Public Notices 9/29/11

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

NOTICE The Switzerland of Ohio Local School District is seeking community input regarding the use of federal dollars for Titles I, II-A and IDEA-B for the 201112 school year. These federal funds supplement the state and local dollars that also provide funding for the districts comprehensive educational services. Title I funds are used to provide reading/math instructional intervention along with materials and supplies, tutoring services, parents involvement activities and professional development for staff. Title II-A funds reduce class size and provide professional development activities to improve teacher quality. IDEA-B funds are utilized for special education and related services for children with disabilities by supporting a students unique needs as identified through an individualized Education Plan (IEP). The district is committed to the location and identification of all un-served individuals with disabilities

from birth through 22 years of age. Location and referral of children meeting the criteria (Child Find) may be initiated by anyone with knowledge of the child and suspecting the child may have a disability. Approximately 22 percent of the students, who attend the Switzerland of Ohio School District, ages three through 22 years of age, have been identified as a student with a disability and are provided with a free appropriate public education in accordance with federal and state regulations. Students with disabilities have unique characteristics and needs, many of which are best met by the classroom teacher who differentiates instruction within the regular classroom with the support of special education and related service providers. Special education intervention specialists and related service personnel work collaboratively with classroom teachers and other school personnel to

ensure a common understanding and response to all students, including students with a disability. All information provided to our district regarding a child with a possible disability will be held in strict confidence and released to others only with parent permission or as allowed by law. Additionally, the Switzerland of Ohio Local School District will keep a record of all persons who review the records with the exception of authorized school employees, and other educational agency personnel. The school will also maintain a list of those employees who are authorized to review records. Students with Disabilities Served Preschool Special Education Services are provided through a consortium with the Ohio Valley Educational Service Center. Children between the ages of three to five years of age suspected of having a disability should contact the OVESC Bright Beginnings

Office at 740-435-0230 to schedule a screening. School Age (ages 6-21) students with identified disability conditions that are eligible for Special Education Services through an Individualized Educational Plan include those identified with: Autism; Cognitive Disabilities; Deaf-Blindness; Hearing Impairment; Multiple Disabilities; Orthopedically Handicapped; Other Health Impairment; Severe Emotional Disturbance; Specific Learning Disabilities; Speech/Language Disability; Traumatic Brain Injury; Visual Impairment. To be eligible, the childs identified disability, must have an impact on their educational performance and or ability to progress in the general education without supports. Students who fail to respond to intensive, empirically-based research interventions may be referred for an Individual Assistance Team meeting to deter-

Monroe County Beacon, Woodsfield, Ohio, Page 9

mine if the student is suspected of having a disability. All decisions of whether or not a student is responding to intervention are based on data. It is at this time that the team may determine the need for a multi-factored evaluation (MFE) to be completed to determine two things: 1. Does the student meet one of the 13 federally defined disability categories for special education; and, 2. If the student is determined eligible for special education, what specifically instruction, designed services and supports are needed to meet the individual needs of the student. If you would like additional information on the Child Find process or your rights as a parent, please Kathryn contact Anderson, Director of Special Education for the Switzerland of Ohio Local School District at 740472-5801 ext. 217 or Kathryn.Anderson@omer Sept. 22, 29, 2011

