Icf2 (Week 9-10)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X, Northern Mindanao
District 4
Maningcol, Ozamiz City

Internet & Computing

Fundamentals II (ICF II)
First Quarter
Weeks 9 – 10
Word Formatting

Grade 8

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Working with SmartArt
3 Graphics


At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Insert SmartArt graphics in a document.
2. Design and format SmartArt graphics using the SmartArt tools.
What I Need to Know
What’s In

A smartArt graphic is a visual presentation of information. In MS Word,

we can quickly and easily create SmartArt graphics.

SmartArt graphics turn ordinary text into more visually appealing

information. This also makes important information easier to understand. Also,
instead of using shapes when creating diagrams, MS Word has an advanced
feature that automatically creates shapes for the diagram.

What Is It

 What are the steps in inserting SmartArt graphics in a document?

 How do we design and format SmartArt graphics using the SmartArt

SmartArt Graphic Insertion

To insert a SmartArt graphic in our document, we:

1. Select the Insert tab from the ribbon, then select SmartArt button in the
Illustrations Group.
The SmartArt Graphic dialog box appears.
2. Choose a category on the left pane.
3. Select the desired SmartArt graphic.
4. Select the OK button.

The SmartArt graphic will appear in our document.

Text Addition

To add text to a SmartArt graphic, we:
1. Select the SmartArt graphic.
2. The SmartArt task pane will be displayed on the left. If it does not,
select the arrow found on the left side of the graphic to display the
SmartArt task pane.

3. Type the text next to each bullet on the task pane. The text will be
displayed in the graphic. Observe that it will resize to fit inside the

Look at the final output below.

Input Process Output
Shape Addition
To add shape to a SmartArt graphic, we:
1. Select the SmartArt graphic, then select the SmartArt Tools Contextual
Design tab.

2. Locate where to add the new shape. Select the shape.

3. Select the Add Shape button in the Create Graphic group. A drop-
down menu will appear.

The new shape will appear.

4. Type the text next to the bullet on the task pane to display the text in
the new shape.

Look at the final output below.

Input Process Output Store
Design Groups
The SmartArt Tools Contextual Design tab is divided into four (4) groups:
1. Create Graphic group

2. Layouts group

3. SmartArt Styles group

4. Reset group

Format Groups
The SmartArt Tools Contetual Format tab is divided into five (5) groups.

1. Shapes group
2. Shape Styles group

3. WordArt Styles group

4. Arrange group

5. Size group

What I Can Do

I. Activity 1: Create a Family Tree
Directions: Create a diagram of your family tree. Make your work creative
and presentable. Refer to the sample output below.


Gomercindo Silveria

Melanie Minda Meryl

II. Activity 2: Create Diagrams

1. Open MS Word.
2. Using SmartArt graphic, copy the family tree you made on your
computer and use the SmartArt tools to design and format the diagram.
3. Save your document or you may take a picture of your work and send
it to your respective ICF 8 teacher on messenger.

III. Activity 3: Identify SmartArt Categories

Directions: Identify the category of the SmartArt graphic shown in each

number. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

a. List
b. Cycle
c. Process


a. List
b. Cycle
c. Process


a. List
b. Hierarchy
c. Relationship

a. List
b. Hierarchy
c. Relationship

5. a. List
b. Cycle
c. Process

IV. Activity 4: Choose the Letter

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the paper.

1. What kind of program is MS Word?

a. It is a tool for drawing.
b. It is a word processing program.
c. It is used for creating presentations.
2. Which part of the MS Word environment refers to the main working
area where we type the text and place the objects?
a. Ribbon
b. Documentation window
c. Quick Access toolbar

3. In which tab on the Ribbon can we find the Illustrations group?
a. Home b. Insert c. Design
4. Which group of tools is used to apply styles to a picture?
a. Adjust
b. Arrange
c. Picture Styles
5. Which button is selected to insert shapes?

a. b. c.
6. What MS Word feature turns our ordinary text into more visually
appealing information?
a. Table
b. Pictures
c. SmartArt Graphic

V. Activity 5: Reflection

Cobre, Elmeryn Joy L. et al., (2018). ICT Tools Today Grade School Series.
Computers for Digital Learners. Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 96-105.
(This is the format to be written on your paper)

Ozamiz City School of Arts and Trades

Maningcol, Ozamiz City

SY 2020 – 2021

Name: Grade&Section:
Adviser: Subject Teacher:
Subject: ICF 8 Quarter: First Quarter Module No. 9
I. Activity 1: Create a Family Tree

II. Activity 2: Create Diagrams

Are you done sending the output to your teacher on messenger? YES
or NO
Ozamiz City School of Arts and Trades
Maningcol, Ozamiz City

SY 2020 – 2021

Name: Grade&Section:
Adviser: Subject Teacher:
Subject: ICF 8 Quarter: First Quarter Module No. 10

I. Activity 3: II. Activity 4:

Identify SmartArt Categories Choose the Letter
1. 1.
2. Page 2.
III. Activity 5: Reflection

Today, I learned

From what I have learned, I

I plan to learn more about

I can use what I have learned today


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