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May 2015
Lessons Learned

Options for Collaboration

© 2015 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank
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This note was prepared by Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta, David Robalino, Victoria Strokova, Nick Lord and
Mathilde Perinet (Jobs CCSA, World Bank). The authors would like to thank Nigel Twose, Alexandria Valerio, and
Omar Arias (World Bank), as well as Ingrid Hamm, Uta Micaela Duerig and Olaf Hahn (Bosch Stiftung) for their
comments and inputs.

The accumulation of human capital through the The situation is further complicated by the
acquisition of knowledge and skills is recog- diversity of skills that seem to matter. Indeed,
nized as central for economic development. recent empirical analyses show that success
More-educated workers not only have better in the labor market does not only depend on
employment opportunities, they earn more and the acquisition of job-relevant or occupation-
have more stable and rewarding jobs. They are specific skills. Cognitive and socio-emotional
also more adaptable and mobile. Workers who skills, in part acquired in early childhood and
acquire more skills make other workers and during basic and secondary schooling, are also
capital more productive and, within the firm, important determinants of employment dynam-
they facilitate the adaptation, adoption, and ics and earnings later in life.
ultimately invention of new technologies. This is
crucial for economic diversification, productivity A pattern that seems to emerge is that as econ-
growth, and ultimately raising the living stan- omies develop and diversify the demand for
dards of living of the population. higher-level cognitive skills increases relative
to the demands for manual job-specific skills.
In the developing world, however, the majority Yet, the few studies looking at the distribution of
of the labor force has very low levels of educa- cognitive and non-cognitive skills in the labor
tion. Even those with higher degrees might not force in developing countries suggest that cer-
have acquired the skills necessary to succeed in tain vulnerable groups, such as the unemployed
the labor market—particularly high-level analyt- and first time job seekers tend to have low cog-
ical and interactive skills. Middle to high-income nitive scores or lack the socio-emotional skills
countries have the best indicators and yet the that predict success as a self-employed worker
average number of years of schooling is only or entrepreneur.
8.5—primary plus some years of secondary edu-
cation. At the same time, employers frequently This note discusses the types of interventions
complain that workers’ lack of skills is a con- that can be considered to improve the skills of
straint to their business. those who are already in the labor force; either
working or looking for jobs. Clearly, any strat-
This mismatch between the skills individuals egy aimed at finding solutions to the skills prob-
have and those which are needed appears per- lem needs to start with creating conditions for
vasive across countries. In India, for instance, adequate early childhood development, laying
50% of university graduates obtain a diploma a strong foundation in basic and secondary edu-
in arts, far exceeding employer demands. In cation, and improving tertiary education. These
Tunisia, more than 50% of university graduates policies, however are outside the scope of
are in jobs that do not use the skills they the note.
acquired in university. In Cambodia, employers
also complain about skill mismatches, especially The structure of the note is as follows. First, it
among out of school youth. More recent evi- examines the different types of market failures,
dence from Lebanon shows that 40% of wage and subsequently reviews the role that govern-
earners and the self-employed are in occupa- ments have played in training systems around
tions that do not use their skills. the world. Finally it offers a set of proposals
for reforming and improving these systems to
improve labor market outcomes.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH remuneration for those investments (since there

are many employers demanding these skills).
THE DEMAND AND THE Governments would simply need to make sure
PROVISION OF TR AINING? that individuals had the means to finance these
An important question is why the private sec-
tor—both workers and employers—is not But perfectly competitive labor markets are
able to address their training/skills needs and more likely to be the exception than the rule for
solve the problems discussed above. In many many reasons. These include barriers to entry
cases, private sector arrangements without that limit the number of firms competing for
government interventions or support have given skills; workers not having sufficient infor-
worked well. But in general, there are a number mation about where the jobs are and/or not
of problems that affect workers and employers being able to move to where they are; or
and that can lead to an underinvestment in employers not having sufficient information
training and in the misalignment between sup- about the skills that workers have. In labor mar-
ply and demand for skills. These usually involved kets that are not perfectly competitive both
imperfections in labor and capital markets, firms and employees can underinvest in training.
coordination failures, as well as decision making Firms underinvest because they cannot fully
problems.1 appropriate the returns to investment in train-
ing, since employees can be poached by other
Imperfections in Labor Markets firms; employees underinvest because they
In perfectly competitive labor markets there would not receive fair remuneration for their
would not be a need for government interven- higher productivity. The higher the bargaining
tion. Employees would have incentives to invest power of employers the lower the investment in
in their training and acquire skills that were training by employees.
in demand, knowing they would receive fair

