our products, It can be composed the FNBC200 CO,ARC Welding system equipped with SB-10 wire feeder and welding gon It has many characteristic such as easy Are string. good Are springiness adjustable are thrusting low splash good welding form easy welding operation “The CO: semi-auto Ate welding machine model FNBC200 is advanced welding machine adit can be compared with foreign produets. ‘This operation manual can help you for the machine instllaion, operation and maintenance correctly and satel. Pay attention to the points as following. «Installation ofthe power cord. Be grounded comet. Don’ pt sundries under the welder Otherwise it wil affect the het released installation forthe positive and negative cable of he power out Welding voltage selection Welding eurent selection The amendment right and the explanation right of the manual belonging to my company, We have no special notice if the manual is amended 1. Main characteristic and suitable range This kind of welding power Model SWPMIG280/4 is taken foreign advanced technology to develop and manufacture . It has the perfect performance of high quality ,good reliability, quick speed of welding current, steady welding process Jow splash and good welding form . Anyoray. lt becomes the welding very easy. 1.1 Structure of the SWPMIG280/4 CO. semi-auto Arc welding machine a.The name of the model SWPMIG280"4 1 L. Model improvement | Rated max welding current |_____ Co, Semi-auto Are welding machine ». Composing ofthe product ‘This product is composed by three pars as following + Power source (SWPMIG28044) 4 welding gun 1.2 Suitable range ofthe SWPMIG28014 Suitable: material: low-carbon steel, stainless stel inless:more than 1.5mm . ‘# Thickness ofthe materil-low-cerbon steel and “Suitable positon: positions “Suitable wire: 0.8,1.0,1.2 solid wire!fux eord wire 1.3 Characteristic of SWPMIG2804 + Wide output current 30-2004: 0.8 “Steady welding process,low splash,casy control,good welding form Low starting of wire feed 2.Main technical Data : 4 Input Voltage 1-240V ;S0/60H2 4 Rated Input current 35A % Rated Input power 7.6KVA 4 Norload Voltage 40V(max) 1% Voltage adjusting Range 16-L3V~40:L3V Current output Range 30-2008 4 Suitable wire 08 , L.0(solid/iux) Duty cycle 200A/24V. X=40%(Rated condition); 130A/20.5V X=100% Insulation class F Protection class of shell fan cooling, Weight 60kg 3.Function 3.1. Adjusting function for the welding voltage and welding current ‘SWPMI 5280/4 supply the adjusting range as following, Welding voltage : 16V + 3V~40V 'V use Voltage rough contol switch and Voltage fine control switch Welding eurent: 30~200A use the curent adjusting knob 3.2 36Vac-SA/110W power function When you use the CO; welding machine, you may generally equip with gas heating source, So we design the power funetion to meet the heating for 36V-SA /11OW heater The out connection is in the back panel of SWPMIG2804 3.3 Spot welding When open the ‘spot time’ knob you can select right time Intermittent welding time regulator" 0 minimum, turning it anticlockwise tothe end) then spot welding 3.4 Intermittent welding Open the the ‘spot welding time’ knob and the ‘Intermitent welding time'knab atone time, ‘you can achieveIntermitent welding. 53.5 The spot wire feed speed can be adjusted by the welding curtent knob on the front of panel 4, Indicating and warning on the SWPMIG280/4 control panel 4.1 Indicating and adjusting SWP MIG280/4 FRONT PANEL VARNING LIGHT) LiGHT, spot welding time | {Intermittent welding timed CURRENT A SS Vv Laie VOLTAGE poverswien QE CURRENT] SWP MIG280/4 A / \ | j \ / 6 ° NN | | WELDING TORCH diagram 4 SWPMIG280/4 BACK PANEL oO FUSE ISA Cr_ HEATED PLUG, HEATED ACIEV now FAN co | — CONNECT CO? METER) GAS INLET Sov o8 ‘open the right side board ,you can see wire feeder and_bracket for weld wire as following, ry Qa feeder 4.11 Power indicating 1f the indicating light ison the control circuit connects the power already 4.2 Waming In order to remind the operator.we design the warnings as following excess temp In the condition of more than 40°C temperaturelarge current is used continuously (12> 200A).effciency radiator temperature id more than 80 + 5°C ,overheat circuit begins working. ‘The indicating light is on the power stop the welding automatically.The