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University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology & Geophysics, Department of Geology & Palaeontology
1 N. Bǎlcescu Ave., sect. 1, Bucharest, 010041, Romania

Received March 7, 2005

The paper presents the first published account of smaller agglutinated and calcareous benthic
foraminifera from Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian – lowermost Hauterivian) marls, from the Bucegi
Mountains, in the South Carpathians. Small benthic foraminifera, along with calcareous nannofossils,
are used in paleoecological interpretations. The occurrence of Spirillina, Patellina and Lenticulina
species indicates deep water. The occurrence of the benthic genus Spirillina indicates local dysaerobic
conditions on the sea floor. Dysaerobic conditions are usually caused by high organic productivity in
the surface-water. Zeugrhabdotus spp. are markers of high-fertility surface water in unstable
environments such as oceanic sites of upwelling or shelf areas where trophic conditions may have
been enhanced by storms. The presence of Zoophycos trace fossils is indicative of dysaerobic
conditions within sediments. Moreover, the presence of pyrite is also indicative of fluctuations in
palaeoredox conditions.

Key words: foraminifera; calcareous nannofossils; paleoecology; dysaerobic; Valanginian –

lowermost Hauterivian; Lower Cretaceous; Bucegi Mountains; South Carpathians; Romania.

In this paper an assemblage consisting of small
benthic foraminifers is presented for the first time.
Benthic foraminiferan assemblages are often Thin section sections preserving calpionellids,
used as paleoecological indicators, but can be used benthic foraminifera, ostracods and sponge
locally as chronostratigraphic tools, especially when spicules and micropaleontological samples are
calibrated with ammonites, planktonic fora-minifera, used to draw the paleoecological conclusions
calcareous nannofossil, and calpionellids. presented here. Lower Cretaceous foraminifera
Micropaleontological samples were collected assemblages from an adjacent area (Dâmbovicioara,
from the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian - Lower Codlea and Carhaga - Perşani Mts.) were
Hauterivian) deposits of the Bucegi Mountains, previously described by Neagu (1975).
South Carpathians. These deposits crop out in the
Lespezi Mountains, in the southern part of the GEOLOGICAL SETTING
Bucegi Mountains and in the P4 section, situated
between the Gaura Valley and the “La Politzie” In the Lespezi Mts. and the P4 section, Middle
saddle respectively (Fig. 1 A and B). The Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian)
geological studies in these areas were undertaken by deposits crop out (Fig. 2 A and B). Patrulius et al.,
Patrulius (1953, 1969), Patrulius et al. (1980), E. (1976) interpreted the overall Upper Jurassic to
Manoliu et al. (1978), Dragastan et al. (2000), Barbu Lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks as formed
(2002) and Barbu et al. (2002). within several carbonate platforms grouped under the

Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2005, 1, p. 29-36

30 Victor Barbu

more general name of Getic Carbonate Platform. tectonic regime (Sǎndulescu, 1984) within which the
These carbonate platforms formed in an extensional siliciclastic input was dramatically diminished.

Fig. 1. Fossil locality maps. A. Overview map of the study area (Bucegi Mountains). B. Geographic location of the
study area: Lespezi Mts. and P4 section (redrawn with modifications after Patrulius, 1969).

Fig. 2. Simplified geological map. A. Lespezi Mts. Zone; B. P4 section zone (redrawn with modifications after Patrulius, 1969).
Lower Cretaceous small benthic foraminifera from the Bucegi Mountains (South Carpathians) – Paleoecologic implications 31

LITHOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY dilatata (Blainville), D. cf. emericii (Raspail),

