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Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2007

Online English edition of the Chinese language journal

Cite this article as: Chn Popu Res Envi, 2007, 17(1): 1–5. SHORT COMMUNICATION

Problems of Rural Migrant Workers and Policies in the

New Period of Urbanization
GU Shengzu*, ZHENG Lingyun, YI Shance
Institute of Development Strategy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

Abstract: The migration of rural migrant workers has new characteristics and results in problems in China’s “urban diseases” caused by
the bad order of migration with a huge number and a high degree of concentration, low level of collective action, marginality in social
status, unfair treatment, difficult integration of the new generation, and new return trend of rural migrants. Countermeasures should be
taken to develop medium-sized and small cities, integrate the labor market of the city and countryside, provide necessary public services
and social security, provide vocational training, guide the rural migrant workers to return rationally, and help the new generation live in
harmony with urban residents.

Key Words: urbanization; rural migrant workers; strategy countermeasures

Industrialization and urbanization are the main themes of Rural migrant workers have become not only a new social
economic development and social civilization in the world. stratum rapidly rising in China’s society, but also an impor-
Rural-urban migration inevitably results from the resource tant driving force of urbanization and an important compo-
optimization of industrialization and urbanization, and pro- nent of industrial workers in China. According to the data of
motes industrialization and modernization in every country. the 5th nation-wide population census, rural migrant workers
Now, generally speaking, a new phase in which industry account for 57.6% of the employees in secondary industry,
promotes agriculture and urban development helps rural 52% in tertiary industry, 68% in processing and manufac-
prosperity has come in China. The new development of in- turing industries, and 80% in construction industry (Feng
dustrialization and urbanization also results in the new fea- Hua, 2006). Owing to the progress, the rural-urban migra-
tures of rural-urban migration. As a social phenomenon tion have changed a lot, from strict limitation in the planned
along with the progress of industrialization, urbanization economy to more freedom during the market-oriented re-
and marketization in a specific historical context of China, form, and then to the status recognition of industrial workers
rural migrant workers are a carrier and a bridge to connect at present. So not only will the increasing number and dy-
the countryside and city, agriculture and industry, and peas- namic structure of rural-urban migration be considered, but
ants and workers. A correct understanding of rural-urban also the profound issues and new features, e.g., marginaliza-
migration and rural migrant workers in the new urbanization, tion of the rural migrant workers because of their living
a profound issue and a new feature of the new social stratum, conditions kept away from the cities, vulnerable status
is strategically important in planning urban and rural eco- caused by low level of collective action, unfair share of ur-
nomic and social development, and promoting industrializa- ban infrastructure and social public welfare, will be studied.
tion and urbanization in China. 1.1 Large base number, high concentration, bad order,
and imbalance of rural-urban migration and rural mi-
1 Issues and features of rural-urban migration grant workers result in “urban diseases”
and rural migrant workers in urbanization The migration from the countryside to the city is the
main motivation of urbanization. The scale, speed and di-

Received date: 2006-09-01.

* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Copyright © 2007, Chinese Society for Sustainable Development and Research Center for Sustainable Development of Shandong Province. Electronic version pub-
lished by Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.
GU Shengzu et al. / China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1): 1–5

