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Testing the precision of geodetic instruments according to international


Conference Paper · June 2009


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4 authors, including:

Gorana Novakovic Rinaldo Paar

University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb


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Geodesy and Mine Surveying


Prof. Dr. Gorana Novakovic1, Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kapovic1, MSc. Rinaldo Paar1,
Ariana Bakija, dipl. ing. geod.2
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Croatia
City Office for Cadastre and Geodetic activities in Zagreb, Croatia

Standardisation and participation in the processes of developing standards are becoming
increasingly important for the surveying profession. Application of standards is a very
important part in the process for Quality Management (QM). A key role in developing
standards has The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies from almost 150 countries. However, in many
cases the prescribed standards are not appropriate for practising professionals, so that
the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) involved in process of standardisation,
closely working with other international bodies representing surveyors at some ISO
Technical Committees (e.g. ISO/TC 172 Sub-Committee 6 – Geodetic and Surveying
Instruments), attempting to make standards more relevant to practising surveyors.
Except this, for testing geodetic instruments, two or three standards existed for each
type of instruments, which complicated the choice for their application. The result of
this cooperation is revised standards in the ISO 17123 series, which define two sets of
tests – one for the practitioner and the other for the calibration facility. Standards for
geodetic instruments prescribe the procedure to determine the precision of the
measuring system used, so that the users can evaluate the performance of their
instruments in relation to the manufacturer/s specifications. This paper describes some
activities on standardisation in the field of geodetic instruments, accomplished with the
example of "full test procedure" for determining of the achievable precision of Leica
TCR 1203 Total Station, according to ISO 17123-3 (test procedures for horizontal
directions and vertical angles) and ISO 17123-4 (test procedures for distances).
Keywords: ISO standards, precision of geodetic instruments, test procedures
The rapid advance of science and technology is affecting the geodetic profession, both
in the field of measuring equipment as well as the methods of collecting, processing,
and managing the data. The expectations and demands of customers are also increasing,
which leads to the requested data, their quality, processing methodology and other
characteristics being clearly specified, according to prescribed relevant standards [6]. In
the measuring process, the quality of measuring equipment will directly influence the
quality of the works performed. Therefore, before commencing surveying, it is
important that the operator investigate that the precision in use of the measuring
equipment is appropriate to the intended measuring task. Testing the precision of
geodetic instruments should be done according to international standards ISO 17123,
which have been accepted as European, i.e. Croatian standards. This paper describes
some activities on standardisation in the field of geodetic instruments, accomplished
with the example of testing the precision of Leica TCR 1203 Total Station, according to
ISO 17123-3 (horizontal directions and vertical angles) and ISO 17123-4 (distances).

