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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

The Role and Importance of the National University of Uzbekistan Named

After Mirzo Ulugbek Which Faculty of the History in the Creation of New
Educational Literature in History and Its Application to the Educational

Ergashev Khusan
The National University of Uzbekistan which faculty of History Graduate Student

Abstract: This article is devoted to the publication and implementation of new educational
literature and textbooks created in the history of independence, as well as the importance of the
National University of Uzbekistan which faculty of History in filling the existing gap.
Keywords: History of Uzbekistan, Archeology, Source studies and archival studies,
methodological guide, textbook, brochure, materials of scientific and practical conference.
The role of teaching-methodical and literature is important in reforming education and making it
widely available to the masses, such educational materials and literature were greatly needed in
the early еars of independence. It was impossible to organize the process of training educated
personnel without solving this task. The ideology of existing textbooks and study guides has lost
its relevance by this time. Mature, qualified teachers were needed to provide educational
literature, teachers currently working in the department of the History of the nations of
Uzbekistan (currently the History of Uzbekistan) Doctor of science in history, professor
R.Kh.Murtazaeva, lectures on the history of Uzbekistan from ancient times to the present (1994)
to students in the form of lectures in Uzbek and Russian languages are distributed to teachers,
including lectures on the ancient history of Uzbekistan for Russian groups Z.R.Ishankhodjaeva
was entrusted with the lecture, and for the Uzbek groups, A.M.Khidirov was entrusted with the
In the 1993-1994 academic еar, the program of the half-course on the history of Uzbekistan at
the Faculty of History consists of 10 topics, which reflect the works aimed at truthfully
illuminating the history of Uzbekistan from the period after the conquest of Central Asia by
Russia to the present day based on a new worldview2. In this academic еar, under the leadership
of Prof. R.Kh.Murtazaeva, the texts of teachers' lectures were often discussed at department
meetings and methodical seminar meetings. The plan of practical training, the list of
recommended literature, rating methods, theses were widely discussed at the meetings of the
methodological commission held every month.
We can witness that as a result of the analysis of the work carried out on the improvement of the
higher education system and its implementation and the analysis of their results, the need to
reform the existing system has been shown once again. According to the requirements of
independence, under the leadership of Professor R.H.Murtazaeva, Doctor of History, in a very
short time, completely re-learning and mastering the history of Uzbekistan, and secondly, re-
educating professors-teachers from the influence of communist ideology, education with a
completely new meaning and essence of the idea of independence. - it was necessary to organize

From an interview with Doctor of science in history.,Prof. Z.R. Ishankhodzhaeva, in the “Department of History
of Uzbekistan”, 19.10.2022
Central State Archive of Tashkent city. fond-38, cover-2, d-1361

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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul -2023 | 314
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

