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Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.

2 February 2005

Transcriptional networks in plants

MYB–bHLH–WD40 protein complex and

the evolution of cellular diversity
Nicola A. Ramsay1 and Beverley J. Glover 2
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, UK CB2 2QH
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, UK CB2 3EA

A protein complex composed of MYB and bHLH Plant epidermis as a system to investigate cellular
transcription factors associated with a WD40 repeat diversity
protein initiates multiple cellular differentiation path- The plant epidermis is the first point of contact between the
ways in a range of plants. Recent reports have provided sessile plant and its changing environment. As such, the
the first coherent models of the network of interactions epidermis fulfils several distinct roles and this multi-
that lead to diverse cell fates through the activity of this functionality makes it an ideal system for the study of
protein complex. The resulting flexibility in plant mor- evolution of morphological diversity. The plant epidermis
phology is likely to have played a major role in angio- primarily provides an impermeable barrier to water,
sperm evolution and success. The complex appears to allowing organisms that evolved in the sea to survive in a
have arisen in the land plant lineage, although its com- dehydrating terrestrial atmosphere. Concurrently, the
ponent parts are considerably more ancient. Here, we epidermis of vascular plants adapted to allow carbon dioxide
review the evolutionary history of the MYB–bHLH–WD40 to enter as effectively as if an epidermis were absent, an
protein complex and its role in generating plant epi- improvement over more basal plant groups, whose pores are
dermal cellular diversity. unable to respond to changing atmospheric conditions. The
secondary functions adopted by the epidermis are variable.
Box 1 details the functions of the different epidermal cell
Introduction types whose specification is discussed below.
The transition from unicellularity to multicellularity
necessitated cellular specialization via increased cellular A common regulatory complex regulates epidermal
diversity. To achieve cellular diversity and to ensure cell fate
correct temporal and spatial cellular distribution, signals A common set of proteins interact to form a regulatory
– both external environmental and internal cellular complex that controls epidermal cell identity and ensures
stimuli – must be integrated and subsequent regulation appropriate spatial and temporal distribution of special-
of gene expression must be coordinated. Genes encoding ized epidermal cells. The individual components of this
proteins that generate and receive signals have broad complex are discussed in more detail below.
effects on plant development and the consequences of
mutations are likely to be wide ranging and possibly WD40 repeat proteins
deleterious. Similarly, coding regions of structural genes WD40 repeat proteins comprise a family in the b-propeller
with key developmental roles are highly conserved and protein group, which is characterized by the presence of a
are therefore rarely a source of developmental diversity. 40 residue core region delineated by a glycine–histidine
However, transcription factors and their DNA binding (GH) dipeptide and a tryptophan–aspartate (WD) dipep-
sequences, which lie in the cis regulatory elements of their tide [1]. This motif is tandemly repeated four to 16 times
target genes, are of central importance to the generation of in the same protein. The most extensively studied WD40
phenotypic variation. Because transcription factors act in repeat protein is the Gb subunit of heterotrimeric
concert with other regulators, the same transcription G proteins involved in signal transduction, which forms
factor can be used repeatedly, with the outcome of the a seven-bladed b-propeller structure containing seven
DNA binding event determined by which other regulators WD40 repeats. In addition to signal transduction, these
act in concert or opposition. Here, we consider the function proteins are involved in many functions and, given this
of a complex of transcription factors that can include functional diversity, it is unsurprising that there is little
various members of the MYB, basic helix–loop–helix sequence similarity between family members. A common
(bHLH) and WD40 protein families. Recent reports have function of WD40 repeat units is that they facilitate
provided insight into how this one complex regulates protein–protein interactions and have no intrinsic enzym-
multiple cell fates and has therefore played a key role in atic function. Several WD40 repeat containing proteins
the evolution of cellular diversity in the plant epidermis. that affect epidermal traits have been identified from
Corresponding author: Glover, B.J. ( petunia (AN11; see Glossary), Arabidopsis (TTG1), Perilla
Available online 6 January 2005 (PFWD) and maize (PAC1; Table 1). These proteins belong 1360-1385/$ - see front matter Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2004.12.011
64 Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.2 February 2005

