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Circling back to our example of a tree. While rooted firmly to the ground, the tree stretches upwards and outwards. It produces the bark, branches, leaves, flowers, flowers,
fruits, and seeds. It diversifies! This is why, the Wood Element governs:

 Growth
 Kindness
 Benevolence
 Diversity
 Branching Out
 Motivation
 Drive
 Determination
 Learning

If Wood is the strongest element in your Chart, personal growth is the driving factor behind many of your life systems and decision-making process.

Of the 5 Elements, the Wood Element is the one that requires the active participation from all the others. Wood needs the stability of Earth. To be ‘transformative, Fire is
required. To be useful, Metal must be present. And most of all, in order to sustain growth, Wood needs Water. Because of this, Wood is the most competitive of the 5
Elements. And therefore, on the negative side of things, Wood governs your sense of competition.

Wood | Too Much; Too Little

A Chart with too much Wood typically manifests as an individual with a strong competitive streak, jealously guarding his or her ‘resource’ whatever that may be.

On the other hand, a Chart with the weak presence of Wood will reflect a personality where the concept of ‘growth’ becomes negligible. Vague concepts like personal growth,
for example, would simply not be a matter of consideration for the chart owner.

Wood | How To Use

How then, can you use this element that is so growth-driven and competitive? How do you ‘activate’ Wood in your life? Let’s examine the role that Wood plays in your Chart.

Wood As The Companion Element

Recall that one of the keywords for Wood is ‘diversity’? Think of your Wood Companion Star as a bridge that connects different islands together. One suggestion would be to
use the diversity and natural connectivity of the Wood Element to bring different communities together.

Wood As The Output Element

Again, we come back to our example of the tree. It takes a single drop of Water, and turn it into its trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. This represents your
natural ability to take one idea and turn it into a multitude of end products. Therefore, with Wood as your Output element, the end product of your creativity must be ‘linkable’.

Let me give you an example. JK Rowling wrote a book about a boy named Harry Potter. From that one book spawned a series of books. And then came the movies, followed
by the merchandise, then the spinoff series, and then more movies. From one idea, the product keeps linking onwards and onwards. From a single output, others grow.

Wood As The Wealth Element

Another outstanding ability of Wood is its regenerative abilities. Ever seen a tree that you have given up for dead? A few months later, you are astonished to find new shoots
pushing upwards again. With Wood as your Wealth Element, the Day Master will tend to be very ruthless and competitive. Why? Because your Wealth can re-generate.
Therefore, you feel that you have the luxury to take risks. There is only one caveat to this attitude – be careful not to kill the ‘roots’ that anchor your Wealth.

Wood As The Influence Element

If Wood is your Influence Element, the benevolent aspects of the Wood Nature becomes even more apparent. You are protective and honourable, much like the venerable
oak tree that extends its protection to the little woodland creatures. This instinctive care you have for the less advantaged members of society can be a part of your personal
mission. It can be what drives your business, your personal growth, and even your personal branding.

Wood As The Resource Element

With Wood as the Resource Element, the ‘transformative’ nature of Wood takes centre stage. Here lies your ability to gather information from many different sources and
transform those information into fresh new theories and ideas. To rock Wood as your Resource Element, learn to take an existing body of knowledge, and re-package the
knowledge for a different audience. You just need to be aware of one particular tendency – your love for never-ending research!

Wood Industries | The Classical Interpretation

A discourse on the 5 Elements would be incomplete without a nod towards the classical interpretation of the 5 Elements in terms of industry. Therefore, please find here, a
non-exhaustive list of industries related to Wood:

 Seasonal fashions
 Plantation
 Agriculture
 Wood craft
 Furniture
 Teaching
 Cultural activities
 Organic businesses

In a nutshell: any industry that promotes ‘growth’ and ‘diversity’.


The nature of Fire is to spread. It is impatient. Fire brings light and hope to the darkness. Therefore, the following keywords are often attributed to the Fire Element:

 Impatience
 Spreading
 Passion
 Liberal/Identity
 Generosity
 Innovation
 Joy
 Inspiration
 Transformation
 Egoism
 Beauty

If Fire is the dominant force in your Chart, you are driven by your passions. You take pride in your ability to change and break old patterns. Beauty, elegance, dignity and plain
old happiness are important to you.

