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Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

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Plant architecture manipulation increases cannabinoid standardization in

‘drug-type’ medical cannabis
Nadav Danziger a, b, Nirit Bernstein a, *
Institute of Soil Water and Environmental Sciences, Volcani Center, 68 HaMaccabim Road, P.O.B 15159, Rishon LeZion, 7505101, Israel
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


Keywords: A major challenge in utilizing cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) for modern medicine is the lack of standardization
Cannabissativa throughout the plant of cannabinoids, the unique therapeutic secondary metabolites in cannabis. The present
Cannabinoids study focused on the interplay between plant architecture modulation and standardization of the secondary
metabolite profile in medical cannabis plants. Secondary metabolism is considerably affected by endogenous and
exogenous factors, including positional-developmental aspects and microclimate. We hypothesized that
THC manipulation of the plant architecture, which alter morphological and reproductive development, as well as
micro-climate in the shoot will impact secondary metabolism and spatial standardization of the cannabinoids.
Eight plant architecture-modulation treatments were evaluated for effects on in-planta concentrations and
standardization of the cannabinoids, and on the morpho-physiological state of the plants. Two medical-cannabis
genotypes of ’drug-type’ medical cannabis were analyzed to evaluate genotypic sensitivity. The results reveal
that plant architecture modulation can increase standardization of the cannabinoid profile in cannabis, thereby
supporting the hypothesis. The architectural modulating treatments increased uniformity of cannabinoid con­
centrations in the plant by increasing concentrations at the lower parts of the plant. The cannabinoid profile was
most affected by treatments that had the largest impact on plant structure such as the removal of primary and
secondary branches. Decarboxylation of the cannabinoids in-planta was not affected by structural modulation.
The spatial uniformity of cannabinoid concentrations throughout the cannabis plant is cannabinoid and genotype
specific, and the effect of architecture modulation on cannabinoid standardization is genotype specific.

1. Introduction material itself, i.e., intact inflorescences, and therefore uniformity of the
therapeutic-compounds profile between inflorescences in a single plant
Cannabis sativa L. is used by mankind since antiquity as a medicinal and between plants, is needed to ensure a consistent treatment. Since
and industrial plant (Zuardi, 2006). Recreational use as a hallucinogenic in-planta variability is not steady between growing cycles, increased
drug has led to an almost worldwide ban on research, commercializa­ standardization in the plant is required also for maintaining consistency
tion, and utilization for both medical and recreational uses. With resent of therapeutic activity between batches of plant extracts produced by the
changes in regulation, the medical potential of cannabis is increasingly pharmacological industry. Utilization of cannabis for modern medicine
studied and was reported effective for a wide range of medical condi­ therefore involves the challenge of standardization of the secondary
tions (Mouhamed et al., 2018). The extensive therapeutic activity metabolite profile in the plant.
sources from the diverse chemical profile, which is comprised of hun­ The chemical profile of the cannabis plant is known to be affected by
dreds of biologically-active secondary metabolites, including cannabi­ the genetic background of the plants (Aizpurua-Olaizola et al., 2016;
noids, terpenes and flavonoids (Andre et al., 2016). The vast assortment Janatová et al., 2018), environmental factors (Danziger and Bernstein,
of active compounds, also bears difficulty, as with each variation in 2021; Lalge et al., 2017; Saloner et al., 2021) and morpho-spatial po­
concentration, composition, or ratios between the metabolites, the sition in the plant (Bernstein et al., 2019b, 2019a). The cannabidiome is
biological activity and its effectiveness may be altered (Russo, 2019). therefore not uniform within and between plants. The challenge to in­
The medical product commonly administered to patients is the plant crease chemical consistency of the cannabis product should therefore

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Bernstein).
Received 21 December 2020; Received in revised form 6 April 2021; Accepted 7 April 2021
Available online 16 April 2021
0926-6690/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

tackle each of those parameters. We suggest that spatial-position effects manipulation. The hypothesis guiding the work plan was that plant ar­
could be targeted by controlling plant architecture, for production of chitecture manipulation which alter morphological and reproductive
inflorescences of similar morpho-spatial characteristics. It should be development, will alter secondary metabolism and its spatial standard­
considered that positional and environmental effects are intertwined, ization in the plant. To test this hypothesis, we studied how eight plant
because variations in micro-climate between locations in the shoot may architecture modulation treatments involving leaf removal (defoliation)
elicit variability in secondary metabolism. or pruning (topping or branch removals) affect the cannabinoid profile
The plant’s environment is composed of many biotic and abiotic and its spatial standardization in the plant, as well as morphological and
variables that are known to influence plant development and meta­ physiological characteristics. Besides the contribution to knowledge of
bolism (Gorelick and Bernstein, 2014; Shiponi and Bernstein, 2021; cannabis physiology, the attained information is valuable also for
Summy et al., 2020; Suzuki et al., 2014). Environmental conditions such development of cultivation protocols for increased standardization of
as temperature, light intensity and humidity may impact plants on a the chemical profile and yield quantity, for the developing medical
field or a plant level, or be expressed locally on a micro-climate level and cannabis industry.
affect plant organs at discrete locations. In modern agriculture, the plant
micro-environment is often changed to achieve a better plant function. 2. Materials and methods
One common technique is pruning, directed at altering plant
morphology and with it microclimate conditions such as better light 2.1. Plant material and growing conditions
exposure and better air circulation and thereby also humidity (Wen
et al., 2019). Different studies reported effects of plant architecture Two medical cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars, ’Himalaya’ and
manipulation (pruning) on microclimate in the plant (Ambroszczyk ’Fuji’ (Canndoc LTD, Israel), which are approved for commercial med­
et al., 2008) and on yield quantity and quality for different crops ical use in Israel, were used as a model system of study. Both cultivars
(Alsadon et al., 2013; Ferreira et al., 2018; da Silva et al., 2019) with the are high THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) (10–16%) and low CBD (canna­
results varying between species and cultivars. In addition to affecting bidiol) (<0.1%) chemotypes with’ Himalaya’ having a longer and
microclimate of the shoot, pruning alters also the physiological state of thinner build (Sativa-dominant characteristics) and’ Fuji’ having a
the plant tissues and metabolism, as there are changes in sink-to-source shorter and denser plant structure (Indica-dominant characteristics).
ratios as well as hormonal changes, for example such that are induced by Plants were propagated from cuttings, in coconut fiber plugs (Jiffy in­
the removal of apical dominance (Gautier et al., 2001) ternational AS, Kristiansand, Norway). The rooted cuttings were planted
Thus, we hypothesized that reproductive development and meta­ in 10 L plastic pots in a potting mixture and cultivated in a greenhouse at
bolism in cannabis will be altered by plant architecture modulation the density of 1 plant/m2. Forty uniform plants of each cultivar were
treatments. If the new generated plant architecture will decrease the randomly divided to eight groups of five plants and each group was
variability of the microclimate in and around the plant, it is possible that assigned a different treatment. The plants were cultivated in a certified
the secondary metabolites profile throughout the plant will be more commercial cannabis farm in Israel (Canndoc LTD, Israel) in a naturally
uniform. In cannabis, a single study evaluated the effect of architecture lit greenhouse with supplementation of photoperiodic light. At the
manipulation on plant response in a fiber-type hemp cultivar, and vegetative stage, i.e., during the long photoperiod, plants were illumi­
identified increased seed yield after pruning, effects on the chemical nated 18 h a day (sunlight and then fluorescent lights). For induction of
profile were not assessed (Kocjan Ačko et al., 2019). No information is flowering, the plants were transferred to a short photoperiod. i.e., a
available about effects of architectural manipulation on the chemical short-day regime of 12/12 h of light/darkness, with black curtains used
profile in ’drug-type’ (medical) cannabis. to block sunlight when the days grew longer. The plants were trans­
Cannabis development is monopodial, with a constant phytomer ferred to the short photoperiod following two weeks of vegetative
structure (Spitzer-Rimon et al., 2019) which is regulated by apical development in the experimental pots under the long photoperiod.
dominance. This configuration enables the division of the plant’s body Fertilizers were supplied by fertigation, i.e., dissolved in the irrigation
to main stem, ’primary branches’ that are derived from the main stem, solution at each irrigation event (Saloner et al., 2021). Irrigation was
’secondary branches’ that are derived from the primary branches, etc. supplied via 1.2 Lh− 1 discharge-regulated drippers (Plastro Gvat, Israel),
While flowering, each meristem develops an inflorescence that could two drippers per pot. The volume of irrigation water in each irrigation
also be categorized as ’primary’ at the end of the main stem; ’secondary’ event was 500–800 mL/pot/day, set to allow 30% of drainage. The
at the end of primary branches and so on. By this system a small to experiment was terminated 53 (‘Fuji’) and 66 (‘Himalaya’) days
medium plant will produce inflorescences of up to third or fourth order. following the transfer of the plants to the short photoperiod. At this time
Inflorescences also develop along stems and branches from axillary 30% of the trichomes on the flowers were of amber color, which is the
buds. Plant architecture, and the degree of branching, therefore, have a developmental stage accepted for these cultivars as chemical maturity
direct impact on reproductive development schemes. As of today, for medical purposes.
medical cannabis growers utilize several plant architecture techniques
including pruning of the main stem (either once, twice or even three 2.2. Experimental treatments
times), leaf removal (ranging from removal of few old leaves to total
defoliation), branch removals, trellising and any combinations of the Eight architectural manipulation treatments of various pruning and
above. While each grower has a different approach for cultivation con­ defoliation practices commonly used by the growers were evaluated in
ditions, it is generally agreed, albeit not supported by empirically tested the study. The treatments, detailed in Table 1, were initiated 20 days
evidence, that better light penetration is achieved by defoliation and after the plants were transplanted to the experimental pots and this is
branch removal that supports higher yield and chemical standardiza­ considered day 0 of the experiment.
tion. Since cannabis is directed to the pharmacological market,
achieving chemical uniformity, and reproducibility, is of outmost 2.3. Plant morphological development and biomass accumulation
importance and a major challenge.
The present study therefore focused on the interplay between plant Plant height was measured non-destructively throughout the exper­
architecture modulation and standardization of the secondary metabo­ iment as the distance between the plant base and the top of the main
lite profile in medical cannabis plants. A goal of the study was to identify stem. In the two pruning treatments, plant height was measured as the
architectural manipulation treatments suitable for minimizing vari­ distance between the plant base and the top of the highest branch.
ability in the cannabinoid profile throughout the plant. We studied Additionally, at the termination of the experiment, length of selected
comparatively the response of two cultivars to plant architectural branches (i.e., branches 3, 6 and 10, as numbered from the base of the