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2009


A key role in developing official standards has the International Organisation for
Standardisation (ISO), a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from almost
150 countries. The ISO objective for the standards due to geodetic instruments is to
specify field procedure to be followed each time the achievable precision for the given
instrument used together with its ancillary equipment (tripod, staffs, etc) has to be
determined. This will allow the surveyor to investigate that the precision given by the
measuring equipment is appropriate to the intended measuring task [2]. However, the
ISO standards that existed for surveying instruments were not appropriate for practising
professionals. In addition, two or three different and uncorrelated standards covered
similar ground. Therefore, since 1997, the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG),
and particular its Commission 5, has closely working with ISO/TC 172 Sub-Committee
6 – Geodetic and Surveying Instruments, attempting to make standards more convenient
to practising surveyors. The existing standards: ISO 12857 - Field procedures of
determining accuracy and ISO 8322 - Building construction – Measuring instruments -
Procedures for determining accuracy in use, have been revised and the number of new
standards in the series ISO 17123 has been published. In addition, ISO/TC 172 SC 6 has
followed the FIG request on standards in its work namely: only one standard for each
type of instrument, for use anywhere, without any special ancillary equipment, by
common field operators. These standards can be used for two purposes: first for a
simplified (field) test and secondly, for a full test (laboratory or field) procedure to
determine the achievable precision of one measuring system [2]. Until now, ISO 17123
consists of the following parts, under the general title Optics and optical instruments –
Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments:
Part 1: Theory; Part 2: Levels; Part 3: Theodolites; Part 4: Electro-optical distance
meters (EDM instruments); Part 5: Electronic tacheometers; Part 6: Rotating lasers;
Part 7: Optical plumbing instruments; Part 8: GNSS field measurement systems in
real-time kinematic (RTK).
Those standards are accepted as Croatian standards - HRN ISO 17123.
The measure of precision of geodetic and surveying instruments is expressed in terms of
the experimental standard deviation s or the variance s2.
ISO 17123
Total station consists of two basic units: theodolite and electro-optical distance meter.
Therefore, in order to testing the precision of a total station, two standards should be
applied. Testing the precision of horizontal directions and vertical angles should be
done according to ISO 17123-3 (Theodolites), and testing the precision of distances
according to ISO 17123-4 (EDM instruments). In addition, a brief description of the
mentioned standards is presented. In this paper, only the full test procedure is described.
3.1 Testing the precision of horizontal directions and vertical angles according to
ISO 17123-3:2001
The first edition of ISO 17123-3 cancels and replaces ISO 8322-4: 1991 and ISO
12857-2: 1997. This part of ISO 17123 specifies field procedures to be adopted when
determining and evaluating the precision (repeatability) of theodolites and their
ancillary equipment when used in building and surveying measurements. These field

Geodesy and Mine Surveying

procedures have been developed specifically for in situ applications without the need for
special ancillary equipment [4].
ISO 17123-3 describes two different field procedures: Simplified test procedure and
Full test procedure, both for the measurement of horizontal directions and vertical
angles. The simplified test procedure provides an estimate as to whether the precision of
a given theodolite is within the specified permitted deviation, and the full test procedure
shall be adopted to determine the best achievable measure of precision of a particular
theodolite and its ancillary equipment under field conditions. The full test is intended
for determining the experimental standard deviation of a horizontal direction (Hz) or a
vertical angle (V) observed once in both face positions of the telescope: sISO-THEO_HZ
and sISO-THEO-V.
Further, this procedure may be used to determine:
- the measure of precision in use of theodolites by a single survey team with a single
instrument and its ancillary equipment at a given time;
- the measure of precision in use of a single instrument over time;
- the measure of precision in use of each of several theodolites in order to enable a
comparison of their respective achievable precisions to be obtained under similar
field conditions.
3.1.1 Testing the precision of horizontal directions
Configuration of the test field. Five fixed targets shall be set up located in the same
horizontal plane as the instrument (approximately), between 100 m to 250 m away, and
situated at intervals around the horizon as regular as possible (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Test configuration for measurement of horizontal directions

Measurements. For the full test procedure, m = 4 series of measurements shall be
taken under various but not extreme weather conditions. Each series of measurements
shall consist of n = 3 sets of directions to the t = 5 targets.
Calculation. Due to limitation of the paper/s size, only the final formulae will be
given here. Complete procedures for calculation the experimental standard deviation s,
obtained by simplified and full test procedures, accomplish with an example, is
described in ISO 17123-3 [4].
The evaluation of the measured values is a least squares adjustment of observation
equations.The experimental standard deviation s of the horizontal direction observed in
one set (arithmetic mean of the readings in both face position of the telescope),
calculated from all m = 4 series of measurements is:

