MF 50HX Service Manual

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MF 50H/50HX/60HX
Publication Number
1459 190 M4

Cut at lines indicated and

insert into pocket on binder.
1459 190 M4

1 A Safety precautions
B Using the service manual
C Basic workshop practice
D Conversion data
F Specifications - series S
s Specifications - series T
2 B Major assemblies, remove I refit
3 B Electrical system
C Battery
D Charging system
E Starting system
4 A A4.236/248 engines
C Cooling system
D Fuel and air system
F AT4.236 engine
5 D Powershuttle transmission
6 A Rear axle and brakes
B Front axle - 2 wheel drive
E Front axle - 4 wheel drive, ZF (before series S)
F Front axle - 4 wheel drive, MF
M 5th speed drive
7 B Power steering
8 A Hydraulic system - series S
B Loader and backhoe valves - Laser
C Slew motor - before series S
D Hydraulic cylinders
N Hydraulic system - series T
p Husco control valves
9 A Loader structure
B Backhoe structure - before series S
G Extending dipperstick
H Backhoe structure - series S and T
10 A Cab/ROPS
13 A Wheels and tyres
1459 190 M4



1A Safety precautions
1B Using the service manual
1C Basic workshop practice
1D Conversion data
1F Specifications - series S
1S Specifications - series T


Group 1 Section A


\ccidents are caused, they do not just happen!

\ttention to the work and general common sense will
,revent most accidents, remember SAFETY is only a
vord until it is put into practice. Use safe practices
md ensure that people working with you do the
:nsure the engine stop control is connected or has
:>een r~onnected before attempting to start the
)nly start the machine when seated in the driving
\lever get on or off the machine whilst it is in motion.
t is dangerous to make mechanical adjustments
Yhile the engine is running.
\lever repair or tighten hydraulic hoses or fittings
Yhile the system Is under pressure.
\lever subject jacks, hoists, cranes and slings to
oads greater than their rated capacity.
'lever take chances when slinging or handling heavy
::omponents, they always cause damage or inIury if
hey slip.
Nhen working underneath the machine ensure
hat all hydraulic services are thoroughly
jepressurized and where a digger is fitted ensure the
;tabilizers are resting on the ground.
'4ever rely on hydraulic jacks alone, always fully
;upport the weight of the machine on robust axle
;tands before working on, or undemeattl, the
:nsure there is a ready supply of drain and drip-trays
ind a convenient point to dump waste oil. Always
::over oil spillages with sawdust or proprietry oil
ibsorbant materials, and clean-up as soon as
The workshop must be clean and tidy, always remove
;crap to a dump or to a store. Scrap parts tend to
iccumulate oil soaked sawdust. paper and other
1ighly combustible material.
:nsure fire equipment is readily accessible and know
,ow to use it, especially around welding plant, and
-Yhen working on electrical and fuel injection systems.
'lever make drifts and punches from old machine
:,arts as the materials used can splinter and crack
-Yhen subjected to hammer blows.
~ake sure the First Aid facilities are adequately
Nhen testing machines always observe the safety
nstructions given in the operator manual.
=lem.ember it is not your own machine you will work
)n and the fault you have been asked to repair may
,ot be the only malfunction on the machine. It is
::ommon for major controls to malfunction or even be
jisconnected yet not be reported as a problem bv the
Jwner or operator- CHECK THE MACHINE

Issue 2 1B-01


Group 1 Section B

Introduction 02
Explanation of Index 02
Special Tools 03
Repairs and Replacements 03
Repair Time Schedule (RTS) 03
Service Bulletins 03
Amendments 04
18-02 Issue 2


The purpose of this manual is to assist dealers and
distributors with the efficient repair and maintenance
of Massey Ferguson industrial machinery. Following
the procedures as detailed, together with the special
tools where appropriate, will enable the operations to
be completed within the time stated in the reparr time
schedule (ATS).

Explanation of the Index

This workshop service manual directly cross-refers to
the Repair Time Schedule.
The CONTENTS at the front of this book lists the
system GROUPS and SECTIONS comprising this
For easy reference the system GROUPS are identified
by yellow divider cards, each group will contain one
or more SECTIONS.
Each SECTION has its own contents page detailing
all OPERATIONS included in that section.

Each OPERATION is numbered exactly as it will

appear in the Repair Time Schedule. Moreover the
OPERATIONS are written in a SEQUENCE. which if
followed. will give the shortest repair time. The text is
generally accompanied by illustrations annotated with
the dismantling sequence. Occassionally the
illustration sequence numbers do not start at 1 but at
3 for example. This means that steps 1 and 2 in the
text. refer to removing the assembly from the machine
or a larger assembly, before commencing the detailed
strip and rebuild.

Special tools are listed at the front of each SECTION

and in each OPERATION where they are required.

Operation and Page Numbers

Operation numbers are prefixed by a dot. for example: • 03,
the GROUP and SECTION are always indicated so a complete
operation number will read: 4A • 03.
Page numbers are prefixed by a dash. for example: - 23.
again, the GROUP and SECTION must be shown, to give a
complete page reference: 4A - 23.
Operation numbers are often shown with a page reference
added at the end, for example: 4A • 03 - 23. The combined,
operation plus page. reference is used in the Repair Time
Schedule to indicate that a particular job is described in the
workshop Manual.
Some sections of this Manual still show the earlier form of
reference where pairs of numbers are separated only by
dashes, but in these cases the references are in the same
order as described above, for example:

----~B -1\- 25----
Section Operation No. Page No.
lssoe 2

Highlight symbols

1ndicates soecial care is required for correct


Indicates a risk to personal safety H the correct

precautions are not taken
Issue 2 1B-03


Special Tools
The use of the special tools mentioned in the text
contributes to safe, efficient and profitable repair.
Some operations are impracticable without their use.
for example the assembly of the differential unit.
Distributors are therefore urged to check their tool
stocks against the list provided.

Repairs and Replacements

When service parts are required it 1s essential that
only genuine Massey-Ferguson replacements are
Attention is particularly drawn to the following points
concerning repairs and the fitting of replacement
parts and accessories.
Safety features embodied in the tractor may be
impaired if other than genuine parts are fitted.
In certain territories, legislation prohibits the lilting of
parts not to the tractor manufacturers specification.
Torque wrench setting figures given 1n the Workshop
Manual must be strictly adhered to. Locking devices
where specified must be fitted. If the efficiency of a
locking device is impaired during removal it must be
The tractor warranty may be invalidated by the filling
o1 other than genuine Massey-Ferguson parts. All
Massey-Ferguson replacements have the full backing
of the manufacturers warranty. Massey-Ferguson
Distributors and Dealers are obliged to supply only
genuine service parts.

Repair Time Schedule

The operations·listed in the Repair Time Schedule
refer to those described in this manual. The time set
against each operation in the schedule is established
by performing the actual operations on standard
machines using special tools where applicable. The
Repair Time Schedule for use with this manual is
issued as a separate publication.
NOTE - Repair Time Schedules are issued to
Massey-Ferguson Distributors and Dealers only
and are not for general publication.

Service Bulletins
It 1s important to maintain the Service Bulletin library
up-to-date as servicing procedures or changed part
numbers may modify the instructions given in this
1B-04 Issue 2


Amendments to the service manual

Under normal conditions revised pages are ,ssued
carrying the same number as the existing pages
requiring amendment. The new pages are inserted
in place of the existing ones. The old pages should
then be destroyed.
In some cases additional pages or completely new
sections may be issued. These pages are to be
inserted immediately following the page carrying the
next lowest page number, or section number as
Where new pages are required to be positioned
between existing pages, the new page numbers will
contain a suffix.letter -
Example:- New page number 7 A - 16a.
This page is inserted after existing page number 7A
- 16 and before page number 7A - 17.
Correspondingly a further new page numbered 7 A -
16b would be positioned after 7A - 16a but before
To assist in 1dentifyinQ amenrlments on •P.v1sed pages,
two astensks 1••1 will be inserted at the beginning and at
the end of the amended paragrapn. section.
instruction or illustration. ·
To ensure that a record of amendments to this
manual is readily available, the list of amendments / \
w,11 be re-issued with each set of revised pages, )
quoting the amendment number, date of issue,
appropriate instructions and revised page numb~rs.


Group 1 Section C

System Faults 02
Handling of Heavy Components 02
Removal and Installation of Components 03
Bolt and Nut Identification 04
Bolt Installation and Tightening Torques 06
Bolt and Nut Locking Systems 07
Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings 08
Seals 09
Sealants 09


;ystem Faults
,e following procedure combined with the
1format1on contained in the workshop manual will be
elpful in tracing system faults accurately. It consists
f following a number of logical steps to locate and
orrect the problem .
. Determine the problem
. List possible causes
. Devise checks
. Conduct checks in logical order to determine
. Consider remaining service life against cost of
parts and labour
. Make necessary repair
·. Recheck

iandling of Heavy Components X

Jnless otherwise specified, all removals should be
ccomplished using an adjustable lifting beam and
01sting equipment. All supporting chains or cables
hould be parallel to each other and as near vertical
s possible in relation to the object being lifted.
Vhen removing a component on an angle remember
,at the capacity of an eyebolt diminishes as the
ngle between the supportin~ members and the
,b1ect becomes less than 90

:yebolts and brackets should never be bent and

;hould only have stress in tension. A length of pipe ,ain. (3mm)
ind a washer can be used to help relieve these THICK FLAT
;tresses on eyebolts In some cases special
rfting fixtures are available to ootain correct balance WASHER
ind provide for safe handling. If in doubt consult
elevant section of workshop manual.
NARNING- If a part resists removal check to be PIPE
:ertain all nuts and bolts have been removed and
hat an adjacent part is not interfering.




Removal and Installation of Component

The most important single item in preserving the long
life of the machine is to keep dirt out of vital working
parts. Precautions have been taken to safeguard
against this. Enclosed compartments. seals and filters
have been provided to keep the supply of air. fuel and
lubricants clean. These safeguards must be
Whenever hydraulic. fuel. lubricating oil or air lines
are disconnected. clean the point of disconnection as
well as the adjacent area. As soon as the
disconnection is made. cap, plug or tape the line or
opening to prevent entry of foreign material. The same
recommendations for cleaning and covering apply
when access covers or inspection plates are
Clean and inspect all parts. Be sure all passages and
holes are open. Cover all parts to keep them clean.
Be sure parts are clean when they are installed.
Leave new parts in their containers until ready for
When reassembling a machine, complete each step
in tum. Do not partially assemble one part and start
assembling some other part. Make all adjustments as
recommended. Always check the job after it is
completed to see nothing has been overlooked.
Recheck the various adjustments before returning the
machine to the job.
NOT£ - Clean the rust preventative compound
from all machined surfaces of new parts before
installing them.
Where applicable. fill the compartments of the
components serviced with the amount. type and
grade of lubricant recommended

When shims are removed, tie them toge!tier and
identify them as to location. Keep shims clean and flat
until they are reinstalled.
Be sure the holes in the gaskets corresoond with the
lubricant passages in the mating parts. If gaskets are
to be made. select material of the proper type and
thickness. Be sure to cut holes in the right places.
Blank gaskets can cause serious damage.


Cables and Wires

When removing or disconnecting a group of cables
or wires. tag each one to assure proper assembly.
Bearing Bushes and Press Fits
Do not install bearing bushes with a hammer
Use a press it possible and be sure to apply the
oressure directly in line with the bore. It necessary,
-:r",e on a bearing using a bearing driver or a bar with
a smooth flat end. If a sleeve bearing has an oil hole.
a·:gn 1t with the oil hole in the mating part. When one
cart ,s pressed into another lubricate the mating
Assemble tapered parts dry. Before assembling, be
sure the tapers are clean, dry and tree from burrs.

Bolt and Nut Identification

The Unified thread series has been adooted as an DIMPLE
I.S.O. INCH standard thread form, long used by the (EUROPE)
U.S.A. and Britain. Referred to normally as U.N.F.
(fine) or U.N.C. (coarse) bolts and nuts of this type
are used extensively on Massey Ferguson equipment.
UNF/UNC bolts can be readily identified by either a
dimple or bars formed into the head of the bolts.
The Strength of the bolts is identified by a letter code
R (standard quality) S, T, V, and X being the strongest
commercial grade of bolts. Massey Ferguson BARS
machines generally use S quality bolts but T and V (NORTH AMERICA)
grades are used in some special applications.

UNF/UNC nuts can also be quickly identified by a

groove formed into one or both sides of the nut or
by a series of circles stamped on one at the faces.



· .. 1'


I.SO Metric threads are of a single pitch series only:

for all the common bolt applications. This metric
thread is coarser than UN F but finer than U NC.
The bolts are referred to by the diameter and length in
millimetres i.e. M6 x 30. ISO metric bolts have plain
The strength of all bolts is marked on the head and
several grades of ISO metric bolts are available from
8.8. 9.8. 10.9 and 1 2.9 being the strongest bolt in
general use.
ISO metric nuts are plain. Special fine metric thread
series are used occasionally in certain applications
such as transmission shaft lock rings.
Whitworth and BS Fine threads are no longer an
accepted standard though both thread forms
continue to be used in some traditional industries.
BSW and BSF bolts have no identifying marks nor
any strength grading letters on the bolt head.
As a general guide only. the strengths ot the various
bolts available are shown below. The strength figures
are approximate.
U.K. U.S.A. N/mm 2 Tons/
inch 2

R 695 ~5
s 8.8 805 52
T 9.8 930 60
V •~ 10.9 1010 65
X 12.9 1190 77

The ISO metric bolt grad~s indicate the stren~th of

the bolt in Newtons/mm2 i.e. 8.8 =
880 N/mm (57
tons/inch 2).


Bolt & Nut Installation and Tightening

Always use bolts of the correct length. A bolt which is
too long will "bottom" before the head is tight against
the part it is to hold.
The last few threads in a 'blind' hole are never fully
formed so the bolt threads will be damaged when
tightening and the hole threads will be damaged
when loosening the bolt.

A bolt which is too short will strip its own thread or the
thread of the hole.

A bolt_ should engage the hole thread to 125 - 1.75 x

bolt diameter.
. I I
d x 1.7-5

: --~.~~~
.. ·: :_ ·<~J·IVl'<'IVN"""'"""""
When reassembling bolts into blind holes, such as :n : . ·: .:.';
castings, assemble the components together !ht,, . : .. :~
insert the bolts with their respective washers and if
there is less than 1 x diameter of shank exposed the
bolt is too short. ... ., '

Torque Loading
Apply proper torque values to all bolts and nuts when
reassembling equipment. When a specific torque
value is required. the value is quoted in the text. All
other nuts, bolts and taperlock studs should be
tightened to the values detailed in the chart below.
Diameter Torque Wrench Settings
mm inches Nm Kgm lbf. ft
6 ¼ 7.5 0.8 5.5
8 'Ii, 15.0 1.5 11
10 ¾ 27.5 2.8 20.5
12 ½, 48.5 5.0 36
13 ½ 68.0 7.0 50
14 o/i, 94.0 9.5 70
16 ½ 153.0 15.6 112
19 ¾ 255.0 26.0 188

When tightening bolts to a specific torque. in stages.

always slacken the bolt or nut 'h turn before
retightening. This permits the correct torque to be


Locking Systems

Numerous systems have been developed for locking

nuts and bolts. But which all use either; mechanical
restraint, friction or chemical actions.

Locking systems used on bolts subject to high stress

and or vibration should only be used once as failure
of the locking system will invariably have serious

Friction nuts such as the nylon insert type can be

used several times in non-critical applications,
before the friction grip of the insert becomes too
low. Other friction nuts such as the Stover or
X Philister should only be used once as their action
depends upon the permanent deformation of the nut
during the first fitting.

l??Z?Z?Z??d Spring washers can be used several times while the

shape is retained but must never be used if deformed
flat, when no locking action at all will occur.
Shake proof washers are commonly used for sheet

metal fitting and other light duty fastening. They
can be re-used providing their shape is retained, but
once crushed flat they have no locking ability.

Split Pins

x. Split pins are used in conjunction with castellated

nuts. Generally only one leg requires bending open
just sufficiently to prevent the pin moving. Use the
correct length of split pins, if they are too long cut
them shorter, do not bend both legs round the nut, as
this will make the pin extremely difficult to remove
and may cause the legs to crack, especially on the
larger diameter pins.

Lock Plates
Ensure both tabs are bent to resist slackening of the
nut or bolt. Sometimes this will require choosing
correctly, the edge over which to bend the anchor

Carefully bend the tabs and locking-plates using a

flat ended punch which will fold the tabs without
seriously marking them. A screwdriver or very
small punch will tend to cut through the tab and
seriously weaken it.

Never use lock plates or tab washers twice.

Lock Wire
Wire is frequently used to lock special bolts inside
gearboxes and other critical situations. It is
important that the wire is threaded through the bolt
head in such a way that tightening the wire tends to
tighten the bolt.


Chemical Locking Compounds

These are most commonly anaerobic compounds
which set hard. bonding the mating components
together. Some compounds can form bonds which
prevent subsequent dismantling and it is therefore
essential to use the grades specified in this service
manual. To be successful all chemical locking or
sealant compounds must be able to directly contact
metal surfaces. oil. water or dirt will prevent this
contact and stop the action of the chemical.
Always follow the instructions issued with chemical
products and use the recommended surface
preparation solutions.

Hydraulic Hoses
Hydraulic hoses are made to resist pressures much
higher than the ..working pressure" normally quoted. X y
however due to the flexing and pressure pulsations
encountered it is important that the safety margin of i I
hoses is very large. The hose quality specified for ;00 COOj
Massey Ferguson machines is correct for the
application. Never replace a spiral wound hose with a
braided hose.
Most hoses are identified by an SAE rating usually
marked on the hose in white or coloured letters. and
below are the approximate working pressures of
typical hoses of popular sizes in the normal hose
Hose grade
SAE Standard
bar !bf/in' mm inches

SAE 1 00 RI A and T
Single Wire Braid
Internal Diameter ¼ inch 190 2750 102 4
% inch 155 2250 127 5
½ inch 138 2000 178 7
SAE 100 R2 A & T
2 Wire Braid
Internal Diameter ¼ inch 345 5000 102 4
3/s inch 276 4000 127 5
'h inch 241 3500 178 7
SAF 100 R2B and BT
2 wire spiral one wire braid
¼ inch 400 5800 102 4
3/s inch 350 5075 127 5
½ inch 300 4350 178 7

When fitting hydraulic hoses alwavs use the correct

grade and quality. avoid unidentified hose.
Never allow the hose to twist when tightening unions.


Lip Type Rubber Seals

Lubricate the lips of lip-type rubber seals before
installation Use petroleum jelly. Do not grease on any
seal except a grease seal.
The main parts of a lip-type seal are the case. sealing
element. and garter spring. The picture below
illustrates the construction of a simple lip-type se,al.
The cross section at the top shows the terms "hC;el"
and "toe" used to identify the sides of a single
element seal. With few exceptions. the toe of an oil
seal with one lip is next to the lubricant that is sealed.
Some seals have a second auxi;iary lip. which does
not carry a garter spring.
Lip-type seal construction
If. during installation. the seal lip must pass over a
shaft that has splines. a keyway, rough surface or a
sharp edge, the lip can be easily damaged. Always
use a seal protector. when one is provided.

Sealants quoted in this Workshop Service Manual
may be obtained from, as follows:

Sealant Description Part No. Obtained from


Aerosol 1861127
Gel 1861117


10 ec Bottle 1810 590 M1 Central Part Operation
50 cc Bottle 1889 794 M1 Urmston


10 cc Bottle 1810 581 M1
50 cc Bottle 1810 589 M1


E DUNLOP THIXOFIX Normal trade retail





Group 1 Section D

Metric units 02
Length and temperature 04
Pressure 05
Torque 06
Power 07
Volume 08
Mass 09
Force 10

The metric system used throughout this book is

referred to as the SI unit system, an international
standard for the application of metric measurement.

However some older metric units have been

abandoned in favor of more unified units, where this
occurs the conversion factors are given.

Metric Force
Force: The metr1c unit for force is the newton. The UNIT= NEWTON(N)
unit is named after Sir Isaac Newton who
established the law of gravity. A newton equals the
force, which, when applied to a mass of one
kilogram, produces an acceleration of one metre per
second squared. The newton is a key unit in the


metric system as the units of pressure, power and
energy are derived from it.

_ Metric Pressure
Pressure: The SI unit used for pressure is the 1 NEWTO~ im,
pascal, named after the scientist, Blaise Pascal.
When a force of one newton is applied to an area of
one square meter, the pressure equals one pascal.
As the pascal is a very small unit of pressure, it is UNIT= NEWTON METRE{Nm)
usually expressed as kilopascals or megapascals.

Metri~ ':f()~que 1-1m-,

Torque: The SI unit for torque is the Newton metre
(Nm), where a force of 1 Newton is acting on a
lever at l meter distance from the shaft centre. 1 WATT(W)=NEWTON METRE(Nm)

Metric Power 1 NEWTON~ /"---\

Power: Power is the rate of doing work. The unit
used in the metric system is the watt. The unit watt
i~-~----~,-------~! -----\
·-----1m • I
provides an example of one of the advantages of the
metric system as it is used for expressing
mechanical power, electrical power and heat. In our
industry the multiple kilowatt is usually used. The
unit watt is named after the engineer James Watt.
The Watt is equal to the work done by a force of l
Newton acting over a distance of l metre.
The metric system is based on a small number of
primary units which are then given prefixes
according t whether multiples or sub-multiples of
the basic unit are required:

Prefix symbol multiple

Mega M 106 1,000,000

Kilo k 103 1,000.
Hecto h 102 100.
Deca da 10 10.
Deci d 10-' 0.1
Centi C 10·2 0.01
Milli m 10·3 0.001
Micro \jf 10 0.000001
Or instance 1 kilo metre= 1000 metres
And one millimetre= 0.001 meters
Metric Units for the Agricultural and Industrial Machinery Industry

Conversion Factor
Quantity Metric Unit Symbol Appllcatlon (Approximate)

LENGTH m,cromelre (micron) rf,m Filler raling and particle size

millimetre mm general use 1 in= 25.4mm
cenlimelre cm 1 II= 30.5cm
melre m 1 yd= 0.914m
kilometre km 1 mile = 1.609km

AREA square millimetre mm' area tor malerial stress unils 1 in' = 6.45cm'
square cenlimetre cm' area lor older pressure unils 1 II' = 0.0929m'
square moire m' area for ISO pressure unils and land 1 yd' = 0.836m'
hectare ha for large areas up to 1 square Kilometre 1 ac = 0.405ha

VOLUME millilitre ml For any small quanlilies ol liquid 1 II oz= 28.4ml

him I General use lor liquids and engine capacily 1 Imp gal= 4.5461
cubic metre m' General use tor solids and gases 1 II' = 0.0283m'
MASS gram For very small quantities 1 oz= 28.34g
1W~ IGHT) kilogram ~g For general use 1 lb = 0.454kg
fonne t For very large quanlilies, freight, elc. 1 ton = 1.0161

VELOCITY metre per second m/s General use 1 11/s = 0.304m/s

kilomefre per hour km/h Road speed 1 mph = 1.609km/h

DENSITY kilogram per litre kg/I For Liquids 1 lb/It' = 0,016kt

kilogram per cubic melre kg/m' Solids and gases 1 lb/It' = 16.018 g/m'
kilogram per hectolilre kg/hi Grains and seeds
LOAD kilogram kg General use, lilt capacity, payload, axle load, elc. 1 lb= 0.454kg
lonne I Crane lilt capacity 1 ton = 1.01 61

FORCF Newlon N General use, rollin9 resistance, pedal ellorl, elc. 1 lbl = 4.448N 1 kg= 9.797 N
kilonewlon kN Orawbar pull, digging force, breakout force 1 lbf = 0.0045kN

ronu Newton metre Nm General use, engine torque, tighlening torque, etc. 1 lbf II= 1.355Nm

POWER Watt w For lamfi bulbs

kilowatt kW Genera use, engine power, gearbox capacity 1 hp= 0.7457 kW
PRESSURE kilopascal kPa General use, tyres, coolant and hydraulic pressure 1 psi= 6.895kPa 1 kg/Gm'= 9.797 N/Cm' 0
below 1 MPa •
Mega pascal MPa Hydraulic'pressure abo•,e 999 kPa and slress 1 psi= .00689MPa t bar= 0.1 MPa z
FREQUENCY hertz Hz General use
cycles per minute c/min Knife speed, baler plunger speed, elc. 1 c/s = 1Hz :xJ
ROTATIONAL revolutions per
SPEED minute rpm General use, P.T.O. speed, elc. 0
Fl.OW tonne per hour 1/h Rale ol work lor Headers, Balers, Loaders, Diggers 1 ton/h =1.0161/h ...t,
!HATE OF cubic metre per second m'/s General use - solids and gases 1 11'/s 0.028m'/s
= ~
WORK) litre per second 1/s General use - liquids 1 Imp gaits = 4 5461/s m 0
lilre per minute I/min Hydraulic llow - pumps and valves 1 Imp gal/min= 4.5461/min r f
lilre per hour 1/h Liquid fuel consumplion 1 US. gal/min = 3 7851/min 0
cutm; mefre per rnmule m'/min Header unloading rate, grinder mixer rate 1 Imp gal/h = 4 5461/h m (.)


Conversion Tables

MIiiimetres to
Inches Inches Fahrenheit and Centigrade
Fractions Decimals metres MIiiimetres mm inches 'F 'C 'C 'F

1/64 015625 3969 Milli- 0001 000039 -20 1-28 9 -30 -22
1 /32 03125 7937 Inches metres 0·002 000079 -15 -26 1 -28 -18·4
3/64 046875 1-1906 0003 000118 -10 , -23 3 -26 -14 8
1 /16 0625 1 5875 ·0001 00254 0·004 000157 - 5 -20 6 -24 -11 2
5/64 078125 1 9844 0002 00508 0005 000197 0 i -17 8 -22 - 76
3/32 09375 2·3812 0003 00762 0·006 000236 1 ; -17·2 -20 - 4
7164 109375 2 7781 ·0004 01016 0·007 000276 2 -16 7 -18 - 04
1/8 125 3·1750 ·0005 01270 0008 I 000315 3 -16 1 -16 ' 32
9/64 140625 3·5719 ·0006 01524 0·009 000354 4 -15·6 -i4 i' 6·8
5/32 15625 3·9687 ·0007 01778 0·01 00039 5 -15 0 -12 i 10 4
11/64 171875 43656 ·0008 02032 0·02 00079 10 -12 2 -10 I 14
3/16 1875 4·7625 ·0009 02286 0·03 00118 15 - 94 - 8 17 6
13/64 ·203125 5·1594 ·001 0254 0·04 00157 20 - 67 - 6 iI 21 2
7/32 21875 5·5562 ·002 0508 0·05 00197 25 - 39 - 4 I 24 8
15/64 234375 5·9531 003 0762 0·06 00236 30 - 11 - 2 I
1/4 ·25 6·3500 004 1016 0·07 00276 35 17 0 32
17164 265625 6 7469 005 1270 0·08 00315 40 44 2 35 6
9/32 ·28125 7-1437 006 1524 009 00354 45 72 4 39 2
19/64 ·296875 7-5406 007 1778 01 00394 50 10 0 6 42 8
5/16 3125 7·9375 008 2032 02 00787 55 12 8 8 : 46 4
21 /64 ·328125 8 3344 009 2286 03 01181 60 15 6 10 50
11/32 34375 8·7312 01 254 0·4 01575 65 18 3 12 53 6
23/64 ·359375 9·1281 02 508 05 01969 70 21 1 14 57 2
3/8 375 9·5250 03 762 06 02362 75 23 9 16 : 60 8
25i64 ·390625 9·9219 04 1 016 0-7 02756 80 26 7 18 64 4
13/32 40625 10-3187 05 1 270 08 03150 85 29 4 20 68
27/64 421875 10-7156 06 1 524 09 03543 90 32 2 22 71 6
7,16 11 1125 1
453125 11-5094
1 778
2 032 2
35 0
37 8
26 ! 75 2
78 8
15/32 46875 11 ·9062 09 2 286 3 I
11 811 105 40 6 28 82 4
31 /64 ·4843·75 12·3031 1 2 54 4 15748 110 43 3 30 86
112 5 12 7000 2 508 5 19685 , 15 46 1 32 89 6
33/64 515625 13-0969 3 7 62 6 23622 120 48 9 34 93 2
17/32 53125 13-4937 4 10 16 7 27559 125 51 7 36 96 8
35/64 546875 13-8906 5 12 70 8 31496 130 54 4 38 100 4
9/16 5625 14-2875 6 15 24 9 35433 135 57 2 40 104
37/64 578125 14·6844 7 17 78 10 39370 140 60 0 42 : 107 6
19/32 59375 15·0812 8 20 32 11 43307 145 62 8 44 112 2
39/64 609375 15-4781 9 22 86 12 47244 150 65 6 46 114 8
5/8 625 15·8750 1 254 13 51181 I
155 I 68 3 48 118 4
41•64 640625 16-2719 2 508 14 : 55118 160 ! 71 1 50 , 122
21 '32 65625 16·6687 3 ·76 2 15 i 59055 165 I 73 9 52 , 125 6
43/64 671875 17-0656 4 101 6 16 i 62992 170 76 7 54 · 129 2
11 1 1 6 6875 17-4625 5 127 0 17 66929 175 ' 79 4 56 \ 132 8
45164 703125 17 8594 6 152 4 18 70866 180 i 82 2 58 136 4
23132 71875 18 2562 7 177 8 19 74803 185 i 85 0 60 140
47·54 734375 18-6531 8 203 2 20 78740 190 87 8 62 143 6
3;4 75 19-0500 9 I 228 6 21 82677 195 90 6 64 147 2
49,64 7.65625 19-4469 10 i 2540 22 86614 200 ! 93 3 66 150 8
25/32 ·78125 19-8437 11 I 279-4 23 90551 205 96 1 68 1154 4
51 '64 ·796875 202406 12 I 304 8 24 94480 210 98 9 70 158
13/1 6 ·8125 20-6375 13 330 2 25 98425 212 ' 100 0 75 167
53,64 ·828125 21 0344 14 355 6 26 1 02362 215 : 101 7 80 176
27132 84375 21 4312 15 381 0 27 1 06299 220 ' 104 4 85 185
55/64 859375 21 8281 16 406 4 28 11 10236 225 '107 2 90 194
7/8 875 22 2250 17 431 8 29 1 14173 230 '110 0 95 203
57:64 890625 22 6219 18 457 2 30 11 18110 235 ; 11 2 8 100 212
29/32 90625 23 0187 19 482 6 31 :1 22047 240 ; 115 6 105 221
59•64 921875 23 4156 20 508 0 32 i1 25984 245 · 1 '8 3 110 230
5, 16 9375 23 8125 21 533 4 33 11 29921 250 i :1 1 115 . 239
61 64 953125 24 2094 22 550 8 34 '1 33858 I
31132 96875 24 4062 23 584 2 35 1 37795 :
63:64 984375 25·0031 24 609 6 36 1 41732
25 635 0 37 1 45669
26 560 4 38 1 49606
39 1 53543
40 1 57480 I


Pounds per square Inch into K1lopascals
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

lb per
sq. inch kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa l<?a

0 6.895 13.790 20.684 27.580 34.474 41.369 48.263 55.158 62.053

10 68.948 75.842 82.737 89.632 96.527 103.421 110.316 117.211 124.1 06 131.000
20 137.895 144.789 151.684 158.579 165.474 172.369 179.264 186.15'3 193.053 199.948
30 206.849 213.738 220.632 227.527 234.422 241.317 248.211 255.106 262.000 268.896
40 275.791 282.685 289.580 296.475 303.370 310.264 317.159 324.054 330.949 337.843
50 344.738 351.633 358.528 365.422 372.317 379.212 386.1 07 393.001 399.896 406.791
60 413.686 420.580 427.4 75 434.370 441.265 448.159 455.054 461.949 468.844 475.738
70 482.633 489.528 496.423 503.318 510.212 517.1 07 524.002 530.897 537.791 544.686
80 551.581 558.476 565.370 572.265 579.160 586.055 592.949 599.844 606.739 613.634
90 620.529 627.423 634.318 641.213 648.107 655.002 661.897 668.792 675.687 682.581
100 689.476 696.371 703.266 710.160 717.055 723.950 730.845 737.739 744.634 751.529
1000 6894.76 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ••·
2000 13789.5
3000 20684.3 NOTE: - This chart reads P.S.I. to kPa. to change into MPa move the
4000 27579.0 =
decimal point 3 places to the left. i.e. 1000 P.S.I. 6894.76 kPa
or 6.89476 MPa.
5000 34473.8

Kilopascals into Pounds per square Inch

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

pascal P.S.I. PS.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.t.
0 0.1450 0.2901 0.4351 0.5802 0.7252 0.8702 1.01 53 1.1603 1.3053
10 1.450 1.5954 1.7405 1.8855 2.0305 2.1756 2.3206 2.4657 2.61 07 2.7557
20 2.9007 3.0458 3.1908 3.3359 3.4809 3.6260 3.7710 3.9160 4.0611 4.2061
30 4.351 4.4962 4.6412 4.7863 4.9313 5.0763 5.2214 5.3664 5.5114 5.6565
40 5.802 ·5.9466 6.0916 6.2366 6.3817 6.5267 6.6718 6.8168 6.9618 7.1069
50 7.252 7.3969 7.5420 7.6870 7.8321 7.9771 8.1221 8.2672 8.4122 8.5572
60 8.702 8.8473 8.9924 9.1374 9.2824 9.4275 9.5725 9.7176 9.8626 100076
70 10.1527 10.2977 10.4427 10.5878 10.7328 10.8779 11.0229 11.1679 11 .3130 11 .4580
80 11.6030 11.7481 11.8931 12.0382 12.1832 12.3282 12.4733 12.6183 12.7633 12.9084
90 13.0534 13.1985 13.3435 13.4885 13.6386 13.7786 13.9236 14.0687 14.2137 14.3588
100 14.504 14.6488 14.7939 15.0840 15.2290 15.3740 15.5191 15.6641 1 5.8091 15.37 40
1000 145.038 ... ... ... ... ... ... ••·
2000 290.076
3000 435.114 NOTE: - This chart reads kPa to P.S.I.. remember 1000 kPa = 1 MPa
4000 580.152 1 MPa =
145.038 P.S.I.
5000 725.190

Older metric units for pressure were

Kg/cm' and bar and w,11 still appear on pressure test gauges.
1 bar=100kPaor0.1 MPa
1 Kg/cm== 103 kPa or 0.103 MPa
1~[])- 06


Moment of Force (Torque)

Foot-pounds Force into Newtonmetres
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ft lbs Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
0 1.356 2.712 4.067 5.423 6.779- 8.135 9.491 10.847 12.202
10 13.559 14.914 16.270 17.626 18.982 20.337 21.693 23.049 24.405 25.761
20 27.116 28.472 29.828 31.184 32.540 33.897 35251 36.607 37.962 39.319
30 40.675 42.030 43.386 44.742 46.098 47.454 48.809 50.165 51.521 52.877
4Q 54.233 55.589 56.944 58.300 59.656 61.012 62.377 63.723 05.079 66.435
50 67.791 69.147 70.503 71.858 73214 74.570 75.926 77.281 78.637 79.993
60 81.349 82.705 84.061 85.417 86.772 88.128 89.484 90.840 92.196 93.551
70 94.907 96263 97.619 98.975 100.331 101 .686 103.042 104.398 105.754 107.110
80 108.465 109.821 111.177 112.533 113.889 115.245 116.600 117.956 119.312 120.668
90 122.024 123.3-79 124.735 126.091 127.447 128.803 130.159 131.514 132.870 134.226
100 135.582 136.938 138294 139.649 141.005 142.361 143.717 145.073 146.428 147.784
200 271.164
300 406.746 NOTE: - If a ft lb reading of 165 is required then add 135.582 to the
500 677.910 figure 88.1282 which would then read 223.7102 Nm.

Newtonmetres into Foot-pounds Force

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Nm ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs ft lbs
0 0.7376 1.4751 22127 2.9503 3.6878 4.4254 5.1629 5.9006 6.6381
10 7.3756 8:1132 8.8508 9.5883 10.3259 11.0634 11.8010 12.5386 13.2761 14.01 37
20 14.7512 15.4888 162264 16.9639 17.7015 18.4391 19.1766 19.9142 20.6517 21.3893
30 22.1269 22.8644 23.6020 24.3395 25.0771 25.8147 26.5522 272898 28.0274 28.7649
40 29.5025 302400 30.9776 31.7152 32.4527 33.1903 33.9279 34.6654 35.4030 36.1405
50 36.8781 37.6157 38.3532 39.0908 39.8283 40.5659 41.3035 42.0410 42.7786 43.5162
60 442537 44.9913 45.7288 46.4664 47.2040 47.9415 48.6791 49.4167 50.1542 50.8918
70 51.6293 52.3669 53.1045 43.8420 54.5796 55.3172 56.0547 56.7923 57.5298 58.2674
80 59.0050 59.7425 60.4801 612176 61.9552 62.6928 63.4303 64.1679 64.9055 65.6430
90 66.3806 67.1181 67.8557 68.5933 69.3308 70.0684 70.8060 71.5435 722811 73.0186
100 73.7562 74.4938 752313 75.9689 76.7064 77.4440 78.1816 78.9191 79.6567 80.3943
200 147.512 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
300 221268 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
500 368.780 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1000 737.560 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Older metric unit of torque was Kg.m. and will still be found on many torque wrenc.hes
1 Kgm = 9.8 Nm


Horsepower into Kilowatts
h.p. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
0 0.746 1.491 2.237 2.983 3.739 ·4.474 5.220 5.966 6.711
10 7457 8.203 8.948 9.694 10.440 11.186 11.931 12.677 13.423 14.168
20 14.914 15.660 16.405 17.151 17.897 18.643 19.388 20.134 20.880 21.625
30 22.371 23.117 23.862 24.608 25.354 26.100 26.845 27.591 28.337 29.082
40 29.828 30.574 31 .319 32.065 32.811 33.557 34.302 35.048 35.794 36.539
50 37.285 38.031 38.776 39.522 40.268 41.01 4 41.759 42.505 43.251 43.996
60 44.742 45.488 46.233 46.979 47.725 48.471 49.216 49.962 50.708 51.453
70 52.199 52.945 53.690 54.436 55.182 55.928 56.673 57.419 58.165 58.910
80 59.656 60.402 61.147 61.893 62.639 63.385 64.130 64.876 65.622 66.367
90 67.113 67.859 68.604 69.350 70.096 70.842 71.587 72.333 73.079 73.824
100 74.570 75.316 76.061 76.807 77.553 78299 79.044 79.790 80.536 81.281

Kilowatts into Horsepower

kW 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h;p. h.p.
0 1.341 2.682 4.023 5.364 6.705 8.046 9.387 10.728 12.069
10 13.410 14.751 16.092 17.433 18.774 20.115 21.456 22.797 24.138 25.479
20 26.820 28.162 29.503 30.844 32.185 33.526 34.867 36208 37.549 38.890
30 40.231 41 .572 42.913 44254 45.595 46.939 48277 49.618 50.959 52.300
40 53.641 54.982 56.323 57.664 59.005 60.346 61.687 63.028 64.369 65.710
50 67.051 68.392 l:i9.733 71.074 72.415 73.756 75.097 76.438 77.779 79.120
60 80.461 81.802 83.143 84.484 85.825 87.166 88.508 89.849 91 .190 92.531
70 93.872 95.213 96.554 97.895 99.236 100.58 101.92 10326 104.60 105.94
80 107.28 108.62 109.961 111.31 112.65 113.99 115.33 116.67 118.01 t t 9_35·
90 120.69 122.03 123.37 124.72 126.06 127.40 128.74 130.08 131 .42 132.76
100 134.10 135.44 136.78 138.13 139.47 140.81 142.15 143.49 144.83 146.17

Kilowatt: remain the same but there are several horsepower figures.
English horsepower= 746 watts
Metric horsepower= 735 wans
1 D-08


Imperial Gallons into Litres

gals. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

litres litres litres litres litres litres litres litres litres litres
0 4.546 9.092 13.638 18.184 22.730 27.276 31.822 36.368 40.914
10 45.460 50.006 54.552 59.097 63.643 68.189 72.735 77.281 81.827 86.373
20 90.919 95.465 100.011 104.557 109.1 03 113.649 118.195 122.741 127.287 131.833
30 136.379 140.925 145.471 150.017 154.563 159.109 163.655 168.201 172.746 177.292
40 181.838 186.384 190.930 195.4 76 200.022 204.568 209.114 213.660 218.206 222.752
50 227.298 231.844 236.390 240.936 245.482 250.028 254.574 259.120 263.666 268.212
60 272.758 277.304 281.850 286.395 290.941 295.487 300.033 304.579 309.125 313.671
70 318.217 322.763 327.309 331.855 j36.401 340.947 345.493 350.039 354.585 359.131
80 363.677 368.223 372.769 377.315 81.861 386.407 390.953 395.499 400.044 404.590
90 409.136 413.682 418228 422.774 427.320 431.866 436.412 440.958 445.504 450.050
100 454.596 459.142 463.688 468.234 472.780 477.326 481.872 486.418 490.964 495.510

Litres into Imperial Gallons

litres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons gallons
0 0220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.100 1 .320 1.540 1.760 1.980
10 2200 2.420 2.640 2.860 3.080 3.300 3.520 3.740 3.960. 4.180
20 4.400 4.620 4.840 5.509 5279 5.499 5.719 5.939 6.159 6.379 ..
30 6.599 6.819 7.039 7.259 7.479 7.699 7.919 8.139 8.359 8.579
40 8.799 9.019 9239 9.459 9.679 9.899 10.119 10.339 10.559 10.779
50 10.999 11.21 9 11 .439 11 .659 11 .879 12.099 12.319 12.539 12.759 12.979
60 13.199 13.419 13.639 13.859 14.078 14298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.038 18258 18.478 18.698 18.918 19.138 19.358 19.578
90 19.798 20.018 20238 20.458 20.678 20.898 21.118 21.338 21.558 21.778
100 21.998 22218 22.438 22.658 22.878 23.098 23.318 23.537 23.757 23.977

Engine Capacity
Cubic Inches into Litres

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

cu. in. litre litre litre litre litre litre litre litre litre litre
0 0.0,64 0.0328 0.0492 0.0655 0.0819 0.0983 0.1147 0.1311 0.1475
10 0.1639 0.1803 0.1966 02130 02294 02458 02622 02786 0.2949 0.3113
20 0.3277 0.3441 0.3605 0.3769 0.3933 0.4097 0.4261 0.4424 0.4588 0.4752
30 0.4916 0.5080 0.5244 0.5408 0.5572 0.5735 0.5899 0.6063 0.6227 0.6391
40 0.6555 0.6718 0.6882 0.7046 0.7210 0.7374 0.7538 0.7702 0.7866 0.8029
50 0.8193 0.8357 0.8521 0.8685 0.8849 0.9013 0.9177 0.9341 0.9504 0.9668
60 0.9832 0.9996 1.0160 1.0324 1 .0488 1.0652 1.081 5 1.0979 1.1143 1 .1307
70 1.1471 1.1635 1.1799 1 .1963 12126 12290 1.2454 12618 12782 1.2946
80 1.3110 1.3274 1.3437 1 .3601 1.3765 1.3929 1.4093 1.4257 1.4421 1.4585
90 1.4748 1 .4912 1.5078 1.5240 1.5404 1.5568 1.5732 1.5896 1.6059 1.6223
1 00 1.6387 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2 00 32774 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
300 4.9161 ... ... ... ... -· ... ... ... ...


Pounds into Kilograms

lb. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
0 0.454 0.907 1.361 1.814 2.268 2.722 3.175 3.629 4.082
10 4.536 4.990 5.443 5.897 6.350 6.804 7.257 7.711 8.165 8.618
20 9.072 9.525 9.979 10.433 10.886 11 .340 11 .793 12.24 7 12.701 13.154
30 13.608 14.061 14.515 14.969 15.422 15.876 16.329 16.783 17.237 17.690
40 18.144 18.597 19.051 19.504 19.958 20.412 20.865 21 .319 21.772 22.226
50 22.680 23.133 23.587 24.040 24.494 24.948 25.401 25.855 26.308 26.762
60 27.216 27.669 28.123 28.576 29.030 29.484 29.937 30.391 30.844 31.298
70 31.752 32.205 32.659 33.112 33.566 34.019 34.473 34.827 35.380 35.834
80 36.287 36.741 37.195 37.648 38.102 38.555 39.009 39.463 39.916 40.370
90 40.823 41.277 41.731 42.184 42.638 43.091 43.545 43.99 44.452 44.906
100 45.359 45.813 46.266 46.720 47.174 47.627 48.081 48.534 48.988 49.442

Kilograms into Pounds

kg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb.

0 2.205 4.409 6.614 8.819 11 .023 13.228 15.432 17.637 19.842

10 22.046 24.251 26.456 28.660 30.865 33.069 35.274 37.479 39.683 41.888
20 44.093 46.297 48.502 50.706 52.911 55.116 57.320 59.525 61.729 63.934
30 66.139 68.343 70.548 72.753 74.957 77.162 79.366 81.571 83.776 85.980
40 88.185 90.390 92.594 94.799 97.003 99.208 1 01 .41 103.62 105.82 108.03
50 11 0.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.1 2
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 17 4.1 7
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 1 96.21
90 188.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211 .64 213.85 216.05 21826
100 220.46 222.67 224.87 227.08 22928 231.49 233.69 235.90 238.10 240.30


Force (drawbar pull}

Pounds Force into Kilonewtons

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
force kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN

0 0.04448 0.08896 0.13345 0.17793 0.22241 0.26689 0.31138 0.35586 0.40034

100 0.44482 0.48930 0.53379 0.57827 0.62275 0.66723 0.71172 0.75620 0.80068 0.84516
200 0.88964 0.93413 0.97861 1.02309 1.06757 1.11206 1.15654 1.20102 1.24550 1.28998
300 1.33447 1.37895 1.42343 1.46791 1.51240 1.55688 1.60136 1.64584. 1.69032 1.73481
400 1.77929 1.82377 1.86825 1.91274 1.95722 2.00170 2.04618 2.09066 2.13515 2.17963
500 222411 226859 2.31308 2.35756 2.40204 2.44652 2.49100 2.53549 2.57997 2.62445
600 2.66893 2.71342 2.75790 2.80238 2.84686 2.89134 2.93583 2.98031 3.02479 3.06927
700 3.11376 3.15824 320272 224720 3291 ~8 3.33617 3.38065 3.42513 3.46961 3.51410
800 3.55858 3.60306 3.64754 3.69202 3.736 1 3.78099 3.83547 3.86995 3.91444 3.95892
900 4.00340 4.04788 4.09236 4.13685 4.18133 422581 427029 4.31478 4.35926 4.40374
1000 4.44822 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
10000 44.4822
50000 222.411

KilonP.wtons into Pounds Force

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Newton lbf. lbf. lbf. lbf. lbf. lbf. lbf. . lbf. lbf. lbf.

0 224.8 449.6 674.4 899.2 1124.0 1348.9 1573.6 1798.5 2023.3

10 2248.1 2472.9 2697.7 2922.5 3147.3 3372.1 3596.9 3821.8 4046.6" 4271.4
20 44962 472:1.0 4945.8 5170.6 5395.4 5620.2 5845.0 6069.8 6294.6 6519.5
30 6744.3 6969.1 7193.9 7418.7 7643.5 7868.3 8093.1 8317.9 8542.7 8767.5
40 8992.4 9217.1 9442.0 9666.8 9891.6 10116.4 10341.2 10566.0 10790.8 11015.6
50 1 i 240.4 114652 11690.0 11914.8 12139.6 12364.4 12589.2 12814.1 13038.9 13263.7
60 13488.4 137132 13938.1 14162.9 14387.7 14612.5 14837.3 15062.1 15286.9 15511.7
70 15736.5 15961.3 16186.1 16410.9 16635.8 16860.6 17085.4 17310.2 17535.0 17759.8
80 17984.6 18209.4 184342 18659.0 1883.7 19108.7 1933.4 19558.2 19783.1 20007.9
90 20232.0 20457.0 20682.0 20907.0 21131.0 21356.0 21581.0 21806.0 22031.0 22255.0
100 22480.0 ... -· ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 KN= 98 Kg
Issue 2 1F- 01


Group 1 Section F

Issue Two
General Dimensions 02
Weights and Capacities 04
Machine Specifications 05
1F- 02 Issue 2




I !

.-. -1- ··-
j j
I ,

fig 2
fig 1

Issue 2 1F- 03


MF S0H/HX Digger Loader 2 and 4 Wheel Drive (figures 1 and 2)

mm inches
A Overall length in transport posItIon 6770 (266.5)
(safety locks in place)
B Wheelbase - 2 wheel drive 2225 (87.6)
4 wheel drive 2207 (86.9)
C Height to top of digger 3182 (125.0)
D Height to top of cab 2745 (108.0)
E Height to top of exhaust 2780 (109.5)
F Maximum width (over stabilizer feet) 2435 (95 9)
G Track rear 1731 (68.2)
front 2 wheel drive 1530 (60.2)
front 4 wheel drive:
12.5 x 18 Tyres 1712 (67 '1)

H Ground clearance. minimum 350 (13.8)

MF 50H Loader and Counterweight 2 and 4 Wheel Drive
Dimensions B, D. E and Gare the same as for 50H digger/loader.
A Overall length in transport position 5877 (231 4)
F Overall width (over rear tyres) 2171 (85.5)
H Ground clearance. minimum 355 (14.01

Loader operating data (figure 3)

Earlier Models Later Models
mm (inch) mm (inch)
A Overall height, fully raised 4204 (165.5) 4204 (165.5)
B Height to hinge pin 3454 (136) 3454 (136.0)
C Dump height - dump angle 45° 2750 (108.3) 2750 (108.5)
D Reach; maximum height and 45° dump 710 (28.1) 710 (28.1)
E Dig depth 80 (3.2) 80 (3.2)
F Dump angle - maximum so· so·
G Rollback at ground level 48° 48°
Kgf lbf Kgf lbf
Maximum litt capacity 50H 2118 (4814) 2370 (5221)
50HX 2118 (4814) 2710 (5970)
Break-out force 0.76m 3 (1yd 3 ) bucket 3450 7549
50H 0.8m 3 (1.05yd 3 ) bucket 4010 (8834)
50HX 0.95m 3 (1.24yd 3 ) bucket 4010 (8834)
Multi-purpose bucket is 0.76m 3 (1 yd 3 )
capacity with
geometry similar to that of the standard bucket.

Digger operation data (figure 4) mm inches

A Operating height, maximum 5190 (204.3)
B Loading height, maximum 3214 (126.5)
C Loading reach 2362 (93.0)
D Reach from slew pivot, maximum 5308 (208.0)
E Digging depth. maximum 4177 (165.0)
F Bucket rotation angle 175°-190°
Slewing angle 190•
Side-shitt, full travel 1497 (38.0)
This machine is not approved for craning operations in standard form.
Consult Massey Ferguson for approval of all special applications.
1F- 04 Issue 2


fig 6 fig 7
Issue 2 1F- 05


Series S MFS0H/HX
Digger Loader 2 and 4 wheel drive (figures 5 and 6)
All dimensions are in mm with (Inches}

A Overall transport length - side-shift 6200 (244.0)

(safety locks in place). - centre-mount- 7735 (304.5)
B Wheel base - 2 wheel drrve 2183 (85.9)
- 4 wheel drrve 2177 (85 7)
C Height to top of digger 3550 (139.8)
D Height to top of - cab 2780 (1094)
-ROPS 2730 (1075)
E Maximum width (over bucket) 226 (88.0)
F Track - rear 1731 (68.2)
- front 2 wheel drive 1680 (661)
- front 4 wheel drive 1805 (71 1)
G Ground clearance -minimum 340 (13.4)

Loader and counterweight models

Dimensions B. D and E are same as for digger loader models.
A Overall length in transport position 5893 (232.0)
G Ground clearance 355 (14.0)


A Overall height fully raised -2WD 4204 (165.5)

-4WD 4160 (163.8)
B Height to bucket hinge pin -2WD 3453 (135.9)
-4WD 3410 (134.3)
C Dump height - dump angle 45° - 2WD 2750 (108.3)
- 4Wr;J 2706 (106.5)
D Reach. maximum height 45° dump 711 (28.0)
E Dig depth -2WD 82 ( 3.2)
-4WD 36 ( 1 4)
F Dump angle - max. height 50°
G Roll back angle at ground level 480

Kg (lb)
Maximum lift capacity MFS0H 2370 (5225)
MF50HX 2730 (6014)
Break-out force MFS0H/HX 4010 (8838)
1F- 06 Issue 2



425 450
A Loading height
Standard dipper 3624 (142.7) 3624 (142.7)
Extending dipper 4357 (171.5)
B Loading reach
Standard dipper 1845 (72.6) 1863 (73.3)
Extending dipper 2992 (117.8)
C Surface reach from slew pivot
Standard dipper 5582 (219.8) 5622 (221.3)
Extending dipper 6843 (269.4)
D Digging depth - maximum
Staandard dipper 4250 (167.3) 4500 (177.2)
Extending dipper 5846 (230.0)
E Bucket rotation angle
Standard link 194°
Power Pin 164°
Slew angle 180°
Total side-shift travel 1410 (55.5) 1410 (55.5).
Kg (lb) Kg (lb)
Lift capacity at full reach
Standard dipper 1120 (2469) 1244 (2742)
Extending dipper, retracted 1050 (2314)
Extending dipper, extended 780 (1719)


' , E-

~. A

fig 8
Issue 2 1F- 07


All weights 1n Kg With (lbs)

CAB VERSION Early Later Series S

model ·model SOH SOHX
Loader model including counterweight
with 1800 Kg of added ballast
- 2 wheel drive 6480 (14275) 6425 (14154 6300 (13885) 6300 (13885)
Digger/loader model, 2 wheel drive
side - shift 6555 (14440) 6500 (14320) 6450 (14216) 6490 (14304)
centre - mount 6155 (13556) 6131 (13513) 6171 (13601)
Loader model including counterweight
With 1800 Kg of added ballast
- 2 wheel drive 5866 (12935) 5866 (12935) 6141 (13529) 6141 (13529)
Digger/loader model - 2 wheel drive
side - shift 6082 (13211) 6082 (13211) 6291 (13859) 6331 (13947)
centre - mount 5972 (13156) 6012 (13244)
Add these weights to the appropriate base machine
4 Wheel drive axle and dnveshaft 400 (881) 161 (354) 196 (432) 196 (432)
Extendable dipperst1ck 191 (420) 208 (458) 220 (485)
Multi-purpose loader bucket 0.76 m3 250 (551) 250 (551) 250 (551) 250 (551)
0.9 m3 300 (661) 300 (661)
Front counterweight ·354 (846) 384 (846)

If tyres are 75% filled with a water/ calcium chloride solution. each wheel will be increased by the weights shown.
16.9/14 x 28 standard rear tyre per wheel 260 (573)
16.9/14 x 30 optional rear tyre per wheel 265 (584)
9.00 x 16 standard front tyre per wheel 50(110)
11.00 x 16 optional front tyre per wheel 70 (154)

Front tyres on 4 wheel drive machines should not be water ballasted.

CAPACITIES Litres U.S. gals/pints

Fuel tank 81.8 (21.6 gals!
Engine sump including filter 7.1 (1.9 gals)
Engine coolant system 11 .4 (3.0 gals!
Hydraulic oil. LOADER model 45 (11 .8 gals)
Hydraulic oil. DIGGER/LOADER model 67 (17.7 gals!
Transmission 01I. including hydraulic shuttle 47 (12.4 gals)
Rear axle hub reduction units - each 1.7 (3.6 pints!
Front axle centre housing - 4 wheel drive ZF Axle 7.8 (2.0 gats)
Front axle hub reduction units - 4 wheel drive ZF Axle 1.8 (3.7 pints)
Front axle centre housing - 4 wheel drive MF Axle 4.0 (8.5 pints)
Front axle hub reduction units - 4 wheel drive MF Axte 1.0 (2.1 pmts)
1F- 08 Issue 2


MFSOH Perkins A4 236 built to Massey Ferguson specifications
No. of cylinders 4
Bore 98.4 mm (3.875 inch)
Stroke 127 mm (5 inch)
Capacity 3.86 litres (235.9 in3 )
Compression ratio 16 : 1
Nett power 52.2 Kw (70 bhp) at 2000 rpm BS AU 141 a
Nett torque 263 Nm (193 lbf ft) at 1400 rpm BS AU 141a
Firing order 1, 3, 4, 2.
MF50 HX Perkins A4 248 built to Massey Ferguson specifications
No. of cylinders 4
Bore 101 mm (3.975 inch)
Stroke 127 mm (5 inch)
Capacity 4.07 litre (248 in3 )
Compression ratio 16: 1
Nett power 56 Kw (75 bhp) at 2000 rpm BS AU 141 a
Nett torque 279 Nm at 1400 rpm BS AU 141 a
Firing order 1, 3, 4, 2.
Lubrication System pressure 2 - 4 bar (30-60 lbf/in2 ) at 2000 rpm
engine speed. Disposable cannister type,
paper element full flow oil filter, externally mounted.
Valves Overhead, pushrod operated
Valve clearance - 0.3 mm (0.01 2 inches) cold
inlet and exhaust 025 mm (0.010 inches) hot
Fuel System & Air Cleaner
Fuel lift pump AC Delco, with manually operated priming lever.
Fuel Filter Single, long body type, replaceable paper element
with transparent sedimenvwater separator bowl.
Fuel injection pump CAV distributor type with mechanical governor.
Engine speeds (no load) Low idle 700 - 750 rpm
Maximum 2160 rpm
Injection timing 23° before top dead centre - A4236 engine
24° before top dead centre - A4 248 engine
Injectors CAY nozzles and holders
Cold-starting aid CAV Thermostate Mark Ill C - Europe/Export
Optional either start system - North America only.
Air cleaner
2 stage dry type paper element with additional safety
element Air cleaner restriction in warning light on
main instrument panel.

Cooling System
Engine coolant Water/air radiator pump assisted thermo syphon
type. 5 blade asymetric air fan.
Temperature Thermostat opens 77 - 82°C (170-180°F).
System pressure 0.7 bar (1 0 lbf/in2 ).
Engine lubricating oil Oil/air type mounted in front of water radiator.
Instant Reverse transmission Oil/air type mounted in front of water radiator.
Hydraulic oil cooler (digger/loader models only) Oil/air type mounted in front of water radiator.
Fan belt tension 19 mm (0.75 inch) measured midway between fan
pulley and crankshaft pulley.
Issue 2 1F- 09


Powershuttle 4 forward and 4 reverse speeds

All speed shifts are fully synchronised. Forward and
reverse d.irectron shrft rs made by multi-plate. oil
cooled. hydraulic clutches

Torque converter Fichtel Sachs single stage, two phase type. torque
multiplication ratio 2.86:1

Drive axle-REAR Spiral beval crown wheel and pinron driving through
axle end epicyclic units giving 10.68 overall reduction.

Drive axle-FRONT Spiral beval crown wheel and pinion driving through
(4 wheel drive only) double universal joints to epicylic final drives In each

Front drive axle p.t.o. Side mounted. power take-off pod containing a
multiplate oil immersed drive clutch with electro-
hydraulic control. provides powervia a drive shaft to the
front axle beval crown wheel and pinion.

Transmission control Forward/reverse shifting and 4 wheel drive engagement

are by electrical switches and solenoid operated
hydraulic valves.

Creeper gearbox This supplimentary gearbox Is mounted inside the

(option) spacer behind the Powershuttle transmission and
provides direct drive or 4 : 1 reduction Gear shift by
mechanical linkage.

5th gear 5th. speed Is direct drrve for highway use and gives a
(option) maximum speed of 33 Kmlh (20.6 mph). 5th gear (option)
is engaged by a soIenoId activated hydraulic clutch
and can only be selected when Powershuttle Is In
4th gear.

Road speeds - Powershuttle transmission

No allowance Is made for tyre slip/torque. converter slip. Reverse speeds are almost identical to the forward
speeds given below.

Engine speed 2000 rpm

16.9/14 X 28 16.9/14 X 30
(1O ply) tyres (10 ply) tyres
Gear K.p.h. m.p.h. K.p.h. m.p.h.
1 5.23 3.25 5.41 3.36
2 9.29 5.77 9.61 5.96
3 16.91 10.51 17.50 10.87
4 29.85 18.55 30.89 19.20
20 Kph limited speed - 1.96:1 constant mesh gear ratio
1 3.31 2.06 3.42 2.13
2 5.88 3.65 6.08 3.78
3 10.70 6.65 11 .07 6.88
4 18.79 11.93 19.54 12.14
Standard ratio Powershuttle with creeper ratio engaged
1 1.35 0.84
2 2~ 1.~
3 4.~ 2m
4 7.53 4.60
1F- 10 Issue 2


Type Dantoss Orbitrol type OSPC 160 ON or OSPC 100 ON.
Pump Shared access with transmission. but steering system
takes priority.
Pump incorporates automatic air venting valve plus
a safety valve set at 1 50 bar (2200 lbf/ft2).
Pressure 11 0 bar (1600 lbl/in2 ) maximum.
Turning circle Serles'S'
mm (inches) mm (inches)
Between curbs, no brakes
2 wheel drive machines 8850 348 8300 (327)
4 wheel drive machines 2 wheel drive engaged 9530 375 9530 (375)
Between curbs. with brakes
2 wheel drive machines 7070 278 6200 (244)
4 wheel drive machines 2 wheel drive engaged 7850 309
Between walls, no brakes
2 wheel drive machines 11760 463 11200 (441)
4 wheel drive machines 2 wheel drive engaged 12200 480 12200 (480)
Between walls, with brakes
2 wheel drive machines 10020 394 9093 (358)
4 wheel drive machines 2 wheel drive engaged 10750 423
Turning circles derived from machines fitted with
9.00 x 16 front tyres, 16.9/14 x 28 rear tyres - 2 wheel
drive machines.

12.5/80 x 18 front tyres. 16.9/14 x 28 rear tyres - 4

wheel drive machines in two wheel drive mode.
Service brake Multiplate oil immersed disc brakes mounted
inboard on the rear axle drive shafts.
Hydrostatic operation by brake pedal master cylinders.
incorporating independent and compensating functions
tor site and highway use.
Parking brake Hand-lever and cable operating on service brake

Hydraulic System
Pump Crankshaft driven gear pump giving 115 Umin
(29 US gal/min) at 2000 rpm
Maximum pressure 172 bar (2500 lbf/in2), earlier models
190 bar (2750 lbf/in2), later models.
Filter - standard Replaceable paper element suction line filter.
Filter - optional Full flow pressure filter mounted on pump pressure
Loader control valve Single lever controlling two spool open centre
monobloc valve incorporating circuit relief valves for
head and rod sides of bucket and main lift cylinders.
Third spool - optional A third spool section is mounted on the loader
control valve and operated by a second lever inter-
connected to loader control lever.
Digger control valve 6 spool monoblock valve with 7th spool integrally
mounted for side shift lock.
Main digging functions controlled by two levers.
Separate stabilizer and side shift control levers.
Optional 8th spool controlled by foot pedal.
All boom. dipperstick. bucket functions protected
- by circuit relief valves.
Issue 2 1F- 11


Digger slew system MF 50H/HX - rotating vane type slew motor on s1de-
sh1ft models and linear slew on centre-mount diggers.
S models - linear slew using two direct acting rams.
Slew system common to both centre-mount and
side-shift models.

Hydraulic rams MF designed and built to heavy duty spec1hca11ons.

Electrical System
Battery 12v heavy duty 12 amp hour in 20 hours -
Europe/export only.
Chloride 6 TW ML 13R maintenance free type battery.
Starter motor 1.8 Kw - temperature climates and Europe/Export.
2.2 Kw - cold climates and North America.
Alternator 50 amp output with integral solid state rectifier - temperate
climates 65 amp output for cold climates.
Fuses Fuse box -X-
Fuse Amps Service
1 5 horn
2 10 hazard warning lights
3 15 heater fan (cab modelsl
4 10 screen wipers/washers (cab modelsl
5 10 turn indicators. brake and warning
lights and gauge lights.
6 10 forward/reverse and 4 wheel drive
solenoid circuits.

Fuse box Y
Fuse Amps Service
1 10 dip-beam headlights and rear fog light.
2 10 main beam headlights
3 5 right hand sidelights and
instrument lights.
4 5 left hand sidelights and number plate
5 10 interior light. radio. cigar lighter and
roof beacons (when fitted)
6 25 work lights.·
Light bulb sizes 5/21 W rear/stop lights
21 W turn indicators
SW side lights - front
45/40 W headlights
48 W halogen work lights

1F- 12 Issue 2


Wheels and Tyres

Approved tyre combinations
The tyre combinations given below will give a level ride attitude when the tyres are
inflated to the correct pressures.

4 wheel-drive tyre combinations must be strictly adhered to. Severe tyre scrub or poor
tractive effort may result from wrongly matched front and rear tyres.

2 wheel drive machines

Rear tyres Front tyres
size plyratlng tread size plyratlng tread

16.9/14 X 28 10 R4
16.9/14 X 28 10 R1 >9.00 x 16 10 F2
18.4 X 26 10 R1
16.9/14 X 28 10 R4
16.9/14 X 28 10 R1>11Lx16 8 F3
19.SL x 24 8 R4
16.9/14 X 30 14 R4 - 11.00 X 16 10 F2

19.SL x 24 8 R4 - 12.SL x 16 8 MR
16.9/14 X 28 10
16.9/14 X 28 10
10.5/80 X 18 10
16.9/14 X 30 14 R4
19.SL x 24 8 R4 ~1-.

4 wheel drive-machines C
Rear tyres Front tyres
size ply rating tread size ply rating tread
18.4 X 26 10 R1
16.9/14 X 28 10 R4 12.5/80 X 18 10 13
16.9/14 X 28 10 R1
16.9/14 X 30 14 R4
19,SL X 24 8 R4 10.5/80 X 18 10 13

Tyre pressures
tyre size ply rating tyre pressures
bar lbf/in 2
9.00X16 10 3.85 56
11.00X16 10 3.10 45
11 L X 16 8 3.00 44
12.SL X 16 8 2.35 34
10.5/80 X 18 10 4.60 67
12.5/80 X 18 10 3.1 45
18.4 X 26 10 1.80 26
16.9/14 X 28 10 2.00 29
16.9/14 X 30 14 2.60 38
19.5L X 24 8 1.40 20 /J
-~; ~ ~·-

Wheel nut torques

rear wheels 300 Nm 220 lbf ft
front wheels, 2 wheel drive 220 Nm 160 lbf ft
front wheels. 4 wheel drive 300 Nm 220 lbf ft


Group 1 Section S
issue 1
General dimensions 2
Weights and capacities 10
Machine specifications 12



The following dimensions apply to all models except where specified differently. (figures 1 and 2)
All dimensions are in mm with (feet and inches)
A Overall length in transport position
(safety locks in place) - centremount ..•..........................•........................•......•...................... 7735 (25' 4 11;)
- sideshift .....•................•...........•....................................................... 6200 (20' 4")
B Wheel base 2 wheel drive .................................................................................................... 2183 (7' 2")
4 wheel drive .............................................................................•...................... 2177 (7' 13/,.")
C Height to top of backhoe .................•.................................................................................... 3550 (11' 8")
D Height to top of cab ....................................................•..........•.........•.................................... 2780 (9' 1 \1.)
ROPS ...................................•..........•...................•.......•................................ 2730 (8' 11 '/2")
E Maximum width (over stabilizer loader bucket) •.••.....•...•..•.......••..•••.•....•••.............•.............. 2236 (7' 4")
F Track - rear ..........•.........•.....•••.......•.•...••........••••.•••.•..............................•......•••....•................ 1731 (5' 8 1/,..)
front 2 WO ........•.........•.•.•.••••.••..........•••.••.••..••••••.•.••...•.•.•........•••......•....•••............... 1680 (5' 6")
front 4 WO 12.5 x 18 tyres ••..•.•...•..•....••••.......•...........••............................•.............. 1805 (5' 11 ")
G Ground clearance, minimum ................................................................................................ 340 (1' 11/2">

Loader and counterweight models

Dimensions 8, D, E and Fare the same as for backhoe/loader model
A Overall length in transport position .......................................................................................5893 (19' 4")
G Ground clearance minimum ................................................................................................. 355 (1' 2")

Loader Operating Data - all models (figure 3)

All dimensions in mm with (feet and inches)
A Overall height fully raised - 2 WO ......................................................................................... 4092 (13' 5")
4W0 ........................................................................................ 4110 (13'5 31,.")
B Height to hinge pin - 2 WO •.....•.•....••...........•.......•..........•........•••..........•........•.••................... 3340 (1 0' 11 112")
4 WD ....................................................................................................3360 (11' 1I,.")
C Dump height - dump angle 45° - 2 WO ................................................................................ 2639 (8' 8")
4 WO........................................ -------································2650 (8' 8 1/ 2")
D Reach maximum height 45° dump •.•...•..........••.•...•....••...•.....•....••.•...••.•••..••.••.•......•............. 711 (2' 4")
E Dig depth - 2 WO.................................................................................................................. 82 (3 1/,.")
4WD .................................................................................................................. 36 (1 1/ 2")
F Dump angle maximum .......................................................................................................................50°
G Roll-back angle at ground level ...•....•.•.••....•......•..........••......••.....•.•.••.....•......•.....•.•.......••..•......•.........48°

Lift capacities
Capacities given In kg and (lbf)
Maximum lift capacity ...........................................................................................................2730 (6017)
Break out force
0.8 m3 ( 1.05 yd 3} bucket ...........................................................................;................................ 401 o (8834)
Multi-purpose bucket is 0.8 m3 (1 yd3) capacity with geometry similar to that of the standard bucket.


--i~-- B -------~I
~------- A---------

figure 1


1... F--

figure 2 figure 3


Backhoe Operating Data (figure 4)

Dimensions in mm with (feet and inches)
Standard machines
4.25 metre 4.5 metre 4.75 metre
backhoe backhoe backhoe
A Loading height - maximum 3624 (1 1' 103/• -) 3624 (11' 103/•-) 4176 (13' 8 1/2")
B Loading reach 1845 (6' 112-> 1863 (6' 11/•-) 1653 (5' 5")
C Reach from swing pivot - max. 5582 (18' 33/•-) 5622 (18' 5 1//) 5988 (19' 731.")
D Digging depth
SAE - 24 inch. flat bottom 4250 (13' 71/•-) 4500 (14' 9'/•-) 4750 (15' 7")
E Bucket rotation angle 194° 194° 194°
Swing angle 180° 180° 180°
Sideshift - full travel 1410 (4' 71//) 1410 (4' 7 1/ / ) NIA
Stabilizer spread - working
sideshift 1990 (6' 6'//) 1990 (6' 6 112-> NIA
cent remount 3429 (11' 3-) 3429 (11 • 3-) 3429 (11 • 3-)

N/A = Not Available

Machines fitted with Extendahoe extendible dipperstick

In the retracted position the Extendahoe has the same geometry as the standard machine, the dimensions given
below are for the Extendahoe in the fully extended position.
4.5 metre 4.75 metre
backhoe backhoe
AA Loading height - maximum 4357 (14' 3 112-) 5131 (16'10")
BB Loading reach 2992 (9' 93/.-) 2562 (8' 5")
cc Reach from swing pivot - max. 6843 (22' 5'//) 7278 (23' 101/21
DD Digging depth SAE - 24 inch. flat bottom 5846 (19' 2-) 6096 (20')

,'- 'C\


,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ .C - - - - - - - - - - , -



Load rating chart

Standard MF 425 and MF 450 backhoes (figure 5)
Rated lift capacity is 87% of maximum lift force, according to SAE J31 definition.
Maximum lift force is 115% of rated capacity.
The rated lift capacities shown on the graph, apply anywhere within the full 180°swing arc of the backhoe.
All loads are given in lb (for kg multiply lb x 0.454)
Side-shift backhoes must be positioned centrally on the backframe.
In countries where strict craning regulations apply, such as the United Kingdom, refer to the decal inside the
cab or consult MF Industrial.

MF 425 Backhoe MF 450 Backhoe

16 6.0 20

· 5.0 ~ Yl
•.o ~~

2343_ V r~: ~.,_
10 12
2446- v· I ~~ \o .




~ 'c\
6 6
1,0 23SI_ 'l
;o olu~


~~ '-m -
"'w olu 2
~o 2283'
~ 1,0

• 2237•
6 2217 ...
3.0 10
6 !283 r-_

2.0 12 IIOOMLETlb

3.0 5.0 16
12 6,0 20
•.o 16 12 10
1• 8 6 OFEET _2~~~.-~-~~--~e_,./~6--:•.,...•~12__.,?_o_,~8..,...~--t-•~-tolFEET
5.0 •.o 3.0 2.0 1.0 0 METRES 1.0 6.o 5.o •.o 3.o 2.0 1.0 o

figure 5


Load rating chart

Standard MF 475 backhoe with and without boom lock-up activated - North America only (figure 6)
Rated lift capacity shown is 87% of maximum lift force, according to SAE J31 definition.
Maximum lift force is 115% of rated capacity.
The rated lift capacities shown on the graph, apply anywhere within the full 180° swing arc of the
The straight heavy lines represent the boom and dipperstick.
Boom lock-up activated: The lift capacities have been measured with the boom locked at 78° and the
dipperstick lift capacities shown in brackets.
All loads are given in lb (for kg multiply lb x 0.454)
The weight of the bucket or attachment must be deducted from the loads Indicated.

MF 475 centremount backhoe

with boom lock-up







2684-..I V
v, -4026(4524)
I ' "' ~2 (41~2i\
12 1, 3508(4021)
V 0

2655-... I I
3.0 10

2588, .. I \
3911 (4428)
~-1/ I I
!\. - 5003 (5655
2454.,_ DIPPER LIFT lb _

~ 241?""
::!: I
2205 ..
I \
'211s /"\

3,0 10
2147,,, ["',.. ....
4,0 2281-' BCX>MUFTlb

5.0 16

6.0 20
214 ~2 ~~ )8
;s :4 112 110 8 1
~ ~ FEET
0---3'rb--2""1---1-,1---,o METRES
s I
figure 6


Load rating chart

Backhoe fitted with extendible dipperstick in normal digging mode (figure 7)
Rated lift capacity shown is 87% of maximum lift force, according to SAE J31 definition.
Maximum lift force is 115% of rated capacity.
The rated lift capacities shown on the graph, apply anywhere within the full 180° swing arc of the backhoe.
All loads are given in lb (for kg multiply lb x 0.454)
Side-shift backhoes must be positioned centrally on the backframe.
In countries where strict craning regulations apply, such as the United Kingdom, refer to the decal inside the
cab or consult MF Industrial.

MF 450 backhoe with extendible dipperstick


6.0 20

5.0 16


3.0 10


~o ot:i


3.0 10


5.0 16

6.0 20
24 22 20 JS 16 14 12 110 8 6 4 2 0 FEET
_.,•....,...•_.f_ _.,,..,__.._"Tl.._•_..,,..,,,......•-...,,_,_.._,.....,,..,,_ _.f..,,,_..f.._-4, METRES
7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0

figure 7


Load rating chart

Backhoe fitted with extendible dipperstlck with and without boom lock-up activated - North America only
(figure 8)
Rated lift capacity shown is 87% of maximum lift force, according to SAE J31 definition.
Maximum lift force is 115% of rated capacity.
The rated lift capacities shown on the graph, apply anywhere within the full 180° swing arc of the backhoe.
The straight heavy lines represent the boom and dipperstick.
Boom lock-up activated: The lift capacities have been measured with the boom locked at 78° and the
dipperstick lift capacities shown in brackets.
All loads are given in lb (for kg multiply lb x 0.454)
The weight of the bucket or attachment must be deducted from the loads shown.

MF 475 centremount backhoe with extendible dipperstick

and boom lock-up


6.0 20

5.0 16


3.0 10





3.0 10


5.0 16

6.0 20
24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 FEET
7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0

figure 8



All weights In kg with (lbs)
Backhoe/Loader version standard buckets and cab 2WDonly 4WD only 4WD only
sideshift .................................................................... 6864 (15121) 7060 (15553) 7060 ( 15553)
centremount .............................................................. 6534 (14394) 6740 (14848) 6no (14914)
loader model, including counterweight ..................... 6714 (14791) 6910 (15223) NIA

Add the following weights to the appropriate base machine

ROPS frame and canopy .............................................................•........•............................................-159 (-350)
4 wheel drive option ...................................................................•..................•...................................... 196 (432)
Extendible dipperstick ................................................................•.............................................•...........200 (441)
Multi-purpose loader bucket ..•.•..............•..........................•..•.....•.•..•............•.•.•..•.•.....•.....•..................270 (595)
Bucket mounted forks .......................................................................................................................... 140 (308)
0.9 m3 bucket ....•....................................•............•...........•.....•......••..•.........•.••.......•..................•........... 40 (88)
If tyres are 75% filled with a water/calcium chloride solution each wheel will be increased by the approximate
weights shown.
16.9/14 x 28 tyre Standard fitment Rear - per tyre ...................•..••..•...•.........•.......•..................•...........260 (573)
16.9/14 x 30 Optional fitment Rear - per tyre ..•.•..•.•.........•....•.....•....•...........•.......•.........••..•................265 (584)
9.00 x 16 tyre Standard fitment Front 2 WD - per tyre .......•...•.....•..•...........•.........•.............................. 50 (110)
1 1L x 16 tyre Optional fitment Front 2 WO - per tyre .......................................................................... 62 (135)
Front tyres on 4 wheel drive machines should not be water ballasted.

Bucket weights
Loader buckets
0.8 m3 (1.05 yd3) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 340 (749)
0.90 m3 (1.18 yd 3) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··••o••·······························370 (815)
4 in 1 (clamshell) bucket .................................................................................................................590 (1300)
Backhoe buckets
mm (inch)
Profile A bucket width
600 (24) ......................................................................................................................................140 (308)
Profile B bucket width
305 (12) .........................•..............•...........•.......••..•...•••.••..••••••.••.••....•..........•.............................. 101 (222)
410 (16) ......................................................................................................................................110 (242)
450 (18) ·······•································•·•···•·······•·············.................................................................. 119 (262)
600 (24) ......................................................................................................................................143 (315)
750 (30) •··•••·······•····•··•····•····•········•··•······· .......... ·.••.•••.•••..••••••••.••.•.....•.......••.......•..•.................... 163 (359)
900 (36) .•............................................•..•............•..•.........•••..••....•..•............................................ 184 (405)



Capacities measured in litres and (US gallons and pints)

Fuel tank ..................................................................................................................................64,3 (17 gals)

Engine sump including filter..................................................................................................... 9,4 (2.5 gals)
Engine coolant system ............................................................................................................. 15,8 (4.2 gals)
Hydraulic system Backhoe/Loader model .......................•...............•.......•............................... 82,0 (21.7 gals)
Transmission oil including Powershuttle .................................................................................. 49,0 (12.9 gals)
Front axle centre housing - 4 wheel drive ................................................................................. 5,5 (1.5 gals)
Front axle hub reduction units - 4 wheel drive......................................................................... 1, 1 (2.3 pints)
Antifreeze ..................................•..............................................................................•..................................see table
amounts of commences
mixture antifreeze freezing frozen solid
% litres pints oc OF OF oc
33 4.0 8.5 -19 - 2 -36 -33
50 6.0 12.7 -36 -33 -48 -53


MF 50H ···································-················· Perkins A4 236 to MF Industrial specifications
No. of cylinders .......................................... 4
Bore ........................................................... 98.4 mm (3.875 inch)
Stroke ........................................................ 127 mm (5 inch)
Capacity ..................................................... 3.86 litres (235.9 in 3 )
Compression ratio ...................................... 16 :1
EEC 80/1269 - gross ................................. 54.4 kW at 2200 rev/min
SAE J1349 - gross ..................................... 54.1 kW (72.5 bhp) at 2200 rev/min
Torque ....................................................... 278 Nm (205 lbf ft) at 1400 rev/min

MF 50HX ...........-....................................... Perkins A4 248 to MF Industrial specifications

No. of cylinders ..............................•........... 4
Bore ........................................................... 101 mm (3.975 inch)
Stroke ...........................................•............ 127 mm (5 inch)
Capacity .....................................................4.07 litres (248 in3 )
Compression ratio ...................................... 16:1
EEC 80/1269 - gross ................................. 60.1 kW at 2200 rev/min
SAE J1349 - gross ..................................... 60.4 kW (81 bhp) at 2200 rev/min
Torque ....................................................... 297 Nm (219 lbf ft) at 1600 rev/min

MF 60HX Turbo ........................................ Perkins AT4 236 to MF Industrial specifications

No. of cylinders .................................•........ 4
Bore ........................................................... 98.4 mm (3.875 inch)
Stroke ........................................................ 127 mm (5 inch)
Capacity ............................................•........ 3.86 litres (235.9 in3 )
Compression ratio ....•......•.........•.....•..••...•.. 16:1
EEC 80/1269 - gross ................................. 66.8 kW at 2200 rev/min
SAE J1349 - gross ..................................... 66.4 kW (89 bhp) at 2200 rev/min
Torque ................•............•......................... 330 Nm (243 lbf ft) at 1400 rev/min
All engines
Valves ........................................................ Overhead, pushrod operated
Valve clearance ......................................... 0.3 mm (0.012 inches) cold
(inlet and exhaust) ..................................... 0.25 mm (0.010 inches) hot
Firing order ................................................ 1, 3, 4, 2
Lubrication .......................•......................... System pressure 2 - 4.1 bar (30 - 60 lbf/in2} at 2000 rev/min engine
speed. Disposable canister type, paper element full flow.oil filter,
externally mounted.


Fuel system and air cleaner

Fuel lift pump ............................................. AC Delco with manual priming lever.
Fuel filter .................................................... Single, long body type, replaceable paper element with transparent
sedimenVwater separator bowl.
Fuel injection pump ................................... CAV distributor type with close tolerance version, mechanical
Static timing ............................................... A4. 236 engine - 23°
A4. 248 engine - 26°
AT4. 236 engine - 14°
Injectors ..................................................... CA V or Stanadyne nozzles and holders
Injector setting pressure and part No ........ A4. 236 engine -175 bar, injector part No. 2645666
A4. 248 engine -185 bar, injector part No. 2645664
AT4. 236 engine - 230 bar, injector part No. 2645K002
Engine speeds (no load) ............................ Low idle 750 rev/min
Maximum 2310 rev/min
Cold-starting aid ........................................ CA V Thermostart
Air cleaner ...................................•.............• 2 stage dry paper element with additional safety element. Air cleaner
restriction warning light on main instrument panel.

Cooling system
Engine coolant ............................•.............. Water/air radiator with pump assisted thermo syphon type. 5 blade
asymmetric air fan. Use only approved anti-freeze to spec. BS 6580
(MF Part No. 841 565 M1 ).
Temperature .............................................. Thermostat opens 77 - 82°C ( 170 - 180°F)
System pressure ...........•.............•.............. 0.7 bar (10 lbf/in2)
Engine lubricating oil ..•.............................. Oil/air type cooler mounted in front of water radiator (turbo-charged
engines only).
Powershuttle ..•.........................................•. Oil/air type cooler mounted in front of water transmission radiator.
5 row cooler for all models.
Hydraulic oil cooler ..................................•. Oil/air type cooler mounted in front of water radiator. All models fitted
with 425 or 450 backhoes have a 3 row cooler. MF 60HX with 475
backhoe has a 4 mw cooler.
Fan belt tension ......................................... 13 - 19 mm (1/2 - 3/4 inch) measured midway between fan pulley and
crankshaft pulley.
Powershuttle .............................................. 4 forward and 4 reverse speeds. All speed shifts are fully
synchronised. Forward and reverse direction shift is made by multi-
plate, oil cooled, hydraulic clutches.
Torque converter ....................................... Fichtel Sachs single stage, two phase type, torque multiplication ratio
Drive axle - rear ..........................•............•. Spiral bevel crown wheel and pinion driving through axle-end epicyclic
units giving 12.95 overall reduction.
Drive axle - front .........................•.............. Side mounted, power take - off pod containing a multi-plate oil
immersed drive clutch provides drive via a shaft, to the front axle
crown wheel and pinion. Front axle drive is engaged by a switch on
the main control panel. Front axle overall reduction ratio 19.2:1
Creeper gearbox (option) ........................... This supplementary gearbox is mounted inside the spacer behind the
Powershuttle transmission and provides direct drive or 4.1 :1 reduction.
Gear shift by mechanical linkage.
5th speed ................................................... A direct drive gear which bypasses the torque converter for high
efficiency road travel. The fifth speed is selected by a switch on the
main control panel.


Road speeds - Powershuttle transmission

No allowance is made for tyre slip/torque converter slip. Reverse speeds are almost identical to the forward
speeds given below.
Engine speed 2200 rev/min
16.9/14 X 28 16.9/14 X 30
(10 ply) tyres (10 ply) tyres
Gear K.p.h. m.p.h. K.p.h. m.p.h.
5 speed transmission
1 4,57 2.86 4,74 2.96
2 8,12 5.08 8,41 5.26
3 14,80 9.25 15,34 9.59
4 26,13 16.33 27,08 16.93
5 31,29 19.56 32,42 2026
5 speed transmission - limited speed version (Germany only}
1 4,57 4,74
2 8,12 8,41
3 14,80 15,34
4 26,13 27,08
5 29,80 30,88
4 speed transmission
1 5,38 3.36 5,57 3.48
2 9,54 5.96 9,88 6.18
3 17,40 10.88 18,03 11.27
4 30,71 19.19 31,83 19.89
4 speed transmission - limited speed version (Germany only}
1 3,47 3,58
2 6,16 6,36
3 11,20 11,60
4 19,67 20,48
Gear K.p.h. m.p.h.
4 speed transmission with creeper ratio engaged
1 1,31 0.82
2 2,33 1.46
3 4,25 2.66
4 7,51 4.69
Road speeds for the optional 18.4 x 26 tyres can be calculated by multiplying the 16.9/14 x 30 tyre road speeds
by 0.982 .


Service brake ............................................. Multi-plate, oil immersed disc brakes mounted inboard, on the rear
axle drive shafts. Hydraulic operation by brake pedal master
cylinders, incorporating independent and compensating functions for
site and highway use.
Parking brake ............................................. Hand-lever and cable operating on service brake mechanism.
Type ........................................................... Full power hydrostatic system with gear pump driven by the engine
timing gears.
Pressure ...................................•................ 11 0 bar (1600 lbf/in2) maximum
Turning circle ............................................. Turnining cicles are the same for both 4wd and 2wd machines
mm {feet and inches)
between curbs, no brakes ..................................................................................... 8340 (27' 4w")
between curbs, with brakes ......•..............................................................•...•....... 6350 (20' 1ow)
between walls, no brakes .........•...•................................•......................•............•. 11260 (36' 11 w)
between walls, with brakes .......•.......•.••........•................•..••................•....•.•••.•..... 10150 (33' 3w)
Note: turning circles for 4 wheel drive machines are measured with
transmission in two wheel drive mode.
Wheels and tyres
Approved tyre combinations
The tyre combinations given below will give the correct speed differential and a level attitude when the tyres are
inflated to the correct pressures. The front wheels are driven at between 1 to 3% faster than the rear wheels for
best tractive performance

2 wheel drive machines

Rear tyres Front tyres
size ··-·······--·····--····-·····-···········-·--·-···--···-·· ply rating tread size ply rating tread
16.9/14 X 28 ......................................................... 10 R4
16.9/14 X 28 .............................................•........... 10 R1 9.00 X 16 10 F2
18.4 X 26 .......................•.........................•............ 10 R1
16.9/14 X 28 ..............................•...........•••..•..•...... 10 R4
16.9/14 X 28 ......................................................... 10 R1 11Lx 16 8 F3
19.5L x 24 ·································•·•···········•·••·••······ 8 R4
16.9/14 X 28 ............•.................•....................••.•.. 10 R4
16.9/14 X 28 ......................................................... 10 R1
16.9/14 X 30 ......................................•........•....•••.. 14 R4 10.5/80 X 18 10
4 wheel drive machines
Rear tyres Front tyres
size ply rating tread size ply rating tread
18.4 X 26 ...................................•.......................... 10 R1
16.9/14 X 30 ...........................................•..•.......... 14 R4 12.5/80 X 18 10 13
16.9/14 X 28 .........•.................................•..•..•....•.. 10 R4 12/12.5 X 18 10 R4


Tyre pressures
tyre size ply rating tyre pressures
bar lbf/in2
9.00 X 16 10 3.85 56
11Lx16 8 3.00 44
10.5/80 X 18 10 3.70 54
12.5/80 X 18 10 3.1 45
18.4 X 26 10 1.80 26
16.9/14 X 28 10 2.00 29
16.9/14 X 30 14 2.60 38
19.5Lx 24 8 1.40 20

Wheel nut tightness

Rear wheels .•..............•.......•...................•...........................................•.....•...•....•..•.••..•••.•...•...••.300 Nm 220 lbf ft
Front wheels, 2 wheel drive ..............•......•...........•..............•.............................................•.•.....•270 Nm 200 lbf ft
Front wheels, 4 wheel drive ......................•.......••.•.•.........••••...•....•...•....................•......•...•....••... 300 Nm 220 lbf ft

Hydraulic system
Pump .........................•..................•..•.•....... Crankshaft driven gear pump.
Wrth 425 or 450 backhoes - Flow 118 Umin (31 US gal/min at 2200
rev/min and 190 bar ).
With 475 backhoe - Flow 132 Umin (34.9 US gal/min at 2200 rev/min
and 190 bar).
Filter ...........................•...•................•.......•.. Replaceable element, return line filter, rated at 25 micron absolute.
Loader control valve ...•...........................•.. Single lever controlling two spool open centre monoblock valves
incorporating circuit relief valves for head and rod sides of bucket and
main lift cylinders.
Third spool - optional •.•...........................••. A third spool section is mounted on the loader control valve and
operated by a second lever inter-connected to loader control lever.
System pressure ........................................ Main relief valve located in loader control valve. 190 bar (2750 lbf/in2)
Backhoe control valve •....................•.•.•..•... 6 spool monoblock valve with 7th valve integrally mounted for side
shift lock. Main digging functions controlled by two levers. separate
stabilizer and side shift control levers. Optional 8th spool controlled by
foot pedal. All boom, dipperstick, bucket and swing functions
protected by circuit relief valves.
Backhoe swing system .............................. Linear swing using two direct acting rams. Swing system common to
both centremount and sideshift models.
Hydraulic rams ...•.....•......................•........•. MF designed and built to heavy duty specifications.

· .... 1·.