Box 1. Functions of specialized plant epidermal cells

Structure and spacing Protection against predation
Pavement cells (Figure Ic, scale barZ50 mm) are the most common At their simplest, trichomes (Figure Ie, scale barZ50 mm; reproduced,
epidermal cell type and are morphologically unspecialized, providing with permission, from Ref. [48]) provide a physical barrier against
mechanical strength while being sufficiently pliable to allow growth. herbivore attack. More complex trichomes protect the plant by
Pavement cells protect subsidiary cell layers and ensure appropriate poisoning insects with secretions [49]. They have also been suggested
spacing of morphologically and functionally more specialized epi- to reduce transpiration and to protect against ultraviolet radiation. The
dermal cell types. presence of pigments (Figure Ia, scale barZ1.5 cm) and other second-
ary metabolites could further protect the epidermis by decreasing its
Regulation of water loss and gaseous exchange palatability [49]. The Arabidopsis trichome is a single cell with three
Stomata (Figure Ib, scale barZ50 mm) are necessary for water reten- branches and a set of distinct socket cells around the base [50].
tion while allowing the gaseous exchange essential for photosyn- Trichomes differentiate while the surrounding epidermal cells are still
thesis [45]. Stomatal spacing is non-random and partially cell lineage dividing and their distribution on the Arabidopsis leaf is not random.
dependent. The pattern of stomatal initials is modified by interactions At the time of initiation, trichome cells are separated by an average
between developing complexes, interactions between stomata and of three intervening cells, a separation that cannot at this stage be
other epidermal cells and environmental inputs [46]. attributed to a cell lineage based mechanism [50].

Nutrient uptake Attraction of pollinators

Root hairs (Figure Id, scale barZ20 mm) are unicellular tip-growing Epidermal cells can be specialized to attract pollinators by the pro-
structures that increase the root surface area for nutrient and water duction of colourful pigments (Figure Ia; [51]), the release of scent [52]
uptake. Arabidopsis root hair development is controlled by positional or the adoption of specialized conical shapes (Figure If) that enhance
cues, with root hairs located over the join of adjacent cortical cells aspects of light and heat capture [53]. It is also possible that petal
beneath [47]. The cell-to-cell communication required for root hair cell epidermal cell shape could be used by bees as a tactile cue in flower
fate determination begins during embryo development, with posi- discrimination or to enhance scent volatilization [53].
tional information from underlying cell layers breaking the initial
symmetry of root epidermal hair files and establishing a pattern over
which cellular differentiation is determined [23,46].

(a) (e)

(b) (d)



Figure I.

to the same clade and could form a surface on which other two-hybrid experiments have identified these partners as
proteins interact [2–5]. Ectopic expression of the non- belonging to the bHLH and MYB classes of proteins [6–8].
Arabidopsis WD40 proteins in a ttg1 mutant background
complements several of the Arabidopsis mutant pheno- bHLH proteins
types, suggesting that they can interact with similar bHLH family members have a basic helix–loop–helix
protein partners (Table 1). Genetic analyses and yeast domain that was initially identified in the animal
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.2 February 2005 65

