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Theoretical Interpretation of Genetic Studies in Admixed


Hanbin Lee1,2,§,† and Moo Hyuk Lee1,§

Department of Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University
These authors contributed equally.

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Admixed populations are formed through mixing of distant populations resulting in hetero-
geneous linkage disequilibrium patterns. This hampered the interpretation of genetic association
studies followed by the development of various methods tailored for the purpose without clear
guidance. In this work, we propose a unifying theory built upon population genetics and causal
inference that brings a straightforward interpretation of GWAS findings in admixed populations.
Furthermore, the theory establishes the connection between distinct methods in admixed GWAS.
Finally, we propose two novel tests motivated by our theory that combine association and admix-
ture signals.

Keywords: Genome-wide association study, GWAS, Admixture, Admixture Mapping, Population

Genetics, Causal Inference

1 Introduction
Populations that experienced recent admixture events provides an unique opportunity to understand
the genetic basis of complex traits. When two or more populations are admixed, individuals inherit
their genetic material from multiple ancestral populations. The more recent the admixture event is,
the longer the range of blocks of genetic materials originating from the same ancestry is. Hence, using
these blocks (hereafter, admixture blocks) for genome-wide scan remained popular until high-density
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers became widely available.
Admixture mapping (ADM) measures the association between the number of haplotypes from a
particular ancestry (or the local ancestry) at a region with the trait to localize genetic signals [1, 2].
When the underlying causal variant is more common compared to others, an individual is more likely
to carry the causal variant with increasing number of haplotypes inheriting from that population.
The approach has been successful in detecting disease loci associated from obesity to prostate cancer
[3, 4].
Shortly after the success of genome-wide ADM, genome-wide association study (GWAS), a associa-
tion mapping approach became popular [5]. As SNP LD blocks were generally shorter than admixture
blocks, association mapping provided higher resolution in localizing the susceptibility loci compared
to admixture mapping. However, GWAS have been performed predominantly on populations from
single continental origins such as Europeans and East Asians [6, 7].
Despite the decline in diversity in genome-wide genetic studies, statistical methods for admixed
populations have been steadily developed in the past decade. Pasaniuc and colleagues, together with
a novel combined test for association and admixture, benchmarked various methods for detecting
genetic signals in admixed populations [8]. As cohorts comprised of admixed populations (e.g. African
Americans) gradually grew in the past years, methods such as Tractor has been proposed [9]. These
methods differ in several ways. An important topic is whether to include local ancestry into the
statistical model [10, 11, 12]. However, these arguments are largely based on simulations and no
theoretical guarantees have been made. As a result, there have been no agreement in which method
to use.
In this work, we propose a unifying theory built upon population genetics and causal inference that
provides a general guidance for both association and admixture mapping in admixed populations. We
assume that the population follows the admixture model and derive the target parameters (hereafter,
estimands) of distinct methods proposed for admixed GWAS [13, 14]. The result provides provable
interpretation of statistical estiamtes delivered from admixed populations. The interpretation gives a
general guide on how to perform GWAS downstream analyses ranging from meta-analysis to genetic
correlation and heritability inference. Furthermore, statistical efficiency and power are analyzed under

the asymptotic regime. Finally, we propose provably powerful tests designed using theory to perform
admixed GWAS that combines association and admixture signals. To our knowledge, the novel tests
are the first to combine the two designs in quantitative traits.

2 Results

Trait and population models

The central argument of this work is based on the distinction between the causal variants Cij and the
marker variants Mik . i = 1, . . . , nI , j = 1, . . . , nJ and k = 1, . . . , nK are the indices of individuals,
causal variants and marker variants respectively. The boldface variables are the vector of variants
Ci = {Cij }j=1,...,nJ and Mi = {Mik }k=1,...,nK . Yi denotes the quantitative trait of an individual
which is a linear function respect to the causal variants.

Yi = α0 + Cij αj + ϵi (1)

where αj is the causal effect size of variant j and ϵi is the random error such that E[ϵi | Ci ] = 0. We
call this model the causal additive model (CAM) [15].
Suppose that there are nL ancestral populations indexed by l = 1, . . . , nL . The admixture model
we consider is determined by the ancestral reference allele frequency of markers glk and the individual’s
ancestral proportion Pil (or the global ancestry). Pi = {Pil }l=1,...,nL is the random vector of global
ancestry ( l=1 Pil = 1). For causal variants, we write flj for the reference allele frequencies. We
define admixture blocks b = 1, . . . , nB across the genome where each block has a ancestral origin
called local ancestry Lib = {Libl }l=1,...,nL . Here, Libl is the number of haplotypes of an individual
inheriting from ancestral population l. For each variant j and k, they belong to a particular block
b in which we write as j, k ∈ b with a slight abuse of notation. Variables are often written respect
to the parental origin (or haplotypes). For Lib , Ci and Mi , the superscript h = m, p (maternal and
paternal) denotes the haplotype. For example, Cij = 0, 1 is the reference allele count of the causal
variant j at the h-th haplotype.
The value at a given locus of an individual Mik (or Cij ) is determined through a two step process.
In the first step, an individual inherits its genetic material at the locus from a particular ancestral
population according to its global ancestry. Next, the reference allele count is assigned according to
the reference allele frequency of the selected ancestral population. This process is summarized in the
following causal graph (Figure 1).

m p
Mik Mik Mik

ib Pi Lp

m p
Cij Cij Cij

Figure 1: The causal graph of population genetic variables in admixed populations.

