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The Resource Structure deals with the world through information and data. Analytical, methodical, and happiest when surrounded by a sea of information, finding side gigs for
the Resource Structure in today’s over-connected and data-driven world is literally a walk in the park.

Keyword: Information

If the biggest element in your chart is Wood, and it happens to be your Resource Structure, monetize the dissemination of information as a side gig. Create courses. Learn
to repackage information. In other words, teach!

Fire as your Resource element? Consider creating (and selling) cheat-sheets, templates, and infographics. Basically, you can earn money by breaking down complex
information into palatable, presentable and easy to consume bytes.

Of the 5 Elements, Earth has the largest capacity to store information. If Earth is your Resource, becoming a part time analyst may be viable choice for you. Surrounded by
data, you may be as happy as a clam.

Resource Structure individuals tend to move at a more deliberate pace. Analytical and methodical, Resource Structure individuals typically will not act until they have all their
bullets stacked up and their ducks lined up in a row. However, if your Resource Structure happens to be Metal, you will tend to move faster than the rest of your other
Resource counterparts. Any gig that involves analyzing data and turning information into immediate strategies and tactics could be something worth exploring.

What happens if your Resource is Water?  Here, you will have the same opportunities as those with Wood Resource Structures. Teach! Basically, Water represents wisdom,
emotions, and thinking capacity. Therefore, you too could be looking into the business of dissemination wisdom and knowledge.

Influence Structure modus-operandi is to work within systems, processes, and rules. This is a viewpoint that places particular emphasis on being team centric. Very caring of
others, the Influence Structure individual makes some of the best coaches.

Keyword: Control

Given the Wood element’s propensity for growth, coupled with the Influence Structure’s acceptance for the need for self-discipline, becoming a life coach or organizational
coach will be a great market for your side gig.

If your Influence Element is Fire, you could also consider becoming a personal development coach. Yes, much like the life coach, a hefty dose of inspiration and motivation
goes a long way to allow your clients to be open to the discipline required to effect change in their lives.

The Earth Element has the ability to bring people together – to work together, or play together. Therefore, becoming a team-building consultant or coach may be the right fit
for you. Alternatively, given the durability of the Earth element, succession planning may be a good niche for you.

When your Influence element is Metal, your ability to take pain and endure hardship will make you a great personal trainer!

If Water is the strongest element in your chart, and it happens to be your Influence element, any gig that controls the flow of people, goods, products, or information may be
the right one for you.

Disciplined, independent, dependable, and accountable, the Wealth Structure is also an easy one where side gigs are concerned. All we need to do is to leverage on your
awesome ability to make things happen. In your hands, projects are inevitably delivered on time and on budget. Therefore, becoming project planners, virtual assistants,
financial consultants are some of the ideas for the Wealth Structure.

However, there is one caution. It is normal for the Wealth Structure people to under-value your superpower – that awesome organizational talent. Why? Because it comes so
easy that you assume everyone else can do it too.

Keyword: Manage

A Wealth Structure that is of the Wood Element is a natural multi-tasker. Since you are so good at juggling multiple balls in the air, a stint as a virtual assistant may be just
the thing for you.

Fire is all about transformations. If your Wealth Structure is Fire, any side gig that involves managing transformation or change could be something that you can consider.

Earth, on the other hand, talks about abundance and consistency. With an Earth Wealth Structure, you are the rock upon which others lean upon to get things done.
Consider exploring gigs such as project planners that require long-tail planning. Basically, your projects should ideally last more than a few months instead of quick flashes
here and there.

Metal is the element of responsibility. Metal is also the element representing finance. If your strongest structure happens to be the Wealth Structure which is of
the Metal Element, becoming a financial consultant or debt-restructuring/management consultant may be the right fit for you.

Wealth Structures that are of the Water Element has a talent for sniffing out money and opportunities. Because of that, fund-raising side gigs may work well for you.

Of the Five Structures, the Output Structure is the easiest when it comes to determining a potential side gig. This is the Ideation Profile. Creative, innovative and eloquent, the
Output Structure’s skillset lends itself to a plethora of gigs. Writing, art, creating and curating content, are all ideally suited for the Output Structure.

Keyword: Create

Given the Wood Element’s ability to diversify, your best bet as an Output Structure with the Wood Element, would be to create as many Intellectual Properties as possible.
Always wanted to write an e-book or two? What’s stopping you now?

If your Output Structure is Fire, creating joy may be your thing. I’m talking Happynomics, people! Some ideas for a Fire Output Structure includes becoming a social-media
manager, perhaps a motivational speaker, or better yet, turn your cooking skills into dollars by selling your best foods online.

As always, Earth is about stability. With Earth as the element of your Output Structure, creating something that you can build consistently may be the key. You could
consider starting a blog or vlog.

If your Output Element is Metal, focus on your masterpiece. Polish that one idea to perfection and then sell it at a high worth. Because it will take time for your masterpiece
to come to fruition. But be wary of your perfectionist streak, tho!

Selling your ideas or strategies may just be your calling if your Output Element is Water. But for this idea to work, you really must first learn to brand yourself.

In today’s hyper-connected world, creating a side gig has never been easier. Thanks to technology, we now have the capacity to connect with and serve people from around
the globe.

A great way to choose a side gig is to use the strongest element and structure in your Bazi Chart. At this juncture, I must warn you that different practitioners may have
differing views on this. Some would choose your ‘Useful God’. Others may go for your ‘Wealth Element’. But for me, I would choose the Strongest Structure and Strongest
Element. Why? Because that is your field of maximum return.

But having said that, in an actual consult, this is the point where we will be brainstorming as I outline the various options to see which resonates with you. Is it Useful God? Is
it Wealth? Or should it be the strongest Structure and Element?

Regardless of whether you are an extrovert or introvert, people-management skills is part and parcel of the Companion Structure modus-operandi. You have a natural grasp
of what people want, what their strengths are, and what their weaknesses may be. I won’t even bother asking you how you do it. You can’t even explain it. You just do.
Unfortunately, this exacerbates any extrovert/introvert tendencies you may have. The extrovert becomes more outgoing; while the introvert, having gleaned the essence of
what people want, may become withdrawn.

If you are a Companion Structure person, any side gig that involves people may be the right one for you. You could be a broker, middleman, a counsellor, or even a

Side Gig Keyword: Connect

If your Companion Structure is Wood, consider being a connector or a bridge between communities. You could create a special niche for yourself by just providing service
for a particular group of people. Example: rainbow merch for the LGBTQ+ community?

Fire inspires and transforms. If your Companion Structure is Fire, any service or product that inspires joy, transformation, and tech could be right up your ally. Digital
transformation consultant, perhaps?

Earth governs stability, security and trust. With Earth as the element of your Companion Structure, being a part of the expert market may be the ticket for you. Rent out
your knowledge, reputation and expertise. Alternatively, because Earth seeks stability, being a consultant for insurance, wellness and security could also appeal to you.

If your Companion Structure is the action-taking Metal, you have the potential to create iron-forged relationships with those who work for you. It’s very normal for Metal Day
Masters to enjoy decades-long relationships with their clients. So be the missing link. You could focus on services that provide done-for-you solutions (based on your

Finally, Water is fluid and ever-changing. If your Companion Structure is Water, becoming a strategy consultant or change management consultant may be the right
position for you.

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