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Table 1
Description of the plant architecture manipulation treatments evaluated in the study.
Plant architecture Description Time of treatment initiation Aim of the treatment

Control No-intervention Representing ’natural’ plant development

Commonly used treatments
Defoliation Removal of 85% of the leaves (top leaves were 3 weeks prior to plant maturation Allow better light penetrance and air circulation
Bottom branches & Removal of all leaves and secondary branches 3 weeks after the transition to short Directing the plant resources to the top inflorescences, and
leaves removal from the bottom 1/3 of the plant day improvement of air circulation as an aid to pest management.
BBLR + Defoliation Combination of the 2 treatments above Similar to the defoliation and BBLR Combination of the 2 treatments above
Branch removal treatments
Primary (1◦ ) Removal of all branches off the main stem Conducted every 7 days throughout Development of a large single inflorescence on the main stem,
branches removal the growing phase up to 3 weeks aimed at increasing chemical standardization (by reducing
prior to plant maturation variability in micro-climates)
Secondary (2◦ ) Removal of all 2◦ branches (including tertiary Similar to the 1◦ branch removal Development of several terminal inflorescences, which are
branches removal inflorescences) off the 1◦ branches treatment exposed to a similar microclimate, with the goal to increase
chemical standardization
Pruning treatments (’Topping’)
A single prune Plant decapitation, keeping the 6 bottom Decapitation on day 0 Breaking epical dominance for development of several semi-
branches main stems, for potentially increasing the number of
inflorescences and hence yield
Double prune Plant decapitation, keeping the 6 bottom Decapitation on day 0 second Breaking epical dominance for the development of several
branches, followed by a second pruning pruning at the transition to short day semi-main stems, followed by a second breaking of those semi-
(removal of 5 cm from each of the 6 branches) stems’ epical dominance, for development of a highly branched
Days are counted from the transition to the experimental setup.
BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.
Termed ’Lollipopping’ in the cannabis jargon.

plant), was measured as the distance between the node and the tip of the Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured near the base of
branch. Stem diameter was measured with a digital caliper (Signet tools the plant (Apogee quantum sensor MQ-500 Apogee Instruments, Logan,
international co., LTD., Shengang Distric, Taiwan), at the middle of the UT, USA), to determine the effects of the architectural modulations on
3rd internode from the plant base. Fresh biomass of fan leaves, stems, the availability of photosynthetic light.
inflorescences and inflorescences leaves for each plant, was measured
destructively at the day of harvest. For evaluation of effects on com­ 2.4.3. Membrane leakage
mercial yield, dry biomass of the inflorescence, following trimming the The extent of ion leakage from the cell membrane is considered an
tips of the inflorescence leaves as is practiced in the cannabis industry, indicator of stress level (Shoresh et al., 2011). The middle leaflet of the
was measured, following drying at 19.5 ◦ C and 45% relative humidity youngest mature leaf on the main stem was used for the analysis, and in
for 14 days, in an environmentally controlled room. the pruning treatments, the middle leaflet of the youngest mature leaf on
the highest secondary branch was analysed. Measurement and calcula­
2.4. Physiological responses tions were conducted following Kravchik and Bernstein (2013); Shoresh
et al. (2011).
All measurements were conducted with five biological repeats (i.e., 5
plants), following the experimental design. Reported results are aver­ 2.4.4. Osmotic potential
ages ±SD. About 150 mg of leaf tissue from the center of the central leaflet of
the youngest mature leaf on the main stem was used for the analyses. In
2.4.1. Photosynthetic pigments the pruning treatments, the center of the central leaflet from the youn­
Concentration of the photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll a, chlo­ gest mature leaf on the highest secondary branch was used for the an­
rophyll b, and carotenoids, were measured as previously described alyses. The measurement was conducted following Shoresh et al. (2011).
(Saloner et al., 2019). In short, five discs of 0.6 cm in diameter were
dissected from the youngest mature leaf on the main stem after it was 2.5. Cannabinoid analyses
washed twice in distilled water and blotted dry. The pigments were
extracted from the plants following Gorelick et al. (2015), and pigment To allow evaluation of the effect of the architectural-modulation
concentrations were calculated according to Lichtenthaler and Wellburn treatments, on the standardization of the cannabinoid profile in the
(1983). plant, inflorescences were sampled for cannabinoid analyses from five
designated locations in the plants, as is detailed in Table 2. Trimmed
2.4.2. Photosynthesis and transpiration inflorescences were dried at 19.5◦ C and 45% air humidity for 14 days, in
A portable meter, LI-COR 6400XT (LI− COR, Lincoln, NE, USA) was an environmentally-controlled chamber, in the dark. The analysis was
used to measure photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conducted for five replicated plants per treatment, following the
conductivity. Water use efficiency (%) (WUE) was calculated as the ratio experimental design. For the ’1◦ branch removal’ treatment, which
between the photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate, multiplied by developed a single inflorescence at the top of the plant, we have eval­
100. Measurements were conducted on the youngest mature leaf of the uated spatial standardization within the inflorescent by sampling four
main stem, at 8–10 AM. In the pruning treatments, the youngest mature locations: 1-top of the inflorescence; 2 and 3: middle sections from two
leaf on the highest secondary branch was used for the analysis. opposite sides of the inflorescence; and 4-the bottom part of the