Type ........................................................... All steel cab assembly with integral ROPS structure. Fully trimmed
interior tor low noise levels.
Heating ...................................................... Fresh air heater/blower unit mounted under operator seat plinth. Full
heating control including demist on front and rear windows. Partial
recirculation control for quick warm-up in cold climates.
Working lights ............................................ 2 forward and 2 reverse facing quartz halogen lamps mounted in cab
Seating ...................................................... Spring suspension type with single lever operation of seat slide and
General ...................................................... Control panel at side of cab includes hand-throttle, tachometer, start
and stop controls, plus duplicate warning lights. Front control panel
has warning light clusters and warning light test button for primary
systems. Single speed wipers on front and rear screens.
Electrical system
Voltage .•.................................................... 12v - Negative Earth
Battery ............................•.......................... 12v heavy duty 125 amp hour in 20 hours or 570 CCA maintenance-
free type, depending upon market.
Starter motor •..............•.....•....................•.•. 2.2 Kw
Alternator ................................................... Integrated with solid state rectifier. Output 55 amp standard or
65 amp cold - climate.
Fuse values given below are continuous ratings, 'blow ratings' are double the continuous values.
1L 5 amp horn
2L 1O amp hazard warning lights
3L 15amp heater
4L 10amp screen wipers and washers
SL 10amp turn indicators, brake and warning lights and gauges
6L 10amp forward/reverse and 4 wheel drive solenoid circuits
1R 10amp dip beam and rear fog light (if fitted)
2R 10amp Main beam
3R 5amp right hand side lights and instrument lights
4R 5amp left hand side lights and number plate light
SR 10amp interior light, radio, cigar lighter and roof beacons (when fitted)
6R 25amp worklights
Bulb ratings
Front and rear worklights .....................................••........•..•••......•••...•.........•..•............................•.•.......48W halogen
Headlight main beam/dip ..........................................................................................................................45W/45W
Front sidelights •·•·····•··········.··· ............................................................................................... ·.........•.......•......•.... SW
Tail/stop lights ..•......•......••...............•........•..•••..•••.••.••...••.........•..•.•......••.•••..•.•..•..•.......•..•.••..•••..........•......... SW/21 W
Front and rear turn indicators .................•....••...•.••.••...•••.•...•••.••..•.•..•..•......•..•..............••......•.•••......•.......•.......•..21 W
Number plate light ...............................................................................................................................................SW
Interior lights .......................................................••••.••.•••.....•..•..............•..•.•...............•..............•••.......•................SW
Warning lights ...........•.....••......•....•....•...........•......•..•••....•••..•.••••.•..•..•....••.••..............................•..........•...........••...2W
1459 190 M4



28 Major assemblies, remove/ refit


Group 2 Section s·
Operation No. Operation page
Special tools 02
28 • 01 - 03 Joint 1 - separation of front axle support from engine 03
2B • 02- 05 Joint 2 - separation of front axle and engine from Powershuttle
transmission 05
2B • 03- 07 Joint 3 - separation of front axle, engine and Powershuttle
transmission from spacer 07
2B • 04- 09 Joint 4 - separation of rear axles from centre housing 09

Special tools
. In addition to regular mechanics tools. the following extra
workshop equipment will be required tor ma1or assembly
removal and replacement.
MF 341 hydraulic pump drive shaft remover
Guide studs - engine to gearbox
60 litre I 16 USgal) dram tray
50 litre ( 13 USgal) dram tray
20 litre (5 USgal) dram tray
Screw 1acks ( x 3)
Crane or gantry

Separation 2B • 01-03 7. Disconnect both battery leads and secure them to
prevent a short-circuit occurring.
Separation of the axle at this point removes the front axle, 8. Remove air-intake pipe and exhaust muffler.
hardnose. oil coolers, radiator and air cleaner assembly. 9. Remove 12 bolts and lift off engine top cover.
Special tools and equipment 10. Remove side rail front bolts.
MF 341 hydraulic pump drive shaft remover 11. Release hydraulic oil cooler pipe clips.
50 litre 113 USgal) drain tray (hydraulic oil) 12. Mark each hose before disconnection from steering ram.
20 litre (5 USgal) drain tray (coolant water) 13. Release hydraulic pump suction hose clips.
Screw jacks (three required) 14. Release unions on all four oil cooler pipes (transmission
and engine oils).
Crane or gantry
15. Release air intake hose from the engine inlet manifold.
Separation 16. Release top and bottom hoses from the radiator.
1 . Raise loader arms and fit safety frame to left hand lift 17. Disconnect hose from hydraulic pump pressure pipe
ram. (right hand side).
2. Stop the engine and depressurize all hydraulic functions. 18. Remove inlet and pressure manifolds then remove the
3. Remove front grille. loader hydraulic pump.
4. Remove engine side covers and lower panels. Replace 19. Use special tool MF 341 to remove the pump dnve shaft
front bolts from lowe.r panels as these retain the by turning it clockwise when facing the front of the
hardnose to front axle support casting. engine. The crankshaft can be prevented from turning by
5. Drain hydraulic oil. inserting a bar between the bolt heads on the crankshaft
6. Drain water from cooling system. pulley.

22 16 15 10



25 11 18 23 21 5

20. Remove the headlamp plate and disconnect the wiring

harness. Withdraw wiring backvtards completely out of
the hardnose.
21 . Jack each side frame independently and jack under the
engine sump using a wooden b!0ck to spread the load
and avoid slippage.
22. Chock front axle by fitting wedges between axle and
support casting to eliminate all axle oscillation. Attach a
sling around the top of the hardnose.
23. Remove loader sideframe front mounting bolts, adjusting
the jacks for easy removal of the bolts.
The following instruction relates to 4 wheel drive machines
only and is additional to instructions 1-23
24. Remove 8 bolts from flange of drive shaft adjacent to
front axle and wire shaft to loader side frame.
All machines
25. Remove front axle support bolts being careful to retain
spacers from the bottom 2 bolts.
26. Roll axle away from the machine.
Reverse procedures 1-24 except: 22 25
27. Tighten front axle support bolts to 270Nm (200Ibf ft).
28. Tighten front side frame bolts to 325Nm (240Ibf ft).
29. Use new self-locking nuts and refit drive shaft to front
axle input flange. Tighten nuts and bolts to 49Nm (36Ibf

Separation 2B • 02- 05 7. Position the trolley Jack under the engine preferably with
a thin block of wood between engine sump and Jack
Separation of the machine at this point removes the front head to prevent slippage.
axle. cooling system. engine, fuel system and torque 8. Hammer strong wooden wedges between support
converter casting and axle to prevent front axle oscillation.
Special tools and equipment 9. Remove nght hand fan shield.
Guide studs 10. Disconnect_ both cab heater supply hoses and cut nylon
50 litre (13 USgal) drain tray for hydraulic oil straps binding them to the fuel injector pipes.
20 litre (5 USgal) drain tray for coolant water 11 . Remove all side panels.
Screw Jacks (three required) 12. Remove both battery leads and secure to prevent a
Trolley Jack short-circuit.
13. Pull sleeve back and lift off throttle cable from the fuel
Separation inIection pump.
1 . Raise loader arms and install the safety frame to left 14. Disconnect engine stop control cable and release cable
hand lift ram. grip at rear of the engine.
2. Stoa the engine and depressurize all hydraulic systems. 15. Remove the main power cable from the starter motor
3. Drain hydraulic oil. terminal.
4. Fit a length of plastic or rubber tube to the nozzle of the 16. Remove tachometer drive from engine timing case and
radiator tap and drain the cooling system. There is no release tachometer cable from the clip mounted on the
need to drain the engine block. thermostat housing. Carefully remove cable completely
5. Position screw jacki:: under loader sideframes using a from engine area.
block of wood between jack head and sideframe to 17. Remove hose clamp securing the steering hoses to the
prevent high localised stresses in the weld seam. side of the engine.
6. Position screw Jack under front end of gearbox case.



7 27 20 18 10 14 16 5

18. Disconnect hoses from steering rams. labelling each

hose for correct reassembly.
19. Disconnect hydraulic oil cooler hoses from the oil cooler
and release pipe clamp on engine timing case.
20. Release worm-drive clips from the front suction hose to
the loader hydraulic pump, and remove hose completely
to give access to loader sideframe front mounting.
Release pressure hose from pump manifold on the right
hand side of the machine.
21. Separate the 3 multi-pin wiring connectors at the rear of
the engine.
22. Separate the pipe connecting the oil cooler to
transmission control valve. This pipe is best separated at
the union located on the left hand side of the gearbox.
23. Remove drain hose from steering/transmission pump
and release pipe clamp at the rear of the engine.
24. Release worm-drive clips on hose at the rear of the
suction filter. adjacent to the steering/transmission
25. Remove engine oil filter.
26. Remove bolts from engine/gearbox joint.
27. Remove loader sideframe front mounting bolts.
28. On 4 wheel drive machines. disconnect drive shaft.
29. Separate the engine from gearbox a short distance.
ennsuring the suction pipe to the steering pump also
30. Remove hoses connected to the T and ·p• ports (oil
cooler and pressure fitter respectively) on the steering
31. Roll engine clear of the machine.
Reassembly is the reverse of instructions 1-30 except:
31. Install the two guide studs either side of the gearbox
flange. to assist alignment. 25 26 28 21 30
32. The gearbox and engine flanges must meet before any
bolts are fitted.
DO NOT use the bolts to draw the flanges together. as
serious damage can be caused to the torque converter if the
stator and turbine splines are not properly mated with the
33. Tighten flange bolts to 75Nm (55Ibf ft).

·. ·• . ·... · ...·.-

5. Fit al length of plastic or rubbeftiilie-fotlienozzle of

the radiator tap and drain the cooling system. There is
JOINT3 no need to drain the engine block.
Separation 2B• 03 - 07 6. Position screw jacks under loader sideframes using a
Separation of the machine at this point removes the block of wood between the jack head and sideframe to
front axle cooling system engine, fuel system, avoid high localized stresses in the weld seam.
Powershuttle transmission and 4 wheel drive system 7. Position the trolley jack under the transmission
complete: when fitted. preferably with a thin block of wood between
Special tools and equipment . . . transmission and jacking head to prevent slippage
60 litre ( l 6Usgal) drain tray for transm1ss1on 011 8. Hammer wooden wedges between the support casting
50 litre (13 Usgal) drain tray for hydraulic oil and axle to eliminate front axle oscillation
20 litre (5 Usgal) drain for coolant water 9. Remove right hand fan shield
Screw jacks (three required) I 0. Disconnect both cab heater supply hoses and cut nylon
Trolley jack straps binding them t the fuel injector pipes
Separation I I. Remove both side panels
1. Raise loader arms and install the safety frame to left 12. Remove both leads from battery and secure to prevent
hand lift ram. a short-circuit
2. Stop the engine and depressurize all hydraulic 13. Pull sleeve back and lift off throttle cable from fuel
systems. injection pump
3. Drain the hydraulic oil 14. Disconnect engine stop cable and release cable grip at
4. Drain the transmission oil rear of the engine
15. Remove the main power supply cable from the starter
motor terminal
16. Remove tachometer drive from engine timing case and
release tachmeter cable from the clip mounted on the
\. thermostat housing. Carefully remove cable
completely from engine area.

,/ ------r; -.:- ti:,
I ;
25 1 18 19

ibm:i I , i

·1,;• I .
~--~~· !.,..__
,t,._ I ·,.-
~~-\ L .


7 27 35 31 17 10 14

17. Remove hose clamp/ clamps securing the steering 29. Remove engine oil filter.
hoses to the side of the engine. 30. Remove bolts from transmission/spacer Joint.
18. Disconnect the digger hydraulic oil pipes from the oil 31 .Remove loader sideframe front mounting bolts.
cooler and release the pipe clamp. 32. Raise engine to allow engine oil filter head to clear
19. Release worm-drive clips from the front suction hose for sideframe and roll complete engine/transmission
the loader hydraulic pump. Remove hose completely to assembly forward 30mm (1 \in.). •
give access to loader sideframe front mounting. 33. Turn transmission suction tube through go•. clockwise
20. Remove cab mat (as viewed from the driver's seat).
21 . Remove eight domed screws and lift out central floor 34. Roll engine/transmission assembly forward a further
plate to give access to top of transmission and gear shift. 200mm (Bin.) and disconnect the ·p• and 'T' hoses from
22. Disconnect gear lever tie-bar from bottom of gear shift the power steering valve.
lever bracket 35. On 4 wheel drive machines only the engine/
23. Remove 'R' clip from gear shift extension and remove transmission must be rolled forward until the engine oil
pin. filter head just clears the sideframe and then the
24. Release screws holding shift lever gaiter. lift gear lever transmission must be lowered to allow the 4 wheel drive
and disconnect electrical wire at lower end of lever. pod to pass beneath the sideframe. Roll complete
Withdraw lever complete and lift bias spring off gear shift assembly clear of the machine.
extension. Reassembly
25. Remove centre screws and unplug the two Horstmann Reverse instructions 1 - 35 except:
connectors from the solenoid valve on top of the 36. The gearbox and spacer flanges must be sealed with MF
transmission. Powerpart Instant Gasket part no. 3405 355 M1 .
26. Disconnect wires from safety start switches and 37. Remember to turn suction pipe through go• anti-
transmission temperature sensor. all located on the left clockwise before closing transmission joint.
hand side of the Powershuttle transmission case. 38. The transmission and sp:1cer flanges must meet before
27. If 4 wheel drive is fitted, disconnect wires from solenoid. any bolts are inserted. Tighten bolts to 100Nm (751cf ft).
28. Disconnect three multi-pin wiring connectors at rear of
engine. and two connectors on cab bulkhead.
WARNING: Use only ·v· ·x·
or grade bolts for this 1omt
39. Tighten loader sideframe front mounting bolts to 3251\:m
(2401bf ft).

\{ 0

JOINT 4 9. Disconnect pressureJme between loader and digger

Separation 2B • 04 - 09 control valves.
Separation of the axle halves from the centre housing. 10. Remove two bolts from each of the s1deframe front
Although removal of the right hand axle Is described here mountings and slacken the remaining bolt.
the procedure Is similar for either side. 11 . Remove right hand rear side frame bolts and slacken the
left hand rear sideframe bolts to the hmit.
Special tools and equipment 12. Remove all nuts retaining right hand axle housing to
60 litre dram tray (transmission 011) centre housing.
Screw Jacks (three required) 13. Jack the centre housing up and securely attach the
Jib crane chains to axle housing.
Separation 14. Pull axle housing away from centre housing. When half-
1. Position digger centrally on the backframe. shaft is clear of diff-lock mechanism. lower outer end of
2. Dram transmission and epicyclic oils. axle until wheel studs rest on the ground (lay a block of
3. Install screw Jacks under the centre housing and each wood under the axle to prevent damage to the wheel
s1deframe. studs).
4. Chock front axle. Refitting the right hand axle
5. Slacken the right hand rear wheel nuts Jack up the rear Assembly is a reversal of the dismantling procedure but
of the machine and remove the rear wheel. ensure:
6. Slacken the U bolts retaining the digger to the 15. Digger backframe tie bars must be fitted with the
sideframes and using an hydraulic jack under the digger spacers on the outside.
backframe carefully remove it until the rear pin in the 16. Tighten sideframe mounting bolts to
support link can be removed. Remove the front pin and 325Nm (240Ibf ft) front
lift the support link clear. 340Nm (250Ibf ft) rear
7. Disconnect differential lock cable.
8. Remove right hand brake cylinder and actuator lever to
g·ive access to the brake cover mounting bolts. Remove
brake cover.
1459 190 M4



38 Electrical system
3C Battery
3D Charging system
3E Starting system
3B - 01


Group 3 Section B

Issue 4

Op. No. Operation page

Wiring diagram 02
Relays diodes and fuses 06
38 • 01 -08 Battery (MF 50H) - R/R 08
38 • 02-08 Battery (MF 30H) - R/R 08
38 • 03-08 Alternator (MF 50H) - R/R 08
38 • 04-09 Alternator (MF 30H) - R/R 09
38 • 05-09 Starter motor (MF S0H) - R/R 09
38 • 06-09 Starter motor {MF 30H) - R/R 09
38 • 07-10 Starter switch R/R 10
38 • 08-10 LighVhorn switch R/R 10
38 • 09-10 Turn indicator switch R/R 10
38 • 10-11 Cigar lighter R/R 11
38 • 11 -11 Heater blower, cab models - R/R 11
38 • 12-11 Brake light switch R/R 11
38 • 13- 12 Forward/reverse switch (Powershuttle)- R/R 12
38 • 14-13 De-clutch swiches (Powershuttle)- R/R 13
38 • 15-13 Warning light bulb - R/R 13
38 • ·16-13 Instrument light bulb R/R 13
38 • 17-14 Fuel and temperature gauges - R/R 14
38 • 18-14 Tachometer and speedometer - R/R 14
38 • 19-15 Neutral safety start switches - R/R 15
38 • 20-15 Rotating beacons-fitment 15
Bulb replacement and headlight adjustment 16
38-02 issue 4



1. Battery 59. Worklight - front L.H. 48W halogen
2. Starter motor 60. Worklight - rear L.H. 48W halogen
3. Starter solenoid switch 61. Worklight - rear R.H. 48W halogen
4. Alternator 62. Rear tog light - 21 watt red lens
5. Start switch 63. Tum indicator - R.H. front 21 W
6. Line - fuse, 25A Thermostart unit 64. Tum indicator - R.H. rear 21 W
7. Thermostart unit 65. Tum indicator - LH. front 21W
8. Fuse box 66. Tum indicator - LH. rear 21W
9. Fuse box 67. Front side light R.H. SW
10. Relay - 30 amp 68. Front side light L.H. SW
11. Relay - 30 amp 69. Front bucket light socket (France only)
12. Light switch 70. Combined side/brake light L.H. 5/21 W
13. Rear switch - horn 71. Combined side/brake light R.H. 5/21 W
14. Hom 72. Rear fog light switch
15. Line-fuse - (Sweden only) 73. Combined main/dip headlight R.H. 45/40W
16. Rear horn - (Sweden only) 74. Combined main/dip headlight L.H. 45/40W
17. Switch - front washer motor 75. No. plate light L.H. SW
18. Switch - front wiper motor 76. No. plate light R.H. SW (except Italian
19. Front wiper motor machines)
20. Front washer motor 77. Clock
21. Switch - rear washer 78. Clock light
22. Rear washer motor 79. Switch - rotating beacon (Italy only)
23. Switch - rear wiper 80. Rotating beacon (Italy only)
24. Rear wiper motor 81. Rotating beacon (Italy only)
25. Warning alarm 82. Cab interior light
26. Warning light panel 83. Line-fuse - supplied with radio
27. Diode, line mounted - 7 items 84. Radio
28. Diode, line mounted - 1 item 85. Switch - 4 wheel drive
29. Test switch - warning lights 86. Solenoid - 4 wheel drive
30. Transmitter - air restriction 87. Heater fan switch
31. Transmitter - transmission suction fitter 88. Heater fan
restriction 89. Cigar lighter
32. Transmitter - transmission oil temperature 90. Cold start switch - North America only
33. Transmitter - engine oil pressure 91. Cold start solenoid - North America only
34. Warning light - Engine oil pressure 92. Safety start switch
35. Warning light - water temperature 93. Safety start switch.
36. Transmitter - water temperature. 94. Flasher unit - turn indicators
37. Light - tachometer 95. Relay - declutch switches
38. Light - speedometer 96. Switch - emergency drive.
39. Gauge - water temperature 97. Switch - boom lock-up
40. Transmitter - water temperature 98. Solenoid - boom lock-up
41. Light - water temperature gauge 99. Diode - boom lock-up
42. Gauge - fuel level 100. Line fuse - 5 amp. spare circuit
43. Transmitter - fuel lever 101. Relay - 5th. speed circuit
44. Light - fuel gauge 102. Switch - 5th. gear
45. Forward/reverse switch 103. Switch - 5th. gear
46. Diode - reverse 104. Switch - 4th. gear
47. Solenoid - reverse 105. Solenoid valve - 5th. gear
48. Diode - forward 106. Switch - Return to Dig
49. Solenoid - forward 107. Relay - Return to Dig
50. De-clutch switch 198. Solenoid - Return to Dig
51. De-clutch switch 109. Diode - Return to Dig
52. Indicator light panel 110. Relay - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
53. Switch - handbrake warning light
54. Brake light switch
Diode - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
Diode - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
55. Tum indicator switch 113. Diode - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
56. Hazard warning switch 114. Solenoid - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
57. Worklight switch 115. Solenoid - stabilizer lock-out (France only)
58. Worklight - front R.H. 48W halogen 116. Diode - stabilizer lock-out (France only)

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3B - 04/d issue 4


COMPONENT LAYOUT (numbers refer to wiring diagram key)

5th speed circuit - diode connection

5th gear harness

Body harness

5th speed harness connection to main harness

5th gear harness

Wiring to forward/reverse switch \ _ Instrument panel harness

Connections to rear of 5th speed switches

5th gear harness

5th gear switches

GREEN ~. . . .)..
Rear screen washer and tubes
___ /
"'O I!
75 76 61 ~,,~ II z
Front screen washer and tubes II A _).,;;.r JI r-
LI:==' >
111 -<
!I C
\ -I
II 24 :i'
82 19 18 17 82 58 I II C
-I 3
II -,
102/103 8 VI
10/11 27/29 9 I II Cl)
II ~
.'k I :r
II 0.
_J iil
l ;lit"

r- (,,)
20 22 nf ~
:!: (t)
38- 04/f issue 4


Wiring Diagram for later Series - S machines and all Serles T machines with all options fitted



' '
: ~~
., I
i I

I -

,!!: .. I
=IlJ:::::!~·---=a=~~~----------------___, 0
#1 Dired connection between wires YR and BG only on 4 speed machines. 5th speed circuit is conneded in
line as shown in VIEW A in the component layout
#2 PN wire from switch 13 is connected into PN wire between terminal 5 on light switch and fuse X1, for all
markets except Sweden
Note: fuse bank •x• on this diagram is shown as •L• in the operator manual and bank -V- as •R•
issue 4 38 - 04/g


Wiring Diagram for later Series - S machines and all Series T machines
basic circuit without 5th speed, Return-To-Dig, backhoe boom lock-up and market specific


i I

I -

Note: fuse bank •x• on this diagram is shown as "L• in the operator manual and bank -V- as •R•
38-04/h issue 4


Stabiliser interlock circuit (France only)

• 0 •


52 ~ntl


E ., ~
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s: C
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21 -< m
r~"!= ~ 24
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''~n ,.& I~Jfl I• {3
3: 5:
3B-06 ISSUE 2


Circuit Relays
To reduce the electrical load on the ignition switch two
relays are fitted to control all the auxiliary services
operated by the switch. The relays are of the plug in type
and are identical in operation.
Testing - The simplest way to check for a failed relay is to
interchange with the other relay or replace with a new
Connections to each relay are as shown.

Line mounted diodes

The warning light system incorporates a number of diodes
connected into the main harness by spade terminals, and
are located under the instrument panel.
MF 50H series 1 and 2
Eight diodes are used to control the operation of 4
warning lights.
Two diodes are incorporated in the Powershuttle
transmission control circuit.
Four diodes are used to control the operation of 2 warning
0 .
As two or more of the warning lights are connected via a
switch to a common earth for testing purposes. a normal
malfunction of any of the monitored services would switch
on all four of the warning lights. The diodes in the circuit
will isolate each monitored service from affecting the
other services but still allow testing of all four at the same
P.,.,_ The diodes must be fitted the correct way - refer to
~ the wiring diagram for correct orientation.

All fuses are contained within two fuse bOxes mounted on
the right-hand side of the instrument panel, with the
following exceptions. which are line mounted:
25 amp Thermostart fuse. mounted in side console
and fitted to Europe/Export machines only.
5 amp Rear horn, mounted in wiring between switch
on digger control console and rear horn fitted
for Sweden only.
2 amp Radio, mounted in wiring behind overhead
console adjacent to radio.
This fuse is supplied with the radio which is an
optional extra not supplied with the standard

ISSUE 2 3B-07


The fuse boxes, designated L and R for description
purposes, each contain 6 fuses.
The fuse ratings and circuits which each serves are listed
Fuse ratings given are continuous, the blow rating is twice
those given.
Fuse Rating Circuit
1 5amp Horn
2 10 amp Hazard warning lights
3 15 amp Heater fan motor
4 10 amp Screen wipers and washers motors

\ R


Indicators, brake and warning lights
and gauges
Forward/reverse and 4 wheel drive
1 10amp Headlights dip beam, and rear fog light
2 10amp Headlight main beam
3 5amp Right hand sidelights and instrument
4 5amp Left hand sidelights and number plate
5 10amp Interior light, radio, cigar lighter, roof
mounted rotating beacon (Italy only)
6 25amp Worklights
Fuse values given below are continuous ratings.
Fuse Rating Circuit
1 5 amp Horn
2 10amp Hazard warning
3 15 amp Heater fan
4 10 amp Screen wipers and washers
5 10amp Turn indicators, brake lights, warning
lights and gauges
6 10 amp Spare
Fuse Rating Circuit
1 10 amp Dip beam
2 10amp Main beam
3 5amp Right hand sidelights and instrument
4 5amp Left hand sidelights and number plate
5 10amp Interior light, radio, cigar lighter and
roof beacons (when fitted)
6 25 amp Worklights
3B-08 ISSUE 2



Remove and refit 3B • 01 -08
1. Remove spring clip from right hand footstep.
2. Slide rod out of engagement from the battery box.
3. Lift complete footstep off the battery box.
4. Conventional batteries:
Slacken nut and locknut on both studs and unhook
clamp bar from the outside edge of the battery.
5. Disconnect the battery leads, removing the negative
(-) lead first.
6. Maintenance-free batteries:
Remove the central nut and locknur and lift off the
clamp bar from the top of the batteries.
7. Remove battery.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:
8. Do not overtighten the clamp nuts or the battery
cases will crack. The 'Jatteries should be clamped
just sufficiently to prevent movement.


Remove and refit 38•02-08
1. Remove bolt.
2. Pull cover off battery box.
3. Release nuts and locknuts and lower the clamp bar.
4. Disconnect the battery leads, removing the negative
(-) lead first.
5. Pull out the battery.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except:
6. Do not overtighten the clamp nuts or the battery
case will crack.
7. Ensure battery box cover is properly located before
installing the bolt.


Remove and refit 38•03-08
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Unplug the terminal block from the rear of alternator.
3. Remove rear mounting bolts.
4. Slacken lower mounting bolts. ·
5. Slacken pivot bolt for adjustment arm.
6. Remove top mounting bolt.
7. Remove bottom mounting bolt and pulley guard.
8. Disengage belt from alternator pulley and lift off
alternator. r:o
Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
9. Refit pulley guard properly.
10. Retension fan belt to give 13-19mm (H inch)
deflection midway between water pump and
crankshaft pulleys.
ISSUE 2 3B-09



Remove and refit 3B•04-09
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Unplug the terminal block from rear of alternator.
3. Slacken upper mounting bolt.
4. Slacken adjustment arm pivot bolt.
5. Remove nut from lower clamp bolt and move
alternator towards engine.
6. Remove top mounting bolt and pulley guard.
7. Support the alternator while removing the lower
mounting bolt, slip the belt off the alternator pulley
and remove alternatof.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:
8. Ensure pulley guard is refitted. properly.
9. Adjust fan belt tension until 19mm d inch) deflection
is obtained midway between the alternator and
crankshaft pulleys.


Remove and refit 3B•OS-09
1. Disconnect the battery cables removing the ~
negative (-) cable first. ill
2. Disconnect all cables frotn the starter solenoid.
3. Remove nuts and washers from mounting studs.
4. Withdraw starter motor.
Reverse instructions 1 to 4.


Remove and refit 3B • 06-09
1. Remove battery cover.
2. Disconnect both battery cables, negative (-) lead
3. Disconnect the cabll;!S from starter solenoid.
4. Remove mounting bolts, nuts and washers.
5. Lift out the starter motor, guiding it carefully past the
powersteering pump. It may be necessary to release
the clamp securing the steering pipes ad1acent to
the starter motor.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5.
38-10 ISSUE 2


Remove and refit 38 •07-10
1. · Remove four self-tapping screws and lift the control
panel sufficiently to gain access to rear of switch.
2. Remove lock-ring surrounding keyhole in starter
3. Push switch through the control panel.
4. Label and disconnect wires from switch.
5. Withdraw the switch.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5.

Remove and refit 3B •08-10
1. Remove ten self-tapping screws and lift the main
control panel sufficiently to gain access to rear of
2. Slacken clamp screw and pull off the switch knob.
3. Remove spring (if fitted).
4. Label and disconnect wires from switch.
5. Remove lock-nut from around switch shaft and
withdraw switch from panel.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5


Remove and refit 3B•09-10
1. Remove 4 self-tapping screws and lift off the lower
2. Remove screw from centre of switch and pull off the
switch knob.
3. Remove nut from around switch shaft and withdraw
switch downwards.
4. Label and remove wires.

Reverse instructions 1 to 4.



Remove and refit 38•10-11
6 1. Disconnect battery cables, removing the earth (-)
lead first.
5 2. Remove knob from adjustment lever.
3. Remove 4 self-tapping screws and lift off lower
4. Pull the lighter element from the holder.
5. Disconnect the cable at the spade connector.
6. Unscrew the sleeve from the holder under the
control panel.
7. Withdraw holder, together with a rubber gasket.
from the face of the instrument panel.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7.

Remove and refit 3B•11-11
1. Remove seat from turntable. Delux seats are very
heavy and bulky and cannot easily be removed from
the machines still attached to the plinth.
2. Remove seven bolts and lift plinth and turntable off
the complete heater assembly.
3. Remove mounting bolts and lift fan assembly away
from heater box. ·
4. Reverse the removal procedure but ensure all
sealing strips are effective. Missing seals will
seriously affect the efficiently of the heater.


Adjustment 3B•12-11
1. Adjust brakes per operation 6A•22.
2. Engage pedal latch to connect both brake pedals.
3. Adjust brake light switch to give a clearance of
6-10mm (H inch) between the switch body and
brake pedal. Check that the switch plunger is
compressed (i.e. switch is open) when the brake
pedals are against their return stops.


I \\
I \
,. \ v-••"\>~

3B-12 1 SSUE 2


(Powershuttle only)
Remove and refit 3B • 13-12
1. Insert screwdriver through holes in the switch cover
and slacken both retaining screws.
2. Move cover down away from steering wheel,
remove 4 screws and separate the top and bottom
covers to expose the switch mechanism.
3. Remove the two screws which retain the switch to
the mounting bracket.
4. Mount switch on the bracket and tighten both
screws securely.
5. Fit both halves of switch cover and loosely fit the 4
screws. Position the covers so that the switch lever
is central in the slot, and the knob does not touch the
cover, then tighten screws.
6. Slide switch assembly up the steering column until
3mm (A inch) clearance exists between the steering
wheel hub and the switch cover.
7. Retighten both retaining screws.




(Powershuttle only)
Remove and refit 3B • 14-13
The switches are a light press-fit in the plastic grips of the
gear shift lever and loader control lever.
1. Hold the switch button and rubber gaiter and pull up,
being careful not to snatch the wiring (2) as the
switch comes free.
2. Ensure the wiring connectors are fitted securely so
that the tags locate in the switch.
3. Push the wire down the tubular lever until the switch P.-..y
is about to enter the grip then push the switch firmly ~
into the grip. Check switch retention.


Remove and refit
1. Disconnect battery cables, removing the earth (-) P.,,_
cable first. ill
2. Remove both screws and lift warning light cfuster
from dash panel sufficiently to give access to bulb
3. Twist bulb holder anti-clockwise and withdraw if
from the lens assembly.
4. Pull bulb from holder.
Reverse instructions 1 to 4.


Remove and refit 3B• 16-13
1. Disconnect the battery cables. P.,,_
2. Remove 4 self-tapping screws from the appropriate ill
panel (side control panel or lower main panel).
3. Lift/remove panel for access to bulbs.
4. Pull bulb holder out of instrument.
5. Pull bulb from holder.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5.
3B-14 SSUE 2



Remove and refit 3B • 17-14
1 . Disconnect battery cables.
2. Remove knob from adjustment lever.
3. Remove 4 self-tapping screws and lower the panel.
4. Remove bulb holder.
5. Remove electrical connections. 7
6. Remove knurled nut, earth terminal and bracket.
7. Remove instrument and gasket from control panel.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7.


Remove and refit 38 • 18-14


& 1.

Disconnect both battery cables, removing the earth
cable first.
Remove the appropriate panel for access.
3. Remove bulb holder.
4. Remove both knurled nuts, earth lead and mounting
5. Unscrew the drive cable sleeve.
6. Remove instrument and gasket from the control
Reverse instructions 1 to 6.
SSi._:E 2 3B-15



Remove and refit 3B • 19-15
1. Unlatch front grille and disconnect battery cables.
2. Powershuttle transmission only. remove covers
from both switches. mounted on right hand side of
transmission at the back.
3. Manual transmiss;o:,s only, remove cover from
switch, mounted on top of gearbox over the bell
4. Disconnect wires.
5. Unscrew switch/switches from casing.
Reverse procedures 1 to 5 except:
6. Test the function of the neutral safety start /.'\!
switch/switches. ~

Powershuttle transmission onfy

As this transmission has ':Wo neutral safety start
switches it is important to check that both are
functioning properly by using the following
Select 1st/2nd gears and tur, the start key in each
gear. There should be no resoonse. now repeat the
procedure in 3rd/4th gears. There should be no
response. Select neutral and the starter circuit
should be operative.
Manual transmissions only
Select low/high ranges and turn start i<ey in each
position. There should be no response. The starter
circuit should be live only when the range shift lever
is in neutral.

Fitment 38 •20-15
4 5/6 2 1. Unbolt front valance.
2. Disconnect wmng to both workligh:s and lay the
valance on the roof panel.
3. Repeat for rear valance.
4. Drill through the roof panel just in front of the fixed
bulkhead and secure the rotating beacon to the roof.
A watertight seal must be formed between the
beacon and roof panel.
5. Connect the beacons to the purple wires.
6. Connect the beacon earths to the ~lack leads using
four-way bullet connect0rs as necessary.
7. Remove the overhead panel behind which puple
leads will be found taped to the harness.
8. Fit a switch to the panel ad;acert to existing switches
and connect the purple wires.
9. Test circuit operation of •otating beacons.
10. Refit valances and test ooeration of work lights
interior light front screen wiper and washer.
3B-16 iSSUE 2


Bulb replacement
Follow the number sequence on each picture for removal
procedure and the reverse for reassembly.
Work lights
Front and rear worklights are fitted with quartz halogen
bulbs which must never be touched by hand. Always use
a. clean cloth or paper tissue when installing these bulbs.
Fingerprints will blacken the bulb and reduce light output.

Rear: side and direction indicator lights

Brake light bulbs are changed in the same way but ensure
the offset pins are located properly.

Cab interior light 1·


Headlights (MF SOH series 1)

ISSUE 2 3B-17


Headlight adjustment (MF 50H series 1)

- Position the machine squarely, 2 metres (6.5 ft) from a flat

vertical wall.
Turn headlight adjusting screws (1) (2) (3) until each
headlight ma:in beam is aimed parallel with the ground and
directly ahead of the machine.


Front side and direction indicator lights

(Series 2 cabs)

lI Headlight adjustment
\j. ·: (Series 2 cabs)


', . . ·-- ·.'

' I i:
• •··

, [I
i E
Beam adjustment is achieved by moving the complete
light assembly.
Slacken bolt (1) and tilt light (2) downwards until the main
beam fully illuminates the road not more than 80 metres
(260 feet) ahead of the machine. Due to the high position
of the headlights, adjusting the main beams parallel to the
groun~ is not recommended.



Group3 Section C


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
Preparation of dry-charged batteries for service 03
Preparation of dry-uncharged batteries for service 04
Preparation of electrolyte 04
Battery charging and maintenance 05
Fast charging 07
Maintenance-free batteries 07
3C • 01 -08 Capacitance testing 08


Special tools
'J-20V voltmeter
J,scnarge tester - 'Crypton· Battery Tester model 851 or


Conventional or Maintenance-Free batteries intended for
export. can be supplied "dry-charged .. and require filling with
electrolyte of the. correct specific gravity (S.G.) according to
the climate before being put into service.
Dry-charged baneries leave the manufacturer in a fully
charged state but may slowly discharge whilst in storage.
Batteries should not be filled with electrolyte until required for
Initial charging after filling is not normally necessary: but a
freshening charge for 4 hours at the rate specified in the Table
below is extremely advantageous from the point of view of
banery life.
Remove the filler plates or plugs and fill each cell with
electrolyte of the correct S. G. to the top of the perforated
separator guard in one operation.
The temperature of the charging room. battery and
electrolyte. should be maintained between 1 s·c and 38"C
(60"F and 100°F). If the banery has been stored in a cool place.
it should-be allowed to warm up to room temperature before
It. after a period of twenty minutes. the casing of the filled
banery feels warm to the back of the hand, it should be
assumed that the battery has become completely discharged
during storage. and a charging process appropriate to a ORY
UNCHARGED BATTERY should be applied.


When dry uncharged batteries are filled, heat is created from
the mixing of the filling acid with moisture in the plates, and
also as a result of chemical action on the negative plates.
With batteries in moulded containers this heat may crack the
containers. therefore these batteries must be filled in two
In the first stage the battery should be half filled and allowed to
cool for 6 to 12 hours.
The battery should then be filled to the level of the separator
guard and allowed to cool for a further 2 hours to complete the
second stage.
Charge the battery at the rate specified in the Table below
until the voltage and S.G. readings remain stable over 5
consecutive hourly readings.
The charging duration is from 48 to 80 hours. dependent upon
the storage period of the battery.

Approximately 790 milli-litres (1.6 US pints) of sulphuric acid
is required tor each 2 volt cell.
The specific gravity (S.G.) of the electrolyte required when
filling is:
Climates normally below 2rc (80°F) - 1.260 (corrected to
1s.s·c (60°F).
Climates normally above 2rc (80°F) - 1.210 (corrected to
1s.s·c (60°F).
Electrolyte is prepared by mixing distilled water and
concentrated sulphuric acid to the required S.G. (usually S.G

A The mixing of the eledrolyte must be carried out eitlw In a

lead llned tank or In a suttabkt glau or earthenware veuet.

A Slowly add the acid to the dlstllled wats. Never add the
water to the acid, as the resultant chemical reaction causes
violent eruption of the sulphuric acid.
The approximate proportion of sulphuric acid and distilled
water is as follows:
To obtain a specific gravity (corrected to 1s.s•c (60°F) of:
1.260 for temperatures below 2rc
1.21 0 for temperatures above 2rc
Add 1 vol. of acid of 1.840 S.G. (corrected to 1s.s•c (60°F) to:
3.2 volumes of water (1.260 S.G.)
4.3 volumes of water (1.210 S.G.)
Heat is produced by the mixture of acid and water, therefore
the electrolyte should be allowed to cool before taking
hydrometer readings and pouring the electrolyte into the
I:\. Use dlstllled ammonia on a lint free cloth to neutrallN acid
~ spillage.



State of Charge
The state of charge of the banery can be measured using a
hydrometer or heavy discharge tester.
The specific gravity of the electrolyte IndIcates the state of
charge in the battery. Using a hydrometer. check the specific
gravity of the electrolyte in each battery cell and compare the
readings with those in the table.
Specific Gravity Readings
State of Charge Climate normally Climate normally
below 25°C (77"F) above 25"C (77°F)
Fully charged 1.260 - 1.280 1.210 - 1.230
70% charged 1.230 - 1.250 1.170-1.190
Discharged 1. 11 0 - 1 .1 30 1.050-1.D70
Maximum permissible electrolyte temperature during
charge is:
Climates below 2TC (80°F)
- battery temperature 38"C ( 100°F) max.
Climates above 2TC (80°F) -
battery temperature 49°C ( 120"F) max.
If the temperature of any cell rises above the permissible
maxImurn. the charge must be interrupted until the
temperature has fallen to 5.s•c
(1 0"F) below that figure.
During charging, ensure thai the electrolyte Is level with the
top of the separator guard. by the addition of electrolyte of the
same S.G. as that used in the initial filling of the battery.
Keep the current constant oy varying the series resistance of
the circuit. This charge should not b~ broken by long rest
Electrolyte ·trothing· may occur during the first few hOurs of
charging. This can be overcome by REDUCING !he charging
On comple!lon of charging. check the S.G. ,n each cell. to
er.sure that 111s within !he specified trm,ts at 1 (60°Fl
I' any cell requires adIus1ment. some of the electrolyte must
be syphoned OFF and replaced. either by distilled water. or by
elec:rolyte of the S.G. used ong1nally In the filling of the
ba:.ery. depending on whether the S.G. Is too high or tow.
Never transfer Electrolyte from one battery or cell to
Continue the charging tor an hour 10 ensure adequate mIxIng
cf t1e electrolyte. and again check rhe S.G. readings. If
necessary. repeat the adIus1ment process until the desired
S.G. reading 1s obtained ,n each cell. Allow the battery to cool
ar.d syphon off any eIectrolyte above the top of the separator


Charging Rate
Battery Amp.-hour Rating
90 96 120 125 Type of Charge
9 amps 9.5 amps 12 amps 12.5 amps Freshening Charge (Dry Charged Battery)
6amps 6amps 8 amps Bamps Initial Charge (Dry Uncharged Battery)
9amps 9.5 amps 12 amps 12.5 amps Recharging in Service

Electrolyte Temperature Correction

For every 1o•c (18°F) below 15"C (60°F) subtract 0.007.
For every 1o•c (18°F) above 15"C (60"F) add 0.007.
If the specific gravity of individual cells varies by more than
0.040 the battery should be considered for replacement.
Note: Hydrometer readings should not be taken if the battery
has just been topped up. Charge the battery for 1-2 hours to
ensure the electrolyte is fully mixed, before testing.

Any battery which is less than 70% charged should be
recharged from an external source until there consecutive
hourly readings with the hydrometer, show no increase.
The charging current should be up to one-tenth of the battery
capacity, 12.5 amps for a 125 amp/hour battery.
A Precautions during charging:
• Keep cells topped up.
• Keep area around battery well ventilated. Lead/acid
batteries always produce highly inflammable hydrogen gas.
so do not smoke or use a naked flame when inspecting
batteries ~eing charged.
• Always switch off charger before removing connections.
• Battery temperature should not exceed 3a•c (100°F).
• Do not remove vent cover lf battery is of the "Autofil" type.


Fast charging is not recommended unless absolutely
necessary. A battery should only be recharged to 80% of full
charge. during which time the charging current must be
allowed to reduce and the battery temperature must not
exceed 43•c (100°F).
The charging rate should not exceed that recommended for
the ampere/hour rating of the battery. for more than si::ty
Note: During fast charging a thermal probe can be us~d to
control the charge in relation !o the cattery temperature.
Maintenance-free batteries must NOT be fast charged.

Use hot water to remove all evidence of corrosion from battery
terminal post and connections and smear with petroleum Jelly
or other non-acid grease.

Maintenance-free batteries are constructed from special
materials which eliminate gassing and water loss. and
therefore require no topping up or checking cf electrolyte
levels during the lifetime of the battery.
These batteries are fitted with -.,ented covers and under
normal conditions should not be removed for maintenance.

Battery starting perfomance - (CCA)

Convenuonal batteries are rated in amps per hour. at 20 amps
per hour discharge rate. for example 125 amp/hour.
Maintenance-tree batteries are rated by the 'IEC' standard
which. effectively, measures the actual number of amps
available from the battery to start the engine in 60 seconds at
a temperature of - 1B"C (0"F) and a minimum of 1.4 volts per
battery cell. The 'IEC' standard uses a slightly different u, ,it.
Cold Cranking Amps (CCA)

The table below gives a broad comparison of botn

measurement systems.

Maintenance-free IEC A/H Maximum

Type Rating Rating recharging
(CCA) (20HR) current

029 340 70 6 amps

243 420 90 9 amps
355 550 125 12 amps



· Speciat Tools: 'Crypton' Battery Tester Model 851
1. The gases given off by the cells of a battery are
explosive. Always use the battery tester in a well
ventilated area
2. Set the battery tester for:
(a) 12V operation. and
(b) a discharge rate of three times the battery amp-hr.
3. Connect the probe on the tester to the battery positive
(+) terminal.
4. Connect the probe on the flexible cable to the battery
negative(-) terminal.
5. Test the battery for 15 seconds only, whilst noting the
voltmeter behaviour on the upper colour scale.
6. A reading in the Green zone indicates the battery to be
in a satisfactory condition.
7. If the reading is in the Yellow zone, charge the battery
for 5 minutes at 30 Amps (or for the appropriate period
indicated) and retest.
Charging Charging
Time In Current
Minutes Amps
5 30
10 15
20 10
30 5
8. If the meter reading is now in the Green zone, the
battery is serviceable but needs further charging. A
continuous reading in the Yellow zone usually indicates
a faulty battery.
9. When the meter reading falls progressively during the
15 seconds and ends in the Red zone, the battery needs



Group3 Section D


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
The charging circuit 03
General diagnosis 04
3D • 01 - 05 Cable continuity, test 05
3D • 02-06 Lucas alternator, voltage regulator test 06
3D • 03- 07 Lucas alternator, voltage drop test 07
Lucas A115 Alternator
3D • 04-09 Regulator and brushbox, remove/refit 09
3D • 05-10 Alternator, service 10
Lucas 23/25 ACR Alternator
Technical date 15
3D • 06-17 Suppression capacitor and surge diode,
remove/refit 17
3D • 07 -18 Brushbox and regulator, remove/refit 18
30 • 08-19 Alternator performance, test 19
30 • 09- 20 Alternator, service 20
Lucas A1Zl Alternator
Technical data 26
30 • 10 - 27 Suppression capacity 27
30 • 11 - 27 Regulator and brushbox 27
30 • 12- 28 Rotor field circuit, test 28
30 • 13- 28 Alternator output, test 28
30 • 14- 29 Alternator, service 29
Perkins Alternator - LR150
Technical data 33
Fault diagnosis 34
3D • 15 - 35 Alternator test (alternator fitted to machine) 35
30 • 16- 35 Regulator output, test 35
3D • 17 - 36 Output current, test 36
30 • 18 - 36 Alternator output, test 36


Special tools:
Test bench with facility for driving an alternator
Tachometer 0-6000 rev/mm
Moving-coil ammeter 0-?0A
Moving-coil voltmeter 0-30V
Warning light 12V x 2.2 watt
Battery 12V
Switches - 2 required
Variable resistor of 70A capacity
Test leads - 3 pairs
Bearing puller

I .)


THE CHARGING CIRCUIT Additional diodes on the rectifier pack allow a portion of
the output to pass to the field winding to provide self-
Alternator exc1tation.
Alternators has a number of maier advantages over DC The output of the alternator is controlled by the voltage
generators. Since the rotating parts are more robust. they regulator which varies the strength of the magnetic field.
can be driven at higher speeds to give a higher output The voltage regulator consists of resistors and semi-
throughout the engine speed range. Their ability to conductors of a micro-circuit construction. thus
provide this improved output at low engine speeds is eliminating any moving parts. An avalanche diode controls
particularly important in maintaining battery charge and the output voltage and switches the transistors on and off,
meeting the heavy electrical power needs of modern thus controlling the magnetic field current.
Alternators can be divided into two categories. ·machine
Alternator brushes run on a continuous slip ring and only sensed' or 'battery sensed'. The 'machine sensed'
pass the field current and not the main output current so version has the regulator voltage sensing circuit
there is less wear due to ·arcing'. connected internally to the alternator output. The 'battery
Alternators are also more compact in relation to their sensed' version has the regulator voltage sensing circuit
output than DC generators. connected to the battery by means of an external direct

Alternator Basic Circuit Lucas ACR alternators, are protected from high voltage
caused by faulty connections or removal of the battery
The alternator consists of two main components. a stator leads when the engine is running, by a surge protection
and an electro-magnetic rotor. The stator consists of a diode. This device is connected between the alternator
circular laminated iron core on which three separate 'IND' terminal and the frame, taking any voltage surge
windings are wound. The rotor consists of a coil wire away to earth.
wound on an iron core. The ends of the rotor coil are
connected to slip rings through which current from the
battery can flow. This current causes the rotor field Routine Maintenance
windings to produce a magnetic field. By rotating the Routine maintenance is limited to wiping away any oil or
electro-magnet within the stator. a three-phase alternating dirt from around the apertures on the alternator and
current output is produced. cleaning any dust that has accumulated internally with a
Alternating current (AC) is unsuitable for charging the soft brush or air line.
battery so-it is changed to direct current (DC) by the use of
rectifier diodes. The diodes allow current to flow in one
direction but not in the opposite direction. This produces a
uni-directional. slightly pulsating DC, output from the

- ----------------------------7





--------,----------------+"':;;;D;_,.~ . _9~,-...--✓ IGNITION SWITCH




Alternator fitted to machine.
Refer to test procedures described for each specific type
of alternator if the general diagnosis shows a fault.
Battery indicator light stays out Flat battery Test electrolyte and recharge.
under all conditions Bad connection or broken cable Continuity test.

Blown bulb or faulty switch Continuity test.

Sticking alternator brushes Service alternator.
Failed regulator Max output and voltage regulator
tests. Replace regulator or change
alternator it readings low.
Failed field windings Max output and voltage regulator
tests. Replace alternator if readings
Battery indicator light stays on Internal short circuit To test diode. wire to into a battery
under all conditions (dims at low (probably surge diode) circuit (two wires and a 5 watt bulb).
revs) When the terminal is connected to
positive and the body to negative the
bulb should not light. If it does, fit a
new diode. The bulb should light
when the connectors are reversed.
Battery indicator light stays on Short circuit to earth Continuity test. Voltage drop test
(dims as engine speed increased
goes out a high engine speed)
Slack fan belt Retighten or replace.
Battery not charging Battery in poor condition Hydrometer test. Charge or change
Voltage control faulty Voltage regulator test. Change
High resistance (bad connection) Continuity test. Renew or clean
leak to earth connections.
Battery overcharging (early bulb Voltage control Voltage regulator test. Change
failure, high consumption of regulator.
distilled water)
Battery indicator light on, when Internal short circuit Max output test Service or change
engine stationary (dims at cut-in alternator.
speed and remains dim at high
Battery indicator light stays out Flat battery Test electrolyte and recharge.
under all conditions
Bad connection or broken cable Continuity test.
Blown bulb or faulty switch Continuity test.
Sticking alternator brushes Service alternator.
Failed regulator Max. output and voltage regulator
tests. Replace regulator or change
alternator if reading low.
Failed field windings Max output and voltage regulator
test. Replace alternator 1! readings


ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT Test: Cable continuity test 30 • 01 -05

Precautions in Service Test equipment: 0-20v D.C voltmeter
Vanous precautions should be taken to avoid damage to Turn on the ignition sw:tch and check that the ignition light
ihe 5em1-conductor components within the alternator. works. Using a voltmeter, check for battery voltage at
Alternator main output lead and indicator lead.
Preliminary Checks H a low or zero voltage reading is obtained, check
If the charging circuit 1s faulty. as indicated by a flat battery.
frequent topping up of the electrolyte or if the warning light
stays on throughout the engine speed range. check:
1. That all cable connections are clean and tight.
2. That all components and wiring are without signs of
overheating or damage.
3. That the alternator drive belt tension 1s correct 13-19
mm (;-¾inch) deflection on longest run.
4. That the battery is serviceable and the connections
are in good condition.







Test Voltage· regulator 30•02-06
Test equipi:nent 0-20v DC voltmeter, 0-100 A DC
Before checking the voltage regulator, it is essential that a
battery in a well charged condition is fitted to the machine.
1. Disconnect the battery earth cable.
2. Connect an ammeter in series with the main output
lead from the alternator. Connect a voltmeter across
. the battery terminals.
3. Re~nnect the battery earth cable.
4. Start the enginXnd run at maximum speed until the
ammeter reading is less than 1 0A.
The voltmeter reading should be within the limits
If the readings are higher, then there is a high resistance In
the circuit which must be located and rectified.




V '··


Test: Voltage drop 30•03-07
Test equipment: 0-20v DC voltmeter
1. Connect a voltmeter between the battery positive
terminal and the alternator main output terminal.
2. Start engine and run at maximum speed. Switch on
ali vehicle electrical loads. The voltmeter reading
should not exceed O.Sv.
3. Transfer the voltmeter connections to the battery
earth terminal and the alternator body.
4. Start and run the engine as instruction 2.
The voltmeter reading should not exceed 0.25v.









Alternator type 12v Negative earth
Maximum operating speed 15000 rev/min
Maximum DC output at
6000 alternator rev/min 45 or 55 amps
Regulator controlled voltage 13.6-14.4v
Rotor winding resistance 3.2 ohms
Stator winding resistance 0.133 ohms/phase
New brush length 20mm (0. 787.)
Renew brush at 10mm (0.394.)
Brush spring pressure 1.3-2. 7Nm (4. 7-9.8 oz)
( Press brush to moulding)
Warning lamp bulb 2.2w
Shaft diameter and details 15mm dia
Tightening Torques Nm lb ft
Through bolts 5.5 4.0
Shaft nut 37.5 27.5
Rectifier fixing screws 3.5 2.5
SRE cover 2.0 1.5
Brush box 3. 7 2.7
Surge diode 3.7 2.7
Capacitor 4.0 2.1
Brush and regulator fixing 2.0 1.5




Remove and refit 30•04-09
NOTE: The regulator and brush box can be removed
with the alternator still mounted on the tractor.
1. Disconnect the battery leads.
2. Remove the fan guards.
3. Unscrew the two screws retaining the rear cover.
4. Unscrew the three regulator retaining screws.
5. Unscrew the two brushbox retaining screws.
6. Carefully lift the regulator and brush box from its
• mounted position.
7. Check the brushes. slip rings and continuity of the
rotor wmdings. If no fault is found in· these parts,
:heck voltage regulator as It may be faulty, operation
8. Check condItIon and length of the brushes. A-
20mm (0.78inch) new length. B- 10mm (0.39inch)
minimum length when worn. Spring pressure when
brushes pressed flush with brushbox moulding 1.3N
(4.7oz) worn brushes 2.7N (9.8oz) new brushes.
Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
9. Fit new brushes and regulator if required .



Service 30• 05-10
1. Remove the alternator - refer to Electrical System
2. Remove the suppression capacitor connector from
the terminal, release the retaining screw and lift off
the suppressor (if fitted).
3. Remove both screws and lift off the end cover.
4. Remove the retaining screw, pull off the connector
and lift out the surge protection diode.
5. Note the position of wires connecting regulator to
rectifier and brush box.
6. Remove the screw securing the regulator to brush
Note that this screw also secures the inner brush plate
in position.
7. Remove the screw retaining the outer brush
mounting plate in position, and lift out the brushes
and springs.
8. Release both screws and separate the brush box
from rear housing.
9. Securely clamp the alternator by the mounting lugs,
and unsolder the stator winding, cables from
10. Remove the two remaining screws securing the
rectifier assembly to the rear alternator housing and
lift off the rectifier assembly.
No further strlppng of the rectifier is necessary.


11 . Mark front and rear housings and stator for correct

reassembly positions then remove all three bolts and
separate rear housing from stator.
12. Lift the stator assembly out of the front housing.
13. Remove the pulley securing nut and washer, lift off
the pulley, fan and remove the woodruff key and
14. Press the rotor assembly from the bearing retained
in the front_ housing.
15. Remove the bearing retaining clip and plate.
16. Press the bearing out of the front housing, and
remove the plate and spacer rings.
17. To remove the rear bearing, the slip rings must first
be removed. Unsolder the outer and inner slip ring
connections and gently prise the slip rings off the
18. Using a suitable puller, remove the rear bearing from
the shaft.
NOTE: Check brushes and slip rings for wear: or
damage, clean and smooth the slip rings with very fine
glass paper, replace when necessary.


Rotor Field Circuit Test
19. Clamp alternator to test bench but do not run
20. Connect the alternator as in the circuit shown.
21. The warning light should illuminate, indicating the
circuit is operating correctly. If the warning light does
not illuminate, the rotor field circuit is inoperative.

Alternator Output
22. Run the alternator for a few minutes till the ammeter W/L
registers equal to or just above the alternator
maximum rated output of amps. Run the alternator at
a slowly increasing speed, at approximately 1500
rev/min and 13.5v, warning light should extinguish.
At 6000 alternator rev/min, the ammeter should read
45 amps or 55 amps depending on rating marked on
alternator body.
23. If the light does not extinguish, disconnect the
suppression capacitor (when fitted) and retest the
alternator. If the light still does not extinguish, check
the rectifier diodes, rotor resistance and stator 12V

Voltage Control
24. Run the alternator at 6000 rev/min until the ammeter
registers below 10 amps, the voltmeter should then
register 13.6-14.4v.
25. If the test does not give the required results, check
length and condition of brushes and pressure of
brush springs.


Rotor Winding Continuity Check:

26. Connect the ohmmeter between the two slip rings
contacts. the ohmmeter should register 3.20 ohms.

Rotor Winding Insulation check:

NOTE: Extreme care MUST be taken when using the
test equipment to avoid electrocution.
Only experienced personnel should use this test
27. Using a l 00v insulation tester or a 250v megohm
meter. test between one of the slip ring contacts and
one of the rotor poles. Refer to technical data for
correct resistance. The slip rings should be clean
and smooth. Use 600 or 1200 grade abrasive paper
to rectify slight imperfections.

Stator Insulation Test:

NOTE: Extreme care MUST be taken when using the
test equipment to avoid electrocution.
Only experienced personnel should use this test
28. Using a 100v insulation tester or a 250v megohm
meter. test each one of the three stator connections
in turn. Refer to technical data for correct resistance.
29. Inspect the windings for evidence of burning or
breaks in the windings and interwinding
insulation where damage is found and the test
lamp illuminates, replace the stator.



Connect each diode in turn to the circuit shown, with the
positive lead to the base plate and the negative lead to the
diode stem. The test lamp should illuminate when the
diode is functioning correctly. Reverse connections,
connecting the positive lead to the diode stem and the
negative lead to the rectifier base plate. The test lamp
should not illuminate if the diode is functioning correctly.
NOTE: A battery operated ohmmeter can be used to
check directional continuity of the diodes. A high
reading corresponds to the illumination of the test
light; a low resistance or not reading at all corresponds
to non-illumination of the test light.
If a single diode proves faulty, the whole rectifier must
be replaced.



Alternator type 12v negative earth
Maximum operating speed 15000 rev/min
Maximum DC output at
6000 rev/min 55A (23 ACR)
65A (25 ACR)
Regulator controlled voltage 13.6-14.4v measured
at battery
Rotor winding resistance 3-3.5 ohms
Stator winding resistance Negligible
New brush length 12mm Ginch)
Renew brush at 8mm (;iinch)
Brush spring pressure 2.5-3.5N (9-1302)
(Brush pressed back to
Tightening Torques
Nm (If ft)
Through bolts 7.0 5.0
Shaft nut 41 30.0
Rectifier fixing nut 4.0 3.0
Sundry screws:
S.R.E. moulded cover 4.0 3.0
Terminal assy./Nylon damper
block 4.0 3.0
Brush box assembly 4.0 3.0
Surge diode 4.0 3.0
Brush box terminals 0.75 .05
Regulator 2.5 2.0
D.E. bearing retaining plate 5.5 4.0
Suppression capacitor 2.0 1.5
Terminal nuts (where applicable):
Supp. capacitor terminal (4mm) 2.0 1.5
Main output terminal (6mm) 4.75 3.5
IND field terminal (5mm) 4.0 3.0
SRE -= Slip-ring end
DE• Drive end


1 . Red 23 and 25 ACR
2. Red
3. Surge diode
4. Black
5. Regulator (14 TR)
6. Metal link
7. , Suppression capacitor
8. Yellow
9. Brush box
10. Rectifier
Note: Regulator leads are shown in black.
Test Circuit Wiring
Cable specification:
8410.30mm Alternator+ and FRAME
1410.25mm Alternator IND and SENSING
• Ensure correct polarity
• • Do not disconnect, while alternator is running
• Limit use of variable resistance


+ 3
37613 ~ -2 "--4
~ ~/ '-- 5


Remove and refit 30• 06-17
1. Remove both screws and lift off end-cover.
2. Disconnect suppression capacitor wire from rectifier
(terminal may be 'spade' type or eyelet type shown
3. Remove screw and suppression capacitor.
4. Disconnect surge diode wire from rectifier.
5. Disconnect wire from brush box.
6. Release screw and remove surge diode.
Reverse instructions 1 to 6:




Remove and refit 30•07--18
1. Remove suppression capacitor and surge diode per
operation 3D-06.
2. Note the arrangement of regulator connections to
the brush box.
3. Disconnect regulator wires from brush box and
4. Remove screw and regulator.
5. Remove screw and lift off brush box assembly.
6. The brush length can be checked without removing
brushes from brush box.
f:,. - 8mm (rsinch) new length
B - 3mm 0inch) replace if at or below this length

Inset shows actual brush length when removed from

brush box.
A - 12mm (½inch) new length
B - 8mm (it"ncn) replace if at or below this length
7. Use a compression spring balance to measure the
brush spring pressure. Compress each spring until
the brush is flush with the brush box moulding. New
brush and spring 3.5N (13oz) worn brush, min
spring pressure 2.SN (9oz). Weak springs will cause
premature brush wear.

Reverse instructions 1 to 5:
A 6

1 B I


Test 30 • 08-19
1. Clamp alternator onto test bench.
2. Remove SAE cover.

Ammeter 3. Connect circuit as shown.

4. Illumination of the warning light shows rotor field
circuit is satisfactory.
+ 5. Non-illumination of the lights indicates a fault in
regulator, brushes, slip rings, or rotor.
6. Connect test link to regulator as shown but do not
run the alternator. If this causes light to illuminate
then regulator is faulty.
7. Alternator output With test link in place run
alternator at slowly increasing speed.
8. At approximately 1500 rev/min and 13.5 voits the -
warning light should extinguish.
9. At 6000 rev/min adjust the variable resistance until
voltmeter registers 13.6 volts. Ammeter should then
23 ACR - 55 amps
25 ACR - 65 amps
10. If output is unsatisfactory disconnect the surge diode
or suppression capacity and retest.
11. Voltage control Run alternator at 6000 rev/min until
ammetre registers below 10 amps. Voltmeter should
indicate 13.6-14.4v.


Variable resistance


Service 30 • 09-20
Special tools:
Test bench with provision for driving the alternator
0-70A ammeter
0-30v voltmeter
Test leads
Strip 4
1. Remove suppression capacity and surge diode per
operation 3D-06.
2. Remove brush box and regulator per operation
3. Unsolder stator winding cables from rectifier.
4. Remove damper block (if fitted).
5. Release nut and remove rectifier.

6. Release nut and remove spring washer, pulley and





7. Clamp alternator upright and. using paint. mark both

end covers and stator to assist correct assembly.
8. Remove three long, bolts.
9. Use a soft-faced mallet and tap beneath each lug to
separate the SAE bracket from the stator.

, 0. Lift off stator assembly.

,, 13

11 . Remove woodruff key using a flat ended punch.
12. Remove shaft adaptor sleeve (when fitted).
13. Remove from spacer.


14. Use a press to push the rotor shaft through the drive
end bearing.
15. Release three screws and remove retaining plate.
16. Push out drive-end, bearing.
17. Check brushes and springs per operation 3D-07

A 1a. Rotor field winding continuity/resistance tests

Connect an ohmmeter across the slip rings as
shown. Ohmmeter should register 3-3.5 ohms. Use
a 11 0v AC supply and a 15w bulb and touch probes
to outer slip ring and rotor. Bulb should not light.




19. Slip rings Slip rings should be clean and smooth.

600 or 1200 grade abrasive should be used to rectify
small 1mperfect1ons. ·
20. If badly worn unsolder field winding connections and
renew the slip ring moulding, ensuring spring
retainer is fitted inside the moulding. (Check rotor
bearings instruction 31.)

21. Field winding connections should be 180° apart. Use

only electrical grade resin cored, solder when
refitting slip rings to field windings.
22. Arrange circuit as shown and test each diode 1n turn.
Each diode is tested by touching one probe to the
appropriate base plate, the other to diode. Reverse
the probe positions and test again. The bulb should
light with the probes in only one of the two positions.
A battery operated ohmmeter can be used instead of
the bulb.
23. If a new rectifier is to be fitted the earth strap ano
model plate must be transferred from the old
Assemble components in the following order and
12V tighten retaining nut only finger tight.


24. Flat washer.

25. Earth strap. A
26. Nameplate.
27. Lockwasher.
28. Nut.
29. Position earth strap relative to terminals 'A' as

A3o. Stator, insulation test use extreme care when testing

with 110 volts.
Arrange circuit as shown and check each of the three
wires, but wires comprising each connection must
be soldered or twisted together, before testing
commences. Test lamp should not light.
31. Inspect rotor and stator for signs of rubbing. If so the
rotor bearings must be replaced. If no rubbing
witness is visible check bearings for radial
movement, if any is detected, renew the bearings.




Reverse instructions 1 to 16 except:
32. Drive end bearing can be unshielded but with felt
washer and retainer or can have plastic shields both
33. Slip-ring end, bearing can have a metal shield one
side (shield away from rotor) or plastic shields both
34. Re-pack. unshielded or half shielded bearings with
SHELL ALVANIA RA grease, or directly comparable
high melting point grease.
35. Fit fan spacer, recess side towards sleeve.
36. Fit sleeve (if fitted) with closed end of slot toward
37. Fit woodruff key.
38. Stator should be marked for correct assembly, but if
not, position stator leads adjacent to bolt lug and
larger plain hole in the drive-end, bracket as shown.



TECHNICAL DATA Test Circuit Wiring

Lucas A127 Alternator Cable specification:
12010.30mm Alternator + and FRAME
Alternator 12v negative earth 1410.25mm Alternator IND
Maximum operating speed 15000 rev/min
Maximum DC output at Precautions
6000 rev/min + 45A- 0.25ohm/phase
Ensure correct polarity.
Stator winding resistance SSA - 0.18ohm/phase
D_o ~ot disconnect while alternator is running.
65 - 0.1 Sohm/phase
l1m1t use of variable resistance.
Regulator controlled voltage 13.6-14.4v
1. Suppression capacitor.
Rotor winding resistance 3.2 ohms
2. Phase terminal.
New brush length 17mm (0.67")
3. Main stud terminal.
Renew regulator/brush box From mouldings
4. European termination.
assembly at 5mm (0.20")
5. Regulator and brush box.
Brush spring pressure 1.3-2.7N (4.7-9.8oz)
(Press brush to moulding)
Shaft diameter and details 17mm dia (Hex. hole 8mm
AF x 8.5mm deep in
threaded end of shaft).
Warning lamp bulb,
recommended 2.2w
Tightening Torques
Nm lb ft kgm
Through bolts 5.5 4.0 0.6
Shaft nut 37.5 27.5 3.8
Rectifier fixing screws 3.5 2.5 0.4
Sundry screws:
Regulator and brush box
assembly 2.5 2.0 0.25
Terminal nuts:
Main output terminal
(6mm) 4.0 3.0 0.4
Phase terminal (5mm) .4.0 3.0 0.4




Remove and refit - 30 • 10-2:l
The suppression capacitor can be removed with the
alternator in situ.
1. Remove nut from tie-bolt.
2. Pull off spade connector.
3. Remove capacitor.
Reverse instructions 1 to 3:


Remove and refit 30•11-2:/
The regulator/brush box assembly can be removed with
the alternator in situ.
1. Remove three screws.
2. Lift regulator /brush box away from alternator.
3. Separate the spade connector.
4. Check brush lengths.
A - new length
B - minimum length. Replace brushes if they are at
or below this length.
5. Check brush spring pressure using a compression
type spring balance. Press brush to brush box
moulding. Spring pressure should be:
1.3N (4.7oz) minimum
2. 7N (9.8oz) new brushes
A= 17mm
B =5mm Refit
Reverse instructions 1 to 3 except:
6. Be careful to avoid damaging the brushes when
refitting the regulator/brush box assembly.



Test 30 • 12-28
Special equipment:
Test bench
Warning light 2.2w-12v
Ammeter 0-70A
12v battery
1. Mount alternator on test bench and connect to circuit
shown. Do not run alternator.
2. Illumination of the warning light confirms the rotor
field circuit is satisfactory.
3. Non-illumination of the warning light, shows that the
brushes, slip rings, or rotor windings are faulty.

Test 30• 13-28
Special equipment
Test bench
0-1 OOA ammeter x2
0-30v voltmeter
Variable resistor
1. Connect alternator into the circuit shown, but do not
run the alternator.
2. Adjust the variable resistance until ammeter No.2
registers equal to or just above the alternator
maximum rated output - +
3. Run alternator at slowly increasing speed.

4. At approximately 1500 rev/min and 13.5v the

warning light should extinguish. At 6000 rev/min
ammeter No. 1 should register:
A 127-45 45 amps
A 127--55 55amps
A 127-65 65 amps
5. If the proper output is not achieved, disconnect the
suppression capacitor and repeat test
6. If output still unsatisfactory, check rectifier diodes,
rotor resistance and stator windings.
7. Voltage control Run alternator at 6000 rev/min and
maintain alternator speed until ammeter registers
less than 10 amps. Voltmeter should then register
13.6-14.4 volts.
8. If readings are unsatisfactory, then renew regulator/
brush box assembly.



Service 30• 14-29
Special equipment:
Test bench with 110v AC supply
Compression type spring balance
0-1 00A ammeter
0-30v voltmeter
1. Remove three tie-bolts and nuts.
2. Remove slip-ring end bracket and stator as an
assembly by tapping the drive end bracket lugs with
a soft faced mallet.
3. Remove nuts, washers and insulators from stud
4. Remove both screws.
5. Remove rectifier and stator from SAE bracket.
6. Remove short insulator from stud.
7. Remove long insulator from stud.
8. Unsolder stator leads from tags and separate stator
and rectifier.


9. Release nut and spring washer.

10. Remove pulley, fan and spacer.
11. Using a press. push rotor shaft out of the bearing.

12. Remove spacer.
13. Check rotor field winding resistance/continuity by
touching probes on each slip ring. Ohmmeter should
register 3.2 ohms 9

14. Insulation test

A WARNING - only fully trained persons must carry

out Insulation tests involving 110V supply.
Touch probes onto slip ring and rotor frame as
shown. No voltage should be indicated (resistance
infinity or very high)


,_ ft


110V Insulation Tester

250V Megohm Meter
( refer tezt)


15. Slip rings should be clean and smooth. Use very fine
(600 1200 grade) abrasive paper.

16. Test each diode in turn by connecting to circuit

shown and touching one probe to the appropriate
base plate and the other to the diode. Reverse the
position of the probes.
The lamp should illuminate in only one of the two
positions. If a diode is faulty, replace the complete
17. Check stator insulation using a 11 O volt AC
insulation tester. Test leads should have insulated
clips so that the circuit can be made and left, before
16 switching on the supply.
Test each of the three wires. Replace stator if current
18. Inspect rotor poles and stator for signs of rubbing,
which would indicate bearings are worn excessively.
Use a press to· remove bearing from slip-ring end
bracket. Drive-end bearing is integral with bracket.


110V lnsulat,on Tester

250V Megohm Meter
{ refer tezt)

Front of ~ 18 ~;•

1 ~. · ;;:;"'


Reverse instructions 1 to 12 except:
19. Ensure that insulators, nuts and washers are
correctly refitted when reassembling stator/rectifier
to slip-ring end, bracket.
20. Refit SRE bracket/stator to drive-end bracket in the
correct position. Sleeved hole in SAE bracket should
align with plain hole in DE bracket.
30 33


Alt Data (Perkins LR150) 1. Through bolts
2. Pulley nut and
M ernator type Pulley washer
axImum i;rating 3.
Maximum O . speed 12v
10 O;eogat1ve earth
4. Fan
5000 I output at , rev/min
5. Front c
a ternato Rotor a~~e;;:sembly
Regulator contro~I rev/min 45 am s 6.
~•w bc,sh leagt."d ,oltage 13.6-1~, 7. Screws cer
8. :earing retainer
Brush brush
. at 16mm (0.63 inch)
9. all bearing _ f
(Pressrbing pressure 2m5m3 (0.28 inch)
rush to · - 38N 10. Front cover ront
Warning lamp b moulding) · m (9-12 oz ) 11. Nuts·
Sli ulb · 12. Rear cover
p nng diameter 2.2w
Maximum h s aft run out .
31 6 -30.6 min d. 13. Stator
Tigh . 0.1 mm (0 ia. 14. Diodes assembl
T teamg Tocques .004 inch) 15. Brush holder/d. Y
Terminal clip iodes assembly
hrough bolts Nm 16.
Pulley nut 3 1 /3 9 lb ft
Front bearin co 44/59 2.29/2.88
End cover n~ts ver screws 3,1/3,9 32.4/43.5
Front bearing cover screws 3,
3, 1
/3, 9
9 2.29/2.88
· 2.2w2:s8

2 3 4 8 7

6 12 13

15 14 11

Fault diagnosis
If the alternator appears faulty and the drive belt tension is
correct, proceed as follows.
Special equipment
0-30v voltmeter
Test leads
Fully charged 12v battery

Ignition connector. 0-8
NO NO Burned-out bulb.
switch "ON" and earth D
Replace and Proceed
(Check light lead wire
to "'A'"
for operation) (Check light
for operation)


Connect con•
nector 0-8 and
YES ground F tenninal on YES
Faulty IC-AG. Replace
the voltage regulator
(Check light
for operation)

Faulty ALT.

Engine idling YES

(Check light Faulty ALT.
for operation)


Higher than 15.SV Faulty IC-AG. Replace

Engine speed:
1500 rpm
(Measure B tenninal
13 to 15 O.K.

Light = charging indicator warning light

ALT = alternator
voltage regulator



Test (alternator fitted to machine) 30 • 15 - 35
Special equipment:
0.30v voltmeter
3 test leads
1. Ensure the battery is fully charged and all electrical
connections are in good condition.
2. Tum the start switch to the auxiliary position.
3. The warning light should illuminate.
4. If the warning light does not illuminate, disconnect
the connector from the D and 8 terminals on the rear
of the alternator.
5. Using the three sets of test leads connect the circuit
as shown, with the D+ terminal earthed to the
alternator body.
6. The warning light should illuminate, if the warning
light does not illuminate, the bulb is faulty and must
be replaced.
7. If the warning light illuminates, reconnect D+ and
B+ terminals to the connector.
Ground the F terminal (the brushes) by inserting a
pin into the small hole near the centre of the rear
8. If the warning light illuminates, the voltage regulator
is faulty and must be replaced.
9. If the warning light does not illuminate, remove the
alternator from the tractor, strip the alternator and
check the brush and rotor assemblies as shown in
10. Connect the voltmeter between terminal D+ and
earth. Start the tractor engine, if voltmeter reads 15.5
volts or more the voltage regulator is faulty and
should be replaced.
A reading of 13-15 volts is an acceptable voltage

Test 30• 16-35
Special equipment
Test bench
0-30v voltmeter
Fit the alternator onto the test bench and adjust the drive
belt tension as necessary. Connect up the circuit as
shown with switch SW2 open and switch SW1 closed. Set
the alternator speed at 5000 rev/min and check the
voltage. If the voltmeter indicates between 14.2 and 14.8v
the alternator is normal. A voltage outside this range
indicates a failure of the regulator and the diode pack must
be replaced.
Voltage - cut-in speed
With the switches set as in the above test. set the
alternator speed at 1000 rev/min. The voltage at this
speed must be 13.Sv.


Test 30 • 17-36
The variable resistor must be set at zero and both
switches SW1 and SW2 closed. With the alternator set at
5000 rev/min adIust the variable resistor to give a
voltmeter indication of 13.Sv. At this condition the
ammeter should show:
LR150 type 50 amp

Service 30•18-36

1. Loosen and remove the four through-bolts to open

the alternator casing.
2. Remove the front half from the rear half by the use of
two screwdrivers with flat blades. Use the
screwdrivers as levers on opposite sides of the
casing between the front cover and stator core.
~ NOTE: Be careful not to cause damage to the stator coil
LD with the screwdriver blades.

3. When the alternator has been opened, remove the

'C' shaped clip from the groove around the rear bait
bearing, keep it safely.


.. . ·



4. Hold the rear end of the rotor in a vice then loosen

and remove the pulley nut with a ring spanner.
NOTE: It may be necessary to put into the hexagonal 'f
recess in the end of the rotor shaft a suitable tool to ~
stop it rotating while the nut is loosened. Also it is
important to see how the pulley is fitted because the
boss faces are not symmetrical about the pulley belt
groove. It is recommended that the outer face of the
pulley is marked for reference.
5. After the pulley nut and spring washer have been
removed. the pulley and fan can be removed. The
front cover and rotor can now be removed from each
other. The spacer removed from behind the fan must
be kept safely.
6. Remove the three setscrews and the bearing
housing from the front cover. the bearing can now be
carefully pushed out.
7. Remove the five rear cover fastener nuts and integral
washers and remove the rear cover from the brush
holder/diode/stator assembly.



8. Unsolder the three connections to the rectifier.

9. Unsolder the brush box and regulator from the
10. Drill out the rivet between the brush box and
11 . Unsolder the three terminals from the brush box and
separate the regulator from the brush box.
Measurement of brush pressure
12. By use of a spring balance, push one of the brushes
into the brush holder so that only 2mm (0.080 inch)
of the brush shows and make a note of the pressure.
If it is not in the acceptable range, renew the brush
holder assembly.
Acceptable range: 2,5/ 3,38N (9-12 oz.)

Measurement of brush length

13. If the 'free' brush is less than 2mm (0.080 inch) from
the brusti holder, then renew the brush holder
This minimum acceptable length is marked on the
brushes by a groove on one face of each brush.

2mm. 0.08in



Test of diode conductivity

14, 14. The current flows in only one direction in each of the
six diodes. It must pass down from the positive side
diodes (at the top of the assembly) in the direction of
the arrows.
15. Connect the positive side of the voltmeter to the
positive side diode (top) and connect the negative
side wire to the diode assembly base.
If the pointer of the voltmeter moves, the diode is
Connect the voltmeter wires in reverse and if the
E diodes are in good condition the pointer will not
16. The table shows the method to check each diode for
conductivity. If any diode is not conductive, then
renew the diode assembly.
15. Voltmeter wires
Positive+ Negative- Indication of
normal diode
Positive side diode Diode base Conductive
Diode base Positive side diode Non-conductive
Negative side diode Diode base non-conductive
Diode base Negative side diode Conductive

17. NOTE: The threft. sub-diodes at the top of this

assembly have no terminals. Check for conductivity
at the opposite ends of the sub-diodes.
Measurement of diameter of slip rings
18. With a suitable instrument measure the outside
diameter of both slip rings. If either is below 30,6mm
(1.205 inch) then the pair of slip rings must be
Open circuit test for the rotor coil
19. Use the voltmeter to test for conductivity between
the slip rings. Put the positive wire on one ring and
the negative wire on the other. If the meter pointer
moves, then the rotor coil is normal.
16. If there is no conductivity the rotor coil Is defective
and must be renewed.



Insulation for the rotor coil

20. Use the test . voltmeter to check the insulation
between the two slip rings and the rotor core or
If there is conductivity, the rotor coil 1s again
defective and must be replaced.
Ball bearing check

21. Turn the ball bearing by hand. If it does not turn

easily and without noise renew it. Use a puller to
remove the old bearing.
Open circuit test tor the stator coil

22. Use the test voltmeter to check for continuity

between the three terminal ends (two at a time) of
the stator coll.
If there is conductivity for each test the stator coil is
normal, if there 1s no conductivity for any one check,
.then the coil is defective and must be renewed.
Insulation test for the stator coil

23. use the test voltmeter to check the insulation

between each of the stator coil ends and the stator
If no continuity is ex1:,m1m then the stator coil is
normal. If there is continuity, the coil 1s defective and
must be renewed.
24. The slip rings if damaged or worn can be removed
using a suitable puller and replaced with new slip
rings. Note the position before removal and refit
checking the circuit as shown m instruction 19.




'""" ,_ ......


Reverse procedures 1 t9 11 except:
25. Tighten brush holder/diode assembly to rear cover
nuts 3, 1-3,9 Nm (2.3-2.9 lbf ft).
26. Tighten pulley nut to 45-60 Nm (33-44 lbf ft).
27. Fit the·c· clip in the groove of the rotor rear bearing.
Move the clip round the bearing until the protrusion
of it, out of the groove is a minimum. That is with the
clip ends at the minimum depth section of the
Next, put a pin into the small open hole near the
centre of the rear cover. By hand, press the brushes
up into the holder against their springs and slide the
pin deeper in to hold the brushes up.
Now carefully put the bearing and slip ring end of the
rotor/front cover assembly into the rear cover. When
completely assembled, remove the pin.
28. Fit the four front to rear body retaining screws and
tighten to a torque of 3,1-3,9 Nm (2.29-2.88 lbf ft).


Group 3 Section E


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
Specifications 03
3E • 01 - 04 Battery voltage under load conditions test 04
3E • 02-04 Starter motor terminal voltage under load, test 04
3E • 03-04 Voltage drop on the insulated line, test 04
3E • 04-05 Voltage drop across the solenoid contacts 05
3E • 05-05 Voltage drop in earth line, test 05
3E • 06- 06 No load current and speed, test 06
3E • 07-06 Continuity of contacts, test 06
3E • 08-07 Voltage drop across contacts, test 07
3E • 09-07 Lock torque and running torque, test 07
3E • 10- 08 Pinion stroke, adjustment 08
3E • 11 - 08 End cover and brush carrier, service 08
3E • 12-09 Starter motor solenoid, remove/refit 09
3E • 13-10 Starter motor, service 10


Special toots:
0-20v voltmeter
0-1 SOA ammeter
Test bench with flywheel brake
Mechanical tachometer 0-10,000 rev/min
110v insulation tester


Tightening Torques - M127 Starter Motor

Solenoid main 'BAT'
terminal M8 Stud 6 Nm (4.5 lb ft)
Cable fixing nut M10 Stud 12 Nm (9.0 lb ft)
Solenoid/starter link fixing nuts:
Solenoid terminal MS 6 Nm (4.5 lb ft)
M10 12 Nm "(9.0 lb ft)
Starter terminal 1.4 BSF 4 Nm (3.0 lb ft)
Solenoid end cover fixing
screws 2.0 Nm (1.5 lb ft)
Solenoid unit fixing screws 6.0 Nm (4.5 lb ft)
Brush plate fixing screws 7.0 Nm (5.0 lb ft)
Starter earth stud screws 8.0 Nm (6.0 lb ft)
Pole shoes fixing screws 41.0 Nm (30 lb ft)
Through bolts 11 .0 Nm (8.0 lb ft)
Eccentric pivot pin lock-nut 20.0 Nm (15.0 lb ft)
Tightening Torques - M113 Starter Motor
Solenoid main 'BAT'
terminal MS 3.9 Nm (2.9 lb ft)
Solenoid/starter link fixing nuts:
Solenoid terminal MS 3.5 Nm (2.6 lb ft)
Starter terminal 1.4 BSF 4 Nm (3.0 lb ftl
Solenoid end cover fixing
screws 2.0 Nm (1.5 lb ft)
Solenoid unit fixing screws 6.0 Nm (4.5 lb ft)
Brush plate fixing screws 7.0 Nm (5.0 lb ft)
Starter earth stud screws 8.0 Nm (6.0 lb ft)
Pole shoes fixing screws 41.0 Nm (30 lb ft)
Through COits r.o
1 Nm (8.0 lb ft)
Eccentric pivot pin lock-nut 20,0 Nm (15.0 lb ft)


Lucas starter motors
For temperate climates the Lucas M113 (previously
referred to as M45G) starter motor is fitted.
In cold climates a Lucas M127 (previously M50) is fitted.
The M50 starter is fitted with a 2 stage power switching
solenoid to provide low power indexing until the pinion
fully meshes with the ring gear, when full power is
switched on.
The M127 is similar in every respect, except that it has a
conventional single power switch arrangement in the
Both M113 and M127 starters have a roller clutch fitted to
the pinion for overspeed protection.
It is essential that sealed type starter motors are fitted to
machines wjth torque converter transmissions.
M113 Starter motor
Yoke diameter 113mm (4.5 inch)
Commutator segments 37
Lock torque 39.4 Nm (29 lbf ft)
Lock torque current/voltage 940A max at 6.5v
Torque at 1000 rev/min 14.9 Nm (11 lbf ft)
Current/voltage at 1000
rev/min 540A max at 8.0v
Light running speed 5000-7500 rev/min
Light running current/
voltage 100A at 11v
Pinion end clearance when
engaged 0.13-0.38mm
(0.005-0.015 inch)
Pinion clearance setting
voltage 6v
M127 Starter motor
Yoke diameter 127mm (5.0 inch)
Lock torque 45.4 Nm {33.5 lbf ft)
Lock torque current/voltage ·i 160A at 5.0v
Torque at 1000 rev/min 20.8 Nm (15.41 lbf ft)
Current/voltage at 1000
rev/min 640A at 8.0v
Light running speed 5500-8000 rev/min
Light running current/
voltage 115Aat11v
Pinion end clearance when
engaged 0.14-1.14mm
(0.005-0.045 inch)
New brush length 24.5mm (1.0 inch)
Renew brushes at 8mm (5fE inch)
Spring pressure in working
position with new brushes 11.6-15.5N (42.56oz)
Armature end float 0. 14-0.60mm
(0.005-0.025 inch)
Commutator minimum
diameter 38mm (1.5 inch)


Tests 3E-01 to 3E•05 can be made with the starter motor
still installed on the machine.

Battery voltage under load condition

Test 3E•01-04
Test equipment: 0-20v DC voltmeter
1. Check condition of battery per operation - 3C-01.
2. Connect the voltmeter across ·the terminals as
shown and operate the starter with the engine fuel
supply, cut-off. The voltmeter should read about
A low voltage reading would indicate excessive
current flow in the circuit due to low resistance.


Starter motor terminal voltage under load

Test 3E•02-04
Test equipment: 0-20v DC voltmeter
1. Connect the voltmeter between the starter input
terminal and earth (end bracket). Crank the engine
with the fuel cut off. The voltmeter reading should
not be more than 0.5v lower than in Teat 3Ee01.
2. A low reading (more than 0.5v difference between
Test 1 and 2) indicates high resistance in cables or
3. High readings in Test 3E-02 indicate high resistance
in the starter motor itself.
Voltage drop on the insulated line
Test 3E•03-04
Test equipment 0-20v DC voltmeter.
1. Connect the voltmeter between the starter terminal
and the battery terminal.
· 2. When the starter switch is open, the voltmeter
should register battery voltage. When the starter
switch is closed, the voltmeter reading should be
practically zero.
3. A high voltmeter reading indicates a high resistance
in the starter circuit Check all the insulated
connections. Proceed to Test 3E-04.


Voltage drop across the solenoid contacts

Test 3E • 04 - 05
Test equipment: 0-20v DC voltmeter
1. Connect the voltmeter across the two main solenoid
2. When the starter switch is open, the voltmeter
should register battery voltage. When the starter
switch is closed the reading should be zero or
fractional value.

o.ov 3. A zero or fractional reading indicates that the high

resistance deduced in Test 3E•03 must be due
" either to high resistance starter cables or soldered
4. A high reading (similar to Test 3E•03) indicates a
faulty solenoid or connection.

Test Voltage drop in earth line

Test 3E • 05 - 05
Test equipment: 0-20v DC voltmeter.
1. Connect the voltmeter between the battery earth
termirial and the starter earth (commutator end
2. When the starter switch is closed the voltmeter
should read practically zero.
3. If reading is high, clean and tighten all earth
connections and check bonding strap.




Test - 3E • 06 - 06
Test equipment:
Test bench

Mechanical tachometer 0-10,000 rev/min

Ammeter up to 150 amps capacity

1. Connect an ammeter in circuit between the starter

solenoid and battery.
2. Hold the tachometer against the end of the pinion
shaft and operate the starter switch.
3. M113 starters
Maximum current - 100 amps at 11 volts. B
Maximum speed - 5000-7500 rev/min.
M127 starters
Maximum current - 115 amps at 11 volts. + 12V -
Maximum speed - 5500-8000 rev/min.
Excess current indicates starter faulty.
4. If IOY! current is registered proceed to test 3Ee07.
5. If starter fails to operate and there is no audible
operation of solenoid, then connect the ammeter
across the 'STA' terminal and the battery.
6. Operate the starter switch, the starter motor should
run, indicating a faulty solenoid which must be
7. If the starter motor does not run, the motor itself is
8. If the starter motor fails to operate but the solenoid
operation is audible, proceed to Test 3Ee07.
A - Starter control switch
B - Apply tachometer here

Test 3E •07-06
Test equipment:
0-20v voltmeter
1. Connect voltmeter between motor and solenoid
negative terminals and operate starter switch.
2. No voltage indicates a faulty solenoid.
3. 12 volts registered but motor fails to operate
indicates faulty motor.
4. 12 volts registered and motor operates then proceed
to test 3Ee08.



Test equipment:
0-20v voltmeter
,. Connect voltmeter across solenoid terminals and
operate starter switch.
2. Voltage across terminals should be zero. if more. the
solenoid is faulty and must be changed.
3. If solenoid is satisfactory, proceed to test 3E-09.


Test equipment
Test bench with flywheel brake.
1. Operate starter switch and apply the flywheel brake
A to stall the motor and provide the 1000 rev/min
2. M113 Starter motor
Lock-torque 39.4 Nm (29.0 lbf ft)
940 amp max at 6.5 volts.
1000 rev/min torque 14.9 Nm (11.0 lbf ft)
540 amp max at 8.0 volts.
M127 Starter motor
Lock-torque 45.4 Nm (33.5 lbf ft)
1160 amp max at 5.0 volts.
1000 rev/min torque 20.8 Nm (15.4 lbf ft)
670 amp max at 8.0 volts.
C If the above figures are not achieved the following
diagnosis should be checked.
3. Torque low. Voltage low, Current high; motor is
faulty: check armature. field coils and bearings.
4. Torque low. Current low. Voltage high; check
solenoid by Test 3E•08 if solenoid is satisfactory,
check brushes and commutator.
A - Starter control switch
B - Solenoid operating terminal
C - Flywheel brake


Adjustment 3E • 10-08 A
1. Screw pivot pin fullymto casting and then slacken off
one full turn and position the marks on the head as
2. Connect solenoid to a 6 volt supply as shown, which
will operate the solenoid only.
3. While the solenoid is energised push the pinion
lightly, back against the yoke, to eliminate any free-
play and measure the gap between the pinion end
f;Jce and snap-ring collar.
4. If nt;cessary turn the pivot pin to obtain the following
M127 Starter motor - 0.13-1.14mm (0.005-0.045 +
M113 Starter motor - 0.13-0.38mm (0.005-0.015
'· Tighten locknut to 20 Nm (15 lbf ft).
A - Starter switch


Service 3E• 11-08
If space permits the withdrawal of both motor body bolts,
item 3, the end cover can be serviced without removing
the complete starter motor from the machine.

