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1. What is Agility? Write any two advantages of Agile process model.

2. What is Process assessment? List and define its type
3. Write the importance of Requirement Engineering.
4. Define the term
i) Actor ii) Use Case
5. Define Analysis model. Discuss its objectives.
6. Justify the statement “Analysis model is bridge between system description and design
7. Write the constituents of Architectural style.
8. What is architecture? Write its importance.
9. Define and mention the measures of software reliability.
10. Write the three core steps define by six sigma methodologies in statistical software
quality assurance.
11. Define Software Engineering. Compare the terms software engineering and computer
12. Write the advantages of Waterfall model.


13. Explain Waterfall process model

14. Explain Software process framework with neat labeled diagram
15. Explain Agile process model. Mention it’s any four advantages.
16. Explain Evolutionary process model.
17. Why SE principles are necessary? Discuss SE principles.
18. What is Elicitation of requirements? Discuss its methods with suitable example.
19. Explain Requirement Engineering tasks.
20. Discuss Communication principles in software engineering.
21. Define Design model. Write the design modeling principles.
22. Explain Scenario-based modeling with a real world example.
23. Build the i) activity diagram
ii) Swimlane diagram
for accessing Camera Surveillance via the internet display camera view functions.
24. Explain Design model with figure.
25. Explain with neat labeled diagram
i) Data centered architecture
ii) Call and return architecture
iii) MVC architecture
26. Explain Back box testing.
27. With a neat labeled diagram explain control structure testing.
28. . Explain golden rules for interface design.
29. Discuss user interface design evaluation.
30. What is software testing? Write the differences between white box and black box
31. Write a note on Software Quality Assurance (SAQ)
32. Give the design pattern template.
33. Explain mobility design pattern with an example.
34. Explain
i) Data Flow Architecture
ii) Layered Architecture
35. Give the architecture decision description template.

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