ETC QB 2022-23 New

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(UGC Autonomous Institution)

English for Technical Communication
Question Bank-SEM-III 2022-23

S.No. Part-A SAQs CO BTL

Each question caries 2 marks
1. Define Technical Communication. CO1 BTL2

2. What does precision and accuracy refer in technical communication? CO1 BTL2

3. Outline the process of communication with the help of flow chart. CO1 BTL2

4. What is encoding and decoding in communication? CO1 BTL2

5. List some barriers of communication, suggest measures to overcome CO1 BTL4

6. What are the formal channels of communication in an organization? CO1 BTL2

7. What factors determine the language of technical communication? CO1 BTL2

8. What do you mean by factual accuracy in technical writing? CO1 BTL2

9. What are barriers of communication? CO1 BTL2

10. List some rules of email etiquette. CO2 BTL4

11. Write a few advantages of using E-mail? CO2 BTL2

12. What is the importance of tone in composing effective business letter? CO2 BTL2

Write a complain letter to the principal of to complain about CO2 BTL6
high price of the products in canteen

14. How is the option BCC useful in E-mail? CO2 BTL4

15. Discuss in detail E-mail etiquette. CO2 BTL3

16. What are solicited letter? Give two examples CO2 BTL2

Emails are very fast means of communication, but have some draw backs. CO2 BTL2
Write a short note on it.

18. What do you mean by Minutes of Meeting CO2 BTL2

19. Write the structure of Minutes of Meeting CO2 BTL2

20. What are the aspects of minutes of Meeting CO2 BTL2

Prepare MOM for meeting between all CRs and Principal for CO2 BTL6
feedback and suggestion.

22. Write about Feasibility report. CO3 BTL2

23. Outline the essential features of a Report. CO3 BTL2

24. What is the function of an Appendix in report writing? CO3 BTL2

25. Write a note on the structure of a formal report. CO3 BTL2

26. Outline the sample ‘Title page’ in the report writing. CO3 BTL2

27. Write briefly on the different formats of a report CO3 BTL1

28. What is the function of an abstract in a Report? CO3 BTL2

29. How is a user guide different from user manual? CO4 BTL2

30. Define Operations Manual CO4 BTL2

31. List the various types of manuals. What are their features? CO4 BTL4

32. Mention the types of manuals. CO4 BTL2

33. Write any two aspects of presentation. CO5 BTL2

34. Draw a flow chart showing the preparation of any dish you like to eat. CO5 BTL3
35. What are the important aspects of oral and visual presentations? CO5 BTL2

36. How do graphics organizers aid in oral presentation? CO5 BTL2

37. What are the four ‘ Ps’ of Presentation? CO5 BTL2

38. How do visual aids benefit an oral presentation? CO5 BTL2

39. Mention any two advantages of using visual aids. CO5 BTL2

40. When is a bar graph used? CO5 BTL2

41. Write any two advantages of visual or graphical representation of CO5 BTL2
Each question carries 6 marks
a. Bring out the difference between technical and general CO1 BTL2
1. communication.
b. Explain briefly the type’s technical communication with example of CO1 BTL3
a. Define technical communication. Write a note on ABC or the three CO1 BTL2
2. basic elements of technical communication.
b. Discuss at least five differences between general and technical CO1 BTL2
a. Explain how general writing differs from Technical Writing CO1 BTL2
3. b. Differentiate between downward and upward communication flows
in an organization. CO1 BTL3

a. Explain the process of communication with the help of flow chart. CO1 BTL3
4. b. What are the different types of technical communication? Explain
how oral communication differs from written communication. CO1 BTL3

a. What are the features of technical communication? Elaborate. CO1 BTL2

5. b. Write the process of communication. Explain the formal channels
in an organization along with a flow chart. CO1 BTL3

a. Enumerate the standard elements of Business letter CO2 BTL2

6. b. As a Purchase Manager of a reputed firm, write a complaint letter
to the sales Manager, of InfoTech computers for the late delivery of BTL3
15 computers ordered. Invent necessary details.
a. Write an E-mail in about 100 words to the manufacturer, Mr. Rahul, CO2 BTL3
explaining defect in the goods you purchased
7. CO2 BTL2
Hints: -Received the goods ordered-schedule 18th Feb Monday-
damaged goods-7 days overall delay- needed urgent replacement.
b. Mention some do's and don'ts (etiquette) of E-mail writing.
a. Imagine that you got an opportunity to study MS in University of CO2 BTL3
Cambridge. Write a letter to the Chief Manager of SBI bank of your
8. locality requesting him/her to send you all the information related to CO2 BTL2
education loans by SBI.
b. What is a Proposal? Describe its structure.
As the Purchased Manager of Satyam Computers, 9 Naidu Road, CO2 BTL2
Hyderabad-500007, you had ordered two dozen Personal Computers
from Hindustan Computers Limited (HCL), 140 M.G. Road,
9. Banglore-500001. When the consignment arrived, you found some of
the pieces in damaged condition.
(a) Write a complaint letter to the Sales Manager of the company BTL3
asking for repair, replacement, or compensation.
b) As the Sales Manager of HCL, draft a suitable reply.
a. Emails are fast means of communication, but have some CO2 BTL3
drawbacks. Discuss.
10. CO2 BTL2,3
b. Write a note on the various purposes for which a sales letter is
written. Provide at least two catch phrases for the introduction
segment of a sales letter.
a. Describe briefly characteristics of successful E-mail messages. CO2 BTL2
11. b. Draft a technical proposal to the CEO of BEST company for the
purchase and installation of the equipment. Invent all the necessary CO2 BTL3
(a) What is Progress report? How does it differ from Evaluation report? CO3 BTL2

12. (b) Write a feasibility report as the manager of the Modern Mega Bakers CO3 BTL3
on opening a new branch of the bakery at your locality. Invest the
necessary details.