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Table 2 Several concentration margins were tested (±5%, ±10%, ±15%, ±25%,
Locations in the plants sampled for cannabinoid analyses. ±50%), resulting in multiple ’Plant uniformity’ scores.
No. Location Location adjustments for specific
treatments 2.7. Statistical analysis
1 The apical inflorescences on the For both pruning treatments: The top-
main stem. most apical inflorescence on the plant The analysis was performed with the Jump software (version 9, SAS
2 Apical inflorescence of a secondary For the double-prune treatment: the 2015, Cary, NC, USA). The data were subjected to one-way ANOVA
branch from the top 1/3 of the plant top most inflorescence of the 2nd or 3rd (α<0.05) and a Post-hoc Tukey HSD test was performed for separation of
branch from the top.
3 Apical inflorescence of a secondary For the double-prune treatment: the
means. The data met the assumption of homogeneity of variances.
branch from the bottom 1/3 of the top most external inflorescence of the Comparison of relevant means was conducted using Tukey HSD test at α
plant 5th or 6thbranch from the top = 0.05.
4 3◦ inflorescence from an upper 2◦ branch removal: Apical
branch inflorescence from the bottom most
3. Results
secondary branch
5 3◦ inflorescences from the bottom 2◦ branch removal wasn’t sampled
of the plant- the smallest and least 3.1. Visual appearance of the plants
developed inflorescences were
sampled The visual appearance of the plants differed considerably between
treatments. Images of the plants at maturation, for the two varieties
inflorescence. For the cannabinoid analysis, the top of the dried in­ studied (‘Himalaya’ and ‘Fuji’) are presented in Fig. 1 A–B. The youngest
florescences was ground using a plastic handheld herb grinder (manu­ mature leaf on the main stem (that is considered the representative leaf)
facturer unknown). Fifty mg of the ground tissue was placed in a 20 mL is shown in Fig. 1 supplemental. Following the experimental treatments,
scintillation vial, 10 mL ethanol was added to the tube, and the tube was defoliated plants appeared less dense; plants of the ‘BBLR’ and
shaken in a reciprocal shaker for 1 h at room temperature. The extract ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ treatments show secondary branching starting
was filtered through a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane fil­ above the bottom 1/3 of the plants; both branch removals treatments
ter of 0.22 μm pore size (Bar-Naor ltd, Ramat Gan, Israel). Cannabinoid show reduced branching, and both pruning treatments show stimulated
concentrations in the filtered extracts were analyzed using a Jasco 2000 branching and a wider shoot. Both varieties responded similarly to the
Plus series high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system, treatments (Fig. 1). Leaves of the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment were
which consist of a quaternary pump, autosampler, column compartment longer and wider than of all other treatments, and the pruning treat­
and photodiode array (PDA) detector (Jasco, Tokyo, Japan). The ments decreased leaf size (Fig. 1 supplemental).
detection was carried out in a spectrum mode. Chromatographic sepa­
rations were carried out using a Luna Omega 3 μm Polar C18 column 3.2. Cannabinoid contents
(Phenomenex, Torrance, CA USA) employing acetonitrile:water 75:25
(v/v) with 0.1% (v/v) formic acid, at the isocratic mode, with a flow rate Effects of the plant architecture treatments on cannabinoid concen­
of 1.0 mL/min. Calculation of cannabinoid concentrations were based trations in the two varieties are presented in Fig. 2. The results are
on pure analytical standards that were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich concentrations at the apical inflorescence of the main stem [location 1],
(Germany): cannabichromene (CBC), cannabichromenic acid (CBCA), which is the conventional representative morpho-developmental tissue
cannabichromevarin (CBCV), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabigerolic acid for the analysis of secondary metabolite profile in medical cannabis.
(CBGA), cannabinol (CBN), cannabinolic acid (CBNA), cannabidiol Concentrations of the acidic and decarboxylated forms of the cannabi­
(CBD), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), cannabicyclol (CBL), cannabidivarin noids were summed, as the latter is a degradation product of the former.
(CBDV), cannabidivarinic acid (CBDVA), tetrahydrocannabivarinic acid The analysis reveals that the cannabinoid profile is affected by archi­
(THCVA); from Cayman chemical company (Pennsylvania, USA) can­ tectural modulation, and that the sensitivity of the cannabinoid profile
nabicitran (CBT) and from Restek (Pennsylvania, USA) and tetrahy­ to the architectural treatments vary between genotypes. Specifically, the
drocannabinolic acid (THCA), Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Δ8- chemical profile of’ Fuji’ was more sensitive to the change in plant ar­
tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ8-THC), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV). R2 chitecture than ‘Himalaya’ (Fig. 2A-B). E.g., while only a few significant
values for linear regressions of the calibrations curves of all cannabinoid changes in cannabinoid concentrations were detected between treat­
standards were >0.994 (Saloner et al., 2021); Concentrations of ments in’ Himalaya’, in’ Fuji’, concentrations of most cannabinoids
Δ8-THC, THCV, CBDV, CBG, CBNA, CBL, CBCV, and CBT, CBN were differed from the control in at least two of the treatments (Fig. 2A-B).
lower than the detection limits. The 1◦ and 2◦ branch removal treatments reduced concentrations of
many of the cannabinoids compared to the ‘Control’. In both varieties,
the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment significantly decreased the concen­
2.6. Evaluation of spatial uniformity (standardization) of the trations of all identified cannabinoids (by 25-79%; except for CBCA in’
cannabinoid profile in the plant Fuji’ that increased by 22%), and the ‘2◦ branch removal’, treatment
induced a 11–25% reduction in concentrations for ‘Fuji’, but only 1–8%
Two parameters, ‘Cannabinoid uniformity’ and ’Plant uniformity in ‘Himalaya’ (except for THC and CBC that were increased by 10–13%).
score’, were developed to evaluate the effect of the architecture modu­ Interestingly, the defoliation treatments increased CBDVA levels (by
lation treatments on standardization of the cannabinoid profile in the 9–19%) while all other treatments had reduced CBDVA by 6–23%. All
plant. The ‘Cannabinoid uniformity’ is a measure of the extent of uni­ treatments (except both branch removal treatments) increased THCA
formity within the plant of a single cannabinoid. It is the percentage of concentrations (by 5–12%) (Fig. 2A-B).
samples in a treatment with the concentration of the specific cannabi­ All cannabinoids are synthesized in the plant in their carboxylated
noid within the range ±15% from the treatment-average concentration. (acidic) forms, which can later decarboxylate to the non-acidic, bio­
The treatment-average concentration for each cannabinoid was calcu­ logically active, forms. Very little is known about the effect of cultiva­
lated from the results of the individual samples from the various loca­ tion conditions, and morpho-spatial position in the plant on in-planta
tions sampled in each plant per treatment (n=25 per treatment). The decarboxylation. The physiological state and micro-environments in the
’Plant uniformity score’, is a measure of the integrated uniformity for all plant, which are altered by the architectural modulation treatments,
identified cannabinoids within a treatment. It is the average of the ’Plant may also affect the extent of decarboxylation. Fig. 2C-H present the
uniformity’ scores of all the individual cannabinoids in a treatment. concentrations of the acidic and decarboxylated forms of the three