The bidirectional arrow denotes the linkage between Mik and Cij . The Pritchard-Stephens-
Donnelly (PSD) model follows the described process with additional probabilistic assumptions [13].

Linkage disequilibrium and marginal effect sizes in admixed populations

Let hljk be the joint allele frequency of Cij and Mik in the ancestral population l. The linkage
disequilibrium (LD) covariance is Dljk = hljk − flj glk . Then the marginal effect size of marker Mik
restricted to an ancestral population l is the product of the LD covariance and the causal effect size

X Dljk
βlk = αj (2)
glk (1 − glk )

A natural question is whether the marginal effect sizes in admixed populations can be expressed similar
formula (2). As formula (2) involves LD covariance, it is natural to analyze the LD in an admixed
Two regression estimators have been advocated in performing association studies in admixed pop-
ulations. The first estimator regresses the trait Yi with multiple reference allele counts for each ances-
tral population [8, 9]. Let Mikl be the number of reference allele counts from ancestry l. Therefore,
Mik = l=1 Mikl . Together, local ancestry Lib for b ∈ k is included to the regression.

X nL
X nL
Yi = β0 + Mikl βlk + Libl γlk + Pil δlk + ζik (3)
l=1 l=2 l=2

Note that the latter two summations start from l = 2 to avoid multicolinearity due to l=1 Libl = 2
and l=1 Pil = 1. Then,

βlk = βlk (4)

Hence, regression (3) recovers the ancestry specific marginal effect sizes that would have been obtained
had the regression been performed exclusively in a particular ancestral population. Therefore, the
marginal effect size obtained from regression (3) does not contain any admixture signals. Furthermore,
the coefficient of Libl , the local ancestry, is

X  flj − hljk f1j − h1jk

γlk = − αj (5)
1 − glk 1 − g1k

Thus, the local ancestry captures the effect of the causal variants that is missed by the marker. This
is the term that captures the signal due to admixture that was missed by equation (3). We return to
the issue on how marker and local ancestry capture the underlying signal later when discussing our
novel estimator combining the both.
The second estimator does not separate the minor allele counts and does not include local ancestry
[8, 10]. Only global ancestry is included as covariates. This regression is the usual one that is used in
cohorts from a single continental origin without admixture.

Yi = β0agg + Mik βkagg + agg
Pil δlk agg
+ ζik (6)

This regression recovers a variance weighted mean of βk (Pi )

E[βk (Pi )Var(Mik | Pi )]

βkagg = (7)
E[Var(Mik | Pi )]

Dljk Pil + l glk flj Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk fl k Pil Pil
′ ′
βk (Pi ) = P P 2 P αj (8)
l glk (1 − glk )Pil + l glk Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk gl k Pil Pil′


Although equation (8) is complicated at glance, for an individual that inherits all of its genome from
a single ancestral population, i.e. Pil = 1 and Pil′ = 0 for l ̸= l′ , βk (Pi ) = βlk
. Also, the numerator
is the LD between the two variants right after admixture of nL populations ignoring recombination
[16]. Therefore, it can be said that regression (6), unlike (3), captures signals from admixture.
Finally, we discuss the admixture mapping (ADM). ADM in quantitative traits is the regression

X nL
Yi = β0adm + adm
Libl γlk + adm
Pil δlk adm
+ ζik (9)
l=2 l=2

This regression yields a very intuitive estimand, for k ∈ b,

γlk = (flj − f1j )αj (10)

which is the product of the underlying causal effect and the difference of reference allele frequencies
between ancestral populations. That said, large allele frequency stratification leads to larger ADM
Because regression (6) captures admixture signals, it has a close connection to ADM that holds
when nL = 2. When the marker is in LD with the causal variant only through admixture,

(g2k − g1k )E[P1 P2 ]

βkagg = · γ adm (11)
g1 (1 − g1 )E[P1 ] + g2 (1 − g2 )E[P2 ] + (g2k − g1k )2 E[P1 P2 ] 2k

holds, which means that the two regresssion estimates essentially the same quantity that differs only
up to a constant factor. Nevertheless, the efficiency of two approaches is different where ADM is
strictly more powerful than regression (6) asymptotically.