Imperfections in Capital Markets enough wages, and workers do not invest in

Financial institutions usually have little infor­ training because of a low skill premia.
mation about the impacts of training on produc-
tivity, earnings, and the creditworthiness of Decision Making Failures
individuals and employers. They may therefore Even with perfect labor and capital markets and
be reluctant to finance worker training, particu- no coordination failures, individuals might not
larly for low-income individuals with little or no make the right decisions when it comes to
credit history. This may lead to underinvestment investments in training. The main reasons are
in training. The implication is that governments lack of information (knowledge), limited cogni-
may need to address these credit constraints tive capacity to process complex problems, and
through different instruments such as guaran- psychological factors that make it difficult to
tees, student loans, and better information for commit to a given decision. For example, quite
financial institutions. often individuals have inaccurate information on
returns to training that may lead to under- or
Coordination Failures over-investment. Individuals also often lack
Often, the success of a given investment depends reliable information on the quality of training
on the coordinated actions of various agents. At providers and future employment prospects,
the high end of the skills spectrum, innovation and may invest in the wrong training. Even with
externalities may occur when workers do not the necessary information, investments in train-
invest enough in training because there are not ing and career choices are complex problems
enough jobs for highly qualified professionals. and individuals may not always make the right
But the reason there are not more of these jobs choice. Finally, high discount rates or the lack
is that there are not enough qualified profes- of non-cognitive skills that predict success in
sionals in the first place. Economies may thus school (such as discipline and perseverance) can
end up in a low-level equilibrium where firms lead many individuals to procrastinate and fail to
do not innovate enough and do not pay high get enough education.

 Almeida, Rita; Behrman, Jere; Robalino, David. 2012. The Right Skills for the Job? Rethinking Training Policies for

Workers. Washington, DC: World Bank


WHAT HAVE classified into two groups. A first group of firms

does not invest in training simply because their
GOVERNMENTS DONE? expected rate of return is smaller than the
return on other investments. A second group of
Individuals who are leaving formal, general firms may have profitable expected returns to
schooling or who are already in the labor mar- investments in OJT but cannot realize these due
ket can have access to a variety of training to market failures: liquidity constraints; high
programs. Although these have been designed worker turnover—in part due to poaching; and/
for different target groups, they can be broadly or lack of adequate information about the bene-
categorized into two groups: fits of training.
 In-house, firm-based, or on the job training
(OJT); Governments have put in place policies to try
to increase the training provided by firms:
 Institutions-based training programs such as training funds, tax incentives and grants, pay-
pre-employment technical and vocational back clauses and apprenticeships, as well as
trainings (TVET) and training-related active technical assistance. It is important to note that
labor market programs (ALMP). although several programs have been intro-
duced and modified to promote OJT across
FIRMS-BA SED/ON-THE-JOB many countries, few evaluations of those pro-
TR AINING grams are available.
A substantial amount of a person’s lifetime
human capital is accumulated after individuals Tax incentives and grants
leave formal schooling and while on the job. In The most popular instrument in developing
the United States, for instance, more than half countries for providing subsidies is training
of the lifetime human capital is accumulated funds. Although most of these funds are based
through post-schooling investments that take on payroll levies, in practice, they may take vari-
place on the job. The evidence reviewed shows ous forms.
that there is a strong and positive correlation • Under a levy-grant mechanism all firms pay
between the incidence of job training at the taxes and those that train, receive grants.
worker or firm level and higher productivity. At The Mauritius’s Enterprise Training Fund, for
the worker level, several country studies for the instance, has some features of this mechanism.
developing world suggest wage returns to work-
ers may be as high as 20 percent per training • In cost-reimbursement schemes all firms pay
episode. At the firm level, the incidence of job taxes and finance their training but then can
training is linked to higher firm productivity, a be reimbursed for incurred expenses (this can
more schooled workforce, and more frequent impose a high administrative burden on the
technology adoption. training fund). In practice, however, the reim-
bursement is often set below the levy paid to
Nevertheless, the incidence of OJT in the devel- cover administration costs. For example, in the
oping world is still quite low, with only a small Nigerian Industrial Training Fund, firms qualify
share of formal firms engaging in training. The for not more than 60 percent of the levy paid,
important question then is why some firms do and in practice less than 15 percent of firms
not train. Research shows that firms can be apply for reimbursement for training costs.