OF THE OUTCROPS Pseudobelus cf. brevis Paquier], and sponges.
In both sections, the pelagic limestones contain
Lespezi Mountains pyrite and iron oxide, replacing pseudomorphically
the pyrite, at different levels.
In the Lespezi Mountains, Middle Jurassic to The pelagic limestone beds contain Zoophycos
Lower Cretaceous deposits occur within an active (Barbu, in press) as well as abundant calcareous
quarry. This paper is focused on the Upper nannoplankton (Barbu and Melinte, in press). The
Tithonian – Lower Hauterivian deposits. These age of these deposits was defined based on
deposits appear in the upper part of the quarry, in calcareous nannoplankton. The nannoplankton
two very closely spaced sections (AF2 and AF3) associations indicated the presence of the NK3B
(Fig. 3). Zone (Upper Valanginian) for AF2 section, and
The Upper Tithonian – Upper Berriasian NK3B and NC4A Zones (Upper Valanginian –
deposits are represented by shallow water lowermost Hauterivian) for AF3 section (Barbu and
bioclastic limestone. The microfacies consist of Melinte, in prep.).
packstones with bioclasts: calpionellids (very
frequent), rare benthic foraminifera (Trocholina sp., The P4 section
Neotrocholina sp., Lenticulina sp. and Rumanolina
sp.), ostracods, bivalves and echinoid debris. The GPS reading for this point is 45026’69”N;
“Tubiphytes” morronensis Crescenti, intraclasts, 25 24’21”E, altitude of 1450 m. Within the P4
peloids, and reworked oncoids also occur. This section, Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous
microfacies is characteristic of the outer shelf- upper deposits crop out. This paper is focused only on the
slope environments. The age of these deposits was Upper Berriasian - Lower Valanginian deposits (Fig.
defined by using calpionellids. Based on the 4).
calpionellids found in the sample, the The Upper Berriasian is represented by 2 m thick
Crassicollaria, Calpionella and Calpionellopsis yellow dolomitic limestones with very frequent
Zones can be suggested for these sections (Barbu, in calpionellids. The calpionellid fauna indicates the
prep.). Calpionellopsis Zone (Barbu, in prep.).
In the upper part of the shallow water bioclastic The Lower Valanginian is represented by pelagic
limestones, hard ground type discontinuity surface limestones with sporadic marl intercalations. The
development was observed. These hard grounds thickness of this deposit is around 10 m. The
are represented by intra-formational breccias with microfacies consist of mudstones with rare bioclastic
limestone elements and glauconitic cements, and and siliciclastic elements. The pelagic limestone
one layer made up of glauconite exclusively. This beds contain abundant calcareous nanoplankton
glauconitic layer is 1 cm thick. The elements of the (Barbu and Melinte, in preparation). The
breccias show signs of short subaerial exposure nannoplankton associations indicated the presence of
(Barbu, 2002). the NK3A Zone (upper part of Lower Valanginian)
Pelagic limestone deposits with sporadic marl (Barbu and Melinte, in prep.). Macrofossils are
intercalations overly the hard ground discontinuity represented by few ammonite, belemnite and sponge
surface. The thickness of these deposits is 6 m in the fragments.
AF2 section and 21 m in the AF3 section. The In this area, the hard ground discontinuity
microfacies consists of mudstone with rare surface is not present.
bioclastic and siliciclastic elements. The bioclasts
are rare benthic foraminifera, ostracods, sponge METHODS
spicules, radiolarians and very rare calpionellids.
The first layer is very rich in glauconitic grains. Processing for microfossils (foraminifera)
Moreover, this layer contains small phosphate grains
and fish teeth. The micropaleontological samples were
The next layers are poor in glauconitic grains. collected from marl deposits. These samples were
This microfacies is characteristic of the upper - prepared by using a very weak acid (2.5% solution
lower slope environments. of acetic acid, CH3COOH). Microfossil tests were
Macrofossils include few ammonites, a nautiloid picked from the > 63 µm fraction.
(Cymatoceras sp.), belemnites [Duvalia dilatata
32 Victor Barbu

Fig. 3. Lithological logs of the Lespezi Mountains (quarry) with the microfossil content.
Lower Cretaceous small benthic foraminifera from the Bucegi Mountains (South Carpathians) – Paleoecologic implications 33

Fig. 4. Lithological log of the P4 section with the microfossil content.

Table 1

Thin sections Terms related to the level of oxygen content in relationship to

faunas supported (after Allison et al., 1995)
Thin sections were obtained by sectioning
pelagic limestones and further used to study TERM DEFINITION
microfossil assemblages. Standard thin sections Aerobic Normal benthic fauna, no oxygen
were ground to 30 microns.
Dysaerobic Impoverished benthic fauna, low
oxygen levels
Definitions concerning oxygen levels Anaerobic No benthic fauna present
Exaerobic Only faunas that are able to perch
Oxygen is one of the most important factors between anoxic and dysoxic
affecting metazoan communities. Low levels conditions
Poikiloaerobic Faunas that are able to withstand
inhibit foraminiferal abundance and diversity, fluctuating oxygen levels, generally
and affect taxonomic composition (Jenkins, low diversity assemblages
2000). Lack of oxygen leads to a decrease of
microbial decay and therefore can lead to Table 2
organic carbon build-up.
Related to the oxygen level, two types of Terms that describe oxygen level in the environment (after
Allison et al., 1995)
definitions are to be followed (Allison et al.,
1995). One of these describes the faunal
communities resulting from different levels of Oxic > 1.0 ml/l
oxygen content in the environment (Table 1), Dysoxic 1.0 – 0.2 ml/l
while the other defines the level of oxygen Suboxic 0 - 0.2 ml/l (nitrates reduced)
content in the environment (Table 2). Anoxic 0 ml/l
Euxinic 0 ml/l (free H2S in water column)
34 Victor Barbu

