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1 Read the text. Then tick ( ) the correct animal in the chart. (1.2 POINTS)
Today, we’ve got some amazing transport technology. But did you know engineers
get some of their new ideas for this technology by studying birds? Read about two

The toucan has got a huge beak and the beak looks very heavy. So how can it fly?
Actually, the toucan’s beak is very light and it’s full of air. It’s also very strong.
American engineer Marc Meyers thinks we can use this design in cars to make them
strong and light. If he’s right, cars will be stronger, lighter and safer than ever before.

It isn’t easy to catch mice and rats because you must be very quiet. So how does the
nocturnal bird, the owl, do it? The owl’s feathers are a special shape. There are also
tiny feathers on an owl’s legs. This helps it fly very quietly. Airbus engineers want to
create quiet aeroplanes, so they’re studying owls. The engineers are going to copy
the shape of the feathers and add them to the aeroplanes. If their idea works, future
air travel won’t be so noisy. Have a peaceful flight!

The The
toucan owl
1. It sleeps during the day.
2. Its beak is very big.
3. It can help engineers design
4. Engineers are studying its
5. It is quiet in the air.
6. It has got a very light beak.

2 Choose the correct answer. (0.8 POINTS)

1.The toucan’s beak has got feathers / air / teeth in it.

2.Marc Meyers studied flight / mice and rats / toucans.

3.Owls can catch animals easily because they are quiet / fast / big birds.

4.In the future, aeroplanes will be louder / lighter / quieter than today.

1 Circle the word that DOESN’T belong. Then add a word to each group. (0.8 POINTS)
1. mouse • flash drive • microscope • USB port • ..................................
2. flu • cough • earache • stress • ..................................
3. knee • claw • beak • paw • ..................................
4. wolf • cow • goat • pig • ..................................

2 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentence.
(0.7 POINS)
1. People usually shout when they watch funny films. ..................................
2. There are clothes on the floor. The room is old. ..................................
3. I can’t hear you. The music is helpful. ..................................
4. I often use my calculator. It’s very messy. ..................................
5. People often pay when they’re angry. ..................................
6. Our dog is 16 years old. That’s very loud. ..................................
7. How much did you laugh for the speakers? ..................................

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need.
(0.5 POINTS)
joystick • stormy • connect • scanner • dry mechanic • drama • install

1. Many actors studied .................................. at university.

2. A .................................. fixes cars.
3. Every day, millions of people .................................. to the Internet.
4. It’s very .................................. , so I think I’ll stay home.
5. People use a .................................. to play video games.
1 Choose the correct answer. (1 POINT)
1. Polar bears have got / has got / are huge paws.
2. In 2004, there is / there was / there were a terrible tsunami.
3. Paul isn’t writing / don’t write / doesn’t write his blog every day.
4. There isn’t many / much / some sugar in an avocado.
5. You can’t / should / couldn’t take antibiotics for a cold. They won't work.
6. The boys were playing / wasn’t playing / weren’t playing computer games at
home at 4.00. They were at the sports centre.
7. There is some / a / any sugar in the cupboard.
8. When / Who / What is the English lesson starting?
9. This is my dog. My / his / its name is Pluto.
10. Do you know / Are you knowing / Is you know the answer?

2 Correct the mistakes. (1.1 POINTS)

1. Jack can’t speak French two years ago.
2. When they are leaving?
3. I didn’t turned on the printer.
4. It wasn’t rain at 12.00 yesterday.
5. How many honey do you want?
6. Are Ben sleeping right now?
7. Joe is more tall than Ron.
8. The aunt is more smaller than the elephant.
9. I study right now.
10. I goed to the supermarket yesterday.
11. Paul watchs TV every day.

3 Write QUESTIONS according to the answers in bold. (0.9 POINTS)

1. ..............................................................................................
Ben saw the wolf an hour ago.
2. ..............................................................................................
The models were wearing red dresses.
3. ..............................................................................................
Polar bears will die because the ice is disappearing.
4. ..............................................................................................
The mechanics are starting the work tomorrow.
5. ..............................................................................................
I am going to stay in London.
6. ..............................................................................................
I play basketball twice a week.
7. ..............................................................................................
Mary is my sister.
8. ..............................................................................................
I went to Australia last year.
9. ..............................................................................................
My name is Peter.

4 Choose the correct answer. (1 POINT)

You sometimes cook / Are you sometimes cooking / Do you sometimes cook?
Soon, 2. you will have / you won’t have / will you have new technology to help
you. Scientist Yu Suzuki put a webcam above his kitchen table and connected it to a
computer. The computer 3. can / must / should recognise food items. Then, it 4. is
giving / give / gives instructions for preparing them. At the moment, an engineer in
the US 5. designs / is designing / are designing a similar system. The system will be
helpful / more helpful / more helpful than Suzuki’s because it will watch the
chef, too. If the chef 7. makes / make / will make a mistake, the system will help to
correct it. Some people think these technologies are great, but others think 8. much /
many / any people will not enjoy cooking this way.
Why / Who / What do you think? Will the next generation of chefs be better10.

than / good / better their parents?

How do you imagine your future? Write a text of around 80 words explaining it.
Some ideas are: your studies, your job, your family, where you are going to live…

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