Adaptation of Potato Varieties of Hungary To The Certain Conditions

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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

Adaptation of Potato Varieties of Hungary to the Certain Conditions

Zsolt Polgar
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences – Potato Research Center

М. А. Тashmatova
Uzbekistan-Hungary Potato Research Center

М. U. Kholdarov, S. S. Lapasov, Sh. R. Аripova, D. Тursunov, О. Ismoyilov

Research institute Vegetable, melon crops and potato

Abstract: According to the cooperation agreement between the "Hungarian University of

Agriculture and Life Sciences - Potato Research Center" of Hungary and the Ministry of
Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed in Budapest on February 17, 2021, 6 varieties
of Hungarian selection - "Balaton Rossa", "Demon", "Botond", "White", "Balatoni Sarga" potato
variety samples were brought for testing in the soil and climate conditions of our Republic and
were carried out in the experimental field of the institute in the Tashkent region, Bostonliq
district and Samarkand. was tested at the station. In this article, in the test results, Hungarian
potato varieties "Balatoni Rossa", "Demon", "Botond", "White", "Balatoni Sarga" gave excellent
results. The results of scientific research on the establishment of primary seed production of
"Balatoni Sarga" varieties are presented.
Keywords: potato, in vitro, plant, micro tuber, mini tuber, harvest.
Introduction. Today, potatoes are sold in more than 130 countries in total 21.5 million. 351 mln.
per hectare. more than tons of potatoes are being grown. In the world, potato is the second most
important crop after wheat, rice, and corn. Potatoes are a source of protein, starch, various
vitamins, mineral salts and macro and micro elements important for humans. Potato tubers
contain D. It was found that there are 26 elements in Mendeleev's periodic table. Potato tubers
contain 76.3% water, 23.7% dry matter, 17.5% starch, 0.5% sugar, 1-2% protein, 1% mineral
salts [2, 3].
Potato farming is important in ensuring the food security of our country. That is why potatoes are
called "second bread". In order to develop potato cultivation, according to the decision of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-4704 dated May 6, 2020, it was determined in
the decision of measures to expand potato cultivation and further development of seed
production in the republic [1].
Research object. potato varieties "Balatoni Rossa", "Demon", "Botond", "White", "Balatoni
Sarga" created by Professor Jolt Polgar of "Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life
Sciences - Potato Research Center" of Hungary, entered into the State Register in 2022 served.

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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 6 | Jun -2023 | 168
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

Balatoni Rossa variety Bоtоnd variety Demon variety

White variety Balatoni Sarga variety

The purpose of the study. Introduction of seed potato production technology for Uzbekistan,
which will enable local production of seed potatoes using resistant varieties at competitive
Research results. In 2022, 52,000 mini tuganas brought from the samples of the Hungarian
selection of the potato varieties –"Balatoni Rossa", "Demon", "Botond", "White", "Balatoni
Sarga"-were placed in the refrigerator warehouses of the Research Institute for vegetable, pulses
and potato growing in the tinim period. At the same time, the 2Uzbekistan-Hungary Potato
Research Centerreceived 2,500 plants for propagation in vitro conditions.
On may 5, 2022, the Research Institute of vegetable, pulses and potato growing and the
Uzbekistan-Hungary potato growing scientific center signed an agreement to grow 5 varieties of
Hungarian selection-"Balatoni Rossa", "Demon", "Botond", "White", "Balatoni Sarga" potato
varieties in vitro plants, microtuganaks and minituganaks in the way proposed by Hungarian
experts. According to this agreement, 52 thousand mini-tubers of potatoes were planted in a
modern greenhouse of 0.10 s of the Research Institute of vegetable, melon crops and potato
growing on May 6-29, 2022. Mini tubers potato variety specimens before planting, 6-hole plastic
crates of 60x40 CM were prepared and placed in half in the crates with pure peat with a diameter
of (0.5 and 0.7) cm. 35, 50 pieces were planted in each of these crates, depending on the yield of
mini-bricks. The top layer is filled with pure peat.
Water from 5 liters was poured into mini-tubers planted in each planted crate. For the second
time, a 1% solution of macro elements (6:14:30, N:P:K) was prepared and fed 10 grams per 10
liters of water. The work of watering and feeding plants through the system of rainwater
irrigation of mini-tubers planted in greenhouse conditions was carried out in an automated way
through this system. Plants were watered on average once every 3 days.
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 6 | Jun- 2023 | 169
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