maize tissue-specific anthocyanin pigmentation and was

the first plant bHLH protein to be isolated [12]. Mutant
AN1: Anthocyanin1. analyses have identified additional plant bHLH proteins
AN2: Anthocyanin2.
AN11: Anthocyanin11. involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis (Table 1). These pro-
C1: Colorless 1. teins show substantial amino acid conservation throughout
CPC: Caprice. the protein. Overexpression of Lc in an Arabidopsis ttg1
EGL3: Enhancer of Glabra3.
ETC1: Enhancer of TRY and CPC 1. mutant background complements phenotypes besides lack
FLP: Four Lips. of anthocyanins, indicating the involvement of bHLH
GL1: Glabrous1. proteins with similarity to Lc in other aspects of epidermal
GL3: Glabra3.
Lc: Leaf color. cell fate [13]. Consistent with this observation, several
PAC1: Pale Aleurone Color1. Lc-like proteins have been shown to affect traits in addition
PAP1: Production of Anthocyanin Pigment 1.
to anthocyanin biosynthesis (Table 1).
PAP2: Production of Anthocyanin Pigment 2.
PFWD: Perilla frutescens WD. Lc functions in conjunction with a member of the
TRY: Triptychon. MYB class of transcription factors to activate anthocyanin
TT2: Transparent Testa2.
TT8: Transparent Testa8.
expression in maize [14]. This is a common theme in other
TTG1: Transparent Testa Glabra1. plant species, in which an Lc-like bHLH protein requires
WER: Werewolf. a MYB protein partner to function [6–8,15,16]. In addi-
tion, several Lc-like proteins interact directly with the
Arabidopsis WD40 repeat protein TTG1 [6–8].
transcriptional regulators MyoD and Myc [9]. The basic
region of the bHLH domain is responsible for sequence-
specific DNA binding to a consensus hexanucleotide MYB proteins
E-box, CANNTG [10], whereas the HLH region allows Plant MYB proteins are transcriptional regulators that
homo- and heterodimer formation [11]. Lc is involved in are characterized by either two (R2 and R3) or three

Table 1. bHLH, MYB and WD40 repeat proteins identified as being involved in the control of epidermal cell fate identity by mutant or
ectopic expression analysis (indicated by a coloured bar)

Ectopic expression of maize Lc in an Arabidopsis ttg1-1 mutant background was able to complement the trichome, anthocyanin pigmentation, root hair, seed coat
pigmentation and seed coat mucilage defects [12].
AN1 also affects vacuolar pH and seed coat cell shape in Petunia [25].
Ectopic expression of GL1 and WER under the control of the cis regulatory sequences of the other demonstrated that the proteins are functionally interchangeable [20].
Ectopic expression of MIXTA in tobacco resulted in the production of multicellular trichomes and conical cells on leaves [64].
MIXTA controls the formation of conical petal cells in Antirrhinum [63].
Ectopic expression of the maize PAC1 gene in an Arabidopsis ttg1 null mutant background was able to complement the trichome, anthocyanin pigmentation, seed coat
pigmentation and seed coat mucilage defects [2].
Ectopic expression of PFWD in Arabidopsis caused the formation of supernumerary trichomes and elevated anthocyanin levels [7].
L.B. Lai et al., unpublished.
66 Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.2 February 2005

(R1, R2 and R3) imperfect repeats of the MYB DNA- How can a transcription complex with three
binding motif [17,18]. Most plant MYB proteins belong to components control such diverse aspects of epidermal
the R2R3 family, and C1 (a regulator of maize anthocyanin cell fate?
production) is the founding member [19]. R2R3 MYB The transcription complex composed of a WD40, a bHLH
proteins control anthocyanin biosynthesis in species other and a MYB protein regulates the expression of multiple
than maize and MYB proteins have been identified that distinct target genes in a range of plant species. Insights
affect other aspects of epidermal cell fate (Table 1). All into how this complex influences epidermal cell identity
show considerable sequence divergence outside of the were provided by studies of Arabidopsis mutants. In
MYB motif, even those with identical function between Arabidopsis, the WD40 repeat protein TTG1 is central to
species. In spite of this lack of obvious sequence similarity all aspects of epidermal cell fate, positively regulating
outside of the MYB domains, maize C1 and petunia AN2 trichome formation, anthocyanin production, seed-coat
(both controlling anthocyanin biosynthesis) are function- pigmentation and seed-coat mucilage production, and
ally interchangeable [20]. More surprisingly, GL1 and negatively regulating hypocotyl stomatal-cell identity
WER [R2R3 MYB proteins involved in specifying different and root-hair formation (perhaps by initiating the differ-
epidermal cell fates in Arabidopsis (root and trichome entiation of alternative cell fates) (Table 1; Figure 1)
production, respectively) and exhibiting only 23% sequence [3,27]. TTG1 provides a scaffold allowing protein–protein
identity at their C-termini] are also functionally equiva- interactions between the bHLH and MYB proteins, thus
lent when placed under the control of the other’s explaining the pleiotropic effect of ttg1 mutations.
regulatory sequences [21]. Many of these MYBs have On the basis of transgenic experiments, it was
been shown to interact with Lc-like bHLH proteins and a hypothesized that a bHLH protein with sequence simi-
WD40 repeat protein [6–8]. In Arabidopsis, proteins larity to maize R was involved in epidermal cell fate
containing a single MYB repeat and lacking a transactiva- determination [13]. The cloning of GL3 (from Arabidopsis)
tion domain have been identified and found to be involved and the subsequent identification of the similar genes TT8
in specifying aspects of epidermal cell fate [22–24]. These and EGL3 verified this [7,8]. Recent work has shown that
proteins interact with TTG1 and an Lc-like bHLH protein, these proteins all interact with TTG1 and affect overlap-
and, owing to the lack of a transcriptional activation ping subsets of the cell fate pathways that TTG1 regulates
domain, form an inactive complex [25,26]. (Figure 1) [6–8]. Association of GL3 with TTG1 regulates