1. If the end cover cannot be removed in situ the
complete starter motor must be removed per
operation 3F-04.
2. Remove both brush plate securing screws.
3. Remove both long bolts.
4. Lift off the end cover complete with brake assembly.
5. Remove brake shoes from end cap.
6. Remove steel washer.
7. Remove fibre washer.
8. Lift the springs and disengage both field-coil
9. Remove the brush carrier assembly.
10. Polish the commutator with 600 grade (or finer)
abrasive cloth/paper
11 . Thoroughly clean all components with white spint
and dry with compressed air.


Reverse instructions 1 to 11 except:
12. Renew bush in end cover if there is noticeable
clearance between armature spindle and bush.
13. The worn bush can be removed using a k" whitworth
14. A new bush must be immersed in clean engine oil for
24 hours before fitting.
The oil absorption time can be reduced by neating
the oil to 1oo•c (212°F) for 2 hours and allowing it to
cool before removing the bush. A thermometer is
essential to prevent overheating the oil.
15. Fit a new bush using a drift with a pilot diameter of
12. 71 mm (0.5005 inch).
16. Grease inside the bush with Rocol Molydest or
directly comparable lubricant.
17. Test the strength of each brush spring and replace
any which exert less than 11.6N with new brushes
18. Replace brushes which are 8mm (ft inch) or less in
Earth brushes
Cut the flexible wires adjacent to the brushes and
solder new brushes to wires.
Insulated brushes
Cut the flexible wires adjacent to the old brush.
Open up the eyelet on the new brush and 'tin' it,
then crimp the eyelet onto the end of the flexible
wire and solder together.
19. When refitting the cover tum the armature so that the
drive dogs engage properly, with the brake shoes.
20. Tighten beth long bolts to 11 Nm (8 lbf ft).


Remove and refit 3E• 12-09
1. Remove the starter motor.
2. Remove the two nuts and the copper link.
3. Remove the two solenoid securing ·nuts.
4. Remove the solenoid body.
5. Remove the solenoid plunger from the engagement
~everse procedures 1 to 5.


STARTER MOTOR 11. Remove thrust collar.

Service 3E • 13-10 12. Pull pinion and roller clutch off the armature shaft.

Special equipment: 13. Pull the intermediate plate off the armature shaft.

110 Volt insulation tester or ohmmeter 14. Remove 4 screws and carefully pull the field
windings from the motor body.
1. Remove starter motor.
15. Check brush wear in end cover, per operation
2. Remove solenoid assembly per operation 3E•12. 3E•11.
3. Remove end cover per operation 3E•11 . 16. Check bush wear in intermediate plate and change if
4. Remove field winding brushes from brush plate. noticeable clearance between bush and shaft exists.
Use a mandrel with a pilot diameter of 28.51 mm
5. Remove rubber grommet. (1.1226 inch). The bush must be immersed in clean
engine oil for 24 hours prior to fitting. The absorption
6. Slacken lock nut and remQve pivot pin. (Pivot is time can be reduced. by heating the oil to 1 oo·c
eccentric to screw thread to allow adjustment of (212"F) for 2 hours, then allowing to cool. Do not
pinion gear, end clearance.)
overheat the oil.
7. Remove drive housing and pinion engagement
17. Check bush wear in the drive housing and change if
noticeable clearance between bush and shaft exists.
8. Remove the armature and pinion assembly from the A mandrel having a pilot diameter of 17.03mm
motor body. (0.6705 inch). is required to fit a new bush.
Pre-treatment of the bush is as per instruction 16.
9. Use a suitable tube to drive the thrust collar towards
the pinion to expose the snap-rinq.
10. Remove snap-ring.



8 13/16

6 J


Use a 11 O volt insulation tester or ohmmeter, to ,/).

check the insulation of the electrical components. . .
Only trained personnel should do this test.
18. Touch one test probe onto an insulated brush holder
and the other on an unpainted part of the carrier
The ohmmeter should read infinity, as no current
should pass between the probes. If the meter reads
less than infinity, fit a new brush holder.
19. Touch one probe on the field terminal, the other on a
clean part of the motor body, but ensure neither
brush touches the body.
The ohmmeter should read infinity.
If the meter indicates less than infinity the field coils
are shorting and must be replaced.
20. Touch one probe onto the armature shaft, the other
probe onto a commutator segment.
The ohmmeter should read infinity.
If the meter indicates less than infinity the armature
must be changed.
Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 14 except:
21. Smear Shell Retinax 'A' or directly equivalent grease
onto the drive shaft splines. collar and engagement
22. Grease brushes with special Rocol MolydNt
lubricant during assembly.
23. Reset pinion, end-clearance per operation 3E•10.

\ \
1459 190 M4



4A A4.236/248 engines
4C Cooling system
4D Fuel and air system
4F AT4.236 engine

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Group4 Section A

A4.236 and A4.248 ENGINES

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 2
General description 4
Glossary of terms 4
Fault diagnosis chart 5
Technical data 6
Service wear limits 13
4A • 01 -14 Rocker cover, remove/refit 14
4A • 02-14 Valve tip clearance, adjust 14
4A • 03-14 Rocker assembly, remove/refit 14
4A • 04-15 Rocker assembly, servicing 15
4A • 05-15 Valve springs, remove/refit
(with cylinder head fitted to engine) 15
4A • 06-16 Cylinder head, remove/refit 16
4A • 07-17 Cylinder head, servicing 17
4A • 08-19 Valve seat inserts 19
4A • 09-21 Timing case cover, remove/refit 21
4A • 10-22 Idler gear, remove/refit 22
4A • 11 -23 Camshaft drive gear, remove/refit 23
4A • 12-23 Fuel pump drive gear, remove/refit 23
4A • 13-24 Crankshaft gear, remove/refit 24
4A • 14-24 Timing case, remove/refit 24
4A • 15-25 Flywheel, remove/refit 25
4A • 16- 26 Ring gear, replacement 26
4A • 17-26 Crankshaft rear oil seal, remove/refit 26
4A • 18 - 28 Engine sump, remove/refit 28
4A • 19- 28 Oil pump, remove/refit 28
4A • 20-29 Oil pump, servicing 29
4A • 21 - 29 Balancer unit, remove/refit
(with timing case accessible) 29
4A • 22- 30 Balance unit, remove/refit
(with engine in situ) 30
4A • 23- 31 Balancer unit, servicing 31
4A • 24- 32 Connecting rod big-end bearing, remove/refit 32
4A • 25- 33 Pistons and connecting rods, remove/refit 33
4A • 26- 34 Pistons and connecting rods, servicing 34
4A • 27- 35 Cylinder liners, remove/refit 35
4A • 28- 36 Crankshaft thrust washers, remove/refit 36
4A • 29- 37 Crankshaft, servicing 37
4A • 30- 39 · Camshaft and tappets, remove/refit 39

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Special tools
No. 8 Piston ring compressor
PD.418 Piston height and valve depth gauge
MS.73 · · AdIustabte valve seat cutters
PD.137 Valve guide reamer 0.38mm (0.015 inch)
oversize No.a
PD.138 Valve guide reamer 0.76mm (0.03 inch)
PD.145 Crankshaft rear oil seat drift
(to be used With MS.550 handle)
PD.150A Cylinder liner remover/replacer
PD.150-18 Adaptor tor cylinder bores of 98.42mm (3.875
inch) diameter. To be used with PD.150A mam
tool PD.41B

PD.150-7 A Adaptor for cylinder bores of 101 mm (3.975

inch) diameter. To be used with PD. 150 main
335 Connecting-rod alignment Jig
336 Master arbor (To be used with 335)
336-102 Arbor adaptor (To be used with 335 and 336)
61188 Valve spnng compressor
PD.6118-4 Adaptor for 6118B
PD.162 Timing case cover centralising tool
MS.550 Dnft handle (To be used With PD.145)
Powerpart Hytomar
Loctite 242 PD.137
Locqurc O Activator




A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

PD.150·1B PD.150·7A

335 336




PD.162 PD.170 PD.170-6


A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

General description
The Perkins A4.236 engine and the A4.248 engine are four
cylinder water cooled. direct inIection diesel units. The
A4.236 has a stroke of 127mm (5.0 inch) and a nominal bore
diameter of 98.42mm (3.875 inch). The A4.248 has a stroke of
127mm (5.0 inch) and a nominal bore diameter of 101mm
(3.98 inch).
Both engines incorporate overhead valves mounted vertically
In the cylinder ·head. A gear driven camshaft located in the
right hand side of the cylinder block operates the valves via
tappets. push rods and rocker levers located on a shaft
mounted on top of the cylinder head. Valves with oversize
stems are avallable ,f excessive wear should occur in the
cylinder head.
The cylinder block and crankcase form an integral casting and
are fitted with full length. replaceable. flanged cast iron liners.
The aluminium pistons have a toroidal cavity in the head and
are fitted with three piston nngs on A4.248 engines, and five
piston rings on A4.236 engines. The pistons are attached to
their connecting rods by fully floating gudgeon pins retained
by c1rclips. The big-end bearings are replaceable and consist
of a thin steel-shell lined with an aluminium-tin alloy.
The engine Is pressure lubricated by means of a gear pump
driven by the balancer unit. Full flow filtration after the pump
ensures that only clean oil is circulated around the engine.
The crankshaft is mounted in five replaceable aluminium-tin
alloy lined bearings held in position by cast iron bearing caps.
End thrust is absorbed by split washers located on both sides
of the centre main bearing.
A balancer unit Is fitted to the cylinder block and is driven by
the crankshaft.
Power ratings are given in the relevant Operator Manuals.

Glossary of terms
Throughout this section certain abbreviations are used and
these are explained below.
TDC - Top dead centre
Refers to the state when a piston is at its highest point of travel
and the centres of the mam bearings, crankpin (big-end
bearing) and piston are exactly aligned. Normally used with
reference to No. 1 piston for fuel pump and balancer timing.
The crankshaft gear keyway ,s at the top when pistons Nos. 1
and 4 are at TDC and at the bottom when piston Nos. 2 and 3
are at TDC.
BOC - Bottom dead centre
Refers to the state when a piston is at its lowest point of travel.
TlR - Total indicated reading
This term refers to dial indicators used to measure ·runout' of
rotating parts. the gauge scale being set to ·o· but the needle
may move both sides of ·o· during one revolution of the
component. The sum of the readings either side of ·o· Is the
CLA - Centre line average
This is a measure of surface roughness. usually expressed in
microns (0.000001 metre or µm).

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Low cranking speed 1,2,3.4
Will not star1 5,6,7,8,9, 10,12, 13, 14, 15
16,17, 18,19,20,22,31 ,32,33
Difficult starling 5,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13, 14, 15,
16,18.19,20.21 ,22.24.29,31
Lack of power 8,9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 18, 19,
20,21 ,22,23,24,25.26.27,31
Misfiring 8,9.10,12.13.14,16. 18.19,
Excessive fuel consumption 11, 13, 14. 16, 18,19,20,22.23
Black exhaust 11.13,14.16.18, 19,20.22.
Blue/White exhaust 4, 16,18,
Low oil pressure 4,3!:i,37,38,39,40,42.43,44
Knocking 9, 14, 16.18,19,,
Erratic running 7,8,9.10, 11,12.13,14, 16.20,
Vibration 13, 14,20.23,25.26.29,30.
High oil pressure 4,38.41
Overheating 11, 13. 14, 16, 18, 19,24,25,
Excessive crankcase pressure 25.31,33,34.45.55
Poor compression 11,19,25,28,29,31,32,33.
Stans and stops 10,11,12

Key to Fault Finding Chart:

1. Battery capacity low
2. Bad electrical connection
3. Faulty starter motor
4. Incorrect grade of lubricating oil
5. Low cranking speed
6. Fuel tank empty
7. Faulty stop control operation
8. Blocked fuel feed pipe
9. Faulty fuel lift pump
10. Choked fuel filter
11. Restriction in air cleaner
12. Air in fuel system
13. Faulty fuel inJection pump
14. Faulty atomisers or incorrect type
15. Incorrect use of cold start equipment
16. Faulty cold starting equipment
17. Broken fuel in1ection pump drive
18. Incorrect fuel pump timing
19. Incorrect valve timing
20. Poor compression
21 . Blocked fuel tank vent
22. Incorrect type or grade of fuel
23. Sticking throttle or restricted movement
24. Exhaust pipe restriction
25. Cylinder head gasket leaking
26. Overheating
27. Cold running

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

28. Incorrect tappet adIustment

29. Sticking valves
30. Incorrect high pressure pipes
31. Worn cylinder bores
32. Pitted valves and seats
33. Broken. worn or sticking piston rings
34. Worn valve stems and guides
35. Overfull 011 bath air cleaner or incorrect grade of oil
36. Worn or damaged bearings
37. Insufficient oil in sump
38. Blocked sump.strainer
39. Oil pump worn
40. Pressure relief valve sticking open
41 . Pressure relief valve sticking closed
42. Broken relief valve spnng
43. Faulty suction pipe
44. Choked oil filter
45. Piston se1zure/pIck up
46. Incorrect piston height
47. Damaged fan
48. Broken valve spnng
49. Incorrectly aligned flywheel
50. Faulty thermostat
51 . Restriction in water Jacket
52. Loose fan belt
53. Choked radiator
54. Faulty water pump
55. Choked breather pipe
56. Damaged valve stem oil deflectors (if fitted)
57. Coolant level too low

General Specification
Perkins A4.236 and A4.248 engines
Bore (A4.248) ..................... 100.96mm 3.975 inch
Bore (A4.236) ...................... 98.43mm 3.875 inch
Stroke (A4.248 and A4.236) .............. 127mm 5.0 inch
Number of Cylinders ................................ 4
FirinQ"Order .................................. 1-3-4-2
Direction of Engine Rotation ....... Clockwise from the Front
Cubic Capacity (A4.248) ................. 4.06 litres 248in 3
Cubic Capacity (A4.236) ................. 3.86 litres 236in 3
Compression Ratio (A4.248 and A4.236) ............. 16: 1
Cycle .................................... Four-Stroke
Combustion System ..................... Direct lnIection

Typical power/torque ratings. Refer to the appropriate

Operator Manual for the power of a specific machine. All
ratings are to the BS AU141 a test protocol.
A4.236 Maximum power 52.2Kw (70 bhp) at 2000rpm
Maximum torque 263Nm ( 193 lbf ft) at 1400rpm
A4.248 Maximum power 56Kw (75 bhp) at 2000rpm
Maximum torque 279Nm (206 lbf ft) at 1400rpm

Low idle speed 750-775rpm

Maximum engine speed Refer to last 4 numbers on setting

(no load) code plate attached to find
InIectIon pump (typically 2160rpm)

Valve/rocker clearance
inlet and exhaust valves - cold 0.30mm (0.012 inch)
- not 0.25mm (0.010 inch)

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Torque wrench settings A4.236 and A4.248

All threads clean and lightly oiled
Nm lbfft
Cylinder head setscrews
(integral flanged washer type) 136 100

• Connecting rods (phosphated nuts) 128 95

Main bearing caps 245 180
Flywheel place-bolts (notched head) 122 90
Crankshaft pulley 390 28
Engine balancer/cylinder block, setscrews 54 40
Balancer weight drive gear 95 70
Rocker shaft brackets 33 24
Inlet manifold 20 15
Exhaust manifold 20 15
Fuel injection pump 27 20
Camshaft gear setscrews 68 50
Idler gear hub setscrews 41 30
Lub. oil filter-head setscrews 41 30
Atomiser securing nuts 16 12
Oil sump to cylinder block. setscrews 18 14
Oil sump to timing case. setscrews 18 14
Oil sump to rear bridge piece 18 14"
Rear oil seal retainer to cylinder block
and bridge piece 18 14

Valve clearance inlet and exhaust - cold 0.30mm
(0.012 inch)
(0.010 inch)
Valve head location - Relative to face of cylinder head:
Inlet - depth below face of cylinder head .. 0.89-1.14mm
0.035-0.045 inch
Exhaust - depth below face of cylinder head 1.19-1 .45mm
0.047-0.057 inch
Service Limits:
Inlet - depth below face of cylinder head ....... 1 .55mm
(0.061 inch) maximum
Exhaust .................. 1.52mm (0.056 inch) maximum
Valve Head Diameter:
Inlet ................ 44.09-44.36mm 1.736-1.746 inch
Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.45-36. 70mm 1 .435-1 .445 inch
Valve Stem Diameter:
Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.46-9.49mm 0.3725-0.3735 inch
Exhaust .............. 9.45-9.47mm 0.372-0.3728 inch
Valve Face Angles:
Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45•
Inlet ......................................... 45•

Valve Seats
Valve Seat Angle:
Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45•
Inlet. ....................................... 45•

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Valve Guides
Type ............. : ........ Machined in Cylinder Head
Inside Diameter .......... 9.53-9.55mm 0.375-0.376 inch
Valve Guide Clearance:
Inlet .............. 0.02-0.07mm 0.00075-0.00275 inch
Exhaust ................ 0.04-0.08mm 0.002-0.004 inch
Valve Springs
Outer Springs:
Spring Pressure at 1.308 inch length
(valve closed) ................ 28kg ±3kg 61.4 lb ±3 lb
Tappets (Valve Lifters)
Stem Diameter ..... 18.99-19.02mm 0.7475-0.7485 inch
Valve Lifter Bore In Block .............. 19.05-19.08mm
0. 750-0. 7513 inch
Clearance Limits ..... 0.04-0.010mm 0.0015-0.0038 inch
Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
Rocker Arm Shaft Diameter ............ 19.02-19.04mm
0.7485-0.7495 inch
Inside Bushing Diameter .............. 19.06-19.10mm
0. 7505-0. 752 inch
Bushing Clearance ... 0.025-0.089mm 0.001-0.0035 inch
Cylinder Liners
Type ....................... Dry. shouldered, cast iron
Inside Diameter of Liner:
Production Liner:
After Finishing (A4.236) ............. 98.48-98.50mm
3.8TT-3.878 inch
After Finishing (A4.248) ........... i 01.05-101.07mm
3.9785-3.9795 inch
Service Liner (A4.236) ... 98.50-98.52mm 3.878-3.879 inch
Service Liner (A4.248) .. 101 .09-101 .12mm 3.98-3.981 inch
Outside Diameter of Liner:
Production Liner (A4.236) ......... 103.24-103.26mm
4.0645-4.0655 inch
Production Liner (A4.248) ......... 104.25-014.28mm
4.1045-4.1055 inch
Service Liner (A4.236) ............ 103.19-104.23mm
4.0625-4.0635 inch
Service Liner (A4.248) ............ 104.20-104.23mm
4.1025-4.1035 inch
Cylinder Block Bore (A4.236) .......... 103.19-103.22mm
4.0625-4.0635 inch
Cylinder Block Bore (A4.248) .......... 104.20-104.23mm
4.1 025-4.1035 inch
Liner Fit in Block:
Production Liner (A4.236) ............... 0.05-0.10mm
(0.002-0.004 inch) interference
Production Liner (A4.248) .0.03-0.08mm 0.001-0.003 inch
Service Liner (A4.248. A4.236) ..... 0.03mm (0.001 inch)
clearance to 0.03mm (0.001 inch) interference
Location of Liner Above Top Face of Block
(A4.248. A4.236) ........ 0.71-0.94mm (0.78-0.37 inch)
Depth of recess tor liner flange
(cast iron liners) ............. 3.81/3.91mm (0.150-0.154)
Gudgeon Pins
Pin Diameter (A4.248 and A4.236) ...... 34.92-34.93mm
1.374-1 .375 inch
Clearance In Connecting Rod Bushing
(A4.248. A4.236) ... 0.019-0.043mm 0.0075-0.0017 inch
Fit In Piston Pin Bore
(A4.248. A4.236) .... From 0.0mm (0.0 inch) interference
,o 0.01 mm (0.0004 inch) clearance Transition Fit

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Piston Rings (A4.248 3-rlng)

Ring Side Clearance:
No. 1 Top Compression Ring (Wedge Shape)
(A4.248) ........... 0.04-0.07mm 0.0017-0.0027 inch
No. 2 Compression Ring (A4.248) ....... 0.04-0.07mm
0.0017-0.0012 inch
No. 3 Oil Control Ring (A4.248) ......... 0.05-0.10mm
0.002-0.0038 inch
Ring End Gap measured in bore 0 98.43mm (3.875 inch)
No. 1 Top Compression Ring (A4.248) ... 0.41-0.86mm
0.016-0.034 inch
No. 2 Compression Ring (A4.248) ....... 0.41-0.86mm
0.016-0.034 inch
No. 3 Oil Control Ring (A4.248) ......... 0.41-0.86mm
0.016-0.034 inch
Ring Width:
No. 2 Compression Rings (A4.248) ...... 2.46-2.49mm
0.097-0.098 inch
No. 3 Compression Rings (A4.248) ...... 4.96-4.99mm
0.1954-0.1964 inch

Piston Rings: (A4.236 5-rlng)

Ring Side Clearance:
Compression Ring Numbers 1, 2 and 3 .. 0.05-0.10mm
0.0019-0.0039 inch
Oil Control Rings Numbers 4 and 5 ...... 0.06-0.11 mm
0.0025-0.0045 inch
Ring End Gap (measured in unworn part of line bore):
Compression Ring No. 1 ..0.41-0.86mm 0.016-0.034 inch
Compression Rings Nos. 2 and 3 ......... 0.30-0. 76mm
0.012-0.030 inch
Oil Control Rings Nos. 4 and 5 ........... 0.30-0. 76mm
0.012-0.030 inch
Ring Width:
Compression Rings Nos. 1 . 2 and 3 ....... 2.36-2.38mm
0.0928-0.0938 inch
Oil Control Rings Nos. 4 and 5 ........... 6.33-6.35mm
0.249-0.250 inch
Connecting Roda A4.236 and A4.248
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter -
Bushing End ...... 39.9-38.92mm 1.53125-1.53225 inch
Inside Bushing Diameter (Finished) ..... 34.94-34.96mm
1 .37575-1 .3765 inch
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter ......... 67.21-67.22mm
2.6460-2.6465 inch
Rod Bearing inside Diameter
(Standard Size) ..... 63.52-63.55mm 2.5008-2.5019 inch
Bearing Clearance .... 0.03-0.08mm 0.0012-0.0031 inch
Rod Side-Play ........ 0.21-0.37mm 0.0085-0.0145 inch
Crankshaft and Main Bearings A4.248 and A4.236
Crankpin Journal Diameter ............. 63.47-63.49mm
2.4988-2.4996 inch
Main Bearing Bore in Block and Cap ..... 80.42-80.44mm
3.166-3.167 inch
Main Bearing inside Diameter
(Standard Size) ..... 76.23-76.28mm 3.0010-3.0026 inch
Main Bearing Journal Diameter ......... 76.16-76.18mm
2.9984-2.992 inch
Mam Bearing Clearance. 0.05-0.11 mm 0.0019-0.0042 inch
Crankshaft End Play ...... 0.10-0.38mm 0.004-0.015 inch
Crankshaft Flywheel Flange Diameter .. 133.27-133.23mm
5.247-5.249 inch
Crankshaft Fillet Radii:
Crankpin Journal Fillet Radii .............. 3.68-3.96mm
0.145-0.156 inch
Main Bearing Journal Fillet Radii .......... 3.68-3.96mm
0.145-0.156 inch

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Balancer Unit Idler Gas and Hub (A4.248, A4.236)

Number of Teeth on Idler Gear ...................... 37
Inside Diameter of Gear Bore .......... 47.612-47.638mm
1.8745-1.875 inch
Outside Diameter of Gear Bearing .... 47.62mm 1.875 inch
Inside Diameter of Gear Bearing .......... 38.1 mm 1.5 inch
Outside Diameter of Idler Gear Hub ...... 38.097-38.l0mm
1.499-1.5 inch
Idler Gear Hub Thread ....................... ;r20 UNF
Idler Gear End Float ........0.08-0.23mm 0.003-0.009 inch
Thrust Washer Thickness..... 4.14-4.29mm 0.163-0.69 inch
Outside Diameter of Thrust Washer ...... 59mm 2.323 inch
Inside Diameter of Thrust Washer ........ 20mm 0.787 inch
OH Pressure Relief Vaive (A4.248, A4.236)
Type ........................... Spring Loaded Plunger
Pressure Setting ...................... 4.1 bar (60 lbf in 2)
Length of Plunger. ................. 20.98mm 0.826 inch
Outside Diameter of Plunger ........... 14.186-14.211 mm
0.5585-0.5595 inch
Inside Diameter of Valve Housing Bore . 14.5mm 0.570 inch
Clearance of Plunger in Bore ............. 0.209-0.314mm
0.008-0.012 inch
Spring Fitted Length .................. 32.5mm 1.28 inch
Spring Load at Fitted Length ..... 34.5-36.7N (7.76-8.25 lbf)
3.35-3. 74Kgf
Camshaft (A4.248, A4.236)
Cam Lift-Tappets ....... 7.62-7.70mm 0.30-0.303 inch
Cam Lift - Fuel Lift Pump .. 2.54-2.62mm 0.10-0.103 inch
Camshaft End Play .......0.10-0.41mm 0.004-0.016 inch
Front Bearing:
Front Journal Diameter ................ 50.71-50.74mm
1.9965-1.9975 inch
Front Bearing Bore Diameter ........... 50.80-50.83mm
2.0-2.001 inch
Clearance Limits ...... 0.06-0.11 mm 0.0025-0.0045 inch
Centre Bearing:
Centre Journal Diameter .............. 50.46-50.48mm
1.9865-1.9875 inch
Centre Bearing Bore Diameter.......... 50.55-50.60mm
1.990-1.992 inch
Clearance Limits ...... 0.06-0.14mm 0.0025-0.0053 inch
Rear Bearing:
Rear Journal Diameter ..... ·........... 49.95-49.98mm
1.9665-1.9675 inch
Rear Bearing Bore Diameter ........... 50.04-50.09mm
1.970-1.972 inch
Clearance Limits ...... 0.06-0.14mm 0.0025-0.0053 inch

llming Gears (A4.248, A4, 236)

Timing Gear Backlash (All except Balancer Idler Gear
and Balancer Drive Shaft Gear) ................ 0.08mm
0.003 inch minimum
Engine Idler Gear and Hub:
Hub Diameter ....... 50.70-50.74mm 1.996-1.9975 inch
Idler Gear Bushing Bore Diameter
(Finished) ......... 50.79-50.82mm 1.9998-2.0007 inch
Clearance Limits ...... 0.06-0.12mm 0.0023-0.0047 inch
Idler Gear End-Play ....... 0.10-0.20mm 0.004-0.008 inch

Engine Lub. 011 Pump

Engine Oil Pressure ...... 2 bar (301bf/in2) minimum at normal
operating speeds and working temperatures
Oil Filter By-pass Valve Opens ....... 0.6-1.2 bar (8-171bf/in 2)
Oil Pump (Integral with Balancer):
Maximum Theoretical Capacity 58 litres/min (15.5 US gal/
mm) at 2200 engine rpm

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Recommended 011 Specfficatlons

Massey-Ferguson Mu[tiguard R Engine Oil or equivalent
which meets or exceeds following requirements: MIL-L-
2104C (supercedes MIL-L-45199B and MIL-L-21048), MIL-
L-46152, thus qualified for API Service Classification 'CD' or
·cc· (Diesel - former API 'DS'. 'DM') and 'SE' (Gasoline -
former API 'MS').
Recommended Viscosity:
Above 32.Z-C Above 90"F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAE 30
From o·c
to 32.2"C From 32"F to 90"F . . . . . . . . . . SAE 20
Below o·c o
Below 32"F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAE 1
Recommended Change Interval:
Engine Oil ............................... 250 hours
Engine Oil Filter .......................... 250 hours

Fuel Injection System

Fuel Injection pump
Type A4.248 and A4.236 CAV OPA with mechanical governer.
CAV Specification No. A4.236 A4.248
Service setting code A4.236 A4.248
Injection timing (static timing angle) A4.236 23" BTDC A4.248
24" BTDC
Timing letter for start of injection to No. 1 cylinder A4.236 'C'
A4.248 'C'
Pump outlet port to No. 1 cylinder marked A4.236 'W'
.A4.248 'W'

Fuel Injectors
Type (A4.236 and A4.248).CAV Multi-hole, long stem nozzle
CAV Holder Number (A4.236) ............. BKBL 67S5151
CAV Holder Number (A4.248) ............. BKBL 67S5299
CAV Nozzle Number (A4.236) ............ BOLL 15056705
CAV Nozzle Number (A4.248) ............ BOLL 150S6600
Identification Code Letters (A4.236) ................. 'FY'
Identification Code Letters (A4.248). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'FW'
Nozzle Opening Pressure:
Working Pressure (Injector with more than
25 hours operation) (A4.236) ....... 170 bar (2465 lbf/in 2)
Working Pressure (Injector with more than
25 hours operation) (A4.248) ....... 170 bar (2465 lbf/in 2 )
Setting Pressure (New Injector or Used Injector
with New Spring) (A4.236) ......... 175 bar (2537 lbf/in 2 )
Setting Pressure (New Injector or Used Injector
with New Spring) (A4.248) ......... 175 bar (2537 lbf/in 2 )

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Fuel Lift Pump

Type of Pump ................ _... AC Delco VP Series
Method of Drive ................ Eccentric on Camshaft
Delivery Pressure ............. 0.4-0.7 bar (6-10 lbf/in 2 )
Spring Colour Coded ........................... Red
Fuel FIiter
Element Type ................................ Paper
Valve Type ........................ Gravity Vent Valve
Recommended Diesel Fuel Oil:
United Kingdom . . . BS 2869: 1967 - Class A1 and A2
United States ..... ASTM/0.975-66T - Nos. 1-0 or 2-0
Water Pump
Water Pump Impeller Clearance:
Rebuild Clearance Setting ........... 0.686-0.889mm
(0.027-0.035 inch
Normal Operating Clearance
(includes End Play) ..... 0.30-0.81 mm 0.012-0.032 inch
Pulley Fit on Water Pump Shaft ........ 0.103-0.06mm
O. 11-0.24 inch interference
Impeller Fit on Water Pump Shaft ....... 0.01-0.0Smm
0.0005-0.0018 inch interference
Type ............................... Wax Pellet Type
Normal Opening Temperature .... 80.6-83.9°C 1 TT-183"F
Fully Open Temperature ................... 97.8° 208"F
Minimum Valve Travel ............. 8.89mm 0.350 inch

Recommended Coolant (with Sodium Benzoat and Sodium

Nitrate Inhibitors Anti-freeze Mixture) ............ BS 3151:
1959 Water and Ethanedoil Type B
When POWERPART anti-freeze is used, the correct mixtures
of anti-freeze and water are as given below. POWERPART
anti-freeze fully passes the standards.
Lowest Temperature %Volume Mixture Ratio by
of Protection of POWERPART Volume POWERPART
Needed Anti-freeze Anti-freeze:Water
-12°C (10"F) 25 1:3
-1 a·c ( O"Fl 33 1 :2
-25•c (-13"F) 40 1 :1.5
-3rC (-34"F) 50 1 :1
-6o·c (- 76"F) 60 2:1
The quality of the anti-freeze coolant must be checked at least
once a year, at the start of the cold period.

Radiator Pressure Cap ................ 0.7 bar (10 lbf/in 2)

Fan Belt Deflection when depressed with 6.8kg (15 lbs)
load midway on longest span between pulleys .... 13.19mm



A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Engine Overhaul Speclflc:atlons A4.236 and A4.248

Piston Diameter (measured at right angles from
Piston Pin Holes):
Top Piston Skirt Diameter ......... 98.3818-98.4173mm
(just below bottom ring groove) ...... 3.3733-3.8747 inch
Bottom Piston Skirt Diameter ....... 98.3869-98.4224mm
(just above bottom of piston) ......... 3.8735-3.874 inch
Piston Ring Land Diameter:
(All Ring lands between .............. 98.007-98.0541mm
top and bottom nng grooves) ......... 3.8586-3.8604 inch
Piston Pin Bore Diameter .......•........ 34.92-34.93mm
(A4.236 and A4.248) .............. 1.37485-1.37505 inch
Piston Height at TCD Relative to ............ 0.41-0.61mm
Top Face of Block ..................... 0.016-0.024 inch
Piston Clearance in Cylinder Liner ...... 0.3556-0.8128mm
0.0014-0.0032 inch

SeMce Wear Umlta (A4.236 and A4.248)

The following 'wear limits' indicate the condition when it is
recommended that the respective items should be serviced or
Cylinder Head Bow:
Transverse ....................... 0.08mm 0.003 inch
Longitudinal ...................... 0.15mm 0.006 inch
M'lXimum Bore Wear (when reboring or new liners
are necessary) ...................... 0.2mm 0.008 inch
Crankshaft Main and Big-End Journal Wear, Ovality. 0.04mm
0.0015 inch
Maximum Crankshaft End Float ........ 0.38mm 0.015 inch
Valve Stem to Bore/Guide Clearance:
Inlet ............................ 0.13mm 0.005 inch
Exhaust ......................... 0.15mm 0.006 inch
Valve Thickness between run-out of valve seat
and face of valve ........................ 0.79mm inch»
Rocker. Clearance on Rocker Shaft ..... 0.13mm 0.005 inch
Camshaft Journals - Ovality and Wear . 0.05mm 0.002 inch
Camshaft End Float ................. 0.51 mm 0.020 inch
Idler Gear End Float ................. 0.25mm 0.010 inch
Valve Head Depth below Cylinder Head Face:
Exhaust ................1.40mm 0.055 inch (maximum)
Inlet ...................1.55mm 0.061 inch (maximum)
Main Jo~mal and Crankpin
Regrind Undersizes ................. 0.25. 0.51, 0.76mm
0.010, 0.020. 0.030 inch
Skimming Allowance on Cylinder Head Face ....... 0.30mm
0.012 inch
Service Valve Stem Oversizes ....... 0.08, 0.038, 0. 76mm
0.003, 0.015, 0.030 inch

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and refit
1. Remove hood
2. Switch off fuel supply tap
3. · Remove tu_el tank and fuel pipe
4. Disconnect breather tube
5. Remove four socket head setscrews and lift off rocker
Refit 4 6

Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except

6. Thoroughly clean both the rocker cover and cylinder head
mating face before fitting new gasket


These are checked between the top of the valve stem and
rocker arm and should be 0.012 in (0.3mm) with the engine
When adjusting valve clearances the following procedure
should be adopted:-
,. With the valves rocking on No. 4 cylinder (i.e. the period
between the opening of the inlet valve and the closing of
the exhaust valve), set the valve clearances on No. 1
2. With the valves rocking on No. 2 cylinder, set the valve
clearances on No. 3 cylinder.
3. With the valves rocking on No. 1 cylinder. set the valve
clearances on No. 4 cylinder. ·
4. With the valves rocking on No. 3 cylinder, set the valve
clearances on No. 2 cylinder.


Remove and Refit
1. Remove the rocker cover. operation 4A • 01
2. Remove the tour nuts and washers
3. Remove the rocker assembly
4. Fit a new oil feed connection seal into the recess in the
cylinder head
5. Refit the rocker assembly
6. Refit the four nuts and washers. ensuring that the push
rods are correctly located in the rocker levers. tighten
nuts to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft)
7. AdJust the valve tip clearances. operation 4A • 02

· A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

1. Remove the rocker assembly, operation 4A • 03
2. Remove circiip and washer from the front end of rocker
3. Slide rockers, support brackets and springs off the shaft,
making a note of their relative positions
4. Repeat process for other end of rOcker shaft
5. Remove bolt from the oil feed terminal
6. Slide oil feed terminal off the shaft
7. Replace the shaft if there are grooves worn by the rocker
levers. Check rebuild data for clearances
Reverse procedure 1 to 6 except:
8. The support brackets are interchangeable and when
refitting them, ensure that the stud holes are on the
right-hand side when viewing the shaft from the front
end, with each pair of rockers angled away from the
9 support brackets
9. Fit a new oil feed terminal pipe seal into the cylinder
head recess
10. Lubricate all parts with clean engine oil during assembly
Remove and Refit
(cylinder head fitted to engine)
Special Tools: PO6118-8 Valve spring compressor
PO61 18-4 Adaptor
1. Remove rocker assembly, operation 4A • 03
2. Tum the crankshaft to Top Dead Centre No. 1 and 4
3. Using PD6118-B and PD6118-4 compress the valve
springs on Nos. 1 and 4 cylinders only
4. Remove the collets and release the spring compressor
5. Remove spring cap ·o· ring seal, springs and valve stem
oil seal
• Do not tum the crankshaft again, until the valve
springs have been refitted and.secured with the
-----..::~---£. --~ collets
~ • lf valve springs are being replaced, a complete
new set should be fitted
5 4 5
6. Reverse procedures 3 to 5 ensuring that the damper coils
of the springs are fitted adjacent to the cylinder head
7. Fit new ·o· ring seals to spring caps and new seals on
valve stems
8. Turn the crankshaft to T.O.C. Nos. 2 and 3 cylinders and
repeat the procedures 3 to 5 for the remaining valves
9. When complete, refit rocker assembly per operation
4A 16

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and Refit

Special sealant Powerpart Hylomar

6 15
I 3
Access to the cylinder head varies according to the model \ !
of tractor and therefore this description assumes that \
sufficient pane:work has been removed to give direct
access to the engine cylinder head. Detailed description of
access is given in Group 2 - Major Assemblies
Remove/Refit section of this manual.


I. Drain the cooling system i.

2. Disconnect the battery
3. Remove the atomiser leak-off pipe
4. Remove the high pressure fuel pipes
5. Remove the atomisers
6. Disconnect radiator top hose
7. Disconnect the water temperature sensor cable
8. Disconnect Thermostart fuel pipe and electrical
9. Remove inlet and exhaust manifolds 13 10
10. Remove rocker cover, operator 4A•0l I
11. Remove rocker shaft assembly, operation 4A•03
12. Remove push rods
13. Remove cylinder head setcrews and nuts in reverse
order of tightening sequence
14. Remove cylinder head gasket
15. If necessary remove the thermostat housing and read
cover plate

Reverse procedures 1-15 except:

16 Ensure all parts are thoroughly clean and joint faces

17 The two studs, which also provide gasket location,
must be fitted in positions 19 and 22
18 Fit a new cylinder head gasket, dry
19 Lightly oil threads of the cylinder head setscrews and
tighten in the sequence shown, in three equal stages to
l 35kgm ( lOOlb ft)
20 Lightly coat the rear cover gasket and bolts and
thermostat housing gasket with Powepart Hylomar
21 Fit new rocker oil feel seal into recess in the cylinder
22 Adjust the valve tip clearance, operation 4A•02 but
only refit the fuel tank not the hood
23 Refit inlet and exhaust manifolds. Manifold joints
with an identification notch or square shoulder to the
top of the manifold. Where corrugated type joints are
used. They must be fitted without jointing compound
24 Bleed the fuel system. Part 4C

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

25. Start the engine and run it at a fast idle speed for
approximately ten minutes, until the normal operating
temperature is reached, and stop the engine
26. Remove the rocker assembly, operation 4A • 03
27. Re-tighten the cylinder head securing nuts and bolts in
the correct sequence to a torque of 135Nm (100 lbf ft)
• When retightening cylinder head nuts/
setscrews, the engine coolant outlet
temperature should not be less than 7rC
• If the nut/setscrew moves when retightening,
then tighten up to the torque quoted
• If the nut/setscrew does not move before the
correct torque is achieved, then slacken off 1/12
to 1/6 of a tum (30" to 60j and retighten to the
correct figure. After retightening all the nuts/
setscrews, the first ten positions should be
rechecked without further slackening off to
ascertain they are still tightened to the torque
28. Refit the rocker assembly, operation 4A • 03
29. Start the engine and check for any leaks
30. Refit hood


Special Tools:
PD137 Valve Guide Reamer 0.381 mm (0.015 inch) oversize
PD138 Valve Guide Reamer 0.762mm (0.030 inch) oversize
316 x Valve Seat Cutter Handle
316-12 Normal Pilot
316-125 Pilot. 0.381 mm (0.015 inch) oversize
31.6-13 Pilot, 0.762mm (0.030 inch) oversize
PD317-22 Valve Seat Cutter (Exhaust)
317-30 Valve Seat Cutter (Inlet)
317G-22 Valve Seat Glazebreaker (Exhaust)
317G-30 Valve Seat Glazebreaker (Inlet)
61188 Valve Spring Compressor
.PD6118-4 Adaptor
PD41 8 Valve Depth Gauge
1. Remove the cylinder head, operation 4A • 06
2. Using 61188 and PD611. 8-4 compress the spring(s)
3. Remove the collets
4. Release the valve spring compressor
5. Remove the valve spring cap
6. Remove the spring(s)
7. Remove the valve stem oil seal
8. Remove the spring seat
9. Repeat procedures 2 to 8 for the remaining valves
10. Invert the cylinder head and remove the valves

A4.236 I A4.248 ENGINES

The valves are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4,
from the front of the engine with the
corresponding numbers adjacent to
each valve seat to facilitate correct
11 . Clean any carbon deposits from the ports
12. If the water jacket of the cylinder head shows signs of
excessive scale, a proprietary brand of de-scaling
solution should be used.
13. Check the valve guide bores for wear, and if there is
0.13mm (0.005 iAch) or more of clearance then it is
necessary to ream the valve guide bores to the nearest
oversize dimension.
First oversize+ 0.38mm (0.015 inch)
Second oversize+ 0.76mm (0.030 inch)
Using reamers PD137 or PD138
When the valve guides have been reamed out,
new valves with corresponding ~ dlametM'
stems must be fitted, and must have
corresponding larger stem seal&. The new
valves should be numbered to correspond wtth
the old valves
14. Check the valve seats for excessive pitting or wear
15. If necessary, recut the valve seats using the appropriate
combination of cutter handle, pilot and valve seat cutter.
Remove the minimum amount of metal consistent with
giving a good smooth, gas tight seal
1 6. Thoroughly clean all the valves and examine them for

pitting, wear and burning
If necessary, machine grind the valve sealing flange to
( (_
an angle of 45", removing the minimum amount of metal
consistent with a good smooth finish
1 8. Thoroughly clean the valves
19. Lubricate the valve stems with clean engine oil
20. Hand grind the valves and their respective valve seats
until all pitting is removed and a good seal is prOduced.
Use the minimum amount of grinding paste and in no
circumstances allow the paste to run down the port and
contact the valve stems and guides
Gas sealing efflclency la Impaired If the 'seat'
becomes too wide, and may cause premature C C
burning of exhaust valves. The 'seat'should be ( {',
of uniform width and not exceed 2mm (0.08
inch) after the reseating operations
21. Wash the cylinder head and valves thoroughly with
clean paraffin and dry
22. Lightly oil the valve stems and insert the valves in the
cylinder head
23. Using P041 B. check the valve head depths relative to
the cylinder head face. these should be between 0. 74
and 1.85mm (0.029 and 0.073 inch) exhaust valves and
0.89 and 1.55mm (0.035 and 0.061 inch) inlet valves.
If these limits are exceeded: the worn valve must be
scrapped and a new one fitted in its place. again the i_·. _ '"l
valve head depth must be measured and if it is still not v..J
. within limits. a new valve seat insert must be fitted
(exhaust operation 4A • 08).
If an inlet valve is still not within limits after fitting a new
valve. the cylinder head must be scrapped and new
replacement fitted.

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Where it is necessary to conform to smoke density

regulation BS AU141 a, 1971 then the valve depths
must not exceed production limits as specified in
"Technical Data" at the front of this section
24. Check the flatness of the cylinder head face and if
necessary, skim the face to a maximum of 0.30mm
(0.012 inch) providing the injector nozzle protrusion is
not greater than 4.44mm (0.175 inch). This figure must
not be obtained by fitting additional injector sealing
25. Thoroughly clean the cylinder head
Reverse procedures 1 to 9 except:
26. When refitting the valve springs, ensure that the damper
coils of the springs are nearest the cylinder head
27. Refit the valves in the same order in which they were


F"ltting Procedure
Special Tools:
See Operation 4A • 07 and Valve Seat Inserting Tool (see
Valve seat inserts can be fitted to inlet and exhaust ports
only as a last resort to Cylinder Head Servicing,
operation 4A • 07. The fitting of inserts is a precision
operation, and therefore should only be undertaken by a
competent, skilled machinist.
1. Service the cylinder head, operation 4A • 07
2. Using the valve guide bore, machine the recess in the
cylinder head face, to the dimensions given
~ Work as closely as possible to the minimum
ill machining dimensions to allow· for a poaslble
re-seating at a later date
3. Remove all machining swart and clean the insert recess
4. Using the valve guide bore as a pilot, press the insert
home using an inserting toot made to the given
The Insert must not be hammered in or
5. Check that the insert is pressed fully home and is flush
with the bottom of the recess
6. Using the valve guide as a pilot, machine the 'flare· to the
dimensions given.
7. Remove all machining swart and burrs
8. Re-cut the valve seat at an included angle of so• so that
the valve head depth below the cylinder head face is
within the production limits of 1.19 and 1.45mm (0.047
and 0.057 inch) for exhaust valves and 0.89-1. 14mm
(0.035-0.045 inch) for inlet valves

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Key to figure 2
Inlet port
A. 7.19 to 7.31mm (0.283 to 0.288 inch)
B. 51.22 to 51.24mm (2.0165 to 2.0175 inch)
C. 0.38mm (0.015 inch) maximum radius
Exhaust port
A. 9.52 to 9.65mm (0.375 to 0.380 inch)
B. 42.62 to 42.64mm (1.678 to 1.679 inch)
C. 0.38mm l0.015 inch) maximum radius

Key to figure 4
Inlet port FIG2
A. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) at 45"
B. 19.05mm (0.75 inch)
C. 6.35mm (0.250 inch)
76.20mm (3 inch)
40.18 to 40.21 mm (1.582 to 1.583 inch)
51.03 to 51.28mm (2.009 to 2.019 inch)
":- ;
G. 0.79mm (0.031 inch) radius
H. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) radius
J. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) at 45•
K. 9.45 to 9.47mm (0.372 to 0.373 inch)

Key to figure 4
' H

Exhaust port
A. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) at 45•
B. 19.05mm (0.75 inch)
C. 7.92mm (0.312 inch) t~K-
D. 76.20mm (3 inch)
E. 31 .70 to 31. 72mm (1.248 to 1.249 inch)
F. 43.42 to 43.67mm (1.670 to 1.680 inch)
G. 0.79mm (0.031 inch) radius
H. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) radius
J. 1.59mm (0.063 inch) at 45•
K. 9.45 to 9.47mm (0.372 to 0.373 inch)

Key to figure 6
A. 2.39 to 2.51 mm (0.094 to 0.099 inch). Flare, cut to 30".
Exhaust Valve
2.54 to 2.67mm (0.100 to 0.105 inch). Flare, cut to 30". FIG6
Inlet Valve

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
PD1 62 timing cover centralising bush

1. Split the tractor between the engine and the front axle,
refer to section in Group 2
2. Remove the fan belt
3. Remove the crankshaft pulley securing bolt and washer
4. Remove the crankshaft pulley
5. Disconnect the tachometer drive cable
6. Remove the 20 bolts and washers and the two nuts
securing the timing case cover
7. Remove the timing case cover
8. Remove and discard the gasket
9. Remove the oil seal

Reverse instructions 1 to 9 except:
10. When fitting a new front oil seal, press in the new seal
with the spring loaded lip towards the inside of the case
to the applicable dimension below the front face of the
timing case as shown. The timing cover can be one of
two thicknesses and the seal must be pressed in, to the
B appropriate depth using PD170 and PD1 70-6
20.64mm minch) 10.92-11.43mm
(0.43-0.45 inch)
17.46mm (ijinch) 7.76- 8.18mm
(0,30-0.32 inch)
11. Lightly coat the timing cover gasket with Powerpart
12. Position the timing case cover on the timing case by
means of two opposite setscrews fitted loosley.
Centralise the cover by locating the centralising tool
PD162 on the crankshaft and in the seal _housing and
tighten the assembly by means of the crankshaft pulley
setscrew and washer - do not overtighten.
Tighten all the timing case cover setscrews and remove
the tool. If the centralising tool is not available, the
crankshaft pulley can be used to centralise the cover
but, as this method utilises the inside diameter of the
seal and the latest seal is soft, the cover may not be truly
central and leaks may occur.
13. Refit the crankshaft pulley and tighten setscrew to
400Nm (300 lbf ft)

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

IDLER GEAR 4A • 10-22

Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
Dial indicator with magnetic stand

t. Remove timing case cover, operation 4A • 09
2. Remove setscrews and retaining plate
3. Remove gear and hub
4. If worn, remove bushes from gear

5. Slacken rocker bracket nets
6. Tum the crankshaft to T.D.C. Nos. 1 and 4 cylinders
(crankshaft keyway at the top of its periphery)
7. If new bushes are fitted they must be accurately bored to
finished size, after fitting
8. When refitting the hub, ensure that the oilway is aligned
with the oilway in the cylinder block
9. Lubricate hub and bushes during assembly
10. Refit idler gear, aligning the three sets of timing marks
with the crankshaft, camshaft and fuel pump gears
11 . Refit retainer plate and setscrews which must be
tightened to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft)
12. Check the idler gear end-float, which sould be between
0.10-0.20mm (0.004 and 0.008 inch)
13. Retighten rocker bracket nuts to 41 Nm (301bf ft)
14. Check timing gear backlash using either a dial indicator
gauge or feeler gauge. The backlash should be
0.076mm (0.003 inch) minimum, between any two
gears. Check all points of mesh
If the backlash is not within the prescribed limit,
replace the affected gears
15. Refit the timing case cover per operation 4A • 09
16. Recheck valve tip clearances, which should be 0.30mm
(0.012 inch) engine cold

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
Dial indicator wittt' magnetic stand
PD155B puller
PD155-1 adaptor

1. Remove idler gear, operation 4A • 10 instructions 1 to 5
2. Remove setscrew, washer and tabwasher
3. Remove the retaining plate
4. Using PD155B and PD155-1, pull the gear off the
5. Prise the key from keyway in camshaft

6. Check the gear for wear, cracks and pitting. Replace it if
any of these defects are found

Reverse procedures 1 to 5 except:
7. Tum engine until No. 1 piston is at T.D.C. with the
crankshaft keyway at the top of its periphery
8. Refit the camshaft gear using a new tabwasher and key,

if necessary. Do not tighten setscrew
9. Refit idler gear, aligning all three sets of timing marks, fit
retaining plate and tighten bolts to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft)
10. Tighten camshaft setscrew to 68Nm (50 lbf ft) and lock
the tabwasher
11. Refit timing case cover per operation 4A • 10
instructions 13 to 16


Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
Dial indicator with magnetic stand

1. Remove timing case cover 4A • 09
2. Turn crankshaft until all three sets of timing marks are
3. Remove the three setscrews and spring washers which
secure the gear to the fuel pump
3 4. Withdraw the gear from its dowelled location on the fuel

Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except:
5. Ensure the dowel in the gear locates in the corresponding
slot in the fuel pump drive flange
6. If a new gear has been fitted check the gear backlash.
which must be 0.076mm (0.003 inch)
7. Refit timing case cover per operation 4A • 09

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and Replace
Special Tools:
Dial indicator gauge with magnetic base

1. Remove timing case cover 4A • 09
2: Turn crankshaft until all three sets of timing marks are
3. The crank,-.;1aft gear timing marks should align with those
of the idler gear (top) and the balancer gear (bottom)
4. Withdraw gear and key but ensure balancer gear does not

Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:
Ensure balancer timing mark aligns with crankshaft gear
mark, or serious engine damage can result
6. If a new gear has been fitted check the backlash which
should be 0.076mm (0.003 inch)


Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
P01558 puller
PD155-1 adaptor
Dial indicator with magnetic stand

1. Remove camshaft drive gear, operation 4A • 11

2. Remove fuel pump drive gear, operation 4A • 12
3. Remove fuel injection pump, per Group 4, Section C
4. Remove idler gear leaving hub in place
5. Remove all nine setscrews and washers securing the
timing case to the cylinder block
6. Remove four bolts and washers securing timing case to
the sump
7. Removetiming case
8. Remove gasket
9. Remove idler gear hub from the cylinder block

Refit 5
Reverse instructions 1 to 9 except:
10. Fit a new gasket lightly coated with Powerpart Hylomar
11 . Refit fuel pump drive gear per operation 4A • 12
12. Refit camshaft gear per operation 4A • 11 , instructions 9

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

FLYWHEEL 4A • 15·25
Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
MF159A friction disc centraliser (dry clutch only)
Dial indicator and magnetic stand (dry clutch and torque
converter models)

3 1. Split the tractor at joint 2, refer to Group 1
2. Remove clutch, refer to operation SA • 02 or torque
converter operation SD • 10
3. Remove the six high tensile bolts and special hardened
For safe flywheel removal and ntfltment. flt two
A guide studs diametrically opposed. This will
enable the flywheel to be eased off and on to Its
spigot In a c:ontrofled manner
4. If necessary, remove the pilot bearing

Reverse procedures 2 to 4 except:
5. Locate the flywheel on the crankshaft flange so that the
untapped hole in the flange is in line with the unused
hole in the flywheel
6. Tighten the flywheel bolts to 122Nm (90 lbf ft) and
secure with new tabwashers
7. Mount and adjust the dial indicator so that the stylus is
contacting the flywheel periphery. Tum the crankshaft
and check the total reading. The flywheel should run true
within 0.30mm (0.012 inch) T.I.R.
8. Adjast the dial gauge so that the stylus rests on the
clutch face of the flywheel. parallel to the crankshaft at
the outermost point of the face.
Press the crankshaft forwards to take up the end float.
and tum the flywheel. The run out on the flywheel face
should be within 0.025mm (0.001 inch) per 25mm (1
inch) of flywheel radius, measured from the crankshaft
axis to the stylus of the dial indicator
9. If the runout is excessive, remove the flywheel. check
and remove any burr or debris then repeat instructions 5
10. Refit clutch per operation in Group 5 Section F.

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

RlNG GEAR 4A • 16-26

Changing the ring gear is an additional operation to 4A • 15
and no extra special toots are required.

1: Drill a 5mm (~ inch) diameter hole axially midway
between the inside diameter of the ring gear and the root
of any tooth, to a depth of 16mm Oinch) only (otherwise
damage to the flywheel will ensue)
2.. Place a chisel in the root above the drilled hole
3. Cover the flywheel and chisel point in a heavy cloth to
protect the operator and others against flying splinters
4.- Support the flywheel and strike chisel sharply and the ring
gear should split
Dangerous splinters may fly from the broken
edges of the ring gear
If the ring gear cannot be drilled for any reason, an
alternative method is to place the flywheel in a suitable
container of clean cold water and support it on metal
blocks under the ring gear. Arrange the flywheel so that
when placed in the water the ring gear is uppermost and
clear of the water by 6mm (¼ inch)

Heat the ring gear evenly around its circumference to

expand it and allow the flywheel to drop away from the
ring gear

6. Heat the new ring gear to a temperature of 245-C (475"F)
approximately, using an oven, NOT A NAKED FLAME
T Fit the gear ring over the flywheel with the 'lead in' on the
teeth facing towards the front of the flywheel, push the
ring gear fully home and allow to cool slowly
8. Refit the flywheel, operation 4A • 15


Remove and Refit
Special Tools:
PD145C oil seal replacer
PD145-2 oil seal pilot
MS550 drift handler

1. Remove the flywheel, operation 4A • 15
2. Remove the bolts, Allen screws and washers from the
seal housing
3. Remove the seal housing complete with oil seal
4. Remove the gasket
5. Remove the seat

(, U..;
: " ·.:·

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

The description below is for the current type of Viton double
lip seal (black colour) which can be used on engines with
torque converters (wet flywheel housing) or dry clutch (dry
flywheel housing).
If the engine will be fitted with a dry ctutch the seal can be
fitted flush with the housing rear face 'D'.
Before fitting the seal in the housing, carefully examine the
seal for damage especially on the lip and outside diameter.
A. 2.2mm (0.09in)
Using cleari engine lubricating oil, lubricate the outside
8. 4.6mm (0.18in) diameter of the seal and the inside diameter of the housing.
Press the seal into the housing to the required position, taking
C. 6.9mm (0.27in) care that the seal is entered and pressed in squarely,
otherwise damage to the outside diameter of the seal may
occur or. if it is not square in the housing when fitted to the
engine, it may leak.
6. In production, the seal is fitted with its rear face 'A'
2.3mm (0.90 inch) below the rear face of the housing. In
service, when a new seal is fitted to a worn crankshaft, it
should be pressed further into the housing, in the first
instance to 'B' 4.6mm (0.180 inch) or. if this position has
been used, to 'C' 6.9mm (0.270 inch) from the rear face
of the housing
7. Lubricate the seal and the housing with clean engine oil,
then using PD145-C, press the seal into the housing to
the required depth
8. Fit a new gasket lightly coated in Powerpart Hylomar
9. Lubricate the seal, the crankshaft flange and PO145-2
10. Using PD145-2, fit the seal and housing assembly,
ensuring that the housing is correctly located on the
dowels in the cylinder block
11 . Remove PD145-2
12. Reverse procedures 1 and 2

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

ENGINE SUMP 4A • 18·28

Remove and Refit
1. Drain the engine oil
2. Lightly support the centre of the sump with a trolley jack
3. Remove the bolts. washers and shims
4. Remove the bolts and washers
5. Remove the nuts and washers
6. Remove the bolts and washers
7. Lower the jack and remove the sump
8. Remove the old gasket
12 3/10
Reverse procedures 1 to 8 except:
9. Use a new gasket lightly coated with Perkins Hylomar
10. Ensure that the two shims are correctly located between
the front axle casting and the engine sump casting
11 . Tighten the sump to transmission casing bolts to 75Nm
(55 lbf ft)
12. Tighten the front axle to sump bolts to 270Nm (200 lbf ft)

OIL PUMP 4A • 19·28

Remove and Refit
1. Remove the sump operation 4A • 18
2. Remove the seven bolts
3. Remove the pump
4. Remove the strainer

5. Reverse procedures 1 to 4 except:
Tighten the oil pump securing bolts to 28Nm (21 lbf ft)

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

OIL PUMP 4A • 20·29


The balancer unit and driven shafts, needle

roller bearings, keys and oil pump gears must
be changed after 5000 hours work

1. Remove oil pump, operation 4A • 19
2. Remove end plate and gasket
3. Remove oil pick-up assembly and gasket
4. Remove split pin, while ensuring cap and spring are
released in a controlled manner
5. Remove the relief valve plunger
6. Remove drive and driven gears from pump body

7. Inspect gears for wear and pitting and the pump body for
scoring. The pump must be replaced if scoring is noticed
but the gears (as a pair) can be replaced if they alone are
damaged or worn

Reverse instructions 1 to 7


Remove and Refit
Engine timing case cover removf'CI

1. Remove sump, per operation 4A • 18
2. The balancer unit Is heavy and If It Is being removed

A,the the
with engine In situ a jack must be used to support
weight as all four mounting bolts are removed
3. Remove oil pump, per operation 4A • 19

4. Refit oil pump, per operation 4A • 19
5. Remove timing case cover, per operation 4A • 09
6. Tum the crankshaft to T.D.C. Nos. 1 and 4 cylinders
7. Remove the nut
8. Remove the idler gear hub
9. Align the single mark on the idler gear between the
double marks on the driven gear
10. Refit the idler gear hub
I:\ Ensure that the dowel on the Idler gear hub
ill locates through the thrust plate .and Into the
corresponding hole In the balancer casing
11. Refit the nut and tighten it to a torque of 55Nm (40 lbf ft)
12. Ensure that the two thimbles on the rear upper face of
the balancer casing are correctly located
13. Refit the balancer unit ensuring that the timing marks on
the balancer unit driven gear and idler gear, and idler
gear and crankshaft gear are all aligned
14. Refit the timing case cover, operation 4A • 09

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Remove and Refit
Engine in situ

1. Remove sump, per operation 4A • 18
The balancer unit is heavy and a jack must be used to
support its weight as all four mounting bolts are
3. Remove oil pump per operation 4A • 19

4. Refit oil pump
5. Rotate crankshaft until the piston of No. 1 cylinder is at
8.0.C. because in this position any error greater than
one gear tooth will cause the balance weights to
contact the connecting rod, making it obvious that the .,
balancer unit has been wrongly timed
6. Revolve the idler gear until the single centre punch mark
on the idler gear registers between the two punch marks
on the balancer shaft drive gear
7. Suitably mark with chalk, a tooth of the drive gear to align
with another chalk mark on the frame
8. In this position, fit the balancer unit to the engine,
checking that the weights have not moved by observing
alignment of the chalk marks
9. As a further ct)eck, observe that the single punch mark
on the idler gear still registers between the two punch
marks on the balancer shaft gear, In alignment with the
gear centres. Accuracy in timing the balancer unit to the
engine is essential as an error will cause serious
consequential damage to the engine
10. The ability· to tum the engine over by hand is not
necessarily proof that the balancer unit is correctly timed
11. Secure the balancer unit to the cylinder bloek with the
four setscrews and washers, tightened to a torque of
54Nm (40 lbf ft)
12. After fitting the balanc~r unit to the cylinder block and
especially in the case where a new balancer unit frame
has been incorporated, check to see that there is 7
clearance between the balancer unit frame and No. 1
main bearing cap.
13. Refit the sump, per operation 4A • 18

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Special Tools:
Hydraulic press
Press bushes to drawings

Balancer shafts, roller bearing, keys and on

pump gears must be replaced at 5000 hours

1. Remove balancer unit
2. Remove idler gear retaining nut
3. Remove idler gear, hub and thrust plate
4. Remove grub screws from balance weights
5. Press the shafts forwards out of the housing but ensure
the keys do not damage the roller bearings
6. Remove keys from shafts
7. Remove balance weights complete with the drive gears
8. Should it be necessary to renew balance weights or
coupling gears, remove the three socket head
capscrews in each balance weight and remove gears
9. Only remove idler gear hub, stud if necessary
10. Remove both location thimbles
11 . Remove all seven oilway blanking plugs and flush the
oilways clean
12. Press roller. bearings from housing

Reverse procedures 1 to 12 except:
13. When refitting the socket headecl capscrews which /.\
secure the coupling gears to the balance weights, ill
also the socket headed grubscrewa In the balance
weights and the Idler gear and hub securing stud,
Loctite 242 should be U8ed on the threads In the
following manner:•
Thoroughly clean both mate and female threads with a
suitable de-greasing fluid. (not kerosene), allowing 15
mintues for it to dry. It is recommended that. where
possible, Locquic Q Activator be used for this purpose
as it will considerably reduce the curing time.
Apply a light coating of Loctite 242 to both male and
female threads. fit the stud or screw and tighten to the
specified torque.
A curing period of 24 hours (1 hour if Locquic Q Activator
has been used) at room temperature must now be
allowed before the engine is started.
14. All roller race bearings should be pressed in so that a
clearance of 0.030/0.040 inch (0.76/1.02mm) is left
between the end faces of all bearings and inside face of
the frame bosses
15. Press new small roller bearings into the rear end of the
balancer unit, (ensuring that the writing on the rim of the
bearing faces away from the balancer frame) using a tool
made to the given dimensions and the hydraulic press

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Key to Rgures 14 and 15

A. 1.6mm (0.63 inch) X 45• CHAMFER
8. 0.8mm (0.31 inch) x 45' CHAMFER C
C. 51 mm (2 inch) dia.
D. 25.298mm (0.996 inch) dia.
E. 32.944mm (1.297 inch) dia.
F. 25.4mm (1 inch)
G. 2.769mm (0.109 inch)
H. -37.719mm (1.485 inch)
J. 31.648mm (1,246 inch) dia
K. 40.869mm (1.609 inch) dia.
L. 3.572mm (0.~41 inch)
M. 38.506mm (1.516 inch)
15 E
16. Press new large roller bearings into the front end of the
balancer unit (ensuring that the writing on the rim of the
bearing faces away from the balancer frame) using a tool
made to the given dimensions and the hydraulic press C
17. \Refit gears to balance weights, using Loctite 242 on
~apscrews which must be tightened to 1SNm (11 lbf ft)
18. Extreme care must be taken when pressing in the shafts, '\J I~
ip prevent the keys from touching the drive end bearings ~· ' M
is they pass through. The slightest damage caused this F
~ay could result in seizure of the unit and severe
consequential damage to the engine
r- . -

19. iUse Loctite 242 and fit grubscrews to balance weights J
iand tighten to 10Nm (7½ lbf ft) K
20. Fit idler gear retaining nut and tighten to 55Nm (40 lbf ft) 16


Remove and Refit 4A• 24-32
1. Remove balancer unit, operation 4A • 21 or 4A • 22
procedures 1 to 3
2. Rotate crankshaft until the-required bearing is at B.D.C.
3. Remove nuts from the big-end bolts
4. Remove the big-end cap complete with shell bearing
and then remove bearing from the big-end cap
5. Remove the big-end bolts
6. Rotate crankshaft until the shell bearing can be removed
from the connecting rod
7. Repeat procedures 2 to 6 for remaining big-end
Examine shell _bearings tor wear and scoring. If any
bearing is found to be suspect. replace the complete
Check crankpins tor wear and ovality using a
micrometer. Check diameter of the crankpins in the
horizontal plane and the vertical plane at each end of
each crankpin. f.-:'. · ....·.·~

Crankpin wear and ovality should not exceed 0.0381 mm
(0.0015 inch). The crankshaft should be re-ground or
replaced if these limits are exceeded

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Reverse procedures 1 to 7 except:
8. Ensure that all components are scrupulously clean and
lubricated with clean engine oil
9. Ensure that tags on the shell bearing halves fit into slots
on the connecting rods and that bearings are refitted in
their original positions and are properly seated
10. Ensure that flats on the connecting rod bolts are located
against shoulders on the connecting rods
11 . Ensure that the connecting rod and big-end cap are
refitted with the identification marks together and are on
the left hand side of the engine
12. Tighten the big-end nuts to 130Nm (95 lbf ft)
13. The connecting rod big-end cap attachment bolts are ~
special bolts and should they require replacement, only ill
bolts supplied by the manufacturer must be used


Remove and Refit 4A• 25·33
Special Tools:
No. 8 piston ring compressor
P041 B piston height gauge

1. Remove the cylinder head, operation 4A • 06
2. Remove the connecting rod big-end bearings, operation
3. Push the pistons and connecting rods out of the top of the

Check the condition of the pistons. piston rings and cylinder
liners, and if any doubt exists about serviceability, replace
4. Clean all parts thoroughly and freely lubricate with clean
engine oil
PosHlon the piston rings on the pistons so that
the rtng gap on each piston rtng Is 1ao· from the
gap In the previous piston rtng.
5. Using the piston ring compressor and a piece of wood,
insert the piston and connecting rod assemblies into the
top of their respective cylinder bores, ensuring that the
word "front" on the piston crown is towards the front of
the engine
6. Refit the connecting rod big-end bearings, operation
4A • 24 except, do not refit the balancer unit and sump
7. Use P041B to check the piston heights.
The piston height, above top face of cylinder block should
be 0.08-0.25mm (0.003-0.010 inch) for both A4.236 (5
ring piston) and A4.248 (3 ring piston)
8. Refit balancer unit, operation 4A • 21 or 4A • 22
9. Refit cylinder head, operation 4A • 06

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Servicing 4A• 26-34
Special Tools:
335 Connecting Rod Alignment Jig
336. 102 Arbor Adaptor

1. Remove pistons and connecting rods, operation 4A • 25
2. Remove rings from each piston
3. Remove circlips
4. Warm the piston in clean oil to a temperature of 38 to
5o·c (1oo to 12o"F)
5. Carefully withdraw the gudgeon pins
6. Remove all traces of carbon deposits from pistons with
particular attention to ring grooves
7. Check the vertical groove clearance with a new ring
fitted. The piston should be replaced if limits are
exceeded 7
8. Examine pistons for signs of scoring
9. Check the gap of piston rings when they are fitted in the
unworn portion at top of cylinder bore
10. Check the fit of gudgeon pins in piston bores and small
end bearings
11. If necessary, press out the small end bushes from
connecting rods

12. If necessary, press new small end bushes into
connecting rod, aligning oil hole in bush with hole in top
of connecting rod
Reaming of the small end bush Is a prectslOn
task and should only be undertaken by a skilled
13. Using the connecting rod alignment jig (335), check the
connecting rod for parallelism and squareness, if any
distortion is found, the connecting rod must be replaced
14. Warm the piston in clean oil, assemble pistons to their
corresponding connecting rods and insert gudgeon pins
The cavity In piston crown Is off-set towards
· one side of the piston. Assemble pistons to
connecting rods with the cavity towards the
side of connecting rod which carries the
identification stamp
15. Fit two new circlips, to retain gudgeon pin

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

16. Flt piston rings In the following order for A4.236

Maxigroove scraper - below gudgeon pin
Spring loaded, conformable scraper - above gudgeon
Internally stepped compression - third groove
Internally stepped compression - second groove
Parallel chrome plated compression - top groove
~ Internally stepped compreaion rtnga must be
~ fitted with step towards piston crown
M.248 engines have controlled expansion pistons
with three rings
Coil spring loaded chrome scraper - third groove
Tapered face with top face internally stepped cast iron
ring - second groove
Molybdenum barrel faced, top face internally stepped -
top groove
When fitting the spring loaded conformable scraper ring,
ensure that the latch pin enters both ends of the spring.
Wrth the ring gap diametrically opposite to the latch pin,
position the oil control ring over spring correctly located
in annular groove of ring, i.e. between the oil control ring
and the bottom of the ring groove in the piston
17. Refit pistons and connecting rods per operation 4A • 25


Remove and Refit
Spec:lal Tools:
No. 8 piston ring compressor
P041 B piston height gauge
PD150 liner remover and replacer
PD150-1B adaptor (A4.236 engines)
PD150-7A/B adaptor (A4.248 engines)
*30 ton hollow hydraulic ram

9The PD150 cylinder liner remover and l"81)lacer tool, la

designed for the field aervlc:e of single Unera. Should the
tool be required for general wortcahop overhaul duties, It
Is actvluble to uae It In conjunction with a 30 ton hollow
hydraulic ram (aultabte examples are Epco P382 or
Plckavant LRH 30). A hmlCI operated pump or power pack
will also be required

1. Remove pistons and connecting rods per operation
2. Remove studs from the cylinder block face
3. Use PD150 liner puller and appropriate adaptors to
withdrawn liners through top of the cylinder block

Reverse procedures 1 to 3 except:
4. Care must be taken in the handling and storage of
cylinder liners. The slightest burr or damage will cause
considerable distortion when the liner is put into the
cylinder block
5. ~anged cast iron liners must not be rebored, but must
be replaced with new pre-finished service liners

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

6. Prior to pressing in the new liner. the cylinder block

parent bore and the new liner must be thoroughly
cleaned, in particularly the recess for the liner flange in
the top of the parent bore
7. Liberally lubricate all parts with clean engine oil before
8. Ensure that the liner flange does not foul the counter
bore at the top of the parent bore
9. The relationship of the liner flange to the cylinder block
face·should be between 0.1mm (0.04 inch) above and
0.1 mm (0.04 inch) below for both A4.236 and A4.248
10. Check the condition of the piston rings, if in any doubt as
to their serviceability, replace them
11. Allow a settling periOd to elapse before checking the
fitted internal bore diameters of the liners
12. Each liner should be checked in three positions, top,
centre and bottom, and the readings being taken
transversely and parallel to the centre of the cylinder


Remove and Refit
1. Remove the oil pump per operation 4A • 19
2. Push crankshaft rearwards and check crankshaft end·
float between the rear thrust bearing and crankshaft. The
clearance obtained should be between 0.1 and 0.38mm
(0.004 and 0.015 inch)
If end float is not within these limits, proceed as follows:
3. Remove the two bolts and lift off the centre main bearing
cap, complete with the two bottom half thrust washers
4. Push the two top half thrust washers around the
crankshaft journal with a piece of wire, until they can be
removed -

5. Lubricate all components before refitting
6. Slide two new. top half thrust washers into position; with
the stell side against the bearing housing
7. Locate the two new, bottom half thrust washers on the
centre main bearing cap
8. Refit cap and bolts which should be tightened to 245Nm
(180 lbfft)
9. Repeat instruction 2
10. If the end float is still not correct, oversize thrust washers
can be fitted. Repeat instructions 3 to 8
The top and bottom thrust washer halves must
be the same thickness
11. Refit oil pump, per operation 4A • 19


A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES


Special Tools:
MF159A, friction disc centraliser (dry clutch only)
Dial indicator and magnetic stand (dry clutch and torque
converter models)
PD145C oil seal punch
PD145-2 oil seal pilot
PD155B puller
PO155-1 adaptor
PD162 timing cover centralising bush
MS550 drift handle
PD1 70 seal punch
PD170-6 adaptor
The listed tools cover all the operations necessary to remove
and refit the crankshaft in a fully built engine. If crankshaft
servicing is just a part of a complete engine overhaul only a
dial indicator with magnetic stand is required.

1. Drain engine oil

2. Split tractor. between front axle/engine and engine/
gearbox, refer to Sections in Group 2
3. Mount the engine on a suitable stand
4. Remove the crankshaft rear main oil seal, operation
5. Remove the timing case, operation 4A • 14
6. Remove the connecting rod big-end bearings, operation
7. Remove the crankshaft thrust washers, operation
4A • 28 instructions 3 and 4
8. Remove the rear main bearing bridge piece and seats
9. Remove crankshaft gear and key
10. Remove the eight bolts securing remainder of the
crankshaft main bearing caps
11. Remove the four remaining main bearing caps complete
with half shell bearings
12. Lift out the crankshaft
13. Remove the five shell bearings from cylinder block
14. Thoroughly clean all parts

Check the crankpins and journals for wear and ovality, using a
micrometer. The diameter of the crankpins and journals must
be checked in the vertical and horizontal planes at both ends
of the crankpins and journals. The wear and ovality must not
exceed 0.0361mm (0.0015 inch).
Crack detect and de-magnetize the crankshaft.

A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

Regrinding the crankshaft

15. The main journals and crankpin diameters can be re- 0.25mm (0.01 in) 0.5mm {0.02 in) 0.75mm (0.03 in)
ground to the following sizes:- undersize undersize undersize
0.254mm (0.010 inch)
A 75.91 /75.93mm 75.65/75.67mm 75.40/75.42mm
0.508mm (0.020 inch)
(2.9884/2.9892 in) (2.9784/2.9792 in) (2.9684/2.94i92 in)
0. 762mm (0.030 inch
B 63.22/63.24mm 62.96/62.98mm 62.70/62.72mm
16. If the crankshaft needs to be re-ground below 0. 762mm
(2.4888/2.4896 in) (2.4788/2.4796 in (2.4688/2.4696 in)
(0.030 inch), a new crankshaft must be fitted
C 39.47mm (1.554 in) maximum
17. Crankpin width may increase with regrinding, but must
not exceed 40.55mm (1.5965 inch). It is important that D 44.68mm (1.759 in) maximum
the radii on the main and crankpin journals are
E 40.55mm (1.5965 in) maximum
maintained. After regrinding, the sharp comers on the oil
holes must be removed F 39.47mm (1.554 in) maximum
18. Tufftrided crankshafts must be re-Tufftrided after re- R 3:68t3.96mm (0.145/0.156 in) all journals and crankpins
grinding. If Tufftriding facilities are not available, a new
Surface finish, journals and crankpins 0.4 microns (16 micro
crankshaft must be fitted
inches) C.L.A
19. If all three positions for the rear main oil seal have been
used, the sealing area of the crankshaft flange must be Surface finish, fillet radii 0.8 microns (32 micro inches) C.L.A
re-ground. Only the minimum amount of metal should
be ground off to ensure removal of the seal wear Maximum run-out with crankshaft mounted on the end
grooves. The oil seal flange must not be machined main journals (Noa. 1 and 5)
betow 113.17mm (5.243 inch) diameter, but leave an lndpendent readin~s:
unmachined diameter for a distance of 4.8mm (;\ inch)
measured from the rear of crankshaft, for flywheel Crankshaft pulley Rear oil seal Flywheel flange
location diameter T.I.R. diameter T.I.R. diameter T.I.R.
0.05mm (0.002 in) 0.05mm (0.002 in) 0.05mm (0.002 in)

Journals T.I.R.
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Number 5
Mounting 0.08mm 0.15mm 0.08mm Mounting
(0.003 in) (0.006 in) (0.003 in)

Reverse procedures 8 to 14 except:
20. Ensure that the oilways in the cylinder block and
crankshaft are free from obstruction

n C D C

n F
A4.236 / A4.248 ENGINES

21. Check the main bearing cap attachment bolts for stretch. I::\.
Only bolts supplied by the engine manufacturer should. ill
be used, as they are special bolts
22. Ensure all components are scrupulously clean and freely
lubricated with clean engine oil
23. The main bearing caps are numbered, No. 1
commencing at the front of the engine. Each cap is also
marked with a serial number as stamped on the cylinder
block bottom face. These should read in tine
24. Tighten the main bearing bolts to 245Nm (180 lbf ft)
25. The rear face of the bridge piece must be flush with the
rear face of the block
26. Refit the crankshaft thrust washers, operation 4A • 28
instructions 5 to 11
27. Refit the connecting rod big-end bearings, operation
28. Refit the, operation 4A • 14
29. Refit the crankshaft rear main oil seal, operation 4A • 17
30. Refit the engine, refer to Section in Group 2
31 . Refill the engine with an approved oil


Removal and Refitment
Special Tools:
PD155-B Puller

1. Drain engine oil

2. Split tractor between front axle and engine and between
the engine and transmission
3. Remover rocker assembly, operation 4A • 03
4. Remove timing case, operation 4A • 14
5. Remove pushrods
6. Remove the fuel lift pump, refer to 4C
7. Invert the engine on a suitable stand
8. Remove balancer unit, operation 4A • 21 or 4A • 22
9. Withdraw camshaft thrust washer
10. Withdraw the camshaft
11 . Remove tappets and retain them in the order in which
they were removed

Reverse procedures 1 to 11 except:
12. Clean and freely lubricate all parts prior to reassembly
13. Ensure when refitting the camshaft thrust plate, that the
hole in the plate locates correctly over dowel protruding
from engine block
14. Check the protrusion of camshaft thrust washer above
face of cylinder block, this should be between 0.66 and
0. 79mm (0.026 and 0.031 inch)
15. Check camshaft end float, this should be between 0.10
and 0.41 mm (0.004 and 0.016 inch)


Group4 Section C


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 2
General information 3
Technical data 4
4C • 01 - 05· Adjust fan belt tension 5
4C • 02-05 Thermostat, remove/refit 5
4C • 03-06 Water pump, remov~/refit 6
4C • 04-06 Water pump, servicing 6
4C 02


Special tools
PD.1558 Basic puller
PD.1 55-1 Adaptor rods

Special sealant
P.owerpart hylomar



General information
Frost and corrosion precautions
Anti-freeze solutions are generally the most efficient method
of protecting cooling systems, but cjue to the penetrating
properties of the solution, all hoses and joints should be in
good condition. A cooling system which is normally free of
leaks may well develop them when filled with an anti-freeze
solution. Leakage may not occur immediately after initial filling
of the system, but may develop shortly afterwards. This
should be considered and the necessary checks carried out.
Only the anti-freeze solutions listed In Technical Data
should be used. The use of Inferior grades of anti-freeze
(Including some solutions conforming to BS 3151) can
cause severe damage to the cooling system.
·: conditions do not call for anti-freeze solutions then a
proprietary corrosion inhibitor should be used.
Frequent draining and replenishment of the cooling system
with plain water will cause needless corrosion and scale


Technical Data for A4.236 and A4.248 Engines
Water Pump:
Water Pump Impeller Clearance:
Rebuild Clearance Setting .............................................................................. 0.686-0.889mm 0.027-0.035 inch
Normal Operating Clearance (includes End Play) ...................................................... 0.30-0.81 mm 0.012-0.032 inch
Pulley Fit on Water Pump Shaft ............................................................ 0.103-0.06mm 0.11-0.24 inch interference
Impeller Fit on Water Pump Shaft ......................................................0.01-0.05mm 0.0005-0.0018 inch interference
Type .....................................................................•............................................................Wax Pellet Type
Normal Opening Temperature ...........•.............................................................................. 80.6-83.9'C 177-183"F
Fully Open Temperature •.................•.......................................................................................... 97.S"C 208"F
Minimum Valve Travel ....................•.................................................................................. 8.89mm 0.350 inch
Recommendec:I Coolant (with Sodium Benzoat and Sodium Nitrate Inhibitors Anti-Freeze Mixture) .......... BS 3151: 1959 Water
and Ethanedoil Type B
When POWERPART anti-freeze is used, the correct mixtures of anti-freeze and water are as given below. POWERPART anti-
freeze fully passes the standards.
Lowest Temperature % Volume Mixture Ratio by
of Protection of POWERPART Volume POWERPART
Needed Anti-freeze Anti-freeze:Water
-12"C (10°F) 25 1 :3
-18"C (O"F) 33 1 :2
-25·c (-13"Fl 40 1 :1.5
-3TC (-34'F) 50 1 :1
-60"C (-76"F) 60 2:1
The quality of anti-freeze coolant must be checked at least once a year, for example, at the start of the cold period.
Cooling System capacity
(A4.248 and A4.236) .........................•................................................................... 14 litres. Approx. 3.69 US galls.
Radiator Pressure Cap ........................•..................................................................................... 0. 7 bar 10 lbf/in 2
Fan Belt Deflection (when depressed with 6.8kg (151bs) load midway.......................... 12. T-19mm (0.5-0. 75 inch) deflection
· on longest span between pulleys)


FAN BELT 4C • 01-05

Adjustment (A4.236 and A4.248 Engines)
-;- 1. Slacken alternator mounting bolts
2. Reposition alternator to give the correct fan belt tension
/ \ i 1 and retighten bolts
3. Fan belt deflection should be 13-19mm (i-¾ inch) when
depressed with a 6.8kg (15 lbf) load midway between
the water pump and crankshaft pulleys


Remove and Refit (A4.236 and A4.248 Engines)
1. Remove radiator cap and drain cooling system via drarn
tap on the radiator
2. Remove hood, refer to section in Group 2
3. Remove radiator top hose
4. Remove the two bolts and spring washers
5. Remove thermostat cover
6. Remove and discard the gasket
7. Withdraw and dispose of old thermostat

Reverse procedures 1 to 7, except:
8. Fit a new gasket lightly coated with Powerpart Hylomar



Remove and Refit (A4.236 and A4.248 Engines)
PD.1558 Puller
PD .155-1 Adaptors
1. Split the tractor between the engine and the front axle,
refer to section in Group 2
2. Remove the shaft nut. spring washer and plain washer
"3. Remove the bolts and tab washers
4. Remove fan blades
5. Slacken the alternator mounting bolts and remove the
fan belt
6. Disconnect radiator bottom hose (and cab heater supply
hose, when fitted)
7. Using PO.1558 and PD.155-1, remove the pulley
8. Remove the four nuts and washers
9. Separate the water pump from the water pump rear body
10. Remove and discard gasket

Reverse procedures 1 to 1 0 except:
11 . Fit a new gasket lightly coated with Powerpart Hylomar
12. PD.155B and PO.155-1 are not required for refitting the
13. When refitting the fan blades. use new tab washers
14. Tighten the pulley retaining nut to 80Nm (60 lbf ft)
15. Adjust the fan belt tension. 4C • 01


Servicing (A4.236 and A4.248 Engines)
Speciai tools
MF200 handpress
MF200-26 water pump overhaul kit
MF200-25 Multi-purpose bearing extractor

1. Remove water pump and pulley per operation 4C • 03
2. Prise out the drive key from shaft
3. Using special tools MF200 and MF200-26, press shaft/
impeller assembly out of the housing, rearwards
4. Using MF200/MF200-26 press impeller of the shaft
5. Remove ceramic seal i . .· \
6. Remove spring loaded seal
7. Remove circiip from water pump body
8. Using MF200/MF200-25/MF200-26A press both
bearings and spacer out of hOusing


Examination 19. Press complete bearing and shaft assembly into the
housing from the front end
9. Examine pump body for damage, corrosion or cracks
20. Fit the circlip
10. Examine drive shaft for wear ensuring inner diameter of
the bearings are a perfect fit on the shaft. 21 . Fit water seal with carbon face towards rear
The shaft must be replaced if the bearing inner races 22. Fit seal to shaft with ceramic counterface towards water
rotate on it seal, and bonded rub~er holder towards impeller face
11 . Remo'✓ e rust and scale from impeller and inspect for 23. Spin the shaft assembly to ensure freedom of rotation
cracks or damage. Check impeller hub sealing face for
24. Press impeller onto shaft
excessive wear or scoring
25. Check clearance between impeller vanes and the pump
12. Examine water seal for damage
body, this should be between 0.03 and 0.81 mm (0.012
13. Check bearings for pitting corrosion and wear and 0.032 inch)
26. Refit key
27. Refit pulley and water pump assembly per operation
14. Replace all seals
15. Press the rear bearing onto shaft with shielded face
towards the rear of shaft Water Pump Seals
16. Fit the spacer Where ceramic counterface seals are fitted; If the engine Is
run without coolant, even for a few seconds, the heat
17. Press the front bearing onto shaft with shielded face
generation between the carbon and ceramic seal faces Is
towards front of shaft
very rapid; causing 'thermal shock' cracks In the ceramic
18. Half fill space between bearings on the shaft with high seal. This often creates the misunderstanding that the
melting point grease cause of leakage Is due to the Incorrect assembly of the
sealing arrangement.




ffi ~ 3/10


\;~ I

25 19
ISSUE 2 40-01


Group4 Section D


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
General, air filtration 03
General, fuel system 04
Technical data, fuel system 06
40 • 01 - 07 Fuel gauge sender unit 07
40 • 02-07 Thermostart, remove/refit 07
40 • 03-08 Fuel lift pump, remove/refit 08
40 • 04-08 Fuel lift pump, servicing 08
40 • 05-10 Fuel injection pump, remove/refit 10
40 • 06-11 Static fuel injection pump timing adjustment 11
40 • 07 -12 Marking angle of fuel injection pump adjustment 12
40 • 08-13 Atomisers, remove/refit 13
40 • 09-14 Fuel system, de-aeration 14
40-02 ISSUE 2


MS.678 Universal fuel inIection pump timing gauge
P0.678-1 Adaptor for mechanically governed fuel
inIection pumps
Special sealant
Hylomar SQ32M


'. J .·,,
ISSUE 2 4D-03


Air Filtration
Good air filter maintenance is crucial for satisfactory
engine life. The operator manual details the servicing
procedure which must be followed. The two stage air filter
fitted to MF Industrial tractors provides a high degree of
engine protection with good serviceability in the great
majority of conditions.
Air is drawn into the filter case tangentially, causing the air
to swirl and centrifuge the heavier dust particles into a trap
which unloads continuously through a rubber valve. This
valve can become choked if there is a considerable
amount of fibrous material entering the filter and therefore
it is wise to squeeze the rubber valve at 50 hour intervals
to ensure it is clear.
The air passes through the main filter element where the
remaining dust is removed. A second, smaller e!ement is
fitted, which is designed specifically to plug. if for some
reason dust passes the main filter element. The smaller
element cannot be cleaned - it must be replaced when ~
dirty, along with a new main filter.

Cleaning the air filter

There are three ways to clean the outer filter element:
1. The quickets and most effective way of cleaning
away dry dust is to use clean. dry compressed air at
not more than 7 bar (1001bf/in 2 ) and keeping the air
line at least 250mm (1 Oins.) away from the element.
blow the element clean from the inside. Never use
the tractor exhast gasses. these will permanently
damage the filter.
2. Light tapping of the filter element is also effective if
the dust is dry. Hold the element lightly at each end
and drop it from a height of not more than 24mm
(1 in.) onto a hard flat surface.
Turn the element as you continue the tapping
procedure until dust ceases to fall out in quantity.
3. If the element is black and sooty or damp it can be
washed in a warm 37°C (1 oo•F) solution of water and
NON FOAMING detergent obtainable from the air
cleaner manufacturers or normal washing powder
made for domestic automatic washing machines.
i. Seal the open end of the element with a suitable
ii. Immerse the element in the solution for 10
minutes and gently agitate to remove the dirt.
iii. Rinse the element in clean water. remove the
plug and flush element from the inside until the
water comes through clear.
iv. Dry the element which will generally take 12
hours or more.
v. When dry, insert a small light bulb inside the
element. If prn holes or thin areas are v1sIble. scrap
the element.
Mark the element end place after each washing. Do
not wash an element more than 10 times. ~
40-04 ISSUE 2


If the filter restriction light illuminates again after a very

short time the filter element is no longer fit for service and
should be scrapped. However if after replacement of the
main element, the warning light stays on, the inner safety
element is plugged and must be renewed - DO NOT
Check air intake for security
Ensure all air intake hoses are in good condition, free from
cracks or other damage and are tightly clamped to the
manifold and air cleaner body. Dust ingress will quickly
damage an engine.
Change the etements evey 1000 hours, or sooner.
WARNING: Never blow the main element clean using
the tractor exhaust gases.
Never add oil to a dry air cteaner.
Never use petrol (gasoine), paraffin or cleaning
sotvent to clean the etement.
If servicing is not carried out when the warning light
comes on the engine will lose power and produce
excessive black smoke.
Never use filter etements which have been dented or
the end plates distorted, or where the element pleats
have bunched together.

Recommended Fuets
Diesel Fuels meeting British Standard Specification 2869:
for 'A' class fuel.
For example:
Esso Diesel Medium, Shell Gas Oil, Mobil Gas Oil, B.P.
Dieselite. These may be referred to as 'regular grade'
diesel fuels.
Diesel Fuels, meeting American Specification A.S.T.M:
Grade No. 1D or Grade No. 20.
No. 10 may be called a 'premium grade' high speed
diesel fuel, and No. 20 a 'regular grade' diesel fuel.