The role of local ancestry

The inclusion of local ancestry has been a central discourse in association mapping of admixed popu-
lations [10, 11, 12]. We first analyze the effect of local ancestry on the interpretability of the marginal
effect sizes. Recently, Hou et al. argued that excluding local ancestry from regression (3) is better in
terms of power to detect marginal effect size heterogeneity across ancestries [12]. We show that this
comes at the cost of lost interpretability. When the local ancestry is omitted in regression (3), βlk
is no more βlk , and even worse, becomes a combination of parameters from multiple ancestries (see
Online Methods). It has a closed form formula when nL = 2 which is

nolanc anc
X g1k g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi1 Pi2 ]E[Pi2 ] f1j − h1jk f2j − h2jk
β1k = β1k + − αj
Λ12 1 − g1k 1 − g2k
nJ   (12)
nolanc anc
X g1k (1 − g1k )g2k E[Pi1 ]E[Pi1 Pi2 ] f2j − h2jk f1j − h1jk
β2k = β2k + − αj
Λ12 1 − g2k 1 − g1k

As a result, comparing βlk to conclude inter-ancestry difference becomes invalid. A test without local
ancestry is valid provided the LD pattern in the ancestral populations are all identical.
Another important issue is statistical power. Earlier studies have found that inclusion of local
ancestry alters the power of discovery. Three components are involved: (1) the estimand changes, (2)
the variance of the estimator changes, and (3) the degree of freedom of the test changes due to the
inclusion (or exclusion) of local ancestry. As shown in equation (4), adjusting local ancestry eliminates

the admixture LD from the estimation. Therefore, when admixture rather than linkage dominates
the signal, local ancestry adjusted tests are likely to perform poorly. In this case, ADM is strictly
more powerful than any association analysis like regression (3) and (6) (see Online Methods). In
terms of the variance of the estimators, adjusting local ancestry is likely to be harmful because local
ancestry directly affects the allele frequencies but not the trait [17]. For the degrees of freedom, it is
evident that the larger the degrees of freedom becomes, the less powerful the test becomes.

Downstream analysis using summary statistics

Since regression (3) recovers ancestry specific effect sizes, the produced summary statistics can be
used for downstream analysis such as heritability and genetic correlation estimation. However, care
is required because the effective sample size is different from what is expected from a GWAS in a
homogeneous population. The theory shows that the effective population size varies depending on the
reference allele frequencies, and as a consequence, varies across loci. This invalidates these summary
statistics as a valid input for downstream analysis such as the linkage disequilibrium score regression
(LDSC) [18].
In practice, however, a convenient approximation can be used to overcome this problem. In cases
like the UK Biobank, the ancestral proportions are concentrated in the vertices of the PCA plot
making the locus-dependent terms in the effective sample size negligible (see Methods). As a result,
the multiplying the overall ancestral proportion E[Pil ] to the overall sample size can be used as a
common effective sample size for estimating heritability and genetic correlation in the l-th ancestral

3 Discussion
In this work, we derive formal interpretation of regression coefficients of methods proposed for associ-
ation studies in admixed population. The interpretation provides a clear guidance on when to include
or exclude covariates such as local ancestry. Further characterization of the variance structure reveals
the power properties of the methods. Finally, we propose powerful tests as extensions of existing
methods based on the theoretical results we have derived.
A notable character of our work is that regressions are proved rather than assumed at first place.
We setup a trait model (the CAM) and the demographic model (the admixture model) and derive the
estimators from scratch. This way, we were able to shed light on the properties of the estimators in
the light of population genetics and causal inference. We hope that this approach becomes common in
genetic methodology development which is likely to promote new findings and enhance interpretability
of the results.
There are several limitations in this work. The current setup only considers population structure
due to admixture. Therefore, other population processes such as inbreeding and assortative mating
is not addressed [19]. Such processes breaks down the conditional independence between haplotypes
which is central to our proofs. Nonetheless, our framework remains valid under ancestry-driven
assortative mating because it is well-controlled by conditioning on the global ancestry [20, 21]. Trait-
based assortative mating, however, remains a challenge. Second, this work targeted population designs,
so the estimands of sibling designs should be addressed [22]. Further work should be made to address
these issues.

This research was supported by a grant of the MD-PhD/Medical Scientist Training Program through
the Korea Health Industry Development (KHDI), funded by the Ministry of Health and Welfare,
Republic of Korea. We thank Doc Edge (University of Southern California, USA) for providing
helpful advices after reading an early version of the manuscript.

Online Methods
Note that all vectors are column vectors unless mentioned otherwise.

The Admixture Model

As described in Results, the reference allele counts Cij and Mik are determined through a two step
process in admixed populations (Figure 1). Therefore, the joint probability of (Pi , Lib , Cij , Mik )
obeys the following factorization.

P(Pi , Lib , Cij , Mik ) = P(Pi ) · P(Lib | Pi ) · P(Cij , Mik | Lib ) (M1)

P(Pi ) is the usually referred as the prior distribution of global ancestry. In the PSD model, this
is given as the Dirichlet distribution [13].

