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Argumentation and Cause effect

Expression of Cause-effect
arguing sentence
I think …  Because
In my opinion …  So that
In my point of view  That
…  In order that
That’s true, but …
Task 3
I see what you
Join the following sentences to make
mean, but …
complex showing cause-effect
That may be so, but

1. The police arrested the murder. He
I see your point, but
killed the victim a week ago.

2. I would rather just stay at home. It will
I agree, but … rain heavily.
I don’t think … 3. We will go early. We can catch the first
I don’t agree with … bus.
4. The girl refused to see the movie with
Task1 you. She had a lots of things to do.
Make your own arguments to the 5. The boy can’t enter the stadium. They
following statements. don’t have tickets.
1. X: Success comes with hard work. 6. The teacher is so clever. Everybody
Y: admires him.
2. X: Job satisfaction is more than money. 7. She was lazy. She didn’t pass the exam.
Y: 8. The little boy hid behind the door.
3. X: Study hard is better than playing a Nobody will see him.
game. 9. The board is white. We used black
Y: marker to write something.
4. X: You should be able to save your 10. He got the best school grade in
money than spend it to the National Exam. He always study every
unimportant things. day.
Y: 1. ……………………………………………………………
5. X: You can judge a man by the quality …………………………………………………………..
of his work. 2. ……………………………………………………………
Y: ……………………………………………………………
6. X: Everyone wants to go up in the 3. ……………………………………………………………
world by getting a better work. ……………………………………………………………
Y: 4. ……………………………………………………………
Task 2 ……………………………………………………………
Please look at the picture and give your 5. ……………………………………………………………
own arguments for each picture. ……………………………………………………………
6. ……………………………………………………………
7. ……………………………………………………………
8. …………………………………………………………… Chance
…………………………………………………………… Personally
9. …………………………………………………………… Applied
…………………………………………………………… Promoted
10. …………………………………………………………… Complain
…………………………………………………………… Pleased
Task 4 Public
Match the words with the definition Accept
Words or Definitions Opinion

1) advertising a) a computer program

2) browsers application used by people
3) data to find and look at web
4) free sites on the Internet
5) privacy b) provided without, a
6) profit charge or payment
7) to collect c) How a company
8) to store encourages people to buy
9) trail their products, services or
d) to get and keep things of
one type
e) the smell or series of
marks left by a person,
animal, or thing as it moves
f) pieces of information
g) money that is earned in
trade or business
h) to put or keep things in a
special place for use in the
i) someone's right to keep
their personal matters and
relationships secret

Task 5
Find the meaning of this words below.
Words Meaning

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