• Finally, in levy-exemption schemes, only those the training costs and can benefit from improved
firms that do not train pay taxes. One good productivity without the risk of losing workers
example is Côte d’Ivoire’s Fonds de Developpe­ to other firms. Because these instruments
ment de la Formation Professionnelle. require good governance and effective legal
enforcement mechanisms, they have been pre-
The overall effects of the three types of levy ferred by high- or middle-income countries. In
are nonetheless similar: the tax provides incen- the German company Deutsche Bahn for exam-
tives for firms to train because firms that train ple, employees have the opportunity to partici-
pay lower net training taxes (the training tax pate in training, on a voluntary basis. After the
net of the transfer to cover the cost of the train- completion of the training program, there is a
ing). Interestingly, and in spite of evidence that contractual retention of 18 months at maximum
smaller firms are more affected by credit con- and Deutsche Bahn can demand reimbursement
straints, this is rarely incorporated into the of the amount expended on training in whole
design of the training funds. However, nothing or in part, depending on the circumstances of
in this system ensures that the resulting train- the individual case.3
ing is efficient. For instance, firms might simply
organize training to reduce the tax burden and The apprenticeship contract is probably the
larger firms might be better at playing the sys- most widely used instrument to promote OJT
tem and getting their money back than small across the developing and developed world. An
firms. in the end, the distribution of taxes and apprenticeship is defined as a period during
subsidies across firms (some firms will pay more which individuals and firms engage in a working
than they receive and others will pay less) can relationship, firms benefit from low-wage work-
be highly nontransparent and be delinked from ers (usually early in their careers), and individu-
firm- or sector-specific market failures that als have the opportunity to receive firm-specific
need to be addressed.2 training. This arrangement is very popular and
useful for promoting the transition from school
Payback clauses and apprenticeships to work because it gives youth the opportunity
There can be enforceable institutional arrange- to develop skills that are directly relevant to the
ments that create adequate incentives for labor market after completing their formal stud-
employers and individuals to invest in skill ies. During the apprenticeship period, wages are
development. Payback clauses and apprentice- usually set below the market rate with an expec-
ship contracts are the most popular arrange- tation that they will rise afterward. Therefore,
ments, with the former being most common in the apprenticeship usually promotes the sharing
middle-high-income countries and OECD coun- of training costs between firms and workers (by
tries as they are more difficult to enforce. underpaying workers during training). Because
the implementation is relatively easy, financing
A payback clause is a type of labor clause spec- and regulations are flexible, and the curriculum
ifying that the worker is required to stay with can be customized, the apprenticeship is popu-
the firm providing the training for a minimum lar even among micro and informal sector firms.
length of time. Otherwise, the worker will have However, the weak educational base of informal
to pay back the costs of job training. Because sector workers (or the trainers), the lack of qual-
workers are required to stay with the training ity standards for training, and the limited poten-
firm, employers can pay lower wages to recover tial for scaling up have been acknowledged as

the main difficulties with apprenticeship. Good apprenticeship plays a critical role in vocational
implementation may require enforcing both an training. It combines school-based and on-
adequate length of training and certification the-job training, follows a standardized cur­
systems, as well as improved access to new riculum and well-monitored quality standard,
technology. and incorporates private education (see box
below). Adopting the long-standing traditions
An example of a well-defined and established of German apprenticeship will not guarantee
apprenticeship program with good regu­ successful program implementation, but les-
lation is found in Germany. As a part of a sons from the German program, including
dual-education structure that distinguishes its structure and principle, would be useful in
vocational and academic training, German promoting private OJT.


The best-known institutional arrangement for addressing the contractibility problem between
employers and employees is the apprenticeship. The best examples are found in countries with a long
tradition of apprenticeships and where this tradition works as an enforcement mechanism. This is the
case in some African countries and in some European countries, in particular Germany.

Traditionally, apprenticeships have two components—the contract and the certification. Governments
usually support the apprenticeships through a subsidy to the individual or firm and the contract is a
private agreement between apprentice and the firm. The training content is usually designed by the
firm but the governments ensure its quality and relevance. Apprenticeship programs can have both
classroom and workplace training. Apprentices benefit from the training and acquire a certification
at the end of their training programs. Employers benefit from the lower cost of labor during the
apprenticeship period and can screen potential future employees.

