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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

Composition of the Process of Long-Term Preparation of Athletes and Their

Relationship with Their Physical Development

Talibjonov Sardorbek
Kokan DPI Faculty of Physical Culture, His student

Abstract: Relevance of the topic. Today, the process of training highly qualified athletes is a
complex process that requires the practical application of scientifically based training tools and
methods. It is important to take into account the nature of the sport when developing a long-term
training structure. It is necessary to take into account the level of physical development and
physical fitness of the athlete in the distribution of annual loads according to the types of sports.
Key words: Athlete training, microstructure, mesostructure, multi-year stage, intensity of
training, sensory period.
In modern sports practice, the development of training methods through the collective study of
the physical fitness and physical development of athletes at various stages of long-term training,
intense periods of the development of physical qualities, various biological changes in the
athlete's body, and its effect on types of training and implementation issues indicate the
relevance of the topic.
The training process of athletes can be conditionally divided into three interrelated components:
designing the training process, implementing it and monitoring the progress of the training.
In the structure of sports training, the integrity of the training process is ensured on the basis of a
certain structure, these components (subsystems, parties and separate parts) are connected to
each other on the basis of a certain structure.
The training structure is as follows:
1. the order of interconnection of training content elements (general and special physical,
tactical-technical training tools, methods, etc.);
2. the necessary ratio of training load indicators (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of
its volume and intensity);
3. the sequence of different parts of training (separate exercises and their parts, stages, periods,
cycles), which represent phases or stages of the process, in which the training process
undergoes regular changes.
Depending on the time scale of the training process, the following are distinguished:
a) microstructure - the structure of a separate training, the structure of a separate training day
and a microcycle (for example, weekly);
b) mesostructure - the structure of training stages, including a relatively complete series of
microcycles (total duration, for example, about a month);
c) macro structure - the structure of large training cycles such as semi-annual, annual and
The long-term process of sports training from the beginning to the peak of skill can be expressed
in the form of successive large stages, which include separate stages of long-term training related

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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

to the age and skill indicators of athletes.

It should be noted that in some sports there are no clear boundaries between the stages and parts
of the multi-year process, and there are no fixed time limits for these stages and parts.
Table 1. Approximate structure of the multi-year preparation process

maintain level




In sports


Years of From 4 to
1-2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9-10 - -
employment 12 years
Maximum realization of individual Longevity of
Steps Basic training
capabilities sports life
The correct formulation of long-term sports training is carried out taking into account the
following factors: optimal age limits, the highest results, usually achieved in the chosen sport;
duration of systematic training to achieve these results; the main direction of training at each
stage of long-term training; passport age at which special training began; growth rate of
individual characteristics and skills of the athlete.
The process of long-term sports training is organized according to the following methodological
1. A unified pedagogical system that ensures the correct continuity of tasks, tools, methods and
organizational forms of training for all age groups. The main criterion for the effectiveness of
long-term training is the highest sports result achieved within the optimal age for this sport.
2. Targeted orientation of all age groups to high sports skills in the preparation process.
3. Optimal connection (proportion) of various aspects of the athlete during long-term training.
4. Steady increase in the volume of general and special training tools, the relationship between
them is gradually changing. From year to year, the relative weight of the volume of special
training means increases in relation to the total volume of the training load, and accordingly, the
relative weight of the general training decreases.
5. Progressive increase in volume and speed of preparation and competition loads. Each period
of the next annual cycle should begin and end at a higher level of training loads than the
corresponding periods of the previous annual cycle.
6. Strict adherence to regularity in the application of preparatory training and competition loads,
especially with children and adolescents, because comprehensive training at all stages of the
long-term process increases only if the training and competition loads fully correspond to his
biological age and personal capabilities of the athlete.
7. Simultaneous development of physical qualities of athletes at all stages of long-term training
and preferential development of individual qualities at the age most favorable for this.
If there is an effective pedagogical influence during the school years, there are opportunities for
the development of all physical qualities, which should not fundamentally change the age-related
development models of certain aspects of the human motor function.
Table 2 shows the estimated sensitive (sensitive) periods of changes in height and weight
indicators and the development of physical qualities of school-aged children.

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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

In the long-term preparatory stages, the priority direction of the training process is determined
taking into account these sensitive periods of the development of physical qualities. In girls,
sensitive periods of formation of physical qualities occur one year earlier.
Table 2. Estimated sensitive (sensitive) periods of the development of physical qualities of
school-age children and changes in age-weight indicators
Height and weight indicators, age
physical qualities 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Height + + + +
Weight + + + +
Maximum power + + + +
Speed + + + + + +
Speed-strength qualities + + + + + + +
Endurance (aerobic capacity) + + + + +
Speed endurance + + +
Anaerobic capacity (glycolytic) + + +
Flexibility + + + + + +
Coordination skills + + + +
Balance + + + + + + + +

As can be seen from the above, it is necessary to take into account the time required to achieve
the highest sports results in a particular sport in order to correctly structure the multi-year
training process. Usually, talented athletes achieve their first big successes after 4-6 years, and
the highest achievements after 7-9 years of specialized training. According to observations,
interviews with experienced coaches and survey results, some opinions in this field contradict
each other. One of the experienced trainers says; Young athletes who voluntarily come to
training know that it is better to find talented athletes, train with them and achieve faster results
than to train for years. Another denies this, saying that years of experience in the sport are
important. Another one emphasizes that achieving high results in sports depends on many factors
and adds the athlete's luck to the sum of all the factors. In general, the opinions expressed by the
above-mentioned experienced coaches were formed during long-term coaching activities. In any
situation, putting into practice the experiences gained over the years and climate-based training
models, leaving the results of the obtained results as a methodical resource for the next
generation, helps to rationally plan many years of training.
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 5 | May- 2023 | 125
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

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