lls nt

N a tyl
st po lls
ce me

on ta
om co
hy ce

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coat pigment

hair cell







ng R2R3 MYB

ha s


oo fil

R ell

Seed coat
TRENDS in Plant Science

Figure 1. Interactions between WD40, bHLH and MYB transcription factors in Arabidopsis resulting in different epidermal cell types. In Arabidopsis, TTG1 (a WD40 repeat
protein) is involved in specifying all epidermal cell types in concert with the bHLH proteins GL3, EGL3 or TT8, which exhibit a high degree of amino acid sequence similarity. In
turn, the bHLH proteins interact with either R2R3 MYB repeat proteins (which are highly divergent from one another and specific for individual epidermal cell fates) or single
MYB repeat proteins, which are more similar to one another and result in an inactive transcription complex.
Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.2 February 2005 67

trichome, root-hair and anthocyanin production; EGL3 These bHLH proteins evolved early in the eukaryotic
regulates the same three pathways and also that leading lineage [32] and are present in plants, animals and fungi
to the production of seed-coat mucilage; TT8 interacts [33]. The bHLH proteins are DNA-binding proteins found
with TTG1 to specify only synthesis of anthocyanin, seed- in all eukaryotic lineages. Their numbers are limited in
coat mucilage and seed-coat pigmentation [7,8,28]. In animals but their roles are usually essential [32]; in plants,
turn, the bHLH proteins interact with MYB proteins that their repeated duplication has generated enormous fami-
exhibit specificity for individual developmental pathways lies, often with overlapping or redundant roles [33].
within these subsets (Table 1) [6–8,28]. The combinatorial The MYB gene family is eukaryote specific [34] and has
interaction of these proteins influences epidermal cell followed divergent evolutionary pathways in plants and
identity and it is the R2R3 MYB proteins that ultimately animals. In animals, a limited number of duplications of a
determine which cell fate is adopted. By contrast, the gene encoding three MYB repeats gave rise to a small gene
single-repeat MYB proteins TRY, CPC and ETC1, which family; by contrast, in plants, multiple duplications of both
lack transcriptional activation domains, are partially a three-repeat MYB and MYB genes encoding only one
redundant and might prevent the formation of a func- or two MYB repeats gave rise to an extensive and varied
tional WD40–bHLH–MYB complex by competing with family [35]. Evolutionary debate has centred on whether
R2R3 MYB proteins for bHLH proteins [22,24–26]. these divergent evolutionary histories indicate polyphyle-
The requirement for a WD40–bHLH–MYB transcrip- tic origins of MYB proteins within animal and plant
tion complex has been established for the control of antho- lineages [34,36]. However, the identification of both two-
cyanin biosynthesis in other plant species [29]. Heterologous repeat and three-repeat MYB proteins in the ciliate
expression of these proteins from other species in Sterkiella histriomuscorum suggests strongly that the
Arabidopsis mutant backgrounds has demonstrated evolutionary origins of the MYB family lie in the uni-
their ability to complement mutations that perturb cellular eukaryotes [37]. In all systems analysed, MYB
aspects of epidermal cell fate beside anthocyanin biosyn- proteins are DNA binding and might activate or repress
thesis. However, this potential to participate in diverse transcription through interactions of their C-terminal
aspects of epidermal cell fate is not always evident in the regions with other components of the eukaryotic tran-
endogenous system. The petunia protein AN1 is the only scriptional machinery [38].
such protein, apart from those of Arabidopsis, that has In animal systems, there are no data indicating that
been shown to affect cell fate decisions besides antho- animal MYB and bHLH proteins act together with a
cyanin synthesis [29]. The control of other aspects of WD40 repeat protein, but vertebrate c-Myc has been
epidermal cell fate in other plant species might differ from shown to have a possible c-Myb-activating function [39].
that in Arabidopsis, with only anthocyanin biosynthesis The complex as it forms in plants controls epidermal
conserved, or there might be as yet unidentified ortho- phenotype in several higher plants, and can thus be
logues of the Arabidopsis genes. estimated to be at least 120 million years old.