ISSUE 2 40-05


Fuel Handling and Storage

The utmost care must be taken to keep fuel clean. The
following advice Is offered to promote satisfactory fuel
handling and storage.
1 . Never use galvanised containers.
2. Never clean the inside of containers. or any
components of the fuel system with a fluffy cloth.
3. The size of the bulk storage tank should be such that
intervals between drainage and refilling are not too
long. 3,000 litre (600 gallon) capacity Is sufficient for
the average size operator.
4. The storage tank should be under cover and
supported on cradles of sufficient height to enable
the machine fuel tank to be filled by gravity. and
should have suitable manhole cover to provide
access for cleaning.
The final outlet cock should be located to allow
75mm (3in.) settling depth for water and sludge; it
should feed through a detachable filter with 120
mesh screen. There should be a fall of about 40mm
per metre (;in .. per ft.) towards the sludge drain plug.
5. Drums should be stored under cover so affording
adequate protection agains entry of water. Drums
should be stored at a slight angle, thus allowing any
water to run off the top lip. Drums of fuel should not
be stacked for long periods before use.
6. Drums in use outside must have the bung securely
screwed down to prevent entry of water.
7. After filling or servicing. bulk storage tanks should
be allowed 24 hours to settle, before use.
4D-6 issue 3


Engine Checking and Fuel Pump Marking
Angles, Static Timing
The correct marking angles and static timing can be
found by reference to the prefix letters and figures of
the setting code adjacent to the word "Set" on the fuel
pump identification plate. Engine checking and fuel
pump marking angles are for use with timing tool
MS67B and in some cases, adaptor P067B-1.
A4.236 / A4.248 / AT4.236 Engines
Note Prefix Letters Engine Checking Fuel Pump Marking Static Piston
Angle (Degrees) . Angle (Degrees) Timing Displacement
(with engine at (BTDC-Oegrees)
TDC compression) mm(inches)
#1 LS61 2841/20 296° 23° 6.35 (0.250)
#2 SS68 285° 297° 24° 6.98 (0.275)
#3 LS 2841/20 296° 23° 6.45
#4 XS 280° 293° 26° 8.20
#5 MT 278° 285° 14° 2.41
#1 A4.236 engine (2000 rev/min version)-MF SOE, MF SOH, MF 24
#2 A4.248 engine (2000 rev/min version)-MF SOHX
#3 A4.236 engine (2200 rev/min version)-MF SOH series T
#4 A4.248 engine (2200 rev/min version)-MF SOHX series T
#5 AT4.236 engine (2200 rev/min version)-MF 60HX series T

AD3.152 Engines
#1 SW57 25° 37° 24° 6.86 (0.270)
#2 WW47E 27° 35° 16° 3.15 (0.124)
#3 SW 26,/20 35° 17° 3.56 (0.140)
#1 35 Kw (47 bhp) engines-MF 20B, MF 200, MF 20F, MF 30H
#2 36.6 Kw (49 bhp) engine-MF 30E
#3 AT3.152 engine 45 kW (60 bhp)-MF 40E, MF 40H

A4.236 / A4.248 / AT4.236 Engines
Working Pressure Setting Pressure Identification
Note Body Nozzle atm atm Code
#1 BKBL67S5151 BOLL150S6705 170 175 F.Y.
#2 BKBL6755151 BOLL1 50A6556 170 175 C.U.
#3 LRB67014 JB6801022 230 230 HG
#1 A4.236 engine-MF SOE, MF 50H, MF 24
#2 A4.248 engine-MF SOHX
#3 AT4.236 engine - MF 60HX (50HX Turbo in Germany)
A3.152 and AT3.152 Engines
#1 BKBL6755299 BOLL15056743 175 185 G.M.
#2 BKBL6755299 BOLL15056602 175 190 E.E.
#3 LRB67015 JB6801029 210 210 HX
#1 35 kW (47 bhp) engines
#2 36.6 kW (49 bhp) engines
#3 AT3.152 45 kW (60 bhp) engines
ISSUE 2 40-07



Remove and refit 4D• 01 -07
The fuel sender unit is a non-serviceable item and must
be replaced if failure occurs.
1. Remove hood assembly.
2. Disconnect both wires from sender unit, noting their
relative locations.
3. Remove six screws and washers.
4. Manoeuvre sender unit out through aperture in fuel
5. Carefully peel off and dispose of the gasket.
Use new gasket and reverse instructions 1 to 5 for

Remove and refit 40•02-07
1. Disconnect the electrical wire.
2. Disconnect the fuel pipe.
3. Blank off the open end of the fuel piP.e.
4. Unscrew the unit from the manifold.
5. Reverse procedures 3 and 4.
6. Refit the fuel pipe, but leave the union loose.
7. Operate the lift pump priming lever until air in the
fuel pipe to the unit is eliminated.
8. Tighten the fuel pipe union.
9. Refit the electrical wire.
40-08 ISSUE 2



Remove and refit 40•03-08
1. Disconnect the two fuel pipes at the pump.
2. Blank off open ends of fuel pipes.
3. Remove nuts and keeper plates securing the pump
to crankcase.
4. Remove pump, manoeuvring the rocker arm
through aperture in the crankcase.
5. Remove sealing gasket between the pump and the
engine crankcase.
6. Fit a new sealing gasket coated with Hylomar SQ
7. Reverse procedures 1 to 4.
8. Tighten mounting bolts to 27 NM (201bf ft.)
9. Loosen the leak back union on filter.
10. Operate the lift pump priming lever until air is
11 . Retighten the leak back union.
1 2. Loosen the thermostart fuel union.
13. Operate the lift pump · priming lever until air is
1 4. Retighten thermostart fuel union.


Servicing 40•04-08
Although different in appearance, the fuel lift pumps for
both 3 and 4 cylinder engines are serviced in exactly the
same way. Fuel lift pumps for 4 cylinder engines have an
additional fuel delivey chamber and gauze strainer
mounted above the valves.
1. Make a file mark across both flanges for guidance in
re-assembly of the pump.
2. Remove screws and spring washers.
3. Separate the two halves of pump.
4. Release diaphragm by pushing it into pump body
and then turning it through 90 degrees, to unhook it
from rocker arm link and remove the diaphragm.
5. Withdraw diaphragm spring.
6. 4 cylinder engines: Remove centre screw, cover
and seal.
7. 4 cylinder engines: Remove gauze strainer, clean it
thoroughly in fuel and dry with compressed air.
8. Lever both valves from their seats.
9. Remove the valve gaskets.
10. If necessary, remove the lever, rocker arm shaft and
spacers by tapping the face of the pump with a soft
mallet to dislodge the retainer plates.
ISSUE 2 40-09


11 . Thoroughly clean all pump components. Replace Rebuild

diaphragm spring if it shows any signs of wear or
Reverse instructions 1 to 10 except:
15. Fit two new valves together with new gaskets to the
Make sure that the replacement diaphragm valve body. The inlet valve must be fitted so that it
spring is the same colour as the original spring. opens to admit fuel to the pump chamber. The outlet
12. Examine flanges of the two pump halves for valve must be fitted the opposite way round.
distortion and, if necessary, lightly lap to restore
16. Lock the valves in position by staking in six places
with a suitable punch.
13. Throughly clean the valve seats in pump body and
17. 4 cylinder engines: Fit a new sealing ring under top
ensure that all previous staking marks are removed.
14. Check for wear of diaphragm control lever, spring
and pivot pin, replace as necessary.


~•1 f;"'\
\ ~- 'I

, ~ 2



~ 4
, I
. '
40-10 ISSUE 2



Remove and refit 40•05-10
ffi 1. Unless the necessary equipment and
experienced personnet are available, dismantling
of the fuet in;ection pump must not be attempted.
2. Close off the open ends of fuel pipes and unions
with correctly fitted ptugs.
3. Thoroughly clean aJI parts prior to disman11ing.
4. To facilitate 1efib1nn1t of thefuel injection pump, a
line should be scribed across the edge of the
pump flange and on to the timing case.
5. Remove the high-pressure fuel pipes.
6. Disconnect both low-pressure fuel pipes.
7. Disconnect throttle control linkage.
8. Disconnect fuel cut-off cable.
9. Re:nove timing case front cover inspection plate.

t.·..... ···>}
ISSUE 2 40-11


10. Remove three bolts and spnng washers securing

fuel pump to dri_ve gear.

11 . Remove three nuts and spring washers securing
pump to the timing case.
12. Withdraw the fuel pump, but ensure drive gear
remains in mesh with the idler gear otherwise fuel
pump timing will be affected.
j Refit
When fitting a new pump, it may be necessary to adjust
the maximum and idling speeds.
13. Replace fuel pump, ensuring that the slot in the
pump hub aligned with dowel in drive gear.
14. Position pump so that scribed line on the pump
flange aligns with mark on the timing case and
secure with three nuts and spring washers.
15. Secure drive gear to the pump shaft with three bolts
and spring washers. ensuring that dowel is properly
located in its slot.
16. Reverse operation 5 to 9.
17. De-aerate the fuel system, 4D • 09.


Adjustment 40•06-11
(Engines F"rtted with Dowelled Pump Drive)
Special Tools:
MS 678 Static Fuel Pump Timing Tool
PD 678-Adaptor
1. Rotate the engine crankshaft until the TDC line on
the flywheel is in line with the inspection hole, and
No. 1 piston is TDC on the compression stroke (both
valves fully closed).
3 cylinder engines: Flywheel TDC mark should be
centrai within the inspection aperture or the
crankshaft pulley key is at the top of its periphery.
2. Remove the fuel inJection pump, operation 4D • 05.
3. Fit adaptor PD 678-1 to the fuel pump gear. locating
the dowel in the slot and with the adaptor sha't
facing rearwards.
4. Slacken the screw on the timing tool, MS 678.
5. Remove the slpined shaft.
6. Check that the slotted pointer is positioned with slot
at the front of the tool and the chamfered sides of
the slot are facing outwards.
7. Slacken screw and set the bracket with the
chamfered edge in line with the relevant engine
checking angle. refer to chart on p~ge 40 - 06. and ·
retighten bracket screw.
40-12 ISSUE 2


8. Push the fuel pump gear and adaptor rearwards,

locating the splined shaft into the timing tool, and
tighten screw.
It may be necessary to tum the timing tool to
engage the master spline.
9. Move the timing tool and gear forwards until the tool
is located in the pump aperture of the timing case.
If the pointer is 1acr from the timing mark, the
engine is probably on the wrong stroke, remove
the tool and reset the engine on the correct
10. Slacken the screw ·and slide the slotted pointer
forward until it abuts the r~ar face of the timing case.
Re-tighten the screw.
11. Take up any backlash, by turning the timing tool
against the normal direction of pump rotation
(shown on the pump nameplate.)
12. Check that the timing mark is central in the slot of
the pointer, if no mark exists scribe a radial line on
the rear face of the timing case. outwards from the
centre of the slot.
t 3. When the timing is correct, remove the tool.
14. Refit the fuel injection pump operation 40 • 05.


Adjustment 40 • Oi'-12

Special Toots:
MS 678 Static Fuel Pump Timing Tool
1 Remove the fuel in1ection pump, operation 40 • 05.
2. Connect the No. 1 outlet of the fuel injection pump to
an atomiser test rig and pump up to a maximum
pressure of 30 bar (4401bf/im).
Remove the pressurising valve, if fitted.
3. Check that the slotted pointer is positioned with the
slot at the rear of the tool and the chamfered sides of
the slot are facing outwards.
4. Slacken the screw and set the bracket with the
chamfered edge in line with the relevant marking
angle, refer to the chart on page 40 • 06, then
retighten bracket screw.
5. Slacken screw on the timing tool, MS 678 and insert
splined shaft into the front of the timing tool.
6. Locate the end of the splined shaft into the hub of the
fuel in1ection pump and slide the timing tool towards
the pump until it abuts against the er.d of the hub.

Retighten screw.
Turn the pump drive. in the normal direction of
rotation until the pump locks.
8. Slacken screw and slide pointer halfway over the
pump flange, then retighten screw.
ISSUE 2 40-13


9. Check that the timing mark is central with the slot in

the pointer.
If the original mark is not in line with the pointer,
scribe a new line outwards from the centre of the
10. Remove the timing tool from the pump.
11 . Disconnect the pump from the atomiser.
12. Refit the fuel injection pump, operation 4D • 05.


Remove and refit 40•08-13
Only use the correct atomiser for the engine
specification. see chart page 40 - 06.
Always replace the copper sealing washer,
between the nozzle cap and cylinder head; with a
new one of the correct type, whenever an
atomiser is removed.
1. Disconnect the high-pressure fuel pipes at the
atomiser unions and blank off the open ends.
2. Disconnect the leak-back system union at the head
of each atomiser.
3. Remove the two nuts.
4. Withdraw the atomiser.
5. Remove dust seal, plastic sleeve, plastic and copper
sealing ring.
Whenever an atomiser has been removed, a newbe
joint washer and rubber dust seal should ~
6. Replace the copper sealing washer under each
atomiser nozzle cap. Fit a new dust seal before
assembling plastic spacer and atomiser.
7. Reverse procedures 3 and 4.

-, .:, "'- 8. Tighten the two nuts to a torque of 16 NM ( 12Ibf ft.) in

three equal stages.
~r,n7l'?".Jr-~:....--=::::- 9. Reverse procedures 1 and 2, but leave the unions
for the high-pressure fuel pipes to Numbers 1 and 4
atomisers loose on 4 clyinder engines or any two on
3 cylinder engines.
10. Bleed high-pressure fuel pipe to the atomisers by
opening the throttle fully, ensuring the fuel cut-off
knob is pushed fully in and, then. turning the enigne
over with the starter until engine begins to run.
11. Retighten the loosened atomiser union.
40-14 ISSUE 2


FUEL SYSTEM 5. Slacken the pipe union nut at the fuel in1ection pump
inlet. Operate the lift pump priming lever and
De-aeration (bleeding) 40e09-14 retighten the union nut when fuel, free from air
De-aeration bubbles emerges from around threads.
· . If at any time air enters the fuel system. either due to 6. On 4 cylinder engines, slacken the pipe unions at
servicing or running out of fuel. the following procedure Numbers 1 and 4 atomisers. On 3 cylinder engines
should be used: slaken the unions at any 2 of the high pressure
1. Slacken the outlet union on the fuel filter.
7. Europe/Export only - slacken the fuel feed pipe at
2. Operate the priming lever on the fuel lift pump until the Thermostart unit and operate the fuel lift pump
fuel, free of air bubbles, issues from the union, then until fuel, free of air bubbles issues from the pipe,
tighten the union.
then re-tighten the pipe.
3. Slacken the lower vent plug on the fuel injection
8. Set the throttle fully open and ensure that the fuel
pump and operate the fuel lift pump until fuel, free of
cut-off knob is pushed fully in, then turn the engine
air bubbles issues from the vent, then re-tighten the
over with the starter, until the engine begins to run.
vent plug.
Re-tighten the injector unions.
4. Slacken the upper vent plug on the fuel injection
pump and operate the fuel lift pump until fuel, free of
air bubbles issues from the vent. then re-tighten the
vent plug.

·-- i /.\.
. ''/l
i /' /
.. i
11 /I


Group 4 Section F
Op. No. Operation page
Special tools 2
General description 4
Glossary of terms 4
Fault diagnosis chart 5
Technical data 6
Service wear limits 13
4F • 01 -16 Turbocharger, remove/refit 16
4F • 02-17 Turbocharger, service 17
4F • 03-20 Rocker cover, remove/refit 20
4F • 04-20 Valve tip clearance, adjust 20
4F • 05-21 Rocker assembly, remove/refit 21
4F • 06-21 Rocker assembly, service 21
4F • 07-22 Valve springs, remove/refit (with cylinder head fitted to engine) 22
4F • 08-23 Cylinder head, remove/refit 23
4F • 09-25 Cylinder head, service 25
4F • 10-28 Valve seat inserts 28
4F • 11 -30 Timing case cover, remove/refit 30
4F•12-31 Idler gear, remove/refit 31
4F • 13-32 Camshaft drive gear, remove/refit 32
4F • 14-33 Fuel pump drive gear, remove/refit 33
4F • 15-33 Crankshaft gear, remove/refit 33
4F • 16-34 Timing case, remove/refit 34
4F • 17-35 Flywheel, remove/refit 35
4F • 18-36 Ring gear, replacement 36
4F • 19-37 Crankshaft rear oil seal, remove/refit 37
4F• 20-38 Engine sump, remove/refit 38
4F • 21 - 39 Oil pump, remove/refit 39
4F • 22-39 Oil pump, service 39
4F • 23-40 Balancer unit, remove/refit (with timing case accessible) 40
4F • 24-41 Balance unit, remove/refit (with engine in situ) 41
4F • 25-42 Balancer unit, service 42
4F • 26-44 Connecting rod big-end bearing, remove/refit 44
4F • 27 - 45 Piston cooling jets remove/refit 45
4F • 28-46 Pistons and connecting rods, remove/refit 46
4F • 29-47 Pistons and connecting rods, servicing 47
4F • 30-48 Cylinder liners, remove/refit 48
4F • 31 - 50 Crankshaft thrust washers, remove/refit 50
4F • 32- 51 Crankshaft, service 51
4F • 33-55 Camshaft and tappets, remove/refit 55


Special tools
No. 8 Piston ring compressor
PD.41 B Piston height and valve depth gauge
MS.73 Adjustable valve seat cutters
PD.137 Valve guide reamer 0.38mm (0.015 inch) No.8
PD.138 Valve guide reamer 0.76mm (0.03 inch)
PD.145C Crankshaft rear oil seal drift
(to be used with MS.550 handle)
PD.145-2 Oil seal pilot
PD.150A Cylinder liner remover/replacer
(main tool) PD.41B
PD.150-1B Adaptor for cylinder bores of 98.42 mm
(3.875 inch) diameter. To be used with
PD.150A main tool
PD.1558 Puller - main tool
PD.155-1 Adaptor
PD.170 Main tool
PD.170-6 Seal driver MS.73
335 Connecting-rod alignment jig
336 Master arbor (To be used with 335)

336-102 Arbor adaptor (To be used with 335 and
PD.6118B Valve spring compressor PD.137
PD.6118-4 Adaptor for 6118B
PD.162 Timing case cover centralising tool
MS.550 Drift handle (To be used with PD.145)
Powerpart Hylomar
Loctite 242
Locquic Q Activator




PO.150·18 PO.150·7A

335 336




PD.162 PD.170 PD.170-6



General description
The Perkins AT4.236 engine is a four cylinder water
cooled, direct injection diesel unit. It has a stroke of
127 mm (5.0 inch) and a nominal bore diameter of
98.42 mm (3.875 inch).
The engine incorporates overhead valves mounted
vertically in the cylinder head. A gear driven
camshaft located in the right hand side of the cylinder
head. Valves with oversize stems are available if
excessive wear should occur in the cylinder head.
The cylinder block and crankcase form an integral
casting and are fitted with replaceable, prefinished,
flanged liners.
The aluminium pistons have a toroidal cavity in the
head and are fitted with three piston rings. The
pistons are cooled by oil spray jets mounted beneath
each piston. The pistons are attached to their
connecting rods by fully floating gudgeon pins
retained by cirdips. The big-end bearings are
replaceable and consist of a thin steel-shell lined with
an aluminium-tin alloy.
The engine is pressure lubricated by means of a gear
pump driven by the balancer unit. Full flow filtration
after the pump ensures that only clean oil is circulated
around the engine.
The turbocharger is fitted on the exhaust manifold and
is lubricated by the engine lubrication system.
The crankshaft is mounted in five replaceable
aluminium-tin alloy lined bearings held in position by
cast iron bearing caps. End thrust is absorbed by split
washers located on both sides of the centre main
A front mounted, balancer unit is fitted to the cylinder
block and is driven by the crankshaft.
Power ratings are given in the relevant Operator



Glossary of terms
Throughout this section certain abbreviations are used
and these are explained below.
TDC - Top dead centre
Refers to the state when a piston is at its highest point
of travel and the centres of the main bearings,
crankpin (big-end bearing) and piston are exactly
aligned. Normally used with reference to No. 1 piston
for fuel pump and balancer timing. The crankshaft
gear keyway is at the top when pistons Nos. 1 and 4
are at TDC and at the bottom when piston Nos. 2 and
3 are at TDC.
BOC - Bottom dead centre
Refers to the state when a piston is at its lowest point
of travel.
TIR -Total indicated reading
This term refers to dial indicators used to measure
'runout' of rotating parts, the gauge scale being set to
'O' but the needle may move both sides of 'O' during
one revolution of the component. The sum of the
readings either side of 'O' is the TlR.
CLA - Centre line average
This is a measure of surface roughness, usually
expressed in microns (0._000001 metre orµ).



For an explanation of the numbers, refer to page 4F - 7
Low cranking speed 1,2,3,4

Will not start 5,6,7,8,9,10, 12, 13, 14, 15

16, 17, 18, 19,20,22,31,32,33

Difficult starting 5,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16, 18, 19,20,21,22,24,29,31

Lack of power 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,18, 19,

20,21 ,22,23,24,25,26,27,31

Misfiring 8,9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19,


Excessive fuel 11,13,14,16,18, 19,20,22,23

consumption 24,25,27,28,29,31,32,33,62

Black exhaust 11, 13, 14,16,18, 19,20,22,


Blue,White exhaust 4, 16, 18, 19,20,25,27,31,33,


Low oil pressure 4,36,37,38,39,40,42,43,44,58

Knocking 9,14,16,18,1 9,22,26,28,29,


Erratic running 7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 16,20,


Vibration 13,1 4,20,23,25,26,29,30,


High oil pressure 4,38,41

Overheating 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 1 9,24,25,

45,50,51 ,52,53,54,57

Excessive crankcase 25,31,33,34,45,55


Poor compression 11, 19,25,28,29,31,32,33,


Starts and stops 10, 11, 12

: \


Key to Fault FindlnQ Chart:

1. Battery capacity low
2. Bad electrical connection
3. Faulty starter motor
4. Incorrect grade of lubricating oil
5. Low cranking speed
6. Fuel tank empty
7. Faulty stop control operation
8. Blocked fuel feed pipe
9. Faulty fuel lift pump
10. Choked fuel filter
11. Restriction in air cleaner
12. Air in fuel system
13. Faulty fuel injection pump
14. Faulty atomisers or incorrect type
15. Incorrect use of cold start equipment
16. Faulty cold starting equipment
17. Broken fuel injection pump drive
18. Incorrect fuel pump timing
19. Incorrect valve timing
20. Poor compression
21 Blocked fuel tank vent
22. Incorrect type or grade of fuel
23. Sticking throttle or restricted movement
24. Exhaust pipe restriction
25. Cylinder head gasket leaking
26. Overheating
27. Cold running
28. Incorrect tappet adjustment
29. Sticking valves
30. Incorrect high pressure pipes
31 Worn cylinder bores
32. Pitted valves and seats
33. Broken, worn or sticking piston rings
34. Worn valve stems and guides
35. Overfull oil bath air cleaner or incorrect grade of oil
36. Worn or damaged bearings
37. Insufficient oil in sump
38. Blocked sump strainer
39. Oil pump worn
40. Pressure relief valve sticking open
41. Pressure relief valve sticking closed
42. Broken relief valve spring
43. Faulty suction pipe
44. Choked oil filter
45. Piston seizure/pick up
46. Incorrect piston height
47. Damaged fan
48. Broken valve spring
49. Incorrectly aligned flywheel
50. Faulty thermostat
51 Restriction in water jacket
52. Loose fan belt
53. Choked radiator
54. Faulty water pump
55. Choked breather pipe
56. Damaged valve stem oil deflectors (if fitted)
57. Coolant level too low
58. Blocked sump strainer.
59. Broken valve spring.
60. Turbocharger impeller damaged or dirty.
61. Turbocharger lubricating oil seal leaks.
62. Induction system leaks.


General Specification
Perkins AT4.236 engine
Bore ............................................................................ 98.43 mm (3.875 inch)
Stroke ................................................•........................ 127 mm (5.0 inch)
Number of Cylinders .....................•......•...................... 4
Firing Order ........................................•........................ 1·3-4-2
Direction of Engine Rotation ....................................... Clockwise from the Front
Cubic Capacity ...................................•........................ 3.86 litres (236 in3>
Compression Ratio ..................................................... 15.5:1
Cycle ........................................................................... Four-Stroke
Combustion System ....•....••...............••............•.••........ Direct Injection

Typical power/torque ratings.

Refer to the appropriate Operator Manual for the power of a specific machine. All ratings are to the BS AU141 a
test protocol.
Maximum power .•.•....•...............•.•.....•..............•......•.. 66.8 Kw (89.5 bhp) at 2200 rev/min EEC 80/1269 • gross
Maximum torque .•.......•...•......•.......•.........•...••............. 330 Nm (243 lbf ft) at 1400 rev/min
Low Idle speed ...........................•.....•.•..............•......... 750 - TT5 rev/min
Maximum engine speed (no load) ...•••.........•.•....•...... Refer to last 4 numbers on setting code plate attached to
fuel injection pump (typically 2310 rev/min)
Valve/rocker clearance
Inlet and exhaust valves .....................•....................... cold 0.30 mm (0.012 inch)
hot 0.25 mm (0.01 O inch)
Torque wrench settings
All threads clean and lightly oiled Nm lbf ft

Cylinder head setscrews (integral flanged washer type) ................................••................•.........•...•..... 120 88

Connecting rods (phosphated nuts) ...................•...............•..•......................•...•.............................•..... 128 95
Main bearing caps ...•......•...............................•............•.....•...........................................•...................... 245 180
Flywheel place-bolts (notched head) .•.................................................................................................. 122 90
Crankshaft pulley .................................................................•..............•..........•...................•..................390 28
Engine balancer/cylinder block, setscrews........................................................................................... 54 40
Balancer weight drive gear .................. ....................................•...........................................•................ 95 70
Rocker shaft brackets ...................................•..••..••...•............•...........•.............•..•.•......•....••.......•.......... 33 24
Inlet manifold ..•.........•......................................................................................•..•.....•..•........................ 20 · 15
Exhaust manifold .......•••...••....••........... ·.........•.............••....•......•......................•••..............•..............•..... 20 15
Fuel injection pump ............................•..............................••.....................•...•..•..............................•..... 27 20
Camshaft gear setscrews ...•...•.........••...•.•...••......•.•..•••...•••..••..•.•.•.••...........••.•..••..............•.•...........•..... 68 50
Idler gear hub setscrews •....................•......•......•......••...................•...............•.........................•............ 41 30
Lub. oil filter-head setscrews ................................................................•.......................•.......•............... 41 30
Atomiser securing nuts......................................................................................................................... 16 12
Oil sump to cylinder block, setscrews ..............................•............................•...................................... 18 14 ,J
Oil sump to timing case, setscrews .... ...............•...............•................•................................................. 18 14
Oil sump to rear bridge piece ..........•...•.•.........•.•..........•.•.••••.....................•....•......•.....................•........ 18 14
Rear oil seal retainer to cylinder block and bridge piece ..•.............................•...............................•..... 18 14


Valve head depth
Inlet-depth below face of cylinder head ............... 0.89 - 1.1 4 mm (0.035 - 0.045 inch)
Exhaust -depth below face of cylinder head .......... 119 - 1 45 mm (0.047 - 0.057 inch)
Service Limits:
Inlet -depth below face of cylinder head ................ 1 .55 mm (0.061 inch) maximum
Exhaust .................................................................... 1.85 mm (0.073 inch) maximum
Valve Head Diameter:
Inlet .........•.....................•...................................•.....•... 44.09 - 44.36 mm (1.736 - 1.746 inch)
Exhaust .............................................................•......... 36.45 - 36.79 mm (1.435 - 1.445 inch)
Valve Stem Diameter:
Inlet ....•.•...•..••........•.......................•.•.••.......•.•.......•••••.• 9.46 - 9.49 mm (0.3725 - 0.3735 inch)
Exhaust ..•...............................•.•............•.•..............•.... 9.45 - 9.47 mm (0.372 - 0.3728 inch)
Valve Face Angles:
Exhaust ...........................•.....••..............................•..... 45°
Inlet ....••........•......•.......•....•.....•...............................•....30°
Valve Seat angle
Exhaust ......•................•............................................... 45°
Inlet ....••..•....•....................•.......••.......•........................• 30°
Valve Guides
Type ....•....................................................................... Machined in Cylinder Head
Inside Diameter .......................•.......•...•....................... 9.53 - 9.55mm (0.375 - 0.376 inch)
Valve Guide Clearance: .........................................•.... Inlet 0.02 - 0.07 mm (0.00075 - 0.00275 inch)
Exhaust 0.04 - 0.08mm (0.002 - 0.004 inch)
Valve Springs Outer
Spring Pressure at 1.308 inch length (valve closed) .. 28 kg 1 3 kg (61.4 lb 1 3 lb)
Tappets (Valve Lifters)
Stem Diameter .......................•...•.......•.................•...... 18.99-19.02 mm (0.7475 - 0.7485 inch)
Valve Lifter Bore in Block ............................................ 19.05-19.08 mm (0.750- 0.7513 inch)
Clearance Limits ......................................................... 0.04- 0.010 mm (0.0015 - 0.0038 inch)
Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly
Rocker arm Shaft Diameter ...................................•.... 19.02 - 19.04mm (0.7485 - 0.7495 inch)
Inside Bushing Diameter ............................................. 19.06 - 19.10 mm (0.7505 - 0.752 inch)
Bushing Clearance ...........••.....•..............................•... 0.025 - 0.089 mm (0.001 - 0.0035 inch)


Cylinder Liners
Type ............................................................................ Dry, shouldered, cast iron
Inside diameter of Liner:
Production Liner: After Finishing .............................. 98.48 - 98.50 mm (3.877 - 3.878 inch)
Service Liner ............................................................ 98.50 - 98.52 mm (3.878 - 3.879 inch)
Outside Diameter of Liner
Production Liner ....................................................... 103.24 - 103.26 mm (4.0645 - 4.0655 inch)
Service Liner •.............................................................. 103.19 - 104.23 mm (4.0625 - 4.0635 inch)
Cylinder Block Bore ...............•.................................... 103.19 - 103.22 mm (4.0625 - 4.0635 inch)
Liner Fit in Block:-
Production Liner ....................................................... 0.05 - 0.1 O mm (0.002 - 0.004 inch) interference
Service Liner ............................................................ 0.03 mm (0.001 inch) Clearance to 0.03 mm (0.001 inch)
Location of Liner Above Top Face of Block ................ 0.71 - 0.94 mm (0.78 - 0.37 inch)
Depth of recess for liner flange (cast iron liners) .•...... 3.81 - 3.91 mm (0.150 - 0.154)
Gudgeon Pins
Pin diameter ..............•................................................. 38.095 - 38.100 mm (1.4998 - 1.5000 inch)
Clearance in Connecting Rod Bushing ...•..............•.... 0.019 - 0.043 mm (0.0075 - 0.0017 inch)
Fit in Piston Pin Bore .................................................. From 0.0 mm (0.0 inch) interference to 0.01 mm
(0.0004 inch) clearance, Transition Fit
Small End Bush
Type ............................................................................ Steel Backed, Lead Bronze Lined
Outside diameter. of Small End Bush ...................•..... 42.16 - 42.20 mm (1.65975 - 1.66125 in)
Inside Diameter after Reaming ••••••.....•......................• 38.12 - 38.14 mm (1.50075 - 1.5015 in)
Clearance between Small End Bush
and Gudgeon Pin •....•...••...•.....••.•.•.............................. 0.019 - 0.043 mm (0.00075 - 0.0017 in)
Piston Rings
No. 1 Compression - type ........................................... Molybdenum Faced Wedge
Width ....•.•...........•....•.......•.......•••..........•..............•. Wedge Shaped (no measure)
Ring Gap ..........•........................•........................... 0.25 - 0.61 mm (0.01 O - 0.024 in)
No. 2 Compression - type .._. ••...................................... Chrome Taper Faced
Width ..........••....•.................................................... 2.36 - 2.37 mm (0.093 - 0.935 in)
Clearance in Groove ......•••.•.•................................ 0.05 - 0.08 mm (0.002 - 0.0033 in)
Ring Gap .....•......................................................... 0.25 - 0.66 mm (0.010 - 0.027 in)
No. 3 Scraper - type .................................................... Chrome Faced Spring Loaded Conformable
Width .......•..•.....•..•.......•......................................... 4.72 - 4.76 mm (0.186 - 0.187 in)
Clearance in Groove ............................................. 0.03 - 0.08 mm (0.001 - 0.0033 in)
Ring Gap ............................................................... 0.25 - 0.79 mm (0.010 - 0.031 in)


Connecting Rod
Type ............................................................................ 'H' Section - Wedge Shaped Small End
Cap Location to Connecting Rod ................................ Serrations
Big End Parent Bore Dia ............................................ 67.21 - 67.22 mm (2.6460 - 2.6465 in)
Small End Parent Bore Dia.................................•....... 42.07 - 42.09 mm (1.65625 - 1.65725 in)
Length from Centre Line of Big End to Centre Line of
Small end ........................•........................................... 219.05 - 219.1 0 mm (8.624 • 8.626 in)
Big End Width ............................................................. 40.06 • 40.13 mm (1.5TT • 1.580 in)
Connecting Rod End Float on Crankpin ..................... 0.21 • 0.37 mm (0.0085 - 0.0145 in)
Crankshaft and Main Bearings
Crankpin Journal Diameter .....•.............................•..... 63.47 - 63.49 mm (2.4988 - 2.4996 inch)
Main Bearing Bore in Block and Cap .......................... 80.42 - 80.44 mm (3.166 - 3.167 inch)
Main Bearing inside Diameter
(Standard Size) .......••.•...•••.......•.............•............•...•... 76.23 - 76.28 mm (3.001 o - 3.0026 inch)
Main Bearing Journal Diameter .••....••....•.•..•.••..•••..••.•. 76.16 - 76.18 mm (2.9984 - 2.992 inch)
Main Bearing Clearance ............................................. 0.05 - 0.11 mm (0.0019 - 0.0042 inch)
Crankshaft End Play ................................................... 0.5 - 0.38 mm (0.002 • 0.015 inch)
Crankshaft Flywheel Flange Diameter ........................ 133.27 -1 3323 mm (5.247 - 5.249 inch)
Crankshaft Fillet Radii:-
Crankpin Journal Fillet Radii .•••........•..•.......•............•.. 3.68 - 3.96 mm (0.145 - 0.156 inch)
Main Bearing Journal Fillet Radii ..•.•...............•...••...... 3.68 - 3.96 mm (0.145 - 0.156 inch)
Oil Pressure Relief Valve
Type ............................................................................ Spring Loaded Plunger
Pressure Setting .....•.••....•••.•.••.......•..•.•........••••.•••.....•. 4.8 bar (75 lbf in2)
Length of Plunger ....................................................... 20.98 mm (0.826 inch)
Outside Diameter of Plunger ...................................... 14.186 - 14.211 mm (0.5585 • 0.5595 inch)
Inside Diameter of Valve Housing Bore ...................... 14.2 mm (0.560 inch)
Clearance of Plunger in Bore ...................................... 0.03 - 0.1 0 mm (0.001 - 0.004 inch)
Spring Fitted Length ................................................... 32.5 mm (1.28 inch)
Spring Load at Fitted Length ...................................... 34.5: 36.7 Newtons (3.35 - 3.74 Kgf] (7.76 - 8.25 lbf)
Cam Lift-Tappets ....•..............................•.................. 7.62 - 7.79 mm (0.30 • 0.303 inch)
Cam Lift-Fuel Lift Pump ............................................ 2.54 - 2.62 mm (0.10 • 0.103 inch)
Camshaft End Play ..................................................... 0.1 0 - 0.41 mm (0.004 - 0.016 inch)
Front Bearing:-
Front Journal Diameter •.............................................. 50.71 - 50.74 mm (1.9965 • 1.9975 inch)
Front Bearing Bore Diameter ...................................... 50.80 - 50.83 mm (2.0 - 2.001 inch)
Clearance Limits ....................................•.................... 0.06 - 0.11 mm (0.0025 - 0.0045 inch)
Centre bearing:-
Centre Journal diameter ...................•......................... 50.46 - 50.48 mm (1.9865 - 1.9875 inch)
Centre Bearing Bore Diameter ................................... 50.55 - 50.60 mm (1.990 -1.992 inch)
Clearance Limits ....................................................•.... 0.06 - 0.14 mm (0.0025 - 0.0053 inch)
Ring Bearing:-
Rear Journal diameter ........•....................................... 49.95 - 49.98 mm (1.9665 - 1.9675 inch)
Ring Bearing Bore Diameter ....................................... 50.04 - 50.09 mm (1.970 - 1.972 inch)
Clearance limits ......................................................•... 0.06 - 0.14 mm (0.0025 - 0.0053 inch)


Timing Gears
Timing Gear Backlash (All except Balancer Idler Gear
and Balancer Drive Shaft Gear) .................................. 0.08 mm (0.003 inch minimum)
Engine Idler Gear and Hub:-
Hub Diameter ........•.....................•.................•............. 50.70 -50.74 mm (1.996- 1.9975 inch)
Idler Gear Bushing Bore Diameter (Finished) ............. 50.79 - 50.82 mm (1.9998 - 2.0007 inch)
Clearance Limits •.•.•........•.....•.......•••...•...............•....... 0.06 - 0.12 mm (0.0023 - 0.0047 inch)
Idler Gear End-Play .................................................... 0.10 - 0 20mm (0.004 - 0.008 inch)
Engine Lub. Oil Pump
Engine Oil Pressure ....................•............................... 2 bar (30 lbf/in2) minimum at normal operating speeds and
working temperatures
Oil Filter By-pass Valve Opens ...•............................... 0.6 - 1.2 bar (8 - 17 lbf/in2)
Oil Pump (Integral with Balancer): •.••.....................•.... Maximum Theoretical Capacity 58 litres/min
(15.5 US gal/min) at 2200 engine rpm
Balancer Unit
Front Dia. of Shafts (Driving and Driven) ......•............. 31.71 - 31.73 mm (1.2484- 1.2490 in)
Inside Dia. of Front Balance Frame Bushes ........•.....• 31.7- 31.82 mm (1.2510- 1.2526 in)
Running clearance of Shafts in Bushes •..•......•...•••..... 0.05 - 0.11 mm (0.002 - 0.0042 in)
Rear Dia. of Shafts (Driving and Driven) ...................• 25.37 - 25.38 mm (0.9987 - 0.9992 in)
Inside Dia. of Rear Balancer Frame Bushes ....•.••.••.•. 25.43 - 25.46 mm (1.001 - 1.0022 in)
Running clearance of Shafts in Bushes .............•........ 0.05 - 0.09 mm (0.0018- 0.0035 in)
Shaft Dia. for"Balance Weights ....•.•..••••.............•........ 26.98-27,00 mm (1.0622-1.0630 in)
Bore Dia. of Balance Weights •••••..•••••.•••••..........•...•.... 26.99 - 27,02 mm (1.0625 - 1.0637 in)
Fit of Balance Weights on Shafts ••.••.••••..•..•.••.•......•.•.. -0.01 to +0,04 mm (0.0005 to +0.0015 in)
Spigot Dia. for Balance Weights ••..•....•.............•......... 34.90 - 34,93 mm (1.374 - 1.375 in)
Recess Dia. in Balance Weight Gears .........•........•..... 34.93 - 34.95 mm (1.375 -1.376 in)
Fit of Gear on Balance Weight .....•.•.....•....•..........•...... -0.00 to +0.05 mm (-0.000 to +0.002 in)
Dia. of Shaft for Lub. Oil Pump Gear ...• ,..................... 16.51 - 16.53 mm (0.6500 - 0.6508 in)
Bore Dia. of Lub. Oil Pump Drive Gear ....................... 16.54-16.59 mm (0.6513- 0.6533 in)
Clearance Fit of Gear on Shaft ...•........•...................... 0.01 - 0.08 mm (0.0005 - 0.0033 in)
Depth of Lub. Oil Pump Body ...••••...•...•..••.................. 25.45 - 25.53 mm (1.002 - 1.005 in)
Width of Lub. Oil Pump Drive Gears .......•................... 25.35 - 25.40 mm (0.998 - 1.000 in)
End Float of Oil Pump Gears .......•..•.............•............. 0.05 - 0.18 mm (0.002 - 0.007 in)
Shaft Dia. for Lub. Oil Pump Driven Gear ................... 11.13 - 11.14 mm (0.4382 - 0.4386 in)
Bore Dia. of Lub. Oil Pump Driven Gear .•................... 11 .16 - 11. 19 mm (0.4394 - 0.4404 in)
Running Clearance of Oil Pump Driven Gear ............. 0.02 - 0.06 mm (0.0008 - 0.0022 in)
Hub Dia. for Idler Gear ..•...•............•............................ 38.06 - 38.08 mm (1.4984 - 1.4990 in)
Bore Dia. of Idler Gear Bush ...••.................................. 38.1 0 - 38.14 mm (1.500 - 1.5016 in)
Running Clearance of Idler Gear on Hub ................... 0.03 - 0.08 mm (0.001 - 0.0032 in)
Idler Gear End Float ...•....•...•••.•.....•.....•.•.................... 0.20 - 0.36 mm (0.008 - 0.014 in)

Recommended Oil Specifications

MF Industrial Aftercare TM MF 10W-30 Universal Oil or equivalent which meets or exceeds the following
requirements: MIL-L-2104C (supercedes MIL-L-45199B and MIL-L-21048), MIL-L-46152, thus qualified for API
Service Classification 'CD' or 'CC' (Diesel-former API 'DS', 'DM') and 'SE' (Gasoline-former API 'MS').
Recommended Viscosity: ............................................ Above 32.2°C (Above 90°F) SAE 30
From 0°C to 32.2°C (From 32°F to 90°F) SAE 20
Below 0°C (Below 32°F) SAE10


Fuel Injection System

Fuel Injection pump
CAV DPA with mechanical governor.
CAV Specification No..••••.•.•.....•.•.....•......................•.. MT 2643C281
Injection timing (static timing angle) .•...........•..•..•....•••. 14° BTDC (piston dispacement., 2.41 mm)
Timing letter for start of injection to No. 1 cylinder •...•. 'C'
Pump outlet port to No. 1 cylinder marked •••...••..•..•... 'W'

Fuel Injectors
Type CAV Multi-hole, long stem nozzle ..•....•..••...•...... 2645K002
Identification Code Letters •..•••.•..•...................•..•..•...•. HL
Nozzle Operating Pressure:
Working Pressure:-
(injector with more than 25 hours operation) ••••••..•..... 230 bar (3335 lbf/in2)
Setting Pressure (New Injector or Used Injector
with New Spring) ...........•..•..•..•..•.•.•.•••......................... 230 bar (3335 lbf/in2)

Fuel Uft Pump

Type of Pump ...•..•••.•.....•..•.•.••.•.••..••...•....•...••.•........... AC Delco VP Series
Method of Drive ..••••...••..••.•.••••••••.....•.•..•..•..••••••...••..... Eccentric on Camshaft
Delivery Pressure ....................................................... 0.4 - 0.7 bar (6 - 10 lbf/in)
Spring Colour Coded .................................................. Red

Fuel Filter
Element Type •....•..•.....•......•...........•...............••..•....••.. Paper
Valve Type •..•.•...•..........•.•..·•...••..•................................ Gravity Vent Valve
Recommended Diesel Fuel Oil:
United Kingdom ••....•.••..•......•.•..........•..........•..•.......•..• BS 2869: 1967-Class A1 and A2
United States .............................................................. ASTM/D. 975-66T Nos. 1-D or 2-D

Water Pump
Type ............................................................................ Centrifugal
Outside Dia. of Shaft for Pulley ................................... 19.03 - 19.04 mm (0.7492 - 0.7497 in)
Inside Dia. of Pulley Bore ........................................... 19.07 - 19.09 mm (0.7508 - 0.7516 in)
Clearance Fit of Pulley and Shaft ............................... 0.03 - 0.06 mm (0.0011 - 0.0024 in)
Outside Dia. of Shaft for Impeller ..................•.•.••••••.••. 15.90 - 15.92 mm (0.6262 - 0.6267 in)
Inside Dia. of Impeller Bore .•.•........•...........•.....•••....•.. 15.87 -15.89 mm (0.6249 - 0.6257 in)
Interference Fit of Impeller on Shaft ...........•......•...••... 0.01 - 0.05 mm (0.0005 • 0.0018 in)
Outside Dia. of Impeller .........••................................... 78.58 - 78.63 mm (3.094 - 3.096 in)
Impeller Blade to Body Clearance ......................•....... 0.30 - 0.81 mm (0.012 - 0.032 in)
Water Pump Seal Type ..••••....•.........•.......................... One piece cassette

Thermostat - By Pass Blanking

Type .•....••.••.........• ·...••.......•..•.•...•...............••............... Wax
Opening Temperature ........•...•...............•...••...•........... 80° - 84°C (177° -183°F)
Fully Open at ....•....................•..................•.....•........... 98° C (208° F)
Valve and By-Pass Travel .•...•........................•........... 8.89 mm (0.350 in)


Recommended Coolant
(Sodium Benzoat and Sodium Nitrate Inhibitors Anti-freeze Mixture) to meet or exceed the following British
standards ...........•................................•..•....•.•............. BS 3151 1959 Water and Ethanedoil Type B
or the later standard BS 6580
When MF Industrial Aftercare TM anti-freeze is used, the correct mixtures of anti-freeze and water are as given
below. MF Industrial Aftercare TM anti-freeze exceeds the standards.
Lowest Temperature % Volume Mixture Ratio by
of Protection MF Industrial Aftercare TM Volume
Needed Anti-freeze MF Industrial Aftercare ™
Anti-freeze: Water
-12° C (10° F) 25 1:3
-18° C (0° F) 33 1 :2
-25° C (-13° F) 40 1 :1.5
-37° C (-34° F) 50 1 :1
-60° C (-76° F) 60 2:1
The quality of the anti-freeze coolant must be checked at least once a year, at the start of the cold period.
Radiator Pressure Cap ••••..••...•..•••.•••....•••••••••..•......•......••• 0. 7 bar (1 0 lbf/in2)
Fan Belt Deflection when depressed with 6.8 kg (15 lbs)
load midway on longest span between pulleys •..••••••••.••.. 13 -19 mm (1/2-3/4 inch)


Engine Overhaul Specifications

Piston Diameter (measured at right angles from Piston Pin Holes):-
Top Piston Skirt Diameter Oust below bottom ring groove) ...• 98.3818 - 98.4173mm (3.3733 - 3.8747 inch)
Bottom Piston Skirt Diameter Oust above bottom of piston) .. 98.3869 - 98.4224mm (3.8735 - 3.874 inch)
Piston Ring Land Diameter:-
(AII Ring lands between top and bottom ring grooves) ••.••..... 98.01 - 98.05 mm (3.8586 - 3.8604 inch)
Piston Pin Bore Diameter ......••............••..•.......••..•••••......•••...•. 34.92 - 34.93mm (1.37485 - 1.37505 inch)
Piston Height at TDC Relative to Top Face of Block ......•••.... 0,35 - 0,58 mm (0.014-0.023 inch)
Piston Clearance in Cylinder Liner ...................•.......••.....•...... 0.035 - 0.08 mm (0.0014 - 0.0032 inch)

Service Wear Limits

The following 'wear limits' indicate the condition when it is recommended that the respective items should be
serviced or replaced.
Cylinder Head Bow:-
Transverse ............................................................................. 0.08 mm (0.003 inch)
Longitudinal ............................................................................ 0.15 mm (0.006 inch)
Maximum Bore Wear (when reboring or new liners
are necessary) ....................................................................... 0.2 mm (0.008 inch)
Crankshaft Main and Big-End Journal Wear:-
Ovality .................................................................................... 0.04 mm (0.0015 inch)
Maximum Crankshaft End Float.. ........................................... 0.38 mm (0.015 inch)
Valve Stem to Bore/Guide Clearance:
Inlet ....................................................................................... 0.13 mm (0.005 inch)
Exhaust ................................................................................. 0.15 mm (0.006 inch)
Valve Thickness between run-out of valve seat
and face of valve ...•......•.........•.....•..•....•..........•.••...•............... 0.79 mm (1/32 inch)
Rocker Clearance on Rocker Shaft ..................•...•........•........ 0.13 mm (0.005 inch)
Camshaft Journals:-
Ovality and Wear ........•.•.......•..•.......................•....•......•...•.•.... 0.05 mm (0.002 inch)
Camshaft End Float ..••.••••..............•..•.......•...•..•..•..........•....... 0.51 mm (0.020 inch)
Idler Gear End Float .....•.•............•....•............•.•......•......•........ 0.25 mm (0.010 inch)
Valve Head Depth below Cylinder Head Face:
Exhaust .................................................................................. 1.85 mm (0.073 inch) maximum
Inlet •......•...........................•...•.........•.••.............•........•............ 1.55 mm (0.61 inch ) maximum
Main Journal and Crankpin Regrinding Undersizes ............... 0.25, 0.51, 0.76 mm (0.010, 0.020, 0.030 inch)
Skimming Allowance on Cylinder Head Face ...•.................... 0.30 mm (0.012 inch)
Service Valve Stem Oversizes .........•..•........•.•...•.•..........•...•.. 0.08, 0.038, 0.76 mm (0.003, 0.015, 0.030 inch)


Remove and Refit 4F • 01 -16
The Turbocharger is fitted on the exhaust manifold
outlet. It is lubricated by oil taken from the engine
lubrication system. Oil pressure should never be
allowed to drop below 2.07 bar (30 lbf/in2 ) at
maximum engine speed and normal operating
temperature. Check this pressure regularly.
The maximum boost pressure should be 0.76 - 0.93
bar (11 - 13.5 lbffin2) when the engine is running at
maximum speed and full load.
No attention need be paid to the speed of the
turbocharger as this varies automatically with the
speed and load of the engine.
1. Disconnect turbocharger inlet and outlet 14h6.
2. Dis~nnect exhaust pipe.
3. Remove oil supply pipe and release oil drain

4. Remove 4 nuts and washers, and 2 bolts.

5. Remove turbocharger from exhaust manifold.
6. Clean all engine connection apertures, then seal
with masking tape.
7. Remove the sealing tape from the open engine
connection apertures.
8. Using a new gasket, fit turbocharger to exhaust
9. Fit turbocharger outlet assembly to the cylinder
10. Using a new gasket, fit oil drain pipe.
11. Pour 112 ml (1 /4 pint) of clean engine oil through
the oil inlet port of turbocharger centre housing.
Tum rotating assembly by hand to ensure the oil
passes over all the bearing surfaces.
12. Connect compressor inlet and outlet pipes.
13. Connect exhaust pipe.
14. Fit the oil supply pipe, but do not tighten the
setscrews at this stage.
15. Ensure that the fuel cut-off control is in the OFF
position, then crank the engine using the starter
motor until a steady flow of oil comes from the oil
supply pipe.
16. Tighten the oil pipe flange setscrews.


17. Start the engine and run at an idling speed for

three or four minutes to allow the lubricating oil to
circulate. Then check for leaks and increase the
engine speed. Before stopping, always allow the
engine to idle for a short period to prevent
damage to the turbocharger.

Service 4F • 02-17
Before dismantling the turbocharger, clean the
exterior with a pressure spray using a non-caustic
cleaning solvent. Only dismantle the unit to make
necessary examination or repairs. As each part is
removed, place in a clean container to prevent loss or
1. Remove the bolts, clamps and lock plates which
hold the compressor and turbine housing to the
centre housing assembly.
2. If force is needed to assist removal, tap the
housings with a soft faced hammer.
3. Take care when removing housings to prevent
damage to the compressor or turbine wheel.
Once damaged, they cannot be repaired.
Never attempt to straighten a bent compressor or
turbine blade. Always renew faulty components.
4. Fix the centre housing assembly in a suitable
holding fixture which will prevent the turbine
wheel from turning.
5. Using a 'T' handled wrench to avoid bending the
shaft, carefully unscrew the compressor wheel
lock nut.
6. Pull the compressor wheel off the shaft.
7. Remove the shaft/turbine wheel from the centre
housing, keeping the shaft central with the
bearings until it is clear of the housing.
8. The turbine wheel shroud is not retained to the
19 centre housing so will fall free when the shaft is
9. Remove lock plates and bolts from the backplate.
10. Tap backplate with a soft faced hammer to
remove it from recess in centre housing.
11. Remove thrust collar and thrust bearing from
centre housing.
12. Remove bearings and retainers from centre
13. Remove and discard rubber sealing ring.


14. Before cleaning, inspect all the parts for rubbing,
burning or other damage which might not be
evident after cleaning.
15. Soak all parts in a non-caustic carbon solvent.
After soaking, using a stiff bristle brush, remove
all the dirt particles, then dry thoroughly.
No parts must show signs of damage, corrosion or
deterioration. Threads must not be nicked, crossed or
stripped. The turbine wheel must show no signs of
rubbing and the vanes must not be torn or worn to a
feather edge. The shaft must show little signs of
scoring, scratches or seizure with the bearings. The
compressor parts must show no signs of rubbing or
damage. All seal parts and running faces of housings,
particularly the centre housing, must show no signs of
contact with rotating parts. Oil passages must be
clean and free from obstructions.
16. Burnish or polish out any minor surface damage
using a silicon carbide abrasive cloth for
aluminium parts, and a crocus abrasive cloth for
the steel parts.
17. Thoroughly clean all parts before re-assembly.
18. Renew all parts that do not meet the
requirements of the examination.
19. Renew all the following parts:- Seal ring, lock
plates, piston rings, turbine housing bolts, journal
bearings, bearing retaining rings and the
compressor wheel lock nut.
20. Renew thrust bearing and collar if they show
signs of nicks or scores.
Make sure each component is perfectly clean and that
no dirt gets into the assembly whilst rebuilding.
21. Install inboard bearing retainers.
22. Lubricate bearings with clean engine oil.
23. Flt bearings and outer bearing retainers.
24. Place turbine wheel upright. Carefully guide shaft
through the shroud and centre housing bearings.
25. Fit thrust bearing over thrust collar.
26. Fit piston ring onto thrust collar.
27. Place thrust collar over shaft so that the thrust
bearing is flat against the centre housing and
engages the centre housing's anti-rotating pins.
28. Fit seal ring in groove in centre housing.
29. Ensure that thrust spring is fitted into backplate.


30. Align the mounting holes of centre housing and

backplate, then- fit over shaft and thrust collar.
31. When engaging seal into back plate, take care
not to break the piston ring. Backplate is easily
installed if open end of piston is engaged into
backplate bore first.
32. Fit compressor backplate, bolts and lock plates.
Tighten to a torque of 8,9 Nm (79 lbf in), then
secure lock plates. Fit the compressor wheel.
Check that the larger face of the locknut and the
front face of the compressor wheel are smooth
and clean. lightly oil the threads and face of the
locknut, then using a 'T handled wrench, to
avoid bending the shaft, tighten to a torque of
2,25 Nm (20 lbf in). Then continue to tighten
until length of shaft increases by 0, 14 - o, 16 mm
(0.0055 -0.0065 in).
33. Check axial end play for 0,03 - 0, 10 mm (0.001 -
0.004 in) of travel. H equipment to measure shaft
stretch is not available, the following alternative
method should be used:- After fitting the impeller
nut and tightening to 2,3 Nm (20 lbf in), continue
to tighten through an angle of 11 0 degrees.
34. Check for clearance between wheel shroud and
turbine wheel.
35. Fit the compressor housing to the centre housing
and fit the six bolts and three lock plates. Tighten
the bolts to 14 Nm (130 lbf in).
1737 36. Coat the threads of the six turbine housing bolts
with a high temperature thread lubricant.
37. Fit the turbine housing to the centre housing with
the bolts, clamps and new lock plates and tighten
to a torque of 14 Nm (130 lbf in).
38. Bend up ends of lock plates.
39. After assembly is completed, push the rotating
components as far a possible from the turbine
end and check for binding. Repeat this check
from the compressor end.
40. H the unit is to be stored, lubricate internally and
fit protective covers over all openings. Note: The
turbocharger does not require testing after


Remove and refit 4F • 03- 20
1. Remove hood
2. Switch off fuel supply tap
3. Remove fuel tank and fuel pipe
4. Disconnect breather tube
5. Remove four socket head setscrews and lift off
rocker rover
Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except
6. Thoroughly clean both the rocker rover and
cylinder head mating face before fitting new


Adjust 4F • 04-20
These are checked between the top of the valve stem
and rocker arm and should be 0.3 mm (0.012 in) with
the engine rold.
When adjusting valve clearances the following
procedure should be adopted:-
1. Wrth the valves rocking on No. 4 cylinder (i.e. the
period between the opening of the inlet valve and
the dosing of the exhaust valve), set the valve
clearances on No. 1 cylinder.
2. With the valves rocking on No. 2 cylinder, set the
valve clearances on No. 3 cylinder.
3. With the valves rocking on No. 1 cylinder, set the
valve clearances on No. 4 cylinder.
4. With the valves rocking on No. 3 cylinder, set the
valve clearances on No. 2 cylinder.


Remove and Refit 4F • 05 -21
1. Remove the rocker cover, operation 4F • 03
2. Remove the four nuts and washers
\, 3. Remove the rocker assembly
I Refit
4. Fit a new oil feed connection seal into the recess
in the cylinder head
5. Refit the rocker assembly
6. Refit the four nuts and washers, ensuring that the
push rods are correctly located in the rocker
levers, tighten nuts to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft)
7. Adjust the valve tip clearances, operation 4F • 04

Servicing 4F • 06-21
1. Remove the rocker assembly, operation 4F • 05
2. Remove circlip and washer from the front end of
rocker shaft.
3. Slide rockers, support brackets and springs off
7 the shaft, making a note of their relative positions
4. Repeat process for other end of rocker shaft
5. Remove bolt from the oil feed terminal
6. Slide oil feed terminal off the shaft.
7. Replace the shaft if there are grooves worn by
the rocker levers. Check rebuild data for
Reverse procedure 1 to 6 except:
8. The support brackets are interchangeable and
when refitting them, ensure that the stud holes
are on the right-hand side when viewing the shaft
from the front end, with each pair of rockers
angled away from the support brackets
9. Fit a new seal into the cylinder head recess.
10. Lubricate all parts with clean engine oil during
9 assembly.


Remove and Refit 4F • 07-22
(cylinder head fitted to engine)
Spacial Tools:
PD.6118-8 Valve spring ex>mpressor
PD.6118-4 Adaptor
1. Remove rocker assembly, operation 4F • 05.
2. Tum the crankshaft to Top Dead Centre No. 1
and 4 cylinders
3. Using PD.6118-8 and PD.6118-4 compress the
valve springs on Nos. 1 and 4 cylinders only.
4. Remove the collets and release the spring
compressor tool.
5. Remove spring cap, '0' ring seal (exhaust valves
only), springs and valve stem oil seal.
Do not tum the crankshaft again, until the
valve springs have been refitted and
secured with the collets.
If valve springs are being replaced, a
complete new set should be fitted. u
6. Reverse procedures 3 to 5 ensuring that the
damper coils of the springs are fitted adjacent to
5 4 5
the cylinder head
7. Fit new 'O' ring seals to spring caps and new
seals on valve stems.
8. Turn the crankshaft to T.D.C. Nos. 2 and 3
cylinders and repeat the procedures 3 to 5 for the
remaining valves
9. When complete, refit rocker assembly per
operation 4F • 05.



Remove and Refit 4F • 08-23
Special sealant Powerpart Hylomar
Access to the cylinder head varies according to the
model of tractor and therefore this description
assumes that sufficient panelwork has been removed
to give direct access to the engine cylinder head.
Detailed description of access is given in Group 2-
Major Assemblies Remove/Refit section of this
1. Drain the cooling system.
2. Disconnect the battery.
3. Remove the atomiser leak-off pipe.
4. Remove the high pressure fuel pipes.
5. Remove the atomisers.
6. Disconnect radiator top hose.
7. Disconnect the water temperature sensor cable.
8. Disconnect Thermostart fuel pipe and electrical
9. Remove turbocharger.
10. Remove inlet and exhaust manifolds.
11. Remove rocker cover, operation 4F • 03.
12 Remove rocker shaft assembly, operation
4F • 05.
13. Remove push rods.
14. Remove cylinder head setscrews and nuts in
reverse order of tightening sequence.
15. Remove cylinder head gasket
16. If necessary remove the thermostat housing and
rear cover plate.


Reverse procedures 1-16 except:
17. Ensure all parts are thoroughly clean and joint
faces degreased
18. The two studs, which also provide gasket
location, must be fitted in positions S16 and S21.
19. Frt a new, non Re-torque cylinder head gasket, dry.
20. Note the printed instructions TOP FRONT and
FIT DRY on cylinder head gasket (Part No:
21. Lightlyoilthreadsofthecylinderheadsetscrews [S:SHORT(B) M:MEOIUM(12) L=LONG(2)]
and fit. Then tighten in the sequence shown, in
three equal stages to 120 Nm (88 lbf ft)
Note: No further tightening or torque check is
& necessary after the engine is run, or at the
first, 50 hour service interval.
22. Lightly coat the rear oover gasket and bolts and
thermostat housing gasket with Powerpart
23. Fit new rocker oil feed seal into recess in the
cylinder head.
24. Adjust the valve tip clearance, operation 4F • 04
but only refit the fuel tank not the hood.
25. Refit inlet and exhaust manifolds. Manifold joints
with an identification notch or square shoulder,
must be fitted with the notch or square shoulder
to the top of the manifold. Where corrugated type
joints are used, they must be fitted without
jointing compound
26. Bleed the fuel system, Part 4C.
27. Start the engine and check for any leaks.
28. Refit hood.


Service 4F • 09-25
Special Tools:
PD.137 Valve Guide Reamer 0.381 mm
(0.015 inch) oversize
PD.138 Valve Guide Reamer 0.762mm
(0.030 inch) oversize
MS. 73 Adjustable valve seat cutter set
PD.61188 Valve Spring Compressor
PD.6118-4 Adaptor
PD.418 Valve Depth Gauge
1. Remove the cylinder head, operation 4F • 08.
2. Using PD.61188 and PD.6118-4 compress the
3. Remove the collets.
4. Release the valve spring compressor.
5. Remove the valve spring cap.
6. Remove the springs.
7. Remove the valve stem oil seal.
8. Remove the spring seat.
9. Repeat procedures 2 to 8 for the remaining
10. Invert the cylinder head and remove the valves.
The valves are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, from the
front of the engine with the corresponding
numbers adjacent to each valve seat to
facilitate correct refitment.
11. Clean any carbon deposits from the ports
12. If the water jacket of the cylinder head shows
signs of excessive scale, a proprietary brand of

0 de-scaling solution should be used.

G( \


23. Using PD.418, check the valve head depths

relative to the cylinder head face, these should
be between 0.74 and 1 .85mm (0.029 and 0.073
inch) exhaust valves and 0.89 and 1 .55 mm
(0.035 and 0.061 inch) inlet valves.
Hthese limits are exceeded: the wom valve must
be scrapped and a new one fitted in its place,
again the valve head depth must be measured
and if it is still not within limits, a new valve seat
insert must be fitted (operation 4F • 10).
H an inlet valve is still not within limits after fitting
a new valve, the cylinder head must be scrapped
and new replacement fitted.
Where it is necessary to conform to smoke
density regulation BS AU141a, 1971 then
the valve depths must not exceed production
limits as specified in "Technical Data" at the
front of this section.
24. Check the flatness of the cylinder head face and
if necessary, skim the face to a maximum of 0.30
mm (0.012 inch) providing the injector nozzle
protrusion is not greater than 4.44 mm (0.175
inch). This figure must not be obtained by fitting
additional injector sealing washers
25. Thoroughly clean the cylinder head.
Reverse procedures 1 to 9 except:
26. When refitting the valve springs, ensure that the
damper coils of the springs are nearest the
cylinder head.
27. Refit the valves in the same order in which they
were removed.


Seat Insert recess d.imenslons (instruction 3)

Exhaust port
A. 9.52 to 9.65 mm (0.375 to 0.380 inch)
B. 42.62 to 42.64 mm (1.678 to 1.679 inch)
C. 0.38 mm (0.015 inch) maximum radius

Seat Inserting tool dimensions (Instruction 4)

Exhaust port
A. 1.59 mm (0.063 inch) at 45°
B. 19.05 mm (0 75 inch)
C. 7.92 mm (0.312 inch)
D. 76.20 mm (3 inch)
E. 31.70 to 31 72 mm (1.248 to 1.249 inch)

F. 43.42 to 43.67 mm (1.670 to 1.680 inch)
T G. 0.79 mm (0.031 inch) radius
H. 1.59 mm (0.063 inch) radius
J. 1.59 mm (0.063 inch) at 45°
K. 9.45 to 9.47 mm (0.372 to 0.373 inch)
Seat regrinding dimensions (Instruction 8)
A. 2.39 to 2.51 mm (0.094 to 0.099 inch). Flare, cut
to 30° Exhaust Valve
2.54 to 2.67 mm (0.100 to 0.105 inch). Flare, cut
\ '.Y:! to 30° Inlet Valve
45· /



Remove and Refit 4F • 11 -30
Special Tools:
PD.162 timing cover centralising bush
1. Split the machine between the engine and the
front axle, refer to section in Group 2.
2. Remove the fan belt.
3. Remove the crankshaft pulley securing bolt and
4. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
5. Disconnect the tachometer drive cable.
6. Remove the 20 bolts and washers and the two
nuts securing the timing case cover.
7. Remove the timing case cover.
8. Remove and discard the gasket. 9/10 7/11 8/11
9. Remove the oil seal.
Reverse instructions 1 to 9 except:
10. When fitting a new front oil seal, press in the new
seal with the spring loaded lip towards the inside
of the case to the applicable dimension below the
front face of the timing case as shown. The
timing cover can be one of two thicknesses and B 10
the seal must be pressed in, to the appropriate
depth using PD.170 and PD.170-6
20.64 mm (13/16 inch) 10.92 - 11 43 mm
(0.43 - 0.45 inch) A
17.46 mm (11/16 inch) 7.76- 8.18 mm
(0.30 - 0.32 inch)
11. Lightly coat the timing cover gasket with
Powerpart Hylomar.
12. Position the timing case cover on the timing case
by means of two opposite setscrews fitted
loosely. Centralise the cover by locating the
centralising tool PD.162 on the crankshaft and in
the seal housing and tighten the assembly by
means of the crankshaft pulley setscrew and
washer-do not over-tighten. If the centralising
tool is not available, the crankshaft pulley can be
used to centralise the cover but, as this method
utilises the inside diameter of the seal and the
latest seal is soft, the cover may not be truly
central and leaks may occur.


Fit the remaining setscrews but use Loctite 575

on the three bottom setscrews.
Tighten all the timing case cover setscrews and
remove the tool.
13. Refit the crankshaft pulley and tighten setscrew
to 400 Nm (300 lbf ft).

Remove and Refit 4F • 12- 31
Special Tools:
Dial indicator with magnetic stand
I. Remove timing case cover, operation 4F • 11.
2. Remove setscrews and retaining plate.
3. Remove gear and hub.
4. If worn, remove bushes from gear.
5. Slacken rocker bracket nuts.
6. Tum the crankshaft to T.O.C. Nos. 1 and 4
4 cylinders (crankshaft keyway at the top of its
7. If new bushes are fitted they must be accurately
bored to finished size, after fitting.
8. When refitting the hub, ensure that the oilway is
aligned with the oilway in the cylinder block.
9. Lubricate hub and bushes during assembly.
10. Refit idler gear, aligning the three sets of timing
marks with the crankshaft, camshaft and fuel
pump gears.
11. Refit retainer plate and setscrews which must be
tightened to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft).
11 12. Check the idler gear end-float, which should be
between 0.1 O - 0.20 mm (0.004 - 0.008 inch).
13. Retighten rocker bracket nuts to 41 Nm (30 lbf ft).
14. Check timing gear backlash using either a dial
indicator gauge or feeler gauge. The backlash
should be 0.076 mm (0.003 inch) minimum,
between any two gears. Check all points of mesh.
If the backlash is not within the prescribed
limit, replace the affected gears.
15. Refit the timing case cover per operation 4F • 11
16. Re-check valve tip clearances, which should be
0.30 mm (0.012 inch) engine cold.




Remove and Refit 4F • 13-32
Special Tools:
Dial indicator with magnetic stand
PD.1558 puller
PD.155-1 adaptor (or PD.1558-5 if the gear is marked
with an "M")
1 Remove idler gear, operation 4F • 12 instructions
1 to 5.
2. Remove setscrew, washer and tabwasher.
3. Remove the retaining plate.
4. Using PD.1558 and PD.155-1(or PD.155-5), pull
the gear off the camshaft.
5. Prise the key from keyway in camshaft.
6. Check the gear for wear, cracks and pitting.
Replace it if any of these defects are found.
Reverse p~cedures 1 to 5 except:
7. Turn engine until No. 1 piston is at T.D.C. with
the crankshaft keyway at the top of its periphery.
8. Refit the camshaft gear using a new tabwasher
and key, if necessary. Do not tighten setscrew.
9. Refit idler gear, aligning all three sets of timing
marks, fit retaining plate and tighten bolts to
41 Nm (30 lbf ft).
10. Tighten camshaft setscrew to 68 Nm (50 !bf.ft)
and lock the tabwasher
11. Refit timing case cover per operation 4F • 11
instructions 13 to 16.



Remove and Refit 4F • 14-33
Special Tools:
Dial indicator with magnetic stand
PD.155B main tool (for later engines)
PD .155B-1 adaptor (or PD .155B-5 if the gear is
marked with an •M·)
1. Remove timing case cover 4F • 11.
2. Tum crankshaft until all three sets of timing
marks are aligned.
3. Remove the three setscrews and spring washers
which secure gear to the fuel pump. Later
engines have a nut which secures the gear to a
tapered shaft on the fuel pump.
4. Wthdraw the gear from its dowelled location
onthe fuel pump. On later engines, use PD.1558
with the appropriate adaptors to pull the gear
from the tapered shaft and keyway on the fuel
Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except:
5. Ensure the dowel in the gear locates in the
corresponding slot in the fuel pump drive flange.
6. H a new gear has been fitted check the gear
backlash, which must be 0.076 mm (0.003 inch).
7. Refit timing case cover per operation 4F • 11.

Remove and Replace 4F • 15-33
Special Tools:
Dial indicator gauge with magnetic base
1. Remove timing case cover 4F • 11.
2. Tum crankshaft until all three sets of timing
marks are aligned.
3. The crankshaft gear timing marks should align
4 with those of the idler gear (top) and the balancer
gear (bottom).
4. Withdraw gear and key but ensure balancer gear
does not rotate.
Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:
5./.\ Ensure balancer timing mark aligns with
ill crankshaft gear mark, or serious engine
damage can result.
6. H a new gear has been fitted check the backlash
which should be 0.076 mm (0.003 inch).


Remove and Refit 4F • 16-34
Special Tools:
PD.1558 puller
PD.155-1 adaptor
Dial indicator with magnetic stand

1. Remove camshaft drive gear, operation 4F • 13.
2. Remove fuel pump drive gear, operation 4F • 14.
3. Remove fuel injection pump, per Group 4,
Section C.
4. Remove idler gear leaving hub in place.
5. Remove all nine setscrews and washers securing
the timing case to the cylinder block.
6. Remove four bolts and washers securing timing
case to the sump.
7. Remove timing case.
8. Remove gasket.
9. Remove idler gear hub from the cylinder block.
Reverse instructions 1 to 9 except:
10. Fit a new gasket lightly coated with Powerpart
Hylomar. 5
11. Refit fuel pump drive gear per operation 4F • 14.
12. Refit camshaft gear per operation 4F • 13,
instructions 9 to 11.


Remove and Refit 4F • 17-35
Special Tools:
Dial indicator and magnetic stand (dry clutch and
torque converter models)
1. Split the machine at joint 2, refer to Group 1.
2. Remove clutch or torque converter.
3. Remove the six high tensile bolts and special
3 hardened washers.
~ For safe flywheel removal and refltment,
~ fit two guide studs diametrically opposed.
This will enable the flywheel to be eased
off and on to its spigot In a controlled
4 4. If necessary, remove the pilot bearing.
Reverse procedures 2 to 4 except:
5. Locate the flywheel on the crankshaft flange so
that the untapped hole in the flange is in line with
the unused hole in the flywheel.
6. Tighten the flywheel bolts to 122 Nm (90 lbf ft)
and secure with new tabwashers.
7. Mount and adjust the dial indicator so that the
stylus is contading the flywheel periphery. Turn
the crankshaft and check the total reading. The
flywheel should run true within 0.30 mm
(0.012 inch) T.I.R.
8. Adjust the dial gauge so that the stylus rests on
the rear face of the flywheel, parallel to the
crankshaft at the outermost point of the face.
Press the crankshaft forwards to take up the end
float, and turn the flywheel. The run out on the
flywheel face should be within 0.025 mm
(0.001 inch) per 25 mm (1 inch) of flywheel
radius, measured from the crankshaft axis to the
stylus of the dial indicator.
9. If the runout is excessive, remove the flywheel,
check and remove any burr or debris then repeat
instrudions 5 to 8.
10. Refit clutch or torque converter.


Replacement 4F • 18-36
Changing the ring gear is an additional operation to
4F • 17 and no extra special tools are required.
1. Drill a 5 mm (13 inch) diameter hole axially
midway between the inside diameter of the ring
gear and the root of any tooth, to a depth of 16
mm (5/8 inch) only (otherwise damage to the
flywheel will ensue).
2. Place a chisel in the root above the drilled hole.
3. Cover the flywheel and chisel point in a heavy
cloth to protect the operator and others against
flying splinters.
4. Support the flywheel and strike chisel sharply
and the ring gear should split.
~ Dangerous splinters may fly from the
.. broken edges of the ring gear.
5. Hthe ring gear cannot be drilled for any reason,
an alternative method is to place the flywheel in a
suitable container of clean cold water and
support it on metal blocks under the ring gear.
Arrange the flywheel so that when placed in the
water the ring gear is uppermost and clear of the
water by 6 mm (1/4 inch)
Heat the ring gear evenly around its
circumference to expand it and allow the flywheel
to drop away from the ring gear.
6. Heat the new ring gear to a temperature of
245°C (475°F) approximately, using an oven,
7. Fit the gear ring over.the flywheel with the 'lead
in' on the teeth facing towards the front of the
flywheel, push the ring gear fully home and allow
to cool slowly.
8. Refit the flywheel, operation 4F •17.

i _ . ,,.i



Remove and Refit 4F • 19 - 37
Special Tools:
PD.145C oil seal replacer
PD.145-2 oil seal pilot
MS.550 drift handler
1 . Remove the flywheel, operation 4F •17.
2. Remove the bolts, Allen screws and washers
from the seal housing.
3. Remove the seal housing complete with oil seal.
4. Remove the gasket.
5. Remove the seal.
The description below is for the current type of Viton
double lip seal (black colour) which can be used on
engines with torque converters (wet flywheel housing)
or dry clutch (dry flywheel housing).
H the engine will be fitted with a dry clutch the seal
can be fitted flush with the housing rear face 'D'.
Before fitting the seal in the housing, carefully
A. 2.2mm (0.09in) examine the seal for damage especially on the lip and
outside diameter.
B. 4.6mm (0.18in)
Using clean engine lubricating oil, lubricate the
C. 6.9mm (0.27in) outside diameter of the seal and the inside diameter of
the housing.
Press the seal into the housing to the required
position, taking care that the seal is entered and
pressed in squarely, otherwise damage to the outside
diameter of the seal may occur or, if it is not square in
the housing when fitted to the engine, it may leak.
6. In production, the seal is fitted with its rear face
•A• 2.3 mm (0.90 inch) below the rear face of the
housing. In service, when a new seal is fitted to a
worn crankshaft, it should be pressed further into
the housing, in the first instance to •s· 4.6 mm
(0.180 inch) or, if this position has been used, to
·c·6.9 mm (0.270 inch) from the rear face of the
7. lubricate the seal and the housing with clean
engine oil, then using PD.145-C, press the seal
into the housing to the required depth.


8. Fit a new gasket lightly coated in Powerpart

9. Lubricate the seal, the crankshaft flange and
10. Using PD.145-2, fit the seal and housing
assembly, ensuring that the housing is correctly
located on the dowels in the cylinder block.
11. Remove PD.145-2
12. Reverse procedures 1 and 2.

Remove and Refit 4F • 20-38
1. Drain the engine oil.
2. Lightly support the centre of the sump with a
trolley jack.
3. Remove the bolts, washers and shims.
4. Remove the bolts and washers.
5. Remove the nuts and washers.
6. Remove the bolts and washers.
7. Lower the jack and remove the sump.
8. Remove the old gasket.
Reverse procedures 1 to 8 except:
9. Use a new gasket lightly coated with Perkins
Hylomar. 12 3/10
10. Ensure that the two shims are correctly located
between the front axle support casting and the
engine sump casting.
11 Tighten the sump to transmission casing bolts to
75 Nm (55 lbf ft).
12. Tighten the front axle to sump bolts to 270 Nm
(200 lbf ft).


Remove and Refit 4F • 21 -39
1. Remove the sump operation 4F • 20.
2. Remove the seven bolts.
3. Remove the pump.
4. Remove the strainer.
5. Reverse procedures 1 to 4 except:
Tighten the oil pump securing bolts to
28 Nm (21 lbf ft)

Service 4F • 22-39
The balancer unit and driven shafts, needle
roller bearings, keys and oil pump gears
must be changed after 5000 hours work.
Note: Oil first passes through the cooler assembly
which is above and integral with the oil·filter. A pipe
from the filter head feeds oil to the turbocharger.
Piston cooling jets are fitted which have relief valves
(See 4F • 27).
1. Remove oil pump, operation 4F • 21.
2. Remove end plate and gasket.
3. Remove oil pick-up assembly and gasket.
4. Remove split pin, while ensuring cap and spring
are released in a controlled manner.
5. Remove the relief valve plunger.
6. Remove drive and driven gears from pump body.
7. Inspect gears for wear and pitting and the pump
body for scoring. The pump must be replaced if
scoring is noticed but the gears (as a pair) can
be replaced if they alone are damaged or worn.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7



Remove and Refit 4F • 24-41
Engine In situ

3 2/11 1. Remove sump, per operation 4F • 20.

2. The balancer unit Is heavy and a jack
A must be used to support Its weight as all
four mounting bolts are removed.
3. Remove oil pump per operation 4F • 21.
4. Refit oil pump.
5. Rotate crankshaft until the piston of No. 1
cylinder is at B.D.C. because in this position any
error greater than one gear tooth will cause the
balance weights to contad the connecting rod,
making it obvious that the balancer unit has been
wrongly timed.
/ 6. Revolve the idler gear until the single centre
punch mark on the idler gear registers between
the two punch marks on the balancer shaft drive
7. Suitably mark with chalk, a tooth of the drive gear
to align with another chalk mark on the frame.
8. In this position, fit the balancer unit to the engine,
checking that the weights have not moved by
observing alignment of the chalk marks.
9. As a further check, observe that the single punch
mark on the idler gear still registers between the
two punch marks on the balancer shaft gear, In
alignment with the gear centres. Accuracy in
timing the balancer unit to the engine is essential
as an error will cause serious consequential
damage to the engine
10. The ability to turn the engine over by hand is not
necessarily proof that the balancer unit is
correctly timed.
11. Secure the balancer unit to the cylinder block
with the four setscrews and washers, tightened
to a torque of 54 Nm (40 lbf ft).
12. After fitting the balancer unit to the cylinder block
and especially in the case where a new balancer
frame has been incorporated, check to see that
there is clearance between the balancer frame
and No. 1 main bearing cap.
13. Refit the sump, per operation 4F • 20.



Service 4F • 25-42
Special Tools:
Hydraulic press
Press bushes to drawings
Balancer shafts, roller bearing, keys and
oil pump gears must be replaced at 5000
hours intervals.
1. Remove balancer unit.
2. Remove idler gear retaining nut.
3. Remove idler gear, hub and thrust plate.
4. Remove grub screws from balance weights.
5. Press the shafts forwards out of the housing but
ensure the keys do not damage the roller
6. Remove keys from shafts.
7. Remove balance weights complete with the drive
8. Should it be necessary to renew balance weights
or coupling gears, remove the three socket head
capscrews in each balance weight and remove
9. Only remove idler gear hub, stud if necessary.
1 O. Remove both location thimbles.
11. Remove all seven oilway blanking plugs and
flush the oilways clean.
12. Press roller bearings from housing.
Reverse procedures 1 to 12 except:
13. When refitting the socket headed capscrews
which secure the coupling parts to the balance
weights, also the socket headed grubscrew in the
balance weights and the idler gear and hub
securing stud, Loctite 242 should be used on the
threads in the following manner:-
Thoroughly clean both male and female threads
with a suitable de-greasing fluid (not kerosene),
allowing 15 minutes for it to dry. It is
recommended that, where possible, Locquic Q
Activator be used for this purpose as it will
considerably reduce the curing time.
Apply a light coating of Loctite 242 to both male
and female threads, fit the stud or screw and
tighten to the specified torque.


A curing period of 24 hours at room temperature,

(1 hour if Locquic Q Activator has been used),
must now be allowed before the engine is
14. All roller race bearings should be pressed in so
that a clearance of 0.76 -1.02 mm (0.030 - 0.040
inch) is left between the end faces of all bearings
and inside face of the frame bosses.
15. Press new small roller bearings into the rear end
of the balancer unit, (ensuring that the writing on
the rim of the bearing faces away from the
balancer frame) using a tool made to the given
dimensions, and an hydraulic press.

Key to figures A and B

A A A. 1.6 mm (0.63 inch) x 45° CHAMFER
+ I
I B. 0.8 mm (0.31 inch) x 45° CHAMFER
l1 C. 51 mm (2 inch) dia.
BB F D. 25.298 mm (0.996 inch) diameter.

+ I
' E. 32.944 mm (1.297 inch) diameter.
A b F. 25.4 mm (1 inch)
E G. 2.769 mm (0.109 inch)
H. 37.719 mm (1.485 inch)
J. 31.648 mm (1.246 inch) diameter.

• C
• K. 40.869 mm (1.609 inch) diameter.
tJt ' I
3.572 mm (0.141 inch)
38.506 mm (1.516 inch)
' F

•t I 16. Press new large roller bearings into the front end
of the balancer unit (ensuring that the writing on
A J the rim of the bearing faces away from the
K balancer frame) using a tool made to the given
dimensions and an hydraulic press.
17. Refit gears to balance weights, using Loctite 242
on capscrews which must be tightened to 15 Nm
(11 lbf ft).
18. Extreme care must be taken when pressing
in the shafts, to prevent the keys from
touching the drive end, bearings as they
pass through. The slightest damage caused
this way could result in seizure of the unit
and severe consequential damage to the
19. Use Loctite 242 and fit grubscrews to balance
weights and tighten to 10 Nm (71/2 lbfft).
20. Fit idler gear retaining nut and tighten to 55 Nm
(40 lbf ft).



Remove and Refit 4F • 26-44
1. Remove balancer unit, operation 4F • 23 or
4F • 24 procedures 1 to 3.
2. Rotate crankshaft until the required bearing is at
3. Remove nuts from the big-end bolts.
4. Remove the big-end cap complete with shell
bearing and then remove bearing from the big-
end cap.
5. Remove the big-end bolts.
6. Rotate crankshaft until the shell bearing can be
removed from the connecting rod.
7. Repeat procedures 2 to 6 for remaining big-end
Examine shell bearings for wear and scoring. If
any bearing is found to be suspect, replace the
complete set.
Check crankpins for wear and ovality using a
micrometer. Check diameter of the crankpins in
the horizontal plane and the vertical plane at
each end of each crankpin.
Crankpin wear and ovality should not exceed
0.0381 mm (0.0015 inch). The crankshaft should
be re-ground or replaced if these limits are
Reverse procedures 1 to 7 except:
8. Ensure that all components are scrupulously
clean and lubricated with clean engine oil.
9. Ensure that tags on the shell bearing halves fit
into slots on the connecting rods and that
bearings are refitted in their original positions and
are properly seated.
10. Ensure that flats on the connecting rod bolts are
located against shoulders on the connecting
11. Ensure that the connecting rod and big-end cap
are refitted with the identification marks together
and are on the left hand side of the engine.
12. Tighten the big-end nuts to .130 Nm (95 lbf ft).
13. The big-end cap, attachment bolts are
special, so should they require replacement,
& only bolts supplied by the manufacturer must
be used.




Remove and Refit 4F • 27-45
Piston cooling jets are fitted to the pressure rail at the
base of each cylinder liner. Cooled lubricating oil is
directed from these spray jets on to the underside of
each piston crown, where it circulates, dispersing heat
from the combustion area. The oil then drains back
into the sump. The lubricating oil feed to the jet
nozzle is controlled by a pressure relief valve fitted
into the main body of the piston cooling jet assembly
and comes into operation at a pressure of
approximately 2.1 bar (30 lbf/in2).

3/6/10 Remove
4 1. Drain the lubricating oil from the sump.
2. Remove the sump.
3. Remove the banjo bolt securing the cooling jet
body to the cylinder block.

Remove the jet assembly.

Refit the jet body to the cylinder block ensuring

J' 6.
that the dowel locates correctly.
Fit the banjo bolt through the body and tighten to

a torque of 27 Nm (20 lbf ft). ·
7. Frt the sump and refill with an approved
lubricating oil.
Realigning Jet nozzle position
If the piston cooling jet has been moved out
of position it is important that it is correctly
8. Remove the piston from the bore concerned.
32m (11/4in) 9. Insert a suitable diameter tube over the jet nozzle
so that it shows above the top of the cylinder
10. Slacken the jet body banjo bolt.
11. Move the jet nozzle and the measuring tube until
the nozzle angle is correct to the measurements
12. Carefully tighten the banjo bolt to the prescribed
13. Re-check the nozzle position.
14. Remove the tube.
15. Refit the piston.
0 0
C 16. Repeat procedure for each bore.



Remove and Refit 4F • 28-46
Special Tools:
No. 8 piston ring compressor
PD.41 B piston height gauge
Note: To prevent damage, remove the
piston cooling jets.
1. Remove the cylinder head, operation 4F • 08.
2. Remove the connecting rod big-end bearings,
operation 4F • 26.
3. Push the pistons and connecting rods out of the
top of the cylinders.
Check the condition of the pistons, piston rings and
cylinder liners, and if any doubt exists about
serviceability, replace them.

4. Clean all parts thoroughly and freely lubricate
with clean engine oil.
Position the piston rings on the pistons so
that tbEI ring gap on each piston ring is 180°
from the gap in the previous piston ring. 5
5. Using the piston ring compressor and a piece of
wood, insert the piston and connecting rod
assemblies into the top of their respective
cylinder lx>res, ensuring that the word "front" on
the piston crown is towards the front of the
6. Refit the connecting rod big-end bearings,
operation 4F • 26 except, do not refit the
balancer unit and sump.
7. Use PD.41 B to check the piston heights.
The piston height, above top face of cylinder
block should be 0.35 - 0.58 mm (0.014 - 0.023
8. Refit piston cooling jets 4F • 27.
9. Refit balancer unit, operation 4F • 23 or 4F • 24.
10. Refit cylinder head, operation 4F • 08.

., "-~

:, ... I;,



Service 4F • 29-47
Special Tools:
335 Connecting Rod Alignment Jig
336.102 Arbor Adaptor
1. Remove pistons and connecting rods, operation
4F • 28.
2. Remove rings from each piston.
3. Remove circlips.
4. Warm the piston in clean oil to a temperature of
38° to 50°C ( 100° to 120° F).
5. Carefully withdraw the gudgeon pins.
6. Remove all traces of carbon deposits from
pistons with particular attention to ring grooves.
7. Check the vertical groove clearance with a new
ring fitted. The piston should be replaced if limits
are exceeded.
8. Examine pistons for signs of scoring.
9. Check the gap of piston rings when they are
fitted in the unworn portion at top of cylinder
10. Check the fit of gudgeon pins in piston bores and
small end bearings.
11. H necessary, press out the small end bushes
from connecting rods.
12. H necessary, press new small end bushes into
connecting rod, aligning oil hole in bush with hole
in top of connecting rod.
~! Reaming of the small end bush is a precision
LU task and should only be undertaken by a
skilled machinist.
13. Using the connecting rod alignment jig (335),
check the connecting rod for parallelism and
squareness, if any distortion is found, the
connecting rod must be replaced


14. Warm the piston in clean oil, assemble pistons to

their corresponding connecting rods and insert
gudgeon pins.
The cavity in piston crown is off-set towards
one side of the piston. Assemble piston to
connecting rods with the cavity towards the
side of connecting rod which caries the
identification stamp.
15. Fit two new circlips, to retain gudgeon pin

16. Fit new ring sets to each piston.

Chrome Faced spring Loaded conformable
Scraper - above gudgeon pin.
Chrome Taper Faced Compression - second
Molybdenum Faced Wedge Compression - top
r..._ When fitting the spring loaded conformable
ill scraper ring, ensure that the latch pin enters
both ends of the spring. With the ring gap
diametrically opposite to the latch pin,
position the oil control ring over spring
correctly located in annular groove, i.e.,
between the oil control ring and the bottom
of the ring groove in the piston.
When fitting the compression rings, ensure
that the manufacturers mark is towards the
piston crown.

Remove and Refit 4F • 30-48
Special Tools:

No. 8 piston ring compressor

PD.41 B piston height gauge
PD.150 liner remover and replacer
PD.150-1B adaptor
*30 ton hollow hydraulic ram
* The PD.150 cylinder liner remover and replacer
tool, is designed for the field service of single liners.
Should the tool be required for general workshop
overhaul duties, it is advisable to use it in conjunction
with a 30 ton hollow hydraulic ram (suitable examples
are Epco P382 or Pickavant LRH 30). A hand
operated pump or power pack will also be required.


1. Remove pistons and connecting rods per
operation 4F • 25.
2. Remove studs from the cylinder block face.
3. Use PD.150 liner puller and appropriate adaptors
to withdraw liners through top of the cylinder
Reverse procedures 1 to 3 except:
4. Care must be taken in the handling and storage
of cylinder liners. The slightest burr or damage
will cause considerable distortion when the liner
is put into the cylinder block.
5. Flanged cast iron liners must not be rebored, but
must be replaced with new pre-finished service
6. Prior to pressing in the new liner, the cylinder
block parent bore and the new liner must be
thoroughly cleaned, in particular the recess for
the liner flange in the top of the parent bore.
7. Liberally lubricate all parts with clean engine oil
before refitment.
8. Ensure that the liner flange does not foul the
counter bore at the top of the parent bore.
9. The relationship of the liner flange to the cylinder
block face should be between 0.1 mm (0.04 inch)
above and 0.1 mm (0.04 inch) below.
10. Check the condition of the piston rings, if in any
doubt as to their serviceability, replace them.
11. Allow a settling period to elapse before checking
the fitted internal bore diameters of the liners.
12. Each liner should be checked in three positions,
top, centre and bottom, and the readings being
taken transversely and parallel to the centre of
the cylinder block.



Remove and Refit 4F • 31 - 50
1 Remove the oil pump per operation 4F • 21.
2. Push crankshaft rearwards and check crankshaft
end float between the rear thrust bearing and
crankshaft. The clearance obtained should be
between 0.1 and 0.38mm (0.004 and 0.015 inch).
If end float is not within these limits, proceed as
3. Remove the two bolts and lift off the centre main
bearing cap, complete with the two bottom half
thrust washers.
4. Push the two top half thrust washers around the
crankshaft journal with a piece of wire, until they
can be removed.
5. Lubricate all components before refitting.
6. Slide two new, top half thrust washers into
position; with the steel side against the bearing
Z, Locate the two new, bottom half thrust washers
on the centre main bearing cap.
8. Refit cap and bolts which should be tightened to
245 Nm (180 lbf ft).
9. Repeat instruction 2.
10. If the end float is still not correct, oversize thrust
washers can be fitted. Repeat instructions 3 to 8.
The top and bottom thrust washer halves
must be the same thickness.
11. Refit oil pump, per operation 4F • 21.