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2009

4 4
  ri2   ri2
i 1 i 1
s  sISO-THEO-HZ = s, where: (1)
 32
r are the residuals of measured horizontal directions
 is the number of degrees of freedom. For n = 3 sets of directions to t = 5 targets for
each series, the number of degrees of freedom is: i = (3  1) × (5 – 1) = 8. For all
m = 4 series of measurements, the number of degrees of freedom is:  = 4 × i = 32.
Statistical tests. For the interpretation of the results, statistical tests shall be carried
out using the experimental standard deviation s of the horizontal direction in order to
answer the following questions (Table 1):
Table 1. Statistical tests for horizontal directions
Question Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis
a) s  s 
b)   ~   ~
a) Is the calculated experimental standard deviation s smaller than the value stated
by the manufacturer or smaller than another predetermined value ?
b) Do two experimental standard deviations s and ~ s , as determined from two
different samples of measurements, belong to the same population, assuming that
both samples have the same degree of freedom ?
The experimental standard deviations s and ~
s , may be obtained from:
- two samples of measurements by the same instrument but different observers;
- two samples of measurements by the same instrument at different times;
- two samples of measurements by different instruments.
For the following tests, a confidence level of 1 -  = 0,95 and, according to the design
of the measurements, a number of degrees of freedom of  = 32 is assumed.
Question a) The null hypothesis stating that the experimental standard deviation s of
the horizontal direction observed in both positions is smaller or equal to a theoretical or
a predetermined value is not rejected if the following condition is fulfilled

12  ( )  02,95 (32) 46,19

s   , s   ,  02,95 (32)  46,19 , s    ,
 32 32
s  σ  1,20 . Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Question b) In the case of two different samples, a test indicates whether the
experimental standard deviations s and ~ s , belong to the same population. The
corresponding null hypothesis    is not rejected if the following condition is
1 s2 1 s2
 ~ 2  F1 / 2 ( , ) ,  ~ 2  F0,975 (32,32) ,
F1 / 2 ( , ) s F0,975 (32,32) s

F0,975 (32,32)  2,02 , 0,49  ~ 2  2,02 . Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Geodesy and Mine Surveying

3.1.2 Testing the precision of vertical angles

Configuration of the test field. The instrument shall be set up in a distance
approximately 50 m from a high building. At this building, well defined points or
targets fixed at a wall shall be selected or set up to cover a range of the vertical angle of
approximately 30o (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Test configuration for measurement of vertical angles

Measurements. For the full test procedure, m = 4 series of measurements shall be
taken under various but not extreme weather conditions. Each series of measurements
shall consist of n = 3 sets of directions to the t = 4 targets.
The experimental standard deviation s of the vertical angle is derived:
4 4
  ri 2   ri 2
s i 1
 i 1
sISO-THEO-V = s (2)
 32
For n = 3 sets of vertical angles to t = 4 targets, in each case the number of degrees of
freedom is: i= (3-1) x 4 = 8. For the experimental standard deviation s, calculated from
all m = 4 series of measurements, the number of degrees of freedom is: = 4 x i = 32.
Statistical tests. For the interpretation of the results, statistical tests shall be carried
out using: the experimental standard deviation s of the vertical angle observed in both
face position, and the vertical index error  and its experimental standard deviation
sin order to answer the following questions (Table 2):
Table 2. Statistical tests for vertical angles
Question Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis
a) s  s 
b)   ~   ~
c)  0  0
Questions a) and b) Calculation and results are the same as for the horizontal
directions (see 3.1.1), and the question c) is: Is the vertical index error equal to zero?
The hypothesis stating that the vertical index error  is equal to zero is not rejected if
the following condition is fulfilled:
  s  t1 / 2 ( ) ,   s  t0,975 (32) , s  , t 0,975 (32 )  2,04 ,
12  4
δ  2,04 , Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2009

3.2 Testing the precision of distances according to ISO 17123-4:2002

ISO 17123-4 replaces ISO 8322-8: 1992 and ISO 12857-3:1997. This part of ISO 17123
specifies field procedures to be adopted when determining and evaluating the precision
(repeatability) of electro-optical distance meters (EDM instruments) and their ancillary
equipment. The full test procedure is intended for determining the experimental
standard deviation s of a measured distance: sISO-EDM. During testing, actual
meteorological data (temperature and air pressure) shall be measured in order to derive
atmospheric corrections, which must be added to the row distances.
Configuration of the test line. A straight line approximately 600 m long with seven
points shall be established in the horizontal area or in an area with a constant slight
slope (Fig. 3). All other requests due to measurements are described in ISO 17123-4 [5].

