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A  green  sustainable  and  safe  water  source  

Proposal  of  final  thesis  

Alexandros  Karakostas  

Pan  Li  

Soheil  Mirzajanian  Charandabi  

Saxion  University  of  Applied  Sciences  

3  March  2014  
Situation  review  
North   West   province   is   located   in   the   north   of   South   Africa   on   the   Botswana   border.   The  
province  is  bordered  by  the  Kalahari  Desert  in  the  west,  Gauteng  province  to  the  east  and  the  
Free  State  to  the  south.  It  is  known  as  the  Platinum  Province  for  the  wealth  of  the  metal  it  has  
underground.   Mahikeng   (previously   Mafeking)   is   the   capital.   The   total   area   of   the   province   is  
104  882  km2  with  a  population  of  3.4  million  people.  The  North  West  Province  is  characterized  
by   dry   to   semi   dry   climate   with   erratic   rainfalls.   Temperatures   range   from   up   to   31°   C   in  
summer  to  as  little  as  3°  in  winter.  There  are  four  sources  of  water  available  in  the  Province:  
  1.  Surface  water       2.  Groundwater       3.  Imported  water       4.  Re-­‐usable  effluent.  

Fig.1  Location  of  Northwest  province  

Description  of  the  problem  
The   water   quality   in   most   of   the   larger   surface   water   resources   varies   from   moderate   to   very  
bad.  Groundwater  is  becoming  more  and  more  polluted  because  of  mining,  industrial  activities,  
agriculture  and  domestic  use  and  is  due  to  both  natural  and  human-­‐induced  factors.  Only  27%  
of  African  households  in  the  Province  have  access  to  safe  drinking  water.  In  addition  there  are  
several   communities’   camp   with   the   problem   of   not   having   sustainable   drinking   water   at   all.  
Most  rural  communities  in  South  Africa  do  not  have  access  to  running  water  toilets  or  latrines  
and   they   use   watercourses   for   defecation   and   urination.   It   is   clear   that   the   North   West   Province  
is   facing   huge   problems   with   providing   safe   water   that   can   be   used   as   drinking   and   irrigation  
water.  Without  having  excess  to  safe  drinking  water  communities  has  a  direct  influence  of  the  
health   of   people   especially   children   and   the   lack   of   safe   irrigation   water   causes   problems   in   the  
food  chain.  The  outcome  of  this  problem  are  many  deaths  and  of  course  low  quality  of  life.  The  
other   big   challenge   in   water   management   is   to   grow   sufficient   food   for   a   growing   and   more  
affluent   population   while   meeting   the   many   other   demands   on   limited   water   resources.   A   lot   of  
improvements   must   be   done   both   in   water   production   and   water   use.   The   available   water  
sources  must  be  managed  efficiently  and  work  on  a  sustainable  solution  in  collecting,  cleaning  
and  distributing  the  water.  
Aims  and  objectives  of  the  project  
The  North  West  Province  Government  wants  to  provide  20  villages  in  rural  areas  mostly  in  the  
West   part   of   the   Province   with   a   GreenSource   System.   When   the   system   is   installed   a   minimum  
of  250  households  (1500  people)  have  access  to  6  kilolitres  of  safe  water  every  month  and  have  
the  ability  of  a  durable  sports  facility.    
For   this   project,   the   objective   is   to   work   out   an   artificial   sport   pitch   which   contains   a   water  
filtration  and  water  storage  basin  for  rainwater  and  other  possible  water  resources.  A  total  of  
piping,   pumps,   taps,   membrane   filters,   a   basin,   an   artificial   grass   pitch   and   a   small   building  
make   this   GreenSource   System   a   complex   multi-­‐purpose   solution   for   the   water   problems   in   the  
rural  areas  of  the  North  West  Province  of  South  Africa.    
Our   work   consists   several   designs   and   drawings   for   the   implementation   of   this   system   (see   Fig.  
4),   which   is   always   based   on   the   requirement   and   criteria   form   our   client.   At   the   same   time,  
Communication  and  collaboration  with  all  the  participants  and  stakeholders  is  required  within  
this  project.  
At   design   step,   the   result   will   be   seen   as   a   typical   design   in   South   Africa   which   can   be  
implemented   in   different   settings   and   places.   After   that,   the   GreenSource   System   will   be  
promoted  to  three  different  countries  in  China,  Greece  and  Iran  in  specific  areas  (individual  task  
for  team  member),  which  is  the  further  development  for  this  system.  

