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Sb,rv;rx #beef,&wm&

Top Dog Productions

"Yerur fi nt*rtainm8r'it Frcfessi*fi mls"

Producfrons.How WereYou Treated?{*irr:l* &ny} When Gontactinglop Do_q

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\ Enthusiastically >Rrq"ry

', Unpr ofessionally

To Listened YourNeeds Input Gave eat i v e Cr

T Did n ' tL i s t e n o Y o u rN e e d s T G ave o o M u c hIn p u t

P ro-fessionally .-*--_______-/

Into F e l tP ressur ed Booking

Other :

Psrformance-Eva l uation-i,0rc b A ne; Ftvase M

ffi Excellent

e l v&e,'ore -Arisw ringf' -Good


Performance: Overall

\-1_ & _ Neat Professional Dinner Music Selectionsi(irappticabte)


Excellent) Good

(Clrcl* Acknowledqed? A*yj WereYour Sonq Requests


f t es./

N o t At A l l

I Wa sT h e E vent PlannerI,Didn' tRequest Songs Any

N o tA t A l l N o n eOf My Guest' s ToldM e AboutTheirRequests

fCrrcl*An;') OurExpectationg
TookCharge PleaseWrite Us A Line Or We-FI_ad Worries No

VeryUnorganized Lost Control



ificallvOn Our

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Manner? {#lrrl*,'*n*j With Your GuestsIn A Professional Did The DJ Interact

No I Asked The DJNot To Be Interactive

With Your DJ Packaqe? To Services Did You Choose IncludeAnv Additional y#*rr ll*ry w* rrue*f #.Ed]#*f*$r*msJ f*: mny N#irnl* hwlow& f*ke mrn*rurmr;f #sscrifus
i\--iCeremonv Services./ Up Li$hting: Monogram: / Music Videos: Multimedia Other Services:

Do You FeelThatYou Received ValueForTheMonev A You SpentOn The Entertainer?6 WouldYou Recommend lop Doq FroducfionsTo A FriendOr Reiative? aYA' No


.r CouldWe GiveYour PhoneNumberTo A Prospective GlientFor UseAs A Reference? _



rcanrereryourservic "#*i;j;kh*
private NO,I wouldrecommend DogProductions, please Top but keepmycontact information



ls ThereAnvthing CouldDo To lmproveOur Services? We

ThankYouFor Choosing Dog Productions YourEntertainmentProvider, Top As

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