rection of the floating population directly determine urbani- in the so-called “lonely island”. Rural migrant workers
zation structure and urban system. Nowadays, there are a “tend to” get along with each other in the “island”, “rebuild
large number of rural-urban migration and rural migrant a rural society” in the city, and establish a “vil-
workers. According to the statistical data of the National lage-amidst-the-city” (Wu Zhenhua, 2005).
Population and Family Planning Commission of China, the 1.2 Rural migrant workers are autonomous, scat-
floating population in China rose from 70 million in 1993 to tered,and poorly organized; the segmentation of labor
market between town and countryside seriously conflicts
140 million in 2003, doubling the original number in 10
with the rapid movement of rural migrant workers
years and nearly involving 30% of the rural labor force. 120
Modern social network is based more on jobs and educa-
million rural migrant workers account for 85% of 140 mil-
tion, different from that built upon neighborhood and kin-
lion floating population. If the non-agricultural laborers in
ship. In the former, people’s social relationship is more in-
the countryside are included, the total number of rural mi-
terwoven, overlapped and extended. The individual and
grant workers is nearly 200 million (Project Group of the
dispersed agriculture results in a relatively isolated social
Research Office of the State Council, 2006). Issues of the
network of rural migrant workers. Compared with the com-
rural migrant workers in China have the feature of a large
plex social network resources in the cities, rural migrant
scale and a high speed on the one hand, and excessive con-
workers get more insulated with limited living space. Inves-
centration of flow direction and destination on the other
tigations indicate that 90% of rural migrant workers get jobs
hand. Most of rural migrant workers are concentrated in
through spontaneous means such as the recommendation or
southern and eastern coastal areas as well as large and me-
help of relatives and friends. Though organizations such as
dium-sized cities in China. In 2004, the rural migrant work-
“townee associations” based on neighborhood and kinship
ers from the west exceeded 70% of the total number, most
play an important role in the lives of rural migrant workers
of them working in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang,
in some cities, rural migrant workers can hardly set up a
Jiangsu, Guangdong and Fujian. Many investigations indi-
relatively stable and wide social network by themselves,
cate that over 60% of rural migrant workers work in large
staying poorly organized because of imperfect laws and
cities. As excessive floating population and rural migrant
regulations as well as lack of formal organizations. Labor
workers swarm into cities, many Chinese metropolises such
unions are an important institution to protect the rights and
as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are overloaded. Re-
interests of rural migrant workers and enhance their organi-
lated researches indicate that the floating population in Bei-
zation degree. However, by the end of 2005, there had been
jing exceeds 4 million, accounting for 1/4 of the total popu-
only 20.714 million rural migrant workers in enterprises and
lation; the floating population in Shanghai and Guangzhou
institutions with labor unions in China, still accounting for a
exceeds 5 million each; the temporary population of
low percentage among the total number. Under the pressure
Shenzhen exceeds 10 million. Rural migrant workers mainly
of employment which arises from new urban labor force,
come from the countryside in China. In 2004, 47.28 million
unemployed workers and rural migrant workers, the rural
rural migrant workers came from Central China and 31.61
migrant workers lacking organization and coordination are
million from Western China (Project Group of the Research
always vulnerable in negotiations related to their own rights
Office of the State Council, 2006). Relatively speaking,
and interests. Confronting various dislocation and supply
most of inter-provincial rural migrant workers came from
shortage of resources, rural migrant workers can merely rely
Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing,
on their limited ability to overcome difficulties. They neither
Sichuan and Guizhou, in which more than 10 million labor-
participate in sharing urban resources, nor effectively pro-
ers came from Henan Province and Sichuan Province. The
tect their due rights and interests, thus vulnerable in urban
excessive population floating into metropolises results in
increasingly serious “urban diseases”. The main symptoms 1.3 Rural migrant workers face distortion of rights and
of “urban diseases” are severe traffic jams, environmental duties, status, identity and marginalized social status;
pollution, crowded housing and lack of resources, especially they have a strong mentality of being “passers-by”
water resources, as well as extreme overload of urban ca- Because of the long-term separation between city and
pacity. Among the 340 cities monitored by the State Envi- countryside and the dual social structure, urban residents
ronmental Protection Administration of China, those with feel superior and dually treat rural migrant workers, accept-
slight pollution and serious pollution make up 60%. There is ing them economically and excluding them psychologically.
a combined pollution of soot and automobile tail gas in big It results in that rural migrant workers in cities have the
cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. obvious features of “marginalization”—living in the city but
400 million urban residents in China breathe in severely rooting in the countryside; being urban laborers in profes-
polluted air. In addition, the urban and rural dual structure is sion yet being peasants in household registration and iden-
duplicated in the city. The lifestyle of rural migrant workers tity; being the citizens of the People’s Republic of China
is detached from the city, and their culture and life are kept just like urban residents in law, while doing the same work
GU Shengzu et al. / China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1): 1–5