Servicing 4F • 32-51
Special Tools:
Dial indicator and magnetic stand
PD.145C oil seal punch PD.145-2 oil seal pilot
PD.1558 puller
PD.155-1 adaptor
PD.162 timing cover centralising bush
MS.550 drift handle
PD.170 seal punch
PD.170-6 adaptor
The listed tools cover all the operations necessary to
remove and refit the crankshaft in a fully built engine.
If crankshaft servicing is just a part of a complete
engine overhaul only a dial indicator with magnetic
stand is required.
1. Drain engine oil.
2. Split tractor between front axle/engine and
engine/ gearbox, refer to Sections in Group 2.
3. Mount the engine on a suitable stand.
4. Remove the crankshaft rear main oil seal,
operation 4F • 19.
5. Remove the timing case, operation 4F •16.
6. Remove the connecting rod big-end bearings,
operation 4F • 26.
7. Remove the crankshaft thrust washers, operation
4F • 31 instructions 3 and 4.
8. Remove the rear main bearing bridge piece and
9. Remove crankshaft gear and key.
10. Remove the eight bolts securing remainder of the
crankshaft main bearing caps.
11. Remove the four remaining main bearing caps
complete with half shell bearings.
12. Lift out the crankshaft.
13. Remove the five shell bearings from cylinder
14. Thoroughly clean all parts.


Check the crankpins and journals for wear and ovality,
using a micrometer. The diameter of the crankpins
and journals must be checked in the vertical and
horizontal planes at both ends of the crankpins and
journals. The wear and ovality must not exceed
0.0361 mm (0.0015 inch).
Crack check and de-magnetize the crankshaft.
Regrinding the crankshaft
15. The main journals and crankpin diameters can be
reground to the following sizes:-
0.254 mm (0.01 O inch)
0.580 mm (0.020 inch)
0.762 mm (0.030 inch
16. H the crankshaft needs to be re-ground below
0.762mm (0.030 inch), a new crankshaft must be
17. Crankpin width may increase with regrinding, but
must not exceed 40.55 mm (1.5965 inch). It is
important that the radii on the main and crankpin
journals are maintained. After regrinding, the
sharp comers on the oil holes must be removed.
18. Tufftrided crankshafts must be re-Tufftrided after
regrinding. H Tufftriding facilities are not
available, a new crankshaft must be fitted.
19. H all three positions for the rear main oil seal
have been used, the sealing area of the
crankshaft flange must be re-ground. Only the
minimum amount of metal should be ground off
to ensure removal of the seal wear grooves. The
oil seal flange must not be machined below
113.17 mm (5.243 inch) diameter, but leave an
unmachined diameter for a distance of 4.8 mm
(3/16 inch) measured from the rear of crankshaft,
for flywheel location.



0.25 mm (0.01 In) 0.5 mm (0.02 in) 0.75 mm (0.03 In)

underslze undersize underslze
A ............. 75.91 175.93mm 75.65 I 75.67mm 75.40 / 75.42 mm
(2.988412.9892 in) (2.9784 / 2.9792 in) (2.9684 / 2.9692 in)
B ............. 63.22 / 63.24mm 62.96 I 62.98 mm 62.70162.72mm
(2.4888 / 2.4896 in) (2.4788 / 2.4796 in) (2.4688 / 2.4696 in)
C .......................................................... 39.47mm (1.554 in) maximum
D .......................................................... 44.68 mm (1.759 in) maximum
E ........................................................... 40.55mm (1.5965 in) maximum
F ...........................................................39.47mm (1.554 in) maximum
R .......................................................... 3.68 / 3.96 mm (0.145 / 0.156 in) all journals and crankpins

Surface finish, journals and crankpins 0.4 microns (16 micro inches) C.L.A.
Surface finish, fillet radii 0.8 microns (32 micro inches) C.L.A.

Maximum run out with crankshaft mounted on the end main Journals (Nos. 1 and 5)
Independent readings:
Crankshaft pulley Rear oil seal Flywheel flange
diameter T.I.R. diameter T.I.R. diameter T.I.R.
0.05mm (0.002 in) 0.05mm (0.002 in) 0.05mm (0.002 in)

Journals T.I.R.
Number1 Number 2 Number3 Number4 Numbers
Mounting 0.08mm 0.15mm 0.08mm Mounting
(0.003 in) {0.006 in) (0.003 in)

n C D C

n F


Reverse procedures 8 to 14 except:
20. Ensure that the oilways in the cylinder block and
crankshaft are free from obstruction.
21 Check the main bearing cap attachment bolts for
stretch. Only bolts supplied by the engine
manufacturer should be used, as they are special
bolts ..
22. Ensure all components are scrupulously clean
and freely lubricated with clean engine oil.
23. The main bearing caps are numbered, No. 1
commencing at the front of the engine. Each cap
is also marked with a serial number as stamped
on the cylinder block bottom face. These should
read in line.
24. Tighten the main bearing bolts to 245 Nm
(180 lbf ft).
25. The rear face of the bridge piece must be flush
with the rear face of the block.
26. Refit the crankshaft thrust washers, operation
4F • 31 instructions 5 to 11.
27. Refit the connecting rod big-end bearings,
operation 4F • 26.
28. Refit the timing case, operation 4F • 16.
29. Refit the crankshaft rear main oil seal, operation
4F • 19.
30. Refit the engine, refer to Section in Group 2.
31. Refill the engine with an approved oil.



Removal and Refltment 4F•33-55
Special Tools:
PD.155-B Puller
1. Drain engine oil.
2. Split tractor between front axle and engine and
between the engine and transmission.
3. Remove rocker assembly, operation 4F • 05.
4. Remove timing case, operation 4F • 16.
5. Remove pushrods.
6. Remove the fuel lift pump, refer to section 4C.
7. Invert the engine on a suitable stand.
8. Remove balancer unit, operation 4F • 23.
9. Withdraw camshaft thrust washer.
1O. Withdraw the camshaft.
11. Remove tappets and retain them in the order in
which they were removed.
Reverse procedures 1 to 11 except:
12. Clean and freely lubricate all parts prior to
13. Ensure when refitting the camshaft thrust plate,
that the hole in the plate locates correctly over
dowel protruding from engine block.
14. Check the protrusion of camshaft thrust washer
above face of cylinder block, this should be
between 0.66 and 0.79 mm (0.026 and 0.031 inch).
15. Check camshaft end float, this should be
between 0.1 0 and 0.41 mm (0.004 and 0.016 inch).
1459 190 M4



5D Powershuttle transmission


Group 5 Section D


Op. No. Operation page

Special tools and sealants 02
General description 03
Description of the hydraulic circuit 06
Description of the electrical system 08
Fault diagnosis 09
50-01 -11 Stall torque test 11
50-02-11 Transmission output check 11
50-03-11 Pump flow check 11
50-04-12 Transmission clutch pressure, test 12
50-05-12 Torque converter pressure, test 12
50-06-13 Torque converter safety valve, test 13
50-07-13 FIR clutch pack leakage, test 13
50-08-14 Venting valve, test 14
50-09-14 4 WO clutch pack, leakage test 14
50-10-15 Torque converter, R/R 15
50-11 -16 Hydraulic shuttle transmission, servicing 16·
50-12-23 Output shaft assembly, servicing 23
50-13-24 Main-shaft assembly, servicing 24
50-14-24 Layshaft assembly, servicing 24
50-15-25 ZF synchromesh, servicing 25
50-16-26 Clutches and shaft asssembly, servicing 26
50-17-27 Forward/reverse control valve, test 27
50-18-27 Forward/reverse control valve, servicing 27
50-19-28 Transmission pressure maintaining valve, servicing 28
50-20-28 Torque converter safety valve, servicing 28
50-21-29 4 WO power take-off pod, servicing 29


Special Tools
CR 375 Rolling torque gauge
MF 415 Synchromesh assembly tool CR375
MF 414/1 Synchromesh aligning tool
MF 448 Clutch spring compressor
Dial gauge with magnetic base

Special Sealants
MF Loctite 221 10 ml bottle 1810 590 m_l
50 ml bottle 1889 794 ml
Powerpart Studlock - MF part no. 3405 353 ml
Powerpart Instant Gasket - MF part no. 3405 355 ml
Perkins Hylomar SQ 32 m
gel - Perkins no. 1861117
aerosol - Perkins no. 1861127
Loctite 242

Reverse procedures 1-4 except: MF415
5. Check free-length of valve spring which should be
42 mm (1.65 inch)
6. Refit valve into mainshaft and-lubricate with new
transmission oil and ensure valve moves freely in
the shaft.


. "l


'-:oieneral Description 4 Wheel-ctrive p.t.o.

All transmissions have a mounting point for a 4 wheel-
Powershuttle transmission drive power take-off pod. This pod contains an
hydraulic clutch operated by a solenoid valve mounted
The Powershuttle transmission is a fully integrated unit
externally. The hydraulic clutch is designed for
comprising torque converter, drive clutches and a
engagement under full power conditions.
4-speed all synchromesh gearbox controlled by a
single shift lever.
A high capacity pump, serving both transmission and
steering systems; is driven by the engine timing gears.
Forward and reverse drive is selected by a solenoid
operated spool valve mounted externally on top of the
transmission case. Soft-shift characteristics have been
designed into the multi-plate clutches, permitting full
power forward/reverse or gear shifting.
The torque converter is a sealed for life, steel type
having single-stage two-phase characteristics.
Various options are available including a uni-directional
power-take-off shaft, a 4-wheel drive power take-off
and alternative input gear ratios.


Key to transmission illustration The transmission illustrated includes a power take-off

1. Forward/reverse control valve. (p.t.o.) shaft and 4 wheel-drive gear options fitted.
2. Transmission pressure maintaining valve/torque
converter safety valve block.
3. Transfer tubes.
4. Reverse clutch.
5. Forward clutch.
6. Drive gear - clutch shaft.
7. Clutch shaft.
8. Torque converter pressure maintaining valve.
9. Input shaft housing.
10. Input shaft.
11. Power take-off (p.t.o.) shaft (optional fitment).
12. P.t.o. drive gear (optional fitment).
13. · Mainshaft.
14. 4 wheel-drive p.t.o. gear (optional fitment).
15. Synchromesh unit - 3rd/4th speeds.
16. Layshaft.
17. Output housing.
18. Output shaft. ·
19. Synchromesh unit - 1sV2nd speeds.
20. Reverse idler gear.
21. Clutch oil feed manifold.

Key to 4 wheel-drive p.t.o. illustratlon 1

1. Idler gear.
2. End cover.
3. Output shaft.
4. Hydraulic clutch.
5. Drive flange (propeller shaft).

2 4 3 5





~tt-tt----tfilLI.O ~



Description of the hydraulic circuit

Follow the item numbers for a detailed description of
the hydraulic circuit.
1. Reservoir. Transmissi 1 and power steering
systems utilise oi, dr:::wn from t;,e t: 1smission/
rear axle housings.
2. Temperature sensor. Operates a gauge or light
on the instrument panel. Normal working
temperature 60-80°C (140-175°F). absolute
maximum temperature 120°C (248°F).
3. Inlet filter. Mounted externally adjacent to the
pump and should bf cleaned every 1000 hrs. and
whenever the oil is changed.
4. Vacuum switch. Triggers a warning light on the
dash panel whenevr r a depression of 100 mm
(4 inches) of mercury is felt at the pump inlet
5. Power steering/transmission pump. Driven by
the engine timing gears and has a maximum
delivery of 30 litres/min (8 US gals/min). Pump
also has items 6 and 7 integrally mounted in the
pump end plate.
6. Safety valve. Protects pump in case of failure of
other relief valve in•the steering system. Pressure
setting 150 bar (2200 lbf/in 2 ). Located in end plate
of pump.
7. Venting valve. Bleeds air from the system during
start up, so allowing pump to draw oil more easily
from the transmission housing. When pump begins
delivery of oil this valve closes and is fully shut at
10.3 bar (150 lbf/in 2 ) system back pressure.
Located in end plate of pump.
8. Pressure filter. Installed in the pressure line after
the pump this filter provides full flow filtration to
20 /Lm and requires changing every 500 hours.
The filter element has been specially developed
for this application therefore only genuine Massey
Ferguson filters must be used.
9. Relief valve. Protects the steering system and is
set at 110 bar (1600 lbf/in 2 ). This valve allows oil
to pass to the transmission directly when operating
at relief pressure, but blocks oil flow at lower
pressure, when oil will flow through the steering
valve and re-enter the transmission circuit just
ahead of the oil cooler (10).
10. Oil cooler. Mounted in front of water radiator and
cools the transmission oil, which serves both
steering and transrnission systems.
11. Pressure switch. Not fitted to all machines,
operates a low-pressure warning light on the dash
12. Pressure maintaining valve (PMV). Set at 20.7
bar (300 lbf/in 2 ), it regulates oil pressure for drive
clutch operation. Lubrication and clutch disc
cooling services are also supplied by this valve.
Externally mounted on top of the transmission in a
valve block incorporating valves (13) and (16).
13. Safety valve. Protects the torque converter
agains high pressure in the event of valve (1-5)
failing. Pressure setting is 6.9 bar (100 lbf/in 2 ).
14. Torque converter.
15. Pressure maintaining valve. Maintains pressure
inside torque converter at 2.1 bar (30 lbf/in 2). This
valve is mounted inside the mainshaft of the
transmission. ;. j


16. Forward/reverse selector valve. Solenoid 19. FIiter screen and orifice. For clutch cooling and
operated, 3-position valve providing a neutral lubrication flow, orifice diameter 1.4 mm (0.056
position when power to both solenoids is off. inch). Located in clutch drive shaft.
Therefore the transmission selects neutral in the 20. FIiter screen and orifice. For clutch shaft bearing
event of electrical failure. Located on top of lubrication flow, orifice diameter 0.4 mm (0.016
transmission. inch) Fitted in end of clutch drive shaft.
17. FIiter screens. Fitted into the two transfer-tubes 21. Reverse clutch.
under the transmission control valve block. 22. Forward clutch. -
18. Clutch feed ports. Forward and reverse clutch Both clutches are identical and comprise, 7 steel
ports are located in the clutch drive shaft and discs and 7 bronze discs.
contain a filter screen and orifice of 1.5 mm 23. 4-wheel drive selector valve. Solenoid operated
(0.06 inch) diameter. The orifices control clutch valve controls oil flow to 4-wheel drive clutch.
modulation. Drain valves are also incorporated Transmission reverts to 2-wheel drive in the event
which allow oil to escape quickly from the clutch of electrical failure. Located above 4-wheel drive
pistons to reduce drag when changing gears or pod.
direction of drive. 24. 4-Wheel drive clutch. Mou~ted in a separate pod
on the left hand side of the transmission. Clutch
plates are the same as in the· main drive clutches,
and there are 4 steel and 4 bronze plates.



10 14






Orscrfption of the Electrical System

Fo, .• w the number sequence for an explanation of the
electrical circuit.
1. Forward/reverse switch. A 3-position switch
mounted on the steering column.
2. Forward solenoid..
3. Reverse solenoid.
Both solenoids are attached to the transmission
control valve on top of the transmission. The
solenoids are fully enclosed, non-serviceable units.
4. Diode.
5. Diode. Both diodes serve to prevent induced
current, produced by the action of the solenoids
returning to the 'neutral' position, causing arcing at
the de-clutch switch contacts.
6. De-clutch switch. One or more de-clutch switches
may be fitted according to machine model and may
be thumb-switch or pedal operated. Depression of
the switch/pedal will de-clutch the transmission for
as long as the switch pedal is held down.
7. 4-Wheel drive switch. A 2-position latching
switch, press to engage, press again to disengage.
8. 4-Wheel drive solenoid. Operates a valve to direct
c,il into the clutch.

5 _,Ji

2 2


8 7

--. . .}'



OVERHEATING Incorrect operation Select lower gear - avoid stalling

the torque converter
Normal temperature 60-80°C Oil cooler externally plugged Thoroughly clean all coolers and
absolute maximum radiator. Check for oil leaks. IJ$;e
temperature 120°c non-oily solvent if necessary.
Low oil level Check oil level and replenish, look
for oil leaks.
Fan belt loose Re-tension belt.
Wrong grade of oil Drain transmission and both
filters, then refill with correct oil.
Oil contaminated Drain transmission, and change
filter. Refill with correct oil but
investigate source of
contamination and cure before
continuing operation.
Oil cooler supply/return Check condition of all return
pipe crushed pipes, particularly if non-standard
equipment has been fitted.
Venting valve stuck Check venting valve per operation
open 5D-03and 50-08.
Clutches slipping Do stall torque test per operation
5D - 01, also transmission output
check 50-02, also pump flow
check 50 - 03.
Oil cooler internally Remove oil cooler and back-flush.
plugged Determine source of debris.
NO DRIVE Low oil level Check, replenish oil as necessary.
Electrical system failure Check function of solenoids and
control valve per operation
Check de-clutch switches.
Torque converter PMV Test torque converter pressure
stuck open per operation 50 - 05 and 50 - 06.
Pump output low Test pump flow per operation
DRIVE IN ONE Solenoids/valve defective Test forward/reverse valve and
DIRECTION ONLY solenoids per operation 50 - 17.
Forward/reverse switch defective Check switch contacts for
Oil feed blocked to one Check filter and ·o·
ring seals on
clutch pack, or internal transfer tubes located beneath
leakage of supply forward/reverse control valve.
Check leakage per operation
Broken sealing ring on clutch
shaft. Check leakages per
operation 50 - 07.
Plugged filter gauze and/or
restrictor in clutch shaft.
Clutch piston seized Contamination by debris, service
transmission complete.


GEARS DIFRCULT Transmission drag Wrong grade of oil in

TO SELECT transmission.
Clutch not fully disengaging Determine whether problem
occurs on only one clutch or both
by selecting forward then neutral
and reverse then neutral, trying
gear selection on each occasion.
Warped clutch plates or broken
piston return spring.
Control spool partially selecting Spool jammed. Check for debris
one of the clutches in the spool valve or damage to
solenoid armatures.
DRIVE ENGAGEMENT SLOW Partial selection of forward/ Check function of control valve
Normal shift time reverse spool valve per 50-17.
= 0·5 secs.
Blocked filter screen in transfer Remove valve and clean gauzes
tubes below forward/reverse and also check ·o·
ring seals.
control valve
Sluggish operation of Poor electrical connection to
solenoids solenoids. Check voltage at
Internal leakage in Check clutch leakage per 5D - 07.
TRANSMISSION VERY SLOW Venting valve inoperative Check operation of vent spool and
TO ENGAGE AFTER MACHINE check spring, which if broken
HAS BEEN PARKED FOR A would prevent valve from
TIME. Normal vent time maximum. operating.
5 secs. after oil change
LOW STALL SPEED Engine giving low power Check accelerator linkage to
Normal stall torque speed ensure full throttle being obtained.
A4,236 and A4,248 engines
Transmission only Check engine stop linkage to
1875-1975 rpm ensure fuel pump delivery not
Transmission with hydraulics Torque converter stator slipping Fit new torque converter
1225-1325 rpm complete.
HIGH STALL SPEED Clutches slipping Low oil pressure .
.Check torque converter pressure
per operation 50-05.
Check internal leakage per
operation 5 D - 07.

NO DRIVE ON GRADIENTS low oil level check oil level and

BUT NORMAL DRIVE ON top-up as required.
Pump intake tube Intake tube must
turned upwards face downwards. Refer
in GROUP 2 of this
Problem most likely to
occur on machines fitted
with MF 250 loader.




Test 50 - 01 - 11
The stall torque test should only be carried out on a
fully run-in engine (after 100 hours) as a lo~ reading
may be obtained from a new or newly rebuilt engine.
1. Check oil level then run machine until transmission
oil is at normal operating temperature.
2. Check maximum no-load engine speed which
should be 2140 rpm.
3. Firmly apply the hand brake and select 4th
4. With the engine at low idle speed select FORWARD
·drive and then using the foot throttle, accelerate the
engine to maximum speed. The engine speed
should be 1875-1975 rpm or 1225-1325 rpm if the.
loader hydraulics are stalled in addition to the
torque converter.
5. Repeat operation in reverse drive. There should be
no difference at all in the stall speeds. If there is, it
indicates that one of the clutches may be slipping.
Further testing is then required.
6. Leave the engine idling for a few minutes to cool
the transmission oil.


Basic Test SD - 02 - 11
As a rough check of transmission output power the
following procedure is useful to determine whether
further investigation is required. For this test 2-wheel
drive must be selected on 4-wheel drive machines.
1. Work the machine until engine and transmission oil
are at normal operating temperature.
2. Drive the front bucket against a stockpile, bank or
other solid face.
3. Engage 1st gear, select FORWARD and run engine
at maximum speed. The rear drive wheels should
spin irrespective of ground conditions, i.e. tarmac,
concrete. etc.
For machines with low ratio. 20 kph transmissions
this test can be carried out in 1st or 2nd gears.


Basic Test 5D-03-11
As the pump serves both steering and transmission
systems the following check will quickly indicate
whether further investigation is necessary.
1. Work machine until engine and transmission are at
normal operating temperature.
2. Check that the machine is on a flat surface and that
the brakes are nor dragging.
3. Reduce engine speed to 750 rpm and engage 1st
4. Turn steering wheel almost to full lock, so that the
relief valve does not relieve. select FORWARD. and
the machine should move. if not increase engine
speed very slightly until the machine begins to
creep forward.
5. Turn steering wheel on full lock to make the relief
valve operate. The machine should continue to
creep forward, if it stops or fails to restart when
FORWARD is selected it indicates low pump output
and transmission pressure test operation 50 - 04
should be completed.



Test SD - 04-12
Special Tools:
Pressure gauge 0-40 bar {0-600 lbf/in2}
¼" JIC tee. ·

1. With engine and transmission oil at working

temperature install pressure gauge in the pipe
between oil cooler and the pressure maintaining
2. Select NEUTRAL with gear lever and FORWARD/
REVERSE switch.
3. Start engine and run at low idle speed, pressure
reading should not be less than 18·6 bar
(270 lbf/irr).
With engine at full speed the pressure should be
25·5 bar (370 lbf/irr) maximum.
Selection of FORWARD, REVERSE or 4 WO will
cause a small reduction of pressure due to the
internal leakage within the clutch system.
4. Turn the steering wheel to full lock and hold so that
the relief valve operates continuously and repeat
the check in instruction 3.
Minimum pressure should be 18-6 bar (270 lbf/irr).
If the pressure falls below 18·6 bar (270 lbf/irr) it
indicates the pump is worn and unable to deliver its
rated output at 110 bar {steering relief valve


Test 5D - 05 - 12
Special Tools:
Pressure gauge 0•20 bar {0-300 lbf/in2}.
¼ inch JIC swivel tee.
Slave hose.

This test will determine the working pressure in the

torque conve·rter. The reading gained will include
resistance created by the oil passages leading into the
torque converter so it is important to record at least the
minimum pressure given below.
1. With engine and transmission at working
temperature, stop the engine and remove the steel
pipe connecting the valve block to torque converter
inlet. Install pressure gauge using the slave hose
and tee piece; in place of the steel pipe.
2. Start engine and run at 750 rpm; pressure gauge
reading should be 2·1 bar (30 lbf/irr) minimum.
Increase engine speed and recheck at maximum
engine speed when pressure can be substantially
higher 4·1-4·8 bar (60-70 lbf/ln2).
Any gauge reading below 2·1 bar (30 lbf/in2}
indicates a faulty pressure maintaining valve. The
transmission must be removed to service this item.



Test 5D - 06-13
Special Tools:
Pressure gauge 0-20 bar (0-300 lbf/in2 ).
Adaptor,¾ inch JIC to pressure gauge.

This test is to check the pressure setting of the safety

valve which protects the torque converter against
damage in the event of the pressure maintaining valve

1. With engine and transmission at working

temperature, stop engine and remove the steel pipe
from between the valve block and torque converter
and plug the torque converter inlet union.
2. Install pressure gauge directly into the port on the
right hand side of the valve block, in place of the
steel pipe removed.
3. Shift gear lever to neutral and select N (neutral)
with forward/reverse switch. Start engine.
Warning: Do not select FORWARD or REVERSE
or attempt to stall the torque converter during
this test.
4. At all engine speeds pressure should be between
6·6-8·3 bar (95-120 lbf/ln2).


Test 5D-07-13
Special Tools:
Flow meter 40 litre/min (10 US gals/min) capacity.

This test will show the leakage rate of each clutch.

Both clutches should have similar leakage rates, a
large difference in flow between FORWARD and
REVERSE clutches indicates a problem in the clutch
with the largest measured flow drop.

1. With engine and transmission oil at normal

operating temperatures, stop the engine and
disconnect the steel pipe from between the valve
block and torque converter inlet union.
2. Connect flow meter in place of steel pipe removed.
3. Shift gear lever and FORWARD/REVERSE switch to
neutral, and start engine.
4. Residual pressure should be below 5·5 bar
(80 lbf/in2j, note the flow reading with the
FORWARD/REVERSE switch in neutral. Select
FORWARD and the flow will drop. Note the new
Subtract the second flow reading from the first to
obtain the leakage through the FORWARD clutch
pack. Leakage flow must not exceed 10 litres/min
(2·64 US gals/min).
Repeat test with REVERSE clutch.
Leakage rates through both clutches should be
similar, if not recheck the clutch with the greatest
leakage rate and investigate further.


Test 5D- 08-14
Special Tools:
Small measuring jar.
This test will check that the venting valve closes

1. Warm transmission oil to correct operating

temperature. Shift gear lever and FORWARD/
REVERSE switch to neutral. Apply handbrake
securely and lower digger and loader buckets to
ground.· .
2. With engine speed at 700 rpm remove drain hose
from side of pump and .use measuring jar to
measure leakage over one minute.
3. Leakage oil from pump drain port should not
exceed 10 millilitres (0·625 in3) per minute.


Test 5D - 09 - 14
Special Tools:
Flow meter 40 litre (10 US gals/min) capacity.
This test will check the general condition of the 4-
wheel drive clutch system but not necessarily provide
any indication of clutch plate wear.

1. Warm the transmission oil to 60-80°C (140-175°F).

Stop the engine, and remove the steel pipe
between the 4-wheel drive tee piece and
transmission control valve block.
2. Install flow meter in place of steel pipe and start
3. With gear lev~r. direction control switch and
4-wheel drive switch in neutral. note flow meter
reading. Select 4-wheel drive but with direction
switch still in neutral, then note the flow meter
reading again. Subtract the second reading from the
first to obtain leakage through 4-wheel drive clutch.
4. Leakage should be 1·5-3 litres (3·15-6·3 US pints)
per minute.

"·· .. _;J


2 3 Removal and Refitment SD -10-15
Special Tools:
Dial indicator gauge_

1. Separate the engine and transmission from the
centre housing ·per operation 2B - 03 - 07.
2. Release eight mounting bolts and lift ~ff torque
converter complete with drive plate.
3. Release four mounting bolts and lift drive plate off
the torque converter.
Servicing is limited to replacement of the complete
unit only.


4. Attach drive plate to the torque converter with four

bolts having MF Powerpart Studlock applied to
threads. Tighten bolts to 85 Nm (63 lbf ft).
5. Attach the drive plate and torque converter
assembly to the flywheel with eight bolts and
tighten to 28 Nm (21 lbfft). Use fluid type C. MF
Powerpart Studlock.
6. Use the dial indicator to measure runout of the
impeller tube, which should not exceed 0·5 mm
(0·020 inch) total indicated reading.
Adjustment is achieved by slackening the torque
converter drive plate/flywheel bolts and gently
nudging the torque converter in the desired
direction. Tighten the mounting bolts and recheck
the run-out. Repeat procedure until the run-out is
within 0·5 mm (0·020 inches). In some cases it may
be necessary for additional adjustments of the
torque converter relative to the drive plate.

5 4


Servicing 50 - 11 - 16
Special Tools:
MF 414/1 Synchromesh alignment tool.
CR 375 Rolling·torque gauge.
Dial indicator with magnetic base.

1. Mount transmission on a suitable rotating stand.
2. Remove side and top covers.
3. Remove torque converter input elbow and feed
4. RemoveJnput housing and input shaft (except if
p.t.o. fitted, when input shaft can only be removed
at instruction 17).
5. Remove power-take-off shaft cover, block gears
and unscrew retaining bolt from p.t.o. shaft. (This
instruction applies only to transmissions fitted with
power-take-off option.)
6. Remove dtrection-shift control valve and both
transfer tubes.
7. Turn transmission so that the output shaft points
upwards and remove the clutch drive-shaft
8. Pull clutch drive-shaft upwards out of the clutch



. ,


9. Lift out clutch assembly along with both thrust

10. Remove clutch drive-shaft gear.
11. Remove output shaft bearing housing, with the
layshaft bearing retainer still attached to it.
12. Remove cotter pins from selector forks starting
with cotter pin marked 'A'.
13. Remove both selector.rails, noting whMher
interlock plunger remains in place. or drops into
bottom of housing.
14. Remove bolt and retaining plate and lift out
reverse gear shaft. Remove reverse idler gear and
thrust washers.



15. Tilt main shaft to allow third/fourth gear selector

fork to be removed.
16. Remove main shaft but do not remove
synchromesh sleeve A.
17. Lift out input shaft and gear (on transmissions
fitted with p.t.o.).
18. Engage second gear and remove first/second gear
selector fork.
19. Tum transmission to normal horizontal position.
20. Pun p.t.o. shaft rearwards to clear p.t.o. drive gear.
then tilt layshaft upwards and withdraw p.t.o. shaft
through the top of the transmission case. (Applies
only to transmission fitted with p.t.o. option.)
21. Push gear selector ring rearward, into second
gear (smaller of the two gears), then ease the
layshaft gear cluster out through the rear of the
transmission case by tilting as shown.
22. Remove retaining nut and lift out gear shift-fingers.

Note: Servicing of individual shaft assemblies and

clutches are covered under separate operation
numbers and are therefore omitted from this operation.




All three shafts must be accurately shimmed and the

7· adoption of taper roller bearings requires using the

following procedure. In all cases end float can only be
accurately measured when the transmission is vertical
with the bell housing downwards.
23. Reinstall shift-fingers using thrust washer and
26 retaining bolt treated with Powerpart Studlock.
24. Install the main-shaft assembly (without the input
25. Fit output housing, adding one thick shim extra per
side and torque retaining bolts to 11 O Nm
(80 lbf ft).
:O 26. Fit a dial gauge and check the end float which
should be 0.025-0.05 mm (0.001-0.002 inches).
,.___.::'-'::::--'-'--=--) 27. Add or remov.e shims to give the correct reading.
~o 28. Remove output housing again and carefully store
- - ---- . :,.
shims for final assembly. Lift out mainshaft
?9. Tum transmission case horizontal.
30. Install layshaft and, if is fitted, tilt input end
of layshaft upwards and slide p.t.o. shaft through
it. Fit p.t.o. drive gear thrust washer. Fit retaining
bolt with Powerpart Studlock, torque bolt to 40 Nm
(30 lbf ft).
31. Fit layshaft front cover but check 'O' ring seal
condition and renew if necessary. Fit cover
retaining bolts with Hylomar SO 32 m.
32. Frt selector fork and engage outer selector lever.
33. Tum transmission vertical with the output end
pointing upwards.
34. Frt the reverse idler gear, thrust washers and
shaft. Fit locking bolt and retainer disc using MF
Powerpart Stud Lock and tighten bolt to 110 Nm
(80 lbf ft).


' 30

e 9

\ • e~ .....


35.· Fit input shaft.

3EL Install main shaft and shift fork.
37: Chec;k that the interlock plunger is installed, and
fit shift rails.
Ensure Interlock plunger Is functioning
· properly by attempting to move both shift
rails simultaneously. Do not fit cotter.pins until
later instructions.
38. Remove layshaft bearing retainer from the output
shaft housing then fit output housing using the
shims packs determined by instruction 27 and
tighten retaining bolts to 110 Nm (80 lbf ft).
39'.: Remove all shims from under spacer ring then
refit spacer ring and bearing retainer plate.

SD- 21


40. Use a dial gauge and measure end-float of the

layshaft. Measure the total thickness of the shims
removed and add or subtract shims to give a pre-
load of 0.075-0.13 mm (0.003-0.006 inches).
41. Turn transmission case horizontal.
42. Fit new ·o· ring seal to input housing spigot and
assemble with the mounting bolts treated with
Hylomar PL 32 medium, tighten bolts.
43. Ensure shift rails are both in NEUTRAL position.
Fit both det~nt plungers and hold firmly in place
using a simple flat mild steel plate bolted to the
transmission case using two of the tapped holes
for the side cover.
44. Use MF 414/1 synchromesh setting tool to fix first
and second gear synchromesh coupler in neutral.
45. Fit cotter pin with new self-locking nut and washer
and tighten to 45 Nm (33 lb! ft). Remove setting
46. Insert MF 414/1 through third/fourth synchromesh
coupler and fit cotter pin with new self-locking nut
and washer into shifter fork, and tighten to 45 Nm
(33 lbf ft).
42 47. While setting tool is still installed fit a piece of
19 mm (¾ inch) metal bar into shift lever slots to
maintain alignment, within 0.25 mm (0.010 inch).
Fit cotter pin into small shift shoe, use a new self-
locking nut and washer and tighten to 45 Nm
(33 lbf ft). Remove bar and MF 414/1 special tool.
48. Remove slave plate from detent plungers and fit
49. Clean both mating surfaces of side cover and
housing and apply MF Powerpart Instant Gasket
to one surface only. Fit cover and tighten bolts to
40 Nm (30 lbf ft).
50. Turn transmission vertical with the output end
. upwards.


~- ·•
o~- •



51. Fit clutch shaft drive gear and thrust washer, anu
install bearing cone. spacer and cover, using a
new ·o· ring seal. Apply two drops of sealant to
each bolt before fitting ..
52. Fit clutch assembly with large gear downwards
(towards input end of gearbox).
53. Align both thrust washers (one located inside
clutch pack) and insert clutch shaft. (A dummy
shaft will be necessary if this operation is done
while the transmission is horizontal.)
54. Fit manifold and outer bearing cone without shims.
Use a dial indicator to measure end float which
should be 0.025-0.075 mm (0.001-0.003 inch).
Add or subtract shims to obtain this end float then
refit manifold.
55. Refit top cover using MF Powerpart Instant
56. Check condition of ·o· ring seals fitted to the
transfer tubes before refitting with the filter end
57. Refit control valve assembly.




Servicing 5D-12-23
Special Tools:
Hydraulic press
CR 375 Rolling torque gauge.

1 . Drill lock ring on opposite flats and split the ring
into two halves. Ensure both locking pins are
retained for re-use.
2. Remove tag washer.
· 3. Use an hydraulic press to push the shaft through
the bearings,' take care to hold the shaft as it falls

Reverse procedures 1-3 except:
4. Anchor housing securely and fit special tool CR 375
to the shaft splines by using a spare transmission
5. Refit tag washer, noting into which spline the tag is
6. Fit a new ring nut and tighten to give 1.5-2.5 Nm
(16-30 lbf inch) rolling torque, equivalent to a spring
balance reading of 7-12 kg (15-26 lbf) when pulling
string wound around the shaft splines.
7. Punch in both locking pins, in adjacent splines at
90° to the washer tag.



Servicing 50-13-24
Special Tools:
Hydraulic press.

1. Use suitable blocks to support third gear and, using
an hydraulic press, push the shaft out of the gear
cluster. The taper roller bearing, thrust washer,
synchromesh unit and third gear wheel will now be
2. If necessary pull the bearing off the other end of
3. Inspect the bronze bush inside the third gear
wheel. If the bush is worn then the gear must be
replaced complete, as the bush must be accurately
line bored after fitting.
4. The torque converter pressure maintaining valve
can be removed by releasing the snap ring. Inspect
the piston for scoring or wear, if in doubt replace
.. - 1--
the parts.

Reverse procedures 1-4 except:
5. Check torque converter pressure maintaining valve
spring free length, which should be 42 mm .
(1.65 inch).
Refit spring valve and circlip, lubricate well and check
for free movement of assembled valve.


Servicing 50-14-24
1. Using a general purpose puller remove first g1:1ar,
spacer tube (or gear, on 4 wheel drive
transmissions), thrust washer and bearing from gear
cluster.. -
2. Remove circlip and slide the synchromesh unit and
second gear off the shaft.

Reverse procedures 1 and 2.

:_ >


Servicing 5D-15-25
Special Tools:
MF 415 Synchro hub assembly tool
MF 550 Drive handle

1. Both synchromesh units used in this transmission
are identical but the components must never be
2. Cover the synchromesh unit with a piece of cloth
and press the drum out of the sliding coupler.
Collect the three springs, plungers and pressure
3. Ensure the baulk rings are maintained with their
respective cones. The baulk rings must be replaced
if the scroll pattern is worn away. Where the scroll
pattern is still prominent, twist each baulk ring onto
its respective cone where it should stick quite
readily. If the cone is not gripped by the baulk ring,
it is scrap and a new baulk ring should be tried. If
this also fails to grip the cone then the respective
cone/gear must be replaced.
4. Before reassembling synchromesh units which have
passed the checks described by instruction 3, a
final check is necessary.
Twist each baulk ring in tum onto its respective
cone and measure the gap between the baulk ring
and gear face. Minimum dimension for rebuild
0.5 mm (0.02 inch).

5. Reverse procedures 1 to 4, except;
6. Special tool MF 415 and MF 550 will assist when
3 refitting springs, plunger and pressure blocks back
into the sliding coupler. Assemble hub, springs,
plungers and pressure blocks onto the flat plate of
MF 415 noting the position of the centralising hole
in the hub. Slide the tapered end of the sleeve part
of MF 415 over the hub assembly. Carefully push
the hub into the parallel portion of the sleeve, then
invert the assembly and lay it on top of the sliding
coupler. Ensure the centralising holes in both the
hub and sliding coupler are in line, then knock the
synchronizer hub into the coupler.
7. Check again to ensure that the centraliser holes
are aligned In both sliding coupler and hub.




Servicing 5D - 1 & - 26
Servicing Toole:
MF 448 Return spring compressor.

1. Both clutch packs are identical, starting at one end
pull clutch hub from the clutch pack.
2. Press end plate down against the light spacer
springs and prise the large circlip out.
3. Remove end cover and clutcl'I plates, there should
be 7 steel discs, 7 bronze discs.
Some clutches may contain one extra steel disc
which acts merely as a spacer. Keep discs in
order and do not mix them with those of the
opposite clutch pack.
4. Remove spacer springs, guides and pressure
5. Lift out the large disc spring, taking care not to
scratch or dent the spring in any way.
Scratches on the outside diameter or on the
concave face will cauee p,-nature failure of
the disc spring. If the spring le dropped or
otherwiee mishandled It must be replaced.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on the opposite clutch pack.
7. Using special•tool MF 448 to compress the piston
return spring sufficiently to remove the heavy snap
ring. Release pressure on the spring until it
reaches its free length.
8. Remove collet and spring, and lift clutch off
MF 448 special tool.
9. Rap the clutch drum against a piece of wood to
knock the piston out of the drum.
10. Repeat for the opposite clutch drum.
11 . The bronze clutch discs have a 'starburst' groove
pattern on their wear faces and are considered
re-usable if this pattern is well defined over the
whole area of the disc.
12. Steel clutch plates are flat when new, but up to
0.12 mm (0.005 inch) 'dish' is permissible.
13. Inspect 'Z' section seals for wear and if it is
necessary to change them, squeeze each seal
around its circumference until a small loop is
formed, under which a smooth instrument can be
inserted and seal then eased off the piston.
14. Thoroughly inspect the clutch drive shaft and
ensure all orifices are clear.
Orifice sizes:
end of shaft 0.4 mm (0.015 inch) diameter
in shaft grooves 1.5 mm (0.060 inch) diameter
on splines 1.4 mm (0.055 inch) diameter.

Reverse instructions 1-10 except:
15. The pressure plate must be installed so that the
spacer springs do not cover the drain holes in the
clutch drum.
16. The clutch hub with the larger gear must be fitted
into the splined end gf the clutch drum assembly.

' I,.).




Test SD - 17 - 27
Operation of the solenoids and spool movement can
be checked without stripping the valve.

1. At the end of each solenoid assembly a pin is

visible, which is an extension of the solenoid
Using a smooth instrument press the pin against
internal spring pressure and then release it, when
the pin should return immediately to its original
position. Repeat operation on other solenoid.
2. Switch on electrical system but do not start
engine, ensure gear lever is In neutral and
handbrake firmly applied.
3. Repeat test in instruction 1 but move forward/
reverse switch. The armature position will clearly
indicate whether the valve is being operated


Servicing SD - 18 - 27
These instructions relate to the Abex Denison valve.

1. Release wiring connectors by removing centre
screw and pulling complete connector off the plug
terminal on the solenoid coils.
2. Release the four mounting bolts and remove valve
complete, from the transmission.
3. Unscrew the plastic nuts and remove the solenoid
coils taking care to preserve· the 'O' ring seals
beneath the plastic nuts.
4. Release four setscrews and lift off collar and the
wet-pin armature assembly.
5. Shake the spool centralizing springs and bushes
out of the spool body.
6. Remove the spool.

7. If the solenoid armatures or coils are damaged
they must be replaced as complete units, the parts
are not considered serviceable.
8. Do not reverse the spool in the body. If the spool
is deeply scored or worn then a new valve body/
spool assembly must be fitted.

Reverse instructions 1--6 except:
9. Ensure 'O' ring seals are installed in the valve
10. Renew all four 'O' ring seals on the valve face
before refitting to the transmission.
11. Complete a function test per operation 5D - 17.



VALVE Servicing SD - 20 - 28
Servicing 5D-19-28
This valve operates to protect the torque converter
This valve regulates the pressure to the clutches. from excessive pressure in the event of the torque
converter pressure maintaining valve (located in the
Strip mainshaft of the transmission) becoming inoperative.
1. Remove cap and ·o· ring seal which must be
renewed if distorted or damaged. Strip
2. Remove shims and spring. 1_. Remove cap and ·o· ring seal which must be
3. Remove guide pin and valve. renewed if distorted or•damaged.
2. Remove shims and spring.
Examination 3. Remove guide pin and valve.
4. Cbeck valve and body for scoring and wear. If
scoring is evident establish source of debris and Examination
check filter condition. 4. Check valve and body for scoring and wear. If
5. Check guide pin for scoring and the corresponding scoring is evident establish source of debris and
bore of the valve. check filter condition.
6. Spring free length should be 38.2 mm (1.5 inch). 5. Guide pin also acts as valve damper so check for
scoring or wear.
Rebuild 6. Spring free length should be 57.8 mm (2.275 inch).
Reverse instructions 1-3.
7. Pressure test per operation 50 - 04. Rebuild
Reverse instructions 1-3.
7. Pressure test per operation 50 - 06.

50•19• 28 3

... :_.- ;,/~~-.

, :.,;-:~~· .. . .-.:~:::::.-.- ..~·-

,..-""-""-""---\•I ·1====·I=·~•-=-~·=··=···.=··=····=_·.:.-~=~·=':=·=· -~=~~~===::::L.:.1J
3 50•20-28

so.,. 29


Servicing 50 - 21 - 29
The 4-wheel drive power-take-off pod is a simple unit
requiring no special tools, except for a thin-walled 36
mm (across flats) socket for removal of the drive flange
nut. The clutch plates are the same as those used in
the hydraulic shuttle transmission.

1. Remove 4 WO- pod from the machine per
operation 2 B - 05.
2. Cut locking wire and remove peg-bolt.
3. Push shaft out and remove idler gear and thrust
4. Insert two bolts through holes in the drive flange
and using a bar between the bolts to prevent the
flange tuming, release the retaining nut.
5. Lift off washer, seal and drive-flange.
6. Release the four bolts retaining the rear cover and
push the complete assembly out of the housing.
7. Remove the rear cover which includes oil feed
manifold. Check condition of the large ·o· ring
seal, renew if flattened or damaged.



8. The bearing can easily be removed using a light,

puller tool. Slide the shaft and output bearing OL'! 8
of clutch pack.

9. Press the clutch cover down against the return
springs and prise out the large circlip.
10. Remove the cover, 4 steel discs and 4 bronze
11. Rap the drum against a wood block to remove the
12. Remove oil seal from housing.

13. The idler gear contains 19 uncaged needle roller
bearings with thrust washers each end. Remove
the rollers and inspect the bearing track inside the
gear and the shaft. Any signs of spalling means
the components must be replaced. When installed
the rollers are self-supporting, but petroleum jelly
(vaseline) can be used to assist assembly. Do not
use regular grease-as it can form a hard wax-like
substance when exposed to transmission oil
the roll~rs are self-supporting, so no grease is
required when assembling.
14. The bronze clutch plates have a 'starburst' pattern
of oil grooves on their friction faces. The plates
are considered reuseable if this pattern is still well
Steel clutch plates are flat when new but up to
0.13 mm (0.005 inch) 'dish' is permitted in
15~ All four cast iron sealing rings, 2 on the shaft and
2 on the clutch drum/piston, must be inspected for
wear and cracks.



Reverse procedures 1·-12 ~xcept:
16. Care must be exercised when refitting piston back
into clutch drum, soft metal guides will assist
easing the cast iron sealing ring back into its bore.
17. When refitting rear cover onto the clutch/shaft
assembly great care is needed to ensure cover is
pressed down square and evenly to avoid
damaging the two cast iron sealing rings mounted
on the end of the shaft.
18. Refit drive flange, oil seal and retaining washer.
Apply Loctite 242 to the shaft threads, fit retaining
nut and tighten to 175 Nm (130 lbf ft).
19. Refit idler gear assembly, fit peg bolt and using
soft iron wire, rewire peg bolt as shown.

1459 190 M4



6A Rear axle and brakes

68 Front axle - 2 wheel drive
6E Front axle - 4 wheel drive, ZF
(before series S)
6F Front axle - 4 wheel drive, MF
6M 5th speed drive
ISSUE 2 6A-01


Group 6 Section A


Op. No. Operation page

General description 02
Special tools 03
6A • 01 - 06 Rear wheel studs R/R 06
6A • 02- 06 Epicyclic outer housing and ring gear 06
6A • 03- 07 Epicyclic planet and sungear 07
6A • 04- 08 Epicyclic unit 08
6A • 05 -10 Epicyclic pre-load 10
6A • 06-11 Axle trumpet housings R/R 11
6A • 07-11 R.H. carrier plate R/R 11
6A • 08-12 L.H. carrier plate R/R 12
6A • 09-13 Differential lock actuator mechanism R/R 13
6A • 10-14 Differential lock coupler cap 14
6A • 11 -15 Differential Preload checking and adjustment 15
6A • 12 -16 R.H. differential bearing R/R 16
6A • 13-17 Differential unit R/R ·17
6A • 14-17 Differential LH bearing R/R 17
6A • 15 -18 Differential unit, servicing 18
6A • 16 -19 Crown wheel R/R 19
6A • 17 - 21 Pinion assembly 21
6A • 18- 21 Pinion assembly, servicing 21
6A • 19- 23 Rear drive shaft, servicing 23
6A • 20 - 24 Brake actuator R/R 24
6A • 21 - 25 RH and LH Brake units, servicing 25
6A • 22-26 Adjusting the brakes 26
6A • 23- 27 Bleeding the brake system 27
6A • 24- 28 Brake slave cylinders R/R 28
6A • 25- 28 Brake slave cylinder servicing 28
6A • 26- 29 Brake master cylinders servicing (ccv-type) 29
6A • 27 - 31 Brake master cylinder R/R, (non-compensating type) 31
6A • 28 - 32 Brake master cylinder servicing (non-compensating type) 32
6A • 29- 32 Brake adjustment, (non-compensated hydraulic brakes) 32
6A • 30- 33 Brake pedal assembly, (non-compensated hydraulic brakes) 33
6A • 31 - 33 De-aerating the brake system
(non-compensated hydraulic brakes) 33
6A • 32 - 34 Brake linkage and pedals (mechanically operated brakes) 34
6A • 33- 34 Brake adjustment, (mechanically operated brakes) 34
6A • 33- 35 L.H. brake actuator R/R (mechanically operated brakes) 35
6A • 35- 36. Differential lock actuator R/R (footstep tractors) 36 ·
6A • 36 - 36... Speedometer drive R/R 36
6A-02 ISSUE 2


General Description
The drive from the transmission mainshaft is A differential lock is fitted to the R.H. axle housing. a
transmitted through the rear drive shaft and shear shalt engages a coupler with a coupling cap on the
tube to a spiral bevel driving pinion and crown differential case, thus tocking the differential.
wheel, then through the axle shafts and epicyclic The brakes are operated by two independently
reduction units to the rear wheel axles. operated pedals. The right pedal operates the right
The driving pinion is supported in the centre housing hand brake and the left pedal operates the left hand
by a parallel roller pilot bearing and a pre-loaded brake, to assist turning.
housing assembly carrying two tapered roller The brakes are applied by hydraulic slave cylinders
bearings. pressurised from the master cylinders connected to
The crownwheel is attached to the split differential each brake pedal. For highway use the brake pedals
case, which is supported each side by a tapered are iatched together, when full brake wear
roller bearing. The differential pinions run on a cross compensation is provided automatically.
joint and thrust is taken by spherical washers behind The mechanical parking brake mechanism
the pinions. also operates the service brakes. except on
The axle shaft inner ends are splined into differential machines fitted with dual brakes (Germany and Italy
gears, and the outer ends which run on a bush in the only) when separate 356 x 51 mm drum brakes are
epicyclic carrier are splined into the sun gear in the used for parking.
epicyclic unit. Pressure on the brake pedal operates ball and ramp
The wheel axles are splined into the epicyclic carrier tyre type actuators which compress a series of
which is driven by the sun gear and planetary fixed steel discs against rotating bronze discs. all
pinions. operating in an oil bath. ·



MF.26A Special Tools

3/a inch UNF Bolt
MF 26A Wrench
MF 200 Hand Press
MF 200 - 7 mandrel
MF 200 - 3/3 Adaptor
MF 200 - 24 Adaptor
MF 265 A Extractor
MF.200 MF 266 B Wheel axle and bearing replacer
MF 1105 Puller
MF 11 05 2 A/1 Adaptor
MF 1105 2A/7 Adaptor
MF 1105 - 8 Adaptor
MF 1105 - 11 Adaptor
550 Universal handle
50 Ton press
270 Rail trolley
555 Universal puller
MF 555 - 2A/1 Puller adaptor
MF200•7 MF 257 Bearing driver
MF 245-D Pre-load gauge
MF 9A Holder
MF 10 Bench adaptor
MF 258 Holder

Locking Fluids
MF200•3/3 Loctite grade A.V. (red).
Casco Meta lock ML15
Loctite grade ·c·.



6A-04 ISSUE 2






MS.550 (18G.134t


': . }

ISSUE 2 6A-05






6A-06 ISSUE 2



Remove and Refit 6A • 01 -13
1. Jack up the machine.
2. Remove the rear wheel.
NOTE: Water ballasted wheels are extremely
heavy and should only be removed using a crane
or similar lifting device.
3. Drive out the damaged stud.
Examine the stud hole, the other studs and the
wheel disc for signs of fretting or damage.
4. Locate a new stud in the wheel axle.
5. Tap the stud gently to locate the splines.
6. Fit a new wheel nut, with the flat side against the
axle, to the stud and pull the stud through the
axle to its correct position.
7. Remove the nut.
8. Brush the wheel stud threads clean.
9. Refit the rear wheel and lightly oil the stud
threads before fitting the wheel nuts.
10. Tighten the wheel nuts evenly to 325 Nm (240
lbf ft).
11 . Remove the jack.
Remove and Refit 6A • 02-06
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Jack up the tractor.
3. Remove the rear wheel.
4. Remove the drain and level plugs and drain the
oil from the epicyelic unit, and partially drain the
5. Scribe a mark across the outer housing, ring
gear, and trumpet housing, to facilitate refitment.
Also scribe a mark across the outer housing and
ring gear only; this will ensure that the ring gear
is rep:aced with the teeth in full engagement.
6. Remove the nuts and bolts.
7. Remove the outer housing and ring gear
8. Remove the ring gear.
NOTE: Do not withdraw the axle shaft.
9. Remove and discard the two cork gaskets.
Clean the recesses in which the ring gear
spigots are located and check that there is no
burr or deformity which could cause leakage.
10. Reverse procedures 1 to 9 except:
11 . Fit new cork gaskets.
12. Ensure that the scribe marks are correctly
aligned ensuring that the teeth of the ring gear
are in full engagement OTHERWISE SEVERE
13. Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torQue of 75 Nm f )
(55Ibf ft). V
1 4. Brush the wheel stud threads clean.
15. Relit the rear wheel and lightly oil the stud
threads before fitting the wheel nuts.
Tighten the nuts progressively and evenly to a
torQue of 325 Nm (240Ibf ft).
16. Refill to the correct level with an approved 011.
ISSUE 2 6A-07



Servicing 6A • 03 - 07
Special Tools: l- in UNF Bolt
1. Remove the outer housing assembly, operation
6A•02. To service the sun gear it is only
necessary to remove one planet gear.
2. Drive out and discard the roll pin.
3. Fit the i in bolt to the planet gear shaft.
4. Withdraw the shaft trying not to dislodge the
needle rollers.
5. Remove the i in bolt.
6. Remove the thrust washers and plant gear.
If the epicyclic hub is to be completely
overhauled. repeat operations 2-6 on the other
two planet gears.
7. Withdraw the sun gear.
Inspect all parts and replace any which show
signs of undue wear or damage.
8. Reverse procedures 1 to 7 except:
9. If the needle rollers were dislodged, refit them
using petroleum jelly, not grease. There are 58
needle rollers per planet gear (two rows of 29,
plus a spacer washer.)
10. Ensure that the holes in the casting and shaft are
11. Fit a new roll pin.
6A-08 ISSUE 2


-EPICYCLIC UNIT 7. Fit MF 265 A collar through the slot In the

earner and assembly both parts of the tool
Servicing 6A • 04 - 08 together. attach wrench MF 26A and remove the
carrier from the wheel axle.
Special Tools: MF 26A Wrench
8. Remove the snap ring.
MF 200 Hand Press
9. Using MF 200 press and 200-7 adaptor. press
MF 200-7 mandrel
out the wheel axfe from the housing.
MF 200-3/3 Adaptor
10. Lift out the bearing cone.
MF 200-24 Adaptor
11. Tap out the outer seal.
MF 265A Extractor
12. Tap out the bearing cup.
MF 2668 Wheel axle and Bearing 13. Fully apply the parking brake and check that the
Replacer transmission oil is no higher than the FU LL mark
MF 1105 Puller on the dipstick. Remove the axle shaft.
MF 11 05-8 Adaptor 14. Using two pry bars, remove the inner bearing
MF 1105-11 Adaptor cup and shims.
550 Universal Handle
50 Ton Press Rebuild
1 5. Refit the bearing cup, making sure it is fully
Strip seated.
1. Remove sun gear and one planet gear, 16. Smear a new outer seal lightly with
operation 6A•03. The planet gear should be recommended sealant 'A', then drive it into the
removed from the largest of the slots in the housing, metal face outwards, and 2mm (0.080
carrier. · in) proud of the housing (dimension A). Smear
2. Remove the bearing cone from the carrier using the lip, and fill the seal cavity with petroleum
MF 200 press and 200 - 24 adaptor. jelly.
3. Tap the bronze bush into the carrier using MF 17. Carefully, insert the wheel axle through the outer
200 - 3/€ adaptor. seal.
4. Remove both the bronze bush and adaptor 18. Drive the bearing cone fully onto the wheel axfe.
through the slot in the carrier. seating the rollers in the cup.
5. Lay one of the dismounted rear wheels on the
workshop floor, convex side of wheel centre
6. Fit the epicyclic hub assembly to the wheel and
secure with two wheel nuts.
ISSUE 2 6A-09


19. Fit the snap ring, ensuring that it seats fully in the
groove. Using a suitable puller, draw the outer
housing assembly back tightly onto the snap ring.
20. Using the 550 handle and MF 2668, drive the
bearing cone onto the spigot on the epicyclic
21. Reassemble the planet gears and the sun gear in
the epicyclic hub, operation 6A•03.
22. Using the 550 handle, MF 2668 and a hydraulic
~ress drive the epicyclic hub into the wheel axle.
23. Apply a thin coating of recommended sealant 'A'
to the bore of the trumpet housing, then fit a new
oil seal unsing MF 1105-11 and the 550 handle.
Smear the lips of the seal with petroleum jelly.
24. Check the epicyclic preload, operation 6A•05.
25. Refit the inner bearing cup in the trumpet
26. Refit the ring gear and outer housing assembly,
operation 6A•02.


Adjustment SA• 05 - 10
Special Tools: MF 267A Preload Checking Tool
MF 1105 Puller
MF 11 05-8 Adaptor
1. Remove the outer housing and ring gear,
operation 6A•02.
2. Remove the two cork gaskets and thoroughly
clean the mating faces of the ring gear and
outer housing.
3. Bolt the ring gear to the outer housing using
four bolts from the epicyclic unit with tour wheel
nuts as spacers. These bolts should be equally
spaced around the ring gear.
NOTE: Ensure that the ring gear is correctly
fitted i.e., with the teeth in full engagement.
4. Partially drain the transmission oil, fully apoly the
handbrake and remove the half shafts.
5. Lever th"e inner bearing cup out of the trumpet
housing using two pry bars.
6. Remove the old shims.
7. Place the bearing cup on the spigot in :he
centre of MF 267A. Do not fit the shims.
8. Place the epicyclic unit on MF 267A and
measure the gap at points ·A' using two feeler
9. Note the clearance. which must be equal at both
sides, then select a shim or shims from the table
Gap Measured Shim
by Feeler Gauges Thickness
(Both Sides) Required
mm in mm in

0,025 to 0, 13 0.001 to 0.005 0.76 0.030

0,15 to 0,25 0.006 to 0.010 0.64 0.025
0.28 to 0.38 0.011 to 0.015 0.51 0.020
0,41 to 0,51 0.016 to 0.020 D.38 O.Oi 5
0,53 to 0,64 0.021 to 0.025 0,25 0.010
0,66 to 0,76 0.026 to 0.030 0,13 0.005
0,79 to 0,89 0.031 to 0.035 0 0

The shims are available as follows:

Shim Thickness Part No.

mm in

0,13 0.005 894 757 M1

0,25 0.001 894 758 M1
0,38 0.015 894 759 M1

10. Fit the shims to the trumpet housing.

11. Refit the inner bearing cup. ensuring that it 1s
fully seated.
12. Refit the axle shaft. i . .J:,
13. Remove the tour bolts and spacers securin~ the \~
ring gear to the outer housing.
14. Using new cork gaskets, refit the ring gear and
outer housing, operation 6A•02.
ISSUE 2 6A-11


left and right hand

Remove and Refit 6A • 06 -11

See section in Group 2


Remove and Refit 6A • 07 -11
Special Tools: 270 Rail Trolley
1. Remove the trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Remove, and discard the roll pin.
3. Remove the two countersunk screws.
4. Remove the carrier plate complete with the
differential lock coupler fork and coupler.
5. Remove and discard the inner ·o· ring.
6. Remove the differential lock coupler fork and

Reverse procedures 1 to 6, except:
7. Fit a new 'O' ring to the recess in the trumpet
housing using petroleum jelly. Do not attempt to
fit the 'O' ring to the carrier plate.
8. Assemble the differential lock coupler fork and
coupler to the carrier plate, then refit the
assembly, aligning the coupler splines on the
axle shaft and the coupler fork on its shaft.
9. Secure each countersunk screw with a cenire
punch mark.
10. Fit a new roll pin.
6A-12 ISSUE 2



Remove and Refit 6A • 08 -12
Special Tools: 270 Rail Trolley
1. Remove the trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Remove the two countersunk screws.
3. Withdraw tt,e carrier plate from the trumpet
4. Remove and discard the inner 'O' ring.

Reverse procedures 1 to 4 except:
5. Place a new 'O' ring in the recess in the trumpet
housing using a smear of petroleum jelly for
DO NOT attempt to fit the 'O' ring to the carrier
,. Secure each countersunk screw with a centre
punch mark.

ISSUE 2 6A-13


Remove and Refit 6A • 09 -13
1. Remove right hand trumpet housing assembly,
see Seeton in Group 2.
2. Disconnect cable from, and remove. actuator
3. Lift rubber seal.
4. Release locknut.
5. Unscrew actuator coupling from shaft, complete
with locknut and seal.
6. Remove carrier plate operation 6A•07.
7. Remove shaft complete with spring washer
circlip and 'O' ring.
8. Examine the shaft for signs of wear or scoring.
Clean and degrease the threads in the end of
the shaft, and on the actuator fork.
18 Refit
9. Fit a new 'O' ring to the shaft. If rel"ewing the
shaft, a new washer and circlip should be fitted.
1 0. Refit the shaft taking care not to damage the 'O'
1 , . Refit the spring.
12. Refit the carrier plate, operation 6A•07.
, 3. Smear the threads of the actuator coupling with
recommended sealant 'B', then screw the
coupling fully into the shaft.
14. Unscrew the actuator coupling until the slot is
perpendicular to the axle case.
, 5. Tighten the locknut.
1 6. Push the rubber seal into position.
1 7. Set the outer cable adjuster nuts to a central
position and screw the clevis on the inner cable
until 11 is "Short" by 6mm (¼ inch). Lever
differential lock actuator until clevis pm can be
inserted. Fit the split pm.
18. Different1aI lock control lever should be firmly
pressed against the cab trim_ or tender pad on
platform machines. when correctly adIusted
6A-14 ISSUE 2



Remove and Refit 6A • 10 -14
Special Tools: 555 Universal Puller
MF 555-2A/1 Puller Adaptor
MF 257 Bearing Driver
1. Remove the RH trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Remove the bearing cone using puller 555 and
MF 555-2A/1.
NOTE: For clarity, the illustration shows the
differential removed. However for the actual
operation this is not necessary.
3. Remove the eight bolts.
4. Prise off the cap taking care not to dislodge the
case which would allow the differential gears to
fall out.

5. Fit the new coupler cap.
6. Insert and hand tighten the eight bolts.
7. Tighten the bolts progressively, and evenly to a
torque of 108Nm (80 lbf ft).
a Refit the bearing cone using MF 257.
9. Refit the trumpet housing, operation see Section
in Group 2.
ISSUE 2 6A-15


Pre-load Checking and Adjustment
6A • 11 - 15
Special Tools: MF 245D Pre-load Gauge·
NOTE: This check must be carried out whenever the
differential unit Is stripped, or If the bearings have
been replaced.
Procedure is as follows:
1 _ Remove the RH trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Drive out the roll pin securing the coupler fork to
the shaft.
3. Remove the two countersunk screws.
4. Withdraw the carrier plate complete with the
differential lock coupler fork and coupler.
5. Remove the inner 'O' Ring.
6. Drive the bearing cup out of the carrier plate.
7. Remove the chip shield.
8. Screw a setting block onto each of two
diametrically opposed studs. Remove one stud
from an adjacent location to fit the upper block.
9. Remove another stud from the centre housing
and fit it in the tapped hole at position ·A".
10. Place the bearing cup on the bearing cone and
fit the centraliser.
11 . Position the clamp bar and secure it with the two
tube nuts.
12. Torque the clamp bar nut to 27 Nm (201bf ft)
whilst using a lever to turn the differential unit.
This will ensure correct seating and location oi
the bearings.
13. Place the straight edge in position. and measure
the gap (Bl using feeler gauges.
14. Use the table below to determine the correct
chip shield.

Feeler Gap Means of

(Equals Shield ldentifica-
Thickness) tion Part No.

mm in

0.74 to 0.79 0.029 to 187 689 M1

0.86 to 0.91 0.034 to
• 892 173 M1

0.99 to 1.04 0.039 to

•• 892 172 M1

1 12 to 1.1 7 0.044 to
••• 892 171 Ml

125 to 1.30 0.049 to

•••• 892 ~70 M1

1 .37 to 1 .42 0.054 to

••••• 191 124 M1

6A-16 ISSUE 2


15. Remove the tube nuts. clamp bar, centraliser

and setting blocks.
16. Refit the two studs in their correct hOles. 18
17. Place the new chip shield in the carrier plate.
with the dished face towards the differential.
18. Refit the bearing cup, ensuring that it is fully
seated. ·
19. Refit the carrier plate, operation 6A•07.


Remove and Refit 6A • 12-16
Special Tools: 555 Universal Puller
MF 555-2A/1 Puller Adaptor
MF 257 Bearing Driver
1. Remove the RH trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Pull off the bearing cone using puller No. 555 and
MF 555-2A/1.
3. Remove the carrier plate and drive out the
bearing cup as stated in items 3 to 8 of Operation

4. Drive the new bearing cone on the differential
lock coupler cap using MF 257.
5. Check the bearing pre-load, operation 6A•11 , but
using a new bearing cup.

';_ .
· u..:·"·
ISSUE 2 6A-17


Remove and Refit 6A • 13 -17
1. Remove the LH trumpet housing, see Section in
Group 2.
2. Manoeuvre the differential assembly out of the
centre housing.
WARNING: The differential unit is heavy and
awkward to handle. Take care when both removing
and refitting it.

3. Manoeuvre the differential unit into the centre
housing, engaging the splines in those of the RH
axle shaft.
NOTE: If any of the differential components have
been replaced, the pre•load should be checked,
operation 6A•11.
4. Refit the LH trumpet housing, operation 2A•04.

Remove and Refit 6A • 14 -17
Special Tools: MF 300 Hand Press
MF 200-3 Adaptor
MF 197 Bearing Driver
MF 197-2 Adaptor
MF 1105 Universal Puller
MF 1105-2A/1 Adaptor
MF 1105-2A/ 4 Adaptor
1. Remove the differential. operation 6A•13.
2. Remove the LH carrier plate, operation 6A•08.
3. Assemble MF 200 with MF 200-3, then pull off the
bearing cone.
4. Assemble MF 1105 with MF 1105-2A/1 and MF
1105-2A/4, and pull out the bearini) cup.
6A-18 ISSUE 2


5. Assemble MF 1105, MF 1105-2A/1 and MF 1105-
2A/ 4 with a new bearing cup.
6. Pull the new cup into the differential unit.
7. Fit the MF 197-2 to the bore of the carrier plate.
8. Slide the new bearing cone on to MF 197-2, then
drive if fully on to the carrier plate using a
hammer and MF 197.
9. Refit the differential unit, operation 6A•13.
10. Check the differential pre-load, operation 6A•11.

Servicing 6A • 15-18
Special Tools: MF 9A Holder
MF 10 Bench Adaptor
MF 258 Holder
555 Universal Puller
MF 555-2A/1 Adaptor
1. Remove the differential unit, operation 6A•13.
2. Fit MF 10 to the bench.
3. Fit MF 9A to MF 10.
. '

4. Place the differential on MF 10.

5. Remove the bearing cone using puller 555 and
MF 555 2A/1 (See operation 6A•12)."
ISSUE 2 6A-19


6. Remove the eigtit bolts.

7. Remove the coupler cap and RH case.
8. Remove the cross joint and pinions assembly
with the thrust washers.
9. Remove the differential gears and their thrust
Examine all of the differential components and
replace any that are worn or damaged.
NOTE: If any of the spider gears are worn, a full
set of four new gears should be fitted. In such
circumstances, differential side gears may also
need replacing.
Reverse procedures 2 to 9 except:
10. Refit the RH differential case with the markings
11. Tighten the eight bolts to a torque of 108Nm
(80Ibf ft).
6 12. Refit the bearing cone using MF 257.
13. Refit the differential unit, operation 6A•13.

Remove and Refit 6A • 16 -19
Special Tools: MF 9A Holder
MF 10 Adaptor
MF 258 Holder
Epoxy Resin Bonding Kit
No. 1852 913 M91
1. Remove the differential gears. operation 6A•1 5.
2. Place the differential unit on a becnh with the
teeth facing downwards.
3. Centre punch each of the rivet heads centrally.
4. Using a 13mm (½ in) drill. drill out each of the
rivet heads until they become detached from
their shanks.
5. Drive out the rivets.
6. Drive off the crownwheel.
NOTE: When fitting a new crownwheel, the
pinion must also be replaced.
&A-20 ISSUE 2


7. Ensure that the mating faces of the differential
case and the new crownwheel are perfectly flat.
8. Fit MF 9A and MF 10 to the bench.
9. Fit the LH differential case, with the mating face
10. Degrease the crownwheel, LH differential case,
differential bolts and nuts with trichlorethylene.
11. Collect together alt items necessary for speedy
These items are:
A torque wrench, the correct size socket and
recommended sealant ·c·.
12. Open the epoxy resin kit 1852 913 M91. Its
contents are:
One jar containing 10ml of resin (This jar is also
used as a mixing vessel).
One jar containing 5ml of hardener.
One glass stirring rod.
One brush.
13.· Pour the hardener into the resin jar and mix
thoroughly using the glass rod.
14. Apply an even coating of adhesive to both
mating surfaces.
15. Fit the crownwheel to the differential case.
NOTE: These two components are an
erference flt and must, therefore, have their
tholes aligned accurately before being fitted
16;• Fit the twelve bolts with their heads nearest the
crownwheel teeth.
17. Apply two drops of recommended sealant ·c· to
the first thread of each bolt
18. Fit the nuts, and tighten them progressively and
evenly to a torque of 160 Nm (1201bf ft).
19.- Refit the differential components, operation
~ NOTE Operations 14 to 18 must be completed
~within 30 minutes of mixing the resin and
20. Cure the resin bonding by subjecting the
differential assembly to uniform heating as
120°c (248°F) for a minimum of 1 hour.
or 40°C (1 05°F} for a minimum of 12 hours.
or 30°C (86°F) for a maximum of 16 hours.
or 2o•c (68°F) for a minimum of 24 hours.
21. Refit the differential unit, operation 6A•13.

ISSUE 2 6A-21


Remove and Refit 6A • 17 -20
1. Remove speedometer cable.
2. Remove top cover.
3. Remove split pin and shear tube.
4. Remove the drive shaft.
5. Remove the speedometer drive by releasing
tabwasher and removing bolts. Both halves of
drive can now be removed.
6. Remove the six bolts and spring washers.
7. Screw a bolt into each of the two tapped holes.
8. Tighten bolts to withdraw the pinion assembly.
Reverse procedures 1 to 8 except:
9. Ensure that the locating pin is aligned before
pressing the housing in place.
10. Tighten the six bolts to a torque of 108 Nm
(801bf ft).
11. Tighten top cover bolts to 70 Nm (521bf ft).

Servicing 6A • 18- 21
Special Tools: MF 200 Hand Press
MF 200-23 Adaptor
MF 200-25 Adaptor
Pre-load Gauge
1 . Remove the pinion assemblv, operation 6A•16.
2. Remove the locking ring as follows:
(a) Place the pinion in a soft faced vice with the
jaws of the vice holding the flats, adjacent to the
collar locking rollers.
(b) Using a cold chisel. cut one half to two thirds
into the locking collar at points b and c.
(c) Reposition the pinion in the vice and chisel
down the splines into the cuts made at points b
and c. A few hefty blows will fracture the locking
collar enabling it to be removed.
NOTE: Great care should be taken to avoid
damaging the threads of the pinion.
6A-22 ISSUE 2


3. Remove speedometer drive gear and splined

3 4
4. Remove the housing, complete with the front
bearing cone.
5. Fitlhe pinion to MF 200 with MF 200-23 and MF
20~5. Press off the bearing.
"6. Remove the snap ring securing the pilot bearing
to the pinion.
7. Fit the pinion to MF 200, using adaptor MF 200-
/ ; \
! '-
23, then press off the pilot bearing.
Examine all components for signs of wear, scoring or
pitting. Any faulty or wom parts must be replaced.
~ (a) If the pinion is damaged the crownwheel
~ must also be replaced as these are only
supplied In matched sets.
(b) The taper roller bearings are serviced as a
pair, assembled with the housing.
(c) New snap rings should always be fitted.
8. Using MF 200 and MF 200-23, press the pilot
bearing on the pinion.
9. Secure the pilot bearing with a new snap ring.
10. Using MF 200 and MF 200-23 and MF 200-25
press the bearing onto the pinion.
11 . Locate the pinion in its housing and fit the front
bearing cone.
12. Refit the speedometer gear and the splined hub
·and a new locking ring, hand tightened.
13. Hold the housing in a soft faced vice.
14. Fit a suitable pre-load gauge to the pinion and
tighten the locking rir.g to give a pre-load
reading of 2.3 Nm (20 lbf in.)
15. Remove the gauge, tap the pinion firmly to
centralise the bearings, then re-check the pre-
16. Secure the locking ring by tapping a locking
roller down either side of one of the pinion
~ NOTE: The needle rollers must be driven flush
~ with the locking collar.
Before refltment, the pinion assembly should be
freely lubricated with clean transmission oil.
17. Refit the pinion assembly, operation 6A•1 6.

ISSUE 2 6A-23



Servicing 6A • 19 - 23
Special Tools: MF 202A Needle Roller Bearing
MF 203A Needle Roller Bearing
550 Universal Handle
1 Remove the speedometer cable and topcover.
2. Remove the split pin from !he shear tube. ·
3. Remove the shear tube.
4. Remove the rear drive shaft.
5. Locate the end of MF 202A underneath the
bearing cage.
6. Extract the bearing.
7. Remove the plunger and spring.
Examine the drive shaft for signs of wear. and fit
a new needle roller bearing.
Reverse procedures 1 to 7 except:
8. Place the bearing depth control collar (part of
203AJ on the end of the dnveshaft over the new
bearing. Drive the bearing into the drive shaft
using MF 203A and the 550 handle until the tool
contacts the depth control collar.
9. Fit a new spilt pin to give an end float of 0.40 to
2.50 mm 10.015 to 0 100 inl.

&A-24 ISSUE 2


Remove and Refit 6A • 20- 24
1. Drain the transmission oil to the MIN mark on the
2. Remove the brake return spring.
3. Remove locknut, nut and self aligning washer.
4. Remove split pin and pivot pin and lever.
5. Disconnect the slave cylinder feed pipe.
6. Remove 3 bolts and housing.
7. Remove and dispose of gasket.

Reassembly is the reverse of instructions 1 to 7
8. Examine the mating faces of the actuator housing
and the trumpet housing for damage. Clean both
surfaces before refitting.
9. If necessary fit a new rubber boot, preferably
using a press.
10. Fit a new gasket.
11. Before refitting the housing, smear the brake
actuator rod with petroleum jelly. When refitting
the housing take care to seat the lies of the
rubber boot in the step on the actuator rod,
without disturbing the garter spring.
12. The three bolts are of varying lengths according
to their position in the actuator housing.
13. Bleed air from hydraulic brake system, operation \
6A•23. _j
Re-adjust the brakes as in operation 6A•22.
ISSUE 2 6A-25



Servicing· 6A • 21 - 25
Special Tools: 270 Rail Trolley
1. Remove trumpet housing, operation see Section
in Group 2.
2. Remove carrier plates operations 6A•07.
3. Remove the brake components, turning each
plate over an·d stacking in reverse order to
ensure correct refitment.
4. If necessary remove the brake anchor pin from
the housing.
5. Only if necessary, dismantle the ball and ramp
expander by removing the 4 springs and
actuator rods.
The bronze plates have a minimum groove depth of
0.3mm (0.12 in) when new. When worn to the extent
that the grooves begin to disappear. the plates must
be replaced.
The steel plates should be replaced if badly scored
or if more than 0.26 mm (0.010 in) has been worn off
the thickness ol any plate.
Check all plates lor signs of severe overheating or
NOTE: Never attempt to reclaim bronze plates or
steel plates by lapping or grinding.
Actuator Plates: The actuator plates do not normally
need replacing. but should be checked for severe
Thoroughly clean out the brake housing and remove
any burrs or pieces of old gasket from the expander
and trumpet housings.
6. Reverse procedures 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 depending on
the extent of disassembly, except:
7. Dip each bronze plate. steel plate and the
actuator unit in clean transmission oil before
refitting them into the housing. THIS IS MOST
Refit all plates in the order in which they were
originally assembled.
8. Refit the carrier plate. operation 6A•07. 6A•08.
9. Fit a new rubber boot, preferably using a press.
10. Smear the actuator rod with petroleum Jelly.
11. The three bolts are of varying lengths according
to their location in the actuator housing.
12. Bleed and adjust the brakes. operations 6A•23.
&A-26 ISSUE 2



Adjusting the brakes

Cab Machines
1. Unlatch the pedals and press firmly on each pedal
in turn.
2. If either pedal has more than 75mm (3 in)
clearance between the pedal arm (1) and the
pedal return stop plate (2) th& brakes should be
adjusted. 1--.--~?-~-.-,-,-~
3. Jack the rear wheels clear of the ground (select 2 MF SOD
wheel drive on 4 wheel drive machines) and ~!~----2
ensure both gear levers are in neutral.
4. Starting on one side, slacken locknut (1) and
tighten nut (2) until the brake is almost locked-
on, then loosen nut (2) by 7 flats. Ensure that the
brake is free and retighten locknut (1 ).
5. Repeat procedure on the other wheel.
6. Engage pedal latch to interconnect both brake
7. Adjust pedal return stops to give 20-22mm
(0. 75-0.875 inches). It is important that both !1 ··-
pedals contact their respective return stops.
8. Adjust clevis on master cylinder push rods to
allow free movement of the clevis pin when the
brake pedals are contacting the return stops If
this adjustment is not made, the master cylinders

may be partially stroked or the push rod loaoeo
against the small withdrawal circlip.

Parking adjustment - standard

The handbrake will automatically adjust whenever the MFSOH/HX
brakes are adjusted and should move 3-4 'clicks' MF30H
before fully applying the brakes.

( \
ISSUE 2 6A-27


Bleeding the Brakes SA• 23- 27

CCV master cylinders
On machines fitted with CCV master cylinders,
identified by a short steel pipe connecting both master
cylinders together, it is essential to purge air from the
system using the method described below.
1. Slacken both brake slave cylinder bleed screws
(1) (2) and fit tubes (3) to drain displaced fluid
4 3 into suitable containers (4).
2. With both bleed screws open, latch the
brake pedals together and press/release the
r- pedals until all air has been purged from the
system. During this operation ensure the brake

f!uid level does not fall below the "danger" mark
on the reservoir.
3. Unlatch the brake pedals, clo~e the right hand
bleed screw (2) and press the left hand brake
pedal and hold down.
4. Press/release the right hand brake pedal 5 times..
then release the left hand brake pedal. Close the
left hand bleed screw. The brake pedals should
be firm and positive. if not. repeat operations 1
to 4.
Cross-flowing the brake lines as described
{) eliminates air from the balance tube connecting
the two master cylinders.
5. Top-up the brake fluid reservoir to the correct
level (1).
Do not fill above the top line marked (1 ),
_z,_ overfilling can cause fluid spillage from breather
when working on steep gradients.
6A-28 ISSUE 2


A Warning
The hydraulic brakes on this machine must NOT be
contaminated with mineral oil, or the components
cleaned in solvents such as paraffin or diesel fuel.
The hydraulic brake components can be cleaned with
alcohol (methylated spirit) and should be assembled
with brake fluid to SAE J1 703 specification.


Remove and Refit &A• 24-28
1. Disconnect hydraulic brake pipe.
2. Remove locknut and ad1usting nut.
3. Remove the brake return spring.
4. Remove both slave cylinder retaining bolts and
lift the cylinder away.

Refitting is the reverse of the removal procedure
5. Bleed the brake system as per operation 6A•23.
6. Re-adjust the brakes as per operation 6A•22.


Servicing &A• 25- 28
1. Remove slave cylinder from the machine
operation 6A•24.
2. Remove push rod and rubber boot.
3. Remove snap ring. ,,.
,~.......__ ,
4. Withdraw piston and seal. J.
The slave cylinder bore should be perfectly
smooth and blemish free. If there are score marks
or pitting due to corrosion the cylinder MUST be

Reverse the strip procedure but:
5. Clean all parts only with methylated spirit
(alcohol) and lubricate with brake fluid before
6. Use new seal and protective rubber boot.
7. Purge air from the brake system as per operation
8. Readjust the brakes as in operation 6A•22.

2 3 4
ISSUE 2 6A-29



CCV Type

Servicing 6A • 26 - 29
After 3.000 hours or 3 years. whichever occurs first.
the master cylinder should be replaced by a new
guaranteed unit. or serviced using only genuine
Massey Ferguson parts. However the bore of the
master cylinder must be perfect. any signs of
scoring. corrosion or wear and the master cylinder
must be scrapped and a new assembly fitted.
1. Drain the brake system by attaching a rubber
tube to a slave cylinder bleed screw. which is
unscrewed ½ turn. and repeatedly pressing the
brake pedal. Discard the displaced fluid.
2. Disconnect the pipes from the master cylinder
and release the mounting bolts and push rod
when the master cylinder can be removed from
the machine.
3. Pull back the rubber retaining band and dust
cover and remove the c1rclip and push tod.
4. Remove the plunger assembly either by shaking
the cylinder or by applying compres~ed air to an
inlet port.
5. Hold down the spring and guide and push out
the retaining pin.
6. Remove the centre valve seal from the stem.
7. Remove centre valve guide and pull spring of
8. Remove circlip from the end o! the plunger and
pull the stem assembly complete. from the
plunger. If the valve seat and retaining pin are
refitted: the stem assembly can be more easily
pulled from the plunger.
9. Remove the valve seat and compensating valve
seal from the stem.
10. Remove the compensating spring.
8 9

\J===ci=====12~(;@-"'° o~ ,

t;~ um--

6A-30 ISSUE 2


11. Using a smooth round ended blade. carefu,ly

pry out both seats from the plunger. BE
SURFACES. small dents or scratches will
necessitate replacement ot the complete master
FROM THE FLOW VALVE CAP. but check that .
the cap is free to move when iightly pressed.
13. If the seats are loose on the piunger and appear
oversize the system may have been
contaminated. Remove the old seats and
compare them with new seals but do not allow
the old seal to touch the new one.
If the old seats are appreciably larger. the
system has definitely been contaminated and
the system must be thoroughly flushed out with
new brake fluid meeting SAE J 1 703
specification or Girling Cleaning Fluid. and all
seats and hoses changed without delay.
Check the condition of the master cylinder bore. 11
it must be perfect. Should there be any blemish
the cylinder must be replaced.
Reverse procedures 1 to 12 except:
14. Lubricate all components during reassembly
with brake fluid to SAE J1703 specification.
15. When the master cylinder is fitted back in place
check that the push rod/plunger clearance is
0.6 - 1.3mm (0.025 - 0.05 inches).
If this clearance is not present. adjust the clevis
on the push rod until a clearance is obtained
within specification.
16. Bleed the brake system per operation 6A•23.

ISSUE 2 6A-31



(Non compensating type)
Remove and Refit 6A • 27 - 31
1. Place a small quantity of plasticine over the air
vent hole in the brake fluid reservoir, to reduce
the loss of fluid when the master cylinders are
2. Remove four split pins and washers, retaining the
right hand foot step to its mounting brackets. Lift
off the foot step.
3. Disconnect the inlet pipe from the master
cylinder and place a suitable cap over the end to
stop loss of brake fluid.
4. Disconnect the outlet pipe from the brake master
cylinder and place a suitable cap over the end to
stop loss of brake fluid and prevent entry of
5. Remove the split pin and clevis pin.
6. Remove the two bolts and spring washers.
7. Lift the master cylinder from its mounted position,
slacken the clevis locking nut, and unscrew both
nut and clevis.

Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:
8. Ensure both pedals are against their respective
return stops and latch the pedal heads together,
ensuring that both pedals are still against their
stops after being latched.
9. Adjust clevis on master cylinder push rod until
the push rod is 1mm (0.04in) clear of the piston.
This gap is inaccessible but can be assumed
correct when the front end of the push rod has a
small amount of movement. Tighten the clevis

6A-32 ISSUE 2



(Non compensating type)
Servicing 6A • 28-32
1. Remove master cylinder per operation 6A•27.
2. Thoroughly clean ·the .outside of the master
3. Fold back the sleeve and slide the cover down
the rod.
4. Remove the piston rod retaining clip.
5. Remove the plunger assembly from the brake
master cylinder
6. Check the cylinder bore for wear, score and pit
marks, if any are found replace the master
cylinder assembly with a new part.
7. Check the piston surfaces for wear, scores or pit
marks. If any are found on the piston, replace the
master cylinder assembly.
8. If the master cylinder bore and piston are in good
·condition, a new seal kit can be fitted.
9. Lift up the locking cap to release the piston
spindle from the piston.
10. Remove the spindle from the spring and locking
11._ Remove the inner seal from the spindle.
12. Remove the inner seal cap, the flat surface must
be towards the spring. (The disc spring and seal
fit inside the cap recess.)
13. Remove the disc spring and store carefully.
14. Remove the locking cap from the spring.
15. Remove the seal from the piston.
16. Thoroughly clean all parts by washing them in
methylated spirit and drying with compressed air.
Inspect the inside of the master cylinders for any
signs of scoring or abrasion.

Reverse instructions 1 to 16 except:
17. Lubricate inside of master cylinder with new
brake fluid of the recommended type to SAE
18. When refitting seal (item 15) the cupped face
must be fitted towards the pressure port.
19. When refitting inlet seal (item 11) ensure inner lip
seats properly into groove on the spindle.
(Non compensated hydraulic brakes)
6A • 29- 32
1. Jack up tractor until both rear wheels are clear of
the ground.
2. Release the parking brake.
3. Slacken locknut and tighten adjuster nut until the
wheel just locks, when turned by hand.
4. Slacken the adjuster nut by the appropriate
number of flats
3 plate brakes - 5 flats
5 plate brakes - 7 flats
5. Road test tractor with both brake pedals latched
together. Both wheels should lock simultaneously
when the brakes are applied. If one wheel locks
before the other. then slacken the brake
adjustment on the side which locks, until equal
braking is achieved.
ISSUE 2 6A-33



(Non compensated hydraulic brakes)
Remove and Refit 6A • 30 - 33
1. Remove the R.H. foot step and brake master
cylinders, operation 6A•27.
2. Remove both trrake pedal return springs.
3. Remove the circlip.
4. Remove the retaining bolt and washer.
5. Withdraw the brake pedal. pivot pin and remove
the three spacer thrust washers.
6. Remove the four brake pedal pivot bushes.
7. Remove the two grease nipples from the brake
8. Check the bushes and thrust washers, and if
worn or damaged replace with new parts.

Reverse procedures 1 to 8.
9. Liberally smear the brake pedal pivot bushes ~!
with grease before refitment. ~

2 5


(Non compensated hydraulic brakes)
De-aeration 6A • 31 - 33
"'. If the hydraulic brake connections are opened for any
reason it is essential to thoroughly de-aerate the brake
lines, using the following procedure:
.. ,
1 . Fill the brake fluid reservoir with fresh clean,
approved brake fluid. If must be kept topped up
< at all times during the de-aeration process.
2. Fit a suitable length of rubber pipe onto the bleed
screw on the left hand slave cylinder.
3. Insert free end of the rubber pipe into a clean,
transparent receptacle.

-- 4. Unlatch the brake pedals to enable them to be

operated individually.
5. Check that when th_e pedals are released they are
ad1usted as 6A•29. To obtain this clearance
adjust the length of the master cylinder control
rods as necessary, ensuring that the pedal latch
can be engaged freely.
6. Undo the bleed screw and depress the left hand
brake pedal for the full extent of its travel, allow it
to return and repeat the process until air free fluid
can be seen emitting from the rubber pipe. On a
downward stroke lock the bleed screw.
7. Remove the pipe and repeat the process on the
opposite cylinder.
8. Re-latch the brake pedals.
6A-34 ISSUE 2



(mechanically operated brakes)
Remove and Refit 6A • 32 - 34 6

1. Release the brake return springs.
2. Remove the split pin and clevis pin securing the 12
brake rod to the R.H. pedal.
3. Remove the split pin and clevis pin securing the
brake rod to the L.H. pedal lever pull rod.
4. Remove the four nuts and bolts securing the right
hand footstep front support bracket.
5. Remove the R.H. footstep front support bracket.
6. Remove the snap ring.
7. Remove the washer.
8. Slide the R.H. brake pedal off the cross shaft.
9. Slacken the pinch bolt securing the L.H. cross
shaft arm.
10. Remove the L.H. cross shaft arm.
11. Remove the Woodruff Key.
12. Push the cross shaft through the centre housing
and remove it, complete with the L.H. brake
13. Remove the pinch bolt, nut and washer securing
the L.H. brake pedal. __ _j
14. Slide the pedal off the shaft.
15. Remove the Woodruff Key.
16. Remove the screw and nut.
17. Remove the plate.
18. Remove the locking latch.
_:: f-.- -· -
·', 0 ,-· 9
Reverse procedures 1 to 18 except: __.,..,,;, 10
19. Adjust and balance the brakes. as stated in
operations 6A•33. to:'~_e

(mechanically operated brakes)
Adjustment 6A • 33 - 34
/ •.
1. Jack up the tractor until both rear wheels are
clear of the ground.
2. Disengage the brake return springs and release
the parking brake.
3. Unlatch the brake pedals. _.-~
4. Hold the left-hand pedal up, against its return
stop and apply a light load to the right hand pedal
which should move to give a 25mm (1 inch)
difference in pedal height.
5. If adjustment is required, turn the adjustment nut
clockwise to reduce free travel and anti-clockwise
to increase free travel.
6. Having adjusted the right hand pedal, adjust the
L.H. pedal to match for height so that the latch ·-•_ .".j
freely engages. ~
7. Re-connect the brake return springs.
8. Road test the tractor, checking for binding or

---~ ~~.;,- 1

pulling to one side. Any tendency to pull to one

side should be counteracted by slackening the
ad1uster on the side to which pulling takes piace. .. --..c,,·~~
.., _L- -- --- :
ISSUE 2 6A-35



(mechanical brakes)
Remove and Refit 6A • 34-35
The procedure detailed below applies to both left and
right-hand brake actuators but the right-hand actuator
has the differential lock lever attached, which is
removed as an assembly with the actuator.
1 . Drain the transmission oil to the MIN mark on the
2. Disconnect the brake pull rods.
3. Remove the brake return spring.
4. Remove the locknut, nut and spacer.
5. Remove the three bolts and spring washers.
6. Remove the housing.
7. Remove and discard the gasket.
8. Tap out and, if damaged, discard the rubber boot.
9. If necessary. remove the brake pull lever by
removing the split pin and pushing out the pivot

Examine the mating faces of the actuator housing and
the trumpet housing for damage. Clean both surfaces
before reassembly.

Reverse procedures 1 to 8 except:
10. If necessary fit a new rubber boot, preferably
using a hydraulic press.
1 I Fit a new gasket.
12. Before refitting the housing, smear the brake
actuator rod with petroleum Ielly. When refitting
the housing take care to seat the lips of the
rubber boot in the step on the actuator rod,
without disturbing the garter spring.
13. The three bolts are of varying lengths according
to their position in the actuator housing.
14. Adjust and balance the brakes~ operation 6A•33.
6A-36 ISSUE 2



(Foot step tractors)
Remove and Refit 6A • 35 - 36
1. Remove split pin and washer.
2. Support the lever and remove the pivot pin.
3. Punch the roll-pin through the pivot pin.
4. Remove pin and actuator.

Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:
5. Grease all pins prior to refitting.
6. Use a new roll-pin.