The   Greensource   Project   will   create   safe   water   storage   (basin)   that   makes   a   continuous   clean  
and   safe   water   flow   possible.   This   innovative   water   source   can   be   used   to   provide   drinking  
water,  irrigation  water  or  sanitary  water.    

Fig.  2  scheme  of  solution  

The  system  includes  the  construction  of  an  underground  water  storage  tank  in  which  rain  water,  
water  from  rivers,  dams  and  especially  ground  water  (boreholes)  can  be  stored.  On  top  of  the  
underground   water   storage   basin   an   artificial   turf   system   is   installed   that   can   be   used   as   a  
playground  for  children.    

The  combination  of  synthetic  turf  and  water  filtration  allows  sports  facilities  to  treat  and  re-­‐use  
water   for   both   drinking   water,   irrigation   water   and   for   turf   maintenance.   This   application   is  
ideal  for  areas  where  water  shortages  prevail  or  only  polluted  water  is  available.  

Stakeholders  and  participants    

Fig.3  Framework  of  stakeholders  and  participants  

Water  sources  

Because   the   area   has   challenged   with   lack   of   rain   fall,   looking   for   water   sources   in   this   case  
playing   essential   role.   Water   sources   are   divided   to   three   different   categories,   underground  
water,  surface  water  and  rain  water.  
Surface  water  sources  include  rivers,  dams  and  lakes.  The  most  considerable  part  in  this  project  
is  leading  and  collecting  water  from  varies  surface  sources.    

• Capturing  runoff  from  rooftops  

• Capturing  runoff  from  local  catchments  
• Capturing  seasonal  floodwaters  from  local  streams  
• Conserving  water  through  watershed  management  
Underground   water   sources   include   underground   water   natural   channels.   Leading  
underground   water   sources   to   the   water   harvesting   system   can   assist   to   reach   the   optimum  
goal  in  this  system.  

Rainfall  -­‐  Evaporation  

The   rainfall   in   the   province   varies   from   300   mm   to   700   mm.   On   average,   the   western   region  
receives   less   than   300mm   per   annum,   the   central   region   around   550   mm   per   annum   and   the  
eastern  and  south-­‐eastern  region  receive  over  600mm  per  annum.  The  dominant  rainfall  season  
in   the   central   region   is   mid-­‐summer   (October-­‐April)   and   it   is   peaking   in   January.   Western   parts  
of  the  province  receive  rain  in  the  late  summer  (peaking  in  February),  while  the  eastern  parts  
typically  peak  in  early  summer  (December).  According  to  the  rainfall  data  of  Rustenburg  (509  
mm/year)  in  July,  although  that  it’s  raining  only  1  day  the  area  gets  the  most  daily  mm  of  the  
year  (14  mm).  So  we  will  have  to  design  a  tank  for  that  maximum  quantity.  Evaporation  exceeds  
precipitation  in  the  province  except  from  the  south-­‐eastern  region  and  this  is  a  main  reason  of  
the  arid  and  semi-­‐arid  conditions,  which  dominate  much  of  the  province.  

Water  collection  

The   sports   field   plays   an   important   role   to   get   water   from   rainfall.   However,   most   of   water  
should   be   collected   from   others   resources   due   to   the   lacking   of   rainfall   in   most   of   months.  
Rivers,   dams   which   are   seen   as   surface   water   and   underground   water   using   borehole   also  
possible  and  applicable  in  the  research  areas.  For  both  of  the  surface  and  underground  water,  
the   problems   of   collection,   water   quantity   and   quality,   cost   and   distance   will   be   taken   into  
account  when  in  specific  areas.  

Input  and  output  of  the  system  

Since  the  system  is  an  integrated  system,  Input  and  output  of  the  system  can  be  defined.    

Input   mainly   includes   rainfall;   however,   surface   water   sources   such   as   rivers,   dams   and   lake  
and   underground   water   sources   like   boreholes   are   considering   more   than   other   sources  
because  area  is  arid  and  with  less  precipitation.  

Output   of   the   system   is   including   infiltration   system   that   provides   water   for   landscape   and  
agricultural  irrigation,  house  heating  system,  toilets  and  small  business  and  industries.    

