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Date:26/9/2011 Grade : Tenth Grade English First Exam

Muslim Youth society :Name

1) Read the passage and ask the questions below :

I have so much to tell you, I dont know where to begin! Remember last summer when I told you that I was planning to enter the Al Shoban Magazine essay contest? Well, I entered, and my essay, "Improve the 10th ," won! The prize was a weekend trip to Hebron, with a visit to the Shoban's offices to see how they publish the magazine each month. Three of us were chosen to go from Jordan: two other contest winners, and .myself My mom took me to the airport for the flight to Amman, and I have to admit I was nervous! Ive flown before, but never without my parents. But when we got to the airport and met the other people in our group, I relaxed. The group leader, Firas Al Ja'bary , was really friendly and easy to talk to. He is in charge of marketing. While we waited for our flight, he described the activities wed be participating in that weekend. He also introduced me to the other winners. Omar is from Amman , and hes 13 years old like me. He won a prize for the series of photographs he took when his family drove across the country last summer. The other winner is a 15-year-old boy named Ahmad El Hamory . El Hamory won the Al Shoban community spirit award for cleaning up and improving the .neighborhood parks in his town Before I knew it, we were landing in Hebron. At the airport, we were picked up in a limousinejust like celebrities! We drove to the Al Shoban offices downtown. All during the ride, El Hamory,Firas and I were pressed up against the windows like little kids, staring at the buildings and the people we passed. You wouldnt believe how different Amman from Hebron ! The colours, the smells, the noiseseverything is different. We couldnt get over how crowded it was: all of the people and cars on the streets and so much going on. We were excited to jump in and start seeing the .sights


How many people have won the prize ?

2) 3)

Who was the group leader ? What are the differences between Amman and Hebron ?

4) Put true or False :::: 1) the group leader is Firas and he is the writer of the letter . 2) the group members were shocked and excited because of the Tough trip


Give a synonym for the two words from the text

Given 2) boss .. Question number two : put the right form of tenses 1) I . ( go) to school every day . 2) Rami . ( not /like) swimming . 3) we . ( read ) the lesson now 4) I . ( not/ speak) at the moment 5) water . ( freeze) 0. Question number three :: Correct the mistakes in the

omar rami dena travel to rammalah on thursday amar ask a quistion and his question was why do we see all of the crowded roads in rammalah

Question number Four :: Settle in Take off Variety Tropical Take in bigs

1) . Understand what one hears or reads 2) Ali is sure that the new system will help the business to .. 3) .get used to living a new life in a new place 4) Palestine has a great ..of geography . 5) We have gone to the .. forest . Question number Five :: What would you say in these situation ? 1) You have done something wrong in the class and go out to the headmaster appeal him to come back to the class .

Question number Five

Write an email for your friend Alex in UK to tell him that you have started your new year .
Teacher : Shadi

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