Remove and Refit 6A • 36- 36
Procedure is similar for top or side cover speedometer
drives. 6
1. disconnect the speedometer drive cable from the
2. Remove the top cover from the rear axle centre
3. Remove the split pin, shear tube and main drive
4. Remove the guard and unscrew the knurled nut from
the adaptor and remove the gearbox
5. Remove the adaptor from the stud
6. Release the tabwasher and unscrew the two bolts and
lift out the two halves of the speedometer drive
7. Remove the drive pinion assembly and the locking 6
ring/drive wheel

Reverse instruction l to 7 except:

8. A number is stamped on the arm of each half of the
speedometer housing and should be matched
together during reassembly.
Issue Two 6B-01


Group 6 Section B



Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
68 • 01 - 03 Toe-in adjustment 03
68 • 02-04 Front hub service 04
68 • 03- 04 King pin R/R 04
68 • 04- 05 King pin bushes service 05
68 • 05- 06 Axle beam R/R 06
68 • 06- 07 Axle beam service 07
68 • 07 - 08 Axle support casting R/R 08
68 • 08-08 Axle assembly, (twin ram type) R/R 08

Later single ram axle

68 • 09 - 09 King pins, shims and seals, R/R 09
68 • 10- 11 King pin bushes R/R 11
68 • 11 - 11 Track rod pivots. R/R 11
68 • 12 - 12 Steering lock, adjustment 12
68-02 Issue Two



Ball jornt separator

MF 263 Bush remover
. MF 263-5 Adaptor
MF 264 Reamer .,andle
MF 264-8 Reamer and pilot bush
550 universal handle
MF 341 Pump drive shaft remover
MF 68/1 Mandrel
MF 68/2 reaction plate
MF 68/3 tube
MF 68/4 Mandrel



. 044
., I

- -:/

I MF.264-8
J'20 .. , I
11/75 .1

~I I MS.550


. 065
... "29 .. i
6B/4 '
,.TI '

I !
t: ·" --~ .'

-- .
: 024
,. mm
Issue Two 6B-03


Pedestal steering with split track rods
MF SOH/HX standard axle

Adjust 6B • 01-03

1. Park the tractor on firm level ground and steer the

front wheels to the straight ahead position.
2. Using a suitable track gauge, check the toe-in
which should be 32 mm (%inch).
3. If adjustment is necessary, slacken the pinch-bolt on
the left hand track rod.
4. Remove the ball-joint nut and separate the ball-joint
from the drag link, preferably using a ball joint
separator tool.
5. Turn the ball-joint to adjust, screw out to increase
toe-in: screw in to reduce toe-in.
6. Inspect the rubber boot surrounding the joint, and ff
damaged in any way it musi be replaced.
7. Refit ball joint to drag link and check toe-in, if
correct tighten pinch bolt. Tighten ball joint nut to
105 Nm (75 lbf ft).

Twin rem steer axle
6/'YJ MFSOH/HXoptlonal

Dimension A should be equal to within 5 mm (0.2 inch)
at both ends.

1. Park the tractor on firm level ground and steer the
front wheels to the straight ahead position.
2. Using a suitable track gauge, check the toe-in
which should be 32 mm (%inch).
3. If the required adjustment is small it can be made at
only one end of the track rod.
4. Release nut, and use a ball joint separator tool to
remove the power steering ram rod from the track
5. Slacken the pinch bolt.
6. Remove split pin and ball joint nut from drag link.
7. Use a ball-joint separator tool to separate track rod
from drag link.
8. Screw the track rod end in to decrease toe-in and
out to increase toe-in.
9. Replace rubber gaiter around the ball joint if the
existing gaiter is damaged in any way.
10. Refit ball-joint to drag link and re-check toe-in, if
correct tighten ball joint nut to 105 Nm (75 lbf ft) and
refit split pin.
11. Re-tighten pinch bolt to 88 Nm (65 lbf ft).
12. Refit powersteenng ram and tighten nut to 115 Nm
(85 lbf ft).
6B-04 Issue Two


Service 6B e 02-04

Special tools :
Torque wrench

1. Jack up front of the tractor and remove the wheel.
2. Remove the hub cap.
3. Remove and discard the split pin.
4. Remove the nut.
5. Remove the washer.
6. Pull the hub. complete with bearing and seal from
the axle spindle.
7. Remove the outer bearing cone.
8. Tap out the outer bearing cup.
9. Remove the seal.
10. Remove the inner cone.
11. Drive out the bearing cup.
12. Remove the dust shield.

13. Thoroughly wash out the old grease or dirt from the
hub components using clean paraffin. check
conditions of the hub. spindle and bearings. Any
worn or damaged components should be replaced.
Always fit a new seal with flat face towards the
centre of hub and tap tr.e seal ngnt into the recess
1n tr.e hub.
Reverse the procedure l - 12
14. Tighten the nut 80 Nm (60 1bf ft) then slacken nut (4)
to nearest pin hole. and by a further 1/6 turn
(one flat) to give the correct end float.
15. Fit a new split pin.

Remove and Refit 6B • 03-04

1. Remove the hub per operation 68 • 02.
2. Remove the nut. washer and bolt.
3. Detach the arm.
4. Remove and discard the key.
5. Remove the seal.
6. Lower the king-pin from the housing.
7. Remove the bearing.

8. Examine the spindle shaft bearing tor wear or
damage. When reassembling, use a new seal and
replace the bearing 1f necessary (with the thrust face

Reverse the procedure 1 to 7
9. A new key must be fitted.
Issue Two 6B-05



Service 6B • 04-05

Special tools:
MF 263 Bush remover
MF 263 - 5 Adaptor
MF 264 Reamer handle
MF 264 - 8 Reamer and pilot bush
550 - Universal handle

1. Remove front axle as in operation 68 • 05.
2. Remove king-pins, operation 68 • 03.
3. Secure axle on a bench, with the King-pin
housing horiz.ontal and allowing working space
around each end. Using MF 263 and MF 263 - 5
toothed adaptor extract the bush by first turning
the outer handle to jam the adaptor into the
bush and then the inner handle to extract the
3 bush.
4. Working from the other end of the King-pin
housing, extract the other bush.

5. Using the 550 handle and MF 263 - 5 drive in a
new bush, and similarly drive in the second
bush from the other end of the King-pin housing.
5 6. Using MF 264 Reamer handle and MF 264 - 8
Reamer. ream the upper bush (as fitted to the
machine) to size.
7. Fit MF 264 -8 pilot into reamed upper bush and
enter MF 264 handle and reamer from the other
end of the King-pin housing until reamer shaft
slides into MF 264 - 8 pilot. Ream bottom bush.
8. Remove all metal particles from the housing by
washing with clean paraffin and ensure that the
grease nipple hole is clear.
9. Reverse procedures 1 and 2.
10. Refit wheels, and torque retaining nuts to 275 Nm
(200 lbf. ft.).
6B-06 Issue Two



Single ram pedestal steering.
Applications: MF 500. MF SOE. MF S0H/HX

Remove and Refit 6B • 05-06

1. Jack the machine under the engine sump and, if a
loader 1s fitted. also under the side-frames. near the
2. Remove hydraulic pump. operation 8A • 11 and
also the hardnose (depending on model).
3. Remove both road wheels.
4. Separate ball joints at the outer end of each track
5. Remove pinch bolt and remove steering control arm
from bottom of the pedestal shaft.
6. Push axle beam back hard. along its pivot pin
against the thrust washer. and measure the gap
between the front thrust face and casting. If the gap
exceeds 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) note the dimension for
later use.

7. Remove lock-nut and screw from axle pivot and
securely support both ends of the axle.
8. Remove bolt and retainer plate and remove pivot
pin. thrust washer and shims.

MF SOH and later MF 30D/SOE

7a. Remove spring clips and anchor pin.
8a. Securely support axle at both ends and remove pivot
pm. thrust washer and shims.

9. Check thrust faces. washers and pivot bushes for
wear. In the event of accidental damage. check the
beam tor distortion and it 11 1s found to be twisted or
bent 1t must be replaced. as the integrity of the
welded box section has been destroyed and would
be a safety hazard.
Issue Two 6B-07


PART Refit
NUMBER SHIM THICKNESS Reverse instructions 1 to 8 except
10. If the end-float measured at instruction 6 exceeded
mm in 0.25 mm (0.010 inch). appropriate shims must be
selected from the following chart to reduce end-float
898 018 M1 0,7 to 0,76 0.028 to 0.030 to between 0.08- 0.25 mm (0.003 - 0.010 inch).
898 019 M1 0.86to0,91 0.034 to 0.036 Shims must be fitted to the front of the axle beam
898 020 M1 0.99 to 1,04 0.039 to 0.041 and the thrust washer to the rear.
o 882 868 M1 1,12101,17 0.044 to 0.046 11. Tighten track rod ball joint nuts to 102 Nm (75 lbf ft).
882 896 M1 1,24 to 1,30 0.049 to 0.051 12. Tighten steering control arm pinch bolt to 115 Nm
(85 lbf ft).

Earlier pin fixing

13. Thoroughly degrease tapped hole, locklng screw
and nut. Apply a few drops of Loctite AV (red) or
Casco Metalock ML15 to the screw then refit and
tighten locking screw to 75 Nm (55 lbf ft) and
locknut to 55 Nm (40 lbf ft).


Service 6Be06-07
Special tools: MF 263 Bush remover
MF 263-3 Adaptor
550 Universal handle
1. Remove axle as described in operation 6B • 05.
2. Using MF 263 and MF 263-3. extract the front.
pivot bush. by turning the lower handle of tool
MF 263.
3. Extract the rear bush in the sc1rne manner.
4. Drive in the new bushes us1rig the 550 universal
handle and MF 263-3 aoapto· !::nsure the notch
in the bushes facing the top of :-,e axle 1as
installed in the machine!.
5. Refit the beam as in operation 6B • 05.

- '
6B-08 Issue Two



Removal and Refitment 6B • 07 - 08
Special tools: MF 34 1

1. Remove engine inlet stand pipe and exhaust
2. Remove engine cover.
3. Partially dram hydraulic 01I.
4. Remove suction and pressure pipes from the
hydraulic pump.
5 Remove rne nydrau11c pump and using MF 341
remove the pump drive shaft.
6. Attach chains and hooks to the lifting eyes
1ns1de the hardnose then release the two side
ra11 bolts and four bottom bolts. side panels and
7 Disconnect all grease pipes and hydraulic
hoses from steering cylinder.
8. The front axle can r,a removed as in operation
68 • OS . or if prert:rred tl"'e axle can be
removed after the support casting has oeen
separated from the engine.
9. Attach a sling to the radiator support frame then
release the four bolts attach mg the radiator
assembly to the axle support casting.
10. Install a trc,lley 1ack under the ax1e support
casting befo~e removing the attacnmg bolts and
nuts. then pul1 the support casting away from the
11 Reverse procedures 1 - 10.
Torque axle support casting bolts to 275 Nm
12001bf ftl and pinch bbl: to 120 Nm 1901bf !ti.


Remove and Refit 6B • 08-08

MF SO EiSOH opttonai

1. Jack the machine under the engine sump and the
side-frames near the.front. 1f a loader 1s fitted.
2. Remove the hydraulic pump per operation BA • 11
and depending on the model of machine. also the
hardnose assembly.
3. Remove both road wheels.
4. Label the steering hoses and remove from both
steering rams.
5. Push axle assembly hard back along its pivot pin
against the thrust washer. Use feeler gauges to
measure the gap between front thrust face and

casttng. If 1t exceeds 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) note the
d1mens1on for 1ater use.
6. Remove spring clips and anchor pm.
7. Securely support the axle at bath ends and prevent
1t rolling when the pivot pm 1s removed.
8. Remove axle assembly thrust washers and shims.
Issue Two 6B-09


9. Check thrust faces, washers and pivot bushes for
wear. In the event of accidental damage, check the
beam for distortion. If the axle beam is twisted or
bent. it must be replaced, as the integrity of the
welded box section has been destroyed and would
be a safety hazard.

Reverse instructions , to 9 except:
10. If the end-float, measured at instruction 5, exceeded
0.25 mm (0.010 inch), appropriate shims must be
selected from the following chart to reduce end-float
to between 0.08 - 0.25 mm (0.003 - o.o,o inch).
Shims must be fitted to front of axle beam and the
thrust washer to the rear.

mm in

898 018 M1 0,7 to 0,76 0.028 to 0.030

7 898 019 M1 0,86to0,91 0.034 to 0.036
898 020 M1 0,99 to 1.04 0.039 to 0.041
882 868 Mi ,.1210 ,.11 0.044 to 0.046
882 896 M1 1,24to 1,30 0.049 to 0.051

Later single ram axle

Remove and Refit 6B • 09-09

, . Sl~cken wheel nuts and jack under the axle beam.
2. Remove wheel.
3. Turn steering to allow access to the locking screw
and remove it.
4. Remove the king pin upwards while supporting the
steering knuckle/hub.
5. Slide the steering knuckle out of the axle and retain
both shims and seals. If the track rod is still
attached. wire the track rod up, to prevent damage
to the track rod pivot bearings.
6. Remove ·o· ring seals from each kingpin bush.
7. Remove thrust washer from kingpin.
8. Remove thrust bearing from top of steering knuckle
and inspect for wear.
68-10 !ssueTwo


9. Fit new thrust bearing into steerlr.g knuckle.
10. Fit the steering l<rn.. ckile 11"1.o the ax1e iork without
thrust washers anc tempcraclly insert the King pin.
it. Measure gap "A"be:ween U,e 1op o{ the steering
knuckle and the axle !ork. Tf1e measurement must
be divided by 2 to obtain ths required thrust washer
·-thickness chose11 from tile table. For example:

GapA = .52,mm = 2.Srnm

from the chart choose twc thriJst washers of 2.5 mm
which will leave a c!ea•an::e of 0.2 mm. Up to a
maximum of 0.35 mm (0.014 inch) clearance is
12. Remove 1<1rg p·in and steering knuckle and fit new
·o· rings to bo1t, king ~in bushes.
13. Flt new ·v· seals with the base of the seal around
the collars of the king pi11 bushes.
14. Remount steering knuckle and correct thrust
washers and insert k1rg pin. It is advisable to smear
antr-se.ze compound inside steering knuckle.
15. De-grease t\'lreads anc :tpply Loctite 242 to peg bolt
ar.d t,gt,ten to, 10 Nm (81 lb! ft).
16. Measure gap between ::kclip and top face of axle
fork. Choose a thrust washer that most closely
matches the gap.
17 Refit the road wheel and tighten the nuts to 245 Nm
(180 lbf ft).

Thrust washers 12

Thickness PartNo.
mm (inch)

2.15 I0.085) 3503 775 M1

2.50 (0098) 3501138 M1
2.80 (0.110) 3503 776 Ml 15
3503 777 Ml
3503 778 M1
3503 779 M1
Issue Two 6B-11



Later single ram axle

Remove and Refit 6B e10-11

Special tools:
6B/1 Mandrel (see drawing)
6B/2 Reaction plate (see drawing)
68/3 Tube (see drawing)

The kingpin bushes are pre-finished and do not require

reaming after fitting.

1. Remove king pins and steering knuckles per
operation 68 • 08.
2. Fit mandrel 68/1 in the un-flanged end of bush, fit
tube 68/3 over the bush flange and the reaction
plate 68/2 over the end of the tube. Use an M 20
(¾ UNC) bolt through the assembly and extract the
bush. If available. a screw type or hydraulic puller
J: can be used instead of the method described,

~-----. mL1t
in which case only the mandrel is required.
3. Repeat instruction 2 on the other bushes.

·:., Refit
:?- 4. Fit mandrel into the flange end of a new bush and

assemble to the axle with the reaction plate mounted
as shown.
5. Using a bolt or puller pull the new bush into place.
6. Repeat instruction 5 for the other bushes.
7. Check clearances and assemble king pin per
operation 68 • 08.


Later single ram axle
Remove and Refit 6B • 11 - 11

Special tools:
Mandrel 68/4 (see drawing)
General purpose puller

The bushes are pre-finished and do not require reaming

after fitting.

1. Remove nut. spacer and special bolt and swing the
steering ram away from the track rod. Tie or support
the steering ram to prevent damage to the head-end
spherical bearing.
6B-12 Two


2. Remove split pin.

3. Remove bolt. plain washer and spacer.
4. Remove pivot pin and both ·v· seals.
5. Repeat instructtons 2 to 4 at the other track rod pivot
and remove track rod.
6. Use mandrel 68/4 in conjunction with a standard.
puller to remove bushes from drag links.

Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
7. Fit -v· seal base against the drag link boss.
8. Position steering ram rod eye over the track rod and
insert the special bolt fro!:11 the top. fit spacer and
nut which should be tightened to 670 Nm (495 lbf It).


Adjustment 6B • 12-12

1. Jack up axle and remove road wheels.
2. Steer left until steering 1ock stops contact.
3. Clamp a straight edge against the front face of the
axle and a second straight edge across the wheel
mounting flange. The angle of intersection should
be 40°.
4. If adjustment is required remove the cap screw and
5. Refit cap screw without shims and reset the steering
angle to 40°.
6. Measure the gap between the cap screw and lock
stop. Choose a shim combination, from the chart
below. to equal the measured gap.
7. Remove cap screw. fit shims. refit and tighten cap
8. Repeat instruction 1 to 7 on the opposite steering I
• i

Shim washers

Thickness PartNo.

mm (inch)

0.5 (0.020) 391 610 X1

1.6 (0063) 339 424 X1

2.0 (0.079) 1440 308 X1
2.5 (0.098) 391 388 X1

Group 6 Section E


Operation No. Operation page
Special tools 02
General description 04
6E • 01 - 07 Toe-in adjustment 07
6E • 02- 07 Steering lock adjustment 07
6E • 03- 08 Final drive assembly, remove/refit 08
6E • QL-09 King pins, servicing 09
6E • 05 - 11 Drive shaft, remove/refit 11
6E • 06-13 Final drive hub, servicing 13
6E • 07 - 15 Differential, servicing 15

Special tools
Final drive hubs
5870 650 001 King pin slide hammer
4W70 720 204 Fixture tor king pin rolling torque
4W70 120 006 Hub puller screws
4W70 520 039 Claw wrench
4W70 310 026 Shell bearing drift
4W70 300 006 Seal drift 5870 650001
4W70 300 069 Guide mandrel
4W70 240 002 Universal handle for drifts
4W70 300 033 Seal drift
Hub slinging bracket
Ball-joint separator

Dlfferentlal assembly
5870 026 008 Puller sleeve
5870 506 058 Extension sleeve
5870 026 100 Mandrel and nut
5870 240 025 Adjustable peg wrench 4W70 720204
5870 026 001 Puller sleeve
5870 026 000 Base tool
5870 500 001 Measuring bar
5870 500 023 Adaptors
Dial indicator and magnetic base

Speciaj sealants
Powerpart Instant Gasket MF Part No. 3405 355 M1
Loctite 242

4W70 120 006


4W70 520039

4W70 310026

4W70 300006
4W70 300 033

4W70 ·240 002

5870 026 008

5870 506 058
5870 026100

5870 500 001

5870 500 023

General description
Model Identification Plate
All axles have a model identification plate containing data.
,ncluding the serial number, which must be quoted when
•)rdering spares
1 . Axle type with differential model fitted. 1
2. Axle serial number.
1. ZF parts list number.
4 Total ratio of the axle.
5 Version with or without ZF multi disk self locking
differential. 6
6. Type of oil to use.
7. Approximate capacity of the differential and each final 7
8. Number of list detailing brands of oil to be used (i.e.
TE - Ml 05 Edition 1983/1984). or refer to the Massey
Ferguson Operators Manual, for the machine to which
the axle IS fitted.

Servicing advice
ZF axles are built to fine tolerances for reliability and long lift
but certain assembly methods must be observed to avoid
damaging components.
Special pullers for the differential carrier bearings and pinion
beanng are essential tools. as in both cases the bearings are
fitted hot and are very tight when cool.
Replacement bearing inner races must be heated in oil to
so·c maximum before attempting to fit. Do not overheat the
bearings as they will be permanently damaged.
The correct diameter and iength of drifts must be used or
the bearings will cool before being property located. Driving
on a cold bearing can cause seizure. damaging both bearing
and component.
Having fitted the hot bearing correctly, maintain pressure on
it until cool. Failure to do this will allow the bearing to shrink
away from the shaft shoulder, the gap left will quickly close
during work and eliminate the carefully measured pre-loads.

General description
The 4 wheel drive front axle 1s a ZF 3052 unn fitted with a BK
u,tferenual assembly_ without a self locking mechanism.
Drrve through the axle 1s via a crownwheel and pinion bevel
gear set and epicyclic final dnves mounted 1n each hub.
Steering 1s effected by a single. double-acting hydraulic ram.
mounted on the rrght hand side of the axle.
SE 05

Final drive hub _

The illustration is the same for both lefl and right hand final
drive hubs.
Key to illustra11on
1 Wheel mounting flange
2. Wheel stud
3. Oil seal
4. Steering knuckle
5. Drag hnk/king pm cap
6. King pin
7. Shims
8. Mam axle housing
9. Oil seals
10. Thin walled bush
1 1 . Drive shaft assembly
12. Bottom king pm cap
13. Oil seals
14. Thin walled bush
15. Spacer ring (in different thicknesses)
16. Ring gear carrier
17. Ring gear
18. Ring nut
19. Fill/drain plug
20. Planetary carrier/hub cover
21 . Thrust plug
22- Shims ·
23. Sun gear
24. Planetary pin
25_ Planetary gear

17 16 15 14 13 12 11 9 8 10

Differential assembly

Key to 1llustra11on
1. Nut-drive flange
2. Bolt-drive flange
3. Drive flange
4. Shield
5. Oil seal
6. Spacer tube
7. Shims
8. Pinion
9. Differential earner
10. Castellated ring nut
11. Lock pin
12. Differential case half. 'B'
13. Planetary pinion
14. Spider
15. Crownwheel
16. Bolts differential case halves A and B and crownwheel
17. Side gear
18. Thrust washer
19. Differential case half. 'A'

17 18 13 14 15 16






TOE-IN 6E • 01 -07
Special tools:
Ball-Joint separator
1. Toe-in can be measured with the wheels still mounted or
if they are removed, straight edges can be attached to
each hub and in this case the toe-in must be measured
at a similar radius to the wheel rim and measurements
be taken while the straight edges are horizontal.
2. Measure the distance between wheel rims in front of the
axle, mark position on wheel rim. .
3. Turn wheels 180", until marks on wheel rim are directly
behind the axle and again measure distance between
4. Toe-in should be 0 - 3mm.
5. Adjust toe-in by removing the adjustable ball-joint from
drag link and slacken both clamp bolts. Screw the ball-
joint assembly in or out. to lengthen or shorten the track
rod for toe-in correction.
6. Refit ball-joint to drag link and tighten nut to 200 -
220Nm (147 -162Ibf ft).


Check 6E • 02 ....::,07
Special tools:
2 straight edges
The steering lock should never exceed the angle given
390 I below or the drive shaft universal Joint will wear excessively.
\ . Adjustment
. I 1. Disconnect track rod at one end.
"' I
2. Turn left hand hub to maximum left hand steering angle.
"i 3. Place long straight edge against axle input flange or
D against machine hardnose and ensure the straight edge
is parallel with axle centre-line.
4. Place second straight edge against wheel hub flange.
5. Measure angle 'A' at which both straight edges
intersect. Subtract angle A from 90" to give steering
lock. for example:
Angle A - 51"
Steering angle 90" - 51 • - 39'
6. Adiust the left hand stop for maximum left steering lock
and right hand stop for maximum right steering lock.
7. The steering angle must not exceed 39°.

Remove and Refit 6E•03-00

Special tools:
5870 650 001 King pin puller
Hub lifting bracket
Ball-joint separator
This operation separates the complete final drive and drive
shaft from the axle, by removal of both king pins and is
useful when servicing the differential assembly.
Only one hub is described here but the procedure is
identical for both units.
Warning - King pin pre-load is accurately set by shims
which also provide radial alignment of the final drive and
axle. If the shims are lost, damaged or mixed with other
shims, then the king pin bearing pre-load must be reset per
operation 6E • 04 which involves stripping the complete hub

The flnaktrlve hub is heavy and awkward to hold,

therefore a simple slinging bracket should be used which
carries the hub at its centre of bmance. This will also
prwent unnecessary damage to bearings and seals.
1. Remove the wheel.
2. Drain differential oil.
3. Remove split-pin and castellated nut securing the track
rod to the drag link and separate the ball-joint preferably
using a ball-joint separator.
4. Release bolts and remove top and bottom king pin caps.
5. Remove grease fittings from king pins.
6. Support hub assembly and use special tool 5870 650
001 to wittidraw king pins and taper roller bearings.
Carefully store shim packs for re-use.
7. Lift the hub assembly complete with swivel housing
away from the axle, taking care to withdraw the drive
shaft carefully and not damage the seal or bush in the
axle housing.
8. Protect drive shaft splines from dust or other
contaminents and avoid causing burrs through rough
Assembly is the reverse of instructions 1 - 8 except:
9. Check that king pin shim packs are of equal thickness
top and bottom.
10. lighten king pin retaining bolts to 190Nm (1401bf ft).
11 . Refit balHoint to drag link and tighten nut to 200 -
200Nm (147 -1621bf ft).
12. Refit drain plug and fill differential with correct grade of

12 12

Servicing SE• 04-09
Special tools:
5870 650 001 King pin puller
4W70 720 204 Fixture for king pin rolling torque
4W70 120 006 Hub puller screws
5870 401 039 Peg wrench
5870 204 015 Ring gear puller screws
Hub slinging bracket
Ball-joint separator
Correct pre-load of king pin bearings is crucial tor proper
service life, therefore the adjustments described in this
operation must be accurately made.
1 . Remove road wheel.
2. Mark cover and hub for correct reassembly and drain oil.
3. Remove all bolts from hub cover and use puller screws
4W70 720 204 to remove cover assembly.
4. Remove circlip from end of drive shaft.
5. Remove sun gear from drive shaft.
6. Open staked rim of the ring nut and, using special tool
4W70 520 039, remove nut.
7. Use puller screws 5870 204 015 to remove ring gear
carrier. The ring gear can be removed from the carrier
after releasing the snap ring.
8. Fit hub slinging bracket and remove hub from steering
knuckle, ensuring bearing and seal are not damaged.
Though the hub slinging bracket is not essential it
greatly assists this operation.
6 9. Remove split pin and nut from track rod ball-joint and
separate joint using a ball-joint separator tool.
10. Release bolts and remove bearing caps from both top
and bottom king pin bearings.
11. Lift out shim packs. Store carefully for reassembly.
12. Remove grease nipples from both king pins, and use
special tool 5870 650 001 to remove.
13. Lift off steering knuckle and hub carrier.
14. Pull taper roller bearing inner race off king pins and lift
off seals and rings.
15. Pull drive shaft out of axle housing.
16. Examine all seals for wear or damage and renew as
17. Renew bearings and check expansion plugs in steering
knuckle, renew plugs as necessary.

8 13 12 10

18. Refit king pin bearing outer races into axle housing.
19. Fit ·o· ring, dust seal and bearing inner race to each king
pin and ensure bearing Is seated firmly against the
! Ensure 'O' ring is not damaged during this operation.
20. Slide steering knuckle onto axle h0us1ng and install the
king pin assemblies.
21. Ensure both shim packs are of equal thickness, and
smear them with grease before installing on each king
22. Refit king pin caps and tighten bolts to 190Nm (140Ibf
19 ft).
23. Fit special tool 5870 656 004 so that the axis of the tool
is aligned with the centre-line of the king pm. Attach a
torque wrench (continuous reading gauge or deflection
type) to the special tool and measure the rolling torque
of the king pin bearings, which should be 18 - 21 Nm
(13 - 15.5Ibf ft). Add or delete shims until this rolling
torque is achieved then check that both shim packs are
of equal thickness and make a note of the TOTAL
thickness of both shim packs.
24. Loosen the four bolts retaining the top king pin cap.
25. Install grease nipples into each king pin.
26. Remove hub carrier from the steering knuckle.
27. Fit drive shaft into axle housing and carefully enter
splines into the differential side gear.
28. Slide hub carrier over outer end of drive shaft. It is
advisable to .,. rap tape over splines to prevent damage
to oil seal in hub carrier.
29. Refit the bolts to retain hub carrier to steering knuckle
and tighten to 275Nm (203Ibf ft).
30. Tighten bolts in top king pin cap fully and then, using a
pry bar lift drive shaft joint. Radial play of the drive shaft
should be quite noticeable, if it is not. then centre-line of
the hub carrier is above or below centre-line. of axle
housing. The alignment can be adjusted by transferring
shims from one king pin to the other - but without
attertng the TOTAL thickness of the shim packs.
31 . If either or both hub bearings have been changed then
the rolling torque adjustment must be made per
operation 6E • 06.
32. If hub bearings or hOusing have been changed then the
axial end float of the drive shaft must be checked per
operation 6E • 06.
33. Tighten lock ring which retains hub components to hub
carrier to 550Nm (405Ibf ft).
34. Fit hub cover to hub with Powerpart Instant Gasket
applied to one of the mating surfaces and tighten
retaining bolts to 36Nm (26Ibf ft).
35. Refit drain plug and fill axle housing and final drive hub
with correct grade of oil.
36. Grease king pins and universal joint.


Removal and Refitment 6E • 05-11
Special tools:
,:w70 720 204 Hub puller screws
t.W70 310 026 Bush punch
4W70 300 006 Seal punch
4W70 240 002 Universal handle
4W70 300 069 ~ntering sleeve
5870 650 001 King pm puller
Hub slinging bracket
Ball-joint separator
This operation removes the drive shaft. replaces the thin wall
bushes which support the universal Joint and 011 seals. Axial
clearance adjustment Is described and must be reset
whenever a new drive shaft or hub components are fitted.
1. Remove road wheel and mark cover and hub.
2. Remove hub cover retaining bolts and using special
1 screws 4W70 720 204 pull the hub cover assembly from
the hub.
3. Remove circlip from drive shaft and pull off sun gear.
4. Remove top and bottom king pin caps and remove
grease nipples from king pins. Save shims exactly as
removed. for reassembly later.
5. Fit slide hammer ZF 5870 650 001 and remove both king
6. Pull final drive hub/steering knuckle assembly off the
axle. pulling the drive shaft out of the axle h0usIng at the
same time.
! Take care to avoid damaging bushes and seals 11 they
are to be re-used.
7. Remove dnve shaft from hub.
8. Remove dust seals. oil seals and dnve shaft bushes
from the axle housing and hub earner.
Reassembly is the reverse of instructions 1 - 8 except:
9. Install new bushes into axle housing and hub carrier
· using special punch 4W70 310 026.
10. Install oil seal into axle housing and hub earner using
special punch 4W70 300 006 and centering sleeve
4W70 300 069.
11. Fit dust seals to axle housing and hub carrier.

9 11 11 10 9

n __).

12. Remount steering Knuckle. fit king pins and tighten king
pin retaining bolts to 190Nm (140Ibf ft). Check that drive
shaft has noticeable radial play by using a pry bar.
13. Turn steering knuckle to full lock and check that the drive
shaft can be freely rotated. Repeat on opposite steering
lock, turning drive shaft continuously. Move steering
knuckle to full lock.
14. Use two gauge blocks of equal height, a straight edge
and vernier depth gauge to measure distance between •
hub cover joint face and thrust plug.
15. Use same gauge blocks and straight edge to measure
the distance between drive shaft and hub Joint face.
Subtract dimension obtained at 15 from dimension at 14
to give the end float of the drive shaft. EXAMPLE:
14. Straight edge + gauge block - 100mm
depth gauge reading - 85.1 mm
14.9mm 14.9mm
15. Straight edge+ gauge block -1oomm
depth gauge reading -85.4mm
14.6mm 4.6mm
Difference 0.3mm

16. Substitute shims behind thrust plug to obtain end float of

17. Refit hub cover u~ing Powerpart Liquid Gasket.
18. Apply Loctite 242 to threads and tighten hub cover bolts
to 36Nm (26Ibf ft).

' ...,~ ·
·.·. ·:.-



Servicing 6E • 06-13
Special tools:
4W70 120 006 Puller screws
4W70 520 039 Peg spanner
4W70 240 002 Universal handle
4W70 300 033 Punch for seat
This operation services the hub and final drive assembly
above without disturbing king p,ns or drive shaft
Strip 0

1. Remove road wheel. mark hub cover and hub and drain
2. Remove bolts from hub cover and using puller screws
4W70 120 006 remove hub cover from hub.
3. Mount hub cover on an hydraulic press and push out
planetary gear shafts, but catch the uncaged needle
roller bearings and spacer rings. lift out thrust washers
and gears.
4. Remove circlip and pull off sun gear.
5. Straighten staked nm of ring nut and remove nut from
hub carrier using peg spanner 4W70 520 039.
6. Use puller screws to pull ring gear earner off hub earner
7. Pull hub off hub carrier. The oil seat will normally bring
the taper roller bearing inner race with rt without
damage. but the seal should normally be changed.
Reassembly is tt:le reverse of instructions 1 - 7 except:
8. Press outer bearing outer track into hub.
9. Press inner bearing outer track into hub and fn the ,nner
bearing track into it then punch in seat using special toot
4W70 300 033.
Ensure seal is right against the shoulder. The seal w,11·
retain the bearing inner track until fully assembled on ttie
hub carrier.
10. Slide the hub assembly (including wheel studs) onto hub
carrier. but ensure hub seal is not damaged. and press
hub firmly against shoulder.
11. Install spacer ring and inner track of outer bearrng.
12. Assemble ring gear and carrier together. wnh c,rchp.
13. Slide ring gear earner onto hub earner and secure wrth
ring nut and tighten to 550Nm (405tbf ft) DO NOT

7 5

9 11 12 13

14. Using string wound around the nub and an accurate

soring balance. measure the rolling resistance of the hub
which must be 4 - 7Nm (3 - 5Ibf ft). Change spacer
ring behind inner race of outer bearing to achieve the
quoted rolling torque.
15. When the rolling torque Is correctly set. re-check ring
tightness (550Nm 405Ibf ft) and stake ring nut rim to
lock 11.
16. Use petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) to assemble the needle
roller bearings, bearing rings and thrust washers into the
planetary gears.
17. The planetary shafts are a tight fit in the hub cover and
to make assembly easier the hub cover should be
heated evenly to 12o•c (248"F) and the pins should be
cooled· to -2o·c (-4"F). normal domestic freezer
18. If bearings or hub components have been changed re-
adjust the end float of the drive shaft per operation
6E • 05.
19. Refit hub cover. using Powerpart Instant Gasket on one
Joint surface only and tighten retaining bolts to 36Nm
(26Ibf ft).
20. Refit drain plugs and fill axle with correct grade of oil.



Servicing 6E • 07-15
Special tools:
5870 026 008 Puller sleeve
5870 506 058 Pressure sleeve
5870 026 100 Mandrel and nut
5870 240 025 Adjustable peg wrench
5870 025 001 Puller sleeve
5870 026 000 Basic puller tool
5870 500 001 Measuring bar
5870 500 023 Adaptors
Dial indicator and magnetic stand
1. Remove both drive shafts per operation 6E • 03.
2. Mark the differential carrier and axle housing for correct
3. Release bolts and remove differential assembly.
4. Mark position of crownwheel relative to the differential
carrier. This double marking will prevent the crownwheel
being reassembled on the wrong side of the pinion, and
reverse the intended drive direction when installed-on
the machine.
5. Punch roll pin out of carrier and unscrew adjusting ring
on the crownwheel side.
6. Use special puller:-
Puller sleeve 5870 026 008
Pressure sleeve 5870 506 058
Mandrel and nut 5870 026 100
to remove tapered roller bearing from crownwheel side
of differential case.
7. Repeat instruction 5 and 6 on opposite bearing.
8. Mark the differential case halves for correct reassembly.
9. Remove the eight bolts which hold the differential case
halves A and B together. If desired the crownwheel can
also be separat~d from differential case A by releasing
the four shorter bolts which attach it to the differential
10. Separate the differential case halves and remove all
internal components.
11. Remove differential case halves from the carrier.

8 8 9

12. Punch lock plate free from drive flange nut.

13. Use the special peg wrench 5870 240 025 or a bar
clamped to the drive flange by two bolts, and release
the pinion shaft nut.
14. Press pinion through the differential carrier. 14
15. Prise out pinion seal from carrier and remove the inner
race of the outer tapered roller bearing.
16. Carefully and evenly, punch both bearing outer races out 17-------.-..rt
of the differential carrier retaining the shims in good
condition for reassembly.
17. Use special tool comprising puller sleeve 5870 026 001
and base tool 5870 026 000 to remove bearing inner
race from pinion shaft. 16----:!ii:~~'f:];9_.. . ._

Rebuild 15 ________ ,
Reassembly is the reverse of instructions 1 - 17 except that
where the crownwheel and pinion or differential carrier have
been changed the full measuring and setting procedure
must be followed.
Determine thickness of shims for pinion.
18. Dimension A
Measure the distance between the centre-line of the
differential bore to the contact face of the differential
carrier. Although this can be accomplished without
special tools it is difficult to obtain a consistently
accurate result and therefore measuring bar 5870 500
001 and adaptors 5870 500 023 are recommended.
For example: dimension A 162.10mm
19. Dimension B
Measure thickness of complete tapered roller bearing.
For example: dimension B 34.60mm
20. Dimension C 13
Read number etched onto end of pinion.
For example: dimension C 125.00mm
21. To determine shim thiclcness:
Dimension A 162.1 0mm_
Dimension B 34.60mm
Dimension C 125.00mm

Shim thickness 0.50mm


22. Heat the tapered roller bearing inner race to 70 - 80"C

in oil and slide onto pinion shaft. Maintain pressure
against bearing until it has cooled a little to prevent it
shrinking away from the shoulder.
23. Fit shims to the thickness determined by instructions 18
22 - 21 and install outer race of bearing, driving it solidly
against the shims.
24. Insert opposing bearing outer race.
25. Insert pinion assembly into the differential earner and
slide on the spacer ring.
26. Heat bearing inner race in oil to 70 - so·c (158 -
23 176°F), slide it onto pinion shaft and press bearing
against spacer ring.
25 27. Apply sealant to outer diameter of oil seal and install
28. Mount all bolts into drive flange and fit dust shield.
29. Fit drive flange assembly to pinion and fit retaining nut,
tighten to 250Nm (185Ibf ft).
26 The rolling torque should automatically be correctly set
at 2 - 3Nm (18 - 26Ibf ins.) but should be checked
27 using a continuous deflection or gauge type torque
wrench or cord and spring balance.
28 30. Use new lock plate to secure pinion shaft nut.


31. Assemble thrush washer and side gear into differential

case B.
32. Lay on the spider, planetary gears and thrust washers.
33. Use a dial indicator to measure backlash of the gears
which should be 0.2- 0.3mm (0.008 - 0.012in.).
34. Repeat the backlash check with the gears laid in
differential case A.
35. Note which differential carrier lug is marked for
crownwheel side then introduce differential case B.
thrust washer and side gear through the opposite side
and hold in position, with the case mating mark visible.
Refit crownwheel if previously removed.
36. Lay in the crownwheel if previously removed, then install
differential case A into the differential carrier with the
mating mark aligned with case B. Add the gears and
thrust washers.



37. Connect both halves of differential, fit the eight bolts and
tighten all differential case bolts to 120Nm (89Ibf ft).
38. Inspect the two tapered roller bearings for the differential
and note the wider bearing is fitted to the crownwheel
39. Heat bearing jnner race and install on the differential.
40. Fit bearing outer track and locate with the castellated
ring nut.
41. Repeat on other side of differential.

42. Install dial indicator aga111st one of the crownwheel teeth

and measure backlash.
43. Adjust castellated ring nut on crownwheel side until
backlash is between 0.15- 0.25mm (0.006- 0.010in.)
44. Screw in castellated ring nut on opposite side, while
rotating the differential until axial play between the
bearings is just removed, then tighten ring nut (opposite
side from crownwheel) by two notches. This gives a 41 37 39 40
bearing pre-load of 2 - 3Nm.
45. Install dial indicator on rear face of crownwheel and
check run out which must not exceed 0.08mm
46. Use engineers marking paste to check contact pattern of
the gears, the chart given indicates how to identify the
correct setting.
It is essential that errors of setting must be correct and
the tooth contact pattern re-checked before proceeding
47. Secure both castellated ring nuts with roll pins.
48. Apply Powerpart Instant Gasket to one joint face and re-
install differential assembly into axle case taking care to
align mating marks.
49. Apply Loctite 242 to bolts and tighten to 190Nm (140Ibf
50. Refit drive shaft, hubs and track rod per operation
6E • 03.

Crownwheel and pinion

Gear tooth contact patterns for the Gle2!son gear tooth system.

Ideal tooth contact pattern i.e. pinion distance is correct.

Reverse-drive side (concave)

Drive side (convex)

Pinion distance must be DECREASED

Reverse-drive side (concave)

Drive side (convex)

Pinion distance must be INCREASED

Reverse-drive side (concave)

Drive side (convex)

Issue 2 6F-01


Group 6 Section F

MF Drive-Steer Axle
Issue Two

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
Torque settings 03
General description 04
6F • 01 - 06 Toe-in, adjustment 06
6F • 02-06 Steering lock, adjustment 06
6F • 03- 07 Final drive hub - R/R 07
6F • 04-08 Drive shaft, R/R 08
6F • 05- 09 Drive shaft, service 09
6F • 06- 09 Final drive hub, service 09
6F • 07 -11 Differential unit, service 11
&F-02 Issue 2


Special Tools
Ball Joint separator
Hub lifting bracket
Measuring bar - see drawing
Dial gauge with magnetic stand
Spring balance ar:d cord

I !


Issue 2 &F-03


Torque Settings
Description Nm (lbfft)
Cover to epicyclic gear shaft set screws 34 ( 25)
Hub cover set screws 116 ( 86)
Drain plugs - refill plugs 65 ( 48)
Adjustment screws - steering lock 40 ( 30)
Ring gear carrier to steering knuckle, bolts 250 (101)
King pin cover screws 137 (101)
Differential bearing caps - nuts 156 (115)
Differential ring side lock plate screws 10 (7.5)
Differential to axle case nuts 100 ( 74)
Bevel gear - differential case set screws 70 ( 52)
Pinion shaft cover set screws 10 (7.5)
Pinion shaft ring nut 450 (332)
Track rod ball joint nuts 140 (103)
Track rod nuts 87 ( 64)
Nuts - wheel disc to hub 290 (214)
Oto 5mm (0-0.2 inch)
Pre-load of taper roller bearings
Differential: Measure pre-load on the external diameter
of the differential case (diameter - 133mm)
using string. Spring balance reading 2kg
(4.4 lbf) which corresponds to tightening
the lateral ring nuts ½to 1 notch.
Bevel pinion: Measure the pre-load using string around
seal track on pinion shaft. less cover and
seals. Spring balance reading 0.47kg
(1.0 lbf).

Tooth clearance of bevel gear/pinion 0.15-0.25m
Clearance of king pin bearings 0.05-0.15m
Recommended oil
Differential and final drives MIL-L-2105 C and API GL5
Ambient temperature above 40"C Esso gear oil GX85
W140 .
from -1 o•c to 40-C Esso gear oil GX80 W90
below -1 o·c Esso gear oil GX80W
Differential 4 litres (8.5 US pints)
Final drive hubs 1.1 litres (2.3 US pints)
Initial change 150 hours
Check oil level 250 hours
Change oil 1000 hours
Temperature above o•c No. 2 lithium grease
below 0-C No. 1 lithium grease
Grease every 250 hours
6F-04 Issue 2


GENERAL DESCRIPTION Differential assembly

This axle is a double reduction steer-drive type. The axle 1. Lock-ring.
comprises of a conventional 4 pinion differential without a 2. Dust seal. ·
locking mechanism. Drive is transmitted to the hub via 3. Oil seal.
drive shafts having double universal Joints at the steering 4. Shim.
articulation points. 5. Shim.
6. Cover.
Final drive hubs have 3 planetary gears. 7.. Bevel pinion.
Model 710 FD 8. Differential carrier.
9. Differential carrier cap.
10. Ring nut
11 . Crownwheel.
12. Differential case 'A'.
13. Differential case 'B'.
14. Side gear.
15. Thrust ring.
16. Differential pinion, shaft.
17. Differential pinion.
18. Spherical thrust washer.
19. Bolts - retain crown wheel and both halves of
differential case.
20. Differential carrier bearings.

. ,/''

2io 17 18



...... I
10 201 6

Issue 2 6F-05


Final drive hub 10. Sun gear.

11. Spacer.
The illustration applies to both left and right final drive 12. Thrust ring.
hubs. 13. Planetary gear pin.
Key to illustration. 14. Planetary gear.
1 . Wheel mounting flange and planetary carrier. 15. Ring gear.
2. Wheel stud. 16. Ring gear carrier.
3. Dust seal. 17. King pin.
4. Oil seal. 18. King pin bearing.
5. Steering Knuckle. 19. Dust seal.
6. Hub. 20. Oil seal.
7. Cover plate. 21. Drive shaft bush.
8. Thrust plug. 22. Drive shaft bush.
9. Oil fill/level/drain plug. 23. Shims - king pin pre-load.
24. Tube dowels.
25. Double universal joint.

14 6 12 4 3 5 17 23

I I !I I

13 I

\, '

7 19 20 21


17 23
6F-06 Issue 2


Adjustment SF• 01 -06
Special tools:
Ball-Joint separator
1. Toe-in can be measured with the wheels still
mounted or if they are removed, straight edges can
be attached to each hub and in this case the toe-in
must be measured at a similar radius to the wheel
rim and measurements be taken while the straight
edges are horizontal.
2. Measure the distance between wheel rims in front of
the axle. mark position on wheel rim.
3. Turn wheels 1 ao•. until marks on wheel rim are
directly behind the axle and again measure distance
between rims.
4. Toe-in should be 0-Smm (0-0.2inch).
5. Adjust toe-in by removing the adjustable ball-joint
from drag link and slacken clamp bolt. Screw the
ball-Joint assembly in or out. to lengthen or shorten
the track rod for toe-in correction.
6. Refit ball-joint to drag link and tighten nut to 140 Nm
(103 lbf ft).
7. Fit a new split pin.


Check SF • 02 - 06
Special tools:
2 straight edges
The steering lock should never exceed the angle given
below or the drive shaft universal Joints will wear
1. Disconnect track rod at one end.
2. Turn left hand hub to maximum left hand steering
3. Place long straight edge against axle input flange or
against machine hardnose and ensure the straight
edge is parallel with axle centre-line.
4. Place second straight edge against wheel hub
5. Measure angle 'A' at which both straight edges
intersect. Subtract angle A from go· to give steering
lock. for example:
Angle A- 40•
Steering angle 90•-40• - so•
6. Adjust the left hand stop for maximum left steering
lock and right hand stop for maximum right steering
7. The steering angle must not exceed 52".
Issue 2 &F-07



Remove and Refit 6F • 03 - 07 Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:

7. The king-pin bearings should have 0.2-0.4mm pre-
Special toots: load when correctly fitted.
Ball joint separator Setting the king-pin bearing pre-load
Hub lifting bracket
8. If wear is evident, fit new bearing cups and seals into
Remove the axle housing. ·
1. Remove split pin and release nut from track rod ball 9. Refit the hub/ drive shaft to the axle taking great care
Joint. not to damage the drive shaft bush and seal.
2. Use a ball-Joint separator to remove track rod from 10. Fit bottom king-pin shaft and inner bearing without
the final drive hub. shims and tighten the three retaining bolts.
3. Attach hub lifting bracket to wheel mounting flange 11. Fit the top king-pin shaft and inner bearing without
on the hub and use a hoist to take the weight of the shims but do not fit bolts.
hub. 12. Support the hub and press firmly down on the top
4. Release three bolts from top and bottom king-·pin king-pin shaft to ensure the bearings are properly
bearings. seated.
5. Prise out the king-pin bearing shafts and carefully 13. Using feeler gauges measure the gap betweep king-
remove and store the shims. pm cap and the steering knuckle. Note the
6. Carefully move the hub away from the axle, guiding measurement obtained and subtract 0.2-0.4mm
the drive shaft through the outer bearing and seal to (0.008-0.016in) to obtain the total thickness of
prevent damage to these components. shims required. Shims are available in 0.1 m
(0.004in) 0.19mm (Q.0075in) and 0.35mm (0.014in).
14. Divide the shims into two packs of equal thickness
s and install under each of the king-pin caps.
15. Tighten king-pin retaining bolts to 137 Nm
(101 lbf ft).
16. Refit track rod and tighten castle nut to 140 Nm
(103 lbf ft).

15 11

&F-08 Issue 2


Remove and Refit &Fe 04-08

Special tools:
Ball joint separator
Hub lifting bracket
Sealastic 732 liquid gasket

1. Drain oil from the hub.
2. Remove hub assembly per operation 6F • 03. 4
3. Remove both socket head screws.
4. Remove both flanged wheel studs.
5. The planetary carrier can now be removed but there
are two dowel pins and silicone rubber gasket
material which will grip the planetary carrier. A
heavy.soft-faced mallet will help to separate the
6. Remove circlip.
7. Slide the sun gear and spacer off the drive shaft.
8. Remove the thrust ring.
9. Pull drive shaft out of the hub.

Reverse the instructions 1 to 8 except:
10. Take particular care not to damage the bushes or
seals when refitting the drive shaft. If these
components are worn replace them per operation
6F • 05.
11. Thoroughly clean the mating surface of the
planetary carrier and hub casing before applying
Sealastic 732 Liquid Gasket.
12. Refit both countersunk screws and tighten to 116
Nm(86 lbf ft).
13. Refit both flanged wheel studs in their counter-bores
and tighten to 205 Nm (150 lbf ft).
14. Refit hub and shaft to axle and fit king-pins per
operation 6F • 03.

Issue 2 &F-09


Service SF• 05- 09
Special tools:

General purpose puller

1. Remove the drive shaft per operation 6F•04.
2. Remove the dust seal and oil seal from both the axle
housing and hub.
3. Using a general purpose puller, extract the bushes
from the axle and hub.
4. Remove the circlip from each of the four bearings on
one spider.
5. Remove two bearing cups and disengage the spider
from the drive shaft.
6. Remove the remaining two cups and disengage the
spider from the link.
7. Repeat instructions 4, 5 and 6 o,n the other spider.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:
8. Fit new bushes oil seals and dust seals into both the
axle and hub.
9. Assemble both spiders, with bearing cups and
circlips, to the centre link first, then fit each drive
shaft to the spiders.

4 Service 6F• 06-09

\_ Special tools:
Sealastic 732 liquid gasket

1. Remove both countersunk screws from the wheel
2. Remove both flanged wheei studs.
3. Use a soft-faced mallet to separate the planetary
carrier from the hub. There are two dowel pins and
silicone rubber gasket material which will grip the
4. Remove three countersunk screws from cover.
5. Remove roll-pins which anchor the planetary pinion
9 shafts.
6. Remove each shaft carefully by pushing on the roll-
pm end and lift out the planetary pm1ons and thrust
washers. The pinions contain uncaged needle roller
7. Remove circilp from driveshaft.
8. Pull off the sun gear and spacer rn1g.

p~~ . ~~ 9. Remove thrust washer.

10. Remove bolts retaining nng gear to steering knuckle.
Earlier axles had 3 bolts, later axles are fitted with 8
i \/ / bolts.
i \j 10
I a
&F-10 Issue 2


11. Fit four of the bolts removed by instruction 10 into

the threaded holes 1ri the ring gear earner and
proceed to jack the carrier and tube dowels off the
steering knuckle. Seven dowel tubes are 20 mm
(0.787 in) diameter and one t..ibe dowel is 24 mm
(0.945 1n) diameter.
12. Remove both snap-rings.
13. Remove earner plate from ring gear.
14. Pull wheel hub ott the steering knuckle. this will be
tight as the inner race of the outer taper roller
bearing will be removed along with the hub.
15. Remove both external bearing races from hub.
16. Remove inner race of bearing from steering knuckle.
17. Remove oil seal and dust seal.
18. If visible wear has occurred remove the seal track
from steering knuckle.

Reverse 1nstruct1ons 1 to 18 except: 14
19. Use a small amount of petroleum Jelly to assist
assembly of the needle rollers into each planetary
20. Insert the planetary pinion shafts into the carrier
from the cover side 19 avoid damaging the ·o· ring
21. There ;s no adjustment of hub bearing pre-load
which 1s determined by the machining of the hub
and Knuckle.
22. Drive shaft e!"!d-float ,s nor: ad1ustable. but 1f the
thrust plug 1s worn 11 must be replaced.
23. Assemble the ring gear its earner and retain
with the snap rings.
24. Fit the ring gear and earner into the hub and insert 20
the dowel tubes and bo1ts which must be tightened
to 250 Nm (185 lbf ft). 28
25. Thoroughly clean and degrease the mating surfaces
of 1:>oth the planetary carrier and hub then assemble \
using Sea1ast1c 732 Liquid Gasket.
26. Tighten both countersunk retaining screws to 116
Nm (86 lbf ft). 19
27. Thoroughly clean the mating surfaces of the cover
and planetary earner and assemble using Sealastic
732 L1qu1d Gasket. (P- --
28. Tighten cover screws to 34 Nm (25 lbf ft).


Issue 2 6F-11


DIFFERENTIAL UNIT s. Prise open the staked lip on the lock-ring and
unscrew it. The lock ring is tightened to 460 Nm
(340 !bf ft) so a soft metal wedge must be used to
Service 6F • 07-11 prevent the pinion shaft turning.
6. Mark the bearing caps and carrier, for correct
Special tools:
Dial gauge with magnetic stand. 7. Remove bolt and lockplate from each bearing cap.
Measuring bar 8. unscrew the ring nuts from either side of the carrier.
Spring balance and cord
9. Remove nuts and bearing caps.
1o. Lift the differential and crownwheel unit out of the
1. Remove final drive hubs and drive shafts per 11. Pull the bearing inner races off the differential case.
operation 6F • 03. 12. Mark both halves of the differential case for correct
2. Remove all 10 self-locking nuts and fit two set
sctews into the threaded holes provided on the
13. Remove bolts which fasten the crownwheel and
differential carrier and proceed to jack it off the
differential case halves.
dowels. The combination of dowels and silicone
rubber sealant makes removal of differential carrier
from the axle very difficult unless the ·screw jack"
process is used.
3. Remove the set screws from pinion shaft end-cover.
4. Use a soft-faced mallet to separate cover from
carrier housing. This joint is sealed with a silicone
rubber gasket material.

3 4 5
I •

0,k@~~@l)JJ~>, n
at=-il ' ..
6F-12 Issue 2


14. Stand the differential case on a bearing spigot with

the crown wheel side uppermost.
15. Lift off the top half of the differential case.
16. Remove side gear and thrust washer.
17. Lift out both pinion shafts complete with pinions and
spherical thrnst washers.
18. Remove the remaining side gear and thrust washer. 15
19. Push the pinion shaft through the bearings and
remove bearings. spacer and shim rings.
20. Pull the bearing outer races from the differential

21. Inspect all bearings for spalling or other wear. if any
is found the bearing must be replaced.
22. Check the meshing wear on both crown wheel and
pinion. if spalling or scuffing is evident check the
quality and grade of oil used.




Issue 2 6F-13


Rebuild Shim rings are available in the following

Setting the bevel pinion mesh

23. Fit both pinion bearing outer races into the mm inches mm inches
differential carrier. 2.50 (0.0984) 3.00 (0.1181)
24. Fit both differential bearing caps and tighten the nuts 2.55 (0.1004) 3.05 (0.1201)
to 156 Nm (115 lbf ft). 2.60 (0.1024) 3.10 (0.1221)
25. Fit the pinion bearing inner races. 2.65 (0.1043) 3.15 (0.1240)
26. Fit a bolt and nut. with large washers, through the 2.70 (0.1063) 3.20 (0.1260)
pinion bearings and tighten until the bearing cones 2.75 (0.1083) 3.25 (0.1280)
are difficult to turn. Do not overtighten or the 2.80 (0.1102) 3.30 (0.1300)
bearings will be damaged. 2.85 (0.1122) 3.35 (0.1320)
27. Measure the diameter of the bore 'A' and note the 2.90 (0.1142) 3.40 (0.1340)
size. 2.95 (0.1161)
21,. Measure the diameter of the measuring bar then lay
it across the differential carrier bearing bores and 32. Remove the clamping bolt and washers.
insert the depth gauge through the hole in the shaft. 33. Fit the correct shim ring on the pinion shaft ensuring
29. Measure distance between the top of the shaft and the largest internal chamfer is towards the pinion
the face of the pinion bearing inner race, note this gear.
distance B.
30. To find distance ·c· calculate the measurements as
follows (in mm):
C - B - 25.00 (bar diameter) + ;.
31. To find the amount of shims required; the number.
·o·. (in millimetres) etched on the pinions must be
subtracted from dimension C.
Shim thickness required - C - D.





a.Jt,~~®@1))1)~~ D ~
6F-14 Issue 2


Setting the bevel pinion bearing pre-load 39

34. Push the inner bearing race onto pinion shaft.
35. Insert the pinion into the differential carrier and fit
the spacer and a 3.4mm (0.134inch) shim ring.
36. Push on the second bearing inner race.
37. Fit the tabwasher and a new lock ring.
38. Tighten the lock ring to 450 Nm (330 lbf ft). If during
the tightening process the pinion bearings become
tight release the lock ring, remove bearing inner
race and shim ring and install two shim rings of
2.5mm (0.0984inch) thickness. then repeat the
tightening sequence.
39. Mount the differential carrier so that the pinion shaft
is vertical and position a dial gauge on the nose of
the pinion.
40. Measure the bearing clearance by lifting the pinion
A pre-load of 0.05mm is required therefore:
Amount of clearance 0.55mm (0.0217inch)
Preload required 0.05mm (0.0020inch)
Amount of shimming to be
removed 0.60mm (0.0236 inch
41 . Remove lock ring and bearing inner race and fit the
correct thickness shim ring.
42. Refit bearing inner race tab washer and lock ring.
43. Tighten lock ring to 450 Nm (330 lbf ft) and stake the
rim of the lock ring into the pinion shaft groove.
44. Check the pre-load setting by winding string around
the seal track and using a spring balance, measure
the rolling torque which should be 4.8 N (17.3ozs)
without oil seal or dust seal.
45. If the rolling torque is too high fit a thicker shim ring.
If the rolling torque is too low fit a thinner shim ring.
Remove both bearing caps from the differential

41 /45 37/38

34 35 36 43
Issue 2 6F-15


Assemble the differential
46. Stand the differential case 'A' (crown wheel side) on
its earner bearing spigot. and install the thrust ring
and side gear.
47. Assemble the four pinions and thrust washers to
their shafts and fit into the differential case ·A·.
48. Turn differential case ·s· onto its bearing spigot and
install the thrust washer and side gear. While
holding the ends of the appropriate pinion shaft turn
differential case 'A' over and lay it onto case B
48 aligning the marks on both cases.
49. Thoroughly degrease the threads of the bolts and
those in the differential case, fit the crown wheei.
Apply Loctite 542 on bolt threads before installing.
Tighten bolts to 70 Nm (52 lbf ft).
50. Fit the carrier bearings onto differential case spigots.
51. Remove bearing caps frpm differential carrier.
52. Fit the outer races onto the carrier bearings and
lower the differential assembly into the carrier.
53. Fit bearing caps and nuts and ring nuts which should
be ad1usted to ensure that there is clearance
between the crown wheel and pinion. before
tightening the bearing cap nuts to 156 Nm
(115 lbf ft).
WARNING: If there is no clearance between crown
wheel and pinion. damage will occur when the
bearing cap nuts are tightened.

Setting the crown wheel and pinion backlash

54. The correct backlash between crown wheel and
57 pinion is 0.15-0.25mm (0.006-0.010inch).
I AdJustment is made by turning the ring nuts to move
the differential assembly into or out of mesh with the
The ring nuts can be difficult to move. and in this
case it will be necessary to slacken the bearing cap
nuts a small amount - but do not slacken them
more than necessary.
55. Turn the ring nut on the crown wheel side in a
clockwise direction while lightly tapping each of the
bearing caps with a soft-faced mallet. until the crown
wheel and pinion are in close mesh.
56. Turn the other ring nut in a clockwise direction while
tapping the bearing caps (to ahgn the bearings) until
all bearing clearance has been removed. This
position is obvious as the ring nut will become very
difficult to move.
57. Position a dial gauge in contact with and at 90° to. a
tooth on the crown wheel.
58. Check the amount of back lash. Repeat on two or
more teeth equal distance around the crown wheel
and note the readings obtained. If the back lash Is
different: position the dial gauge on the tooth which
has the smallest reading.
59. Move the crown wheel into or out of mesh wI_th ~he
pinion by turning each nng nut an equal amount.
Repeat until dial gauge shows a back lash of
0.15-0.25mm. 0.15-0.25mm (0.006-0.010inch i.
6F-16 Issue 2


Setting the differential carrier bearing pre-load

60. When the back lash is adjusted satisfactorily it is

necessary to pre-load the bearings. Correct pre-
load is 0.08- 0.10 mm 20 Newtons./ 4.5 lbf with cord
wound around the differential case). Because of the
other adjustments which must not be disturbed it is
difficult to measure pre-load so this is achieved by
moving both ring nuts a specific amount.
61. With the back lash set correctly, tighten each ring
nut between to 1 notch.
62. Fit lock plates and bolts to prevent the ring nuts
moving. Tighten bolts to 10 Nm (7.4 lbf ft).
63. Re-tighten the carrier bearing cap nuts to 156 Nm
(115 lbf ft).
64. Re-check the back-lash.
65. Install new seals in the pinion shaft cover.
66. Thoroughly degrease mating surfaces of the pinion
bearing hOusing and cover, apply Sealastic 732
Liquid Gasket and fit cover, tighten bolts to 10 Nm
(7.4 lbf ft).
67. Thoroughly degrease the axle hOusing flange and
differential carrier flange and apply Sealastic 732
Liquid Gasket.

68. Clean mating surfaces on axle housing and
differential carrier.
69. Apply Sealastic 732 Liquid Gasket to one surface
and refit differential assembly into axle housing.
70. Tighten ten self-locking nuts to 100 Nm (74. lbf ft).
71. Refit final drive hub and drive shafts per operation
6F • 03.


Group 6 Section M
5th speed drive
Issue 1

Operation No. Description Page

Special tools 2
General description 3
Fault diagnosis 6
6M • 01 - 07 5th speed clutch, pressure and leakage test 7
6M • 02- 08 Clutch assembly, Remove and Refit 8
6M • 03- 09 Manifold assembly, Remove and Refit 9
6M • 04- 09 Manifold assembly, service 9
6M • 05- 10 Clutch, service 10


Flow meter
Pressure gauge 0 - 30 bar (400 lbf/in 2)
MF 81 o - 6/1 Main adaptor
MF 810 - 6/2 Adaptor
Guide studs (per drawing) MF 810-6/1

MF 810 - 6/2

A. 11,1 mm(i'Gin)
8. 6,4 mm (¼ in)
C. a
3,2 mm in)
D. 12,7 mm Gin) .
E. 25 mm (1 in) F
F. 100 mm (4 in)
G. i'G in -14 UNC - 2A Threac


7E ,J


Fifth speed is a direct drive ratio, available as a
factory fitted option to machines equipped with a
Powershuttle transmission, and gives higher road
speeds with improved fuel economy.
Direct drive is achieved by utilising the rear, power
take-off (PTO) feature of the Powershuttle
The torque converter case drives the PTO shaft
through a set of constant mesh gears. A shaft
transmits power to the 5th speed clutch, the outer
drum of which is splined to the 5th speed drive gear.
The gear is integral with a large journal which runs in
double row needle roller bearings, and is permanently
meshed with the axle pinion.
Fifth speed can only be engaged when the
Powershuttle is in 4th gear, forward drive, but can be
disengaged (downshift to 4th gear) by any of the
following actions:-
Press the RED switch on the instrument panel.
Press and release the de-clutch switch on the gear-
Press and release the de-clutch switch on the loader
control lever.
Select neutral with the column switch
H the wiring is disturbed, for whatever reason, it is
important to test the fifth speed, control system and
ensure it is fully operative as described above.



1. Switch - 4th gear "selected"
B Black p Purple
2. Switch - 5th gear disengage
3. Solenoid - 5th gear G Green R Red
4. Relay - 5th gear engage K Pink s Slate
5. Switch - 5th gear select
LG .Light Green u Blue
6. Switch - forward/reverse
7. Solenoid - forward drive select N Brown w White

8. Diode - Forward drive 0 Orange y Yellow

9. Continuous on 4 speed machines
the 5th speed components are shown in relation to the
complete Powershuttle system
1. Reservoir
2. Intake screen
3. Pump - power steering and transmission
4. Steering valve
5. Steering ram
6. Oil cooler - transmission ~
7. Filter - pressure line
8. 4 WO control valve and solenoid
9. 4 WD power take-off clutch
10. Forward/reverse control valve and solenoids
11. Forward/reverse clutches
12. Torque converter
13. 5th speed control valve and solenoid
14. 5th speed clutch, internal control valve
(permanently selected)
15. 5th speed clutch


5th speed wiring diagram


YR 4
2 G 86

G 87

8 p

YB--e---i 6 BGW
7 o-t>--

5th speed and Powershuttle hydraulic component layout




Electrical system
Test YR G
1. Select FORWARD- there should be continuity G
and power between 5th speed "engage" switch
and terminal 30 on the 5th speed relay 11 G

2. Select FORWARD and any gear from 1 to 4 -

there should be continuity and power between sj
uw p
terminals 30 and 87A on the relay and to the
forward solenoid.
3. Engage 4th gear and press and hold down the
5th speed ·engage" switch - there should be BG 6
continuity and power from the switch to terminal BGW

85 on the 5th speed relay and to the 5th speed

4. Release the 5th speed engage switch - 5th
speed should remain engaged and there should
be continuity and power between terminals 85
and 86 on the relay and through the 5th speed
"disengage• switch, and 4th gear "selected"
switch, to earth.

Testf 2 G

8 p


p BG 6 BGW
7 O""<>---

p BG 6 BGW Test4
7 O'""'<>---- 3

2 G

uw p

p BG 6 BGW
7 0




Test 6M • 01 - 07
Special tools
Flow meter
Pressure gauge 0 to 30 bar (0 to 400 lbf/in2)
MF 810-6/1 Main adaptor
MF 810-6/2 Adaptor

A This test Is potentially dangerous and it is

essential to take suitable precautions to
guard both rear wheels, which will be
spinning at high speed during the test.
In addition, It Is strongly recommended
that the left rear wheel is removed and the
wheel flange guarded.
The hoses for the test gauge must be
long enough for the mechanic to stand
well clear of all moving parts.

It is vital that 4 wheel drive Is
DISENGAGED for this test.

1. Fit adaptors MF 810-6/1 and MF 810-6/2 to the

test point on the left side cover
2. Fit a flow meter between the 5th speed control
valve and the forward/ reverse control valve.
3. Jack the rear wheels clear of the ground and
support the machine on robust axle stands.
5. Select 4th gear forwards, and accelerate the
engine to 2000 rev/min.
The pressure gauge should read 15.5 bar
(225 lbf/in2) plus or minus 1.7 bar (25 lbf/in2).
Note the flow rates with 5th gear engaged and
A difference of 2 litres/min. (0.53 US gpm) is
More than 2 litres/min. (0.53 US gpm) difference
indicates oil leakage past the regulating spool,
clutch pack cast rings or the piston seal.


Remove and refit 6M • 02-08
Special tools:
Guide studs
1. Drain the transmission oil completely.
2. Remove 13 bolts and spacers and the top cover
from the centre housing.
3. Disconnect both the feed and pressure test pipes
from the internal clutch control valve.
4. Remove both steel pipes and then the left side
5. Separate the transmission at the joint between
the axle centre housing and spacer, by about
50 mm (2 inch). (NOTE: the transmission is
separated, only to allow the drive shaft couplings
to disengage from the shaft splines).
6. Slide the 5th speed clutch assembly forwards
and remove it, upwards out of the centre
Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
7. Fit the two guide studs made to the dimensions
given, into the top left and right sides of the
flange. Thoroughly degrease both flanges and
apply MF Powerpart Instant Gasket, part No.
3405355 M1.
8. Push both flanges together, while simultaneously
aligning the drive coupling and shaft splines.
Fit the flange bolts but do not tighten any of them
until the flanges are fitted snugly together.
9. Tighten the flange bolts to 105 Nm (75 lbf ft)
starting at bolt A and working in a clockwise
direction (viewed from the rear of the machine) to
bolt P. Two rotations around the flange are to be
completed, and finish by tightening bolts A and B
a third time. Use MF 367 wrench set, to allow the
use of a torque wrench.
1O. Use new gaskets for the side and top covers.
Tighten the 12 top cover bolts with spacers, to
88 Nm (65 lbf ft).


Remove and ref it 6M • 03- 09
1. Remove the clutch assembly per operation
6M • 02.
2. Remove large circlip.
3. Remove thrust washer.
4. Remove manifold unit.
5. Remove both cast iron sealing rings.
Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
6. Check sealing ring gap by inserting ring squarely
into the manifold bore and use feeler gauges to
measure the gap, which should be 0,05 to
0,3 mm (0.002 to 0.012 inch)
7. Ensure large circlip is securely located in its
8. Ensure that the spool is pushed down.

Service 6M • 04- 09
1. Remove manifold per operation 6M • 03.
2. Remove detent spring and ball.
3/15 4/17 3. Drift out the roll-pin.
4. Remove spool assembly.
5. Remove circlip.
6. Remove spool.
7. Remove and retain shim pack for re-use.
8. Remove spring.
9. Remove circlip.
10. Remove sleeve.
11. Remove and discard the O ring.
Reverse procedures 1 to 11 except:
12. Fit a new O ring.
13. Fit shim pack above the plunger spring.
14. Ensure the detent plug, vent is unobstructed.
15. Fit a new roll pin and position the split away from
the plunger.
16. Tighten the detent plug to 47 Nm (35 lbf ft).
17. Ensure that the spool is pushed down, fully.


Service 6M • 05-10
1. Remove the manifold per operation 6M • 03.
2. Remove snap-ring.
3. Remove the retainer plate.
4. Remove shims and retain for re-use.
5. Remove clutch drive hub and thrust washer.
6. Remove and keep in order, the seven friction
discs, wave springs and clutch plates.
7. Invert the clutch housing and tap out the piston
retainer ring, disc spring and clutch piston.
8. Remove and discard the large seal.
9. Remove and discard the small seal.
Reverse instructions 1 to 9 except:
10. Fit new large and small seals.
11. Fit the piston flat faced first
13. Fit the disc spring, convex face first.
14. Fit the piston front plate, stepped edge first.
15. Renew any clutch plate that is worn, discoloured
or distorted and any friction disc where the
grooves have disappeared due to wear.
16. Fit each wave spring in a ring gauge having an
internal diameter of 137,41 mm (5.41 in), the gap
must be 10,3 to 15,09 mm (0.4 to 0.6 in). Wrth
the wave spring laying on a surface plate, the
free height should be 5,21 mm (0.205 in) and all
waves must be within 0,51 mm (0.20 in) of the
same height.
17. To help the fitting of the clutch plates and wave
springs, insert 4,0 mm (0.16 in) diameter pins
through the clutch drain holes.
21. Ensure the snap-ring locates correctly in its
22. Ensure that the spool is pushed down.
1459 190 M4



78 Powers~ering


Group 7 Section B
Power steering system
{with Powershuttle transmission)
issue 2

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 2
General description of the hydraulic circuit 3
7B • 01 - 06 Venting valve, test 6
7B • 02 - 07 Steering relief valve, test 7
7B • 03- 07 Pump safety valve, test 7
7B • 04- 07 Pump flow, test 7
7B • 05- 08 Steering pump, remove/refit 8
7B • 06 - 08 Steering pump, servicing 8
7B • 07 - 09 Steering valve, remove/refit 9
7B • 08 - 10 Steering valve, servicing 10
7B • 09 - 13 Steering wheel, remove/refit 13
2 wheel drive standard front axle
7B • 10 - 13 Steering ram, remove/refit 13
7B • 11 - 14 Steering ram, servicing 14
7B • 12 - 15 Steering shaft, remove/refit 15
4 wheel drive axle
7B • 13 - 15 Steering ram, remove/refit 15
7B • 14 - 16 Steering ram, servicing 16
2 wheel drive, optional front axle
7B • 15 - 17 Steering rams, remove/refit 17
7B • 16 - 17 Steering rams, servicing 17
7B • 17 - 18 Reclamation of wire locked rams 18
Later 2 a(ld 4 wheel drive axles
7B • 18 - 19 Steering ram, remove/refit 19
7B • 19 -19 Steering ram, service 19
7B • 20 - 20 Spherical bearings, remove/refit 20
78 -02


Special Tools:
MF 148A - Pressure gauge.
PD 1 D - Puller.
MF 334 - Adaptor.
MS 62A - ·o· ring and slipper seal fitting tool.
MS 63 - Spring fitting tool. MF.148A
MF 268A Steering wheel remover
Flowmeter 0-40 litres/min (0-10 US gal/min).

MF Powerpart Instant Gasket.
Loctite 242.






General Description
The power steering system comprises of a reservoir,
an engine-driven hydraulic pump. steering control
valve incorporating a lobe pump and a steering ram.
Being a fully hydrostatic system, there is no direct
mechanical link between the steering wheel and front
The basic principle of the Danfoss Orbitrol steering
control valve is similar in all cases but other functions
are added, or deleted according to application.
The Orbitrol valve- comprises a spool and sleeve
connected together by a pack of leaf springs. The
spool is splined to the steering column at one end and
to a lobe pump at the other. Although the engine-
driven pump supplies pressurized oil to the system. it
is the lobe pump which dictates the steering angle
relative to steering wheel movement. The lobe pump
will provide direct manual steering when the engine is

Steering ram

r- - -- - - - - - -- ~

Metering valve/
, - - - ----------- -------- __ ./ /
nand pump

Sleeve valve t '


Spool valve

,__________________ !=~-II\\ ~"::::::::t::::::::::'V

t1,_1. Non return
...l@lve _ _ _

[ ] Suction hne
• Pressure hne
ill] Metering valve - static 011
~ Steering hne - static 011
~ Returns


Hydraulic Circuit
Follow the number sequence for an explanation of the
hydraulic circuit. ·.·.·=·=··············-·.•.·········
1. Reservoir. Power steering and transmission -:·.·-·····:··.·.·.······•··
systems utilise oil drawn from the transmission/
rear axle housing.
2. Temperature sensor. Operates a gauge or light
on the instrument panel. Normal working tempera- 13 14
ture 60-80°C (140-175°F). Absolute maximum
temperature 120°c (248°F).
3. Inlet filter. Mounted externally adjacent .to the ·
pump and should be cleaned every 1000 hrs and
whenever the oil is changed.
4. Vacuum switch. Triggers a warning light on the
dash panel whenever a depression of 100 mm
(4 inches) of mercury is felt at the pump inlet port.
5. Power steering/transmission pump. Driven by
the engine timing gears and has a maximum
delivery of 30 litres/min (8 US gals/min). Pump
also contains items 6 and 7.
6. Safety valve. Protects pump in case of failure of
the relief valve contained within the steering valve
or if there is a blockage downstream of
the valve. which will effectively increase the relief
pressure. Located in end plate of pump.
7. Venting valve. Bleeds air from the system during
start-up, so allowing pump to draw oil more easily
from the transmission housing. When pump begins
delivery of oil this valve closes and is fully shut at
10.3 bar (150 lbf/in2) system back pressure.
Located in end plate of pump. ')
L Pressure flHer. Installed in the pressure line after ~... a>,_..,,

the pump, and provides full flow filtration to

20 µ.m. Requires changing every 500 hours, or
sooner according to conditions. The filter element
has been specially developed for this application
therefore only genuine Massey Ferguson filters
must be used.
9. 011 cooler. Mounted in front of water radiator and
cools the transmission oil, which serves both
steering and transmission systems. Oil cooler also
acts as emergency reservoir for steering system
when the engine is stopped.
10. Transmission. Oil from the cooler enters the
pressure regulating valves for control of clutches
and torque converter.
11. Check valve. Mounted in the pressure inlet port
'P' to prevent back-flow of oil through the venting
valve when steering with the engine stopped.
12. Orbitrol steering valve. Contains all the basic
steering control functions including the lobe pump.


13. Anti-shock valve.

14. Anti-shock valve. Both anti-shock valves serve
to protect the circuit from excessive induced
pressures caused by side impacts on the wheels.
Both valves 14 and 15 are integrally mounted in
the Orbitrol valve.
15. Main relief valve. Mounted inside the Orbitrol
13 14 valve this valve limits steering system pressure to
11 O bar (1600 lbf/in2 ) and dumps oil into the
pressure line of the transmission.
16. Anti-cavitation valve.
17. Anti-cavitation valve. Both act as make-up
valves in the event of one anti-shock valve
operating. These anti-cavitation valves are
generally only fitted with balanced steering rams
where effective ram areas are equal for left and
right hand steering.
If an Orbitrol unit with anti-cavitation valves is
used on machines with a Powershuttle
transmission the downstream pressure of 21 bar
(300 lbf/in 2) will be felt through the 'T' port, along
the make-up gallery to the anti-cavitation valves
and pressurize both sides of the steering
ram/rams. If only one ram is fitted, the difference
of area between rod-side and head-side of the
piston may cause the ram to extend and steer one
way, even though the Orbitrol valve is in neutral.
This effect is negligible in some applications.


De-aerating the steering system

An automatic de-aerating valve is built into the steering
pump which allows air to short-circuit directly back to
the reservoir. After an oil change when the maximum
amount of air is in the suction line of the pump, de-
aeration should be complete in not more than 5
seconds after starting the engine.
Following oil changes or repairs to the steering
hydraulic system start the engine, run at low idle
speed and wait at least 20 seconds before turning the
steering wheel. This will flush any particles through the
steering valve back to the reservoir for filtering. If the
steering wheel is turned prematurely, particles will be
directed into the steering cylinders and take many
hours to be circulated back through the filters; during
which time damage to the Orbitrol steering valve may
Pressure testing
Steering and transmission systems are integrated into
one hydraulic circuit on machines fitted with Power-
shuttle transmissions, and therefore will interact with
each other. tn addition to the tests described below,
reference should also be made to the diagnostic
processes described in the Powershuttle transmission
section 50

Test 7B-01 -
0"· . .·j'.

Special Tools:
Small measuring jar.

This test will check that the venting valve closes

1. Warm transmission oil to correct operating
temperature. Shift gear lever and FORWARD/
REVERSE switch to neutral. Apply handbrake
securely and lower digger and loader buckets to
2. With engine speed at 700 rpm remove drain hose
from side of pump and use measuring jar to
measure leakage over one minute.
3. Leakage oil from pump drain port should not
exceed 10 millimetres (0·625 in3) per minute.
4. If the steering and transmission systems take more
than 5 seconds to begin operating after an oil
change or the machine having been unused for a
time it indicates that the venting valve is stuck
closed or partially closed.

U .


If a combined flow meter and pressure gauge is

installed in the pressure line between the pump
and filter, tests 7B - 02, 7B - 03 and 7B - 04 can
be made without further connections.


Test 78-02-07
Special Tools:
Pressure gauge 0-250 bar (0-3600 lbf/in2 )

1. Work machine until oil is at least 60°C (140°F).

2. Fit gauge into pressure line between pump and
3. Start engine. At low idle speed, at least 20·7 bar
(300 lbf/in 2 ) should be registered; note reading.
4. Increase engine speed to 2000 rpm. Gauge should
indicate not more than 48·3 bar (700 lbf/in2 ); note
5. Turn steering to full lock and hold while repeating
instructions 3 and 4. Gauge should read 110 bar
(1600 lbf/in 2 ) plus the pressure constants measured
at instructions 3 and 4.


Test 78- 03- 07
Special Tools:
Pressure gauge 0-250 bar (0-3600 lbf/in 2)
Variable restrictor.

1. Warm transmission oil to at least 60°C.

2. Connect a gauge and variable restrictor in the
pressure line between pump· and filter with the
gauge next to the pump.
3. With the variable restrictor open, start engine and
run at low idle speed, close restrictor until relief
valve opens at 160 bar (2320 lbf/in 2 ); increase
engine speed to 2000 rpm when pressure should
not exceed 205 bar (3000 lbf/in 2 ).

Test 78 - 04-07
Special Tools:
Flowmeter 0-40 litres/min (0-1 0 US gal/min).

1. Install flowmeter between pump and pressure filter.

2. Warm oil to 80°C (175°F).
3. Run engine at 2000 rpm and adjust pump pressure
to 100 bar (1450 lbf/in 2 ).
Flow should be at least 27 litres/min (7 .18 US


Removal and Refitment 7B - 05-08
This pump can only be fitted to engines fitted with
strengthened timing gears. During engine overhaul
or replacement ensure the correct timing gears are

1. Place drain tray under the machine. 3
2. Remove all three hydraulic pipes from the pump.
3. Release pump mounting bolts and pull pump out of
engine timing case.

Reverse instructions 1-3 except 2
4. Tighten pump mounting bolts to 26 Nm (20 lbf ft).

Servicing 7B-06-08
Special Tools: 7
General purpose three-leg puller.

1 . Unbend tab-washer and remove gear retaining
2. Use three-leg puller to remove gear from tapered
shaft. Carefully store the woodruff key for
3. Remove all four tie bolts noting position of the
shortest one.
4. Remove pump end plates and slide out gears and
bearing blocks, which, although identical, should
always be maintained in their same relative
5. Remove seals from end covers. 8 7
6. Remove input shaft seals.
7. Press down plug on top of venting valve and
insert a small pin punch through the hole in end
cap and dislodge the circlip.
8. Rap end cover against a- block of wood to remove
plug, venting valve and spring.
9. Remove relief valve, which is considered
unserviceable except by substitution.
·: ..:J.::. : ' ~:::::. • '1" :. . _
jf_° ·.!~L . .- ::r'•°':~ i ·..::

9 2
7B- 09


10 Rebuild
Reassembly is the reverse of instructions 1-9 except:
10. Check venting valve spring, free length; which
should be 37 mm (1 ·48 inch).
11. Assemble shaft seals into the front end plate, as
shown, and fill the cavity between seals with high
melting point grease.
12. Fit front end-plate to body, such that the scallops
align on both components.
13. Assemble bearing blocks with recesses against
the gears and the relieved circumference toward
the outlet port.
14. The rear cover assembly can now be fitted and the
tie-bolts installed and tightened to 52 Nm
(38 lbf ft).
15. Refit Woodruff-key and drive gear.
16. Fit new tab-washer and tighten gear retaining nut
to 38 Nm (28 lbf ft).
17. Fit relief valve. with new 'O' ring seal and tighten
to 50 Nm (37 lbf ft).

Removal and Refitment 7B-07-09
1. Identify each hose before removing from the
.Orbitrol steering valve.
2. Release the four mounting bolts inside cab and
lower valve and mounting plate away from
3. Remove mounting plate from steering valve.

Refitment is the reverse of instructions 1-3 except:
4. Refit rubber mountings to bulkhead, witn head of
mounting uppermost.
5. Tighten mounting bolts evenly, to 22 Nm ( 16 lbf ft).
6. When steering valve is remounted, move steering
column flexible coupling up or down to obtain
1-2 mm (0.04-0.06 inch) protrusion of splines from
top of steering valve.
Under no circumstances, after final assembly,
should the end of the steering column shaft
rest on the bottom of splined socket in steering



Servicing 7B - 08-10
Special Tools:
MS 62A, Slip seal fitting toot.
MS 63, Spring fitting tool

Servicing this steering valve must be carried out in

scrupulously clean conditions.

1. Remove steering valve per ooeration 78 - 07.
2. Mount steering valve in a bench fixture or in a vice
and remove the seven bolts.
3. Lift off the end plate.
4. Remove the ·o· ring.
5. Lift off the rotor.
6. Lift off the stator.
7. Remove the ·o· ring.
8. Remove the spacer washer.
9. Lift off the valve plate.
10. Remove the 'O' ring.
11. Withdraw. the drive shaft.
12. Remove the threaded insert.
13. Remove the ball.
14. Slide the spool and sleeve assembly out of the
15. Remove the 'O' ring from the valve body.
16. Remove the slip seal from the valve body.
17. Slide the outer thrust washer off the spool.
18. Remove the inner thrust washer.
19. Slide the needle bearing off the spool.
20. Slide the slip ring off the spool.
21. Press out the cross pin from the spool and sleeve.
22. Very carefully slide the spool out of the sleeve.
23. Push out the six plate springs from the slot in the
24. Invert the valve body and if necessary rap it
against a block of wood to remove both anti-
cavitation valves (when fitted).
25. Carefully lever out the seal from the top of the
valve body.
26. Unless the pressure settings are wrong it is
advisable not to strip down the shock valves or
relief valve, but in cases where this is necessary:
Remove both plugs covering the shock valves.
27. Use an Allen-key to remove the pressure setting
plugs counting the number of turns to remove. Do
not mix components between valves.
28. Remove springs, poppets and seats.
29. Remove plug covering the relief valve.
30. Remove setting plug, counting the number of
turns to remove.
31. Remove spring, valve and sleeve.
32. The check valve mounted in port •p• cannot be

33. Carefully clean all components in a degreasing
solvent, then examine all components for wear or
damage. If either the spool, sleeve or body is
scored, the whole pump must be replaced. The
only components which are serviced are the ·o·
rings, slipper seal and the shaft seal.
7B -11


34. Ensure threads inside relief valve pocket and
setting plug are thoroughly clean then install
sleeve, valve and spring and thrust disc.
35. Check that the locking device (nylon insert) is still
effective and refit the setting plug. Screw in plug
the same number of turns noted during removal.
When resetting the pressure one complete turn of
the plug will affect the pressure by 10-15 bar
(145-220 lbf/in 2). Screw in to increase pressure.
36. Ensure both anti-shock valve pockets are
thorough, clean, then install seat. valve and spring.
35 37. Check that the locking device (nylon insert) is still
effective and refit the setting plug, then screw in
setting plugs by the same number of turns
required to fP.move them. When resetting the
pressure, one complete turn of the plug will affect
the pressure by 40-50 bar (580-725 lbf/in 2 ).




38. Before reassembly, lubricate all components with

clean transmission oil.
39. Carefully slide the spool into the sleeve, with the
centering spring slots aligned.
40. Push MS 63 through the centering spring slot then
fix the six centering springs into the end of MS 63.
41. Carefully push the springs into the slot in the
spool and sleeve until central, then withdraw
42. Refit the cross pin to the sleeve and spool
43. Reverse procedures 15 to 20.
44. Fit the slip seal and ·o• ring to MS 62.
45. Stand Special Tool MS 62A on the bench and
remove the outer sleeve.
46. Fit the nylon spigot into the plunger.
47. Fit the 'O' ring with the slip seal over the nylon
48. Replace the outer sleeve over the plunger.

NOTE: Do not push the outer sl•ve past the •o•


49. Place the pump body over the outer sleeve and
push down until a firm resistance is felt.
50. Carefully slide the spool and sleeve assembly into
the pump body and push out the nylon spigot.
51. Remove the tool MS 62A from the pump
52. Refit the ball to the bore of the body.
53. Refit the threaded insert.

NOTE: Assemble the driveshaft to the rotor with

the slot in the end of the driveshaft aligned with a
scallop in the rotor.

54. Using new ·o• rings, refit the valve plate. •• &

55. Reverse procedures 1 to 9.

56. Smear the inner 'O' ring with an approved grease.
57. Tighten the seven bolts to a torque of 27 Nm
(20 lbf ft). 39




Removal and Refitment 78-09-13
Special Tools:
MF 268 Steering wheel puller.

1. Ensure that the front wheels are set straight ahead.
2. Detach the motif cap from the centre of the steering
4 wheel.
3. Remove the nut.
4. Using the MF 268, detach the steering wheel.

Reverse procedures 1 to 4 except:
5. Ensure that the splines in the steering wheel. mesh
correctly with those in the steering column.
6. Tighten the nut to a torque of 58 Nm (43 lbf ft).

(2 wheel drive standard front axle)
Removal and Refitment 78 - 1O -13
Special Tools:
PD 1C Puller
MF 334 Adaptor

1 . Remove the front panel.
2. Label each steering hose to facilitate correct
3. Remove the hoses from the top of the steering
cylinder; and blank off the opet'H'1nds of the hoses
and cylinder ports with suitable plugs.
4. Remove the split pin securing the steering ram
pivot pin to the front axle support casting.
5. Using PD 1C and MF 334, extract the ram pivot
6. Remove snap ring.
7. Remove the clamp bolt.
8. Remove the piston rod from the front axle support
9. Lift the ram cylinder complete witn steering arm
off the steering shaft splines.
10. Remove the clamp bolts. withdraw pivot pin and
detach the ram cylinder from the steering arm.

Reverse procedures 1 to 1 0 except:
11. Tighten the two cylinder clamp nuts to a torque of
65 Nm (48 lbf ft).
12. Tighten the steering arm clamp nut to a torque of
115 Nm (85 lbf ft).
13. Fit a new split pin to the cylinder pin.


(2..wheet drive standard front axle)
Servicing 79 -11 -14 2
Special ·Tools:
Peg wrench.

1. Remove the steering cylinder, operation 78 - 10.

2. Using a peg wrench which has its peg centres
50 mm apart, remove the retainer ring by rotating
in a clockwise direction.
3~ Using a suitable bar, withdraw the piston rod
complete with the piston and wiper seal
4. Remove piston retaining nut.
5. Remove the piston assembly.
6.' Remove the wiper seal assembly.
7. Remove the wear ring.
8. Remove the slip seal.
Remove the inner 'O' ring.
Remove the large 'O' ring.
11 . Remove the back-up ring.
12. Examine all components for wear, or damage and ~----6
replace all defective parts. Always fit new 'O' rings
and Nylock self locking nut, to piston.

Reverse procedures 1 to 11 except:
13. The spiral back-up ring is fitted to the rear of the
'O' ring.
14. Tighten the piston retaining nut to a torque of
441 Nm (325 lbf ft).

;;;;._. ·•·"'
78 -15



(2-wheel drive standard front axle)
Removal and Refitment 78 - 12 -15
1. Remove the front grille.
2. Remove steering ram, operation 78 - 10 -
3. Remove the nut, spring washer and bolt securing
the lower steering arm.
4. Drive the main steering shaft upwards out of the
2 steering arm.
5. Remove the shaft.
6. Remove the felt sealing rings.

Reverse procedures 1 to 6 except:
7. Fit new felt sealing rings.
8. Tighten the lower steering arm clamping bolt to
115 Nm (85 lbf ft).
(ZF 4-wheel drive axle)
Removal l'nd Refitment 7B -13 -15
1. Disconnect hoses.
2. Remove split pin and partially extract mounting pin
from head end of ram.
3. Remove split pin and castellated nut from rod end
of ram.
4. Use a ball joint separator to remove the tapered pin
from track rod.
5. Remove head-end pin and lit. ram clear.