without the same pay, without the same hours and without and the old cannot be supported. The land in their home-
the same rights as the latter; the employment rights, educa- town is always their final support and the countryside bears
tional rights and rescue rights of rural migrant workers can the cost of education and pension for rural migrant workers.
hardly be protected and realized; rural migrant workers can Their work and their benefit are extremely unequal and they
hardly enjoy the public services and social welfare offered only share a little from the benefit of industrialization and
by the government, such as living condition, medical service, urbanization.
vocational training service and labor market information 1.5 A new generation of rural migrant workers is grow-
service. Because of the prejudice and discrimination from ing in number. And the important feature is that they
“can neither come back to the countryside nor melt into
the society, although having been in the cities for some time,
cities”, which has become an inevitable new subject in
the rural migrant workers are still the newcomers without a solving the problem of rural surplus labor force
sense of security and achievement, and can hardly have the The new generation of rural migrant workers or the sec-
self-identity that they belong to the cities. The countryside is ond generation of rural migrant workers is the offspring of
always the best destination in their mind so that they will early migrant workers or the first generation of rural migrant
eventually become the “passers-by” of the city. Just because workers, whose ages are generally from 18 to 30, and who
of this “marginalized social status”, rural migrant workers, are almost of the same age as that of China’s reform and
especially the first generation of rural migrant workers, opening-up. The first generation of rural migrant workers
cannot recognize their status, and nearly 80% of them be- worked in cities in the hope of increasing their household
lieve that they are still peasants (Wang Chunguang, 2004). incomes, and they still kept their typical and traditional way
In this instance, they lack responsibility for the city in which of thinking with intense parochialism: regarding land as the
they live and work, so they feel alienated from urban resi- most fundamental security, taking agriculture as main work
dents, and reluctant to melt into the urban society actively. and working in cities as byline, and deeming the countryside
1.4 With the treatment of “taking while not giving” and as their final destination. Different from the first generation,
“hiring while not supporting”, there is an imbalance be-
tween rural migrant workers’ working and gaining and the new generation of rural migrant workers “can neither
between economical contribution and benefit sharing come back to the countryside nor melt into cities”: they are
Rapid investigations made by Ministry of Labor and So- people between “survivors” and “livers”, namely, they were
cial Security of China in 2005 also show that rural migrant born in the countryside but grew up in cities; most of them
workers mainly engage in manufacturing industry, construc- have no agricultural experiences and can no longer adapt to
tion industry, accommodation and catering services, retail the country life, and their motive of working in cities has
and wholesale industries, resident services, and so on. Rural converted from subsistence to higher pursuit of freedom and
migrant workers sacrifice much but gain little while making modern life; mostly graduating from junior or senior high
great contributions. On one hand, low wages, high labor schools, they have a relatively high human capital resource
intensity , overtime work, and arrears of wages are very and have changed towards urban life style and way of
common, especially in the construction industry. According thinking, with their ideals and conceptions deviating far
to the sampling investigation of some provinces in China from land and agricultural production. Therefore, they have
such as Hunan, Sichuan and Henan, the actual average a stronger desire for self-identity and a sense of belonging to
monthly working hours of rural migrant workers is over 1.5 cities. However, the new generation of rural migrant work-
times of those of urban workers, whereas the average ers are not treated and respected as they should be, and have
monthly income of rural migrant workers is 60% lower than difficulty in finding jobs in formal sectors, so they expect
that of urban workers. On the other hand, rural migrant more about the way of respect, equality and social ac-
workers lack social security. The occupational insurance rate knowledgement. Thus, the new generation of rural migrant
of rural migrant workers in China is quite low. Among the workers is in face of an imbalance between ability and ex-
five major insurances, only employment injury insurance pectation: with limited self-ability and relatively high ex-
has been purchased by many rural migrant workers; the pectation for jobs, they cannot position themselves correctly
overall occupational endowment insurance rate is only 15%, in the entire society, which is one inevitable new subject in
the average occupational medical insurance rate is about solving the migration of rural surplus labor force to urban
10% and a majority of rural migrant workers have not pur- areas.
chased unemployment insurance and maternity insurance 1.6 The differentiation of rural migrant workers, as a
new social stratum, is continuing. Most of them are still
(Wang Hai, 2005). Cities treat peasant workers in the way of
in a weak position, whereas some have rooted them-
“taking while not giving” and “hiring while not supporting”, selves in cities as entrepreneurs or private businessmen,
while peasant workers cannot obtain helpful social relief. In and some competent persons have returned to the coun-
the city the sick among them cannot be treated, their chil- tryside
dren cannot go to school, the poor cannot receive any help Currently, differentiation within the rural migrant workers
GU Shengzu et al. / China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1): 1–5