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 1. Effect of the treatments on visual appearance of the plants. ‘Fuji’ variety (A), ’Himalaya’ variety (B). Photographed at the termination of the experiment
during harvest. The treatments are described in Table 1. The bars on the right-hand size represent 1 m. BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.

primary cannabinoids THC, CBD and CBC, and allows to evaluate not uniform. For example, concentrations of CBDVA and CBGA in the
treatment effects on decarboxylation. Interestingly, the ratio of the apical inflorescence, were higher by 9–23% and 9–20%, respectively
acidic to the active form was usually specific to a variety by cannabinoid than the ‘plant average’ concentrations, in five treatments in ’Himalaya’
combination across treatments. For example, for ‘Fuji’ by CBDA (‘Control’, both pruning treatments, and both defoliation treatments).
(Fig. 2C) in all treatments, the decarboxylated form was 14–17% out of The difference in the extent of change in concentration between the
the total cannabinoid concentration. Similarly, in ‘Himalaya’ by THCA plant average and the apical inflorescence for different treatments sug­
(Fig. 2D) 10–13% of the cannabinoid was in the active form. This gests treatment effect on the degree of standardization.
demonstrates that the decarboxylation process was insensitive to the For a closer look at the source of the difference between the apical
architectural treatments. inflorescence and the plant average, cannabinoid concentrations of 3◦
Since the supply to patients and to the pharmaceutical industry is inflorescences from the bottom of the plant [location 5], which differ
based on inflorescences from the entire plant, ’plant average’ concen­ from the apical inflorescences more than any other locations in morpho-
trations of cannabinoids are of importance. Similar to results for the spatial position, are presented in Fig. 2S (supplemental). The in­
apical inflorescence of the main stem, ’plant average’ concentrations florescences at this location are 3◦ inflorescences, which are the smallest
revealed differences between genotypes in sensitivity of the cannabinoid and least developed on the plant, and therefore have the highest po­
profile to the plant architecture treatments, with ’Fuji’ being more tential to vary in physiology and metabolism from the apical in­
sensitive than ’Himalaya’ (Figs. 3 and 4). For example, in ’Himalaya’, florescences. Furthermore, their location at the base of the plant implies
only 2 of the analyzed cannabinoids were affected by more than 2 of the different microclimate than the apical inflorescence of the main stem.
architecture treatments (P < 0.05) (CBGA, CBDVA), compared with 5 in Cannabinoid concentrations in these inflorescences were lower than in
’Fuji’ (THCA, THCVA, CBDA, CBDVA, CBGA). Similar to the results for the apical inflorescences in both varieties under all treatments (Fig. 2S,
the apical inflorescence, ‘1◦ branch removal’ had the strongest effect on supplemental). The effect of the treatments was more pronounced at the
the ’plant average’ concentrations as well, followed by ‘2◦ branch 3◦ inflorescence from the bottom of the plant [location 5]. Cannabinoid
removal’ (Figs. 3 and 4). For both varieties, and all affected cannabi­ concentrations increased in this location by all treatments compared
noids, these two treatments significantly reduced the detected concen­ with ‘Control, while at the apical inflorescence of the main stem [loca­
trations, except for CBCA that was increased by the ’1◦ branch removal’ tion 1] no such increase was found for most cannabinoids and treat­
treatment in ’Fuji’. These results (Figs. 3 and 4) are in accord with the ments (Fig. 2). Similar to the apical inflorescence of the main stem, the
treatments’ effects on the concentration of the cannabinoids in the ratio between the decarboxylated and the acidic form remained un­
apical inflorescence (Fig. 2). Furthermore, similar to effects on the apical changed by the treatments. For ‘Fuji’, 14.5–18.5% of the THCA and
inflorescence, both defoliation treatments increased CBDVA concentra­ 17–19.5% of the CBCA were decarboxylated, while for ‘Himalaya’,
tions in the ’plant average’ concentration in both varieties (Figs. 3A, 4 12.5–15.5% of the THCA and 14.5–16.5% of the CBCA were degraded to
A). their active form.
Although the trend of the treatment-inflicted changes was similar for
the apical inflorescence and the ’plant average’, the magnitude of the 3.3. Variability within the plant
change was not always the same. For example, the reduction of THCA
concentration by the ’2◦ branch removal’ treatment in ‘Himalaya’ was To evaluate if the architecture modification treatments affected the
not statistically significant in the apical inflorescence but was statisti­ spatial variability of the cannabinoids’ concentration in the plant, we
cally significant for the ’plant average’. However, insignificant increase have developed two uniformity parameters: ‘Cannabinoid uniformity’
of CBDA in ‘Fuji’ at the ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ treatment at the apical analyses the extent of spatial standardization of a single cannabinoid in
inflorescence was amplified and was statistically significant in the plant the plant, and ’Plant uniformity score’ presents an integrated measure
average. This suggests as well spatial variability in cannabinoid profiles for standardization of all analyzed cannabinoids in the plant. Both pa­
throughout the plant. rameters are measured in percentages, such that the higher the per­
An important finding is that the ’plant average’ concentration of the centage, the lower is the spatial variability. Interestingly, the results
cannabinoids is not identical to concentrations in the apical inflores­ demonstrate that the level of spatial variability of an individual canna­
cence. This demonstrates that concentrations throughout the plant are binoid within the plant (expressed as ’Cannabinoid Uniformity’) is