Figure 3. Configuration of the test line for the full test procedure
Measurements. If possible, twenty-one distances between seven points (Fig. 4) shall
be measured on the same day. Forced centring interchange should be used to eliminate
centring errors. The air temperature and pressure should often be measured to ensure
that reliable atmospheric corrections could be derived.

Figure 4. Distances to be measured

Calculation. The measurements shall be corrected for atmospheric correction and
slope reduction. Unknown parameters are the six distances and zero-point correction .
The experimental standard deviation s of a measured distance is determined from a least
squares adjustment of the distances in all combinations:

r2  r2 sISO-EDM = s (3)
 14
n - u is the number of degrees of freedom; n is the number of measurements
(=21); u is the number of estimated parameters (= 6 + 1 = 7))
The experimental standard deviation of the zero-point correction is derived:
s  s   s  0,45

Geodesy and Mine Surveying

Statistical tests. For the interpretation of the results, statistical tests shall be carried
out using: the experimental standard deviation s of a distance measured on the test line,
and the zero-point correction  of the EDM instrument and its experimental standard
deviation sin order to answer the following questions (Table 3):
Table 3. Statistical tests for distances
Question Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis
a) s  s 
b)   ~   ~
c)   o  o
Questions a) and b) are the same as for the horizontal directions and vertical angles,
and the question c) is: Is the zero-point correction equal to zero as supplied by the
manufacturer ( = 0) or, if prisms are used with a given zero-point correction is  =
? For the following tests, a confidence level of 1 -  = 0,95 and, according to the
design of the measurements, a number of degrees of freedom of  = 14 is assumed.
Question a) s  σ  1,30 . Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Question b) 0,34  ~ 2  2,98 . Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Question c) δ  δ o  s δ  2,14 . Otherwise, the null hypothesis is rejected.


ACCORDING TO ISO 17123-3 AND ISO 17123-4
Leica TCR 1203 Total Station (Fig. 5) carries out even the most complex tasks due to
high accuracy angle measurements and precise long-range EDM with various measuring
modes. It is loaded with multitude of features and functions to meet the many different
needs of users: surveying, engineering, stakeout, monitoring etc. It is world/s first total
station with integrated GNSS [7].

Tehnical specifications
Angle measurement
Hz, V 3" (1 mgon)
Distance measurement
Standard mode: 2 mm + 2 ppm
Fast mode: 5mm + 2 ppm
Tracking mode: 5mm + 2ppm

Figure 5. Leica TCR 1203 Total Station Figure 6. Testing the precision of
distances on the calibration baseline
4.1 Result of testing the precision of horizontal directions
According to the equation (1), the experimental standard deviation s of the horizontal
direction observed in one set, calculated from all m = 4 series of measurements is [1]:
sISO-THEO-HZ =1,8"

International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2009

Statistical test according to question a) - 2 test (Table 1):