Evolutionary history of the MYB–bHLH–WD40 Recruitment of the complex within the land
activation complex plant lineage
The WD40 repeat proteins form an ancient family that is Because the components of the MYB–bHLH–WD40 com-
found in all eukaryote genomes analysed. They have been plex were present in the ancestors of all plants and
reported from animals (including bilaterians and the because modern angiosperms use the whole complex, we
cnidarian Hydra vulgaris), fungi and the slime mould must search for its first usage as a complex in older plant
Dictyostelium, as well as from plants [30]. Their ubiqui- lineages. There is currently little known about the roles of
tous nature suggests that they are ancestral to the modern these proteins in any plant more basal than the gymno-
eukaryotes, but they are present in few non-eukaryotic sperms, but a potential member of the complex (PpMYB1)
genomes: only in Anabaena, Synechocystis and Thermo- has been described in the moss Physcomitrella patens [40].
monospora ( The PpMYB1 shows sequence similarity to AmMIXTA, which
absence of WD40 repeat proteins from E. coli and other modifies the activity of a bHLH protein in a heterologous
bacterial genomes, as well as from archaeal genomes, host (B. Glover and C. Martin, unpublished). Further
suggests that they were acquired by an ancestral work in this system should elucidate the early role of the
eukaryote from a cyanobacterial relative (such as the complex in land plants. Evidence that it could be func-
a-proteobacteria, proposed ancestors of mitochondria tional in the gymnosperm lineage has emerged recently
[31]). In all proteins studied, WD domains act as sites for from work focusing on the MYB component. A gene was
interactions with other proteins, but the range of proteins isolated from Picea mariana (black spruce) that shows
with which they interact is large and varies between sequence similarity to maize C1. In concert with the maize
kingdoms. Many animal genomes have experienced more R gene (encoding a bHLH protein), this new sequence was
extensive duplications of the family than seen in plant sufficient to induce activity of the promoter of the maize
genomes, adding to the diversity of their roles [30]. Bronze2 gene (which encodes an enzyme in the antho-
The bHLH proteins are probably descended from cyanin biosynthetic pathway) in cell cultures [41]. The
prokaryotic transcription factors containing a helix– demonstration that a gymnosperm MYB protein can
loop–helix structure. In eukaryotes, HLH domains are substitute for a maize MYB protein in the maize complex
associated with a basic domain at their N-terminal side, suggests strongly that the protein complex is active
which is necessary for DNA recognition and binding. in gymnosperms. Further work in this system should
68 Review TRENDS in Plant Science Vol.10 No.2 February 2005