has occurred. Besides the new generation emerging, many enterprises are very popular in medium-sized and small cit-
rural migrant workers have widened their field of view, ies, and as they have great employment opportunities, they
learned skills, acquired techniques and possessed capital may become the main carrier of rural migrant workers en-
through practical working in cities, among whom some have tering non-agricultural industries. For urbanization, however,
rooted in cities by entrepreneurship, or returned to the coun- the industrial foundation should still be stressed to develop
tryside as elite peasants. Rural migrant workers have taken local economy, and multi-urbanization should be established
up a considerable proportion of urban private businessmen, on the basis of industrial development. Additionally, as
with a very obvious ascending trend. According to the 6th household registration system and complementary systems
national sample survey on private enterprises in 2004, about in these cities have relatively minor functions, which reduce
1/5 private businessmen used to be peasants in cities in the the force of resistance towards the reform, rural migrant
original occupation (Almanac of China’s Private Economy, workers may be attracted to move towards these cities, and
2005). For those “elite” rural migrant workers who have take the lead in promoting citizenship.
come back to the countryside, they can be regarded as a 2.2 Strengthen integration construction of urban and
kind of “voluntary return”, who may play an important role rural labor markets, lead rural migrant workers to up-
grade the level of collective actions, and change their
in bridging the gap between urban and rural areas and
loose and vulnerable conditions
building a new socialist countryside. Returned rural migrant
In the situation that the establishment of China rural mi-
workers have the following advantages: Firstly, they have
grant workers union organization has systematic barriers,
been edified by the atmosphere of entrepreneurship in mod-
organizations in the city that specially maintain the interests
ern cities and are full of enthusiasm to start their own busi-
of rural migrant workers are lacking, the urban and rural
nesses; secondly, rural migrant workers have accumulated
labor markets are separated, and various aspects of efforts
certain techniques and capital through indirect study during
should be made to strengthen the management of the float-
work; thirdly, they are more familiar with the market of their
ing population and upgrade the level of collective actions of
hometown and are in possession of preferable resources for
rural migrant workers. Firstly, facilitate organizational con-
new business. Thus, they have turned from the former urban
struction of rural migrant workers and bring them into dif-
and rural vagrants to the “leaders” of rural economy.
ferent organizations according to actual situations. In the
course of strengthening the management of the floating
2 Solutions for the issues of rural-urban migra-
tion and rural migrant workers in urbanization population, employer should be given full play and partial
social management functions should be transformed to the
The issues of rural-urban migration and rural migrant responsibilities of the enterprise, and the management sys-
workers occurring in the course of urbanization are brought tem of “Who employs who is responsible for” should be set
about by concurrent multiple factors, so countermeasures up in employer units (Gu Shengzu and Yang Yanlin, 1996).
should be taken to develop medium-sized and small cities, At the same time, it is important to bring rural migrant
integrate the labor market of the city and countryside, pro- workers or their representatives into unit organizations at
vide necessary public services and social security, provide different levels and ever the People’s Congress of China, to
vocational training, guide the rural migrant workers to re- lead rural migrant workers to found autonomous organiza-
turn in a rational way, and help the new generation live in tions, to give play to employer units, Youth League,
harmony with urban residents. Women’s Federation, various kinds of nongovernmental
2.1 Intensify the attraction of medium-sized and small organizations and mass media, and to meet the needs of the
cities, take the lead in promoting citizenship of rural vulnerable floating population. Secondly, enhance integra-
migrant workers in these cities, and relax the disharmo- tion construction of urban and rural labor markets. Man-
nious situation that China’s rural migrant workers are agement and service functions of the labor department
highly concentrated in big cities.
should be consolidated; labor relations should be treated
On account of the excessive concentration of rural-urban
equally; the development of employment medium organiza-
migration and rural migrant workers, the urbanization level
tions of multi-forms should be encouraged; cross-regional
of big cities in China has risen rapidly. Yet, this has given
and cross-department rural labor markets should be set up;
rise to the discrepancy and structural imbalance of urbaniza-
information network construction of labor markets should
tion development, resulting in big cities as “a Triton among
be facilitated; the forecast, planning, adjustment, legislation
minnows”. For the excessive concentration of rural migrant
and monitoring of rural labor markets should be strength-
workers, the strategy of multi-urbanization may be per-
ened, to realize the institutionalization, standardization and
formed, paying much attention to developing medium-sized
organization of rural migrant workers.
and small cities actively, and relieving the excessively dense 2.3 Provide rural migrant workers with necessary pub-
population in big cities. To absorb rural migrant workers to lic services and social security systems, and help ru-
work in these cities is a kind of low-cost approach. Private ral-urban migration population integrate into the city and
GU Shengzu et al. / China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1): 1–5