An example of such system in the German apprenticeship program, a dual system based on class-
room training in vocational institutions and training in the workplace. The structure of the program,
in terms of transparency and quality, curriculum, content and time structure of the training are regu-
lated by the Federal Institute for Training and other national committees.

Apprentices’ wages are lower than productivity but after training, they typically grow higher. The
evidence shows that apprentices, especially in large firms, increase their employability. However, the
post-training retention rates for firms are low as apprentices get general skills that can be applied in
other firms than the one which trained them. In addition, training costs are far from negligible. The
strongest constraint in the transferability of such programs is that they require a strong institutional
framework, in particular a clear legal framework.

 UIS and UNEVOS, 2007, “Participation in formal technical and vocational education and training programmes
worldwide: an initial statistical study”. Montreal.
 Cedefop, 2012. “Payback clauses in Europe: supporting company investment in training”

Technical assistance and industrial extension services and training

Institutional solutions to reach small enter- 200,000 employees. More than 300 business
prises have also been developed to help SMEs associations were participating in CIMO in
in training developments. Small firms are more 2000, up from 72 when it started. In addition,
likely than large ones to be unaware of the ben- CIMO’s M&E effort distinguishes it from other
efits of training and of the existing programs programs. CIMO administered data collection
aiming at fostering training investment. in such a way as to gather panel data over time.
A great deal of effort to construct data over
A few developing countries have used inter- time has provided the policy makers with use­
mediary organizations to help SMEs imple- ful information on how the intervention has
ment training programs. A good example is evolved and worked.
South Korea’s effort to support SMEs through
an intervention that attempts to overcome large INSTITUTION-BA SED TR AINING
fixed costs and create economies of scale in
training provision. In Korea, SMEs often did not PROGR AMS
take advantage of training funds for which they There are many training programs offered by
already paid levies probably because of limited institutions. These are targeted at both those
capacity to administer and finance training. In who are leaving school and before employment
recognition of this, the Korean government and for those who are currently in employment.
encouraged SMEs in similar sectors and regions These include pre-employment technical and
to form a consortium so that they could col­ vocational trainings (TVET) and training-related
laborate in providing training. Later the pro- active labor market programs (ALMP).
gram vertically expanded; now the consortium
includes large firms, and SMEs can achieve syn- TVET Programs
ergy with their large partners in acquiring and Pre-employment TVET continues to garner the
maintaining skills. Even though this represents interest of developed and developing coun-
an innovative effort to promote training, it can tries alike as a critical pathway toward gainful
provide only limited evidence on its effective- employment. Although most of these funds
ness because detailed data collection and rigor- are based on payroll levies, in practice, they
ous evaluation was not incorporated. may take various forms With the objective of
imparting readily applicable, job-relevant skills,
Mexico’s Integrated Quality and Modernization it focuses mainly on young people nearing the
program, or CIMO, is a comprehensive strat­ end of their initial formal schooling and enter-
egy to support SMEs by addressing not only ing the labor market. The surge in basic edu­
specific training but also overall competency, cation graduates worldwide, as well as TVET’s
including research and development, technol- perceived role in fostering East Asia’s industrial-
ogy adoption, and managerial skills. CIMO was ization, has further increased the attention on
established in 1987 and has been particularly TVET in recent years. Nonetheless, developing
successful. By 2000 it was helping 80,000 countries face many issues in the provision of
enterprises each year with a package of training job-relevant TVET. The challenges range from

the lack of quality program offerings and indus- Fostering the economic relevance of TVET pro-
try experienced instructors, few industry part- grams is perhaps the most important policy
nerships, and lack of adequate resources to challenge confronting pre-employment train-
offer access to high quality workshops and ing systems. These mismatches between skills
equipment. Moreover, there is limited training supply and demand often create a paradoxical
provision to promote productive employment situation in some countries: high rates of unem-
in the agricultural and informal sectors. ployment among the graduates of training pro-
grams alongside complaints of skills bottlenecks
The lack of data and the diversity of TVET pro- by employers. Low-income countries, in partic-
grams suggest caution in drawing firm conclu- ular, face further challenges due to small,
sions about the impact of TVET on labor underdeveloped modern industries and a lack
market outcomes. The returns to investment of funds for sustainable training programs.
in TVET vary widely across systems and over
time, suggesting that the performance of pre- The successful experiences of the Republic
employment TVET is context-specific. Among of Korea, Taiwan, China, and Singapore are
OECD countries there is some evidence that, on exceptional and illustrate how economies can
average, the employability of students graduat- overcome these difficulties by having effec-
ing from TVET and from general tracks are simi- tive governance arrangements and explicitly
lar but students graduating from general tracks incorporating demand-driven TVET into their
tend to earn higher wages. However, isolating national industrialization policies. For exam-
the effect of TVET is difficult as student charac- ple, the Demand-led pre-Employment TVET for
teristics, some of them unobservable, influence Economic Growth in Singapore owes its success
both the likelihood of selection into TVET and to the skills development schemes sponsored
the level of labor earnings. Students following by the Singapore’s Economic Development
the TVET track typically have lower test scores Board during the agency’s first decade (see
and come from less favorable parental and below). This identified the source of demand
family backgrounds than their peers in the gen- for higher-level skills and aligned the training
eral track. Findings from survey data on labor curricula with the skills to be developed.
market outcomes associated with TVET for Building partnerships with large private sector
developing countries are also mixed and incon- companies such as Tata Group, this system suc-
clusive. They illustrate that while returns to ceeded in providing people with the right skills
pre-employment TVET can indeed be positive, to join the labor market.
they are not consistently greater or worse than
those associated with general education.