Refitment is the reverse oi instructions 1-5 except:
6. Screw knuckle in or out or. ram rod so that ram
travel is limited by steering stops on the axle.
7. When adjustment is complete tighten castellated nut
to 230 Nm (170 lbf ft) and refit split pin.





(4-wheel drive front axle) 4/10
Servicing 7B-14-16
Special Tools:
MF Powerpart Instant Gasket.
Loctite 242.
Peg wrench. 5
1. Remove the ram from the machine.
2. Drain the ram.
3. Mount ram into bench fitting to prevent turning.
4. Rotate the gland housing clockwise, as viewed
from the rod-eye end of the ram, until the bevelled
end of the locking wire is visible through the slot
in the side of the ram cylinder.

Note: Do not rotate the end plug in the opposite

direction as the bevel end of the locking ring may foul
in the groove and break off the drive lug.
5. Reverse the rotation of the end plug when the end
of the lock wire is visible. The lock wire will
normally feed out through the slot without aid. If
the wire does not enter the slot, insert a small
screwdriver to act as a guide.
6. If the lug on the tock wire is broken off, refer to
operation 78 - 17
7. Pull the ram rod and gland from the cylinder, if this
proves difficult refer to operation 78 - 17
8. Mount the rod eye into the bench fitting and
release the piston retaining nut.
9. Remove the piston and seals.
10. Remove the gland housing.

11. If either the cylinder bore or rod are marked the
component must be replaced.

Reverse procedures 1 to 10 except:
12. The piston seals may require a tapered guide to
assist fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching
may cause permanent distortion.
13. Fit the piston retaining nut with Loctite 242 to
220 Nm (160 lbf ft).
14. Refit the rod and bearing assembly, coating the
outside of the bearing with' molycote' grease.
15. Fit a new retaining wire and wind in by rotating the
gland. Fill the slot with putty or MF Powerpart
Instant Gasket to prevent rusting of the lock wire.

... ·.
u . ··· ·



(2-wheel drive optional front axle)
Removal and Refitment 78 -15 -17
Only one ram is described here but the procedure is
the same for both.

1. Remove both hoses from steering ram.
2. Remove nuts from ball joints at each end of
steering ram.
3. Using a ball joint separator. remove the tapered
pins from the drag link at one end of the ram and
mounting plate at the other end, and lift the ram

Refitment is the reverse of instructions 1- except:
Tighten ball joint retaining nuts to 115 Nm (85 lbf ft}.
4. It is important when refitting hoses, to ensure
that they do not snag or chafe on the axle
beam, steering cylinder or loader side frame.

(2-wheel drive optional front axle)
Servicing 7B - 16 - 17
Special Tools:
Peg spanner.
Loctite 242.

1. Remove ram from axle per operation 78 - 15.
2. Firmly clamp the ram by the solid portion. at the
head end of the ram. taking care not to grip the
3. Use a peg wrench to unscrew the gland.
4. Remove rod and piston assembly along with the
inner ram cylinder which must be stored safely for
5. Remove nut and lift piston off the rod, and slide off
the gland.

6. Do not re-use the inner cylinder, piston or rod if
they are scored.

Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1-5 except:
· 7. Renew all ·o· rings and seals, especially the seal
located in the end of the inner cylinder.
8. The piston seal may require a tapered guide to
assist fitment, as uneven and prolonged stretching
may cause permanent distortion.
9. tighten piston retaining nut to 75-85 Nm (55-63
lbf ft} with Loctite 242 applied to threads.
10. Refit inner cylinder and ensure it is sealed
properly on its spigot.
11. Refit piston. rod and gland assembly.
12. Apply Loctite 242 to threads inside ram cylinder.
9 fit gland, and tighten to 180-200 Nm (132-148
lbf ft).
;;;::::1--- 2



Reclamation 7B -17 -18
Failure of the locking wire lug will prevent the gland
from being removed from the ram cylinder. However
the old locking can be removed by adopting the
following procedure:
1. Centre punch the lock wire through the normal
insertion hole. the mark should be made as near 3
the centre of the wire as possible.
2. Using a drill of the size indicated for item B. drill
through the lock wire and into the end cap to the
depth shown for item C.

The drilled hole must not be drilled deeper than

shown or the drill may break through the gland: in
which case the gland must be scrapped.

3. Using a piece of locking wire or piano wire, cut off a

section to the length shown and insert it in the blind
hole. This will now take place of the sheared lug
and drive the lock wire out in the normal manner.
4. After complete withdrawal of the lock wire pull the
piston rod sharply out until it contacts the gland,
this will normally remove it.
5. Failure to remove the gland in the normal way due
to burrs having occurred in the lock wire grooves, it
is suggested that either a hydraulic press, or a hand I
operated pump is used to remove the end cap
WARNING! If a hydraulic pump is used to
dismantle the gland from the ram cylinder
extreme care must be exercised to purge all
air from the ram before pressurisation.
restraints should be attached to both rod-eye
and cylinder mounting as a further precaution.
issue 2 78-19


MF steer-drive axle
Later type non drive steer axle
Remove and refit 7B • 18-19
1. Label each hose to ensure correct steering
orientation during assembly.
2. Remove both hoses.
lL __ _ 3. Remove locknut and special bolt from rod end of
4. Remove locknut and bolt from pin at the head
end of the ram.
5. Support ram and remove pin and spacer.
Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except:
6. Fit spacer under the head-end ram eye and
insert pin.
7. Refit bolt through pin and use a new locknut.
Tighten 15 Nm (11 lbf ft).
8. Refit special bolt through rod-end eye and fit a
new locknut. Tighten nut to 340 Nm (250 lbf ft).

MF steer-drive axle
Later type non drive steer axle
Service 7B • 19-19
Special tools: •
Bench mounted ram jig
Peg wrench
MF Powerpart Instant Gasket
Loctite 242
Anti-seize/corrosion compound
1. Remove the ram from the machine 7B • 18.
2. Drain the ram.
3. Mount ram into bench mounted jig, to prevent
4. Rotate gland housing clockwise, as viewed from
the rod-eye of the ram, until the bevelled end of
the locking wire is visible through the slot in the
side of the ram cylinder.
Do not rotate the end plug in the opposite
direction as the bevelled end of the lock-wire
may foul in the groove and break off the drive
78-20 issue 2


5, Reverse the rotation of the end plug when the

end of the lock wire is visible. The lock wire will
normally feed out through the slot without aid. If
the wire does not enter the slot, insert a small 4/7
screwdriver to act as a guide.
6. Hthe lug on the lock wire is broken off, refer to 14
operation 7B • 17.
7. Pull the ram rod and gland form the cylinder, if
this proves difficult, refer to operation 7B • 17.

8. Mount the rod eye into the bench jig and release
the piston retaining nut.
9. Remove the piston and seals.
10. Remove the gland housing.
11. H either the cylinder bore or rod are marked, the
component must be replaced.
Reverse procedures 1 to 1o except:
12. The piston seals may need a tapered guide to
assist fitment. Uneven and prolonged stretching
may cause permanent distortion.
13. Fit the piston retaining nut with Loctite 242 and
tighten to 220 Nm (160 lbf ft).
14. Refit the rod and bearing assembly, coating the
outside of the bearing with a proprietary anti-
seize/corrosion compound.
15. Fit a new retaining wire and wind in by rotating
the gland.
Fill the slot with putty or MF Powerpart Instant
Gasket to prevent water ingress.

MF steer-drive axle
Later type non drive steer axle
Remove and refit 7B • 20-20
Special tools:
Universal puller
1. It is possible to change the spherical bearings
one at a time, without removing the ram from the
machine. However if a bearing is tight or seized it
is easier to remove the ram.
2. Prise snap ring from its groove.
3. Push out the spherical bearing.
Reverse instructions 1 to 3.
1459 190 M4



BA Hydraulic system - series S

8B Loader and backhoe valves - Laser
BC Slew motor - before series S
8D Hydraulic cylinders
SN Hydraulic system - series T
BP Husco control valves
Issue 3 BA- 01


Group 8 Section A


Issue Three

Op. No. Operation page

Special toots 02
Generaldesc~ption 03
Fault diagnosis 04
8A • 01 -06 Checking hydraulic oil level 06
8A • 02-06 Draining the hydraulic system 06
8A • 03-07 Main relief valve, pressure test 07
8A • 04-07 Hydraulic pump, flow test 07
8Ae 05-08 Circuit relief valves, pressure test 08
8Ae 06-09 Slew cushion valves, setting clock 09
8A • 07-09 Slew actuator, leakage test 09
8A • 08- 10 Slew actuator cross line relief valve test 10
8A • 09 - 11 Suction line filter R/R 11
8Ae 10-12 Pressure line filter R/R 12
8A • 11 - 13 Hydraulic pump R/R 13
8A • 12 - 14 Hydraulic pump servicing 14
8A • 13 - 18 Hydraulic pump driveshaft R/R 18
8A-02 Issue 3



Flow metrel50 litre/ min (40 US gal/min)

Pressure gauge 0- 250 bar (0 - 3500 lbflin2)
Pressure gauge 0- 400 bar (0 - 6000 1bflin2)
MF 34 l Pump drive shaft remover
Three leg puller
Internal bearing puller
MF 423 Relief valve test capsule
Hand pump MF.341

Issue 2 SA-03


The typical digger/loader hydraulic system comprises: The hydraulic system is powered by a gear-type fixed
displacement pump drawing oil through a paper
1. Hydraulic oil reservoir. element filter from the left hand s1deframe, which forms
2. Suction line filter. the oil reservoir. From the pump, oil is delivered first to
3. Gear pump. the loader control valve and then the digger control
4. Pressure line filter (optional). valve. returning to the reservoir via an oil cooler, (not
5. Loader control valve. fitted to "loader only • models), mounteq in front of the
6. Loader boom rams. radiator. An optional pressure line filter. when fitted. is
7. Loader bucket rams. mounted directly on the pump pressure port.
8. Digger control valve. The main relief valve is located in the end-plate of the
9. Rotary actuator or linear slew system. loader control valve and is set at 172 bar (2500 lbf/in2 )
10. Frame clamping ram - side-shift models. on earlier machines and 190 bar (2750 lbf/in2 ) on later
11. Stabilizer rams. machines.
12. Digger boom ram.
13. Dipperstick ram. Circuit relief valves are fitted to all main services.
14. Digger bucket ram .
. 15. Oil cooler.



r:::=l Suction flow

&ii Pressure flow
Cl Returns flow
~ Static service oil
IA-04 Issue 2



Make reference to both hydraulic charts

1. Oil leaking from reservoir overfilled check oil level per operation
oil filler cap SAeo1
foaming oil low oil level check oil level per operation
Incorrect grade of oil change oil completely oer
operation 8A•02
Loose or badly fitting check all connections on
connections on suction suction lines and ren1$w seals
lines or poor seal
on filter cover

2. Pump noisey and/or normal hydraulic low oil level check oil level per operation
overheating operating speed 8A•01
Wrong oil in the change oil completely per
system operation 8Aeo2
Air leaking into check all joints for security
system, obstructed or and suction hoses for
collapsed suction line 4 internal lining collapse
very slow hydraulic Low pressure setting reset pressure of valve
operating speed of main relief valve 8 per operation 8Ae03
Normal pressure setting check pump flow per operation

3. Loader arms drop leakage past spool check spool movement ensure
when lever in neutral it returns to neutral properly
spool/body scored or if scored, find source of debris
wom and correct
check valve check valve seat for damage re-lap seat if possible, then
leaking thoroughly flush out entire valve
internal ram check for internal renew seals and cylinder
leakage leakage per operation if scored

4. Loader arms drop check valve seat damaged lap if possible and thoroughly
momentarily when leaking spring broken clean whole valve
LI FT selected check valve missing assemble correctly and
ensure seat not damaged
(also applies to any
other service)

5. Low power in circuit relief valve opening test circuit relief valve repair as required
one' service at low pressure per operation and reseal valve
only SAeos

Issue 2 SA-05


6. Hydraulic oil Main relief valve, setting adjust the setting using a
overheating too high or too low pressure gauge operation

Leakage through circuit Test suspected valve BA• 05

relief valves reset or replace
Oil cooler plugged internally blocked remove cooler and backflush
externaily blocked locate source of oil leakage
or other reason tor blockage.
Thoroughly wash radiator.
Incorrect machine operation Method of operating Oiange operation, give
causing MRV to relieve operator training.

7. Eratic air entrained in system clear air from system by

operation cycling all services with no-load at
1 000 engine r.p.m.
air re-enters system pump shaft seal leaking replace seal and inspect
after short time shaft
Suction line connections Check all connections
thoroughly, ensure hose clips
are staggered 1 80°

8. Rotary actuator
Slew system seals or valves check vane leakage renew seals
lacks by-passing internally per. operation 8A • 07 reseat valves as required
Cross line relief valve check cross line reset pressure
leaking, low power in relief valves per operation
one d1. ~ction only 8Ae 08

Linear slew
Slew system one or both restrictor assemble restrictor
cavitates plates reversed plates per.operation
frequently or in slew ports 88• 10
isslow CandD

Slew lacks one or both remove and check

power anti-cavitation valves
seating of A.C.V.
per. operation 8B • ,,
Slew speed fixed restrictor remove check-valve
too fast missing or wrong per operation 8B • 09
spool valve fitted and ensure restrictor plug
or hoses connected is fitted in valve section CID
to wrong section.

9. Low power in M RV set too low check main relief pressure reset as required
all services MRV. body seals per operation BA•03
missing or damaged check ·o·rings in valve replace 'O' rings
Pump worn
check flow per operation rebuild or replace pump if
8Ae04 found to be below 80% of
rated output.
SA-06 Issue 2


Checking the oil level SA• 01-06

It is essential that the machine 1s positioned as shown

when checking the hydraulic oil level. Failure to do this
may cause gross overfilling which could damage the
reservoir when the machine is worked.

Draining the hydraulic system SA • 02 - 06

In normal circumstances. it is not possib!e to completely

drain the hydraulic system due to the volume of oil
trapped in hydraulic rams. hoses and valves.

If for any reason a substantial amount of metallic debris

,s liberated in the system it can only be effectively
removed by stripping and flushing all valve hoses and
rams. Should the debris be allowed to circulate through
the system until the filter has removed it all there could
be s1gn1ficant damage to the spools.relief valves and
especially rams. where debris can remain for a number
of cycles before being flushed out.

However. most 011 can be removed by raising the loader

and digger as shown, then stop the engine and remove
the main dram plug. Lower the dipperstick and boom to
the ground. then lower the loader whilst partially
dumping the bucket until the final positions are
approximately as shown in 8A • 01. This will have
drained the maximum amount of oil unaided.
Issue 2 BA-07



Pressure checking BA• 03-07
1. Remove the blanking plug from the test port along
side the front grille.
2. Fit a pressure gauge capable of reading to 250 bar
(3500 lbf / in 2 ) to the point.
3. Run engine at maximum rev./min ..
4. Fully roll-back the loader bucket and note the
pressure gauge reading.

Early MF50H 172 bar (2500 lbf/in 2 ).

' '· MF60H 190 bar (2750 lbf/in2 )

' ·, '

. \·-... \
Flow checking BA• 04-07
f:lump Flow at No Load:
1. Disconr.ect the flexible pressure hose form the steel
pressure pipe alongside the front grille.

:- - . , - - --=
2. Connect the flow meter inlet hose to the steel pipe
I from the pump and connect the flow meter outlet
. t-...._ ' - hose to the flexible pressure hose leading to the
loader control valve.
3. Ensure that the flow meter restrictor is fully released.
4. Run engine until the hydraulic oil is at normal
operating temperature of 50"C.
1 5. With the engine at 2000 rev.tmin. the flow should be:
MF50H 114 lltres/min (30 US gals.Imm.)

MF60H 120 litres/min. (31.7 US gals.Imm.)

6. With the test kit connected as above and the oil at

2 50°C. carefully adjust the flow restnctor until a
pressure of 172 bar (2500 lb/ln 2 ) registers on the

- gauge.
7. The rated flow should be similar to the flows
recorded at instruction 5 but after many hours work
\ the flow rate will drop. The pump must be replaced
or rebuilt if the flow Is at or below the following:
MF 500 90 litres/min. (23.7 US gals.Imm.)

MF60H 96 litres/min. (25.4 US gals.Imm.)

BA-08 Issue 2



Pressure checking BA • OS - 08

Circuit relief valve pressures are listed in a chart which

can be found in Group 8 Section B (issue 3).

Special tools
423 test capsule
Pressure gauge 400 bar (6000 lbf/in2 )


1. Remove the circuit relief valve and fit it in Churchill

test capsule No. 423.
2. Fit capsule to pressure pipe of a hand pump.
3. Connect a 400 bar (6000 lbf/in2) gauge to the hand
4. Submerge the hand pump suction pipe in oil.
5. Operate the hand pump and read valve operating
pressure and compare with the pressures given in
Section SB.
6. To adjust the pressure. remove the cover and
holding the valve body and travel stop turn, the
adjuster in to increase and out to decrease the
pressure. On later circuit relief valves, access to the
adjuster screw is more difficult and the valve may
need replacing if the setting is wrong.
7. Replace the cover.
Issue 2 8A-09



Setting check 8A • 06-09

Special tools
MF SOD only
From MF 50H side-shift models, the cushioning valves
were deleted.

Check the functioning of the ushion valves as follows:

1. Lower loader bucket to ground.

2. Power the stabilizer legs down until the rear wheels
are relieved of the weight of the machine.
3. With the digger unit at full horizontal reach check
the total arc cycle time at maximum engine speed.
The time for the 180" arc should be 4.8 secs..
4. If the slew speed is incorrect, it can be readjusted as
in operation BC • 07

Vane seal leakage test BA• 07-09
MF 50D/SOH side-shift models only

1. Run the machine until normal working temperature

is reached.
2. Position t.he digger at full horizontal reach and fully
extend the right hand stabilizer. Stop the engine.
3. With a suitable marker check the actuator seal
leakage, i.e. the distance moved from the marker in
one minute. An acceptable service limit is 550 mm
(22 ins) travel in one minute.
SA-10 Issue 2



Pressure checking SA• 08-10

Special tools:
Pressure gauge 250 bar (3500 lbf/in3 )

If the rotary actuator performance is unsatisfactory and

the cross-line relief valves are suspected they can be
checked as follows:
, . Position the digger on its stabilizers and extend the
boom. dipper and bucket to full horizontal reach.
but clear of the ground.
2. Disconnect the pressure and return pipes from the
top of the rotary actuator. Blank off one of the
actuator ports and attach a 250 bar (3500 lbf/in2 )
gauge to the other port.
3. Manually push the digger unit to one side and read
the pressure at which the cross-line relief valve
operates. The reading should be 193 • 200 bar
(2800 • 2900 lbf/in2 ).
4. Repeat the procedure for the other cross-line relief
valve by attaching the pressure gauge to the other
port. "
Issue 2 BA-11


Suction line filter- SA•09-11

Remove and Refit
. 1. Park the machin•e safely, raise the loader and fit
the safety bars. When a digger is fitted this
should be in the transport position but with the
stabilizer feet touching the ground. Stop the
2. Remove the left hand footstop by removing
spring clip and rod. Clean the outside of filter
bowl and cap.
3. Remove the small drain plug (13) which will
allow the oil level to drop below the top of the
filter bowl. Use a clean container to hold
approximately 3.5 litres (¾ gallon) of oil that will
drain out.
4. Remove filter cap by unscrewing handle (5).
4 Remove filter element.

·~: 6. Fit new element, replace cap ensuring gasket is
in good condition. Refill reservoir and check for
leaks while the engine is stopped.
7. If whilst changing the filter element, the bowl

\ and suction screen should need cleaning the
reservoir will need draining until the oil level falls
below the level of the filter intake tube.
8. Remove main drain plug and drain hydraulic oil

' ---1 into a clean container.

9. Remove as much sediment as possible before
removing wing nut washer and suction screen.
10. Wipe out the filter cannister with a clean lint free
cloth and wash suction screen thoroughly.

11. Replace screen washer and wingnut. insert new
filter element.
' I
\I 12. Replace both drain plugs, refill reservoir until the
\j oil level 3/4 fills the filter cannister.
7 5 6 13. Refit cap and continue to fill reservoir.
14. If there are no leaks, restart the engine, move the
machine to its correct position and recheck the
oil level.
Caution: Never start the engine if the reservoir is
empty or inadequately filled. But DO NOT OVERFILL
SA-12 Issue 2



Removal and Refitment
1. When the blockage indicator shows, park the
machine, lift the loader arms and fit the safety
2. Stop the engine and depreuurize all
systems by moving all hydraulic controls
through all functions several times.
3. Clean the filter bowl and head.
4. Remove the bowl, using a wrench on the ('
hexagon formed on the base of the bowl.
5. Remove and discard the element
6. Thoroughly clean the inside of the filter bowl and
the sealing surface.
7. Ensure bowl seal and back-up ring are in good
8. Push open end of new filter element onto the '·<O
seat in the filter head.
9. Half fill the bowl with clean hydraulic oil and
lubricate the threads and sealing surface. Refit
bowl to filter head and tighten - maximum torque
not to exceed 20 Nm (15 lbf ft).
• The element (5) cannot be cleaned - it must be
• Only genuine MF filter elements part No
1469597 M1 must be used.
• A seal kit is available part No. 1810706 M91.

. ----2

Issue 2 8A-13


Removal and Refitment
1. Park the machine safely, raise the loader arms
and fit the safety bars.
2. Partially drain the hydraulic system oil.
3. Release both the pressure and suction pipes
\e from the pump.
I 4. Release the pump mounting bolts and withdraw
pump from drive shaft and machine.
\c Refltment is the reverse of steps 1 to 4 except
5. Refill reservoir to full mark.
6. With the engine stop control pulled up, crank
engine for 20 seconds.
7. Start engine and maintain 1000 r.p.m. while
working all hydraulic controls to purge air from
the system.
BA-14 Issue 2


Servicing 8Ae 12-14
1. Clean the unit thorougtfly with a solvent. Remove
all sharp edges and burrs from splines, drill
points. keyways and end of shaft. Mark the two
sections to assist correct re-assembly.
2. Remove capscrews and spring washers.
3. Detach the adaptor from the housing by using a
4. Remove the wear plate from the housing.
5. Separate the seal and the seal support from the
wear plate. Note the position of the seal and
seal support in the wear plate groove for
6. Remove the outer seal.
7. With a bearing extractor tool remove tht! roller
bearings assemblies from the adaptor.
8. Remove wiper seal and low pressure seal from
the adapter.

(0 ·•·. ;"i
5 4 2
Issue 2 SA-15


9. Mark the gears to ensure re-assembly in the

same relative position then withdraw the
shaft/gear assembly from the housing.
10. Remove the wear plate from the housing.
Separate the seal and seal support from the
wear plate, noting their relative positions in the
groove for correct refitting.

12. Using a bearing .extractor toot, remove the roller

bearing assemblies from the housing.
13. Wash all parts in a solvent, and dry using
compressed air or clean lint-free cloth.
14. Using a very fine file or India stone, remove all
nicks and burrs from all machined surfaces of
the adapter and housing.
15. Using an India stone remove burrs and light
scores from faces and teeth of gears.
16. Discard wear plates that have score marks,
heavy wear, or show erosion marks around the
milled slots on the faces adjacent to the gears.
1 7. Shafts and geara must be replaced In palra
(a) The shaft in the journal area shows signs of
pitting or wear in excess of 025mm (0.001 in)
(t>) Splines or keyways are distorted or badly
(c) Gears are cracked or heavily scored.
18. Replacement of roller bearing assemblies.
(a) Shafts/Gears are replaced
(b) Rollers or cages show excessive wear.
(c) Rollers are broken or pitted.
Id) Rollers do not rotate freely and smoothly.
19. Discard I0w pressure wiper seal H and
high pressure seal 5. Fit new seals on
20. Check the dowel holes for elongation or general
SA-16 Issue 2


21. Using a bearing driver, install the bearings in the
housing and adapter plate.
OR TO 0.050mm (0.0021n) BELOW, THE FACE
22. Apply a film of grease to retain them, then fit a
new seal support to both wear plates. Using a
sharp knife or razor blade, trim the seal and seal
support to the wear plate.
23. On the ·outer· face or ·sear face of the plates
there is a machined channel from the Driven-
Gear bore towartl the waist area of the plate on
the INLET side.
The ·gear' face. has a kidney-shaped pressure
relief channel in the OUTLET side of the waist
area. and on the INLET side there is a small
channel extending from the through-slot in the
Driven Gear bore toward the waist of the plate.
(a) The seal and seal support rings are not trapped
between the wear plate rim and the housing
(b) The seal and seal support rings are not
displaced from their channel in the wear plate.
(c) The wear plate is fully home in the housing
bore and tree to move.
24. Lightly oil the face of the wear plate and the
shatvgears in the housing.
NOTE: When original gears are refitted, align the
marks made during disassembly.



Issue 2 SA-17


25. Lightly oil the fa~e of the second plate and the
shafVgears, and install the wear plate complete
with seal and seal support into the housing
Ensure that both the seal and seal support are
inside the housing bore and are not displaced
from their channel in the wear plate.
26. Lightly grease the seal ring and fit it to the
groove in the adaptor.
27. Align the dowels with the appropriate dowel
holes and fit the adapter and housing.
28. Insert the cap screws and washers and tighten
evenly to ensure correct alignment of the
adapter with the housing.
29. Using a torque spanner, finally tighten the
capscrews 165 Nm (120 lbf ft).
30. Using the appropriate tools, fit new seal and
wiper over the drive shaft and into the adapter
seal bore. ·

30 27


SA-18 Issue 2


Remove and Refit 8A•13-18
Special Tools: MF 341 dr.ive shaft remover
1. Remove the hydraulic pump as in operation BA•
2. Insert drive shaft remover MF341 and block the
engine to prevent it turning.
3. The drive shaft has a left hand thread and can
be removed by turning clockwise as viewed from
the front of the machine. A substantial lever will
be required if the drive shaft has not been
removed before. '
Refltment is a reversal of orocedures 1 to 3 exceot
4. When refitting apply Mobilplex grease to both
thread and splines.
5. There is no need to tighten the shaft excessively
as it is self-tightening when working.
issue 5 8B-1


Group 8 Section B


Issue Five

Op. No. Operation Page

General description 2
Operation of the clamp valve (side shift Backhoes only) 5
Circuit relief valve summary chart 7
88 • 01 - 08 Loader control valve R/R 8
88 • 02 - 08 Backhoe control valve R/R 8
88 • 03- 09 Main relief valve servicing 9
88 • 04- 09 Circuit relief valve servicing 9
88 • 05 - 10 Standard spool section," servicing 10
88 • 06 - 11 Loader boom spool section, servicing 11
88 • 07 - 12 Backhoe side-shift clamp spool, servicing 12
88 • 08 - 12 Pilot operated check valve servicing 12
(clamp spool, side-shift Backhoes only)
88 • 09 - 13 Check valves, servicing 13
88 • 10 - 13 Restrictor plates, checking 13
Pressure-beyond plug 13
88 • 11 - 14 Anti-cavitation valves, R/R 14
88 • 12 - 14 Lock-up valve, R/R 14
88 • 13 - 15 Circuit relief valve
(part of lock-up valve installation), R/R 15
Operation of the regenerative valve (early series S) 15
88 • 14- 17 Regenerative valve section, servicing (early series S) 17
Operation of the RTD electric detent 18
88 • 15 - 19 Electric detent, service 19
88-2 issue 5


GENERAL DESCRIPTION Loader Control Valve port Identification.

Both the loader and Backhoe control valves are 125 A Bucket ram, head side
litre/min. modular units, of the open centre, type. B Bucket ram, rod-side
The loader valve is comprised of a monoblock 2 spool C . Boom ram, rod-side
valve with end cover containing the system's main D Boom ram, head-side
relief valve. The optional 3rd spool sedion is fitted E Top port•
between the end oover and main valve body. The F Bottom port •
Backhoe oontrol valve is a 6 spool monoblock unit • Optional fitment - 3rd spool valve section for multi-
with end oover. Side shift Backhoe valves purpose bucket.
incorporate the shift lock spool in the end oover while
the optional service spool section is clamped between
the main valve body and end cover in both cases.
Backhoe Control Valve port
Modular design simplifies servicing so that both
Backhoe and loader valves, are mostly identical. Port Function
Only the loader boom ex>ntrol spool and Backhoe A Boom ram rod side
side-shift lock spool deviate from the standard B Boom ram head side
configuration, and therefore the different spool
C Slew anti-clockwise
configurations are described individually rather than
D Slew clockwise
as separate loader and Backhoe valve blocks.
E Stabiliser ram LH headside
All ports are identified with letters as shown in the F Stabiliser ram LH rod side
circuit diagrams. G Stabiliser ram RH headside
H Stabiliser ram RH rod side
Loader control valve features J Bucket ram head side
1. Main relief valve and end cover
K Bucket ram rod side
2. Pressure test point. L Dipperstick ram head side
3. Optional 3rd spool section. M Dipperstick ram rod side
4. 2 spool monoblock valves. N Auxiliary•
5. Circuit relief valves.
P Auxiliary*
6. Check valves. • Optional fitment 7th spool
7. Blanking plug.
8. Spool centring spring housing.
9. Boom control spool spring/detent housing.
issue 5 88-3


Backhoe control valve features

1. 6 spool monoblock valve. 6. Optional spool sedion.
2. Circuit relief valves. 7. Combined shift-lock spool and end cover.
3. Check valves. (side-shift Backhoes only)
4. Plugs. 8. Plain end-cover (centre-mount Backhoes only)
5. Spool centring spring housings. 9. Regenerative spool sedion (early Series S only)
10. Servo piston assembly (early Series S only)

88-4 issue 3


Standard spool section:
General purpose control for double ading rams and
used for all fundions except loader lift and Backhoe

Loader boom spool section:

In addition to the facilities of a standard spool; it
incorporates a detented FLOAT position, as
illustrated, which allows the loader arms to move up
and down freely, with no hydraulic pressure.

( )
issue 3 8B-5

Backhoe slew spool section for linear slew

systems Ports C and D
Basically a standard control for double acting rams
but with a fixed orifice mounted under the check valve
so that flow to both C and D ports is restricted.
Additionally, one-way restrictors are fitted to ports C
and D to restrict flow returning from the slew rams.
Anti-cavitation valves are incorporated and operate in
conjunction with the circuit relief valves to prevent
cavitation when the control spool is in neutral.

Operation of the clamp valve

The side-shift Backhoe clamp valve is specifically
designed to maintain high pressure in the backframe
clamp rams, irrespective of system pressure. The
valve is a rotary type with an eccentric pressure port
and a return line drilling through the centre of the
valve. Operation of this valve is not affected by any
of the other spool functions.
Clamp rams locked
The spool (1) is turned so that the unloading piston
(2) is connected to the low pressure return and the
lock-out valve (3) is connected to the pressure line.
The lock-out valve will act as a simple check valve,
holding pressure in the clamp rams, but still admitting
higher pressures, up to main relief valve setting. This
topping-up process is continuous during work.
88-6 issue 3


Clamp rams unlocked

To unlock the side-shift clamp rams, the spool (1) is
rotated to connect the lock-out valve (3) with low
pressure return and the unloader piston (2) with the
pressure line. Stall any Backhoe function to raise
pressure to main relief valve setting, and the unloader
piston will force open the lock-out valve and permit
the pressure in the clamp rams to escape.

. .. ' ·
BACKHOE CONTROL VALVE Circuit relief valve pressures bar (lbf/ln 2 )


Model MRV A B C D E F G H J K L M N p

MF50D 172 bar 190 190 241 241 Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug 190 Plug Plug
Early 50H (2500) (2750) (2750) (3500) (3500) (2750)
SOE and 54B
Centre-mount digger
One way restrictor 05,9 03,96 03,96
(0.234) (0.156) (0.156)
Fixed restrlctor 03,18 (0.125)

MF SOD 172 bar 207 207 Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug Plug 190 190 207 207 Plug Plug
Early 50H (2500) (3000) (3000) (2750) (2750) (3000) (3000)
MF SOE and 252
Side-shift digger

Later MF 50H 190 bar 207 207 240 · 240 Plug Plug 207 Plug 155 155
MF50E/54B (2750) (3000) (3000) (3500) (3500) (3000) (2250) (2250)
Centre-mount digger
One way restrlctor 05,9 03,96 03,96
(0.234) (0.156) (0.156)

Fixed restrlctor 03,18 (0.125)

Anti-cavitation valve (ACV) ACV ACV

Later MFSOH 190 bar 207 207 173 173 207 207 233 207 155 155
MFSOE/252 (2750) (3000) (3000) (2500) (2500) (3000) (3000) (3380) (3000) (2250) (2250)
Side-shift digger

MF SOH series S 190 bar 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224 155 190
SOHX series S (2750) (4495) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250) (2250) (2750)

Side-shift digger
incl. Regenerative section
Fixed restrlctor 03, 18 (0.125) ·

Anti-cavitation valve (ACV) ACV ACV

Earlier MF 60H 190 bar 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224 155 190
(2750) (4500) (3250) (3500) · (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250) (2250) (2750)
One way restrictor 05,2 03,18 03,18 03,96 03,96 05,94
(0.205) (0.125) (0.125) (0.156) (0.156) (0.234)

Fixed restrlctor 03, 18 (0.125)

Anti-cavitation valve ACV ACV ACV ACV

MF 60H series S 190 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224 155 190
Centre mount diggers (2750) (4500) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250) (2250) (2750)
with regenerative circuits
One way restrlctor 03,18 03,18 03,96 03,96
(0.125) (0.125) (0.156) (0.156)

Fixed restrlctor 03, 18 (OJ 25)

Anti-cavitation valve ACV ACV

Serles T MF SOH/HX 190 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224 155 190
MF 60HX Turbo (2750) (4500) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250) (2250) (2750)

with 425 or 450 backhoes

One way restrictor 05,2 03,18 03,18 03,96 03,96 05,94
(0.205) (0.125) (0.125) (0.156) (0.156) (0.234)

Fixed restrictor 03,18 (0.125)

Anti-cavitation valve ACV ACV ACV

Series T MF 50HIHX 190 224 224 240 240 224 224 310 224 155 190
MF 60HX Turbo (2750) (3250) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (4500) (3250) (2250) (2750)
with 425 or 450 backhoes
(Scandinavia or ISO control layout)
One way restrictor 05,94 03,18 03,18 03,96 03,96 05,2
(0.234 (0.125) (O. 125) (0.156) (0.156) (0,205)

Fixed restrictor 03,18 (0.125)

Anti-cavitation valve ACV ACV ACV

Serles T MF SOH/HX 190 224 224 240 240 224 224 310 224 155 190
MF 60HX Turbo (2750) (3250) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (4500) (3250) (2250) (2750)
with 425 or 450 backhoes
(Scandinavia or France)
With hose burst protection valves
One way restrlctor 03,5 0 3,18 0 3,18 03,96 03,96 03,5 05,2
(0.138) (0, 125) (0.125) (0.156) (0.156) (0.138) (0.205)

Fixed restrictor 0 3, 18 (0.125)

Anti-cavitation valve ACV

8B-8 issue 5




LOADER CONTROL VALVE Remove and Refit 8B • 01 -08

Circuit relief valve pressures bar (lbf/ln2) 1. Depressurize the hydraulic system thoroughly.
PORTS 2. Partially drain the hydraulic oil by removing the
small drain plug.
Load er Main relief A B C D E F 3. Remove all hydraulic pipe connections to the
OrB ackhoe model pressure control valve.
bar (lbf/ln2) 4. Separate the control pedestal and rods from the
bracket and valve spools.
MF50D 172 (2500) 207 345 345 241 190 Plug
5. Separate the valve complete with subframe from
EarlyM :soH (3000) (5000) (5000) (3500) (2750) the machine. Use caution as the valve assembly
MF SOE/ 250
is heavy.
OneWa 'restrictor mm (in), 05.2 06.35 6. Remove the subframe from the valve.
(0.205) (0.25)

Later MF 50H Reverse instructions 1 to 6.

190 (2750) 207 310 310 207 207 · Plug Note: The loader control valve is designed for ease of
~ .... MF50E
--~~ (3000) (4495) (4495) (3500) (3000) service in situ and therefore the only repairs
demanding removal of the valve are, spool seal
One way restrictor mm (in) 05.2 06.35
replacement and valve section replacement.
(0.205) (0.25)

LaterM F 50H 190 (2750) 310 345 241 207 Plug

MF50E (3000) · (4495) (5000) (3500) (3000)
Onewa r restrictor mm (in) 05.2 06.35 Remove and Refit 8B • 02-09
(0.205) (0.25)
MF50E North America 172 (2500) 207 310 345 240 207 Plug 1. Thoroughly depressurize all systems.
Fore/Ex port 190 (2750) (3000) . (4495) (5000) (3500) (3000) 2. Put a drain tray under the valve, but on top of the
05.2 06.35
Onewa r restrictor mm (in) 3. Remove all hydraulic connections to the valve
(0.205) (0.25)
and tie the feed and return hoses up, to prevent
MF 60H/ HX/60H S & T 190 (2750) 345 310 345 240 207 Plug 4. Disconnect the controls from the valve spools.
Return to dig (5000) (4495) (5000) (3500) (3000) 5. Wedge the valve with wood and remove the
05.2 06.35 mounting nuts and bolt.
One way restrictor mm (in) 6. With the wood supporting the valve, roll it
(0.205) (0.25)
forwards on to the drain tray and then remove
the valve from the machine.
3 4 5 2
Reverse instructions 1 to 6.
Note: The Backhoe control valve is designed and
mounted so that full access is provided to the circuit
relief valves, check valves, spool centring springs and
spools, which can be removed easily, without
removing the valve from the machine first. Only spool
seal replacement or spool section replacement
require the control valve to be removed. ~ ·.·
. -~ >,:
iv·" _·- . ...
issue 3 88-9



Service 88 • 03- 09
3 1. The main relief valve is a non serviceable item
and in the unlikely event of maHunction must be
replaced with a new valve assembly.
2. Using an alien key, unsaew main relief valve
from the top of the loader control valve.
3. It is advisable to change the internal '0' ring seal
if the main relief valve is replaced.


Service 8B • 04- 09
1. Circuit relief valves are non-serviceable items
and must be replaced with a new valve assembly
in the event of maHunction.
2. All of the circuit relief valves are readily
accessible on both Backhoe and loader control
3. Replace the end 'O' ring seal and back-up ring if
damaged or deformed.
4. Not all circuit relief valves are set at the same
pressure and the charts on pages 8B-07 should
be referred to before fitting any substitute valves.
88-10 issue 5



Service 88 •05-10
1. Remove the spool valve from the machine per
operation 8B • 01 or 8B • 02.
2. Remove two screws retaining spool cap and
3. Spool and bottom seal can now be withdrawn
from the valve body.
4. Using soft-faced grips, firmly hold the end of
spool and use a screw driver to remove retaining
screw and withdraw the centralising spring, cups,
seal retainer and seal.
5. Prise out the wiper seal from the top of the valve
6. Prise out the top slip seal and energising ring.
NOTE : This top seal will always be badly damaged
during removal. Unless the seal is leaking therefore,
it should not be disturbed.
Reverse instrudions 1 to 6 except:
7. When refitting the top slip seal-the 'O' ring is
installed in the groove first and the slip ring,
gently bent into a 'U' shape, inserted into the
seal groove and carefully pushed back into 4
circular form.
8. Tighten spring retainer screw to 15 Nm (11 lbf ft).
9. Tighten spool cover screws to 11 Nm (8 lbf ft).
10. Tighten valve end plate retaining bolts to:-
Loader valve 52 Nm (38 lbf ft).
Backhoe valve 38 Nm (28 lbf ft). Do not
exceed this torque or spool movement may
be affected.
issue 3 8B-11



Servicing 88 • 06-11
1. Depressurize the hydraulic system and remove
the valve from the machine per operation 88 • 01.
2. Ensure spool is not in the detent position.
3. Unscrew end plug.
4. Remove detent collar.
5. Release two screws and remove detent housing.
Later type detent
Sa. Slacken end plug, remove both screws and
remove complete detent housing.
Sb. Remove end plug and spring. Then tip out the
spacer and detent assembly.
6. Withdraw spool and centralising spring complete
with spacer and bottom slip seal.
7. Prise out the wiper seal from the top of the valve
8. Prise out the top slip seal and energising ring.
Note: This top seal will always be badly
damaged during removal, so unless the seal is
leaking it should not be disturbed.
Reverse the strip procedures 1 to 6 except:
9. When fitting the top slip seal, install the 'O' ring
into the seal groove first, then gently bend the
slip ring into a •u• shape, insert into the seal
groove and carefully push back into a circular
1O. The earlier type of detent collar is chemically
locked in production and therefore should be
replaced if defective.
11. When reassembling the centring spring mechanism,
note that the shallower spring cap is adjacent to
the spacer which locates the spool seal.
12. Tighten centring spring retainer screw to 15 Nm
(11 lbf ft).
13. Tighten spool cap, screw to 11 Nm (8 lbf ft).

8B-12 issue 5


Servicing 8B • 07-12
Application: side-shift Backhoes only
1. Remove Backhoe control valve from machine
per operation 8B • 02.
2. Remove end cap containing rotary clamp spool.
3. Remove circlip and thrust washer.
4. Withdraw spool from housing taking care to
retain detent poppet and spring.
5. The spool must not be scored especially on the
critical sealing lands between high and low
pressure galleries.
6. Although only subject to very low pressure the
'O' ring seal should be replaced.
Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:
7. Tighten end cap, bolts to 38 Nm (28 lbf ft).

... .-:7


(Clamp spool)
1. Remove hose.
8B • 08-12

2. Unscrew and remove check valve assembly from
valve body.
3. Unscrew spring retainer and remove spring and
check valve.
4. Remove pilot piston from valve body. 0 ··. . (5) 12-14mm
~ ... , .... ·.''

Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:
5. After refitting check valve and spring, screw
spring retainer in 12-14 mm.
issue 3 88-13


Servicing 88 • 09-13
All check valves in both the loader and Backhoe
control valves are identical except for the Backhoe
side-shift clamp sedion described above.
1. Remove check valve cap and 'O' ring seal then
withdraw spring and check valve.
2. lnsped check valve and seat for damage.
Removal of check valve from the slew spool
(Ports C and D) gives access to the fixed
restridor which also forms the check valve seat.
It is essential that this restrictor is fitted and is of
the corred diameter (0 3.2 mm/ 0.125 in). The
restrictor can be unscrewed but is chemically
locked during assembly.
Reverse instrudions 1 to 2 except.
3. Hthe restrictor plug has been removed degrease
mating threads thoroughly and refit the restrictor
plug with lodite 270.

Checking 88 • 10-13
Restrictors are fitted to the loader and Backhoe
control valves to slow the speed of heavily loaded
services. It is important that the restrictors are fitted
properly and in the correct port. Refer to chart on
page SB- 7 and SB- 7a
The slot in the restrictor plate should face outwards
away from the valve as shown.


For Backhoe operation a plug must be fitted in the
loader control valve to close off the oil route from the
open centre gallery to reservoir port. With the plug
fitted the loader valve open-centre gallery will be
connected directly to the Backhoe control valve. H
this plug is missing the loader will work normally but
the Backhoe will not work at all.
Ensure an '0' ring seal is fitted to plug before
mounting inside valve. Tighten plug fully, using a 3/8
inch alien key.
88-14 issue 4


Remove and Refit 88 • 11 -14
The anti-cavitation valves cannot be serviced beyond
removal and inspection. H the valve is damaged or
worn a new assembly must be fitted. 2
3 3
1. The anticavitation valves are located on the top
and/or bottom faces adjacent to the spool and
are directly behind the port they operate with. I- !
2. Unscrew cap and pull out valve assembly.
3. Inspect seal and back-up ring for damage and
the valve and seat for wear. The seat width
i'· L_ _ _ _~

should be 0.25 mm wide, maximum. ;__p-,:_-:--=.:... -

4. Fit new seal and back-up ring in the positions
5. Fit a new '0' ring to cap and refit.

MF 60H Backhoe before series S
Remove Refit 88 • 12-14
The MF 60 is fitted with a 2 way, ball valve on the
boom lift service. The purpose of this valve is to
isolate the ram from the spool valve to eliminate
boom drop when 'craning' with the dipperstick. Also
part of the installation, is a circuit relief valve set at
345 bar (5000 lbf/in2). Both the ball valve and relief
valve are separate, line mounted components
connected to the Backhoe spool block with rigid steel
From series S models the lever operated ball valve
was replaced by a solenoid operated spool valve.
1. Thoroughly depressurize the hydraulic system.
Ball valve
2. The ball valve is mounted centrally just above
the Backhoe spool valve block. Slacken both
bolts on the coupling and disengage from the
ball valve stem.
3. Release both pipe connections from the ball
4. Remove both bolts, spring washers and plain
washers and lift off ball valve.
5. Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except: . }

6. Ensure that the control lever and ball-valve are V

properly orientated as shown.
issue 5 8B-15



Part of Lock-up valve Installation
Remove and Refit 8B • 13-15
The body of the valve does not require servicing and
can be left connected to the metal pipes. The valve is
a cartridge type identical to circuit relief valves used in
both Backhoe and loader control valves. If the circuit
relief valve is suspect, then exchange it with the CRV
having the same pressure setting, located in port C of
the loader control valve.
When refitting the CRV tighten it to 52 Nm (38 lbf ft).

Regenerative valve section

(early aeries - S models only}
This section is fitted to Backhoe valves and provides
3 permanent regeneration on all 6 (or 7) spools within
the Backhoe control valve block. Later series S
models did not have this regenerative section.
Regenerative circuit operation with high system
When any loaded service is selected, boom lift, or
5 slew acceleration, for instance, pump pressure is high
and closes check valve (1 ) but passes along an
internal gallery (2) to the servo piston (3). The high
pressure required to move the load also enables the
servo piston to push the regenerative spool down
against spring (4).
The tapered land (5) in the middle of the spool acts as
. a variable orifice allowing return oil to pass back to
the reservoir. High pump pressure will push the spool
fully open so presenting very low restriction to the
return oil.

3 1
•"""""-'-'"'•5 I
...__,. I
.--... I



8B-16 issue 4


Regenerative circuit operation with negative or

low system pressure.
If for example, boom lower is selected, the weight of
the digging arm will try to extend the ram faster than
the pump can fill it. In this instance pump pressure is
low, or even negative, so pilot pressure in gallery (2)
is also low and the spring (4) will push the spool up,
so closing the exhaust oil passage to reservoir and
causing a rapid pressure increase in the return oil
gallery (6). The pressurized return oil lifts the check
valve (1) and flows into the pressure gallery to
supplement pump flow. This is particularly beneficial
in the case of the boom service where the larger
head-side volume of oil is being directed back into the
smaller volume of the rod-side of the ram, in addition
to pump flow.
In this case there would be too much oil attempting to
enter the rod-side of the ram, even if the engine is at
low idle speed, so there would be an increase in
pump pressure. This pressure rise will push piston
(3) and the regenerative spool down just a small
distance, and allow a restricted outflow of oil back to
the reservoir in a continuously variable manner
directly related to pump pressure.
It should be noted that the regenerative action can "':x
only occur while a service is selected. When all .-I
control spools are in neutral, pump flow passes
directly through the valve block to reservoir, for this
reason it is necessary to retain the anti-cavitation
valves in the slew circuit, where most service over-run
occurs while the control spool is in neutral.


I ____ JI

. ,. ,,

_..__llil_ __J
issue 5 88-17



Earlier series S MF 425, 450 and 475 Backhoes ·

Service 88 • 14 -17
Early series S models had an extra section fitted to
MF 50H/HX and 60H Backhoe control valves which
provided regeneration on all Backhoe services,
eliminating anti-cavitation valves except for the slew
A high pressure carry-over port was included on the
regenerative section.
Servicing is restricted to removal of the check valve
and spool which can be accomplished with the valve
in situ.
1. Remove cap and lift out spring and check-valve
2. Remove top plug complete with servo piston.
3. Remove bottom plug carefully as it is subjected
to spring load, then pull out spring, washer and
4. Ensure all pilot holes in the spool are clear.
5. Check spool for wear or scoring particularly
around the tapered land which meters the
2/8 exhaust oil flow.
6. Check servo piston for signs of scuffing.
Reverse instructions 1 to 3 except:
7. Renew all seals but ensure 'O' ring seal and
back-up ring are fitted in the correct order on the
top plug.
8. Tighten top and bottom plugs to 61 Nm (45 lbf ft).
9. Tighten check valve cap to 52 Nm (38 lbf ft).
10. Hthis section has been removed from the main
valve block, the bolts must be tightened to
38 Nm (28 lbf ft) when assembling the valve.
88-18 issue 5



The RID system is intended to improve productivity
by automatically levelling the loader bucket, from the
fully dumped position, ready for the next entry into the
stockpile. The RTD system is activated by the
operator pulling the loader control lever into the "roll-
back• detent, which is electrically controlled. This
electrical detent is activated, or released, by the
position of a rod, attached to the bucket linkage,
which trips a switch mounted on the right bucket ram.
Adjustment of the bucket angle at ground level is
achieved by slackening the clamp and moving the
switch assembly along the ram.

The electrical circuit

Power for the RID circuit comes from fuse L4. (See
section on "ELECTRICAL SYSTEM• for the full wiring
diagram). 1. Start switch
When the bucket is dumped the rod closes the trip 2. Main power relay •L• (see Part 3 Electrical
switch and operates the relay, which switches current System).
between terminals 30 and 87A. The electric detent is 3. Fuse L4
connected to terminal 87A and is therefore actuated.
4. RID relay
When the bucket reaches the correct angle, the trip 5. Trip switch - bucket mounted
switch opens as the lever rolls off the end of the rod.
6. Actuator rod - bucket actuated
The relay is no longer powered and reverts to its
normal state, connecting terminal 30 with the unused 7. Detent solenoid
terminal 87. The electric detent is no longer powered 8. Solenoid
and so releases the spool. 9. Live feed to wiper/washer circuit
It should be noted that the spool can still be pushed 1o. Live feed from battery
into the RTD position even when the electric detent is 11. Live feed from battery


1 o---t/2---1• 4


issue 5 8B-19


Service 8B • 15 -19
1. Ensure the bucket control lever is in neutral.
2. Unscrew the end cap and remove the small
3. Pull the armature and pin from the solenoid.
4. Unscrew the solenoid and remove the large
5. Remove the sleeve.
6. Remove the cup.
7. Remove the detent body and thrust ring. Try to
keep both parts together or the detent balls will
fall out.
Reverse instrudions 1 to 7.

Issue 2 SC-01


Group 8 Section C

Issue Two

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
General description 04
BC• 01 -08 Rotary actuator R/R 08
BC• 02-08 Rotary actuator, servicing 08
BC• 03-12 Cross line relief valve, servicing 12
BC• 04-13 Cross line relief valve, pressure 13
BC• 05-13 Check valves, servicing 13
BC• 06-14 Differential orifice valves, servicing 14
ac-.02 Issue 2


Special Tools:
MS 555 Adjustable puller
Shaft securing clamp
Dummy plate
MF 447 Differential orifice removal tool.


-, I- 160(6.25")
jli80(3. 125")
Ji!'i4.0010~101.63. 2.5.100x45°
!4.0015J101.64~ CHAM.
,.... .;---i-25
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,,.._--:-· ........Ht")

/ j I 9.6/9.7
-i :(0.378/0.381)
244.45/244.4 ~ SEC."A'
I <2.a1r> .
' ,~71(5") !i
I .63.5<2.5,, .
; :~i(4.25"ll : I
. ; ; 5' ; I:.
: j<2.125)j
: ; .

·. ~3<o.s·i

A 244.5(9.625•)

MS(0.8)x 13 I.ONG

_____j=-¼ .-,. . , . ~. .,.,


4 HOLES MS(0.8)x 10 MIN.
.625 DEEP ('••·u.N.C.x0.37S"l
Issue 2 SC- 03



1 ,2"U.N.C. x3:i, .... LONG

1,2"U.N.C.A 1 3,,.- LONG


! 88(3.5")



63 _5
~Q- 'I


------• ' !I

1210l<s·o1Al i

SC-04 Issue 2


General Description
The unit .:omprises a closed chamber in which a shaft
and vane-(1) move relative to a fi::ed vane (2), to
produce rotary motion of the shaft.
Ports (3) are provided in the plain end of the shaft and
alternate between supply and return depending upon
the direction of rotation selected. When hydraulic flow
is supplied to one port, pressure is generated between
one side of the barrel and shaft vane causing rotary
movement. Fluid on the other side of the vane is
directed through the second port returning to reservoir.
Two differential orifice valves (4) control slew speed by
restricting inlet flow but allowing unrestricted exhaust
flow from each port.
Protection against excessive pressure caused by
inertia loads is provided by two cross-line relief valves
(5), set at 193 bar (2800 lbf/in 2 ) housed in the top
A third port, located in the top cover and connected.
via internal passages with check valves (7), to each
operating chamber, is connected to the reservoir
system to prevent cavitation during adverse conditions.
Two convergent orifice plates (8) are located at the top
of the fixed vane, one each side of the vane seal. A
tapered slot in each of the plates progressively closes
the exhaust passage during end of stroke damping.

__ ..,7

Pressure ~ l }
Returns ~
issue 2 BC-05


Actuator Operation
The four conditions encountered in the operating cycle
of the actuator are described and illustrated.
For the purpose of description the shaft is shown
rotating clockwise. A similar sequence of
operations will take place for the opposite rotation.

Start of the slew cycle

Oil from the slew control valve enters the actuator via
port 'A', in the top of the shaft. Oil then flows through
the differential orifice valve (2) to the cross-drilling
which feeds oil between the two vanes.
During initial operation. inlet oil pressure forces the
convergent-orifice plate (9) away from the shaft.
against spring pressure. so permitting unrestricted flow
into the actuator.
Oil from the exhaust side of the moving vane will pass
through the differential orifice valve (1) and open it to
permit unrestricted flow through port 'B". back to the


~====:: :::::::::

SC-06 Issue 2


Slewing at Controlled Speed

Once the actuator has accelerated it reaches a terminal
speed governed by the differential orifice valve i2)
which is closed to minimum aperture. The similar valve
( 1) in the exhaust port B will be opened to maximum
aperture by the outgoing oil.
Speed is governed by restricting the inlet flow .

,r +


3 4

6 7
.,::!• ❖.••·•"••'•A•h•·••••••••••

·.: ).·
Issue 2 BC-07


End of Stroke Cushioning

The last 45° stroke is cushioned. achieved by the
exhaust drilling in the shaft passing under the
convergent orifice plate (10). The exhaust oil is
increasingly throttled as the moving vane approaches
the end of its stroke, so generating a high pressure on
the exhaust side of the moving vane. This pressure will
eventually rise until it operates the cross line relief
valve (3) which discharges into the third line (5), in
direct connection with the reservoir.

Cross-line Relief Valve Operation

If the control valve is returned to neutral before the
moving vane has completed its travel the inertia of the
load (digging arm), will continue to rotate the vane. ·
As the slew control valve will have cut off oil supply· to
the input side of the vane (A), cavitation will tend to
occur. Simultaneously however, pressure will rise on
the exhaust side and cause the cross-line relief valve
(3) to open and pass oil into the third line (5), through
the check va!ve (7), into the input side of the vane to
make up the deficiency. When the digger inertia is
dissipated, the exhaust side pressure falls, the cross-
line relief valve closes and the moving vane is
hydraulically locked.



3 4

::::::::: ::====~

6 7

8C-08 Issue 2


Removal and Refitment 8C • 01 - 08
1. Slew the boom fully one way to gain access to the
2. Remove the outer half of the hose clamp.
3. Disconnect the two actuator feed pipes.
4. Disconnect the anti-cavitation hose.
5. Remove bracket and rain shield.
6. Remove the 6 large socket screws from under the
7. ,crew an eyebolt or lifting bracket into the
½' inch UNF tapped hole in the top of the
actuator shaft.
8. Permanently mark each flange and adjacent
housing and pivot port, to ensure easy assembly.
9. Screw three bolts into the tapped holes in the
actuator mounting flange and, tightening evenly
jack the complete actuator off the dowels and
mounting spigot.
10. Using a hoist lift the actuator away from the

WARNING: The actuator is very heavy and should only

be handled with adequate lifting aparatus.

11 . Align the master splines marked with arrows on
the actuator shaft and pivot post splined collar.
12. Grease splines and refit the actuator.
13. Tighten the actuator retaining bolts.

Servicing SC• U2-08
Special tools:
MS 55!= \djustable puller
Puller rods
Shaft securing clamp
Assembly plate

1. Remove the actuator per operation SC • 01 . Due
to the weight of the actuator it is advisable to
mount it in a rotating stand for ease of service to
both ends. especially if rotary actuators are likely
to be repaired regularly.
2. Fit blanking plugs to feed ports in top of shaft to
prevent dirt ingress.
3. Fit the shaft securing clamp service tool to the
ported end of the shaft using two ½ in. x 33/J in.
UNF set screws. (Failure to secure the shaft in this
manner will most certainly result in difficulties later
when "jacking off" the end covers from the shaft
which in turn will result in the internal shaft corner
seal breaking).
4. Support the actuator vertically on two wooden
blocks with the drive (splined) end of the shaft
5. Remove the cap screws which secure the drive
end cover to the barrel. noting the position of the
three screws fitted with washers. (These are the
jacking points).
issue 2 SC-09


6. Make up three 4½ in. x ½ in. dowels from steel

rod and place these in the jacking off bores.
Screw in three ¾ in. UNC bolts down on tu
these dowels. Continue screwing in each bolt,
6 half a turn at a time, to jack the end cover slightly
off the barrel. Using a light alloy drift on the lower
end of the large locating dowel, drive the dowel
upwards and remove from the end cover.
Continue jacking up the end cover until the spigot
is clear of the barrel recess. Alternatively use
MS 555 to pull the cover off, but only if the shaft
securing clamp is made from metal.
7. Lift the end cover clear of the shaft and lay on a
clean bench with the machined face uppermost.
cover with a clean cloth to prevent damage.
8. Remove the large ·o· ring from the barrel recess
and the metal corner seal from the shaft. Label the
corner seal 'Drive End'.
9. Drain the oil from the barrel and turn the shaft until
the shaft vane is positioned at 90° to the barrel
10. Fit the special dummy end cover made from
8 1 in. plate 9½ in. old with a 4 1/a in. hole in the
centre, and secure it to the barrel. Then fit the
shaft securing clamp using one 112 in. x 1¾ in.
UNF set screw. Invert the actuator and support the
dummy end cover on the two wooden blocks.
11 . Mark the barrel and ported end cover to ensure
correct alignment on reassembly. Fit the three
4½ in. x ½in.steel dowels and place these in the
jacking off bores. Screw in three¾ in. UNC bolts
screw down on to the dowels. Continue screwing
in each bolt, half a turn at a time, to jack the end
cover off the barrel. Continue jacking until the end
10 cover spigot is clear of the barrel recess.
\ 12. Remove the large ·o· ring from the barrel recess
\ and the metal corner seal from the shaft. Label the
corner seal 'Ported End'.
13. Mark the two orifice plates and the barrel vane to
ensure correct location on reassembly. Slide the
orifice plates out of the slots in the barrel vane and
retain with their springs.
14. The next stage is to remove the shaft from the
barrel without damaging the barrel walls. Screw a
½ in. eyebolt into the shaft. Then pass a bar
through the eyebolt. and carefully rotate the shaft
vane to an angle of 90° to the fixed vane. This will
allow the moving vane to part from the barrel wall
Then, carefully using a hoist. lift the shaft out of
the barrel.
15. Examine the machined faces of the end covers
and the swept surface of the barrel for scoring.
Bad scoring will mean renewal of the complete
actuator. Examine the vane seals and renew as
necessary. If the actuator has had a long service
life it is advisable to renew the shaft corner seals.
SC-10 lss~e 2


16. Carefully prise out the old seal and support

packings from the groove in the shaft vane.
17. Clean out the groove and remove any burrs or
sharp edges.
18. Lubricate the new seal and support packings with
mineral-base grease.
t9. Fit one support packing in the groove. Next fit the
oii seal and finally the second support packing.
20. Check that the seal and support packings are
pushed in to the full depth of the groove,
especially in the corners where the vane merges
with the shaft.
21. Remove the eight taper plugs from the barrel. It
may be necessary to apply local heat to break.the
grip of the Loctite sealant.
22. Unscrew and remove the four outer cap screws
and composite seals.
23. Support the barrel horizontally, slacken off the two
remaining cap screws and with a large drift,
gradually drive out the vane complete with the
locating dowels by hitting each dowel in turn. 22~~---=t
Keep slackening the two cap screws gradually as
the vane is driven out.
24. Support the vane, remove the two cap screws
and composite seals and lift the vane out of the
barrel. Take care not to damage the machined
surfactant of the barrel. 19mm(3,4)
25. Support the vane in a vice and tap the dowels
back to their original positions, that is, with
' .~

approximately 19 mm (¾ inch) protruding from

the vane surface.
26. Remove the old seal and support packings, clean
out the seal groove and remove any burrs or
sharp edges.
27. Using a wire brush, clean out the old Loctite from
the threads of the tapered plugs. Run a ¼ in.
BSPF tap through the threads in the barrel and
blow out the old Loctite with an air jet.
Rebuilding the actuator is the reversal of the
procedures l to 27 except:
28. Lubncate a new seal and two new support
packings with mineral-base grease. Place one of
the support packings in the vane groove with the
45° cut in the side of the groove that will be in
contact with the barrel wall. Next fit the oil seal
and then the other support packing with the 45°
cut positioned as before.
29. Replace the vane in the barrel, ensuring that the
vane stops are at the opposite end to the 34.9 mm
(13/s in.) tension pin hole. Lightly oil the six cap
screws, fit the composite seals and screw the cap
screws into the vane threads finger tight. Ensure
that the vane dowels start into their holes.
30. Tighten the six cap screws in a diagonal sequence
so that the vane is drawn into firm contact with
the barrel wall.
31. Tighten each of the six cap screws to a torque of
278-285 Nm 205-210 lbf ft.
32. Check that the heads of the dowels are 12. 7 mm
(0.5 inch) below the barrel surface. 29
33. Apply-fresh Loctite 542 to the plug threads.
screw in and tighten to a torque of 60 Nm (45 lbf
ft). Allow a curing time of two hours before
applying pressure to the actuator.
Issue 2 SC-11


NOTE: The shaft corner seals are graded into two

sizes and are identified by a letter B or N etched on
the flat surface of the seal. The grade of seal to be
fitted is indicated by the letter B or N stamped on each
end of the actuator shaft.
For letter B on shaft - fit corner seal ·s·
For letter N on shaft - fit corner seal 'N'
If the corner seals are to be renewed check the grade
letter and order the seals by adding the suffix letter B
or N to the part number.
34. Fit and secure the dummy end cover into the
barrel recess and support it on two wooden blocks
so that the barrel is vertical with the tension pin
end uppermost.
35. Lubricate a new ·o· ring with mineral-base grease
and place this in the barrel recess.
36. In both end covers fit new H-section seals and
backing washers in the bore grooves.
The H-section seals must be fitted in the side of
the groove nearest the machined face of the en:J
covers. Apply mineral-base grease and
push the seals and washers radially outwards into
the grooves. Oil the bearing bores.
37. Oil the barrel wall and the bearing lands on the
shaft with clean oil of the type used in the
hydraulic system.
38. Screw a ½ in. UNF eyebolt into the threaded hole
in the splined end of the shaft. attach the hoist
and position the shaft vane at 90° to the barrel
vane. Lower the shaft into the barrel. locating it
,!, against the dummy end cover. and carefully rotate
V the shaft to the centre.
39. Detach the hoist and fit the metal corner seal.
labelled 'Drive End'. with the flat face uppermost.

\ (;
so that it is seated in the quadrantal cut-outs in
the vanes.
40. Clean the machined face of the drive end cover
and lower it squarely over the shaft. aligning the
(_) tension pin hole with the hole in the barrel.
41. Screw in all fourteen cap screws. Ensure that the
I ~ (, { three screws with washers are fitted in the holes

previously noted. Oil the tension pin and tap untii
it has just started in the barrel hole.
~ 42. Tap the tension pin in until it is approximately
3 mm ('/" inch) below the edge of the hole in the
barrel. Tighten the cap screws firmly in a diagonal
sequence to pull the end cover squarely into the
barrel. Finally, apply a torque load of 280-285 Nm
I (205-210 lb! ft) to each cap screw.
...J---, = 43. Invert the actuator. support on the two wooden
blocks and remove the dummy end cover
44. Lubricate and fit a new ·o· ring seal in the barrel
, 45. Fit the unlabelled metal corner seal over the shaft
/,.:,... I
with the flat face upermost. so that 1t seats in the
quadrantal cut-outs in the vanes.
46. Fit the orifice plates and springs in the slots in the
I barrel vane as previously marked.
47 Clean the machined faced of the other end cover
and lower it over the shaft rnto position ;n the
barrel. aligning the marks previously made.
48. Screw in the fourteen cap screws. Ensure that the
three screws with washers are fitted in the holes
previously noted. tighten the c::ip screws firmly in
a diagonal seauence to pull the end cover
squarely into the barrel. Finally. apply a torque
load of 280-285 Nm (205-210 lbf ft) to each cap
46 screw.
49. Fit the protection plug into the tension pin ~,01n
8C-12 'ssue 2



Servicing SC• 03 - 12
1. Remove the cross line relief valves from the rotary 7. Place the sh1m(s) against the shoulder of the
actuator top cover. spring guide and slide the spring over the s:em
2. Clamp the hexagon of the body in a soft-jawed vice. of the guide. Insert these items in the body.
3. Remove the circlip and lift out the ball and cup 8. Renew the ·o· ring and spiral backing ring located
sub-assembly. in the internal recess in the retainer. The bacKing
4. Pass a bar through the radial holes in the retainer ring must be positioned adjacent to the small
and unscrew the retainer.from the body. Slide the diameter end of the retainer. Slide the seat into
valve seat out of the retainer. the retainer.
5. Withdraw the spring, spring guide and shim(s). 9. Fit a new ·o· ring around the shoulder of the
Clean all parts thoroughly, examine for damage and retainer below the thread and screw the retainer
renew as necessary. into the body. Tighten to a torque of 13.5-20 Nm
(10-15 lbf ft).
Rebuild 10. Replace the ball and cup sub-assembly and
Reassembly of the valve is the reverse of procedures secure with the circlip.
1 to 5 except: 11. Fit a new ·o· ring in the external groove in the
6. New oil seals should be fitted on reassembly. body and a new bonded seal beneath the hexagon
Lubricate the seals with thin, mineral-base grease shoulder.
before fitting.

9 8 7 11

3 4 5


issue 2 SC-13



Pressure adjustment SC• 04-13
If necessary, adjust the relief valve to obtain the
correct setting as follows:
1. Remove the relief valve capsule from the top cover.
2. Clamp the hexagon end of the body in a soft-
jawed vice.
3. Remove the circlip and lift out the ball and cup
-----------...., sub-assembly.
4. Pass a bar through the radial holes in the retainer
and unscrew the retainer from the body. The valve

~--- - seat will come out with the retainer.

5. Withdraw the spring, spring guide and shim(s) from

r;- ~~~ ~-:

~ .

\.J ..

-~ ..• -
the body. To increase the pressure setting add a
shim to the guide. conversely subtract a shim if the
pressure setting is to be reduced. The addition or
' '~· ~ subtraction of one 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) shim will
alter the setting approximately 7 bar (100 lbf/in2 ).
6. Replace the spring, guide and shim(s) in the body.
Screw in the retainer and seat and tighten to a
torque of 13.5-20 Nm (10 to 15 lbf ft).
7. Replace the ball and cup sub-assembly and secure
with the circlip.
8. Refit the relief valve capsule in the end cover.

Servicing SC• 05-13
1. The check valves mounted in the top cover are
very reliable and normally do not need servicing.
However if one is leaking the top cover must be
removed from the actuator.
2. Carefully break-out the spring cage from its peened
location in the ported end cover.
3. Remove the remaining components of check valve

\ () from the cover.

Examine the parts for damage. particularly the ball
and its seat. The ball must be free from pitting and
I the seating face smooth and free from indentations.
'\ . ~-"'·
\V""""' .~/ .; Rebuild
Rebuilding the check valve back into the top cover is
the reverse of procedures 1-3 except:
4. The peening operation must be made with the
same shaped punch as in the factory or the
peening will be unsatisfactory and could fail,
with serious consequential damage.
SC-14 Issue 2



Servicing ac • as - 14
Special tools:
MF 447
Both differential orifice valves are identical and are
accessible after removing the adaptors from the oil
supply ports in the actuator shaft.

1. Use a 13 mm ('12 in. A/F) socket and short
extension to unscrew the valves from each supply
2. Occasionally, if the valves have been overtightened
during assembly. only the centre orifice and plate
can be removed, leaving the outer bush still in
place. Use special peg spanner MF 447 to remove
the bush.

3. Visually inspect the central orifice for obstruction.
4. Pull back the restrictor plate from the second
stage orifices and inspect the sealing surfaces. if
scoring or bruising is evident the complete valve
must be replaced.

Refitment is the reverse of instruction 1 and 2 except.
5. Degrease the threads of both valve and shaft. apply
Loctite 222 to both threads and screw the valve
into the shaft as far as it will go.
Tighten the valve to 2.5 Nm (1.8 lbf ft).
Do not exceed this torque.
Issue 4 80-01


Group 8 Section D

Issue Four

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
General description 02
SO• 01 - 03 Hydraulic ram type A servicing 03
SO• 02-04 Hydraulic ram type 8, servicing 04
SO• 03- 05 Hydraulic ram type C. servicing 05
so. 04-06 Hydraulic ram type 0, servicing 06
SO• 05- 07 Hydraulic ram type E,.servicing 07
SO• 06 - 09 Hydraulic ram type F. servicing 09
SO• 07 - 10 Hydraulic ram type G. servicing 10
SO• 08 - 11 Reclamation of failed lockwire 11
Operation of stabilizer lock-out valve 12
SO• 09 - 13 Stabilizer ram lock-out valve. service 13
80• 10 - 14 Hydraulic ram type H,.servicing 14
Operation of ram type J 15
so. 11 - 16 Hydraulic ram type J. servicing 16
Operation of ram type K 17
SO• 12 - 18 Hydraulic ram type K. service 18
Operation of safety lock-out valve- 19
SO• 13 - 22 Safety lock-out valve. servicing 22
so. 14 - 24 Hydraulic ram type L. servicing 24
so. 15 - 25 Hydraulic ram type M, servicing 25
80• 16 - 26 Hydraulic ram type N. servicing 26
SO• 17 - 27 Hydraulic ram type 0. servicing 27
BD-02 Issue 4


Special Tools
Torque wrench, not less than 250 Nm
(180 lbf ft) maximum capacity.
Torque multiplier having 4:1 multiplication ratio.
Adjustable ·c· wrench 125 mm (5 inch) diameter
Bench mounted ram clamp.

General Description
All the hydraulic rams are designed and built by
Massey Ferguson to rigorous standards. The rams
fitted to the digger have screw-type gland retention
and the slew rams are fitted with headside damping
Side-shift machines use two cast iron bodied single
acting rams to lock the digger to the backframe.
Loader rams use lock-wire secured glands. Most of the
rams use modified P.T.F.E.• slip seals tor piston
sealing, combined with fitted P.T.F.E. piston bearing

Machine boom bucket dlpperstlclc stabilizer slew clamp

model ram ram ram ram ram ram
type type type type type type

600 / S0H A D D E F


Later S0H / HX A D D H F

Later S0H / HX B C C E G

MF 60H
centre-mount K J L H F
4.75 m digger

Series S

Series S


SOD I S0H loader E E .· \

:~ j
. Series S 50 H/HX
Series S 60H N N
Issue 3 80-03


MF 54 B Digger boom ram

Servicing 80 • 01 - 03
Special tools:
'C' wrench
Ram clamp
Torque wrench
Torque multiplier
1. Remove the ram from the machine and ensure
that the rod orientation plate is still attached to the
rod eye if not, mark the rod eye on the edge facing
the port side of the ram cylinder.
6 2. Drain the ram. and mount on the bench fitting to
prevent turning.
3. Bend the gland locking plate free.
4. Remove the nut using a 'C' wrench.
5. Remove the stop screw.
6. Pull out the bearing and rod assembly.
7. Locate "the ram rod eye in the bench fixture and
release the piston retaining nut, using the torque
8. Remove both halves of piston and separate to
remove the chevron seals.
9 9. Slide stroke damper plate and positioning spring
off rod.
10. Slide gland off rod.

11 . If there is any scoring of the cylinder bore the
cylinder barrel must be replaced.
12. The damper plate must move freely along its
13. The ram rod should be smooth and polished
with no scratches. if the rod seal has been
leaking this check is essential.

Rebuilding the ram is the reverse of the procedures
14. Replace wiper seal and pressure seal in the gland.
15. Replace ·o· ring seal on outside diameter of gland.
16. Use a new gland lock plate.
17. Asemble chevron seal to piston with the open end
of the chevon facing the gland. Tighten the piston
retaining nut to 800 Nm (590 lbf. ft).
18. The rod must be refitted with the orientaticn
plate, or mark, on the same side as the feed ports
on the cylinder. Fit the stop screw and tighten to
20-24 Nm (15-18 lbf. ft.)
19. Coat the thread of the gland lock nut with
Molykote or other anti-sieze compound and.
tighten nut to 375 Nm (275 lbf ft).
20. Lock the tab plate securely.
8D-04 Issue 3



MF 252 digger boom ram

Servicing 80 • 02-04
Special tools
'C' wrench
Ram clamp 3
Torque wrench
Torque multiplier

1. Remove ram from machine and drain all oil from it
before fitting to the bench mounted ram clamp.
2. Bend the gland nut locking plate free.
3. Remove gland using the ·c• wrench.
4. Locate the ram rod eye in the ram clamp and
release the piston retaining nut using the torque
5. Remove both halves of piston and separate to
remove the chevron seals.
6. Slide gland off ram rod.

7. The cylinder bore should be perfectly smooth and
blemish free, if there is any scoring the cylinder
barrel must be replaced.
8. The ram rod must be smooth and polished with no
scratches or dents. If the rod seal has been
leaking pay special attention to the condition of the

Rebulld 5
Rebuilding the ram is the reverse of procedures 1-6
9. Replace wiper seal and gland seal .
.10. Replace ·o• ring seal on outside diameter of gland.
11. Refit gland onto rod and fit a new lock plate.
12. Assemble chevron seal to piston with the open
end of the chevron towards the gland end 12
of the ram. Tighten piston retaining nut to
800 Nm (590 lbf ft.).
13. Coat threads of the nut with proprietary anti-sieze
compound (Molykote, 'Never-Sieze' or similar) and
tighten gland to 375 Nm (275 lbf ft.).
14. Lock the tab washer securely.
Issue 3 80-05



MF 252 digger bucket cylinder
MF 252 digger dipper cylinder
Servicing 8D • 03 - OS
Special tools:
'C' wrench
Ram clamp
3 Torque wrench
Torque multiplier
1. Remove ram from machine and drain oil from it,
2 before mounting in the ram clamp.
2. Bend the gland nut locking plate free.
3. Unscrew gland using the 'C' wrench.
4. Mount the rod eye into the bench fitting, remove
the snap ring from the rod thread and remove the
5. The piston is fitted with Loctite and therefore will
need heating to 200-250°C (390-480°F) to
degrade the Loctite before removing piston with a
75 mm (3 inch) A/F open ended wrench.
6. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.

7. The cylinder bore should be blemish free, if there
is any scoring the cylinder barrel must be
8. The ram rod should be smooth and polished.
Dents or damaged chromium plating will cause
leaks and dirt ingress to the hydraulic system.
5 Rebuild
Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 6 except:
4 9. Replace both the bearing pressure seal and dirt
excluder ring and remount the gland onto the rod,
with the new lock plate.
10. Thoroughly de-grease the rod and piston threads
then apply Loctite 275 and fit the piston to the rod.
Tighten to 525 Nm (390 lbf. ft).
11. Refit the snap-ring to the rod threads. This ring is
only a safety retainer in the event of the piston
loosening on the rod.
12. The piston seal may require a tapered guide to
assist fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching
of the slip-seal may cause permanent
13. Refit the piston/rod assembly into the cylinder and
tighten the gland nut to 425 Nm (315 lbf. ft). Bend
the plate to lock the gland into position.
SD-06 lssue3



MF 54 digger dlpperstlck ram
MF 54 digger bucket ram
Servicing 80 • 04-06
Special Tools
Ram clamp
Torque wrench
Torque multiplier 6

1. Remove ram from machine and drain all oil from it,
before mounting in the ram clamp.
2. Bend the gland nut locking plate free.
3. Remove gland using the 'C' wrench. and pull
piston, rod and gland assembly from the ram
4. Mount the rod eye into the bench fitting and
remove the piston retaining nut.
5. Remove the piston and seals.
6. Remove the gland and gland seals.
Rebuilding the ram is the reverse of instructions 1-6.
7. Replace the bearing pressure seal, dirt excluder
ring and external cylinder seal and remount the
gland onto the rod with a new lock plate.
8. The piston seals may require a tapered guide to
assist fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching
of the slip seal may cause permanent distortion.
Tighten the piston retaining nut to 375 Nm 5
(275 lbf. ft).
9. Refit the rod and bearing assembly, coating the
outside of the bearing with 'Molykote' or 'Never-
Sieze' or other proprietry anti-seize compound.
10. Refit the piston/rod assembly into the cylinder and
tighten the gland nut to 425 Nm (315 lbf. ft). Bend
the plate to lock the gland into position.

Issue 4 80-07



MF 250 Ioaderl1ft rams
MF 250 loader bucket rams
MF 252 s1de-sh1ft digger s1ab1l1zer rams
MF 54B centre-mount digger stabilizer rams
MF 425 and 450 s1de-sh1f1 digger s1ab1i1zer rams
Servicing 80 • 05 -lJ7
Special tools:
Torque multIpl1er
Ram clamp
Refer 10 operation 8D • 09 for details of the lock-out
valve fitted to the stabilizer rams.

1. Remove ram from machine and drain oil from it,
before mounting in the ram clamp.
2. Rotate the gland housing clockwise as viewed
from the rod end of the ram, until the cut end of
the lock wire is visible through a sloi in the side of
the ram cylinder.
NOTE: Do not rotate the gland in the opposite
direction as the cut end of the lock wire may jam in
the groove and break off the drive lug.
3. Reverse the rotation of the gland only when the
end of the lock wire is visible. The tocK wire will
normally feed out through the slot without aid. but
if not. a small screwdriver can be inserted to act
as a guide.
4. If the drive lug is broken off refer to operation
8D • 08.
5. Pull ram rod and gland from ram cylinder. if this
proves difficult. refer to operation 8D • 08.
6. Mount rod eye into ram clamp and release the
piston retaining nut.
7. Remove piston and seats.
8. Remove shims (MF 250 loader lift rams only) and
carefully retain for reassembly.
9. Remove gland.

10. If either the cylinder bore or rod are marked the
components must be replaced. Dents or scoring. of
ram rods (especially stabilizer rams) wilt cause
leaks and premature seal and rod wear due to
dust adhering to oily roq surface.

Rebuilding the ram is the reverse of instructions 1 to,9,
11. Renew rod pressure seal. scraper seal and external
gland seal. Refit gland onto rod and slip on shims
(MF 250 loader only).
2 12. The piston seals may require a tapered guide 10
assist fitment. as uneven and prolonged stretching
may cause permanent distortion.
T1ghte!': pIstor retaInIng nut to 375 Nm (275 lbf. ftl
Use Loctite 272 on nut threads.
13. Refit gland into ram cylinder coating the outside
of the gland with Moly Kote or similar anti-sieze
14. Fit a new retaining wire and wind in by rotating
the gland. Fill slot with putty or ATV Sealer to
prevent water ingress.
SD-08 Issue 3



Applications: As the ram contracts; the out flowing oil forces the
MF30E bypass valve against the end of the rod (5) and. as the
MF40E ram contracts into the cushioned zone of its stroke. the
MF SOE centre - mount digger slew rams tube will enter the by-pass valve and close the central
MFSOH exhaust passage except for the area of the tapered slot
MF60H or holes.

Operation As the ram contracts further. the by-pass valve slides

along the tube, the tapered slot providing a diminishing
The slew system control is divided between the digger exhaust passage tor the oil. Restricted oil in the
spool block and each of the two slew rams it is therefore headside of the ram will decelerate the digging arm
important to use the correct spool valve, incorporating progressively until maximum slew angle is reached.
flow restrictors for the stew circuit. Cushioning is
provided by mechanisms contained within each ram
that progressively throttle the exhaust flow from the To extend the slew ram, oil flows through the inside of
head-side of each ram during the last stage of the tube. then. back along the outside of the tube
retraction. whilst allowing unrestricted inlet flow. forcing the by-pass valve to move against the piston (6).
The by-pass valve has a number of peripheral slots
Two types of damping tube are used. earlier rams have through which oil can flow freely into the headside of
a tapered slot, later rams have a series of holes drilled the ram, by-passir:,g the cushioning restriction, for
through one side of the tube. normal ram speed.

The cushioning mechanism is comprised of a damping The cushioning valve only operates over the last
tube (1) welded into the end cap of the ram cylinder. the 103 mm (4 inches) of ram stroke.
tube having a tapered slot or a series of holes (2). The
piston contains a by-pass valve (3), which will slide over
the tube as it penetrates the hollow, end section, of the 2
ram rod and piston (4).

5 3
Issue 4 80-09

(75 and 85 mm diameter versions)
MF54 Digger slew ram - 75mm diameter
MF 50H/HX and MF60H series S centre-mount models-
85mm diameter
Specials tools: 8D•06-09
'C' wrench
Ram clamp
Torque multiplier
CReniove ram from machine and drain oil from it.
The 1/8 NPTF in the head end of the ram must be
removed to allow complete draining. Mount the
head end of the ram in the ram clamp.
2. 75 mm rams - bend the gland nut locking plate
2 free
3. Unscrew gland using a 'C' wrench. Then pull rod.
piston and gland assembly from ram barrel.
4. Mount the rod eye into the ram clamp.
5. Remove grubscrew from piston.
6. Unscrew piston from rod. 85 mm rams will
require a torque-multiplier to unscrew the piston
7. Remove the restrictor plate from the piston
8. In addition to normal ram rod inspections.
attention must be paid to the damping tube which
must be paid to the damping tube which must be
free from scratches or obvious signs of wear
which will reduce the effectiveness of the
cushioning system.
Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:
9. 75 mm rams- Replace rod seals in the gland and
external O ring. Fit a new lock plate and mount
the gland assembly back onto the rod.
10. 85 mm rams- Replace rod seals and the external
10 ring. Renew the plastic plug inserted into the
gland threads and mount the gland assembly ontp
the rod.
11. The piston seal may require a tapered guide to
Assist fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching
of the slip-seal may cause permanent distortion.
12. Fit the restrictor plate into the piston with the flat
face towards the rod. Tighten the piston to
75 mm rams- 270 Nm (200 lbfft)
85 mm rams- 875 Nm (645 lbfft)
13. Clean both the grubscrew and threaded hole
thoroughly. Then useLoctite 275 when refitting
the grubscrew which should be tightened to 20
Nm (15lbfft) .--··
14. Refit piston and rod into the barrel and tighten the
gland to-
75 mm rams - 300 Nm (200 lbf ft) then bend the
rock plate to retain
85 mm rams- 395 Nm (290 Ibfft)
15 75 mm rams- refit ram to the machine and purge
all air from the head-side of the ram by removing
the plug fitted to the end cap and operating the
slew control while the engine is running at low
idle speed Refit plug securely.
8D-10 lssue3



Appllcatlona _
MF 252 Side Shift digger clamp rams
Servicing SD • 07 - 1O
1. Remove the rams from the machine.
2. Anchor one end of the ram and pull apart.
3. Remove retaining ring.
4. Slide seals off piston.

Reverse procedures 1 to 4 except:
5. During reassembly, coat the outside of piston with
grease to prevent corrosion and seizure.

3 4 5


. . : .... ,,~- ·-:. "' . .
·-.·. ·.
Issue 3 80-11



Reclamation 80 e 08-11
Failure of the locking wire lug will prevent the gland
from being removed from the ram cylinder. However
the old locking can be removed by adopting the
following procedure:
1. Centre punch the locking ring through the normal
insertion hole, the mark should be made as near
the centre of the ring as possible.
2. Using a drill of the size indicated for item B, drill
through the locking ring and into the end cap to
the depth shown for ite.m C.
The drilled hole muat not be drilled deeper than
shown or the drill may break through the gland: In
which case the gland muat be scrapped.
3. Using a piece of locking wire or piano wire, cut
off a section to the length shown and insert it in
the blind hole. This will now take the place of the
lug and drive the locking ring out in the normal
4. After complete withdrawal of the locking ring pull
the piston rod sharply out until it contacts the end
cap bearing, this will normally remove it.
5. Failure to remove the end cap bearing in the
normal way due to burrs having occurred in the
locking ring grooves, it is suggested that either a
hydraulic press or a hand operated pump is used
to remove the end cap bearing.
WARNING! If a hydraulic pump Is used to
dismantle the gland from the ram cylinder
extreme care muat be exercised to purge all
air from the ram before pressurisation.
Robust restraints should be _attached to both
rod-eye and cylinder mounting as a further


RING OR PIANO WIRE A 2.4 to 2.5 mm (3/32 in.I
B 2.6 to 2.75 mm (7/64 in.I
C 3.5 to 3.75 mm (9/641

SD-12 Issue 3




Each stabilizer ram is equipped with a pilot operated Raise the stabilizer
check valve located in a block mounted on the ram. The rod side of the ram is pressurized when lifting the
The effect of this valve is to prevent leak-down of the stabilizer leg. Pressurized oil from the control valve
stabilizer during prolonged static pressarization. enters through port (9), passes through hole (10) and
enters chamber (11) at the end of the spool. Oil
Lower the stabilizer pressure pushes the complete spool to the right. which
Pressurized oil from the control valve enters through causes the pin (12) to push check-valve ball (4) off its
port (1 ), passes along a drilling (2) in the spool (3) and seat and allow oil from the head-side of the ram to
lifts the check-valve ball (4) off its seat. against the escape back to the control valve. As the spool moves to
pressure of spring (5). From here oil can flow freely into the right so grooves, (13) in the spool allow oil to flow
the head-side of the ram through port (6). Displaced oil into the rod-side of the ram via port (7).
from the rod-side of the ram enters the valve through Stabilizer In normal digging position
port (7), flows through drillings in the spool, lifts check During digging oil is locked in the head-side of the ram
valve ball (8) off and flows out via port (9). by check valve ball (4) and therefore prevents leakage
through the control valve in its neutral position. ·


12 3 4 5 13 8 10 11

f._ ·_· j.

Issue 3 80-13



Service 8D • 09-13 Rebuild

The internal components can be serviced without 9. Refit seals and back-up rings in the relative
removing the valve body from the ram. however, if there positions shown.
is external leakage between the ram and valve. it must 10. Refit spring, cup, ball and seat. Tighten seat to
be removed. 40 Nm (29 lbf ft).
11. Refit ball. cup, spring, washer and circlip.
Strip 12. Fit a new 'O' ring to the end cap/pin and refit into
1. Remove all five cap screws and pull the valve off the left-hand side. tighten to 50 Nm (37 lbf ft).
rod-side feed pipe. 13. Insert spool assembly, large end first through right-
2. Remove both end caps noting in which end, the cap hand side of valve body. If the spool is inserted from
with pin is located. The diagram shows the correct the opposite side, both seals will be damaged.
side relative to the ram. 14. Refit right hand plug along with a new 'O'ring and
3. Push the spool out through the right hand side. tighten to 50 Nm (37 lbf ft).
4. Remove circlip, washer and spring. 15. Fit new 'O' rings to seal grooves on the mounting
5. Remove cup and ball. face of the ram.
6. Unscrew seat and remove ball, cup and spring. 16. Fit new back-up ring and 'O' ring onto the rod-side
7. Remove seals and back-up rings. feed pipe.
17. Refit valve onto ram and tighten cap screws.
8. Check components for scoring and wear. Even
small imperfections on the spool surface will cause

s/11 4
8D-14 Issue 3


HYDRAULIC RAM TYPE H 9. Prise out snap ring from piston

10. Note orientation of restrictor plate before removing it
from the piston.
11. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.
Stabilizer rams
Fitted to all later models of centre-mount diggers
12. The cylinder bore should be blemish free, if there is
Servicing 8D • 10- 14
any scoring the ram cylinder must be replaced.
13. The ram rod should be smooth and polished. Dents
Special tools:
or damaged chromium plating will cause leaks and
Torque wrench
dirt ingress to the hydraulic system.
Torque multiplier
Ramclamp Rebuild.

Strip Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 11 except:

1. Remove ram and drain all oil from it, before
mounting in the ram clamp. 14. Replace pressure seals and dirt excluder sealin the
2. Rotate the gland housing clockwise as viewed from gland.
the rod end of the ram, until the cut end of the lock 15 Replace ·o• ring and back-up ring on the outside of
wire is visible through a slot in the side of the ram gland as shown and refit gland onto rod.
cylinder. 16. Fit piston and tighten to 650-700 Nm (480-515 lbf ft)
NOTE: Do not rotate the gland in the opposite 17. De-grease threads, apply Loctite 275 and fit grub
direction, as the cut end of the lock wire may jamb screw into piston. Tighten grub screw to 23 Nm
in the groove and break off the drive lug.
(17 lbf ft).
3. Reverse the rotation of the gland only when the end
of the lock wire is visible. The lock wire will normally 18. The piston seal may need a tapered guide to assist
feed out through the slot with out aid, but if not, a
small screw driver can be inserted to act as a guide.
fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching of the
seal may cause permanent distortion and
consequent leakage
4. If the drive lug is broken off refer to operation
19. Refit restrictor and snap ring.
5. Pull ram rod and gland from cylinder. if this proves 20. Coat the outside of the gland with a proprietary anti-
difficult, refer to operation 8D • 08. seize compound and push the gland into the end of
6. Mount rod eye into ram clamp. the ram cylinder.
7. Remove grub screw. The piston grub screw is fitted 21. Fit a new retaining wire and wind in by rotating the
with Loctite and may require heating to 200-250"C gland clockwise, as viewed from the rod end of the
(390-480"F) to degrade the Loctite. ram. Fill slot with putty or silicone rubber sealant to
8. Unscrew piston from rod. (Piston torque 700 Nm / prevent water ingress.
515 lbf ft).