fan running continuously.f the temperature is lower,the indicating is offthe power can work and weld can be continued automatically .Remind:Don't turn off the machine while te indicating overheat light is ON, 5.Safe and installation caution Read the safe caution before installation and operation It come down to the high voltage electric electric Are and high temperature splash So Keep the safe regulation operate the machine properly. avoid the danger of electricity and high temperature are. “Check if any damage ot out looking othe welder “% Confirm the eapacity:more than 30A. + Power source is prounded diagram 6 ‘ Prohibit the combustible goods inthe welding loale. “% There is fre proof measure in the welding locale with favorable ventilated condition, “ There is smoke discharge system ifthe welding is operated inside the house in order two keep the safety of workers. ‘The welding operator must be professional workers. “The operator must be fitted with safe accessories Such as safe shoes.gloves,cover, ‘welding make and welding dress ete 6, Explanation of installation 1 Check the products according to the packing lst when open the package. ‘Grounded protection Attached the diagram 6 ‘air breaker SS ae 0 beating og L ® yellow/green double cable heating source torch front panel welding gun {1 ‘working piece diagram 7 The power source is 240Vaci(S0-60Hz) The yellow/green double cable is grounding cable.Be sure to connect the yellow/green double cable into the grounding connection in the ‘welding locale Another way is selecting the MS bolton the back on the machine and connect the grounding asthe diggram Attached the diagram 7 > confirm the positive and negative marks and instal the cable as diagram, 1% Insert the connectors inside the positive "+" and negative "" position and roll it in 90. Doit oppositely when unloading the connectors.Kesp the surface clean ‘% install the welding gun om the wire feeder and roll the welding gun in 90,then Tock the bot. ‘If use the CO; heater connected the heating power with 36VACISA power souree. % Connect the gas pipe with the gas bottle according tothe locale conditions. Check the air proof conditions to ensure the good airproof. Connect the contol cable ot the wire feeder wit the relative connector of the power sweMiG2s0rt 7. Operatings “°ON” and “OFF” indicating switch on the FRONT panel 4 Confirm the specification ofthe wite feed hose “Confirm the specification oF nib base affets the extended length ofthe wire Confirm the specification of nib lt affects the electric resistance 4k Confirm the wire slot of the roller is suitable forthe diameter ofthe wire. Different diameter of wite select different wire sot Otherwise it affects the wire feed result ‘4 Confirm the pressure of the roller to avoid slipping. If the pressure is not enough she wire feed is slow speed. If the pressure is too much he wire wil be anamorphic. ‘The wire feeder can not work properly + Confirm the flow ofthe gas and ar proof. We suggest the gas flow to be"L more than 1OD(D-diameter of wire ).f the selection is not properit also affects the welding quality. When using the CO, gas,please confim ifthe heating power works properly oF not “Straight the hose of welding gun as much as possible .The bending radius ean not be less than 200mm. Otherwise it affects the wie feeder 7.1 Gas inspection Press the switch of the gun before the wire roller is fimed,preset the gas flow through the meter to check if tis gas proof Otherwise it affects the welding result 7.2Rip into the Select the specification ofthe wire ,materials according to the eraft requirements Firm the bolt anid press the button on the front panel.The speed of ripping wife can be comtolled by the in after the wire is out \elding current knob Unload the nib if necessary and load it 22 8.Suggested welding criterion Select good quality welding wire to get the perfect welding result and smooth welding process Low quality wire can affect the welding quality by resistance welding process and blocking ete. 8.1Selection switch for wire diameter Please refer othe function on 13 8.2Selection for welding voltage and current Diagram 8 Diagram 8 (mm) $08 e10 v2 18-20V/80-120A* TT=18V/50-80A* 17=19V/50-100A* suitable 18-19V/80-100A" 19-22V/100-150A* welding | 17~18V/50-804* ce V/100-1608 22-24V/150-200A* 722-24V/150-200A° criterion 24-27V/200-250 27-32V250-315A, 9. working elements Dingram forthe SWPMIG280\4 working elements. Digram? 