Singapore’s pre-employment TVET system is widely known for its quality, owing much to the skills
development schemes sponsored by Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB) during the
agency’s first decade.

Facing an inauspicious start (failure of the training-production workshops and retraining schemes),
the EDB decided to partner with leading international firms with proven training systems in order to
learn the training business from them, train their requirements and adapt the methods for local needs.

EDB’s first training partner was Tata Group, a large Indian conglomerate. It led to the creation of the
Tata-Government Training Center to supply workers for Tata’s engineering plant in Singapore. The
Singapore Government provided the land and buildings, contributed 70% of the center’s operating
costs and paid the stipends of the trainees. Trainees were committed to work with EDB or any com-
pany directed by the agency for 5 years. Twice as many people as Tata required were trained in order
that the rest of the graduates not recruited by Tata would be an asset to attract other engineering
firms to Singapore, contributing to the growth of an industry cluster.

Training-related active labor market programs only and other multiple service programs that
(ALMPs) include training as one of a number of interven-
Not all workers have access to TVET or OJT, and tions—OJT, subsidies, counseling, etc. In gen-
thus many countries have developed parallel eral, most training-related active labor market
training programs for the more vulnerable programs are short, with a typical duration of
workers. These ALMPs target a wide range of 4–6 months. The short duration of the pro-
individuals with different needs: unskilled and grams suggests that at best they might be
low-skilled workers who dropped out of the expected to have relatively modest effects on
education system usually before having com- the participants comparable, perhaps to the
pleted secondary school; youths transiting from impact of an additional year of formal school-
school to work; skilled workers in transition ing.4 In many cases, governments are the direct
between jobs. providers of training. Programs that are man-
aged by the public sector suffer from weak
There are many designs under these types of incentives to reach out to the private providers
programs. It is useful to distinguish between and often also lack the administrative capacity
programs that offer technical skills training to do so.

 Card et al (2010), “Active Labor Market Policy Evaluations: A meta-analysis”


Some of the most successful programs consist place to connect beneficiaries to OJT. Most of
of comprehensive-multi-service approaches. the comprehensive programs have been taking
These programs involve some combination of place in Latin America (Jovenes programs—see
training (i.e., job and/or life-skills training), job below) and have produced positive results in
search assistance, entrepreneurial services, and terms of jobs placement and employment ben-
a range of other social and employment-related efits. The downside of these programs is that
support services. Usually provided by qualified per capita costs can be high, on the order of
private firms, NGOs or public institutions, they US$600—US$2,000, and, although cost-benefit
provide training and other services on a com- analysis for some programs have yielded attrac-
petitive basis. International experience sug- tive rates of returns, governments facing tight
gests that core components to make these budgetary constraints might be able to only
programs successful are the incentives put in afford them at a small scale.


Jovenes Programs refer to a series of programs that have been implemented in Latin America since
1991, aimed at improving youth employability and human capital. Targeted at disadvantaged young
workers, they combine training and work experience as well as life skills, job search assistance, coun-
seling and information. This model began in Chile and was subsequently replicated in Venezuela,
Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

Financial incentives are given to both trainees and employers to ensure both sides participate.
Training is provided on a competitive basis by private sector firms, while training institutions coordi-
nate courses and internships. This ensures the skills taught in the program fit with the needs of the
productive sector.