clarify the sequences and functions of the bHLH and free to evolve than the MYB partner. Finally, the regions of
WD40 components. both bHLH and MYB proteins responsible for DNA bind-
Once adopted by land plants, the MYB–bHLH–WD40 ing must remain highly conserved to achieve sequence
complex was recruited to control the diversity of epidermal specificity, limiting the extent to which variation is possible.
cell development. This single regulatory complex has been
used so extensively by plants because of its simplicity, Conclusions
flexibility and plasticity. It is a clear example of evolution- The recruitment of a MYB protein, a bHLH protein and
ary and genetic thriftiness, with an established network a WD40 repeat protein into a single complex appears to
of tried and tested regulatory motifs being co-opted to have occurred only in the plant lineage. Following dupli-
produce new phenotypic traits by variation of the bHLH cation and mutation of the genes encoding the different
or, more usually, the MYB component. Regulatory genes components of this complex, particularly the MYB com-
and their own regulatory sequences, as well as their target ponent, the whole complex acquired the flexibility to
DNA-binding sequences, are able to evolve more rapidly specify multiple cell fates, providing the developmental
than the structural genes they control [42]. DNA-binding machinery necessary to generate the diversity of cell types
sequences have even greater flexibility than coding regions present in the plant epidermis. Our understanding of the
because cis regulatory sequences are modular, allowing function of this complex in Arabidopsis is now almost
each module to act and evolve independently. This results complete and we can trace the evolutionary history of
in greater heterozygosity (and hence variability) in the its individual components back to ancestral unicellular
regulatory sequences than there is in the coding sequences eukaryotes. A fuller understanding of the evolution of
[42]. The combination of the flexibility inherent in the plant epidermal cell diversity requires us to link dupli-
MYB–bHLH–WD40 complex and the variability of the cations of MYB-, bHLH- and WD40-encoding genes with
regulatory DNA to which it binds has resulted in a system the appearance of particular cell types in the fossil record.
so flexible that it is responsible for generating most of the Similar work with the genes encoding MADS box proteins
diversity of plant epidermal cells. has produced a picture of morphological evolution tied to
The flexibility of this complex, and particularly the the duplication and diversification of particular genes in
MYB component, will allow continued modification in the family [44]. To paint a similar picture explaining the
response to changing pressures on epidermal cell deve- evolution of cellular diversity within the angiosperms will
lopment in the future. Indeed, recent evidence has emerged require future work to focus on the isolation and functional
that the MYB component of the complex is still evolving characterization of members of the MYB–bHLH–WD40
in maize, in which a new allele has been described from a complex in more ancestral plant groups, and, in particu-
maize line indigenous to the Bolivian highlands [43]. The lar, on the interactions of members of the complex with one
pl-bol3 allele contains three copies of the pl1 gene with another. It is likely that many more genes encoding MYB
different regulatory regions. The proteins encoded by this proteins will be identified than genes encoding bHLH
allele interact with a unique set of bHLH proteins and and WD40 proteins, and one challenge will be to identify
result in a novel pattern of anthocyanin deposition, which the subset of these that operate in a bHLH- and WD40-
could provide a selective advantage by protecting under- containing protein complex. Once the members of these
ground organs from predation and limiting damage from complexes have been isolated and their interactions
ultraviolet light [43]. defined, it should be possible to detect co-evolution by
analysing sequence evolution at the sites of interaction.
Constraints on the evolution of the system Given the importance of flexible development and a multi-
The structural integrity of the individual protein com- functional epidermis to the success of the angiosperms,
ponents of the MYB–bHLH–WD40 complex is determined this work will be important in explaining a major part of
by interactions that occur between their constitutive the molecular evolution that gave rise to their great diversity.
amino acids. This restricts the amino acid changes that
can occur. In particular, maintenance of the seven-bladed
b-propeller structure of the WD40 repeat protein places We thank Kit Wilkins and John Runions for Figure Ie. We also thank the
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