In terms of the liberal nature of Fire (which is often linked with open-minded thinking), this interpretation can be challenged. In essence, this liberal nature of Fire is more
deeply connected to a sense of identity. Hence, it is common to see people with strong Fire in their chart who are either super-liberal or super-conservative.

Fire | Too Much; Too Little

A Chart with too much Fire typically reflects an individual who is literally driven by their ego. Driven by a need for admiration so strong, that he or she may resort to scorch-
earth tactics to get what they want. When a Chart has too much Fire, it is common to find a person willing to burn the candle at both ends because their ego has driven them
to take on more responsibilities than is possible within a span of 24 hours. And of course, with Fire too strong, there is always the risk of being hot-tempered.

Conversely, the absence of Fire in a Bazi Chart is easy to spot. People whose Bazi Charts are lacking in Fire tend to be gloomy and pessimistic. The absence of Fire
translates into a psychological resistance to change.

Fire | How To Use

How then, can you use this element that revolves around the concept of passion and change? How do you ‘activate’ Fire in your life? Let’s examine the role that Fire plays in
your Chart.

Fire As The Companion Element

With Fire as your Companion Element, the two main key words that come into play are: 1) Identity and, 2) Inspiration.

In my previous two posts, people with the Water Companion element flow into different social circles with ridiculous ease. Those with the Wood Companion element were
encouraged to become a bridge between communities.

For you, with Fire as your Companion Element, your Fire needs to shine so bright that you draw people to you. Using Fire as the Companion Element, requires you to be
inspirational, so inspirational that your message spreads far enough to attract those who identify with you.

Fire As The Output Element

If Fire is your Output Element (which means you are a Wood Day Master), this is where the Transformative nature of Fire is most apparent. Wood transforming into Fire is
equated with brilliance! Simply put, your creativity and the value you create, must be transformative in nature.

This sounds pretty vague, I know. As an example – think of someone who works in the Digital Transformation Industry. The value you create, helps transform how others run
their businesses and helps businesses keep up with trends.

With Fire as your Output Element, it is almost your job to lead innovations.

Fire As The Wealth Element

Strong Fire as the Wealth Element easily translates into an impatient and energized personality. Typically, someone with little patience for the slow accumulation of Wealth.
As such, to activate your Fire Wealth Element, train yourself in the skills of big-picture thinking. Learn to spot (and take action on), opportunities.

Fire As The Influence Element

Activating Fire as your Influence Element requires the use of self-discipline. Again, we’re back to the concept of ‘Identity’, but in this case, it translates into a willingness to
employ self-discipline to forge yourself into the best that you can be. In other words, ‘no pain; no gain’.

An easy way to activate Fire as your Influence Element? Head on over to the gym and start sculpting your body.

Fire As The Resource Element

When Fire is your Resource Element, the open-minded and forward-looking nature of Fire is of prime importance. Activating Fire as your Resource is pretty straight-forward.
Be willing to open yourself to new values and perspectives. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone, move out of that social media algorithm-induced silo, and explore new
directions. It will be fun, it will be fascinating… and more, the more you consume new information and integrate them into your life, the bigger a boost to your self-confidence.

Fire Industries | The Classical Interpretation

A discourse on the 5 Elements would be incomplete without a nod towards the classical interpretation of the 5 Elements in terms of industry. Therefore, please find here, a
non-exhaustive list of industries related to Fire:

 Oil and Gas

 F&B
 Airlines
 Futuristic Tech
 Metaphysics/Spirituality
 IT
 Firearms
 Promotions
 Services

In a nutshell: any industry that promotes ‘transformation’.

Think of a mountain. Its base is always firm and strong. Even silt from the river will settle down on the banks where it can be productive. Therefore, Earth prioritizes stability.
Always! Earth is slow and steady. Therefore, Earth governs:

 Stability
 Security
 Slow and Steady
 Trustworthiness
 Durability
 Dedication
 Productiveness
 Self-Cultivation
 Abundance

If Earth is the dominant force in your Chart, your decision-making process will typically centre around creating stability and security in your life. A reputation of being
trustworthy and independent is important to you. More, you expect the same from people around you as well.