Page 10, Monroe County Beacon, Woodsfield, Ohio

NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT (ORC 5301.56) TO: G.W. Heimstedter and Edith Heimstedter, their unknown heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, relicts, next of kin and assigns: 1. You are hereby notified that you are or may be the record holder of a mineral interest in real property located in Section 16, Township 4, Range 5, Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio, described in Exhibit A, attached hereto, by virtue of the following: A reservation of all the oil and gas within and underlying the property reserved in a Warranty Deed, dated Dec. 27, 1948, and recorded on Jan. 4, 1949, at Vol. 122, Page 308, Monroe County Deed Records. 2. These interests are considered abandoned pursuant to ORC 5301.56(B) because (i) there has been no production or withdrawal of minerals by the holders of the above oil and gas interests for the preceding twenty years; (ii) the said oil and gas interests have not been the subject of title transactions filed or recorded in the Monroe County Recorders Office within the last twenty years; (iii) there have been no underground storage operations on said property for the preceding twenty years; (iv) there have been no drilling or mining permits issued to the holders of oil and gas interests for the preceding twenty years; (v) except as referred to below, no claims to preserve these interests have been filed within the preceding twenty years; (vi) and that there are no separately listed tax parcel numbers created for the said oil and gas interests in the Monroe County Auditors tax list and the Monroe county Treasurers tax list. 3. The owner of the surface of the lands subject to the interest intends to of file an Affidavit Abandonment with respect to the mineral interest described above at least thirty, but not more than sixty days after the date of publication of this Notice. EXHIBIT A Situated in the County of Monroe, in the State of Ohio and in the Township of Center and bounded and described as follows: Tract No. 1 Being the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 16, township 4, range containing One 5, Hundred Twenty (120) acres, more or less. Tract No. 2 Being part of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 16, township four (4), range five (5) beginning for the same 112 east of the center of the southeast quarter section 16, township 4, range 5; thence east 120 feet on quarter line, thence south 30 1/2 west 73 feet to a fence post; thence north 50 west 103 feet to the containing beginning, 3720 square feet. Martin J. Harper, Esq. 109 E. Church St. Barnesville, OH 43713 740-425-4000 Attorney for owner of the surface land Sept. 29, 2011 -----------------SHERIFFS SALE State of Ohio MONROE COUNTY SS: In the Court of Common Pleas Case No. CVE 2011-195 In pursuance to an ORDER OF SALE issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, in the Case of BELMONT SAVINGS BANK VS JASON L. BRUNNER being Case No. CVE 2011-195 in said Court, I will offer for sale at Public Auction at the east door of Courthouse, in the Woodsfield, Ohio, in the above named County on Fri., the 7th day of

October, 2011 at 10 a.m., the following described lands and tenements: P R O P E R T Y ADDRESS: 50979 SR 556, Clarington, OH 43915. PARCEL NUMBER: 18001002 TOWNSHIP: Salem ACREAGE: 0.75 acresSection 33 PRIOR DEED REFERENCE: Volume 148, Page 192, Monroe Co. Official Records. ** ALL BUYERS BEWARE ** The appraised value was established based on an exterior view only of the structure(s) located on the premises described herein. TERMS OF SALE Anyone who purchases the property at the Sheriffs Sale must complete a Real Estate Judicial Sale Purchase Information Form immediately following the sale. The successful bidder must deposit with the Sheriff following the sale an amount in compliance with Monroe County Common Pleas Court Rule XXII (E) (3). The remainder of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the Entry Confirming Sale is filed. Said lands and tenements so ordered to be sold are appraised at thousand Twenty-Four and 00/100 ($24,000.00) dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds (2/3) of appraised value. Charles R. Black, Jr. Sheriff Monroe County, OH Plaintiffs Attorney Todd Kildow Sept. 15, 22, 29, 2011 -----------------NOTICE OF DRAWING JURORS To All Whom It May Concern: On Thurs., the 5h day of Oct., 2011, at 8:30 a.m., at the office of the Commissioners of Jurors of Monroe County, Ohio, jurors will be publicly drawn for the Fourth Part of the 2011 Term of the Common Pleas Court of said County. Office of the Commissioners of Jurors Nina Tavoletti Janet L. Valkovic Sept. 29, 2011 -----------------SHERIFFS SALE State of Ohio MONROE COUNTY SS: In the Court of Common Pleas Case No.: CVE 2010-140 In pursuance to an alias ORDER OF SALE issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, in the Case of DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY vs. MICHAEL A. DRIGGS being Case No. CVE 2010-140 in said Court, I will offer for sale at Public Auction at the east door of the Courthouse, in Woodsfield, Ohio, in the above named County on Friday, the 21st of October, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., the following described lands and tenements: Property Address: 47839 SR255, Sardis, OH 43946; Parcel Number: 11-003020.000. Township: Lee - Section 18. Acreage: 1.507 acres, more or less. Prior Deed Ref.: Volume 172, Page 1, Monroe Co. Official Records. TERMS OF SALE: Anyone who purchases the property at the Sheriffs Sale must complete a Real Estate Judicial Sale Purchase Information Form immediately following the sale. The successful bidder must deposit with the Sheriff following the sale an amount in compliance with Monroe County Common Pleas Court Rule XXII (E) (3). The remainder of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date the Entry Confirming Sale is filed. Said lands and tenements so ordered to be sold appraised at Twentyfour thousand and 00/100 ($24,000.00) dollars and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds (2/3) of appraised value.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