Pi ∼ Dirichlet(α1 , . . . , αnL ) for α1 , . . . , αnL > 0 (M2)

In this work, we mostly condition on Pi so the distribution of Pi does not alter the conclusions.
Hence, we remain agnostic about the distribution of Pi .
To determine P(Lib | Pi ), we must assume that the local ancestry of two haplotypes are inde-
pendent given Pi . In other words, we allow population structure by Pi but no assortative mating or
inbreeding within a fixed Pi . Given the independence, P(Lib | Pi ) follows a multinomial distribution
with two trials and the probability of each choice given by the global ancestry Pi .

Lib | Pi ∼ Multinomial(n = 2, p = Pi ) (M3)

Determining the joint conditional probability P(Cij , Mik | Lib ) will be deferred to the next section
when we derive the estimands of the regressions (3) and (6). Here, estimand stands for the target
parameter in which the regression estimates [23]. Instead, we only write the marginal conditional
expectations E[Cij | Lib ] and E[Mik | Lib ].

X nL
E[Cij | Lib ] = flj Libl and E[Mik | Lib ] = glk Libl (M4)
l=1 l=1

The conditional expectation conditional only on the global ancestry is also important. This is obtained

through the law of total expectation.

E[Cij | Pi ] = EL [E[Cij | Pi , Lib ] | Pi ]

= EL [E[Cij | Lib ] | Pi ]
"n #

= EL flj Libl Pi
l=1 (M5)
= flj EL [Libl | Pi ]
=2 flj Pil

and similarly E[Mik | Pi ] = 2 l=1 glk Pil . The second line follows from the conditional independence
Cij ⊥
⊥ Pi | Lib encoded in Figure 1.

Models, Estimators and Regressions

Models and estimators are frequently conflated in literature as in the case of linear regression and
a data generating process following a linear function. Although the confusion may not have notable
consequences when the estimator is directly derived from the model, it is of central importance in our
work because we have multiple estimators for a single model.
The model describes the data generating process. The causal additive model postulates that the
quantitative trait of interest is generated in terms of an additive function of causal variants.

Yi = α0 + Cij αj + ϵi (M6)

This is an example of a data generating process that follows a linear functional relationship.
An estimator is an algorithm that estimates the parameter of a given model from data. If we
had known which variants were the causal variants, it would have been possible to estimate α =
{αj }j=1,...,nJ directly through the ordinary least square (OLS) estimator. Let Y = {Yi }i=1,...,nI and
X = {Xi }i=1 ...,nI be the dependent and the explanatory variable respectively. The OLS estimator is

(XT X)−1 XY (M7)

When the model assumes that Yi is linear respect to Xi , then the OLS estimator is unbiased for
the coefficients of Xi . In the causal additive model, the OLS estimator produces a estimate α
b =
b i }i=1,...,nI ) (according to equation (M7)), a function of the data Zi = (1, Yi , Ci ), that estimates

the model parameter α (here, 1 is the intercept). Explicitly, let Wi = (1, Ci ) and W = {Wi }i=1,...,nI .

b = (WT W)−1 WY
α (M8)

Since α
b is an unbiased estimator for α, people frequently write equation (M6) to denote the OLS
estimator (M8).
In real data, the distinction between the model and the estimator becomes clearer. Causal variants
are seldom observed themselves and usually the marker variants are observed. Therefore, regression
is performed based on the observed markers as in regression (3) and (6). As the true model is
equation (M6), the two regressions are not a description of the data generating process. Rather, they
are referring to the OLS estimators, both with Yi as the dependent variable, (1, Mikl , Libl , Pil ) and
(1, Mik , Pil ) as the explanatory variables respectively. The formulas are given identical to equation
In summary, a model is the data generating process and an estimator is an algorithm that estimates
the parameter of the model using data. Regression is frequently used as a substitute for estimator when
the estimator can be expressed in a linear functional form. In practice, with an abuse of language,
regression is often described as if it is a data generating process. Therefore, the readers should discern
between a model and an estimator when the regression is described in such a way.

Estimands of Regressions

Now we prove equation (2), (5) and (7). The first two results are proved together by showing that

E[Yi | Mik , Lib , Pi ] = β0

X Dljk
+ Mikl αj
glk (1 − glk )
nL   (M9)
X flj − hljk f1j − h1jk
+ Libl − αj
1 − glk 1 − g1k
+ Pil δlk

for some constant β0 , δlk and a vector variable Mik = {Mikl }l=1,...,nL .

 
E[Yi | Mik , Lib , Pi ] = E α0 + Cij αj + ϵi Mik , Lib , Pi 

= α0 + E[Cij | Mik , Lib , Pi ]αj
= α0 + E[Cij | Mik , Lib , Pi ]αj + E[Cij | Mik , Lib , Pi ]αj (M10)
j∈b j ∈b
= α0 + E[Cij | Mik , Lib ]αj + E[Cij | Pi ]αj
j∈b j ∈b
"n #

= α0 + E[Cij | Mik , Lib ]αj + 2flj Pil αj

j∈b j ∈b
/ l=1

Now, it remains to compute E[Cij | Mik , Lib ] for j, k ∈ b.