10.Maintenance Chock the safety measure be eicieny. Get i ofthe dust forthe power source (FORexamplery compressed ait) Before operating, Check the *s*"-"eonnectrs ofthe power panel if they are relaxed Check the connection between the grounding cable and plug if they are relaxed (If relaxed, the serous heating wll damage the quick connectors) Check the fan if it works regularly charge itif itis rouble Check the insulation and breakage ofthe input power cord Change it in time to ensure the safety chook there is any noisy forthe wire feed motor Check the abrasion ofthe wire feed hose-Get ri ofthe dust inside ofthe hose(‘~2times / 40k wire) Get rid of the splash inside the nib regularly to ensure the guranteed result by the gas bow Check the abrasion ofthe nib.Change iin ime (suggest 1~2piecesnibs/40kg ite), 11.Troubles and Remedy ‘Troubles and remedy and remedy are as the form 10 as following Troubles Cause Remedy T-Fan not works | Tae fan line lose 7.Connect the Tne propery 2.Fan breakage 2.Change the fan - Tino power input 2.No indicating on 2.Change the fuse 15A/250V(back . /2.the fuse broken a ee the front panel panel) Bundicating Hight broken eg Troubles Cause Remedy Tcration isnot good | Iget rdf the bar 05m around soverteating | 275 terre sto igh 2.Redue the temperate ar Sioverdoad use 3.Reduce the use lading . 4.Thermostat broken 4,Change the thermostat(JUC-OF) 5.Conto plate broken 5.Check and change the contol pate T Change the fase IEAS0V Lake fse broken (on back panel 2athe Cables ae not 2, 4. Wire feeder not 7 ae ees ( the wire blocked connected properly wor ithe drive circuit broken | 3,Check the gun Scother easons 4.Change the control panel S.Contot with he namofieturer i {Comet the ines 6.Welding Votiage 2.Change it 1g Vols 2, Voltage switch broken welt and welding amen > Vomse 3.Change the fuse1SA not adjustable Pe ane ‘ 4.the cables not connectec! |Pa# a : 4.Chock it 12.Enlarge the length of the welding cable ‘The length ofthe welding cable includes the total length of the welding cireuit including the cables between the postive"+of the power source‘The cables longerthe section area thinner It cause large voltage reducing and large voltage loss.More overt affect the quality ofthe are and the slag So arrange te postion of the welding machine properly to get the shortest cable ‘The cable between the welding power and wire feeder i the shorterse beter Otherwise it affets hd maximum speed of witefeder are the maximum welding cuent. cn ie condition of low speed lower than 12m/min)ve can enlarge the cable to 20m when use 08-1.0 “xStrsight the enlarged cable, otherwise it affects the ae staily 13.Transportation,storage and environment conditions * The package (Wooden cases or cartons)of the manufacturer is suitable for air sea railway and highway (Uhre class more) transportation + Pay’ attention tothe indication on the package during the transportation 2 the environment conditions A Temperature range operating OC ~ 40°C transportation B The air amity 400 ae 90%6RH The dust acid and causticity gas inthe environment must be lower than the normal level (The welding process produced net included) Rain proof when itis used outside 14.Quality Guaranteed Ifyou have any problem of the quality .please contact us in time .We generally have one year quality guarantee on condition that you operate of transport the machine properly according 10 the operation manual CONNECTOR QM @@@ ACINPUT ae 4 ves tt v Kl POWER SWITCH CONTROL PCBI WIRE DIAGRAM 15.ACCESSORIES:SEE PACKING LIST,PLEASE PACKING LIST FI II IK II IK II IK IKK IIR IA OK ‘SWPMIG280/4 Welding machine ‘Operation instructions optional accesories | PACKING 1} TPAGRING 1 ome i "PACKING 1, | ‘welding torch 1 | optional accessories | - PACKING 1 i Certificate of quality No. 39301716 Certificate of quality PACKING 1; | Name of produet: MIG/CO: Semi-auto ARC Welding Machine ‘Type of product: SWPMIG280/4 Packing No: z “Test results of this welder fulfil, technical requirements and its release from the works is granted. wneofeISP_Dak 112.4 2009.

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