Earth | Too Much; Too Little

But what happens when there is too much Earth and the element turns negative? Stability and security taken too far, turns into rigidity. Your demand for trustworthiness in
those around you become suspicions. Instead of an abundance mindset, suddenly, there is scarcity and along with it, comes feelings of unworthiness.

On the flip side, lack of Earth in the Chart simply means that the idea of stability, security and trust rarely comes to mind when a decision is required from you. Less rooted to
one way of living, you are more open to going with the flow. In today’s world, that could be the enviable lifestyle of a digital nomad. In the olden days, this describes the life of
a vagabond.

A Chart that is completely devoid of Earth is quite rare. Statistically possible, of course. It means that your Chart must comprise of the Rat (子), Rabbit (卯), Rooster (酉), or
Pig (亥).

Earth | How To Use

How then, can you use this element that revolves around the concept of security and stability? How do you ‘activate’ Earth in your life? Let’s examine the role that Earth plays
in your Chart.

Earth As The Companion Element

Let’s go back to the example of visualizing Earth as a mountain. The mountain does not rush about helter-skelter looking for action. We’d all be in big trouble if a mountain
does that. Instead, the mountain, seeking stability and security, sits… and waits for the action to come to it.

Convert this into human terms, with Earth as your Companion Element, you are almost like a sage sitting on top of a figurative mountain. People come to you for advice and
assistance. Therefore, your reputation, especially your reputation of being trustworthy subject-matter expert, plays a big role in this area.

Now, I’m not just talking about career development or business. In terms of personal growth, your reputation is a big part of your self-confidence. As far as friendship and
relationships are concerned, friends come to you because you are ever reliable.

Earth As The Output Element

The Output Element can sometimes be quite far-fetched and impractical. Not so when your Output Element is Earth. Slow Earth as the Output Element for impatient Fire is
great for long-term planning and strategic executions. To use this, make sure that your ideas are well thought-out and based on solid existing principles. The goal is to create
ideas or value that are immediately practical and directly usable.

Earth As The Wealth Element

When Earth is your Wealth Element, slow and steady is the name of your game. You have a preference for long-play, where you build up your business, career or your
personal development in a step-by-step manner.

Earth As The Influence Element

The Influence Element is what controls our Day Element. Think of this as your thought process. With steady Earth as your Influence Element, you are typically very principled
and uncompromising where those principles are concerned. In other words, your moral high horse can be pretty high!

Meeting someone with firm and non-negotiable principles is quite a rare delight these days. Don’t you agree?

I personally know someone like this. He is a renowned motorsports journalist, known for his strict principles about what he writes. In a PR-driven world where articles and
social media postings are available ‘for sale’, he is the only one I know who routinely refuses to accept money for ‘paid’ articles. Instead, he banks on people’s trust for his
personal reputation as an expert in the industry to sell articles to magazines and his many books. This guy, is a gem of a friend!

Earth As The Resource Element

The self-cultivation and resourceful nature of Earth plays a big role when this element is your Resource Element. Because of the Earth Element’s propensity to keep, you will
tend to be quite a multi-faceted person with knowledge in a wide field of subjects.

To use Earth as your Resource Element, you only need to take one step further – instead of just keeping your knowledge, start using that knowledge!

Earth Industries | The Classical Interpretation

A discourse on the 5 Elements would be incomplete without a nod towards the classical interpretation of the 5 Elements in terms of industry. Therefore, please find here, a
non-exhaustive list of industries related to Earth:

 Property
 Real Estate
 Security
 Natural Resources
 Insurance
 Building Materials
 Antiques

In a nutshell: any industry that promotes ‘stability and security’.