E[Cij | Mik , Lib ] = 2E[Cij | Mik , Lib ]
= 2P(Cij = 1 | Mik , Lib ) (M11)
P(Cij = 1, Mik | Lib )
P(Mik | Lib )
Since l=1 Libl = 2, only two cases arise. It is either Libl = 2 for some l and Libl′ = 0 for all l′ ̸= l,
or Libl = Libl′ = 1 for some l, l′ and 0 otherwise. Therefore, it suffice to prove for the nL = 2 case.

Case 1: (Lib1 , Lib2 ) = (2, 0). The possible combinations of (Mik1 , Mik2 ) are (0, 0), (1, 0) and (2, 0).

h h
P(Cij = 1, Mik | Lib ) P(Cij = 1, Mik1 | Lib )
2· =2·
P(Mik | Lib ) P(Mik1 | Lib )

f −h

 2 · 1j1−g1k1jk : Mik1 = 0

= f1j −h1jk + h1jk : Mik1 = 1 (M12)
 1−g1k g1k

2 · h1jk

: Mik1 = 2
D1jk f1j − h1jk
= Mik1 + 2 ·
g1k (1 − g1k ) 1 − g1k

Case 2: (Lib1 , Lib2 ) = (1, 1). The possible combinations of (Mik1 , Mik2 ) are (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) and
(1, 1).

h h
P(Cij = 1, Mik | Lib ) P(Cij = 1, Mik1 | Lib )
2· =2·
P(Mik | Lib ) P(Mik1 | Lib )

f1j −h1jk f2j −h2jk
1−g1k + 1−g2k : (Mik1 , Mik2 ) = (0, 0)

 h1jk + f2j −h2jk

: (Mik1 , Mik2 ) = (1, 0)

g1k 1−g2k
= (M13)
f −h h
 1j1−g1k1jk + g2jk : (Mik1 , Mik2 ) = (0, 1)

 2k

 h1jk + h2jk

: (Mik1 , Mik2 ) = (1, 1)
g1k g2k
X Dljk X flj − hljk
= Mikl + Libl
glk (1 − glk ) 1 − glk
l=1,2 l=1,2

Finally, substituting Lib1 = 2 − Lib2 gives the desired result.

Formula (7) is proved in Lee and Lee [15]. Here, we prove equation (8).

Proof. Note that

X Djk (Pi )
βk (Pi ) = (M14)
Var[Mik | Pi ]

h h h h h h
where Djk (Pi ) = P(Mik = 1, Cij = 1 | Pi ) − P(Mik = 1 | Pi ) · P(Cij = 1 | Pi ) = Cov[Mik , Cij | Pi ]
[15]. The numerator can be computed using the law of total covariance.

h h h h
Cov[Mik , Cij | Pi ] = E[Cov(Mik , Cij | Lh
ib , Pi ) | Pi ]

+ Cov[E(Mik | Lh h h
ib , Pi ), E(Cij | Lib , Pi ) | Pi ]

h h
= E[Cov(Mik , Cij | Lh
ib ) | Pi ]

+ Cov[E(Mik | Lh h h
ib ), E(Cij | Lib ) | Pi ] (M15)
"n # "n nL #
glk Lh fl′ k Lh

=E Dljk Libl Pi + Cov ibl , ibl

l=1 l=1 l′ =1
= Dljk E[Lh
ibl | Pi ] + glk fl′ j Cov[Lh h
ibl , Libl′ | Pi ]
l=1 l,l′

Since Lh h
ib follows a multinomial distribution with n = 1 and probability given by Pi , E[Libl | Pi ] =
′ ′
Pil . Also, Cov[Lh h
ibl , Libl′ | Pi ] is Pil (1 − Pil ) if l = l and −Pil Pil′ if l ̸= 1 respectively. Substituting

these to equation (M15) gives the numerator as desired.

The denominator can be computed similarly using the law of total variance.

h h h
Var[Mik | Pi ] = E[Var(Mik | Lib ) | Pi ] + Var[E(Mik | Lib ) | Pi ]
"n # "n #

glk (1 − glk )Lh glk Lh

ibl Pi + Var ibl
l=1 l=1
= glk (1 − glk )E[Lh
ibl | Pi ] + glk gl′ k Cov[Lh h
ibl , Libl′ | Pi ]
l=1 l,l′

Using the covariance formula of the multinomial distribution as the numerator finishes the proof.

Exclusion of Local Ancestry and Interpretability

Proof. Obtaining the coefficient of Mikl without Libl requires computing P[Libl | Mik , Pi ]. Here, P
is the linear projection [24]. The coefficient of Mikl of this projection is the bias term. Following the
Frisch-Waugh-Lovell (FWL) theorem, the coefficient is equal to the coefficient of P[Libl | Mik −E(Mik |
Pi )] [24, 25]. By the definition of linear projection, this coefficient is

Var[Mik − E(Mik | Pi )]−1 Cov[Mik − E(Mik | Pi ), Libl ] (M17)

This hold because E = P when E is linear respect to the conditional variables.