In the studies, phenological monitoring was carried out in the period from germination of
sprouts, germination to germination and flowering of 10-75% of all varietal specimens planted.
In all varieties planted according to this, it took 15-17 days for 10% of sprouts to germinate 75%
if it took 8-15 days to germinate. According to the zoning of sprouted sprouts, only the "Balatoni
Rossa" variety was observed, in which 10-75% of the planted variety specimens had a flowering
period of 33-40 days, while 75% of the planted variety specimens had a flowering period of 36-
43 days.
Also reflected in experiments when biometric measurements were made on the stem number of
plants in potato variety specimens as well as the stem height of "Balatoni Rossa", the stem height
of the variety specimen was 15 cm higher compared to the varieties "Demon", "Balatoni Sarga"
and " Bоtоnd","White Lady", as well as 1.1 pieces higher in the number of stems (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Appearance of potato variety specimens.

In the samples of the potato variety of Hungarian selection, it was fed with macro -, micro-
elements, as such, various preparations and drugs were used to combat diseases and pests.
The planted potato mini-tubers were fed with macro-micro elements every 3 days from
germination to crop ripening 20 days before harvest.
The macro and micro elements of each food were fed over (rain) every 3-4 days, as well as under
the plant, according to the condition of the plants.
Also in conjunction with the Institute's plant protection laboratory, it was applied from various
preparts against disease and and pests. Potatoes were processed from plant leaf a total of 8 times
against white wing and potato moth insects and diseases.
White wing with the drug Mospilan (Acetylamipsin, Acetylamiride) 20%, 15 gr per 100 liters of
water against whitefly., A mixture of 60 g per 120 liters of water against potato moth with the
drug" EMEMETLEN benzoate "5%, 0.4 kg per 0.5 tons of water against potato phytophytrosis
with the drug" ORDAN fungicide "and 0.4 kg per 0.5 tons of water with the drug"
EMAMECTUR BENSUATE " 30% was prepared and sprinkled.
It was planted and grown in June-October 2022 in a special experimental greenhouse of the
Research Institute of vegetable, pulses and potato growing in order to obtain highly reproducible
seeds from mini-tubers of potatoes imported from Hungary.
In June-October 2022, mini-tubers of Hungarian potato varieties grown in a greenhouse were
harvested from September 15 to October 10, depending on the ripening period. 25,390 units of
the Hungarian variety "Botond"; 16,000 units of the "Balatoni Rossa" variety; 2,767 units of the
"Balatoni Sárga" variety; 1,360 units of the "Démon" variety; 30 units of the "White Lady"
variety were grown for a total of 45,547 units or 407 kg of tubers.
Conclusion. These potato seeds obtained were placed in a state-of-the-art warehouse of the
Research Institute of vegetable, rosehip crops and potato growing to serve the tinim period and
preserve quality, and observations were made on proper storage.

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 6 | Jun- 2023 | 170
license, visit
International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

The list of used literatures

1. Ostonakulov T.E. Khamzaev A.X. Scientific basis of potato growing in Uzbekistan.// T.,
Fan., 2008. – B.465..
2. Safin R.I., Zaitseva T.V. Potato resistance to tuberous infections. //Zh. Potatoes and
vegetables. – M., 2014. 11. – Pp. 29-30.
3. Tursunov D.T., Nizamov R.A., Khushwagtov N., Nurmamatov F. Study and enrichment of
the potato gene pool. The role and prospects of Science in the fields of vegetable growing,
growing and potato growing in Uzbekistan. Republican scientific and practical conference
lecture series. T., 2016. – Pp.132-135.

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 6 | Jun- 2023 | 171
license, visit

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