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 2. Effect of the architecture treatments on

cannabinoid concentrations in the apical inflo­
rescence. Concentration of each cannabinoid
relative to its concentration in the control
‘Himalaya’ (A) and ‘Fuji’ (B). Concentrations of
major cannabinoids and their decarboxylated
form in the apical inflorescence: THCA (Tetra­
hydrocannabinolic acid) and THC (Δ9-tetrahy­
drocannabinol) (C-D); CBCA (cannabichrome
nic acid) and CBC (cannabichromene) (E-F);
CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) and CBD (cannabi­
diol) (G-H). Gray sections in the bar mark the
acidic forms of the cannabinoids and the white
sections mark the decarboxylated forms.
Different lowercase letters across treatments in
the acidic or decarboxylated sections of the
bars, and different caps above the total treat­
ment bars, represent significant differences be­
tween treatments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05
(n=5). BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves

cannabinoid specific. THCA, which is the most abundant cannabinoid in the level of chemical standardization in the plant for individual canna­
the studied cultivars, was found to have the highest level of standardi­ binoids. For example, the ‘cannabinoid uniformity’ of CBGA in ‘Hima­
zation (in ‘Fuji’) across all treatments, and the least standardized was laya’ was significantly lower for the ’Control’ and ‘1◦ branch removal
CBGA (Table 3). The level of chemical uniformity for individual can­ treatments compared with five other treatments, (Table 3). The highest
nabinoids can vary between genotypes. For example, the ‘Cannabinoid level of spatial uniformity in the plant (100% uniformity) was identified
uniformity’ for CBDVA was 32% and 60% in Himalaya and Fuji, only for THCA in the ‘BBLR’ treatment and only in’ Fuji’ (Table 3).
respectively (at the ‘Control’ treatment), but 76% and 44% at the ‘Single The ’Plant uniformity’ score reveal effects of the plant architecture
prune’ treatment (Table 3). on the level of standardization of the cannabidiome (Table 3). The least
A main goal of the present study was to evaluate if increased stan­ variation in the cannabidiome was identified for the ‘BBLR’ (in ‘Fuji’),
dardization of the cannabinoid profile can be achieved by architecture for which 77% of the inflorescences tested were within a ±15% margin
manipulation treatments. The results indeed reveal treatment effects on from the treatment average. The order of cannabidiome uniformity in

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 3. Effect of the plant architecture treat­

ments on ’plant average’ concentrations of
cannabinoids in the ‘Himalaya’ variety. CBDVA
(cannabidivarinic acid) (A), CBDA (cannabi­
diolic acid) (B), THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic
acid) (C), CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid) (D),
THCVA (tetrahydrocannabivarinic acid) (E),
CBCA (cannabichromenic acid) (F), THC (can­
nabichromenic acid) (G), CBC (cannabichro­
mene) (H). The results are mean ±SD (n=20-
25). Different lowercase letters above the means
represent significant differences between treat­
ments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR-
Bottom branches and leaves removal.

‘Fuji’ was ‘BBLR’> ‘Double prune’ > ‘Control’ ≈ ‘Defoliation’ ≈ ±25%, ±50% deviation from the plant average) there are no significant
‘BBLR+Defoliation’ ≈ ‘1◦ Branch removal’ ≈ ‘single prune’ > ‘2◦ Branch differences between the treatments. For ‘Himalaya’, some changes in
removal’. For’ Himalaya’, the most uniform treatment is ‘Single prune’> uniformity rankings were seen under the different acceptance rates
‘Defoliation’ ≈ ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ ≈ ‘Double prune’ ≈ ‘BBLR’ > identifying ‘Defoliation’, ‘BBLR’, and both pruning treatments as the
‘Control’ ≈ ‘1◦ branch removal’ > ‘2◦ Branch removal’. Similar to’ Fuji’, most uniform treatments. Under the least restrictive term of 50%, all
the most uniform cannabinoid (for most treatments) is THCA. Due to the treatments had a perfect score except for ‘Control’ which scored 95%,
nature of the treatment, for the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment the uni­ and both branch removal treatments that were considerably lower at
formity parameters are affected by floral development at a single loca­ 76% and 79%.
tion rather than spatial-environmental differences. It is important to Under all levels of acceptance,’ Fuji’ was found to be more uniform
further investigate interrelations between inflorescence morpho- than’ Himalaya’. These results demonstrate the importance of setting
development and the cannabidiome towards regulation mechanisms of guidelines for the extent of chemical variability as a tool for guiding
spatial variability within the inflorescence. plant architecture optimization for standardization.
Calculation of the ‘Plant uniformity’ scores under more restrictive
terms (i.e. allowing only ±5% or ±10% deviations from the plant 3.4. Biomass and yield
average) identified ‘Double prune’ as the most uniform treatment (in
‘Fuji’) (Table 3); while under less restrictive terms (i.e. allowing for The architecture modulation treatments affected the biomass of the

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 4. Effect of plant architecture modulation

treatments on ’plant average’ concentrations of
cannabinoids in the ‘Fuji’ variety. CBDVA
(cannabidivarinic acid) (A), CBDA (cannabi­
diolic acid) (B), THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic
acid) (C), CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid) (D),
THCVA (tetrahydrocannabivarinic acid) (E),
CBCA (cannabichromenic acid) (F), THC (can­
nabichromenic acid) (G), CBC (cannabichro­
mene) (H). The results are mean ±SD (n=20-
25). Different lowercase letters above the means
represent significant differences between treat­
ments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR-
Bottom branches and leaves removal.

developed shoot and shoot organs, as well as yield quantity (Fig. 5A-B). type’ (medical) cannabis is the dry biomass of the inflorescence after
The changes in biomass deposition were less pronounced for ’Himalaya’ removal (trimming) of the protruding sections of the inflorescence
than ’Fuji’ (Fig. 5A-B), and were most affected by the ‘1◦ and 2◦ branch leaves, reflect the inflicted changes of the treatments on biomass. Only
removal’ treatments. In both varieties, the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treat­ small changes in yield were induced by most plant architecture modu­
ment had the largest effect on shoot and organs growth. It had signifi­ lation treatments, with a slight variation between the two varieties
cantly (P < 0.05) reduced shoot weight in ’Himalaya’ by 50%, resulting (Fig. 5C-D). For both verities, ‘1◦ branch removal’ greatly reduced yield
in a 98% yield loss, and it reduced shoot weight of ’Fuji’ more than any quantity, and the ’2◦ branch removal’ treatment has reduced it to a
other treatment. In both varieties, the ‘2◦ branch removal’ treatment lesser extent. For ‘Fuji’, the combination of ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ had
increased significantly (P < 0.05) leaves and stem biomass, at the caused a slight yet significant yield loss, while all other treatments did
expense of inflorescence weight loss (29% and 59% reduction, in ‘Fuji’ not significantly affect the total weight of the inflorescences.
and ‘Himalaya’, respectively). In both varieties all other treatments did
not affect inflorescences fresh weight (P > 0.05). As expected, the
defoliation treatments reduced fan-leaves biomass, which was also 3.5. Plant growth and development
reduced by the ‘Double prune’ treatment.
The effect of the architecture treatments on yield, which in ’drug- Plant height was similar for all treatments, except for plants of both
pruning treatments that in both varieties were significantly shorter. The

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Table 3
Cannabinoid uniformity’ under a 15% level of acceptance for deviation from the plant average, and ’Plant uniformity scores’ for 5%, 10%,15%, 25% and 50% level of acceptance
for the’ Fuji’ and ‘Himalaya’ varieties.
‘Cannabinoid uniformity’ (%) ’Plant uniformity scores’ (%)