Intake  system  (collection)  

The  grass  field  is  considering  the  main  water  collecting  and  intake  system.  Since  the  area  is  arid  
area  with  lacking  of  rainfall,  water  from  other  sources  must  be  lead  to  intake  system.  Complex  
systems   of   channels   and   pipes   can   be   taken   into   account   in   this   system.   In   the   intake   system,  
total   amount   of   water   that   is   received   in   the   form   of   rainfall   over   in   the   area   is   playing   the   most  
important  factor  in  water  harvesting  potential.  

Water  storage  

Water  can  be  collected  from  various  resources  depending  on  the  specific  situations  in  different  
region.  The  storage  system  can  be  installed  under  or  next  to  the  artificial  grass.  At  meanwhile  
the   storage   system   should   be   separated   into   two   purposes,   the   water   tanks   for   collection   water  
and   clean   water   purified   by   purification   system.   These   two   tanks   have   to   be   designed   and  
calculated  to  store  sufficient  water  for  different  purpose,  which  should  adapt  the  local  criteria  
and   standard.   The   materials   for   the   water   tank   also   will   be   taken   into   account,   which   is   from  

Artificial  grass  

Above  the  underground  water  storage  basin  an  artificial  field  is  installed  that  can  be  used  for  
recreation  and  sports,  especially  for  children.  This  field  combines  synthetic  turf  and  water  
filtration.  This  system  can  be  applied  in  areas  where  water  shortages  prevail  or  only  polluted  
water  is  available.  The  artificial  turf  pitch  is  a  natural  looking  green  pitch  that  is  m ade  of  
polyethylene  yarns  woven  in  a  backing  construction.  That  construction  contains  little  holes  so  
that  the  rainwater  can  penetrate  through  the  artificial  grass  construction  into  the  water  basin.  
The  tank  in  the  basin  will  be  connected  to  the  water  sources  with  tubes  and  pipes  and  it  should  
contain  at  least  50m3  of  water.  It  is  made  of  stacked  Aqua  cell  crate  that  are  joined  together.  In  
our  project  we  need  a  field  with  the  following  dimensions:  42m  *  28m  =  1176m2.  Before  the  
water  storage  we  need  a  pre-­‐filtration  with  an  ultra-­‐filtration  (Water  Miracle).  The  system  in  
full  operation  can  provide  50  liters  of  filtered  and  safe  drinking  water  per  minute  and  when  
operating  16  hours  a  day  approximately  50.000  liters  of  water  can  be  filtered.  The  membrane  
filters  need  to  be  replaced  every  5  years,  the  artificial  pitch  after  10  years  and  the  basin  can  be  
cleaned  when  it  is  necessary.  



Component Artificial grass Data research

Geo-composite water
Pentair Playing field

Water transportation
for water Aquacells
storage Underground
Equalized foundation


Agriculture School


Fig.  4  framework  of  task  for  civil  engineering  and  black  box  
Drawings  of  the  system  

For  this  project  we  have  to  draw  the  following:  

1. Green  field  and  foundation  

2. Water  storage  tanks  
3. Pipes  of  the  system  
4. System’s  facilities  

For these drawings we will use Autocad (for 2d drawings) and Sketchup (for 3d drawings) if it
is necessary.

Application  in  our  countries  China  –  Greece  -­‐  Iran    

1.  Qinghai,  China  

Qinghai   province   is   located   in   northwest   of   China,   with   area   721,000km2.   Plateau   continental  
climate,   most   of   the   area   is   arid   or   semi-­‐arid   climate,   which   lacks   sufficient   water   or   rainfall  
year  around.  The  average  rainfall  in  this  area  is  less  than  400mm  annually.    
Since   this   area   is   similar   with   the   research   area   in   South   Africa,   Qinghai   province   can   be  
considered  as  a  pilot  area  in  China.  