Think of an axe or a pair of scissors. Either way, these tools are created to ‘do’ something. An axe left lying around will rust. Unused scissors will probably go the same way.
Tough and practical, Metal literally governs:

 Action-taking
 Decisiveness
 Righteousness
 Pride
 Execution Abilities
 Relationships
 Connections
 Contributions
 Responsibilities
 Practicality
 Toughness

If Metal is the dominant force in your Chart, you pride yourself on being a go-getter, an action taker. Sitting around and waiting for things to happen to you is like kryptonite to
Superman. Control matters a lot to you, along with your sense of personal responsibility.

Metal | Too Much; Too Little

But what happens when there is too much Metal and the element becomes unhealthy? When iron is too strong, it is difficult to forge. In that case, the sense of responsibility
and contributions conveyed by Metal shifts to irresponsibility and a resistance to advice or instructions from others. Metal that is too tough can be extremely stubborn – your
way or the highway. Therefore, instead of action-taking, suddenly there is a tendency to blame and complain. When things go wrong, you blame the environment, your boss,
your colleagues, your clients, the economy, the political situation, your Bazi Chart!

On the flip side, lack of Metal in the Chart points to a rather indecisive person. Because Metal also governs relationships, lack of Metal in the Chart could also point to this
person having fleeting relationships and friendships.

Metal | How To Use

How then, can you use this element that revolves around the concept of action, decisiveness and responsibility? How do you ‘activate’ Metal in your life? Let’s examine the
role that Metal plays in your Chart.

Metal As The Companion Element

With Metal as your Companion Element, your potential to forge long-term connections and relationships is the biggest prize of all! Imagine, having clients or friends who stick
with you for years, or even decades!

Because Metal also governs pride, your innate sense of personal responsibility will shine through in everything that you do. Use that, to forge your long-term relationships.

However, because Metal is an extremely tough element, please keep in mind that you can present as someone who is rather intimidating.

Metal As The Output Element

Think of the Geng Metal as a samurai sword. During the forging process, the Metal is folded again and again to produce a sword that is strong, flexible, and sharp! Similarly,
think of the Xin Metal as ornate jewelry, perfect in every sense of the word. In both cases, one phrase comes to mind – perfection!

This means that, with Metal as your Output Element, you literally have a large streak of the perfectionist in you! Your ideas and contributions are at once valuable yet
practical. However, do be aware of the all-consuming need to keep tweaking and tweaking and tweaking.

Metal As The Wealth Element

The Wealth element is literally an attacking force. When your Wealth Element is made up of the Metal Element, the action-taking and execution abilities of Metal will surface.
At the same time, because both the Wealth element and Metal are oriented towards the idea of responsibility and control, to you, how you feel about a task is irrelevant.  
Once a task is given to you, you just do it, regardless of how you feel about it.

Metal as the Wealth Element sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it? There is just one caveat: you expect the same of others too.

Metal As The Influence Element

When Metal plays the role of Influence in your Chart, its time to level up on your ability to make decisions. Yup, the decisiveness of Metal has a big role to play here. How do
you make decisions? What does your decision-making process look like? To use Metal as your Influence Element to the max, you must first learn to set your own parameters
of success.

Let me give you an example. You’ve just accepted a new job in a new role within an industry that is foreign to you. First 100 days on the job, your role is to figure out what are
the parameters of success in that job. These parameters can be discussed with your supervisors, bosses or colleagues. In the absence of such feedback, you need to create
your own parameters – your own set of rules to define what success means to you in this new role. Do you need new knowledge? Knowledge takes time to assimilate. Then
in that case, do you have access to other people’s knowledge? Remember, Metal also governs relationships/connections!

The same applies to any other parts of your life – defining what a successful relationship, friendship, personal well-being, creativity, family, or even financial life – looks like to

Without this definition, you may end up setting too many rules for yourself, to the point that you deny yourself your fullest potential.

Metal As The Resource Element

Metal as your Resource Structure literally means that you are a Water Day Master (of course). When a solid material (Metal), creates a fast-moving element (Water), you
have literally been gifted with a sharp mental acuity that can cut through a lot of nonsense, and reveal the core of any matter presented to you.

Using Metal as your Resource requires you to help others gain clarity and understanding. Given such clarity, you can also draw different ideas together, forge them together
and create something new. In short, you have the potential to be a catalyst of change in your chosen field.