Control 52ab 88b 60a 72b 72ab 60b 24c 45d 67c 92a 99a
Defoliation 48ab 72c 56a 92a 56c 84a 26c 46d 68c 87a 98a
BBLR + Defoliation 40b 84b 72a 76b 72b 68ab 29b 51c 69c 93a 100a
BBLR 32c 100a 64a 92a 88a 88a 25c 56b 77a 92a 99a
1◦ branch removal 47ab 84b 70a 76ab 65bc 58b 25c 45d 67c 85a 96a
2◦ branch removal 60a 80b 70a 70b 60bc 30c 25c 43d 62d 88a 99a
Single prune 32bc 88b 68a 88a 84ab 44bc 25c 53c 67c 87a 97a
Double prune 56a 88b 84a 80ab 80ab 44bc 35a 59a 72b 89a 100a
Control 48c 64b 44a 64a 48b 32c 21c 35c 50c 72d 95b
Defoliation 68a 72ab 48a 68a 76a 60ab 25b 51a 65b 84c 100a
BBLR + Defoliation 60ab 85a 65a 75a 65ab 40bc 19c 48a 65b 93a 100a
BBLR 48bc 72ab 52a 56ab 60ab 72a 25b 42b 60b 87b 99a
1◦ branch removal 45c 15d 35a 30c 45b 45bc 11e 20e 30d 49f 76c
2◦ branch removal 60ab 40c 50a 50b 70a 55ab 15d 31b 45c 64e 79c
Single prune 64ab 84a 56a 68a 64ab 76a 31a 51a 69a 87b 100a
Double prune 60b 84a 60a 72a 60ab 48b 24b 49a 64b 88b 99a
Bottom branches and leaves removal [BBLR]; cannabigerolic acid [CBGA]; tetrahydrocannabinolic acid [THCA]; Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC]; tetrahy­
drocannabivarinic acid [THCVA]; cannabichromenic acid [CBCA]; cannabichromene [CBC]; cannabidiolic acid [CBDA]; cannabidiol [CBD]; cannabidivarinic acid
Different lowercase letters near the means represent significant differences between treatments along a column, for each variety, by Tukey HSD test; α = 0.05.

Fig. 5. Effect of plant architecture modulation treatments on biomass accumulation in different plant organs. Fresh weight (Fuji-A, Himalaya -B); and “commer­
cially” dried inflorescences weight (Fuji -C, Himalaya -D). The results are means ±SD (n=5). Different lowercase letters above the means represent significant
differences between treatments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.

reduced height was visible early in development, 18 and 28 days after average internode length were not affected by the treatments, with the
pruning in ‘Fuji’ and ‘Himalaya’, respectively (Fig. 6A-B). In addition, exception of the pruning treatments and ‘1◦ branch removal’ (Fig. 7A-B,
for the ‘Himalaya’ variety, plants of the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment G–H). A small yet significant change (in ‘Fuji’ only) was detected at the
were significantly taller than all other treatments (Fig. 6). ‘2◦ branch removal’ treatment that developed nearly a branch more than
The number of branches that developed on the main stem, and the all other treatments (20.2 ± 0.6 vs. 18.8–19.2 ± 0.7, respectively). This

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 6. The effect of plant architecture treatments on plant height throughout the experiment in two varieties, Fuji (A) and Himalaya (B). The results are mean ±SD
(n=5). Asterisk above the averages represent a significant difference between treatments at the given day by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR- Bottom branches and
leaves removal.

trend, although not statistically significant, is apparent also for the 4. Discussion
‘Himalaya’ verity. In addition, ’mean internode length’ was longer in the
1◦ branch removal plants. The differences in branch length between 4.1. Does plant architecture effect cannabinoid concentration and
treatments were small (Fig. 7C-D) and followed the trend 3rd > 6th > standardization?
10th, with the exception of the pruning treatments. Stem diameter was
not affected by the treatments in ‘Himalaya’, while in ‘Fuji’, plants of the The therapeutic activity of medical cannabis is dependent on a
two pruning treatments had narrower stems compared to all other plethora of biologically active secondary metabolites which are syn­
treatments. thesized in the plant (Andre et al., 2016; Russo, 2019). A major chal­
lenge in utilization of cannabis for modern medicine is the lack of
3.6. Physiological response standardization of the therapeutic metabolite concentrations
throughout the plant (Bernstein et al., 2019a, b), and thereby also in the
The ’Himalaya’ variety was physiologically less affected than ’Fuji’ plant material supplied to patients. Secondary metabolism in plants is
by the architecture-modulating treatments (Fig. 8). The only treatments well known to be affected by environmental conditions, including light
that had significant effects on the plant-atmosphere relations parameters (Magagnini et al., 2018), temperature and humidity (Shamshiri et al.,
measured are ’Defoliation’ and the 1◦ and 2◦ branch removal treat­ 2018). Light intensity and quality, which are both altered at longitudinal
ments. The photosynthetic activity was reduced only by the ‘1◦ branch positions along the shoot by plant architecture due to shading, were
removal’ treatment in ’Fuji’ (by 12%) but was not significantly affected demonstrated to affect biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary
by the treatments in ’Himalaya’ (Fig. 8A-B). In both varieties, stomatal metabolites (Bian et al., 2015; Ouzounis et al., 2015). We have therefore
conductance was increased by ’Defoliation’ (Fig. 8C-D); the transpira­ hypothesized that modulation of plant architecture, which affects
tion rate was increased by ’Defoliation’ in ‘Himalaya’ only (Fig. 8E-F); micro-climates in the plant shoot, will impact production of cannabi­
the plants water use efficiency was reduced by the ‘1◦ branch removal’ noids, the major therapeutic secondary metabolites in Cannabis sativa, at
treatment in ’Fuji’, as well as by ’Defoliation’ in ‘Himalaya’. In addition, locals throughout the plant, and the spatial standardization of their
the ‘Himalaya’ verity exhibited higher water use efficiency than ‘Fuji’. concentration. The results revealed an interplay between plant archi­
No differences in intercellular CO2 levels were detected between treat­ tecture treatments and concentrations of specific cannabinoids, thereby
ments (Data not shown). Osmotic potential of the leaf sap (Fig. 9E), and assessing the hypothesis.
membrane leakage levels were similar across all treatments except for Importantly, while the apical inflorescence and the plant average
the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment that were 2 fold higher (Fig. 9D). The concentrations showed but a small response to plant architecture mod­
concentrations of the photosynthetic pigments were not affected by the ulation, the concentrations at the bottom inflorescences, generally
‘Defoliation’, ‘BBLR’ and ‘1◦ Branch removal’ treatments (Fig. 9A-C). increased by the modulation treatments, diminishing the concentration
Both the ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ and ‘2◦ Branch removal’ treatments gaps between longitudinal locations on the plant, and hereby increasing
reduced concentrations of the three pigments. Both pruning treatments uniformity. The increase of standardization was therefore based on
had less chlorophyll b compared with the control, but only ‘Double induced effects on the reproductive tissue at the lower parts of the shoot.
prune’ had lower carotenoids levels. Internal variation in chemical profile is common in plants, and several
studies reported on the variability of secondary metabolite contents
3.7. Light intensity at the plant base between plant organs and tissues (Cheng et al., 2005; Perry et al., 1999;
Skoula et al., 1996) and along the plant (Singh et al., 1989; Fischer et al.,
Architecture manipulation treatments affect the 3-D structure of the 2011).
shoot and thereby the shoot density, and are hence expected to affect Our results demonstrate that it is possible to alter the secondary
light penetration to lower parts of the plant. For both varieties, three metabolite profile in medical cannabis by architecture modulation
treatments allowed the most light to reach ground level, ‘1◦ branch (Figs. 2–4). However, it should be noted, that surprisingly, and contrary
removal’ and both defoliation treatments. A minor yet significant in­ to common belief in the cannabis industry, the changes in cannabinoid
crease in PAR was measured also in the ‘2◦ branch removal’ treatment in concentrations (Fig. 2–4) and yield (Fig. 5C-D) were small (except for
‘Fuji’ and ‘Double prune’ in ‘Himalaya’ (Fig. 10). the ‘1◦ branch removal’ treatment that greatly reduced both parame­
ters). Similar results were reported in a study with roses (Pal and
Mahajan, 2017) which showed only a slight increase in flower yield
under moderate compared with intense pruning, and minor changes in

