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Seven Segment Display

1- Faisal Abdullah Saeed Bakhalah
2- Abdulaziz Mohammed Saeed Bawaked

Dr. Maged Aldhaeebi

August 15, 2022

Seven Segment Display


-Seven segment displays are made up of LEDs combined such that they can be
used to display numbers.

-they are made of seven LEDs.

-are made up of LEDs in a square matrix form to give an indication of a letter,

number or symbol.

-Seven segment displays can be in form of common anode or common cathode.

-They can also be in form of single digit or multi digit seven segment displays.

-Seven-segment displays are used in many types of everyday products, for

example, in a tablet-bottling system to give an indication of measurement types
such as temperature or a reading on calculator.

-The 7-segment display for the bottling system is controlled by logic circuits
which encodes a decimal number in binary form consequently activating
suitable LEDs of the display.

-7-segment displays cannot only indicate numbers (0 to 9), they can also display
some alphabets.
History of Seven Segment Display:
Carl Kinsley invented a method of telegraphically transmitting letters and
numbers and having them printed on tape in a segmented format. In 1908, F.
W. Wood invented an 8-segment display, which displayed the number 4 using a
diagonal bar . In 1910, a seven-segment display illuminated by incandescent
bulbs was used on a power-plant boiler room signal panel. They were also used
to show the dialed telephone number to operators during the transition from
manual to automatic telephone dialing. They did not achieve widespread use
until the advent of LEDs in the 1970s.

Types of Seven Segment Displays:

Common cathode and common anode are the two types of 7-segment LED
displays. The main difference between these two displays is that the common
cathode connects all 7-segment cathodes, while the common anode connects
all 7-segment anodes.

1-Common Anode Seven Segment Display

Power must be applied externally at the anode connector common to all

segments when working with the CA seven-segment display. Using the ground
to the segment’s connection (a-g) will turn on the segment. An additional
resistor must also be added to the circuit to limit current flow through each
segment of LEDs.
2-Common Cathode Seven Segment Display

Common cathode seven segments are different than standard anode segments
in that all the LEDs’ cathodes are connected. To use this segment, the common
cathode must be grounded. The appropriate segment must then be illuminated
by power.

Seven Segment Display Features:

-The 7-segment can be interfaced with nearly every module/device.

-To turn on the LED, it needs 3V
-Because of its internal structure, the current cannot flow from one side to
-One device can display up to 10 decimal digitals.
-Displays can be used to display multiple digits. The display’s number will
increase with each use.
Applications of Seven Segment Displays:
-Seven segments can be used in digital calculators and electronic meters,
digital clocks, and clock radios.
-Because of their low current consumption, LCDs are used in most 7-segment
applications today.

Common applications of seven-segment displays are in:

-Digital clocks.
-Clock radios.
-Motor-vehicle odometers.
-Radiofrequency indicators.

-Ease of handling with 7- segment display And the ease of its design.
-This work gives us a correct understanding of how 7- segment display And how
each one works separately.
-A digital implementation was made to display the numbers on the screen and
how to display them through logic gates and how to control them.


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