on or around February 24, 1981, by and between James D. Drum and Connie L. Drum,also known as James D. Drumm and Connie L. Drumm, as Lessors, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 60 acres situated in Section No. 36, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (vii) that approximate 83 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around March 29, 1972, by and between Vernon W. Tisher and Mary E. Tisher, as Lessors, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 195 acres situated in Section Nos. 29, 30, 35, and 36, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; and (viii) that approximate 90 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around April 13, 1972, by and between Harry O. Moser and Emma M. Moser, as Lessors and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 112 acres situated in Section Nos. 25, 30 and 31, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio. You are hereby notified that Northwood Energy Corporation (Northwood) has filed a Complaint to quiet title to the leasehold interests described above. The object of the proceeding is to determine the validity, priority and extent of Northwoods interests in the leasehold interests described above. Northwood has requested a judgment in its favor that title to said leasehold interests be quieted in favor of Northwood, that a copy of the judgment be recorded in the Official Records and Lease Records of the Recorders Office of Monroe County, Ohio, and that Northwood be awarded any other relief to which it is entitled. If you claim an interest in the leasehold interests described above, you must come forward and answer Northwoods Complaint. Your answer must be filed within twenty-eight (28) days, after the date of the last publication of this Notice, which will be published once each week for six (6) consecutive weeks. If your answer is not received by this time, you may be forever barred from claiming any interest in the leasehold interests described above. If you claim an interest in the leasehold interests described above and would like a copy of the Complaint filed by Northwood, you may obtain a copy at the office of the Clerk of Courts of Monroe County, ohio, or may contact Jocelyn N. Prewitt-Stanley, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP, 52 East Gay Street, P.O. Box 1008, Columbus, Ohio 432161008, (614) 464-6400. Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 2011 ------------------

Plaintiffs Attorney Susana E. Lykins Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 2011 --------------------------------EXHIBIT A Legal Notice Monroe County Common Pleas Court 101 North Main Street, Rm. 26, Woodsfield, OH 43793 Case No. CVH 2011-214 Northwood Energy Corporation v. Southwest Energy Corporation TO: Southwest Energy Corporation, whose last known addresses are Twenty-Eighth 2951 Street, Suite 3050, Santa Monica, California 90405 and 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1205, Los Angeles, California 90024-4101, and to any other party which may claim an interest in the following leasehold interests: (i) that approximate 46 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around March 28, 1972, by and between Samuel Straub and Janet Straub, as Lessor, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 88 acres in Section No. 31, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (ii) that approximate 45 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around June 10, 1972, by and between Dorothy V. Meyer, as Lessor, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 169 acres situated in Section Nos. 6 and 36, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (iii) that approximate 18 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around December 13, 1979, by and between Charles [sic] E. Weiss, Nancy Lee Weiss, and Wanda M. Weiss, as Lessors, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 94 acres situated in Section No. 36, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (iv) that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around January 29, 1981, by and between Donald Tisher and Erma Tisher, as Lessors, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 62 acres situated in Section No. 30, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (v) that approximate 10 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated on or around December 13, 1979, by and between Edmund L. Klimas and Marion I. Klimas, as Lessors, and Stocker & Sitler Oil Co., as Lessee, covering approximately 79 acres situated in Section No. 36, Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio; (vi) that approximate 10 acre portion of that certain oil and gas lease, dated

Charles R. Black, Jr. Sheriff Monroe County, Ohio

PUBLIC NOTICE Monroe County Budget Commission Estimated Undivided Local Government Fund Alocations for Calendar Year 2012 Published in accordance with ORC 5747.51 Subdivision Amount Percentage Adams Township 7,696.29 1.68% Benton Township 6,145.49 1.34% Bethel Township 5,665.06 1.23% Center Township 12,466.36 2.72% Franklin Township 8,984.54 1.96% Green Township 6,803.81 1.48% Jackson Township 6,612.12 1.44% Lee Township 9,650.65 2.10% Malaga Township 8,427.47 1.84% Ohio Township 2,500.00 0.54% Perry Township 6,178.57 1.35% Salem Township 7,742.75 1.69% Seneca Township 6,364.68 1.39% Summit Township 8,039.80 1.75% Sunsbury Township 10,483.23 2.28% Switzerland Township 12,547.24 2.73% Washington Township 6,911.83 1.51% Wayne Township 6,054.14 1.32% Antioch Corporation 4,414.29 0.96% Beallsville Corporation 8,985.69 1.96% Clarington Corporation 11,880.31 2.59% Graysville Corporation 4,342.65 0.95% Jerusalem Corporation 4,922.12 1.07% Lewisville Corporation 6,150.13 1.34% Miltonsburg Corporation 2,877.36 0.63% Stafford Corporation 4,310.26 0.94% Wilson Corporation 4,375.20 0.95% Woodsfield Corporation 15,000.00 3.27% Monroe County 252,428.05 55.00% Grand Total $458,960.09 100.00% Sept. 29, 2011 -----------------------------------------------------------------

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