and implement methodological and scientific research works. For this, first of all, it was a vital
need to create preliminary manuals and textbooks on the history of Uzbekistan. In 1997, the
members of the department were the first in the republic to create a 22-page textbook on the
subject "History of Uzbekistan" for higher education. This book was recommended by the
ministry for use in all higher education institutions. On the basis of this manual, in 2000, the text
of lectures on "History of Uzbekistan" was published, and seven of its authors were awarded the
medal of "Higher Education Excellence" by the Ministry. Also «История Узбекистана.
Учебное пособие для студентов неисторических специалностей» (in english History of
Uzbekistan. Textbook for students of non-historical specialties) the study guide was published in
2002 and was republished in 2004 and 20063. The textbook "History of Uzbekistan" was
published in 2003 under the general editorship of R.H. Murtazaeva (45 printed plates) and in
2005 it was also published in Latin script.
In the 2010-2013 academic еars alone, 4 monographs, 4 textbooks, 7 pamphlets, 1 bibliographic
collection, 1 methodical manual, 1 international and national scientific-practical conference
materials, 25 student scientific-conference materials were written by professors and teachers of
the department of History of Uzbekistan. It should be noted that literature has been published. In
2011, the textbook "History of Uzbekistan" in Russian, consisting of 22 printed plates, was
published. This book gave an opportunity to directly apply to the closing of the gap in the field
of education, on the basis of the scientific directions of professors and graduate students of the
department, scientific and research work is regularly carried out on a wide scale in various topics
related to the science of the history of Uzbekistan and the solution of its current problems4.
Significant scientific and practical work was carried out under the state grant "Creation of a new
set of resources for improving the teaching of the history of Uzbekistan in the educational system
and its implementation" for the еars 2009-2011. It involved the National University of
Uzbekistan, the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan In cooperation with
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent Institute of Finance, 20 scientists worked
effectively, 4 monographs, one study guide, one textbook, 152 scientific articles were published
in 3 еars.
In 2012-2014, a number of literature aimed at highlighting methodological aspects of educational
literature appeared. Assoc. A.A. Odilov (co-authored with S. Makhkamov) "Technological maps
of lectures on the history of Uzbekistan" (Tashkent: Science and technology, 2012. - 13b.t), S.M.
Atajanova. "Текҳнологические картй лектсий по истории Узбекистана" (Tashkent:
Universitet, 2014. - 76 str.), K.D. Saipova published methodical manuals entitled "История
Узбекистана" (Tashkent: Universitet. 2014.). 2014 еar 39 b.t. volume I, covering the historical
period up to the middle of the 19th century in the oldest period of the history of Uzbekistan,
authored by Prof. B.J. Eshov and Assoc. A.A. Odilov, was published.5
Work on textbooks and literature was also carried out in the "World History" department, and the
textbooks and literature prepared by the teachers of this department were of great importance to
other higher educational institutions and research institutions. A methodical guide on "History of
the Ancient East" was published by the teachers of the department, A.A. Biykuziev,
R.Kh.Djuraev, and a methodical guide called "Vienna System of International Relations" was
published by the assistant professor of the department, A.G. Holliev.
In 2016-2020, we can see the works carried out by the Department of Source Studies and
Archival Studies and their importance, as well as a number of works related to the development
of the field, can:

Current archive of NUUZ from the 2005-2006 academic year report of the "History of Uzbekistan" department
of the Faculty of History
A.A. Odilov. -Tashkent: Mumtaz Soz, 2015. 46 p.
A.A. Odilov. -Tashkent: Mumtaz Soz, 2015. 52 p.
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 315
license, visit
International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

1. Jumaev U.Kh. History of archival work in Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: Turon-Iqbal, 2016.

2. Alimova D.A. Research approaches to the history of the era of Amir Temur and the
Temurids. Principles of work on a collective monograph // History of Uzbekistan. The era
of Amir Temur and the Temurids. Tashkent: Science, 2017. (Vvedenie). S. 3-11. (V
soavtorstve s E.V. Rtveladze).
3. Rahmonkulova Z.B. Chronology and metrology. Textbook. - Tashkent. 2019. - 13 b.t.
4. Source studies. Textbook (Authors' team) / Tashkent: "Turon-Iqbal", 2019. - 480 p.
5. Borieva K.A., Nazarov A.A., Abbasov B.B. Theory and practice of archival work. Study
guide. - Tashkent: "Turon-Iqbal", 2019. 304 p.
6. Rahmonkulova Z.B. Chronology and metrology. Textbook. Tashkent, 20206.
The information mentioned above and their importance can be seen in what way the team of the
Faculty of History of the National University of Uzbekistan played an important role in the
development of the science of history in the Republic. In addition, most of the textbooks that
have been published belong to this school, and for many еars educational literature and textbooks
related to the current issues of the history of Uzbekistan it can be said that it was published as a
result of the conducted scientific research work as a result of great positive changes in the
science of History in our country and the opportunities and conditions given to it by our
1. Central State Archive of Tashkent city. fond-38, cover-2, d-1361
2. Current archive of NUUZ from the 2005-2006 academic еar report of the "History of
Uzbekistan" department of the Faculty of History
3. Current archive of NUUZ from the 2016-2021 academic еar report of the "Source studies and
archival studies" department of the Faculty of History
editors M.M. Haydarov, A.A. Odilov. - Tashkent: Mumtaz Soz, 2015. 46, 52 p.
5. From an interview with Doctor of science in history.,Prof. Z.R. Ishankhodzhaeva, in the
“Department of History of Uzbekistan”, 19.10.2022

Current archive of NUUZ from the 2016-2021 academic year report of the "Source studies and archival studies"
department of the Faculty of History
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 7 | Jul- 2023 | 316
license, visit

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