We first compute Var[Mik − E(Mik | Pi )]. The l-th diagonal element is

Var[Mikl − E(Mikl | Pi )] = E[Var(Mikl | Pi )]

= 2E[Var(Mikl | Pi )]
= 2E[Var(E[Mikl | Lh h h
ibl ] | Pi ) + E(Var[Mikl | Libl ] | Pi )]

= 2E[Var(glk Lh h
ibl | Pi ) + E(glk [1 − glk ]Lbil | Pi )]
= 2E[glk Var(Lh h
ibl | Pi ) + glk (1 − glk )E(Lbil | Pi )]

= 2E[glk Pil (1 − Pil ) + glk (1 − glk )Pil ]
= 2glk E[Pil (1 − Pil )] + 2glk (1 − glk )E[Pil ]

and the value at (l, l′ ) is

Cov[Mikl − E(Mikl | Pi ), Mikl′ − E(Mikl′ | Pi )] = E[Cov(Mikl , Mikl′ | Pi )]

h h
= 2E[Cov(Mikl , Mikl ′ | Pi )]

= 2glk gl′ k E[Cov(Lh h

ibl , Libl′ | Pi )]

= 2glk gl′ k E[−Pil Pil′ ]

= −2glk gl′ k E[Pil Pil′ ]

h h h ′
due to Cov[Mikl , Mikl ′ | Li ] = 0 if l ̸= l . The inverse matrix is complicated for general l but can be

computed in the l = 2 case. The formula is provided at the end of the section.
Next, we compute Cov[Mik − E(Mik | Pi ), Libl ]. The l′ -th element is

Cov[Mikl′ − E(Mikl′ | Pi ), Libl ] = E[Cov(Mikl′ , Libl | Pi )]

h h
= 2E[Cov(Mikl ′ , Libl | Pi )]

= 2E[Cov(gl′ k Lh h
ibl′ , Libl | Pi )]
= 2gl′ k E[Cov(Lh h
ibl′ , Libl | Pi )]

2gl′ k E[Pil (1 − Pil )] if l = l′

−2gl′ k E[Pil Pil′ ] if l ̸= l′

For general nL , it is hard to derive the closed form solution of this result. Nevertheless, nL = 2
case can be computed using the inverse formula of 2 × 2 matrices. Additionally, further simplification
can be made by Pi1 + Pi2 = 1.

 −1
g1k E[Pi1 (1 − Pi1 )] + g1k (1 − g1k )E[Pi1 ] −g1k g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ]
 
−g1k g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ] g2k E[Pi2 (1 − Pi2 )] + g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi2 ]
  (M21)
1  2k E[P i2 (1 − P i2 )] + g2k (1 − g2k )E[P i2 ] g g
1k 2k E[P P
i1 i2 ]
= 
∆12 g1k g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ] 2
g E[Pi1 (1 − Pi1 )] + g1k (1 − g1k )E[Pi1 ]


∆12 = g1k (1 − glk )g2k E[Pi1 ]E[Pi1 Pi2 ]
2 (M22)
+ g1k g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi1 Pi2 ]E[Pi2 ]

+ g1k (1 − g1k )g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi1 ]E[Pi2 ]

Then we multiply the inverse matrix to the second term.
 
g2k E[Pi2 (1 − Pi2 )] + g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi2 ] g1k g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ]
 
g1k g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ] g1k E[Pi1 (1 − Pi1 )] + g1k (1 − g1k )E[Pi1 ]

 
−g1k E[Pi1 Pi2 ] (M23)
 
g2k E[Pi1 Pi2 ]
 
−g1k g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi1 Pi2 ]E[Pi2 ]
= 
g1k (1 − g1k )g2k E[Pi1 ]E[Pi1 Pi2 ]

Therefore, gathering the terms gives

X g1k g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi1 Pi2 ]E[Pi2 ]  f1j − h1jk f2j − h2jk

nolanc anc
β1k = β1k + − αj (M24)
∆12 1 − g1k 1 − g2k


X g1k (1 − g1k )g2k E[Pi1 ]E[Pi1 Pi2 ]  f2j − h2jk f1j − h1jk

nolanc anc
β2k = β2k + − αj (M25)
∆12 1 − g2k 1 − g1k

The Impact of Local Ancestry on Precision

fik = Mik − E[Mik | Pi ] and M
Let M f ik = Mik − E[Mik | Lib ]. We borrow the results of Ding (2021)

and Buja et al. (2014) [25, 26].