BENTHIC FORAMINIFERA benthic foraminifera such as: Ammodiscus siliceous

ASSAMBLAGES (Terquem), Praedorothia praehauteriviana (Dieni &
Massari), Glomospira gautina Berthelin, Lenticulina
Lespezi Mountains section ouachensis Signal, L. macrodisca (Reuss),
Miliospirella cretaceae Dieni & Massari, M. sardoa
The micropaleontological samples were Dieni & Massari, Rumanollina feifeli (Paalzow),
collected from marls. Two micropaleotological Spirillina minima Schacko, S. italica Dieni & Massari,
samples (M1 and M2) were collected from the Tristix palaeofusca Neagu, Ichnusella
AF3 section and one micropaleontological sample trocolinaeformis Dieni & Massari, Belorusiella
(M3) was collected from the AF2 section (Fig. 3). textularoides (Reuss), beside radiolarians (Spumellaria
The samples for thin sections were collected from – very rich), ostracods, and echinoid and crinoid
the pelagic limestones of the AF2 section. debris. This sample contains small iron oxide
The microfossil assemblage from the AF2 concretions.
section (M3) includes the following small benthic
foraminifera: Lenticulina ouachensis Signal,
L. macrodisca (Reuss), Miliospirella cretaceae PALEOECOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS
Dieni & Massari, M. sardoa Dieni & Massari,
Rumanollina feifeli (Paalzow), Spirillina minima
Schacko and Ammodiscus siliceus (Terquem). The micropaleontological samples (M1, M2,
Other biogenic components are radiolarians M3 and M1/P4) contain small agglutinated and
(Spumellaria) and ostracods (relatively frequent), calcareous benthic foraminifera, ostracods,
teeth fish, and radioles. The study of thin sections radiolarians, fish teeth and echinoid debris. Planktonic
recorded the presence of rare foraminifera: foraminifera are missing.
Miliolidae, Textulariidae, Haplophragmoides cf. The bulk samples that were collected from inter-
vocontianus Moullade, Spirillina cf. italica Dieni bedded pelagic limestones contain abundant
& Massari, Dentalina sp., Nodosaria sp., calcareous nannoplankton.
Pseudolithonella sp., Gavelinella sp., radiolarians Macrofossils are sparse, and only a few
(Spumellaria – very frequent and Nasellaria – ammonites, belemnites, and nautiloids were recorded.
moderatly frequent), sponge spicules, The occurrence of these macrofossils suggests an open
calciphaerulids and very rare calpionellids: marine environment.
Calpionella alpina Lorenz, and Tintinopsella The mixed calcareous/agglutinated small benthic
carpathica (Murg. & Fil.) (large variety). foraminiferal association suggests that the Lower
A microfossil assemblage from the AF3 Cretaceous pelagic limestones were deposited along an
section (M1 and M2) contains small benthic outer shelf approaching a bathyal environment, but
foraminifera: Lenticulina ouachensis bartensteini above the CCD (Holbourn and Kaminski, 1997).
Moullade, L. eichenbergi Brat. & Brand, Assemblages with Spirillina, Patellina, and
Miliospirella cretaceae Dieni & Massari, Lenticulina are generally considered to be an indicator
Miliospirella sardoa Dieni & Massari, Patellina of bathyal depths.
subcretacea Cush. & Alex., Rumanollina feifeli The micropaleontological samples contain rare
(Paalzow), Spirillina minima Schacko, Vaginulina agglutinated foraminiferal species, indicating a very
arguta Reuss, V. recta Reuss and Ammodiscus high organic influx and oxygen depleted bottom
siliceous (Terquem). Other biogenic components waters (Holbourn and Kaminski, 1997). Oxygen
include radiolarians and ostracods (rare), teeth deficiency is usually caused by high organic
fish, radioles, crinoid debris, rhynconelites, productivity at the sea surface leading to anaerobic
aptychus (Lamellapthycus didayi Coq.). In the M2 bacterial blooms and production of H2S (Brasier,
samples, glauconitic grains are relatively frequent. 1996). The high productivity could be explained by the
presence of upwelling currents along the continental
The P4 section margin.
The calcareous nannofossils are good indicators
The micropaleontological sample (M1/P4) for reconstructing the fertility of surface waters. The
was collected from marls (Fig. 4). This nannofossil assemblages contain Watznaueria
micropaleontological sample contains small barnesae, Nannoconus spp., Zeugrhabdotus spp.,
Lower Cretaceous small benthic foraminifera from the Bucegi Mountains (South Carpathians) – Paleoecologic implications 35