 = 3" s = 1,8"  = 32, 1,8" ≤ 3" × 1,20 1,8" ≤ 3,6"
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the experimental
standard deviation s = 1,8" is smaller than or equal to the manufacturer/s value  = 3" is
not rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
Statistical test according to question b) - F test (Table 1):
~ 3,24 (" ) 2
s = 1,8" s = 1,4"  = 32 0,49   2,02 0,49 ≤ 1,65 ≤ 2,02
1,96 (" ) 2
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the experimental
standard deviations s = 1,8" and ~
s = 1,4" belong to the same population is not rejected at
the confidence level of 95%.
4.2 Result of testing the precision of vertical angles
According to the equation (2), the experimental standard deviation s of the vertical
angle observed in one set, calculated from all m = 4 series of measurements is [1]:
sISO-THEO-V = 1,2"
and the vertical index error  = 18,92".
Statistical test according to question a) - 2 test (Table 2):
 = 3" s = 1,2"  = 32, 1,2" ≤ 3" × 1,20 1,2" ≤ 3,6"
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the experimental
standard deviation s = 1,2" is smaller than or equal to the manufacturer/s value  = 3" is
not rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
Statistical test according to question b) - F test (Table 2):
~ 1,44 (" ) 2
s = 1,2" s = 1,1"  = 32 0,49   2,02 0,49 ≤ 1,19 ≤ 2,02
1,21(" ) 2
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the experimental
standard deviations s = 1,2" and ~
s = 1,1" belong to the same population is not rejected at
the confidence level of 95%.
Statistical test according to question c) - t test (Table 2):
s = 1,2"  = 32  = 18,92" s = 0,173" 18,92" ≤ 0,173" × 2,04 18,92" ≤ 0,353"
Since the above condition is not fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the vertical
index error is equal to zero is rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
4.3 Result of testing the precision of distances
The precision of distances have been tested on the calibration baseline of Faculty of
Geodesy, located near Zagreb (Fig. 6). According to the equation (3), the experimental
standard deviation of the measured distances is [1]:
sISO-EDM = 1,0 mm
and the zero-point correction is:  = -1,0 mm.

Geodesy and Mine Surveying

Statistical test according to question a) - 2 test (Table 3):

 = 2 mm s = 1,0 mm  = 14, 1,0 ≤ 2 × 1,30 1,0 ≤ 2,6"
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the empirically
determined experimental standard deviation s = 1,0 mm is smaller than or equal to the
manufacturer/s value  = 2 mm is not rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
Statistical test according to question b) - F test (Table 3):
~ 1,00 mm 2
s = 1,0" s = 1,5  = 14 0,34   2,98 0,34 ≤ 0,44 ≤ 2,98
2,25 mm 2
Since the above condition is fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the experimental
standard deviations s = 1,00 mm and ~ s = 1,5 mm belong to the same population is not
rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
Statistical test according to question c) - t test (Table 3):
s = 1,0 mm  = 14  = -1,0 mm s = 0,45 mm 1,0 mm ≤ 0,45 mm × 2,14
1,0 mm ≤ 0,96 mm
Since the above condition is not fulfilled, the null hypothesis stating that the vertical
index error is equal to zero is rejected at the confidence level of 95%.
The surveyor has to work according to the requested quality of the intended measuring
task. In measuring process, the quality of measuring equipment will directly influence
the quality of the works performed. So, before commencing each surveying project, it is
necessary that the operator test the functionality and suitability of the measuring
equipment. It has to be done according to universal, standardised procedures. The
procedures for testing the precision of geodetic instruments is prescribed by
international standards ISO 17123 under the general title Optics and optical instruments
– Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments. Standardisation is
very important for the surveying profession. Indeed, the application of technical and
professional standards is one element, which sets professionals apart from others. All
information about standardisation in the field of geodetic activity can be found in [3].
[1] Bakija, A. Testing the precision of Leica TCR 1203 Total Station according to ISO
17123-3 and ISO 17123-4, Diploma thesis, Faculty of Geodesy, Zagreb, 2005.
[2] Becker, J. M. Recommendation Concerning Survey Instruments Maintenance and
Quality Specification, FIG XXII International Congress, Washington, DC, USA,
April 19-26, 2002.
[3] FIG Task Force on Standards. FIG Guide on Standardisation, 2006.
[4] ISO 17123 -3. Optics and optical instruments: Part 3: Theodolites, 2001.
[5] ISO 17123 -4. Optics and optical instruments: Part 4: Electro-optical distance
meters (EDM instruments), 2002.
[6] Novaković, G., Ivković, M. Standardisation in the field of geodesy, Conference
"Croatian standardisation and related activities", Dubrovnik, Croatia,
April 10-12, 2003.
[7] URL 1:

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