Evidence shows that these programs contribute to an increased employment probability and
increased earning of participants upon graduation, compared to their control group. For example,
women’s employment probability has increased by 10% thanks to Proyecto Joven in Argentina, while
monthly earnings also increased by 10%. On average, labor market impacts of these programs are
higher for women and younger beneficiaries than for men and older cohorts.

Despite all the different programs that have However, rigorous impact evaluations as well
been launched, it is unclear whether these as continuous monitoring of programs are still
have had any real impact on overall labor mar- lacking in many developing countries. A strong
ket outcomes. A forthcoming paper by Kluve conclusion from the review is the need for
et al. (2015)5 has looked at the labor market major improvements in the quality of evidence
impact of various kinds of interventions to available for ALMPs. The absence of rigorous
improve the labor market outcomes of youth, evaluations almost certainly leads to an overes-
among them training programs. Using data timation of program impacts by policy-makers.
from both developed and developing countries, Properly evaluated programs are less likely to
the meta-analysis shows that only small share lead to positive assessments of impact and
(around one third) of skill training programs effectiveness than judgments based on non-
have a positive and significant impact on labor scientific methodologies. In the absence of
market outcomes. such evaluations, then, policy-makers are likely
to overestimate the benefit of their inter­
There are, however, several factors that have ventions and, as a result, allocate resources
been consistently associated with success of inefficiently. This is a particular concern in
various programs—the most important being developing countries where resources are
giving incentives to providers to respond scarce and evaluations are uncommon.
to the needs of employers and job seekers.
Excessive centralization in program administra-
tion should be avoided by giving local labor
offices the flexibility to manage their programs,
and by outsourcing implementation to public
and private companies through contracts that
reward performance. The latter should meet
clearly defined standards regarding the qualifi-
cations of staff, particularly for counselors, and
follow protocols for methods to assess compe-
tencies and aptitudes, provide career advice,
and identify training needs. There is also grow-
ing evidence that a combination of technical
training with soft skills and OJT components
leads to better results than classroom training
alone, especially for disadvantaged youth and
adults. This model is essentially what some
European countries are doing, including Germany
and the United Kingdom.

 Kluve et al. (2015), “Interventions to Improve the Labour Market Outcomes of Youth: A Systemic Review of

Training, Entrepreneurship Promotion, Employment Services, and Subsidized Employment Interventions”


THE POLIC Y AGENDA such as subsidies or tax incentives. Even more,

these advisory services would increase the
Skills development programs are an important knowledge of managers on both the need for
part of the jobs agenda, but they are very and benefits of OJT and any potential training
unlikely to be successful if other interventions programs they might implement. These serv­
are not in place. Jobs strategies within a coun- ices could also be integrated with any existing
try usually involve policy interventions to cre- nonfinancial support services for small and
ate jobs, increase the productivity of jobs, medium enterprises. In this way, the firms
and facilitate access to jobs. These strategies would benefit from an integrated approach to
require multi-sector interventions—macro- technical assistance. This would promote
economic policies, improvement in business competency, information and knowledge
regulations, investments in infrastructure, and sharing. Technical assistance could take
better labor policies. Having a regional and sec- the form of business consulting to promote
toral focus in the design of these strategies is firm productivity, including strategies related
also important.6 Skills development programs to technology adoption, human resource
therefore need to be coordinated with these management and skills development. A
interventions to have a meaningful impact. complete technical assistance would help
them to improve the complementarities
Before continuing to develop and expand the between their workforce and other factors of
current skills development interventions, production.
there is a need to better understand the • Increase firms’ access to credit tied to train-
market failures. In that view, there are three ing investments. There is room for policies to
important aspects to the skills and jobs agenda provide and improve financial support to firms,
that need to receive more attention: firms; in particular by increasing their access to
contestable markets; financing. Some sugges- credit geared towards training investments.
tions in terms of priority interventions are pre- This is because firms may face liquidity con-
sented below. straints that prevent them from investing in
training. Currently, the most popular way to
Constraints to firms’ investments in training provide subsidies to firms is through training
could be addressed in several innovative ways: funds, particularly those based on payroll
• Advise firms’ management on the productiv- taxes. Most international experience shows
ity benefits of training. While many existing that this type of incentive is focused on larger
programs focus on alleviating financial con- firms, for which the returns of training are
straints, one of the key ways of fostering arguably higher—even without any public
firms’ investment in training is to make sure intervention. Another way to increase firms’
that managers are aware of the positive access to credit is via matching grants, where
impact of training on firms’ productivity. They government subsidies match the firms’
could also be advised on what programs and resources.
incentives exist for investments in training