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 7. Morphological changes as effected by plant architecture treatments in two genotypes. Branch number (A- Fuji, B-Himalaya); 3rd, 6th & 10th branch length
(C- Fuji, D- Himalaya); stem diameter (E- Fuji, F- Himalaya); mean internode length (G- Fuji, H- Himalaya). The results are mean ±SD (n=5). Different lowercase
letters above the means represent significant differences between treatments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.

volatiles composition between the two treatments, and no changes in conventional growing conditions the grower will produce a medical
essential oil content. The quality and quantity of the essential oil was cannabis plant product that contain a very large chemical variability,
affected also by the timing and level of pruning (Pal et al., 2014). Diverse ±50% of the plant average concentration. This finding is alarming and
responses to architectural modulation were reported, and in coriander should be further studied in light of the potential significant effects on
for example, inflorescence pruning did not affect phenols, flavonoids the therapeutic qualities of the largely unstandardized medical product.
and carotenoids contents, while leaves yield, and harvest index were An important finding of the study is that under an acceptance level of
increased (Campos et al., 2019). ±15% variability from the plant average, which was the acceptance
A high score of plant uniformity (>95%), was achieved by all level used in the present study for most intra-treatment comparison, all
treatments only if the acceptance level was allowed to increase to ±50% treatments except 1◦ and 2◦ branch removals, increased cannabinoid
deviation from the plant average. Under lower acceptance levels, which uniformity. It should be noted that the treatment-induced changes in
allow smaller deviation from the plant average concentration (as is ex­ some cannabinoids’ concentration, although significant, were low
pected from a medical plant material), a considerably lower values of (Figs. 2–4) and the practical potential of architectural treatments for
‘Plant uniformity score’ were obtained (Table 3). This means, that under alteration of the chemical profile should be further explored.

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 8. The effect of plant architecture treatments on plant-atmosphere relations parameters: photosynthesis rate (A- Fuji, B-Himalaya); stomatal conductance (C-
Fuji, D- Himalaya); transpiration rate (E- Fuji, F- Himalaya); Water Use Efficiency (G- Fuji, H- Himalaya). The results are mean ±SD of (n=5). Different lowercase
letters above the means represent significant differences between treatments by Tukey HSD test (α = 0.05). BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.

The variability in concentrations of cannabinoids along the plant axis et al., 2014), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) (Raffo et al., 2020) and
might reflect endogenous factors such as genetic variability in peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) (Mousavinik et al., 2016). Develop­
biochemical characteristics between developmentally different tissues mental differences are considered to be spatially-oriented as they are
(e.g., inflorescences of different ages or of different developmental order affected by position and age resulting in a change in size and maturity, as
along the stem/branches); exogenous factors (Barra, 2009), such as a was shown for lantana (Bhakta and Ganjewala, 2009) and basil (Fischer
response to different micro-climates within the shoot (e.g., relative hu­ et al., 2011).
midity, temperature, light) between locations along the plant axis; or In our study, the increased uniformity achieved by most treatments
most likely a combination of both. Differences in chemical properties compared with the ‘Control’ is a result of the induced increase in
due to positional factors were found in some species (Bhakta and Gan­ cannabinoid concentration at the lower parts of the plants, as demon­
jewala, 2009; Fischer et al., 2011; Rohloff, 1999; Singh et al., 1989) but strated for 3◦ inflorescences from the bottom of the plant [location 5]
not in others (Guitton et al., 2010). While microclimatic changes (e.g., (Fig. 2 supplemental). As the concentration of secondary metabolites are
temperature and light intensity) have been shown to induce changes in lower at the bottom part of the shoot compared with the top, raising the
essential oil quality in lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) (Hassiotis lower concentrations at the bottom reduces the longitudinal gradient

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

Fig. 9. Effects of the plant architecture modulation treatments on concentrations of the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a (A), chlorophyll b (B) and carotenoids
(C); and cellular response: ion leakage from membranes (D), osmotic potential (E). The results are means ±SD (n=5). Different lowercase letters above the means
represent significant differences between treatments by Tukey HSD test; α = 0.05. BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal.

Fig. 10. Effect of plant architecture on light penetration to the base of the plant in two medical cannabis genotypes: Fuji (A), Himalaya (B). The results are means
±SD (n=5). Different lowercase letters above the means represent significant differences between treatments by Tukey HSD test at α = 0.05. BBLR- Bottom branches
and leaves removal.

and increases uniformity. To test the potential role of each component (i. one of these components were compared. i) The ‘Control’ and ‘Defoli­
e., micro-climate and developmental/positional effects) on the observed ation’ treatments are structurally identical, as no branches were
variability in chemical uniformity, two sets of treatments differing in removed, and are therefore suited to examine micro-climate changes

