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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

Reading Strategies in Acquisition of Vocabulary of Professions

Elchayev Zohidjon Axmatovich

Department of Foreign Languages, Karshi Engineering-Economic institute, Karshi Uzbekistan

Abstract: In studying written contexts in a variety of professions, learners have to know and
follow the strategies for reading comprehension. Reading comprehension requires learners a lot
of fundamental knowledge such as grammar and vocabulary because without being familiar with
terminology of any field it is impossible to perceive the meaning of the words as well as their
functions in the sentence construction. Furthermore, we carried out deep-ended analysis in
reading comprehension, stating some short-professionally-oriented contexts.
Keywords: terminology, grammar, professional vocabulary, strategies. Reading comprehension.
In modern society life is changing due to vast using innovative technology in all human domains,
especially in higher education system. Learning FL is a long, complex process, requires learners
to work hard on acquisition linguistic skills (writing, reading, speaking and listening). In such
case we have to use information technology in order to better involve learners learning a
language with interest, going beyond traditional methods of teaching. Furthermore, in reading
activities learners rely and spend much time on machine translation (GT) to perform tasks such
as translating authentic texts on specialty from English into Uzbek or from English into Russian
languages. The strategies of reading comprehension is through GT platform by knowing the
meaning of the words in different contexts. However, there are some techniques as strategies
considered by the IELTS and CEFR programs because those strategies provide learner with a
great help in comprehending the whole meaning of the technical contexts. Moreover, we carried
out deep-ended analysis in comprehending short-professionally-oriented contexts as examples.
Written contexts to make needs analysis. A language consists of a variety of branches of
science, that include transportation, technology, and instrumentation and devices. In particular,
in English system of petroleum engineering there are a lot of terminology denoting different
means of objects, for instance, terms relating to transportation of oil and gas, terminology
regarding technology, and tools, devices which engineers deploy in their workplaces. However,
those terms were invented and nominated in the English and Uzbek languages differently (X.
Abdinazarov. 2023). As X. Abdinazarov stated in his research, a written context consists of
variety of terminology which refers to transportation, technology and instrumentation, and
devices. By knowing those terms, a learner may be able to understand the whole written context
as he/she reads.
Alderson tested several hypothesis about the role of language and skills and showed that poor
reading in a foreign language is due to poor reading in L1, together with an inadequate
knowledge of foreign language. He showed that learners need to reach a threshold level of
language knowledge before they are able to transfer any L1 skills to their L1 reading tasks. Some
features in reading technical written context in ESP classes:
 Identifying organizational patterns.
 Understanding relations within a sentence and between sentences.

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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 5 | May -2023 | 326
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

 Using cohesive and discourse markers.

 Predicting, inferring and guessing.
 Identifying main ideas, supporting ideas and examples.
 Processing and evaluating the information during reading
 Transferring or using the information while or after reading
Understanding the gist of a text (skimming)
 Locating specific information (scanning).
 Comprehending explicit and implicit information stated in a context.
 Comprehending and acquiring new information from figures, pictures and visual aids.
 Comprehending imperative and instructional language.
 Recognizing synonyms in similar contexts.
 Recognizing and understanding nominal compounds and other parts of speech.
 Summarizing and drawing conclusions about a text.
While the ESP course was purposefully designed to help students develop all four-macro skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing within the courses. However, ESP course based on
mainly reading because students read technical texts relevant to their specialty, and through
authentic written contexts, they acquire words and word-combinations. What is more, some
reading skills such as skimming, scanning, close reading, and speed-reading is considered as
important method in reading comprehension in ESP courses (Kh. Abdinazarov. 2019).
According to the techniques and strategies for reading comprehension, we stated some examples
such as:
Platforms and pipelines, oil rig structures, and equipment used offshore are engineered by
offshore engineers.
Gas gathering is where gas is captured and piped from the well head to the gathering center
where it is prepared for transportation to its final distribution center.
Adult learners should know the terminology and may use such techniques; skimming and
scanning in order to interpret the whole context.
Skimming is defined as quickly running one’s eyes over a text to get the gist of it, whereas
scanning is going through a text quickly to find a particular piece of information (Carrell 1992;
Grellet 1981; Daves 1995; Hosenfeld 1977). A skimmer browses over large areas of material
rather than concentrating on words or sentences. Skimming is a twofold process: rapid reading to
locate the desired piece of information and slower reading to assimilate it fully (Rubin.1982).
The deep-ended analysis showed that skimming and scanning techniques are very essential for
learners to comprehend the whole context.
1. Abdinazarov. X. Sh. Terminology characterizing a wide range of objects. International
journal on integrated education. 2023
April. Vol 6. Issue 4.
2. Abdinazarov Kh.. Enhancing Reading Skill, Foreign languages in Uzbekistan. Scientific-
methodical journal. № 3/2019.
3. Alderson, J. C., & Urquhart, A. H. (1985). The effect of students' academic discipline on
their performance on ESP reading tests. Language Testing, 2 (2), 192–204
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 5 | May- 2023 | 327
license, visit
International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

4. Carrell, P. L. 1992. Awareness of text structure: Effects on recall. Language Learning, 42

(1): 1–20.
5. Grellet, F. (1981). Developing reading skills: a practical guide to reading comprehension
exercises. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
6. Davies, F. (1995). Introducing reading. London: Penguin.
7. Hosenfeld, C. (1977). Learning about learning: Discovering our students’ strategies.
Foreign Language Annals, 9, 117–129. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics,
2006. ISSN 16970381.
8. Rubin, D. (1982). A practical approach to teaching reading. New York: Walker.

Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 5 | May- 2023 | 328
license, visit

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