2.  Azerbaijan  Provinces,  Iran  

East  and  West  Azerbaijan  Provinces  are  located  in  North-­‐West  of  Iran  with  area  of  83000  km2.  
Area  has  a  semi-­‐arid  climate  with  regular  seasons.  The  overall  precipitation  in  the  area  is  quite  
normal;  however,  in  the  recent  years,  the  area  has  had  a  problem  with  mis-­‐water  management  
especially  in  the  agricultural  areas.  Because  of  that,  this  area  can  be  considered  as  a  target  area  
for  the  project,  and  idea  can  attract  stakeholders.  
3.  Chios  Island,  Greece  

Chios   is   the   fifth   largest   of   the  Greek  islands   and   it   is   situated   in   the  Aegean   Sea.   The   island  
covers  an  area  of  842  km2  with  a  population  of  approximately  50.000  people. The  landscape  is  
mountainous  and  arid,  with  a  ridge  of  mountains  running  the  length  of  the  island. The  island's  
climate   is   warm   and   moderate,   with   modest   variation   due   to   the   stabilising   effect   of   the  
surrounding  sea.  Average  temperatures  normally  range  from  a  summer  high  of  27  °C  to  a  winter  
low   of   11   °C   in   January.   Rainfall   usually   varies   throughout   the   year   and   between   years   and   is  
rare   during   the   summer   months,   but   the   winters   are   changeable   and   wet.   The   average   yearly  
rainfall  in  Chios  is  800mm. One  of  the  biggest  problems  of  the  local  community  is  the  shortage  
of   drinking   water.   Having   in   mind   the   satisfying   rainfall   amount   and   the   need   for   sustainable  
water  sources,  Greensource  project  can  be  applicable  on  Chios  island.      

Planning  phases  

1.  Action  plan  

Through  the  description  of  proposal  at  the  first  phase,  clear  tasks  have  been  formulated.  At  the  
second  step,  a  detailed  action  plan  should  be  discussed,  which  include  assignment  description,  
requirements,   project   boundaries   and   activities.   Clear   tasks   division   should   be   indicated   since  
various   partners   and   suppliers   involve   in   this   project.   Besides   that,   a   detailed   time   planning  
needs  to  be  a  clear  picture  that  shows  what  will  be  done  in  which  week  by  whom  to  our  client.  
Finally,  the  risks  within  this  project  have  to  be  analyzed  and  also  the  opportunities  in  external.    

2.  Design  

At   this   step,   all   the   tasks   are   clear   for   all   participants.   The   preliminary   design   is   based   on   the  
data   researches   that   have   to   be   done   before   it,   such   as   social   situation,   climate   situation,  
hydrologic   and   geological   condition,   the   infrastructure   situation   also   should   be   taken   into  
account,  since  sufficient  facilities  should  be  guaranteed  during  the  implementation  stage.  

Based  on  the  former  data  research,  the  preliminary  design  can  be  executed.  Some  assumptions  
are  needed  such  as  the  foundation  of  the  football  field,  the  size  of  water  tanks  and  containers,  
the  water  collections  facilities  and  the  alternative  approaches  for  the  water  resources,  etc.  
The  detail  design,  which  is  a  process  to  optimize  preliminary  design,  all  the  materials,  facilities,  
equipment  and  dimensions  should  be  formed.    

Application   of   GreenSource   in   different   areas   in   South   Africa   and   potential   development   in  

other  countries  (China,  Greece  and  Iran)  are  the  final  stage  of  this  project.  Three  specific  areas  
are  chose  in  these  countries  to  apply  GreenSource  system.    

Possible  risks  of  the  project  

1. Translating  documents  (data  collected  from  the  partners)  from  Dutch  to  English.  
2. The  available  time  for  research  (3.5  months)  might  not  be  enough,  since  we  are  studying  
an  applicable  project.  
3. We  are  not  able  to  visit  and  observe  the  project  site.  

4. Will  the  provided  information  (by  partners-­‐professionals)  be  enough  in  order  to  execute  
our  research?  

5. The  application  of  this  system  in  different  areas  



Dr.  Harry  Futselaar  

Saxion  |  University  of  Applied  Sciences  |  School  of  Life  science,  Engineering  &  Design  (LED)  

T:   +31   (0)53-­‐5376754   |   M:   +31   (0)6-­‐10440361   |   F:   +31   (0)53-­‐4308783   |   Room   W2.28  

Dr.  Ir.  P.H.M.  de  Lange    

Saxion  |  University  of  Applied  Sciences  |  Academie  Business,  Building  &  Technology  

M.H.Tromplaan  28  |  Postbus  70.000,  7500  KB  Enschede  |  Kamer  E1.14  

T:  +31  (0)  651093522  |  

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