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Import-Export Say ‘Cheese’ There was a 10 per cent increase in British exports last year. One of the reasons is that British cheese is becoming fashionable in Japan. The Japanese serve small pieces before dinner parties. Japan is now in the top ten buyers of British products. It spent £252 million last year on British products; 20 per cent of that was on cheese. British cheese has become popular in Japan. Exports of this product to Japan are currently high. Which markets does your country import from? What goods does your country import? Which of your country’s imports are upmarket goods? Which markets does your country export to? What local products or specialities could your hometown export? What is your country’s biggest export? AnaAWNo 1- We import a lot of cars from Germany, Japan, China, Italy, Spain... // We import petrol from the Emirates and from Russia... // we import gas from Russia... 2- Cars, petrol, gas, alcohol, rice, coffee, tea, cocoa, fruit and vegetables... 3- Petrol is an upmarket product for example. 4- We export planes to China, India, the USA... We export wine to Asia, Russia, the USA... 5- Local products we export seafood to the rest of France and the rest of Europe. 6- France’s biggest export is probably ... cheese / wine / cereal... and services: aeronautical products... France is the second-largest trading nation in Europe (after Germany). Its foreign trade balance for goods had been in surplus from 1992 until 2001, reaching $25.4 billion (25.4 GS) in 1998; however, the French balance of trade was hit by the economic downturn, and went into the red in 2000, reaching a USS15bn deficit in 2003. Total trade for 1998 amounted to $730 billion, or 50% of GDP—imports plus exports of goods and services. Trade with European Union countries accounts for 60% of French trade. In 1998, U.S.-France trade stood at about $47 billion—goods only. According to French trade data, U.S. exports accounted for 8.7%--about $25 billion—of France's total imports. U.S. industrial chemicals, aircraft and engines, electronic components, telecommunications, computer software, computers and peripherals, analytical and scientific instrumentation, medical instruments and supplies, broadcasting equipment, and programming and franchising are particularly attractive to French importers. The principal French exports to the United States are aircraft and engines, beverages, electrical equipment, chemicals, cosmetics, luxury products and perfume. France is the ninth-largest trading partner of the U.S.

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