b − β −−−−→ N 0, E M
i−1 h
2 f fT
i h
nI β k k
f ik M
ik E ζ ik M ik Mik E M
f ik M
nI →∞
√  bagg  h i−2 h
2 f2
nI β − β agg −−−−→ N 0, E M
k k
fik E (ζ agg ) M ik
nI →∞

where ζik and ζik are the residuals appearing in regression (3) and (6) respectively. The expectations
in the right hand side are difficult to compute. The calculations can be greatly eased by assuming
that the variance explained by the causal variants linked to variant k is small relative to the total
genetic variance [27]. Furthermore, we must assume that ϵi has constant variance. Then,
√   h
nI β b − β −−−−→ N 0, E M
k k
f ik M
ik E ηi2
nI →∞
 i−1   (M27)
√  bagg  h
nI β − β agg −−−−→ N 0, E M
k k
fik E ηi2
nI →∞

where ηi = ϵi + j=1 [Cij − l=1 2flj Pil ].

Now, the expectations appearing the limit distributions can be expressed in terms of population
h i
genetic parameters. E M f T = Var[Mik − E(Mik | Pi )] so the diagonal elements are given by
f ik M

equation (M18) and the non-diagonal elements are given by equation (M19). The remaining terms
h i
E Mf2 = E[Var(Mik | Pi )]

= 2E[Var(Mik | Pi )]
= 2E[Var(E[Mik | Lh h h
ib ] | Pi ) + E(Var[Mik | Lib ] | Pi )]
" nL
! nL
= 2E Var glk Lhibl Pi +E glk (1 − glk )Lh
bil Pi

l=1 l=1
 
X XnL (M28)
glk gl′ k Cov Lh h
glk (1 − glk )E Lh
= 2E  ibl , Libl′ | Pi + bil | Pi

l,l′ l=1
 
XnL X nL
= 2E  glk Pil (1 − Pil ) + glk gl′ k (−Pil Pil′ ) + glk (1 − glk )Pil 
l=1 l̸=l′ l=1
X X nL
=2 glk E[Pil (1 − Pil )] − 2 glk gl′ k E[Pil Pil′ ] + 2 glk (1 − glk )E[Pil ]
l=1 l̸=l′ l=1


E[ηi2 ] = E[Var(Yi | Pi )]
= Var[Yi ] − Var[E(Yi | Pi )]

which is the variance of Yi subtracted by the variance explained by Pi . The relative efficiency of
regression (3) and (6) is not affected by this term. Note that E[Yi | Pi ] is the mean polygenic score
given Pi as E[ϵi | Pi ] = 0.
We focus on the Wald test because the test, log-likelihood test (LRT) and F -test are all asymp-
totically equivalent at the true parameter [28]. Regression (3) tests β k = 0 ∈ RnL and regression (6)
tests βkagg = 0. The corresponding test statistics asymptotically (nI → ∞) obeys

√  T  h i−1  −1 √  
b −β T 2 2
Tn = nI β k k E M
f ik M
ik E ηi n I β
k − β k ∼ χnL

 h i−1  −1 √  (M30)

Tnagg = nI βbkagg − βkagg 2
E Mik
f E ηi2 nI βbkagg − βkagg ∼ χ21

Note that we used the asymptotic variances themselves instead of the estimator. Also, we assumed
that the inverted matrices are non-singular.

A similar argument gives an identical statement for ADM.
√   h i−1
b adm γ adm eT
nI γ k − k −−−−→ N 0, E L
e ib(−1) L
ib(−1) E ηi (M31)
nI →∞

where γ k = {γlk }l=2,...,nL and L

e ib = Lib − E[Lib | Pi ]. The corresponding Wald statistic is

√  T  h i−1  −1  
Tnadm = nI γb adm
k − γ adm
k E L eT
e ib(−1) L
ib(−1) E ηi2 b adm
γ k − γ adm
k ∼ χ2nL −1 (M32)

Comparing the two test statistics Tnagg and Tnadm under the only-admixture LD scenario with nL = 2
shows that

Tnadm g1k (1 − g1k )E[Pi1 ] + g2k (1 − g2k )E[Pi2 ] + (g1k − g2k )2 E[Pi1 Pi2 ]
agg −−−−→ >1 (M33)
Tn nI →∞ (g2k − g1k )2 E[Pi1 Pi2 ]

Hence, ADM is strictly powerful than regression (6) asymptotically.

Combining Association and Admixture Signals

We prove equation (??) and (??).

Proof. When Mik = Cij and variant j is the only causal variant (in block b), fljk = flj = glk and
Dljk = glk − glk glk = glk (1 − glk ). Substituting the above equation to equation (8) gives
Dljk Pil + l glk flj Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk fl k Pil Pil
′ ′
βk (Pi ) = P P 2 P αj
l glk (1 − glk )Pil + l glk Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk gl′ k Pil Pil′
P P 2 P
l glk (1 − glk )Pil + l glk Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk gl′ k Pil Pil′ (M34)
=P P 2 P αj
l glk (1 − glk )Pil + l glk Pil (1 − Pil ) − l̸=l′ glk gl′ k Pil Pil′

= αj

As a result,

E[βk (Pi )Var(Mik | Pi )]

βkagg =
E[Var(Mik | Pi )]
E[αj Var(Mik | Pi )]
E[Var(Mik | Pi )] (M35)
E[Var(Mik | Pi )]
= αj
E[Var(Mik | Pi )]
= αj

Hence, we proved equation (??).

