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I have been following this guide to create a web app.

I have no issues creating a B2C tenant, the backend / frontend applications, and the user flow.
All have been created successfully under AD B2C.

However, when I'm creating the Function App under my main subscription tenant, I encountered
the error "unable to resolve app registration name from registered application ID". My question
is: is there any setting I may have missed in configuring the link between the B2C tenant to
my main subscription tenant? Any policies / authentication steps I may have missed?

Here's where I have found the information:

1) application (client) ID: I obtained this value from the backend application created under

2) client secret value: the secret value after creating a secret ID and value pair under
"Certificates and Secrets" under the same web app in B2C

3) Issuer URL: the URL as appear at the top after clicking on the "run user flow" in the User
Flow page under the same web app in B2C

My issue looks the same as this Stackoverflow post that another user created previously:

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