Q4 Activity3 CONICT1

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4th Quarter – 2nd Semester 2020-2021

NAME: Ortile, Alyana Joy S. DATE: March 27, 2003

SECTION: 12- Trono

WRITTEN WORK: Activity 3

Instructions: The text below is an example of Social Advocacy by a student. Read and
understand the text then answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences. (5 points each)


“Most of us share some basic values like human rights, equality, and social justice. We share
these values because we all believe that these values are very fundamental and indisputable.
But when it comes to the animal rights or in much general way “rights of nature” we generally
find some excuses to do the “right thing”. However, I believe that if people knew how big the
negative impact of the meat industry on the environment is and if they have the option to eat
vegan food, they will push themselves to eat without exploitation. This was the motivation for
my NOW project together with my friends from the environmental society of my university:
helping or making it easy for people to do the right thing!”

What is the social advocacy all about?
The social advocacy differentiates the difference of rights between humans and animals. The
advocacies main idea is to promote the people to do the right thing. The rights between the
human and nature are biased where people make excuses to say that they are doing the right
thing for the nature.

What have you observed about the content of the Social Advocacy?
The content of the advocacy is simple and concise. It gave the correct amount of detail to show
to the readers and avoided a long and boring paragraph. Although it would have been more
persuasive and effective if they showed some research results to support their statements.

If you were given a chance to create an Advocacy Video, how would you do it?
The purpose of an advocacy video is to show others what you are fighting for and persuade
others to join you. So first of all is that the content must be simple, concise, meaningful and
persuasive, where it must be useful to the people and pique their interest. Next is in making of
the video it must be catchy and unique in able for them to remember it easily, from the title, to
the music, to the narration, down to the designs and editing. The video must be able to imprint
itself to the mind of the viewer.
4th Quarter – 2nd Semester 2020-2021

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