(a) Outline the essential features of a report in detail. CO3 BTL4

13. (b) Write a feasibility report on having an auditorium in your college CO3 BTL3

(a) What is the function of an abstract in a report? CO3 BTL2

14. (b) Write a memo report to your office supervisor explaining him/her why CO3 BTL3
you are coming late to the office.

(a) What is report writing? Explain the significance /importance of reports. CO3 BTL2

15. (b) As a public relations officer of EVA formulations pvt ltd, you have been CO3
asked to draft a memo to the office staff about the company’s Annual
business conference. BTL3

(a) Discuss the characteristic features of a report. CO3 BTL2

(b) Explain the difference between abstract and summary. CO3 BTL2

(a) Explain briefly the basic structure of the report. CO3 BTL2
(b) Examine the different formats in report writing. CO3 BTL4

(a) Classify different types of reports according to their function. CO3 BTL3
(b) Discuss the various elements of a formal report. CO3 BTL2

(a) Write an abstract for an informative report on the growth for CO3 BTL3
19. technology in India.
(b) What is a project report? Write a project report on the recent project BTL3
you have done in your college.

(a) Explain briefly ‘table of contents‘ in the structure of report. CO3 BTL2

(b) ‘The district collector Ramanujan, is concerned about the rapid increase CO3 BTL3
20. in the number of road accidents in Hyderabad. The chairman, municipal
corporation, Hyderabad has been asked to submit a report investigation,
the causes and suggesting measures to improve the situation‘. Prepare an
outline of the report.

(a) Write briefly about Routine and special report. CO3 BTL2

(b) Write a letter report Chief Education Officer regarding a survey CO3 BTL3
21. conducted to assess the implementation of the government’s primary
education programme in four villages in the district as instructed by the
ministry of state education.

a.Whats is a user manual? Why do we need it? CO4 BTL1,2

22. b.bring out a few difference between product manual and operational
manual. CO4 BTL2

a.Explain the structure of a manual. CO4 BTL2

23. b.write a set of instruction to any electrical device you use at home

a.write a user manual for airpods using necessary elements of user CO4 BTL6
24. guide.
b.write a note on different types and components of manual. CO4 BTL3

a.what is operational manual? Discuss its features CO4 BTL2

25. bwrite a product manual on any latest mobile phone.

a. Draw a flow chart showing the preparation of any dish you like to CO5 BTL3
26. b. Write the importance of information transfer. List the advantages of CO5 BTL2

verbal and non-verbal information?

a)-Discuss briefly the ABC format that is commonly used in technical CO5 BTL2
27. CO5 BTL3
(b) In an oral presentation, getting audience attention is crucial. Suggest
ways/techniques that can be used to capture audience attention for
effective presentation
a. observes the following pie chart and prepare a write up of about 100 CO5 BTL3
words describing the causes of ‘Increasing Road Accidents? CO5 BTL2


under Driving Speed Beyond Limits Worng Parking
Ignoring Traffic Rules Talking on Mobile

28. 15%


b. Write the importance of information transfer. List the advantages of

verbal and non-verbal information?

a.What aspects of visual presentation are important to make it effective? CO5 BTL2

(b) Draw a flow chart restating the following procedure/information. CO5 BTL3,6
Manuscripts prepared by students and teachers will be collected in order to
be thoroughly screened. All necessary additions, alternations, omissions
will be made. This shall help us prepare a rough draft Then this manuscript
along with a dummy shall be sent to the printer. The printer shall further
proofread and correct the manuscript by a copy writer. Once corrected and
proofread the manuscript shall be sent for final printing

a.What is line diagram, how it is helpful. CO5 BTL2

30. b. Observe the following bar graph and prepare a write up showing CO5 BTL3
the production and the sale of different mobile phone brands.
a.How does graphic use in oral presentations? CO5 BTL2

b.what are the important aspects of oral presentation? CO5 BTL2


a.Draw a tree diagram showing the vitamins, its sources and effects CO5 BTL3
from the following paragraph. There are four types of vitamins: CO5
vitamin A, B, C and D. You will get vitamin A from milk, butter and
eggs. Vitamin B is derived from meat and eggs; fruits and vegetables
will provide you with vitamin C. Vitamin D can be obtained from
fish-oil and of course, sunlight. A lack of any of the above four
vitamins may cause certain diseases and ailments. Lack of vitamin A,
may result in blindness. Insufficiency of vitamin B gives rise to
disorders of the nervous system. A deficient supply of vitamin C can
cause skin diseases. Bone diseases are likely to occur in the absence
of vitamin D. BTL3,6

b. Discuss the guidelines for installation and operation of a T.V.

a. What are the types of technical communication? CO5 BTL2

33. b. How do visual aids benefit in an oral presentation? CO5 BTL2
a.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

b. The pie charts below compare the proportion of energy capacity in BTL6
gigawatts (GW) in 2015 with the predictions for 2040.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

a.Prepare a tree diagram for the an organisation of your choice.
35. CO6 BTL3,6
b.make a bar diagram to discuss about hike in petrol price from 2016
to 2022.

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