 Concept Note for the World Bank’s work on “Jobs Diagnostics and Strategies: Lessons from their Design and

Implementation in 20 Countries”

• D esign and test mechanisms to allocate Institution-based training programs could
partial subsidies to incentivize training, espe­ benefit from having more contestable markets
cially for generic transferable skills. Coun­ for training provision. This can be achieved in
tries could consider moving away from pay-roll the following ways:
taxes for training and tax-exemptions, and
• Level the playing field for private training
instead focus on the design of matching
providers. To level the playing field for private
grants financed through general revenues.
companies, the laws and institutions should
Grants would be targeted to firms with
favor the presence of both public and private
growth potential, such as young innovative
providers of training. This would foster com-
start-ups, rather than focusing only on firm
petition and innovation in training programs.
size. Other firm characteristics that could be
In many countries, training providers are often
used as proxies for targeting include the
public, and they are paid based on inputs
firm’s sector of activity, the frequency of
or outputs (such as the number of people
it adopts technology, or the gaps between
trained) rather than on their performance or
wages and productivity. Firms usually have
outcomes (such as the number of people who
higher incentives to provide their workers
got jobs after training). Having both public
with training for job and firm specific skills.
and private companies would increase com-
Generic skills training, such as communication
petition and potentially training quality.
and presentation skills or problem-solving,
however, are less likely to be provided by • Make information publicly available on the
firms, as there is a higher risk of trained work- quality and performance of training provid-
ers leaving the firm and applying these newly ers. In addition, clear and detailed informa-
acquired generic skills in other firms. There­ tion on the quality and the performance of
fore specific subsidies to generic skills could different providers would keep the best train-
be designed in order to reduce the risk taken ing providers in the market and force others
by firms in investing in this kind of training. out. For instance, in Australia, Job Services
Australia (formerly called Jobs Network) is a
• Finally, encourage public-private partner-
network of competitively selected for-profit
ships. These are an efficient way of sharing
and not-for-profit organizations delivering
risks and costs between governments and
employment services to job seekers, paid
firms. The example of Vale, a Brazilian com-
for by the government. Each organization is
pany, shows a successful public-private part-
responsible for providing job seekers with
nership. Vale’s training program identifies the
personalized services such as job search and
skills the corporation needs and helps local
training. The network has a star rating sys-
educational partners develop specific courses
tem, assigning stars to agencies according to
to train an appropriately qualified workforce.
their level of performance. The benefits of
The program offers two curricula at the uni-
this system are two-fold: first, it increases
versity level and at the technical apprentice
competition across agencies, incentivizing
level. The first curriculum educates engineers
them to provide better employment services;
and geologists, in partnerships with universi-
and second, it provides job seekers with the
ties. The technical apprentice level targets
necessary information of each agency’s per-
young people who are finishing school and
formance. While competition between pri-
provides them with the technical education,
vate and public training agencies has been
partnering with local education institutions.

implemented over the last decades in OECD • Finally, develop public goods such as new
countries, in developing countries it is more models and approaches to teach socio-emo-
recent. tional skills. While there is growing evidence
on the importance of these skills for labor
• Pay for results. Increasing information on the
market success, there are big knowledge gaps
performance of training providers can go
on what are cost-effective approaches to
hand in hand with performance-based pay-
develop these skills among the young adult
ments of training providers. In Lebanon, for
population. Most of the existing interventions
example, the New Entrants to Work Program
have been tried for children and teens still
(NEW) selects NGO and private training agen-
in the education system. There is a need to
cies on a competitive basis, and rewards them
develop effective approaches that are more
based on their performance. Indeed, it might
suitable for delivery through labor market
be a way of incentivizing training providers
training programs.
to increase the quality of their training pro-
grams through contracts that reimburse
Both firm- and institution-based training pro-
based on outcomes of the training such as job
grams could benefit from innovative financing
placements and the sustainability of the jobs
mechanisms. Indeed, both individuals and
firms often lack the necessary funding to invest
• Put in place clear and transparent criteria in training. In addition, given the rising need
for the eligibility of training providers. The for skills training in many countries, govern-
experience of countries such as Australia, ment financing might not be sufficient to cover
which introduced a fully contestable market everyone who needs training. Consequently,
for VET in 2012, shows that when contestabil- there is a need for alternative financing arrange­
ity is introduced into a training market, it ments that rely more on costs and risk sharing
must be done alongside strong regulatory with the private sector and the individuals
mechanisms. Importantly, there need to themselves.
accurate and readily available quality signals.
• Social bonds might be used to finance invest-
This enables students and employers to make
ments and service delivery. Initially intro-
informed decisions about their choice of pro-
duced in the United Kingdom at the beginning
vider. Any delays in implementation of both
of the 2000s, the social impact bond model
sufficient regulatory and transparency mech-
makes outcome payers such as governments,
anisms can lead to subpar training providers
foundations or corporations contract with
taking advantage of a lack of scrutiny and
private sector intermediaries to obtain social
public financing. Clear and transparent eligi-
services. Outcomes payers can pay providers
bility criteria for training providers need to be
entirely or almost entirely upon completion
in place and an independent assessment of
of performance targets and can refuse to pay
whether these criteria are met should be
if minimal targets have not been reached.
periodically conducted.