Metal Industries | The Classical Interpretation
A discourse on the 5 Elements would be incomplete without a nod towards the classical interpretation of the 5 Elements in terms of industry. Therefore, please find here, a
non-exhaustive list of industries related to Metal:

 Metal Industries
 Finance
 Jewelry
 Automotive
 Heavy Metal
 Manufacturing
 Mechanical Fields

In a nutshell: any industry that promotes ‘decisiveness and execution abilities’.


The nature of Water is to flow. That is why Water governs:

 Wisdom
 Emotions
 Thinking
 Mental Capacity
 Mobility
 Creativity
 Ideas
 Knowledge
 The ability to co-operate with others

If Water is the strongest element in your Chart, you take pride in your creativity and wisdom. Emotions and feelings (your own and others) are of most importance to you.  

Water also flows downwards. Turn on a pipe… if the water flows upwards, break out the mops, we’re all in for a big ol’ mess. Therefore, on the negative spectrum, the Water
Element also governs Fear. This describes the condition known as over analysis-paralysis. When there is too much Water in the chart, there is a strong tendency to think
yourself out of doing something. Or worse, think yourself into a depression cycle! Yikes! Basically, this is the ‘curse’ of too much knowledge.

Water | Too Much; Too Little

Most Bazi Charts will need Water. A Bazi Chart without Water basically describes a person who is more driven by the primal needs of survival. The concept of emotions and
feelings are of less importance to them. How they ‘feel’ about something is no longer a primary factor in their decision-making process.

Additionally, because Water governs Fear and therefore, governs our ability to assess risks, the absence of Water in an individual’s chart could result in a rather reckless
attitude. In this case, external influences play a big role. You see, even if your natal chart is completely absent of Water, the element can still come into your life via your Luck
Pillars, Annual Pillars, and at a push, even through the Month Pillars of every year.

Water | How To Use

While the above descriptions are fine and dandy, this article will be pointless without answering the most important question of all – how can I rock my Water Element? That
will depend on what Water means to you (or more specifically, the role that Water plays in your Chart).

Water As The Companion Element

Making the best use of your Water Element is to ensure that you flow into as many types of social circles as possible. In today’s digital world where online communities
flourish, we are no longer constrained to our physical locality. With Water as your Companion Element, blending and assimilating yourself into different types of communities
is something that comes more naturally for you than any other.

Water As The Output Element

The Output Element represent our thoughts, creativity and ideas. It is what the Day Master creates, and therefore, represents the value that we create. The Water Element
also governs exactly this function – thoughts, creativity and ideas. When the two conflate, this is someone with very fluid imagination. With Water as your Output Element, put
yourself in the position to play in the strategic and ideas field. We’re talking about creating strategies that can be used by a multitude of industries.

Water As The Wealth Element

The Wealth Element represents our sense of responsibility and productivity. With Water as your Wealth Element, optimal use of this would be to create/attract as many
income streams as possible, all flowing to you, of course!

Water As The Influence Element

The Influence Element is what controls us. In a way, we can view the Influence Element as our thinking system or our thoughts. If Water is your Influence Element, that could
literally mean that your thoughts are Water! Oops! There is more red flags here than in any other place. It can mean that you are quite forgetful, or you may have a tendency
for emotional gratification. But there is some good news. Water as the Influence Element also brings the gifts of intelligence, as well as the ability to assess risks and regulate

Water As The Resource Element

Your Resource Element governs knowledge. Water also governs knowledge. With Water as your Resource Element, you have a strong ability to blend theory with practice.
Much like how Water reacts as the Output Element, you are able to absorb information from myriad sources and turn them into practical use.

Water Industries | The Classical Interpretation

A discourse on the 5 Elements would be incomplete without a nod towards the classical interpretation of the 5 Elements in terms of industry. Therefore, please find here, a
non-exhaustive list of industries related to Water:

 Aquatics
 Fishery
 Sailing/Shipping
 Tourism
 Trading
 Transport
 Journalism
 Laundry/Sewage
 Strategist
 Thinker

In a nutshell: any industry that moves people and goods from one location to another.

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