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Tutorial 1


Question 1
A CPUT lab technician dissolves 0.0891 g of CuSO4 in water and dilutes the solution to the
mark in a 500 ml volumetric flask. Calculate:
(a) The molar (M) concentration of the solution.
(b) The concentration of the solution in ppm.

Question 2
Given Mw (KNO3) = 101.1 g/mol, Calculate the final diluted concentration (in ppm) of 0.200
M KNO3 solution that was prepared by diluting 20.0 mL to 0.25 L.

Question 3
What is the total ion concentration in a 0.5 M Na2SO4 solution?

Question 4
What volume (in L) of a 0.100 M NaCl solution must be diluted to the calibration mark in a
250.0 mL volumetric flask to prepare a 0.20 M NaCl solution?

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