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Тема: This Is My School.

Підтема: My school. My classroom. Prepositions of place.

Тип уроку: урок формування і вдосконалення вмінь і навичок.

Мета уроку: відпрацювання вживання прийменників місця та лексики з теми

“Моя школа” .

Цілі уроку:

навчальний аспект: активізація лексичного матеріала з теми “Моя

школа”, вдосконалення навичок усного та
монологічного мовлення, тренування навичок
аудіювання, практикувати у вживанні прийменники

розвиваючий аспект: розвиток слухо-вимовних навичок, мовних вмінь

учнів, уваги, пам’яті, тренувати здатність до
концентрації уваги у процесі гри;

виховний аспект: прищеплювати інтерес до мови, яку вивчаємо,

виховувати любов до навчання, виховувати культуру
мовлення, сприяти дружнім стосункам у колективі.

Засоби навчання:

наочні: флешкартки із зображення шкільних речей,

прийменників місця, малюнки до історії, текст

технічні: ноутбук, екран телевізора;

роздатковий матеріал: картки із письмовим завданням, флешкартки із

намальованою партою.

Хід уроку:

I. Організаційна частина уроку.

1. Привітання.
Teacher: Good morning, children!

Pupils: Good morning, teacher!

Teacher: I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please and let’s start our lesson.

Teacher: How are you?

Pupils: I’m fine, thank you.

2. Мовна зарядка. Aктивізація лексики попередніх уроків.

Teacher: Look at these pictures. Where can you see them?

Pupils: At school! In the classroom!

Teacher: Right you are! Let’s revise them. I propose you to play a game
“Newspaper Bash”. Are there any volunteers? OK, come up to me, take
these rolled up newspapers and stand in front of the blackboard. Now
you’re the newspaper bashers! Every time I say the name of the
classroom object you must bash the right picture as quickly as possible.
If you win you get an interesting task to find the hidden treasure
(захований скарб)! Are you ready? Let’s go!

Teacher: Well done! You’re winners. Here are your tasks. Read them and find the
hidden treasure! (The 1st task: It is in the classroom. It is under the
teacher’s table. The 2nd task: It is in the classroom. It is on the teacher’s
table. They find a puzzle and solve it.)

3. Фонетична зарядка.

And now we’re going to sing a song “On,in,under. Clap-clap-clap”.

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Розвиток умінь аудіювання та мовлення. TPRS approach.

Teacher: Well, what have you got here?

The 1st winner: A cat! (in the puzzle)

Teacher: And you?

The 2nd winner: A cat! (in the puzzle)

Teacher: Do you want to know why? Because I have a story for you and it’s about
a cat. Listen to this story!

This is Pat.

Pat has a cat in the box.

The cat runs away.

Pat goes to the kitchen.

There’s no cat there.

Pat is sad.

Pat goes back.

The cat is in the box.

Pat is happy.

They are both happy.

2. Розвиток навичок читання й монологічного мовлення.

Teacher: Here’s the scrambled story for you. Put the pictures illustrating this text
into the correct order.

The pupils put jumbled pictures into a possible order and then read the text to see if
their ideas are right.

Teacher: And now let’s read the story aloud.

Teacher: Well done! And who wants to retell the story with pictures?

One pupil tells the story to the class.

3. Фізкультхвилинка.

Teacher: Please stand up and let’s sing a song “In front of, behind, between.”

4. Малювання.

Teacher: Who likes drawing? Pick up a crayon and draw a rubber/a pen/a book…
on/in/under/by/in front of/behind the desk.

5. Письмо.

Teacher: Here’s the last task for you. Look at this piece of paper. Circle the right
variant, please. Pupils give their variants of answers.

Teacher: Your time is up. Let’s check! Who’s got 10/9/8/7/6/5 right answers?
The bag The pencils are____the
is___chair. pencil-case.
a) on a) on
b) under b) under
c) by c) in

The pen is____ The rubber is____the

the copybook. pencil.
a) on a) by
b) behind b) behind
c)under c) on
The rubber is____the The rubber is__the
pen. pencil.
a) under a) behind
b) behind b) in front of
c) on c) between
The pupils The ruler is___the rubber
are____the and the pencil.
blackboard. a) in front of
a) behind b) behind
b) on c) between
c) in front of
The pen is____the The pupil is____the
chair. bookcase.
a) on a) in front of
b) in b) under
c) under c)on

6. Пісня-гра “Where is the spider”(«Де павук?»).

III. Заключна частина уроку.

1.Домашнє завдання.

Teacher: Make up your own story with pictures.

2.Підведення підсумків уроку.

Teacher: Who liked the game “Newspaper bash”?

Who liked the story about Pat and her cat?

Who liked the songs?

Who liked the hidden treasure?

Who liked drawing?

Who liked this lesson?

Teacher: Our lesson is over.

Thank you for your active work at the lesson.

You were wonderful!

You were great!

Come next time and don’t be late!

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