get rid of the isolated situation industrial workers by enhancing their quality and raising
The implementation of the principle of equity needs the their professional level to promote the building of new so-
guarantee of the supply of necessary public services through cialist countryside fully. Firstly, the government should in-
strengthening public expenditure, to enable rural migrant crease investment in training for them. The unequal educa-
workers to enjoy public infrastructure and social welfare tional resource allocation must be changed through increas-
equally to some extent, and to change the situation of exces- ing support for rural basic education and subsidizing living
sive marginalization. Firstly, make full use of various kinds expenses for the poor. The quality and scale of vocational
of educational resources, reform related school roll man- training should be greatly improved through free training
agement systems, and eliminate the discrimination in school with high efficiency and practical use. Secondly, employers
admission of rural migration workers’ children. “Education must abandon their thought that profits are obtained barely
First” is the priority target of public expenditure all the time, through low labor costs. It is a must to boost productivity
which must be ensured. Secondly, establish social security through continuous technical training instead of low pay-
systems confronting the characteristics of rural migrant ment to rural migrant workers. Thirdly, rural migrant work-
workers which should be established step by step with em- ers should attach importance to self-study. Human capital
phasis according to the actual situation in China. Thirdly, can be accumulated through migration; nevertheless, only
increase the investment in medical and health services for continuous self-study on special skills can make them em-
rural migrant workers, and control the family planning ser- ployed with better pay.
vice for urban floating population to ensure fewer births and 2.5 Guide the return migration trend to maintain and
better education for them. Fourthly, bring the solution of attract more people in rural areas. Accelerate urbaniza-
urban housing problem of rural migrant workers into con- tion in rural areas, and avoid the imbalance as well as
“Latin American trap”
sideration. The government, enterprises and individuals
In the 1960s and 1970s, a number of Latin American
should treat this problem jointly. Some enterprises can re-
countries generally took rapid pace in urbanization by re-
solve the problem independently; the government provides
ducing farmers to promote economic development. A large
allowances for the enterprises with capability and carries out
number of farmers featured by "no land, no social security,
overall plans in the places where rural migrant workers
no regular job, and no professional skill" became new citi-
cluster. Fifthly, enrich the life of rural migrant workers in
zens, which resulted in urban polarization and serious social
their spare time. The community may organize some activi-
conflicts. This lesson, "Latin American trap", tells us that
ties that combine education and entertainment together ac-
there is a limited capacity to absorb farmers in large cities,
cording to the characteristics of rural migrant workers com-
for a huge transfer cost has to be borne to safeguard equal
ing from different places.
2.4 Improve rural migrant workers’ competitiveness employment opportunity and treatment. Therefore, it is of
through focusing on human capital resource develop- great significance in guiding the return trend of the rural
ment, strengthening vocational training and cultivating a migrant workers to put it in a rational order and to keep bal-
new type of rural migrant workers so as to enable them ance in urbanization. Firstly, a wide development space
to share the fruits of development shall be provided for those return to start a new business by
China's rural migrant workers generally receive a rela- the local government through boosting town economy, es-
tively low regular education and earn a little money from pecially private economy. On the basis of the work in cities,
their employers without on-the-job training. Consequently, the rural migrant workers who return to their hometown to
these rural migrant workers severely lack competitiveness in start a new business after learning and working in the cities
many fields of employment, and most of them engaged in have become the urban economy "booster". For example, it
dangerous, dirty, tiring, but unskilled work. The accumula- is shown in statistics done by Hunan Province Statistics
tion of human capital can hardly meet the requirements at Bureau in 2005 that there are nearly 200,000 rural migrant
present. On the basis of statistics, rural migrant workers workers returning to run over 80,000 private enterprises,
with education under junior high school accounted for 83% which have employed over 500,000 rural laborers with an-
and those without training accounted for 72% in 2004. It is nual production value of over 3 billion yuan RMB. Sec-
shown in the sample survey of 1,800 rural households con- ondly, the social atmosphere of encouraging and guarantee-
ducted by Chongqing Survey Team of the National Statistics ing entrepreneurship should be formed to keep the attraction
Bureau that in 2005, rural migrant workers without voca- in the countryside. For the return migration, they have cer-
tional training accounted for 79.7%, those with education of tain skills and experiences through working in the city,
junior high school accounted for 79.8%, and those of or which makes it practically possible for them to start a busi-
above senior high school merely accounted for 13.4%. Low ness in the countryside. Hence, such social atmosphere and
competitiveness, because of lack of professional skill and policy support have played a key role in turning their desires
capability, forces them to engage in low-level labor. Those into realities, which is also extremely important in main-
rural migrant workers should be trained into the qualified
GU Shengzu et al. / China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1): 1–5

taining and attracting more people in rural areas. help the new generation of rural migrant workers and the
2.6 Attach great importance to the new generation of return migration merge into the urban areas and the rural
rural migrant workers to help them adapt to the situa- areas, respectively. Equal employment opportunity should
tion in cities and become a new generation of industrial
be provided and the whole set of employment institutions
and regulations should be established to integrate the labor
The new generation of rural migrant workers is featured
markets. Rural migrant workers are an important force in
by migration, which puts their way of thinking and life style
the development of urbanization and industrialization; it is
into a dynamic process of conflict, digestion, merging and
necessary to offer full play to their enthusiasm and creativity
regeneration. Their education and guidance should be fo-
through providing more opportunities to enhance their abili-
cused on during this process. Generally, the whole society
should accept them psychologically and provide opportuni-
ties to develop their talents regarding their characteristics.
The related regulations shall be established to help them
claim their rights through proper and legal means, and avoid
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