In this model, commercial or philanthropic ITAs give individuals the freedom to choose
investors provide upfront, unrestricted capi- the training providers that match their
tal and receive returns if improvements in requirements. In some ITA models, individu-
outcomes are achieved. The intermediary als can also consult counselors, who help
uses these funds to finance service providers. them choose the training providers but who
This has several benefits: it shifts the invest- cannot choose for them. In the future, indi-
ment risks from taxpayers to private investors vidual training accounts could benefit from
and it also reduces the fiscal constraints as more cost-sharing between the government
the funding does not come from tax based and individuals, by incentivizing individuals to
public expenditures. In addition, the per­ pay for a part of their training. This means
formance-based structure of the program they would become more selective about the
incentivizes service providers to increase the type of training they undertook and training
quality of their services. providers they used. This could be modelled
after individual development accounts (IDA).
• Individual training accounts (ITA) have been
These are matched savings accounts for
used in the United States, for instance, to pro-
low-income people, which can be used to
vide job seekers with vouchers they can use
purchase a home, to start a small business, or
to get training by eligible training providers.
further education or job training.7
 There are more than 500 such savings schemes in the United States



Advisory services to management
Access to credit (matching grants)
Target subsidies at generic skills training
PPP – public private partnerships


Level playing field for private firms
Information on quality and performance of training providers
Performance-based payment
Objective criteria for the selection of training institutions

Social Bonds
Individual Training Accounts
WHAT C AN WE DO NEX T? have now been implemented and analyzed in
about 20 countries across the World since
Going forward, there are several opportunities 2010. Emerging evidence from these surveys
to improve training policies to ensure that the have already inspired innovations in educa-
current and future workforce have the skills tional and training programs in countries like
needed in the labor market: Peru and Vietnam where governments are
undertaking major reforms to strengthen the
• First, more collaboration with the private teaching of these skills from basic education
sector is needed. Experience from training to building closer partnerships with the enter-
programs around the world shows that prise sector in post-secondary, labor training
engaging the private sector is key to ensuring and OJT programs.
that training is relevant to the needs of
employers. However, the private sector can • Finally, piloting and evaluating innovative
play a much bigger role in designing, financ- approaches is key to workforce develop-
ing, and implementing training programs in ment. As shown above, there are several
order to increase their impact. Public-private innovative ways to increase the efficiency and
partnerships have already been successful effectiveness of training programs. Whether
and could be encouraged further. it is innovating with the way subsidies are
targeted or introducing performance-based
• Second, in following with the adage “what payments for training or approaches to teach
gets measured gets the attention, and gets socio-emotional skills, starting with small
done”, there is a need to continue improving proto-types that are potentially scalable is a
the measurement of skills gaps—ie, which more prudent and efficient approach than
skills are demanded by employers and to introducing untested approaches system wide.
what extent these are possessed or not by Thus, it is a priority to invest in monitoring
workers. Without these measures, policy and evaluation to rigorously analyze results
interventions will be guided in the dark. and estimate the costs and benefits of inter-
Through the STEP Skills Measurement Pro­ ventions. As a result, it would be possible to
gram, the Bank, in collaboration with the determine whether interventions have suffi-
OECD and prominent academics, has been ciently large gains to compensate for their
pioneering efforts across the developing costs, which is key to knowing that resources
world to measure and analyze the role of cog- are being well spent.
nitive, socio-emotional and technical skills for
labor market success.8 These surveys, consist-
ing of an employer and a household surveys,

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