To prove equation (??), we consider the case when variant j is the only causal variant (in block

b), and marker k is unlinked to j. Then βlk = 0 for all l and flj − hljk = flj − flj glk = flj (1 − glk ).
Substituting the latter equation to equation (5) gives
flj − hljk f1j − h1jk
γlk = − αj
1 − glk 1 − g1k
flj (1 − glk ) f1j (1 − g1k ) (M36)
= − αj
1 − glk 1 − g1k
= (flj − f1j )αj

as desired.

Based on the above two results, we formulate a Z-estimator combining the association and admix-
ture [28]. We first define two composite random vectors

Wi = (1, Mik , Pi(−1) ) and Zi = (1, Nib(−1) , Pi(−1) ) (M37)

where Nib = {(flj − f1j )Libl }l=1,...,nL and the subscript (−1) stands for the omission of the first
element. The corresponding coefficients are

β W,(−1) = (β0agg , αj , δ agg

k(−1) ) and β Z,(−1) = (β0 , αj , . . . , αj , δ k(−1) ) (M38)
| {z }
(nL −1)-copies

The moment function ψ is

  
Wi Yi − WiT β W,(−1)
ψ(Wi , Zi ; β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1) ) =     ∈ R3nL ×1 (M39)
Zi Yi − Zi β Z,(−1)

h i
which obeys E ψ(Wi , Zi ; β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1) ) = 0. As a result, we have total nL -constraints on αj .
Note that considering only the first (nL + 1) components WiT Yi − β W,(−1) Wi are identical to
OLS. Augmenting additional (2nL − 1) constraints is at least as asymptotically efficient as the OLS
[29, 30, 31]. The latter constraints only is simply the admixture mapping.
The estimators of β W,(−1) and β Z,(−1) of defined as

β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1)
 T (M40)
"n # "n #
X I  XI  
= argmin ψ i β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1) Ω ψ i β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1)
β W,(−1) ,β Z,(−1) i=1 i=1

for some positive definite weighting matrix Ω ∈ R3nL ×3nL , and due to space constraints, we write

ψ i β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1) = ψ Wi , Zi ; β W,(−1) , β Z,(−1) .

Non-constant causal effect

The causal effect of a variant can vary depending on the genetic backgroud (gene-by-gene interaction,
G×G) and the environment (gene-by-environment, G×E) in which the individual is exposed to. A
researcher might want to estimate the effect of these phenomenons while avoiding confounding due to
these effects.
A classic approach to estimate G×G and G×E was to include interactions to the regression and
interpret the coefficients of the interaction terms as such effects. However, interactions terms can
have multiple interpretations depending on the context. For example, interaction can mean either
joint treatment effect or effect modification where each entity generally have different identification
conditions [32, 33]. Under the G×G and the G×E paradigm, it is usually the effect modification that
is of interest to the researcher.
To avoid such complication while maintaining a simple regression framework, we propose a ex-
tension of regression (3) that allows the causal effect αj to vary across the genetic background (in
this case, the global ancestry) and the environment (such as biological sex). Then, we can express

αj = αj +A Ci(−b) , Ei as a function of remaining causal variants Ci(−b) and the environment Ei . To
maintain the average causal effect interpretation of αj , we constrain A to satisfy E A Ci(−b) , Ei = 0
without loss of generality.
Let Ei be the environmental variable. Then the regression (3) generalizes to

E[Yi | Mik , Lib , Pi ] = β0

X Dljk   
+ Mikl αj + E A Ci(−b) , Ei | Pi , Ei
glk (1 − glk )
nL   (M41)
X flj − hljk f1j − h1jk   
+ Libl − αj + E A Ci(−b) , Ei | Pi , Ei
1 − glk 1 − g1k
+ Pil δlk

Although additional assumptions should be imposed in most cases, several notable examples do not

require any assumption on the function A Ci(−b) , Ei because Ei is discrete and can be expressed in
terms of dummy indicators. Gene-by-sex interaction is one such example [34]. If we denote Zi = 0, 1
to be the biological sex, A Ci(−b) , Ei = η Zi − 12 where η is a constant and 12 is the mean of

Zi . This means that one only requires to include the interactions of Mikl and Libl with Zi − 2 to
incorporate the effect modification of a variant by sex. Of course, the mean can be obtained from

census data or simply replaced by a sample mean Z = nI i=1 Zi . The subtraction by the mean of
Zi is necessary to maintain the average effect interpretation of αj [35, 36]. If one further assumes that

A Ci(−b) , Ei is a linear function respect to Ci(−b) and Ei , interacting both Mikl and Libl with Pi
and Ei will suffice.

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