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

effect of defoliation, and so does the comparison of the ‘BBLR’ and procedures for cannabis cultivation should therefore take into account
‘BBLR+Defoliation’ treatments. ii) The ‘Control’ and ‘BBLR’ treatments the developmental progression following the switch from vegetative to
are developmentally identical at the top 2/3 of the plant, since the leaves the reproductive phase, as well as the endogenous shoot morphology.
and the secondary branches were removed only after the termination of Other treatments involving removal of meristems that did not in­
the vegetative growth, and as such, they are suited to test developmental fluence the inflorescence yield, were both pruning treatments, and
effects as is determined by location (e.g., the developmental locations of bottom branches and leaf removal treatment. The main difference be­
the 3◦ inflorescence from an upper branch [locations 3] and the 3◦ tween these treatments and the yield–reducing treatments is the
inflorescence from the bottom of the plant [location 5] were located implementation time. Treatments which involved meristem removal
higher on the plant in the BBLRs treatments), and the same applies for late in development, did not allow sufficient time for compensative
the ‘Defoliation’ and ‘BBLR+Defoliation’ treatments. Results of this reproductive growth prior to plant maturation, and had a larger toll on
double test (Table 4) reveal that for ‘Himalaya’, environmental effects yield. Therefore, the pruning treatments that were executed early in
had a higher impact to improve uniformity than developmental stage plant development (during the vegetative period) did not affect the
effects. The increase in uniformity achieved by defoliation can result reproductive yield; the ‘BBLR’ treatments which were applied 2 weeks
from the increased light uniformity due to penetration to the bottom after flowering initiation had an intermediate effect on the reproductive
parts of the plants (Fig. 10). Unlike ‘Himalaya’, for ‘Fuji’ the develop­ yield (and in one variety only); while the branch removal treatments
mental factor proved to be more significant. The decline in uniformity that were conducted weekly well into the flowering phase, reduced yield
seen by the climatic effects in ‘Fuji’ (Table 4) might be attributed to a considerably. Unlike the lack of effect of pruning on yield in the medical
stress response of the defoliated plants (Shulaev et al., 2008) as the ‘Fuji’ cannabis studied here, in a field study conducted with hemp cultivars,
variety was more sensitive to the treatments. As the response of the two pruning once early after flower initiation, have increased seed yield
cultivars varied, it is important to further investigate if there is a cor­ (Kocjan et al., 2019). This difference might be attributed to the
relation between the intensity of the plants’ physiological response and high-density low-branching agro-technique used in the hemp industry,
the gradient of chemical variance in additional varieties. hence pruning increased branching and thereby also the number of the
reproductive meristems. These results demonstrate an interaction be­
4.2. Plant development and function tween the extent and timing of architecture manipulation and
morphological development, to the compensation ability of meristems
Two main factors were identified as key to the response of the plants loss in cannabis.
to the architectural modulation treatments: i. the extent of removal of The second reason for a reduction in yield may stem from low carbon
meristems or potential sites for reproductive meristem development, assimilation, which might result from several factors including reduced
and ii. the developmental stage of the plant at the time of biomass light interception, photosynthetic area, assimilation rate and intra-
removal. Yield quantity was reduced only by treatments that involved cellular CO2 as a result of lower transpiration rate, which are expected
extensive removal of potential sites for inflorescence development, and to be affected differently by the architecture manipulation treatments.
at late stages of plant development. Accordingly, the most substantial Light interception by the shoot was diminished by three treatments
yield losses, > 90% and 50% reduction, occurred following removal of (Fig. 10) ‘1◦ Branch removal’ and both defoliation treatments. Similar to
1◦ and 2◦ branches, respectively, up to late stages of the flowering our results for ‘1◦ Branch removal’, in other plants as well, including
period, keeping only a small number of inflorescences on the plants at cotton (Board et al., 1992) and corn (Torres et al., 2017), lower light
the time of maturation. Yield reduction by architecture manipulation interception resulted in lower yields. However, no such reduction in
could result from either a loss of reproductive meristems or from a yield occurred in the defoliation treatments. Since the defoliation was
reduction in photosynthesizing leaf area and hence carbon fixation. In conducted late in plant development, light interception by the defoliated
cannabis, under flowering indicative conditions, vegetative meristems plants was similar to their non-defoliated ‘Control’ and ‘BBLR’ coun­
switch to reproductive growth and develop inflorescences. Removal of terparts throughout most of the growing season, while in ‘1◦ Branch
1◦ and 2◦ branches late in development, removed much of the devel­ removal’ it was reduced throughout the growing season. A single
oping reproductive meristems resulting in the drastic drop in yield. treatment had lower photosynthesis rate- ‘1◦ Branch removal’ in ‘Fuji’
Similarly in tomato) Solanum lycopersicum L.), excessive removal of (Fig. 8), implying that plants of this treatment not only intercepted less
major branches had a considerable impact on reproduction (Alam et al., light, but also used it less effectively. Lower photosynthetic rate is long
2016), and in melon (Cucumis melo L.), Silva et al. (2019) showed that known to reduce yield (Zelitch, 1982), further supporting the loss of
fruit thinning resulted in higher weight per fruit, but lower overall yield in the ‘1◦ Branch removal’ treatment. The increase in transpiration
productivity. Development of optimal architectural manipulation rate per unit leaf area by the defoliation treatments (Fig. 8), reduced
water use efficiency per leaf area (Fig. 8), but since these plants have
much lower leaf area, the increase in water demand per leaf area is
Table 4
misleading. Moreover, the CO2 concentration within the mesophyll
Analysis of differences in ‘Plant uniformity scores’ between pairs of treatments
which are similar in structure, for the evaluation if the source of chemical
layer was similar in all treatments, suggesting that photosynthetic effi­
variability is related to ‘Developmental’ (positional) or to ‘micro-climate’ ef­ ciency was not affected by carbon availability.
fects. Presented data are averages of differences in ‘Plant uniformity scores’ Chemical quality properties of cannabis are derived from the sec­
between the two treatments. (-/+) sign signify decrease/increase of ‘Plant uni­ ondary metabolites, cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids in the in­
formity score’. florescences. For other crops such as mango (Kumar et al., 2020) and
Difference in ‘Plant tomato (Ilahy et al., 2018) color, or pigment concentrations, is a key
uniformity score’Between quality parameter. To test whether there is a correlation between the
Effects Compared treatments treatments a (%) accumulation of cannabinoids and other phytochemicals, we tested
‘Fuji’ ‘Himalaya’ treatment effects on the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and b
and carotenoids. The results show that some treatments reduced
BBLR BBLR+Defoliation − 1.4 2.4
Control Defoliation − 0.2 10.4 pigment accumulation but with no correlation to cannabinoids contents.
Control BBLR 4.4 8 Photosynthetic pigments are therefore not a suitable parameter to assess
Defoliation BBLR+Defoliation 3.4 0 effects on chemical quality in cannabis.
Calculated as the average of the sum of differences between the two treatments Various biotic and abiotic stresses, including excessive light (Vicente
for the sensitivity levels of 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% and 50%. and Boscaiu, 2018) are well-known to elicit secondary metabolites
BBLR- Bottom branches and leaves removal. biosynthesis. Elicitation of stress conditions, or eliciting a stress response

N. Danziger and N. Bernstein Industrial Crops & Products 167 (2021) 113528

is therefore used for manipulation of secondary metabolite production Acknowledgments

(Gorelick et al., 2015; Gorelick and Bernstein, 2014; Ramakrishna and
Ravishankar, 2011; Sathiyabama et al., 2016). In this study, membrane This work was funded by the Chief scientist fund of the Israeli Min­
leakage, an indicator of plant stress (Shoresh et al., 2011), was increased istry of Agriculture, Grant No. 20-03-0049. The study was conducted at
only in the ‘1◦ Branch removal’ treatment, which reduced chemical the commercial farm of Canndoc LTD, a certified commercial cultivation
quality. It is possible that this drastic treatment induced a high level of farm in Israel. We are grateful for the cooperation of Neri Barak and
stress, which combined with the suppressed carbon fixation resulted in Adriana Kama from Canndoc LTD. We thank Yael Sade for guidance
inhibition of secondary metabolism. At our level of knowledge, it cannot concerning the cannabinoid analyses and for technical support; Avia
be ruled out that moderate stress could lead to improved quality. Saloner, Sivan Shiponi, Dalit Morad and Jecki Shoef for technical sup­
Secondary metabolite production in cannabis is very high compared port, and Dr. Uri Hochberg for advice concerning the Licor
to other plants, comprising up to 16% of dry weight in this experiment, measurements.
which is equivalent to 3.2% of the fresh weight, compared to 0.046% in
roses (Pal and Mahajan, 2017), 0.4% in sage (Rioba et al., 2015) and Appendix A. Supplementary data
0.8% is sweet basil (Bernstein et al., 2010; Hussain et al., 2008). The
biosynthesis of secondary metabolites is energy consuming and was Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
likely to reduce due to defoliation and the loss of photosynthetic leaf online version, at doi:
area, but since no increase in inflorescence leaves was seen, nor reduc­
tion in yield (Fig. 5C-D), the energy demand for the biosynthesis of the References
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