Micrantholithus spp. and Conusphaera spp. presence of pyrite and iron oxide, replacing
(Barbu and Melinte, in preparation). In this paper, pseudomorphically the pyrite, in the pelagic
Zeugrhabdotus spp. and Nannoconus spp. are limestones of the Lespezi Mts.
useful for reconstructing the fertility of surface
water. Zeugrhabdotus spp. (mainly Z. erectus) is CONCLUSIONS
considered an indicator of high surface-water
fertility in unstable environments, such as oceanic The study of the small benthic foraminifera and
sites of upwelling or in shelf areas where trophic calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the Lespezi
conditions may have been affected by storms Mountains (AF2 and AF3 sections) and P4 section
(Roth and Krumbach, 1986; Williams and permits the following conclusions:
Bralower, 1995; Melinte and Mutterlose, 2001; 1. All small benthic foraminifera assemblages
Giraud et al., 2003). Nannoconus spp. has been indicate deep water environments. The mixed
interpreted as restricted to the lower photic zone calcareous/agglutinated small benthic foraminifera
and to be controlled by fluctuations of the associations suggest that the Lower Cretaceous
nutricline depth. High abundance in Nannoconus pelagic limestones were accumulated along the outer
spp. may thus indicate a deep chlorophyll shelf towards mid-bathyal environments, but above
maximum zone (DCM) with an increased the CCD. The occurrence of Spirillina, Patellina and
productivity of the lower photic zone (Erba, 1994). Lenticulina species indicates deep water, bathyal
The benthic foraminiferal assemblage with environments.
small, thin, and unornamented shells indicates 2. The low diversity, the small size and
anaerobic conditions (Brasier, 1996). predominance of flattened morphology, observed in
Low diversity, small size, and predominance the case of benthic foraminifera, indicate high
of flattened morphologies have been frequently productivity associated with oxygen deficiency at
observed in deposits that were accumulated when the bottom. Moreover, the occurrence of the benthic
oxygen levels were low (Bernhard, 1986). genus Spirillina argues for dysaerobic conditions.
The presence of conical and trochospiral 3. The presence of Zeugrhabdotus spp. indicates
inflated forms within small benthic foraminiferal high surface-water fertility in unstable environments
assemblages has been interpreted to indicate (e.g. upwelling conditions).
epifaunal to shallow infaunal deposit feeders 4. The presence of Zoophycos, as well as that of
tolerant of rather low oxygen conditions (Coccioni pyrite and iron oxide, replacing pseudomorphically
and Galeotti, 1993; Kaiho and Hasegawa, 1994; the pyrite, indicates low oxygenation conditions
Erbacher et al., 1998). within the sediments.
Dysaerobic conditions of the sea floor are A combination of high surface fertility and
suggested by the occurrence of small Spirillina dysoxic bottom water was probably responsible for
among the benthic fauna (Cobianchi et al., 1999). the very impoverished foraminiferal assemblages
The absence of planktonic foraminifera might recovered from the Lespezi Mts. and the P4 section
be explained by the evolutionary setback of this in the Valanginian – lowermost Hauterivian.
group in the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous
(Neocomian). In the adjacent, Dâmbovicioara ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Basin, the first planktonic foraminifera occur in
the Lower Barremian (Hedbergella graysonensis The financial support was provided by the IAS
Postgraduate Grant Scheme/2001 and by the National Council
(Tappan) and H. sigali Moullade) (Neagu, 1975). for Research Grant 92/2003-2004. I am very indebted to Acad.
Zoophycos trace fossils occur in the Lespezi Prof. Dr. Theodor Neagu (University of Bucharest) for help with
Mts. outcrops (Barbu, in press). The occurrence of determination of small benthic foraminifera and for the fruitful
Zoophycos in poorly oxygenated sediments is well discussions about biostratigraphical and paleoecological
interpretations. Special thanks Dr. Iuliana Lazǎr (University of
documented (Savdra, 1992; Wetzel and Uchman,
Bucharest) and to Mr. Octavian Pǎunescu for their valuable help
1998). Zoophycos is produced by deep during field work. Dr. Carrie E. Schweitzer (Kent State
chemosymbiotic organisms exploiting organic University) is gratefully acknowledged for the English
matter, and is well preserved in dysaerobic to correction of the final text.
anaerobic substrates (Bromley, 1996).
Another argument for the existence of low
oxygenation conditions within the sediments is the
36 Victor Barbu

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