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Q1 Answer:

In today’s modern business world, all businesses seek to protect themselves

from all manners of problems that might undermine and weaken them. Hence, it
is important for business to identify the problems through various resources and
eliminate them. Business research is a process of acquiring detailed information
of all the areas of business and using such information in maximizing the sales
and profit of the business. It helps companies to find the types of products or
service which are in demand. Research can be done for anything to acquire
knowledge or information for a professional or commercial purpose which helps a
company or a business to find the opportunities and goals. There are various
methods for identifying the problems in a business such as exploratory research,
quantitative research, descriptive research etc.
Exploratory research is used for identifying the problems in a business where
no prior information is available. This method is conducted for a research
problem when there is no past data or only a few studies or data is available for a
reference. In this type of research, a researcher tries to uncover the hidden and
unknown facts and phenomena. The main focus of this method is discovering
new ideas and acquire knowledge and information. For a beauty care product
company Dove who is launching a new shampoo for kids Needs to develop a
research methodology to identify the opportunities from the market. As there is
not much information available because very less companies are into the baby
care product, Dove will have to use the exploratory research methodology to find
out if expanding their product line will enable them to get more customers.
There are two methods for conducting exploratory research i.e., is through
primary and secondary research methods. These two methods help in
recognizing problems that can be the basis of research in the future.
Types and methodologies of Exploratory research
A. Primary Research method: In primary research method the data is collected
directly from the subject, they can be an individual auto group of people. Here
a Dove can directly conduct primary research, or they can hire a third party to
carry out such research. In this method a particular problem that needs to be
studied in detail we generally studied through various steps.
i. Surveys/polls: In this step data is collected from a group of
predetermined subjects they are sent some questions which they have to
answer through online or offline medium. It is the most vital quantitative
method in which opinions, trends, etc. can be explored. Similarly, Dove
can prepare a set of questions for people which they will have to answer
or select one of the options which will give them an idea about the likes
and dislikes of the people.
ii. Interviews: In this method a researcher takes a personal interview of a
person who are targeted to get more detailed data compared to the lot
from public sources. Hence, Dove can take an interview of mothers about
the types of products or a shampoo they would choose for their kids
because mother is the one who decides the product for their child.
iii. Focus groups: In this method researchers ask a group of chosen people
to express their thoughts about the research topic. It is very important for
the researcher to ensure that the people of a focus group have similar
background and experiences. similarly, Dove should also focus on a
parent especially mother and take their views and thoughts about the
baby care product that is shampoo that they are using for their kids. This
will give Dove ample amount of data to go through and categorize the
product for a successful launch.
iv. Observations: This is a method which can be quantitative or qualitative
because a person is analyzed in this method and the findings are aligned
with the person's reaction to certain parameters. There is no direct
communication between a researcher and the subject. Dove can hire
people or volunteers and ask them to observe parents in the shopping
complex or grocery stores about their buying behavior towards a baby
care product.
B. Secondary research method: In this method information is gathered from
previously published primary research. Data is collected from various sources
like magazines books newspapers case studies Internet etc. Similarly, Dove
scan collect information from various sources which are already published.
So, some are explained below.
i. Online Research Method: Internet is a sea of information. It provides
plenty of data which can be downloaded whenever needed by the
researcher. Dove can collect an information of the competitors and baby
care products from the Internet related to the shampoo for kids which will
help them in taking various decisions for the launch of new product. They
will also have to confirm the originality and authenticity of the websites
and the information available.
ii. literature research: It is a most economical method of finding information
on a related field of knowledge. There are various sources like libraries
commercial databases online sources which already have a lot of data
available with them.
Thus, Dove Can collate information from various sources where no prior
information is available there are other methods like case study research. In this
method researchers must ensure a thorough analysis of variables that the
previous cases have similar to those of the present case. Existing cases facing
similar problems can be analyzed in detail to find more data and information
through various case studies. Various business organizations healthcare sectors
social science sectors use this method of research for identifying their problem.
The exploratory research has flexibility and adapt to the changes that helps to
carry the research forward. It will help Dove in the initial stages to determine if the
topic is worth studying investing resources and time. Variable causes can be
found through this method, and this causes can be studied in depth to find most
probable cause and solution. It is generally economical method and rules do not
particularly apply while conducting the research.
Q2. Answer:
Literature review is a critical recap of what has already been researched on a
topic it could be anything from books journal articles or other sources. Literature
review is so important to find out what's already known about the topic and how
other researchers have approached it. It gives reader a critical overview of the
existing knowledge which shows how the research fits in it's good to look at the
methodological approaches. It finds out what's missing from the current
knowledge so that we can contribute something original that is not done before.
Literature review provides an insight into the past studies and elaborates on the
work done in a particular area. A literature review is " the selection of available
documents both published, and one published on the topic, which contains
information, ideas, data and evidences return from a particular viewpoint.
Literature reviews help to identify the development in the field of study. It is useful
in finding the information source and the research methodologies, helps to
evaluate the gaps in the literature that can become problem. it validates the
originality of research project and helps to evaluate the methods and identify the
errors to avoid it. Literature review highlights the weakness, strengths, and
controversies of topic.
Conducting a literature review:
Step1: Search for relevant literature on your topic: In this context literature just
means any academic sources like books or journal articles about the topic. First,
we need to search in the right scholarly database so something like Google,
Scholar pub Med or science direct search keywords with Boolean operators to
help filter and refine the search results.
Step 2: Evaluate and select sources: Unless the topic is super niche, we probably
can't read everything that's been written on the topic. Once we've got the sources
from step one, we need to read the abstract to scan whether an article is relevant
or not also need to scan the bibliography to find other relevant sources. We
should also pay attention to the citation count on Google Scholar if the count is
high the source is probably important, and we should include it.
Step 3: Identify themes debates and gaps: As we read and take notes, we need to
pay attention to the connections between different sources. This way we can
organize the literature reviews arguments and structure a lot easier. We should
look for trends, patterns and theories, methods or results, themes debates are
contradictions influential studies and gaps.
Step 4: Outline the literature review structure: We can go about the literature
review structure in a few ways, it all depends on what we found in the literature
and what we want to emphasize. There are four common approaches to structure
the literature review; chronological that means from older to more recent
publications, thematic so organized around several key themes for;
methodological you can compare the different research methods being used
across studies. As for theoretical we use it to discuss opposing theories or
Literature review should have an introduction, main body that summarizes and
synthesizes the sources and a conclusion just like other academic texts.

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