15 816 7 17

5 2 11 3 21 20 18 10 19 9
Issue 4 80-15



MF 475 digger bucket ram

When retracting the ram from full extension, oil flows
This ram includes a damping mechanism which through port (6) into the piston groove (5) and pushes
operates at maximum ram extension. As the ram the sealing ring to one side of its groove. Oil can now
approaches full extension the piston (1) passes across flow into the rod side- of the ram through the restrictor
the rod-side port. a sealing ring (2) prevents oil flowing (4) and two holes m the seal groove, which allow more
past the piston circumference, but instead. the oil can rapid retraction in the damping zone. After the piston
flow through the gap (3) between piston and rod and passes back over port (6) there is no restriction to oil
through a single orifice (4) into a groove (5) machined flow.
;,1to the piston. This groove allows oil to escape
through the port (6). Damping occurs only on the last
33 mm of stroke.

8D-16 Issue 3


HYDRAULIC RAM TYPE J 8. Unscrew piston from rod. (Piston torque 1550 Nm /
Applications 1144 lbf f1).
MF 475 digger bucket ram 9. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.
10. The cylinder bore should be blemish free. if there is
Servicing 80 • 11 - 16
any scoring the ram cylinder must be replaced.
11. The ram rod should be smooth and polished. Dents
Special tools:
or damaged chromium plating will cause leaks and
dirt ingress to the hydraulic system.
12. Ensure damping orifice is perfectly clear.
Torque wrench
Torque multiplier
Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 10 except:
1. Remove ram and drain oil from it before mounting 1n
13. Replace pressure seals and dirt excluder seal in the
the ram clamp.
2. Bend open the gland locking plate.
14. Replace ·o-- ring and back-up ring on the outside of
3. Unscrew gland nut using a heavy duty ·c· wrench.
gland as shown.
4. Pull ram rod and piston assembly out of the ram
15. Replace plastic plug which is a thread locking
device and should only be used once.
5. Mount rod eye into ram clamp. 16. Slide gland and a new lock plate onto ram rod
6. Remove seal and both plastic bearing rings from the 17. Fit piston and tighten to 1500-1550 Nm
(1107-1144 lbf/ft).
7. Remove grub screw. The piston grub screw is fitted
with Loctite and may require heating to 200-250°C 18. De-grease threads, apply Loctite 275, fit grub screw
(390-48C°F) to degrade the Loctite. into piston and tighten to 23 Nm (17 lbf f1)
19. The piston seal may need a tapered guide to assist
fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching of the
3/20 2 15 14 seal may cause permanent distortion.
20. Refit piston/rod assembly back into the ram cylinder
and tighten the gland to 400 Nm (295 lbf ft).
21. Bend lock plate into slot in gland to prevent

Issue 3 SD-17



MF 475 digger boom ram
425 As the ram contracts further. the by-pass valve slides
Operation along the tube. the tapered slot. providing a diminishing
This ram has and of stroke cushioning over the last exhaust passage for the oil. The restriction of the
30 mm of retraction. exhaust oil from the headside of the ram will decelerate
the digging arm progressively until maximum lift height
The cushioning mechanism is comprised of a damping is reached.
tube (1) welded into the end cap of the ram cylinder. the
tube having a tapered slot (2) The piston contains a by- To extend the boom ram oil flows through the inside of
pass valve (3). which will slide over the tube as it the tube, then. back along the outside of the tube
penetrates the hollow. end section, of the ram rod and forcing the by-pass valve to move against the snap ring
piston (4). (6). The by-pass valve has a number of peripheral slots
through which oil can flow freely into the headside of
As the ram contracts: the out flowing oil forces the the ram. by-passing the cushioning restriction. for
bypass valve against the end of the rod (5). and as the normal ram speed.
ram contracts into the cushioned zone of its stroke the
tube will enter the by-pass valve and close the central The cushioning vslve only operates over the last 30mm
exhaust passage, except for the area of the tapered slot. of ram stroke.


4 5
80-18 Issue 3



11. The cylinder bore should be blemish free. if there is
any scoring the ram cylinder must be replaced.
MF 60 boom ram
12. The ram rod should be smooth and polished. Dents
or damaged chromium plating will cause leaks and ·
Service 80 • 12-18 dirt ingress to the hydraulic system.
·c-Wntnch Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 10 except:
Torque wrench
13. Replace pressure seals and dirt excluder seal in the
Torque muttlplier
14. Replace ·o· ring and back-up ring on the outside of
gland as shown.
1. Remove ram and drain oil from it before mounting in
15. Replace plastic plug which is a thread locking
the ram clamp.
device and should only be used once.
2. Bend open the gland locking plate.
16. Slide gland and a new lock plate onto ram rod
3. Unscrew gland nut using a heavy duty ·c· wrench.
17. Fit piston and tighten to 1500-1550 Nm
4. Pull ram rod and piston assembly out of the ram
(1107-1144 lbf/ft).
18. De-grease threads, apply Loctite 275. fit grub screw
5. Mount rod eye into ram clamp.
into piston and tighten to 23 Nm (17 lbf ft)
6. Remove grub screw. The piston grub screw is fitted
19. The piston· seal may need a tapered guide to assist
with Loctite and may require heating to 200-2S0°C
fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching of the
(390-480°F) to degrade the Loctite. seal may cause permanent distortion.
7. Unscrew piston from rod. (Piston torque 1550 Nm 20. Refit piston/rod assembly back into the ram cylinder
/1144 lbf ft). and tighten the gland to 500 Nm (370 lbf ft).
8. Prise out snap ring from piston. 21. Bend lock plate into slot in gland to prevent
9. Note orientation of restrictor plate before removing it movement.
from the piston.
10. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.

3 2/2115 14

7/17 19
Issue 3 80-1.9



(Optional fitment centre-mount diggers only)

This lock-out valve is mounted directly on the ram and Load Raise
connected with two rigid steel pipes. When raising a load. oil from the directional control
valve enters via port A. opens check valve (1 ), pushes
The valve will hold a load in the event of a hose failure the restrictor (2) into the free-flow position. passes out
between the control valve and ram. of the valve through port C and enters the ram.
Unless a hose bursts, normal circuit function and Oil exhausted from the ram enters via port D. opens
metering control is maintained. Lock-out function check valve (3) and returns to the directional control
occurs on port C which should be connected to the valve via port 8. The lock-out spool (4) is held closed by
load holding port of the ram. the spring and port 'A' pressure which passes through
the orifice/filter screen (X) and acts on the end of the
8D-20 Issue 3


Load Hold (following raise selection)

When neutral is selected at the directional control valve
the check valve ( 1) re-seats to isolate the ram from the
supply hose connected to port A. This sequence occurs
in t~e event of a hose failure during Load Raise.

Load Hold (following Lower selection)

When the operator selects the control valve back to
When the ram is being extended to lower a load, oil
neutral' pressure at 'B' port falls _until the lockout spool
from the contro(valve enters the Lockout valve at 'B';
(4) closes under the action of its spring; unless there is
the control valve selection has also vented port 'A' to
a hose failure, this closing action will be assisted by
tank, thereby removing any pressure force holding the
rising pressure at port 'A' ·
spool (4), in the closed position. Spool (4) moves
across when port 'B' pressure overcomes the spool
spring load: this allows oil to pass via port 'O' to the The lockout spool timing is arranged such that. upon
head side of the ram, whilst oil exhausted from the ram spool opening, flow path 'C to A' occurs before the
returns via port 'C' and port 'A' to the control valve and main flow path 'B to D'. Because of this timing
then to tank. Oil flow through port 'C' mbves restrictor arrangement. when the_ spool closes the main flow path
(2) on to its seat. thus limiting the oil flow rate through 'B to D' is shut off in advance of flow path 'C to A'.
the restrictor orifice. In the event of hose failure In order to prevent the spool being held at this point
between the control valve and lockout valve port 'A'. the due to a trapped volume of oil at 'B' port. the filter
load will continue to descend whilst the control valve protected orifice 'Y' bleeds oil from 'B' to 'D' thus
selection is maintained: however. maximum speed will allowing the spool to move towards a closed position on
be controlled by the restnctor (2) orifice. To stop the flow path 'C to A'.
load falling the operator only needs to select neutral on
Issue 3 BD-21



10 9
Manual Lowering
Relief valve (shock protection).
In the event of a hose burst, the service load may be
The lockout valve will isolate the loaded cylinder port
lowered with the engine switched off. The set screw (5) from any circuit relief valve protection normally installed
should be un-screwed to allow oil from port 'C' to pass at the control valve work port. Port 'C' pressure acts
across the ball valve (6). The oil will pass.internally, to
upon the differential area of relief valve spool (8) to lift
port 'D'. The movement of set screw (5) is limited to
the spool when the spool force equals the relief valve
approximately 2 turns before contacting a circlip (7): spring (9) setting. Relief valve pressure is pre-set by an
this is to prevent removal and uncontrolled decent of adjuster (10) which is then locked. Oil which is relieved
the load. After use. the ball valve should be re-seated
out of the rod-side of the ram flows through port 'D'
by tightening to a specific torque. and enters the head-side of the ram.
8D-22 Issue 3


SAFETY LOCK-OUT VALVE Port Identification

1. PortA
Service 80 • 13- 22 2. Lock-out spool
3. PortB
Special tools: 4. Check valve for port D
Hand pump (for resetting CRV pressure) 5. Circuit relief valve
Thread locking adhesives 6. Manual lowering valve
Permabond A113 (or direct equivalent) 7. Plug
Permabond A131 (or direct equivalent) 8. Check valve for port C
9. Plug
1O. Port C and one way restrictor.
11. Plug
12. Port D

;( .


Q ,,----'
12 11 7 6 5

1. Remove the valve from the machine.

Lockout spool
2. Starting at the right hand end as shown in the
diagram remove plug carefully as it is subjected to
internal spring pressure.
3. Pull lock-out spool from valve body and remove
4. The spool contains 2 gauze filters to protect the
small orifice holes. If required, the filters can be
removed, but it may be necessary to gently heat the
spool to 200 - 250"C (390 - 480"F) maximum to
degrade the thread adhesive and allow both hollow
screws to be removed.

'c ·· .... ~·"

Issue 3 80-23


Check valves
5. Both check valves are 1dent1caI and are located
inside caps (4 and 8).

Circuit relief valve

6. Remove the adJuster. It may be necessary to heat
the plug to 200 - 2so•c (390 - 480°F) to degrade the
thread adhesive.
7. Remove the spring and flat washer.
8. Grip the spring spigot and pull spool out
9. Remove plug (12) and pull valve seat out

8 7

10. Remove adaptor (10) and lift out restrictor plate.


Manual lowering valve

11. Remove the cIrclip and plug then screw a No.6x32
UNC bolt into.the end of the thrust rod and pull I!
from the valve body.

12. Check lockout spool and valve bore for scoring.
13. Ensure check valves have an even seat width which
should not exceed 0. 1 mm (0.004 inch). running torque prior to the thrust rod contacting the
ball (average 4 Nm/35 lbf in). Therefore. a typical
Rebuild final torque value Is 13.5 Nm (120 lb! in).
14. Renew all seals. 19. Refit relief valve seat and plug which should have
15. Install restrictor with slotted face adjacent to the Permabond A 113 applied to threads before
adaptor which should be tightened to 52 Nm tightening to 62 Nm (46 lbf ft)
(38 lb! ft) 20. Refit relief valve washer and spring. Apply
16. Refit check valves. springs. and caps. which should Permabond A131 to threads of adjuster 1mmedIately
be tightened to 52 Nm (38 lbf ft).
prior to semng the relief pressure to •
17. Reassemble lock-out spool using Permabond A 113 207 bar (3000 lbflin 2 ) MF 50H
when refitting hollow screws which retain the filter 310 bar (4500 lbf/1n 2 ) MF 60H
screens. Tighten plugs 2 and 9 to 52 Nm (38 lbf ft)
After adhesive has cured the ad1uster must withstand
18. Refit ball. thrust rod. socket screw and c1rclip.
unscrewing torque of 10.5 Nm (7 75 lbf ft or 93 lbf ins)
Tighten socket screw to 9.5 Nm (84 lbf in). above without movement.
80-24 Issue 3



Rebuild is the reverse of instructions 1 to 1O except:
1 1. Replace pressure seals and dirt excluder seal in the
MF 60 Dipperstick ram
12. Replace ·o· ring and back-up ring on the outside of
Service 8D • 14- 24 gland as shown.
13 Replace plastic plug which is a thread locking
Special tools:
device and should only be used once.
14 Slide gland and a new lock plate onto ram rod
15. Fit piston and tighten to 1500-1550 Nm
Torque wrench
(1107-1144 lbf/ft).
Torque multiplier
16. De-grease threads, apply Loctite 275, fit grub screw
into piston and tighten to 23 Nm (17 lbf ft)
1. Remove ram and drain oil from it before mounting in 17. The piston seal may need a tapered guide to assist
fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching of the
the ram clamp. seal may cause permanent distortion.
2. Bend open the gland locking plate. 18 Refit piston/rod assembly back into the ram cylinder
3. Unscrew gland nut using a heavy duty •c• wrench. and tighten the gland to 510 Nm (376 lbf ft).
4. Pull ram rod and piston assembly out of the ram 19. Bend lock plate into slot in gland to prevent
cylinder. movement.
5. Mount rod eye into ram clamp.
6. Remove grub screw. The piston grub screw is fitted
with Loctite and may require heating to 200-250"C
(390-480"F) to degrade the Loctite.
7. Unscrew piston from rod. (Piston torque 1550 Nm
1144 lbf ft).
8. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.

9. The cylinder bore should be blemish free, if there is
·any scoring the ram cylinder must be replaced.
10. The ram rod should be smooth and polished. Dents
or damaged chromium plating will cause leaks and
dirt ingress to the hydraulic system.

. ~~......... ;
Issue 4 80 - 25



(105 mm diameter) Reverse rnstructrons 1 to 6 except:
Applications: 8. Replace rod seals and the external ·o· rrng. Renew
MF 50H/HX Serres s
s1de-sh1ft models slew ram the piastre plug inserted ,nto the gland threads and
Service 80 • 15 - 25 mount the gland assembly onto the rod.
Special tools: 9 The piston seal may requrre a tapered gurde to
·c· wrench assrst frtment as uneven and prolonged stretching
Ram ciamp of the slrp-seal may cause permanent d1stort1on.
Torque multiplier 10. Fit the restnctor plate rnto the prston wrth the flat
face towards the rod. Tighten the piston to 925 Nm
(685 lbf ft)
1. Remove ram from machine and dram 011 from 11. 13. Clean both the grubscrew and threaded hole
Mount head-end.of ram 1n the ram clamp. thoroughly. then use Loctite 275 when rehmng the
2. Unscrew gland using a ·c· wrench. then pull rod. grubscrew. which should be tightened to 20 Nm
piston and gland assembly from ram barrel. (15 lbf ft)
3. Mount the rod eye into the ram clamp. 14. Refit piston and rod into the barrel and tighten the ·
4. Remove grubscrew from piston. gland to 435 Nm (320 lbf ft)
5. Unscrew piston from rod. a torque-multiplier w111 be 15. Refit ram to the machine and purge all air from the
needed to unscrew the piston. slew system by operating the slew control while the
6. Remove the restnctor plate from the piston. engine 1s running at low idle speed. until the slew
Inspection operates smoothly and without hesitation.
7. In addition to normal ram rod ,nspect1ons. attention
must be paid to the damping tube which must be
free from· scratches or obvious signs of wear. whrch
will reduce the effectiveness of the cush1on,ng

2/14 3
SD-26 Issue 4



MF 50H/HX and MF 60H series S
Loader lift ram
loader bucket ram
Service 80 • 16- 26
Special tools:
·c· wrench
Ram clamp
Torque wrench 4
Torque multiplier
1. Remove ram and drain oil from it before mounting 3
the head-end in the ram clamp.
2. Unscrew gland nut using a heavy duty ·c· wrench.
3. Pull ram rod and piston assembly out of the ram
4. Mount rod eye into ram clamp. 8/12
5. Remove the piston nut which is fitted with Loctite
and may require heating to 200-250"C {390-480"F) 7
to degrade the Loctite. A torque multiplier may be
necessary to release the nut. 11
6. Remove piston from the rod.
7. Slide gland off rod and remove seals.
8. Prise out the plastic plug from the gland threads.
9. The cylinder bore and rod should be blemish free.
Dents. score marks or damaged chromium plating
will cause leaks and dirt ingress to the hydraulic
system. 6/16
Reverse instructions 1 to 8 except:
10. Replace pressure seal and dirt excluder seal in the
11. Replace ·o· ring and back-up ring on the outside of
the gland as shown.
12. Replace the plastic plug, which is a thread locking
device and should only be used once ..
13. Refit gland -onto ram rod.
14. Fit piston and de-grease threads of ram rod and nut.
15. Apply two strings of Loctite 275 to the ram rod
threads and fit and tighten the nut to 375 Nm
(275 lbf ft).
16. The piston seal may require a tapered guide to
assist fitment as uneven and prolonged stretching
of the slip-seal may cause permanent distortion.
17. Refit piston/rod assembly into the ram barrel and
tighten the gland to: 80 mm diameter rams - 345 Nm
(255 lbf ft)

Issue 4 80- 27



MF S0H series S side-shift digger clamp ram
Servicing 80 • 17 - 27
1. Remove the ram per operation 9C • 06.
2 Carefully tap the ram on a block of wood to remove
the back-up ring and seal.
3. Clean and polish any areas of rust which may have
formed where the back-up ring is normally
2 pos1t1oned.
3 4. 011 inside the ram then refit seal. concave face first.
5. Apply some proprietary anti-corrosion compound
around the ram bore and refit the back-up ring.


Group 8 Section N


Issue One

Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 2
General description 3
Fault diagnosis 4
SN• 01 - 07 Check the hydraulic oil level 7
SN• 02- 07 Drain the hydraulic system 7
SN• 03 - 08 Return line filter - change 8
8N • 04- 08 Intake strainer - clean 8
8N • 05 - 09 Main relief valve, pressure test 9
SN• 06 - 09 Hydraulic pump, flow test 9
SN• 07 - 10 Circuit relief valves, pressure test 10
8N • 08 - 10 Hydraulic pump, R/R 10
8N • 09 - 11 Hydraulic pump drive shaft, R/R 11
8N • 10 - 11 Hydraulic pump service 11
8N • 11 - 16 Hose burst protection valve 16


Flow meter 150 litre I min. (40 US gal I min.)
Pressure gauge O • 250 bar (0 • 3500 lbf / in2)
MF 475 Pump drive shaft remover
Pump service tools
Powerpart Lock 'n Seal
Powerpart Liquid Gasket
40 mm (11 /2 in.) diameter steel ball
Bearing puller Owatonna Tool Co. MD 981
(UK only • TE. 981 available from V.L. Churchill ltd.)
1/BN seal removal tool - can be easily made from an
old screwdriver. Heat the tip and bend it as
shown. grind off the tip to fit the notch behind the
shaft seal. 1J8N
2/BN bushing installation tool - make from carbon
steel hardened and tempered. Diameter ·c·
should be ground to a fine finish of 32 CLA.
_A grind relief at point •e• is permitted.

All dimensions are in inches
3/BN lip seal installation drift - make from mild steel.
r- 32
4/BN.bushing removal tool - make from standard
Owatonna Tool Co. collet No.33863 modified as
t '+

24,9 (0.980) 22,2 (0.875) 2,5 (0.100) 2/BN 3

24,6 (0.970) 2,3 (0.090)
Dimensions in mm with (inches)

3 ,,
3/BN 1 '4

=. -i~



The typical backhoe/loader hydraulic

system comprises:
1. Hydraulic oil reservoir. The hydraulic system is powered by a gear-type fixed
2. Intake screen. displacement pump drawing oil through a wire gauze,
3. Gear pump. screen from the reservoir, mounted over the pump.
4. Loader control valve. From the pump, oil is delivered first to the loader
control valve and then the backhoe control valve,
5. Loader boom rams.
returning to the reservoir via a micronic, paper element
6. Loader bucket rams. filter and an oil cooler.
7. Backhoe control valve. The main relief valve is located in the end-plate of the
8. Linear slew system. loader control valve and is set at 190 bar (2750 lbf in2 }.
9. Frame clamp rams - side-shift models.
10. Stabilizer rams.
1 ,. Backhoe boom ram. System with Laser
12. Dipperstick ram. backhoe valve
13. Backhoe bucket ram.
14. Return line filter 5
15. Oil cooler.

8 13


System with Husco

backhoe valve

8 13

::t 00
::u I
)> .,:,.
Oil leaking from filler cap or Reservoir overfilled Check oil level per operation 8N•01 r
breather 0
Foaming oil Low oil level Check oil level per operation 8N•01
Incorrect grade of oil Change oil completely per operation -<
8N•02 ~
Loose or badly fitting connections Check all connections on pump intake !:
on pump intake hose hose. Hose clips must be positioned
at 180° to each other

2. Pump noisy and/or Normal hydraulic

overheating operating speed, but may
also be erratic Low oil level Check oil level per operation 8N•01
Wrong oil on the system Change oil completely per operation
Air leaking Into system past joints or Check all intake line joints for security
obstructed or collapsed Intake hose and hose for internal lining collapse
Very slow hydraulic
operating speed Low pressure setting of main relief Reset pressure of main relief valve
valve per operation 8N•03
Normal pressure setting Check pump flow per operation 8N•04

3. Loader arms drop when lever Leakage past spool Check spool movement to ensure it
In neutral returns to neutral properly
Spool/body scored or worn If scored, find source of debris and
Check-valve leaking Check the valve seat for leakage Lap seat if possible, then thoroughly
flush out entire valve
Internal leakage In rams Check for Internal leakage past ram Renew seals and cylinder if scored


4. loader arms drop Check-valve leaking Seat damaged or spring broken or lap if possible and thoroughly clean
momentarily when LIFT is valve missing whole valve
selected (also applies to any Assemble correctly and ensure seat
other service) not damaged by incorrect assembly

5. low power In one service only Circuit relief valve Substitute CRV with a new one
opening at low pressure having the same nominal pressure

6. Hydraulic oil overheating Main relief valve, setting Adjust the setting using a pressure
too low gauge, operation 8N•03
leakage through circuit Test suspected valve by substitution
relief valves and replace if required.
011 cooler plugged Internally blocked Remove cooler and backflush locate
Externally blocked source of oil leakage or other reason
for blockage.
Thoroughly wash radiator.
Incorrect machine Method of operation causing main Change operation, give operator
operation relief valve to relieve continuously training.

7. Erratic operation Air entrained in system. Clear air from system by repeatedly
operating all services with no-load at :t
1000 engine rpm. -<
Air re-enters system after Pump shaft seal leaking. Replace seal and inspect shaft. l:J
a short time )>
Suction line connections. Check all connections thoroughly, r
ensure hose clips are staggered 180°. 0
~ I
3: OI
C z
:x, I
)> en
8. Slew system cavitates One or both restrictor Assemble restrictor plates per. r-
frequently or is slow plates reversed in slew operation 8B • 10 0
ports C and D u,
Slew lacks power One or both anti- Remove and check seating of ACV ~
cavitation valves leaking per operation 8B • 11 3:

Fixed restrlctor missing Remove check-valve per operation

Slew speed too fast or wrong spool valve 8B • 09 and ensure restrlctor plug is
fitted or hoses connected fitted In valve section CID
to wrong section. Correct the routing of hoses

9. Low power In all services. MRV set too low. Check main relief pressure per Reset as required.
operation 8N • 03.
MRV, body seals missing Check '0' rings in valve. Replace 'O' rings.
or damaged.
Pump worn. Check flow per operation 8N • 04. Rebuild or replace pump if found to
be below 80% of rated output.

(''· ,,,,·,_\
~i \.w.•~/


Check the oil level 8N • 01 - 07

It is essential that the machine is positioned as shown
when checking the hydraulic oil level. Failure to do
this may cause gross overfilling which could damage
the reservoir when the machine is worked.

Drain the hydraulic system 8N • 02 - 07

In normal circumstances, it is not possible to
completely drain the hydraulic system due to the
volume of oil trapped in hydraulic rams, hoses and
If for any reason a substantial amount of metallic
debris is liberated in the system it can only be
effectively removed by stripping and flushing all valves
hoses and rams. Should the debris be allowed to
circulate through the system until the filter has
removed it all, there could be significant damage to
the spools, relief valves and especially rams, where
debris can remain for a number of cycles before being
flushed out.
However, most oil can be removed by raising the
loader, then stop the engine and remove the main
drain plug. Lower the loader whilst partially dumping
the bucket, until the final position is approximately as
shown in SN• 01. This will have drained the
maximum amount of oil unaided.
If in addition to the loader, the backhoe is raised, with
a view to draining more oil, the stabilizers must be
lowered to the ground before raising the backhoe and
stopping the engine.



Change SN• 03- 08
Change the hydraulic fitter.
The hydraulic oil filter is normally changed along with
the oil at 1000 hour intervals.
The filter is located under the left footstep, and can
be replaced without removing the footstep panel.
1. Drain the hydraulic oil per operation SN • 02
2. Unscrew the old filter canister.
3. Lightly oil the rubber seal on the new filter and
.screw it onto the filter head until the seal just
touches, then tighten by hand, a further 3/4 tum.

Clean SN• 04-08
Intake strainer
The intake strainer should not need attention, but it
can be checked as a precautionary measure on new
machines, or following a major repair.
1. Remove all six bolts and spring washers.
2. Carefully pry off the cover being careful! to avoid
marking or distorting the reservoir or cover plate.
3. Remove •o• ring seal.
4. Unscrew the metal gauze, intake strainer and
wash it in a non-oily solvent.
5. Refit the strainer, -o· ring and cover. Fit and
tighten the bolts.

! J.



Check pressure SN• 05-09
1. Remove the front grille
2. Remove the blanking plug from the test port
adjacent to the pump.
3. Frt a pressure gauge capable of reading to 250
bar (3500 lbf / in2) to the test point.
4. Run engine at maximum speed.
5. Fully roll-back the loader bucket and note the
pressure gauge reading.
MF 50H/HX and MF 60HX Turbo
190 bar (2750 lbf/in2)

Check flow 8N • 06-09
Pump Flow at No Load:
1. Remove the right side panel and bottom valance.
2. Disconnect the flexible pressure hose from the
steel pipe alongside the engine.
3. Connect the flow meter inlet hose to the steel
pipe from the pump, and connect the flow meter
outlet hose to the flexible, pressure hose leading
to the loader control valve.
4. Ensure that the flow meter restrictor is fully
5. Run engine until the hydraulic oil is at normal
operating temperature of 50°C.
6. With the engine at 2200 revJmin. the flow should
MF 50H/HX and 60HX Turbo/450 backhoe
118 litres/min. (312 US gals./min.)

MF 60HX Turbo/475 backhoe (North America)

132 litres/min. (34.9 US gatsjmin.)

7. Wrth the test kit connected as above and the oil

at 50°C, carefully adjust the flow restrictor until a
pressure of 190 bar (2750 lb/in2) registers on the
8. The rated flow should be similar to the flows
recorded at instruction 5 but aftermany hours
work the flow rate will drop. The pump must be
replaced or rebuilt if the flow is· at or below 80%
of its rated flow. For example:-
MF 501-UHX and 60HX Turbo/450 :-94.4 litres/min.
(24.4 US gals./min.)
MF 60HX Turbo/475 :-105.6 litres/min. (27.9 US



Test 8N • 07 -10
Circuit relief valve pressures are listed in a chart
which can be found in Group 8 Section 8 (issue 3 or
As pressures have increased, it has been found that
pressure testing circuit relief valves is no longer
practicable. The hand pump and test capsule
previously used, only measures the •cracking
pressure", which is well below the •rated pressure"
setting of the valves shown in the charts in
Section 88. Moreover the cracking pressure is an
inaccurate guide to the actual working pressure, and
for this reason all circuit relief valves can only be
tested by substituting a suspect valve with a new one
of the correct pressure rating.

Remove and refit 8N • 08-10
1. Park the machine safely, raise the loader arms
and fit the safety strut.
2. Use a funnel and pipe to drain the hydraulic oil
reservoir into a suitable container which must
have a capacity of at least 60 litres (16 US gals).
3. Release both the pressure and intake pipes from
the pump.
4. Remove the pump mounting bolts and pull the
pump off the drive shaft splines.
Refitment is the reverse of instructions 1 to 4 except:
5. Refill reservoir to full mark.
6. Start engine and maintain 750 rev/min. for at
least two minutes without operating any hydraulic
controls, then operate all controls to purge air
from the system.

3 4



Remove and refit SN• 09-11
1. Park the machine safely, raise the loader arms
and fit the safety strut.
2. Position a drip tray under the hardnose.
3. It is generally only necessary to remove the
outlet coupling from the pump, leaving the intake
pipe connected and therefore the hydraulic
system need not be drained.
4. Remove the pump mounting bolts and pull the
pump off the drive shaft splines.
5. Use MF 475 to remove the pump drive shaft, but
note that the shaft has a left-hand thread.
Refitment is the reverse of instructions 1 to 4 except:

Service SN• 10-11
Special tools
40 mm (11/2 in.) diameter steel ball
Bearing puller Owatonna Tool Co. MD 981
(UK only- TE. 981 available from V.L. Churchill Ltd.)
1/SN seal removal tool
2/SN bushing installation tool
3/SN lip seal installation drift
4/SN bushing removal tool
Powerpart Lock 'n Seal
Powerpart Liquid Gasket

General precautions
Great care must be exercised to avoid "building in" dirt
in any hydraulic component and especially pumps.
Therefore always clean tools, equipment and bench
before commencing work. Moreover try to establish a
clean area, away from draughts and open doorways.
It is important to air blast all parts and wipe them with
a tissue or lint-free cloth before assembly.
When holding parts in a vice, be sure to avoid
damaging any machined surface.
The pump must be driven in the direction for which it
has been assembled, or else the shaft seal will blow


1. Lightly punch all three sections of the pump to
ensure correct assembly.
2. Mount the pump flange, shaft downwards, in a
vice being careful to avoid damage to the
machined face.
3. Remove all four bolts, which are very tight
(270 Nm/ 200 lbf ft)
4. Use a soft faced mallet to remove the port end,
cover. If it is necessary to pry the cover off, take
care to avoid damaging the machined surfaces.
Dowel pins will remain in either the cover or gear
housing, it does not matter which and they must
not be removed.
5. Remove the thrust plate.
6. Remove the driven gear and drive gear/input
shaft. Always keep both gears together as they
are matched in production, and take particular
care to avoid marking or chipping the gears or
journals. If the gears are to be re-used, it is good
practice to remove the oil film from the sides of
the gears and use a spirit based marker pen to
mark the meshing teeth for correct assembly.
7. Lift off the gear housing, though it may be
necessary to use a soft faced, mallet to gently
separate the housing from the dowels.
8. If the bushes are worn or damaged, use puller
No. 981 in conjunction with modified collet
No. 4/SN, to remove the bushes from the drive
end, cover.
9. Insert seal removal tool, 1/8N into the notch
behind the lip seal and tap it out. Discard the
10. Plugs • The drive end, cover must have two
plugs, correctly positioned and tight. Do not
remove plugs unless they are damaged or loose.


11. Seals • Replace all seals.

12. Bushings - Replace bushings if scored,
discoloured or if the gears are replaced.
Bushings should be a heavy press fit into their
parent bores.
13. Dowels - Replace damaged dowels. If the dowel
holes are damaged, replace the component.
14. Thrust plates - Replace thrust plates which are
scored, eroded or pitted. A maximum of
0,05 mm (0.002 in.) wear is permitted.
Erosion at the centre of the thrust plates where
the gears mesh, indicates oil contamination.
Pitted thrust plates indicate cavitation or oil
Discoloured thrust plates usually indicate
insufficient oil.
15. Gears and drive shaft - Replace gears if there
is any wear detectable by touch in the seal area.
Maximum wear permitted, 0,05 mm
(0.002 in.). Wear in the shaft seal area indicates
oil contamination.
Replace gears if the drive splines are worn or
Gears must also be replaced H any of the
following characteristics are found: score marks
on bearing journals
Score marks, grooves or burrs on the outside
diameter of the teeth
Nicks, grooves or fret marks on the teeth
16. Gear housings • Pressure pushes the gears
against the housing on the low pressure side
creating a •cut-out• in the gear housing. As the
hubs and gears wear, the cut-out becomes
deeper. Deep cut-outs in a short period of time
indicate excessive pressure or contaminated oil.
Where cut-out is moderate, o, 125 mm (0.005 in.)
16 or less, the gear housing is in good condition and
may be reused.
Measure the cut-out by placing a steel rule
across the bore and slide feeler gauges under
the rule in the cut-out area.

17. Check alt four mating surfaces for nicks and
dents, particularly if the bushes have been
removed. Hsurface imperfections are found,
carefully flatten the surfaces using a flat
carborundum stone, or 400 grade silicon carbide
paper or emery cloth, wrapped around a flat
faced, block.


18. If bushings have been removed, take particular

care to eliminate burrs around the edges of the
parent bores.
19. Thoroughly rinse all parts in solvent, then air
blast all parts before finally wiping with tissue or
clean, lint free cloth. Set parts aside and cover
until required for assembly.
20. Grip the drive end, cover, with the mounting face
down, in a vice.
21. This instruction applies only if new plugs are
being fitted. Coat each plug with MF Powerpart
Lock 'n Seal and screw them into all four holes.

Stake each plug with a small centre-punch, at ED, t!i,

both ends of the screwdriver slot and around the
edge. Finally peen the edge of each hole 1 to 1,5
mm (1/32 to 1/16 in.) using a 40 mm (1.5 in.)
diameter steel ball.
22. Instructions 22, 23, 24 and 25 apply to both end
covers. New bushes must be fitted so that the 21
groove is at the top for the top bushes (input
shaft and drive gear) and at the bottom for the
bottom bushes (driven gear). See the sketch.
23. Make sure the bush grooves are positioned
correctly, then use special tool 2/SN in
conjunction with an arbor press, to press each
-,, ·=<
bush fully home, flush with the surface. It is -,. ;:P
extremely important to ensure that the end cover
is properly supported and level before attempting
to press in the bushes.
24. Wrth all bushes pressed in, repeat instructions 17
and 19.
25. When inserting dowel pins in new castings
ensure the holes are free of burrs and clean.
Gently start the pin straight, into the hole then tap
lightly with a soft faced mallet.
26. Coat the outer diameter of the new lip seal and
the corresponding recess in the drive end cover
with Powerpart Liquid Gasket. With the metal
side of the lip seal upwards, press it into the
cover until flush with the recess, using tool 3/SN
and an arbor press.
27. Lightly grease the new gasket seals and fit them
to the grooves in both faces of the gear housing.


28. Position the gear housing over the drive end,

cover and align dowels. The marks made on the
castings should be aligned and the large rounded
core in the gear housing be on the intake side of
the pump.
Using a plastic or rubber mallet, tap the gear
housing home onto the cover, while checking that
the gasket seal remains in place.
29. Fit the channel seals into the grooves in the
thrust plates. The flat side of the seals must be
facing away from the thrust plates as shown in
the sketch.
30. Wrth the channel seal facing down, towards the
cover and the relief groove in the plate facing the
outlet side of the pump, (smaller of the two
chambers) slide the thrust plate through the gear

. housing until it contacts the cover.
~29 31. Slide the driven gear into the housing. Wrap a
layer of self-adhesive tape around the splines to
protect the lip seal, then insert the gear/shaft into
the housing with a slight twisting motion to help
align the gear teeth. Liberally oil the gears.
32. Wrth the channel seal facing up and the relief
groove in the plate facing the outlet side of the
pump, slide the second thrust plate over the
journals and into the gear housing.
33. Align the marks on the castings and place the
port end cover over the journals and dowels.
Ensure the gasket seal is in place then tap the
cover in the centre to engage the dowels fully.
34. Fit the four bolts and washers and cross tighten
in stages to ensure the pump components are
evenly drawn together. With the bolts tight, but
not fully tightened, use a 150 mm (6 inch)
wrench to rotate the shaft to make certain that
there is no binding in the pump. Finally cross
tighten the bolts to 270 Nm (200 lbf ft).




Service SN• 11 -16
1. Remove the valve from the ram.
2. Clamp the valve body in a vice, but do not over-
tighten. Both ends of the valve body must be
3. Unscrew the recessed cap approximately 6 mm
(1/4 inch).
4. Unscrew the domed end cap, but take care to
control any residual spring compression that may
be present as the cap is removed.
5. Remove the recessed cap. If necessary remove
the orifice plug/filter for cleaning.
6. Push the complete spool assembly, out of the
housing, from the spring end.
7. Pull the metering spool from the static spool.
8. Remove the ball bearing from the plug, by
shaking or a magnet.
9. Insert a bar through two available holes in the
metering spool and unscrew the plug.
10. Remove the spring and internal check valve.

6/7 10 7 5



11. Unscrew the main body of the relief valve, to

avoid losing the pressure setting, if the valve is
being stripped only for cleaning or seal
Do not release the pressure adjusting
nuts. The pressure setting (280 bar), is
well above system pressure and therefore
cannot be easily reset.
12. Remove the spring and poppet.
13. Remove the spring seat, using fine nosed pliers.
14. Pull out the valve seat and •o• ring seal.
15. Remove plug and •o· ring seal.
16. Slacken the locknut and remove the bypass
17. Check spools and check valve for unusual marks
and wear. Replace components which have been
damaged by debris or have seized.
18. Inspect all seals and replace any which are
damaged. Always change "Q• ring seals which
have become permanently deformed.
19. Thoroughly wash all components in clean solvent
and air-blast clean, then lightly oil all components
during assembly.
Reverse instructions 1 to 16

11 13 12 14


Group 8 Section P

Husco control valves

Op. No. Operation Page

General description 2
Operation of the clamp valve (side shift Backhoes only) 2
Operation of the regenerative system 3
Backhoe control valve port identification 4
Circuit relief valve summary chart 5
Operation of the circuit relief/anticavitation valves 6
88 • 01 - 06 Circuit relief valve, service 6
88 • 02- 06 Backhoe control valve, R/R 6
88 • 03 - 07 Standard spool section (sectional valve}, service 7
88 • 04 -08 Standard spool section (monoblock valve}, service 8
88 • 05- 08 Check valves (monoblock valve}, service 8
88 • 06 - 09 Clamp control valve, service 9
(clamp spool, side-shift Backhoes only}
88 • 07 - 10 Outlet section, service 10


General description
The backhoe valve is in two versions a sectional type
and a 7 spool monoblock type.
Both valves are similar in function and both have the
same regenerative system, except that the unloader
pressure on the sectional valve is set at 62 bar
(900 lbf/in2), while on the monoblock valve the
pressure is set at 52 bar (750 lbf/in2). Only valves
fitted to side-shift backhoes have the side-shift clamp
Both valves are of the open-centre type with series
flow through the spools. In parallel with the open-
centre gallery, there is a pressure gallery, which
distributes oil to each spool. All digging functions are
protected by circuit relief valves.
Operation of the clamp control
The side-shift clamp control valve is specifically
designed to maintain high pressure in the clamp
rams, irrespective of system pressure.
The valve is a rotary type which connects chamber 5
with either high or low pressure by way of the cross
drillings 3 and 4. Sideshlft unclamp
Operation of the control lever turns the spool so that
Sideshift clamped the cross drilling 3 aligns with a small port leading into
Lever 1 tums the spool 2 so that the cross drilling 3 is the return gallery. The clamp system will not ·
aligned with a small port, connected to the pressure depressurise however because oil is trapped by the
gallery 8. Full system pressure is felt in chamber 5, check valve 6. To open the check valve, another
where oil can flow past the pintle 9, lift check valve 6 service must be stalled, for example bucket dump,
off its seat and flow into the clamp circuit. If system which will raise system pressure to maximum and
pressure subsequently drops, the check valve 6 will exert a force on the rear of piston 7. As chamber 5 is
hold high pressure in the clamp circuit. During work at return line pressure, the piston pintle 9 will push the
the clamp pressure is continually topped up to ball 6 off its seat and allow pressure in the clamp
maximum system pressure. circuit, to escape into the return gallery.



Operation of the regenerative system

(monoblock valve pressures quoted)
Nonna! operation (high pressure in pressure gallery) supplement pump flow. In this way, cavitation such
When a backhoe service is selected the open centre as occurs when quickly lowering a loaded backhoe
gallery is closed and pressure increases within the boom, is prevented.
pressure gallery, to operate the service, such as The restriction of the return line is limited to a
bucket crowd or boom/lift for example. pressure of 17 bar (250 lbf/in2) by a relief valve 7
When the pressure exceeds 52 bar (750 lbf/in2) the which bleeds oil from chamber 3, allowing pressure
unloader valve 1 opens and allows oil passing still felt in chamber 5, to move spool 4 to the open
through orifice 2 to return directly to the reservoir. position again.
This relieves pressure in chamber 3 and causes spool The three states of the regenerative system can be
4 to move under the influence of the return gallery summarised as follows.
pressure felt in chamber 5. All return oil now has free
passage to the reservoir. Working state
H the oil in the pressure gallery remains above 52 bar
Regeneration (low or negative pressure in pressure (750 lbf/in2) the regenerative system is effectively
gallery). switched off.
When a loaded service is lowered quickly, the boom
or dipperstick for instance, no power will be required, Intermediate state
so the oil pressure will be less than 52 bar When the oil in the pressure gallery falls to below
(750 lbf/in2) in the pressure gallery. 52 bar (750 lbf/in2) but remains above 17 bar
In this state valve 1 is closed, blanking off the return (250 lbf/in2) the regenerative system is active and
poised to supplement pump flow in the event of a
flow through ·orifice 2. Return oil pressure will be felt
equally on both ends of spool 4 which will be moved further pressure drop. The return oil gallery is
to the closed position by the force of the spring. The pressurized to 17 bar (250 lbf/in2)
return line is now closed, which will cause a rapid Anti-cavitation state
increase in return oil pressure.
When the oil in the pressure gallery falls below 17 bar
H the return oil pressure exceeds that in the pressure (250 lbf/in2), or even becomes negative, the check
gallery, check valve 6 will open and allow returning oil valve 6 will open and allow return oil to bypass
to by-pass straight back into the pressure gallery to directly into the pressure gallery to supplement pump




Backhoe control valve port identification

Port Function Function
MF Industrial standard ISO standard
A Boom ram rod side Dipperstick ram head side
B Boom ram head side Dipperstick ram rod side
C Slew anti-clockwise Slew anti-clockwise
D Slew clockwise Slew clockwise
E Stabiliser ram LH headside Stabiliser ram LH headside
F Stabiliser ram LH rod side Stabiliser ram LH rod side
G Stabiliser ram RH headside Stabiliser ram RH headside
H Stabiliser ram RH rod side Stabiliser ram RH rod side
J Bucket ram head side Bucket ram head side
K Bucket ram rod side Bucket ram rod side
L Dipperstick ram head side Boom ram rod side
M Dipperstick ram rod side Boom ram head side
N Auxiliary* Auxiliary*
p Auxiliary• Auxiliary*
* Optional fitment 7th spool

Monoblock valve

Sectional valve
Circuit rellef valve pressures bar (lbf/ln2)

,, MRV A 8 C D E F G H J K L M N p

s T MF 60HX Turbo 190 bar 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224 155 190
S75backhoe (2750) (4500) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250) (2250) (2750)
ional valve, North America)

:avitatlon valve ACV ACV ACV ACV

s T sideshift 190 bar 310 224 240 240 224 224 224 224
,block valve (2750) (4500) (3250) (3500) (3500) (3250) (3250) (3250) (3250)
,dels with
,r 450 backhoes

:avltation valve ACV ACV ACV ACV ACV ACV

)> 0)

~ "lJ
m I
fl) 01


Pressure relief.
Pressure from the service port (1) is felt on poppet (2).
When the pressure exceeds the valve setting, the
poppet (2) and carrier (3) move back, against spring
pressure, allowing oil from the service port to by-pass
directly into the return gallery.
The relief pressure is set by the screw (5) and
lockring (6) but as it is very difficult to correctly set the
pressure the valve is considered non-serviceable.
Anti cavitation
If the pressure in service port (1 ) falls to below the
residual pressure in the return gallery the complete 2 3 6 5
capsule (7), which includes the high pressure relief
valve will move to allow oil to flow from the return
gallery past the valve seat (8) into the service port.


Service SP• 01 - 06
1. Circuit relief valves are non-serviceable items
and must be replaced with a new valve assembly
in the event of malfunction.
2. All of the circuit relief valves are readily
accessible on Backhoe control valves.
3. Replace the end 'O' ring seal and back-up ring if
damaged or deformed.
4. Not all circuit relief valves are set at the same
pressure and the chart on page SP - 05 should
be referred to before fitting any substitute valves.


Remove and Refit SP• 02-06
1. Thoroughly depressurize all systems.
2. Put a drain tray under the valve, but on top of the
3. Disconnect feed and return hoses from the valve
and reconnect them directly together, to prevent
leakage and allow the machine to be started and
4. Disconnect the controls from the valve spools.
5. Wedge the valve with wood and remove the
mounting nuts and bolts.
6. With the wood supporting the valve, roll it
forwards on to the drain tray and then remove
the valve from the machine.
Reverse instructions 1 to 6.



(Sectional valve)

5 Service 8P • 03- 07
Most components which may require attention are
accessible, with the valve still fitted to the machine.
Only the check valves are concealed and require the
valve to be removed.
Spools are matched to their respective
bores, and cannot therefore be
Spool sections are different In detail, to
give lower leakage rates for Instance
(boom), or have special metering
characteristics (slew).
It Is vital that the spool sections are
assembled In their correct relative
positions, mark the sections before

1. Remove complete valve from the machine per
operation SP • 01.
2. Support the valve on the inlet, end cap.
3. Release the three nuts from the tie-rods on the
outlet end cover.
4. Slide the end cover off the tie-rods.
5. Remove the check valve and spring from the
topmost valve section.
6. Remove the valve section. Repeat instructions 5
and 6 for each valve section if all sections are to
be checked.
7. Remove two screws retaining the spool end
cap, and remove it along with the seal retainer
8. Pull the spool and bottom seal out of the valve
9. Firmly hold the clevis end of the spool in a vice
(fitted with soft, vice damps) and release the
screw to relieve spring pressure.
10. Ren,ove the screw, cups and spring.
11. Remove two screws from top seal retainer, plate.
12. Remove retainer plate, wiper seal, and pressure
Reverse instructions 1 to 12 except:
13. Tighten spool end cover screws to 9.5 Nm
(7 lbf ft}.
14. Start assembling the valve from the inlet cap. Fit
a new Mo• ring and the check valve and spring
to the uppermost face of each section as
assembly progresses.
15. Fit the nuts to the tie-rods and tighten.
Large nut - 100 Nm (74 lbf ft)
Smaller nuts - 65 Nm (48 lbf ft)



(Monoblock valve)
Service 8P • 04 • 08 3------i
All components which may require attention are 5
accessible, with the valve still fitted to the machine.
~! Spools are matched to their respective 6 --=~€~
~ bores, and cannot therefore be
Spool and their related bores are
different in detail, to give lower leakage
rates for Instance (boom), or have special
metering characteristics (slew).
1. Remove two screws retaining the spool end
cap, and remove it along with the seal retainer
2. Pull the spool and bottom seal out of the valve
3. Firmly hold the clevis end of the spool in a vice
(fitted with soft, vice clamps) and release the
screw to relieve spring pressure.
4. Remove the· screw, cups and spring.
5. Remove two screws from top seal retainer, plate.
6. ·Remove retainer plate, wiper seal, and pressure 2
Reverse instructions 1 to 6 except:
7. Tighten spool end cover screws to 9.5 Nm
(7 lbf ft).
8. Fit new seals.

(Monoblock valVes only)
Service SP• 05 • 08
1. Unscrew the cap.
2. Lift out the spring.
3. Lift out the check valve.
Reverse instructions 1 to 3 except:
4. Fit a new "O" ring seal.
5. Tighten cap to 129 Nm (95 lbf ft).

. .· ...
• ' ••• • 1 C ' : • ...,



(Monoblock valves only)
Service 8P • 06- 09
1. Remove two cap screws and unscrew spool
complete with lever. If the seals are to be re-
used carefully pry them out before the threaded
portion of the spool contacts them.
2. Remove spool. The lever should not be removed
from the spool as the angular relationship
between the lever, and the cross drilling in the
spool, is factory set.
3. Unscrew the clamp circuit union, which includes
a ball type check valve.
4. Pull out the piston.

Reverse instructions 1 to 4 except:-
5. Fit the seal retainer plate, wiper seal and
pressure seal onto the plain portion of the spool,
adjacent to the lever.
8. Screw in the spool until it bottoms in the hole.
9. Refit seals into pocket in the valve body and
secure with the retainer plate. When connecting
the control linkages, the lever should be
unscrewed just sufficiently to bring it to its
working position.
9. Insert piston with the pintle pointing towards the
12. Fit new •o·ring to outside of union then fit and
tighten union to 26 Nm (19 lbf ft).



Service SP• 07-10
The outlet end of both the sectional and monoblock
valves contain the regenerative system components
which are comprised of three separate valves. It is not
necessary to remove the section or the complete
valve in order to service the components.

1. Remove plug and "O" ring.
2. Lift out the spring and check valve.
3. Unscrew the body of the unloader valve and pull
out the complete assembly.
4. Remove damaged or deformed seals from the
unloader valve.
5. Remove the cap and spring.
6. Pull out the spool/relief valve assembly.
7. Check all parts for score marks and wear.
8. The unloader-valve contain a poppet valve with a
spring and shims to set the pressure. If it is
necessary to strip these components out, be
sure to retain the shims.
Note :- The unloader valve spring in the
monoblock valve is different from the spring fitted
to sectional valves.
9. The spool contains a poppet valve set at 17 bar
(250 lbf/in2). The pressure is adjusted by shims
although it should not be necessary to strip this
Reverse instrudions 1 to 9 except:
10. Renew all "O" rings and ensure that the pressure
seal and back-up ring are in the correct relative
positions on the end of the unloader valve.

1459 190 M4



9A Loader Structure
98 Backhoe structure - before series S
9G Extending dipperstick
9H Backhoe structure - series S and T


Group 9 Section A


Op No Description page
General description 02
9A - 01 - 03 Loader boom R/R 03
9A - 02 - 04 Left hand sideframe R/R 04



The loader is mounted on towers (1) forming an

integral part of the chassis, the left hand side frame
(2) and tower forming the hydraulic reservoir.
Constructed in several· parts enables the hardnose.
sideframes or RoP structure to be removed
independently"to assist service access or for repair.



Removal and Replacement 9A • 01 ·
All normal maintenance and repair work can be
accomplished with the loader boom and bucket still
fitted but if the loader suffers some damage it may
be necessary to remove it.
1. Lower the loader bucket to the ground.
2. Thoroughly depressurize the hydraulic system
with the engine stopped.
3. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses and remove
both loader lift rams.
4. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses and remove
both bucket rams.
5. Sling around the cross member and arms near
the pivots, unscrew the retaining bolts and
remove the pins.
6. Move the loader assembly away from the
Reverse procedures 1 to 6 when refitting the loader
3 boom except
4 7. Check the hydraulic oil level and stop the
engine. Work all loader functions to purge any
air from the system, then lower the loader to the
ground and recheck the oil level.


Remove LH sideframe with digger

fitted 9A • 02 • 04
1. Remove loader boom per operation 9A - 01 - 03.
2. Lower stabilizers and offset digger to the LH
3. Use the digger to help remove top pin, and top
link after releasing the front mounting pin. 3
4. Remove U bolt on bottom pin.
5. Drain hydraulic system.
6. Remove loader boom per operation 9A - 01 - 03.
7. Release oil cooler feed pipe clamp.
8. Release oil cooler return pipe union.
9. Release loader hydraulic pipes from junction on
the left hand side frame.
10. Release the hydraulic pump suction pipe clips
and slide rubber hose off the steel tube.
11 . Remove the comer bolts on left hand side of the
roof and insert eye-bolts.
12. Using a gantry, support the weight of the cab.
13. Jack under centre of front axle remove LH front
14. Release safety frame brackets from side frame.
15. Support the side frame with a jib crane and
chain through the loader boom pivot hole and
jack under rear of side frame.
16. Release the top brace from the left hand side
frame tower.
17. Release side frame mounting bolts and lower
sideframe away from m/c until front of sideframe
can pass under left hand front hub then pull
sideframe away from machine.
18. Refitment is the reverse of the removal
procedures 3-15 except
19. Tighten digger back frame U bolts to 378 Nm
(280 lbf ft). .
20. Tighten sideframe front mountings to 325 Nm
(240 lbf ft)
21. Tighten side frame rear mountings to 270 Nm
(200. lbf ft).
22. Tighten safety frame bracket bolts to 265 Nm
(1 98 lbf ft).

Issue 2 9B - 01


Group 9 Section B

(MF 252 Digger)
Issue Two

Op No Description page

General description 02
9B • 01 -03 Digger frame, side shift model R/R 03
9B • 02-04. Stabilizer leg, R/R 04
9B • 03-04 Stabilizer slides, service 04
98- 02 Issue 2


General Description
The MF 50H digger is available in two forms. a side-shift
model and a centre-mount version. Side-shift permits
the digger to be offset from one side to the other,
moving on rails integrally mounted on the back frame
structure. Two rams positively clamp the digger when
the desired offset position is achieved. Stabiliser legs
move vertically up and down.
The centre-mount digger is fundamentally different
having a fixed digging arm position and stabilisers
which swing outward and downwards. The linear stew
system uses rams and links mounted tow down in the
back frame.

Issue 2 9B - 03



Removal and Refitment 9B • 01 - 03
5 3
1. Lower stabilizers and offset digger to one side.
2. Slacken. but do not remove. both U bolts
retaining the bottom mounting pins.
3. Using the digging arm. gently rock the
backframe forwards and backwards until both
top pins can be removed without excessive
4. Disconnect all control rods from the valve
5. Disconnect the three control pedastal mounting
bolts (the spool valve remains attached to the
digger back frame).
6. Disconnect the multi-pin wiring connectors to
the rear light clusters.
7. Disconnect the pressure and return hoses from
the spool block and. using a male/male adaptor
connect both hoses together directly.
8. Remove ·u· bolts retaining the bottom
mountings and 1ack the complete backf.rame to
lift the bottom mounting pins clear of the side-
8 frame cups and support the backtrame on
robust stands.
9. Carefully drive the machine away from the
digger unit.
1 0. Reverse procedures 1 to 9 except torque bottom
pin ·u· bolts to 380 Nm (280 lbf ft).
1 1. The top pins have very little clearance in the
mounting holes. which should therefore be
closely aligned before inserting the pins. This
can best be accomplished if the hydraulic lines
and controls are reconnected to the va!ve so
that the digging arm can be used to gently rock
the backframe. The top mounting bar should be
installed with the spacer ring on the outside.

3 7
98- 04 Issue 2


MF 252 side-shift digger
Remove and Refit
1. Park machine over a pit or loading ramp.
2: Remove split pin.
3. Extend the stabilizer ram.
4. Wrth the stabilizer ram fully extended there will be
approximately 400mm (16 inch) of leg still inside the
backframe. Insert a trolley jack under the stabilizer
foot and jack up until the pin can be removed.
5. Lower the jack while supporting the top of the

A=-= stabilizer leg until it is clear of the backframe.

The slides can have very sharp edges so

6. Retract the stabilizer ram.
7. Lift stabilizer leg off jack. .
Reverse instructions 1 to 7.

MF 252 digger
1. Remove stabilizer leg per operation 96 • 07
2. Unscrew or cut off the damage slide plates. If the
plates have been welded on, previously, the welds
must be thoroughly gr9und flat before fitting new
3. For each stabilizer leg, .4 plates cropped to the
dimensions shown, are required. Material for the
plates should be to the specification AISI - C1 01 0
to C1023 or equivalent
4. Shims in thickness of 0.25, 0.75 and 1.00mm (0.Q1,
0.03 and 0.04 inch) are available for fitting under the
slides to ensure a good fit in the backframe. Trim off
any excess shim before welding.
5. Use low hydrogen, ferritic electrodes and make
each weld in a single, continuous pass to the pattern
shown. Allow to cool slowly.
6. Refit stabilizer leg to backframe.

178 60
weld 5mm

OimensiOns in mm


Group 9 Section G

issue 2

Op. No. Operation page

Extension ram operation 02

9G • 01 - 02 Extension ram R/R 02
9G • 02- 03 Extension ram, service 03
9G• 03-04 External wear pads, service 04
9G • 04-05 Internal wear pads, service 05
9G-02 issue 2


This ram has end of stroke damping at maximum clearance between the sleeve and extended portion
extension which operates by means of a sleeve (1) of the rod bearing.
mounted on the rod (2) entering a specially extended To retract the ram from the fully extended position oil
portion of the rod bearing (3). Commencement of flows into the ram via port (6), and pushes the sleeve
damping is determined by the position of the sleeve, back against spring pressure until it is clear of the
located by a snap ring (4) on the rod. The sleeve is extended portion of the bearing, allowing free oil flow
held firmly against the snap ring by a spring (5) which into the rod-side of the ram. As the ram contracts
has no active role in the damping process. In the further, the spring pushes the sleeve against the snap
damping zone, oil can only escape through the small ring again.
3 7

Remove and Refit 9G • 01 - 02 ram just emerges from dipperstick tube then
insert a long bar through the ram eye.
5. Remove circlips from each end of the pin at the
1. Move the boom and dipperstick into the rod-end of ram and drive out pin with a soft metal
maximum reach position and extend the punch.
dipperstick until the ram rod pin is accessible,
6. Fully retract ram, stop the engine and
then lower the boom until the bucket rests on the
depressurize the hydraulic system.
7. Disconnect both hoses from ram.
2. Position a support under the boomldipperstick
hinge and then depressurize the hydraulic 8. Use the long bar as a handle and slinging point to
system. pull the ram out of the dipperstick.
3. Remove circlips from each side of the pin at the Refit
head-end of ram and drive out pin with a soft
metal bar. Reverse instructions 1 to 8 except:
4. Start engine and extend ram until the head of the 9. Install ram with ports on the underside.

1 2 3 6

. . ,.;_______.Li---1-- .__________
5 4
issue 2 9G-03


Service 9G • 02- 03
Special tools: Examination
Torque wrench 12. H there is any internal scoring, the ram cylinder
Ram clamp must be replaced.
Saal protection ring - not essential unless seals are to 13. The sleeve must move freely along its stroke.
be re-used. 14. The ram rod should be smooth and polished with
no scratches or dents. Hthe rod seal has been
Strip. leaking this check is essential.
1. Remove ram and drain all oil from it before
mounting the head end into the ram clamp Rebuild
2. Remove circlip. Rebuilding the ram is the reverse of procedures 1 to
11 except:
3. Push rod gland into ram cylinder until snap ring is
exposed and can be removed. 15. Replace all seals.
4. Fit seal protection ring into snap ring groove. H 16. Slide gland assembly onto the ram rod and refit
no protection ring is available, the piston and circlip.
gland seals will be damaged on removal. 17. Fit new seal into sleeve and refit, tapered face
5. Pull rod and rod bearing out of the ram cylinder. first, onto ram rod.
6. Mount rod eye into the ram clamp. 18. Fit spring and then spacer.
7. Release nut (torque 285 Nm/ 21 0 lbf ft). 19. Fit a new "0" ring on the inside diameter of the
piston and refit piston to rod.
8. Remove piston and spacer.
20. Use a new self-locking nut and tighten to 285 Nm
9. Remove spring and damper sleeve.
(210 lbf ft)
10. Remove snap ring.
21. Refit rod into ram cylinder, the seals will not be
11. Slide bearing off rod. damaged by the snap ring groove, the inner edge
of which is formed into a lead-in for seals.
22. Push the gland in sufficiently to fit the internal
snap ring, then pull the ram rod out to bring the
gland against snap ring.
23. Refit external snap ring on to gland.

8 9/17

7 /20 19 'K)/ 16 11 /16

9G-04 issue 2



Service 9G • 03- 04
Top and bottom wear pads Side wear pads.
1. Position the dipperstick so that the inner member 10. Remove 16 bolts and all four housings, shims
is extended approximately 300 mm (12 inch) and and wear pads.
is resting against the bottom wear pad. 11. Place a 1 mm shim, a 2 mm shim and a new wear
2. Remove all eight bolts and remove the top pad into two of the housings.
retainer plate. 12. Fit both housings to one side of the dipperstick
3. Slide out the old wear pad and replace with a outer member and fit the bolts. Tighten bolts to
new one. 60 Nm (45 lbf ft)
4. Refit retainer plate, spacers and bolts which 13. Push the inner member hard against the wear
should be tightened to 140 Nm (104 lbf ft). pads fitted at instruction 12.
5. Lower the dipperstick until the bucket contacts 14. Fit two new wear pads to the remaining two
the ground so that the inner telescopic section is housings and assemble the housings to the
pressed against the top wear pad. opposite side of the dipperstick. Fit and partially
6. Remove all three bolts and retainer plate. tighten all eight bolts.
7. Remove bottom wear pad and shims. 15. Measure the clearance between the inner
member, and wear pads fitted at instruction 14.
8. Fit new wear pad and shims to give a maximum
gap of less than 1 mm. 16. Remove the housings fitted at instruction 14 and
add shims under the wear pads, to achieve a
9. Refit retainer plate and tighten bolts to 140 Nm
total clearance between the wear pads and the
(104 lbf ft).
inner member of less than 1 mm. Fit and tighten
bolts to 60 Nm (45 lbf ft).


issue 2 9G-05


Upper wear pad

13. Check for wear of these pads by positioning the
digger to full reach and 3/4 extension of the
extending dipperstick, but maintain the bucket
50 mm (2 inch) off the floor. Any wear will show
as a gap between the outer wear pad and the
dipperstick. A maximum gap of 1 mm. (0.04 inch)
is permitted.
14. If adjustment is necessary, release both nuts and
remove spacers and spare shims.
15. Lift off cover plate and remove the second set of
shims which must be equally reduced in
thickness to compensate for the measured wear.
Use the spare shims removed at instruction 14 to
obtain the correct shim thickness.
16. Refit cover plate, spare shims, spacers and nuts
which should be tightened to 670 Nm (495 lbf ft).


Service 9G • 04- 05
1. Remove ~ucket, link, and bucket ram from
2. Remove wear pads from the front end of the
dipperstick (top pad, bottom pad and four side
3. Extend the inner member fully and remove
circlips from the extension ram, mounting pin.
Drive out the pin with a soft metal bar.
4. Remove both M 24 nuts, and remove spacers,
spare shims and the retaining plate.
5. Remove shims and outer wear pad , leave
spacers in place.
6. Support the inner member by means of a chain
sling and bars inserted through the bucket ram
mounting hole and bucket pivot pin hole. Slide
the inner member out of the dipperstick.
7. Remove wear pads from sides and top at the rear
of the dipperstick inner member.

1 3
9G-06 issue 2


8. With no shims, fit two new wear pads into

locations on each side of inner sedion and
measure the width over the wear pad faces, this
is: Dimension A ( mm).
Measure the internal width of dipperstick outer
sedion, this is: Dimension B (mm).
The thickness of shims required =
(Dim. B minus Dim. A) minus 0.5 to 1 mm.
Shims must be divided equally (up to 1 mm
difference is allowed) and placed under the side
wear pads. A smear of heavy grease will help
retain them during assembly.
10. Fit a new, top rear, wear pad over the two studs
and spacers.
11. Refit inner member to the dipperstick .
12. Refit top wear pad, shims, cover plate, spare
. shims, spacers and nuts. Adjust the clearance of
the top re~r wear pads following the procedure
described operation 9G-03, instrudions 13 to 16.
13. Refit top, front, wear pad and retaining plate and
tighten bolts to 140 Nm (104 lbf ft). The tightness
of these bolts must be checked daily until
14. Refit front, side pads and housing. Tighten bolts
to 60 Nm (45 lbf ft).
15. Refit front, bottom wear pad and retainer plate,
tighten bolts to 140 Nm (104 lbf ft).
16. Refit bucket ram and bucket.
9H - 01


Group 9 Section H
Op. No. Operation page

Special tools 02
Hose orientation 03
Side-shift diggers only
9H • 01 - 04 Stabilizer ram, R/R 04
9H • 02- 04 Stabilizer leg, R/R 04
9H • 03-05 Stabilizer wear pads. service 05
9H • 04-06 Top slew ram, R/R 06
9H • 05-06 Bottom slew ram, R/R 06
9He 06-07 Clamp ram, R/R 07
9H • 07-07 Boom/dipperstick, R/R 07
9H • 08-08 Slew post, R/R 08
9H • 09-08 Mast casting, R/R 08
9H • 10 --09 Digger assembly. R/R 09
Centre-mount diggers only
9H • 11 - 10 Slew ram. R./R 10
9H • 12 - 10 Boom/dipperstick. R/R 10
9H • 13 - 11 Slew post. R/R 11
9H • 14 - 12 Digger assembly, R/R 12
9H - 02


Torque multiplier
Lifting bracket - stabilizer leg
Thread protector - bottom pin of slew pivot

Thread protector

I.I 0
,. I :=
.1_t I
lli-~JI SZI
i ~-uJ I
Ti 50 I
.. 1
100 .. I
-(@- i Uftlng bracket

(side-shift and centre-mount models)
To dVOid hoses chafing it is important to assemble them
per the diagram and without stress or twisting.
Centre-mount diggers
A - Upper sleeve contains:
Hose - port J to bucket ram head-side
Hose - port L to dipperstick ram head-side
Hose - port N to extendable dipperstick ram
B - Middle sleeve contains:
Hose - port K to bucket ram rod-side
Hose - port M to dipperstick ram rod-side
Hose - port P to extendable dipperstick ram rod-
side C

C • Lower sleeve contains:

Hose - port B to boom ram head-side D

Hose - port A to boom ram rod-side

D - Large sleeve contains all three smaller sleeves and

must be pos1t1oned to protect the smaller sleeves
where they pass through the slew pivot and boom
9H - 03


Side -shift diggers

Letters relate to the control valve port to which the hoses are connected.
Details of services operated b.y each port is shown in Section 8B.

z ~

9H- 04


(side-shift diggers) 5
Remove and Refit 9H • 01 - 04
Remove I
1: Extend stabilizer leg by approximately 150 mm 6
(6 inch) and position a jack under the stabilizer
2. Remove nut and bolt from pivot:
3. Remove bottom pivot pin.
4.- Lower jack 50 mm (2 inch). and refit pin through
stabilizer leg and foot but not the ram.
5. Remove both bolts and spring washers. then lift off
the top cover.
6. Disconnect both hydraulic pipes from ram and fit
steel blanking caps (¾ JIC) to both ports of the
T Remove split pin and drive out top, mounting pin.
8. Jack up stabilizer leg until ram extends above the
stabiiizer leg box sufficiently for a sling to be
attached to the ram.
9: Lift out stabilizer ram.

Reverse instructions 1 to 9

(side-shift diggers)
Remove and refit 9H • 02 - 04

Special tools
Lifting bracket (see drawing)

1. Remove the stabilizer ram per operation 9H • 01
2. Remove bottom mounting pin.
3. Fit the lifting bracket to a chain and lower it down
through the stabilizer teg.
4, Turn bottom pin until the bolt hole is vertical, then
refit pin through both the leg and lifting bracket.

5. Engage dowel on the lifting bracket with the hole in
the pin to prevent the pin from moving and causing
damage to the wear pads as the leg is withdrawn

Reverse instructions 1 to 5. \
9H - 05



(side-shift diggers)
Service 9H • 03 - 05
Special tools
No special tools are required except that the wear pad
cages are attached w,th spot welds which must be
ground off before cages and pads can be removed

1. Remove stabilizer leg per operation 9H • 02

2. Gnnd off welds from both top and bottom edges of
the pad retainer plates on the leg and remove
retainers and pads.
3. Gnnd welds off the pad retainer frame 1ns1de the
leg housing (welds are only on the bottom edge)
and remove retainer and pads.
4. Grind off any remaining weld or burrs from both leg
and housing. If the retainers are ,n good cond1t1on
they may be re-used.
5. Measure front to back width of the leg at both top
and bottom and calculate an average d1mens,on A.
Measure front to back internal width of the leg
housing at both top and bottom and calculate an
average dimension B.
Required pad thickness = A- B

Choose pads from the following table

part number thickness colour
mm Inch
3503 830 M1 14.0/14.25 0.55/0.56 grey
3503 821 M1 13.Q/13.25 0.511052 orange
3501 743 M1 12.0/12.25 0.47/0.48 green
3501 744 M1 11.25111.50 0.44/0.45 red
When pads of equal thickness cannot be fitted
both sides of the leg. !11 the thicker pads to the
front. Adjacent pads must be of equal thickness
6. Repeat instruction 5 on the side to side width of the
stabilizer leg.
7 When all the pads have been assigned. assernb1e
them into their respective retainers and tack we1d
,n pos1t1on on the leg and housing. Refit leg into
housing and check that there 1s no more than a
total of 4 mm (C.16 ,nch) movement possible at the
extreme outer end of the leg in e!ther front-to-back
or s1de-to-s1de directions. The leg must slide
throughout ,ts full travel with no more than 100 kg
(220 lb) force being required.
8. Remove the leg and. ,t no further ad1ustment of the
pads ,s needed. weld the retainers onto the leg and
housing as shown
9. Refit leg to housing per operation 9H • 02.
10 Refit stabt11zer ram per operation 9H • 01
9H - 06



(side-shift diggers) Reverse ,nstruct1ons 1 to 9 except:
Remove and Refit 9H • 04 - 06 11. Completely fill cavity in top bearing housing with

Remove approved grease.

1. Fully offset the digger. but do not re-clamp it to the 12. Smear a proprietary anti-seize compound onto the
backframe. Stop the engine and fully de-pressurize ram rod pins before refitting.
the hydraulic system. ·
2. Disconnect both slew hoses and clamp system hose BOTTOM SLEW RAM
at the point where they enter the hose guide. (side-shift diggers)
3. Remove four bolts and spring washers then Remove and Refit 9H • 05 - 06
manoeuvre the hose guide out of the backframe. Remove
4. Re-connect slew and clamp system hoses then 1. Remove top slew ram per operation 9H • 04. ·
start the engine and side-shift the digger
2. Remove bolt and ram rod pivot pin.
approximately 150 mm (6 inch) back towards the
centre of the machine. 3. Remove all four bolts from the cross-member.

5. Label and disconnect all four hoses from the top 4. Use a soft faced mallet to drive the cross-member
slew ram. off dowels located at each end.
6. Disconnect hose from the clamp system manifold. 5 Lift off bottom slew ram.
7. Remove bolt and ram rod pivot pin. If the digger has Refit
been in service for some time these pins may be Reverse instructions 1 to 5 except:
very tight. in which case use a jack to push them
6. Refit ram with the large trunnion bearing
downwards. and pack cavity with approved grease.
8. Remove all four bolts and spring washers from top
7. Fit bracket and tighten all four bolts to 750 Nm
bearing housing, and tie hose bracket to one side.
(555 lbf ft)
9. Fit two bolts into the th~eaded holes in the bearing
housing and jack it out of the mast.
10. Lift the top slew ram· forwards. out of the digger
back-frame. Slew rams are heavy therefore use
caution when lifting.

__ ·.· ..
9H - 07


(side-shift diggers)
Remove and Refit 9H • 06 - 07
Special tools:
Torque multIplIer
Ram service Is covered in Section 8D
Warning-never remove more than one clamp ram at a h.
time as the complete digger Is attached to the ~
backframe by the clamp rams.
1. Release hydraulic coupling from clamp ram.
2. Remove bolt then hit off ram assembly and spacer
3 3. Slide anvil out of back-frame.

4. Ensure threaded hole In anvil Is clean and free from

burrs before refitting.
5. Fit bolt. ram assembly and spacer
6. Tighten bolt to 1630 Nm (1200 lbf ft)

(side-shift diggers)
Remove and Refit 9H • 07 - 07
1. Pos111on the digging arm at 90° to the backlrame
and thoroughly de-pressurize the hydraulic system
2. Pos1t1on a robust prop under the dIpperst1ck pivot
pin to prevent the digging arm falling sideways 11
accidentally moved.
3. Release four bolts from right-hand hose guide
4. Release four bolts from left-hand hose guide.
5. Place a drip tray under the hoses. Label and
remove all eight hoses from the terminal bracket
6. Remove lour bolts and spring washers which retain
the hose clamp to the slew post.
7. Remove bolt and nut from boom ram rod-side pivot
8. Support boom lift ram while removing pin
9 Pos1t1on a 1ack under the boom pivot
10. Remove cIrcilp and drive out the pivot pin

Reverse InstructIons 1 to 10

9H O 08


(side-shift diggers) 6/9
Remove and Refit 9H • 08 - 08
Special tools:
thread protector - bottom pivot pin
1. Remove boom per operation 9H • 07.
2. Remove anchor bolts and both slew ram pivot pins.
3. Remove the 1½inch UNF nut and washer from the
bottom pivot pin and fit the thread protector.
4. Remove location bolt from top pivot pin.
5. Attach a chain sling to the boom ram pivot hole.
6. Drive out the top pivot pin and fit a bar of smaller
diameter through the top pivot.
7. Use a jack to press out the bottom pivot pin. which
is a tight fit in the spherical bush.
8. Remove long and short spacers.
9. Remove the slave pin and lift off the slew post.
.10. Remove 6 bolts and retainer plate.
11. Press out spherical bearing from mast assembly.
Reverse instructions 1 to 11 except:
12. Use molybdenum disulphide grease to liberally coat
the spherical bearing during assembly. 7
13. Tighten nut to 645 Nm (475 lbf ft)
14. Refit boom per operation 9H • 07.

(side-shift diggers)
Remove and Refit 9H • 09 - 08
1. Remove top slew ram per operation 9H • 04.
2. Remove bottom slew ram per operation
9H • 05.
3. Remove boom and dipperstick per operation
9H • 07. 5
4. Remove slew post per operation 9H • 08.
5. Remove metal pipes from all 4 clamp rams and
6. Attach a sling to the mast casting then remove all .
clamp rams. starting at the bottom and lift off mast.
assembly. Q


Reverse instructions 1 to 7 except:

8. Tighten ctamp ram bolts to 1630 Nm (1200 lbf ft).
9H - 09


8. Remove both "U" bolts and jack-up the complete

DIGGER ASSEMBLY backframe to lift the bottom mounting pins clear of
(side-shift diggers) the sideframe cups. It is advisable to support the
Remove and Refit backframe on robust stands to prevent leaks down
9H • 10 - 09
over a prolonged period.
9. Carefully drive the machine away from the digger.
1 Lower stabilizers and partially offset digger to one Guide the tie-bars so that they exit cleanly from the
side. machine.
2. Slacken. but do not remove. both ·u· bolts which
retain the bottom mounting pins.
3. Remove split-pins from front ends of the tie bars Refit
and remove the pins. it may be necessary to gently
rock the backframe backwards and forwards using Reverse instructions l to 9 except:
the digger. IO. take great care to guide the tie-bars into position as
4. Disconnect all control rods from the valve spools. the machine is reversed towards the digger
11. Refit the "U" bolts and nuts but do not tighten
5. Remove all three bolts then lift and secure the
12. Refit all hydraulic hoses and controls
control pedestal clear of the control valve. (the
13. Start the engine and use the digger to achieve the
spool valve remains attached to the digger
fine adjustment necessary to insert the tie-bar pins
14. Tighten both "lI'' bolts to 380 Nm (280 lbfft)
6. Disconnect the multi-pm wiring plugs to the rear
7. Disconnect the pressure and return hoses from the
spool valve and. using a male/male adaptor.
connect both hoses together directly.
1f -




8/14 4
9H -10


(centre-mount diggers)
Remove and Refit 9H • 11 - 10
Although only one slew ram is described here. both
slew rams are accessible at instruction 7.
1. Position the digger centrally, lower it to the ground,
stop the engine and thoroughly de-pressurize the
hydraulic system.
2: Remove .bolt and lock washer.
3. Punch out pivot pin. If the machine has been in
service some time this pin may be very tight and
require pushing out. using a jack.
4. Remove both hoses from the slew ram.
5 Release four bolts spring washers and nuts then
remove strut.
6. Remove four bolts and self-locking nuts.
7. Lift trunnion plate off both slew rams.
8. Lift out the slew ram.
Reverse instructions 1 to 8 except:
a Tighten four bolts which secure the trunnion plate. 6 8 2/3
to 465 Nm (343 lbf ft).

(centre-mount diggers)
Remove and refit 9H • 12 -10
1. Position the boom centrally and put a robust prop
under the dipperstick pivot pin.
2. Stop the engine_ and thoroughly de-pressurize the
hydraulic system.
3. Label all hoses before removing them from the
spool valve.
4. Remove bolt and nut
5. Support the boom ram rod while removing the pin.
6. Position a jack under the boom pivot.
7. Remove circlips from both ends of the boom. pivot
pin and use a soft punch to drive out the pin.
8. Guide the hoses through the slew post as the
machine is carefully moved away from the digger.
Reverse instructions 1 to 8

9H -11


( centre-mount diggers)
Remove and Refit 9H • 13 - 11
Special tools
Thread protector
1 _ Remove the boom per operation 9H • 12.
2, Remove bolt and lock washer and drive out slew
ram rod pin using a soft drift. The pin may be tight
and require a 1ack to push It out .
3. Repeat Instr~ctIon 2 on the other slew ram
4. Attach a hoist to the slew post.
5. Remove bolt and self-locking nut and washer.
6. Use a Iack to push the top pivot pin out. Replace
the pin with a slave bar of smaller diameter
7. Remove the self-locking nut from the bottom pivot
pin and fit the specIaI thread protector
8. Jack the bottom pin out of the spherical bearing
and remove both spacers. Pull the slave pin out of
the top bearing and 11ft off the s!ew post
9. Remove hose protector
10. Remove all six bolts and 11ft off top. bearing retaIne•
11 Press out spherical bearing.
12. Repeat instructions 10 and 11 for the bottom

Reverse instructions 1 to 12 except:

13. Coat inner races of spherical bearings with
molybdenum d1suIph1de before reflmng.
7 14. Tighten bottom pivot locknut to 645 Nm (475 lb! ftl
9H -12


(centre-mount digger)
Remove and Refit 9H • 14 - 12
1. Pos1t1on the digger centrally and place a robust
stand under the dipperstick pivot. Lower the
2. Slacken. but do not remove both ·u· bolts which
retain the bottom mounting pins.
3. Remove anchor bolts and top mounting pms. It may
be necessary to use the digging arm to gently rock
the backframe forwards and backwards until both
pms can be removed
4. Disconnect all control rods from the spool valve.
5. Remove all three bolts and nuts which retain the
control pedestal and lift it clear of the backframe.
(the spool valve remains attached to the
6. Disconnect pressure and return hoses from the
spool valve and use a male/male adaptor to
connect both hoses together directly.
7. Remove both ·u· bolts and jack the complete
backframe to lift the bottom mounting pms clear ot
the sideframe cups and support the backframe on
robust stands. ·
8. Carefully move the machine away froni the digger
Reverse instructions 1 to 8 except:
9. Tighten bottom ·u· bolts to 380 Nm (280 lbf ft).
1459 190 M4



10A Cab/ROPS
Issue 3 10A-01


Group 1OSection A

Issue Three

Op No Description page

Special tools 02
Description 03
10A • 01 - 04 Series 1 cab - R/R 04
10A • 02- 05 Series 2 cab - R/R 05
10A • 03 -'06 Series - S cab - R/R 06
10A • 04 - 07 Series - S cab, Suspend and re-connect 07
10A-02 Issue 3


Cab lifting frame series 1 cab
Cab lifting frame series 2 cab

Cab lifting frame series 1 cab -

cab lifting frame series 2 cab

Cab lifting beam aeries S

ISSUE 2 10A-03


Series 1 cab is an all-steel welded structure suspended
within the roll-over protective structure (ROPS) by rubber
mountings. The Series 2 cab has the ROPS built
integrally within the cab and the whole assembly 1s
mounted on four. rubber isolation mounts. All controls are
connected to the chassis by cable or hydraulic hose with
the exception of the digger and loader control valves
which use quickly detachable rods for accurate and light
The cab incorporates a heater matrix and fan located
within the seat plinth.
Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) are certified to
meet various safety standards while in an undamaged
condition. Bent or otherwise damaged ROPS must be f>..
scrapped and a new ROPS ftttecl. Do not attempt ft ,
repairs as these will adversely affect the stress pattern
within the structure and can be dangerous if the vehicle is
rolled over again.

Series 1 cab and separate

roll over protective structure
10A-04 ISSUE 2


Remove and refit 10A•01-04
It is simpler to remove the cab complete with ROP
1. Remove the four comer bolts from the roof and
install four eye bolts.
2. Attach lifting hooks and use a loader-spreader frame
to stop any sideways strain on the eye bolts.
3. Disconnect the battery leads.
4. Disconnect engine stop control and throttle cables.
5. Disconnect dutch control cable at the cab end and
withdraw the cables from the cab. (some territories).
6. Disconnect the multi-pin wiring connectors under
the cab.
7. Disconnect brake hoses between cab and rear axle
top cover.
8. Disconnect the cable from the differential lock lever
under the cab.
9. Disconnect the hand brake cable from the cab end
and withdraw cable.
10. On 4 wheel drive machines only, disconnect the
cable from the cab control and withdraw cable,
(Schindler axle only).
11. Disconnect the tour steering hoses from the front of
cab structure, identify each hose tor ease of
12. Disconnect both heater hoses under the cab floor.
13. Disconnect djgger control valves operating rods
from the valve spools and remove the three control
pedestal bolts.
14. Release band dip from the gaiter around the loader
control levers, and slide off the gaiter.
15. Release the speedometer drive cable from the rear
axle cover under the cab.
16. Release the tachometer drive cable at the cab end
and withdraw cable.
17. Release the ROP frame from the mounting brackets
and lift cab off the machine.
Reverse procedures 1 to 17 except:
18. Fit the ROP back onto the machine and tighten
mounting bolts to 268NM (198 lbf ft).
19. Bleed the hydraulic brake system per operation
20. When the cab is fully reconnected to the machine,
re-test all controls for correct functioning especially
the steering system, brakes, engine stop and Instant
Reverse pedal operation.
ISSUE 2 10A-05


SERIES2CAB 14. Disconnect both heater hoses under cab floor.

15. Disconnect all digger control valve operating rods
Remove and refit 10A•02-05 from the spools.
Special tools: 16. Remove three bolts retaining control pedestal to
digger backframe, lift pedestal and insert a wooden
Cab lifting frame block under the stabilizer control levers to prevent
the pedestal dropping when lifting the cab.
Remove 17. Release band clip from gaiter around the loader
1. Remove front and rear valance panels from root. control levers and slide off the gaiter.
2. Position the tour rubber-faced lifting pads under the 18. Release speedometer drive cable from the rear axle
roof skin. cover, under cab.
19. MF 50H - release tachometer cable at cab end and
In no circumstances should a chain or canvass withdraw cable.
sling be passed through the door aperture for 20. MF 30H - release tachometer cable from rear of
lifting purposes This will cause serious engine block.
structural damage tD the cab. 21. MF 30H - remove gear lever extensions.
3. Disconnect the battery. 22. MF 30H - disconnect clutch cable at gear box end.
4. Disconnect engine stop control cable. 23. Release all four cab mountings.
5. Disconnect engine throttle control cable. 24. Lift cab structure a short distance and check that
6. Remove front floor plate. cables and hoses are not fouling anything and that
7. MF 30H- disconnect forward/reverse shift cable at all disconnections have been made.
the gearbox end. 25. Lift cab away from machine.
8. MF 50H - disconnect gear shift lever from gearbox
extension. Refit
9. Disconnect multipin wiring connector at front left Reverse instructions 1 to 25 except:
side of bulkhead. 26. Tighten cab mounting bolts to 400Nm (295 lbf ft).
10. Disconnect brake hoses between cab and rear axle
27. De-aerate the brake system per operation 6A•23.
top cover. 28. Test all controls for correct functioning especially
11. Disconnect cable trorrJ differential lock lever under steering, brakes, engine stop and transmission
control/ clutch.
12. Disconnect handbrake cable from cab end.
13. Disconnect four hoses leading to the Orbitrol
steering valve. Label hoses before removing.

10A- 06 Issue 3


SERIES -S CAB 13. Disconnect both heater hoses under cab floor.
Remove and Refit 10A • 03 - 06 14. Disconnect all digger control valve operating rods
from the spools.
Special tools:
15. Remove all three bolts retaining control pedestal to
Cab lifting beam digger backframe. lift pedestal and insert a wooden
Remove block under the stabilizer control levers to prevent
1. Remove plugs from the two tapped holes located at the pedestal dropping when lifting the cab.
diagonally opposite corners of the roof. 16. Release band clip from gaiter around the loader
control levers and slide off the gaiter.
2. Fit eye bolts to both holes. These two llfllng points
are only suitable for vertical loadlng and therefore 17. Release speedometer drive cable from the rear
a proper load spreader must always be used. axle cover. under the cab.

A The complete cab should not be llfted by means of

a chain or canva.. sling paaaed through the door
18. Release tachometer cable at cab end and
withdraw cable.
aperture. Thia may cause structural damage to 19. Disconnect wires from the transmission control
the cab. solenoids. transmission oil temperature switch. both
3. Disconnect the battery. safety start switches, 4 wheel drive solenoid and
4. Disconnect engine stop control cable. fifth speed solenoid (the last two items relate only
to machines fitted with the relevant options).
5. Disconnect engine throttle control cable.
20. Remove all four cab mounting bolts.
6. Remove front floor plate.
21. Lift cab structure a short distance and check that
7. Disconnect gear shift lever from gearbox extension.
cables and hoses are not fouling anything and that
8. Disconnect multipin wiring connector at front left all disconnections have been made.
side of bulkhead.
22. Lift cab away from machine.
9. Disconnect brake hoses between cab and rear axle
top cover.
Reverse instructions 1 to 21 except:
10. Disconnect cable from differential lock lever, under
cab.· 23. Tighten cab mounting bolts to 400 Nm (295 lbf ft).
11. Discon:iect handbrake cable at the cab end. 24. De-aerate the brake system per operation
6Ae 23.
12. Label and disconnect all four hoses from the
Orbitrol steering valve. 25. Test all controls for correct functioning especially
steering, brakes. engine stop and transmission
Issue 3 10A- 07


SERIES - S CAB 11. Remove all three bolts retaining control pedestal to
digger backtrame. lift pedestal and insert a wooden
Suspend and re-connect 10A • 04 -07 block under the stabilizer control levers to prevent
Special tools: the pedestal dropping when lifting the cab.

Spreader bar 12. Open the rear windows and pass the strap sling
through the cab.The sling must form an angle of at
Strap sling least 45° to the cab roof. if this cannot be achieved
This procedure is useful for removal of the rear axle then a spreader bar must be used.
and tansmission assembly backwards out of the 13. Remove the rear two cab mounting bolts.
14. Disconnect wires from the transmission control
solenoids. transmission 011 temperature switch. both
Suspend safety start switches. 4 wheel drive solenoid and
fifth speed solenoid (the last two items relate only
1. Disconnect the battery.
to machines fitted with the relevant options).
2. Disconnect engine stop control cable.
3. Disconnect engine throttle control cable.
4. Remove front floor plate. Reverse instructions 1 to 14 except:
5. Disconnect gear shift lever from gearbox extension. 15. Tighten cab moutmg boltsto 400 Nm (295 lbf ft)
6. Disconnect brake hoses between cab and rear axle 16. Vent the brake system per operation 6A • 23.
top cover. 17. Test all controls tor correct functioning.
7. Disconnect cable from differential lock lever. under
8. Disconnect handbrake cable at the cab end.
9. Disconnect both heater hoses under cab floor.
10. Disconnect all digger control valve operating rods
from the spools.
1459 190 M4



13A Wheels and Tyres



Group13 Section A


Op.No. Operation page

Special tools 2
Safety precautions 2
13A • 01 - 04 Inner tube, remove/ refit 4
13A • 02 - 06 Tyre, remove/refit 5
Liquid filling of tyres 6


Special Tools
• Bead unseating tool

• Mallet (for unseating beads)

• Tyre lever 1000mm (361 long (X2)

• Tyre lever 500mm (181 long (X2)

• Wire brush
• Approved tyre mounting lubricant
• Remote control inflation line with clip-on chuck

• Air/ inflation gauge

A • NEVER re-inflate a tyre that has been run flat or seriously
underinflated without removing and checking for tyre. tube or
rim damage.

• ALWAYS use specialiZed toots as recommended by tyre

suppliers for mounting and demounting of tyres.

• NEVER attempt to unseat beads of an inflated tyre.

• ALWAYS remove valve core and core housing and deflate
tyre completely before servicing.

• ALWAYS inspect inside of tyre for loose cords, cuts.

penetrating objects. or other carcass damage. Repairable
damage should be repaired before installing tube. Tyres wtth
unrepairable damage should be discarded.

• ALWAYS clean and inspect rim.

• NEVER rework. weld, heat or braze nms.
• ALWAYS check rim diameter to be sure it exactly matches
rim diameter moulded on tyre.

• ALWAYS inspect inside of tyre for dirt. liquids. or foreign

material and remove before installing tube.

eNEVER install tubes that have buckled or creased.

• ALWAYS use new tubes in new tyres.
• NEVER use a tube in a casing larger or smaller than that tor
which the tube was designed by the manufacturer.

• ALWAYS check to be sure tube is clean before instalhng ,n



• ALWAYS lubricate with approved tyre mounting lubricant.

Never use anti-freeze. silicones or petroleum-base lubricants.

•NEVER hit tyre or rim with hammer.

•ALWAYS use extension hose with gauge and clip--on chuck
so that operator may stand aside during inflation.

•ALWAYS inspect valve cores and sealing cap for proper air
retention. Replace damaged or leaky cores or caps.

•ALWAYS inflate tyre to tyre manufacturer's recommended

cold operating pressure.

Before mounting a tyre on a used rim, be sure flange area
(particularly the bead seat area) is clean and smooth. Remove
any buildup of rust, corrosion or old rubber with chisel or wire
brush. Never mount a tyre on a rim where any parts show
cracks. damage, or have been repaired by welding or brazing.
Thoroughly inspect inside of casing for damage or foreign
material. Make sure that both tyre and tube are completely
dry, as moisture deteriorates the cord fabric of the tyre and
may result in eventual failure of the tyre.
Lubricate both beads with a thin solution of vegetable oil soap
in water, or equivalent rub~er lubricant recommended for this
requirement. (Never use petroleum-base solutions or

Wheel Nuts
If a wheel is removed and replaced for puncture repair or any
other reason the wheels nuts must be tightened to the torques
given below and checked daily until stabilised.
Rear wheels 300 Nm (220 lbf ft)
Front wheels, 2 wheel drive 275 Nm (200 lbf ft)

Front wheels, 4 wheel drive 300 Nm (220 lbf ft)

Front wheels, 3 cylinder tractors 160Nm (120 lbf ft)

Always use the special washers under the rear wheel nuts. If
either the nuts or washers are lost they must only be replaced
with genuine Massey Ferguson parts.


Remove and Refit 13A•01-04
Special Tools: Bead unseating tool
Tyre Levers

1. Lay the wheel on ground with the valve uppermost.

2. Deflate tyre by removing valve core.
3. Remove the valve retaining nut.

4. Drive the bead unseating tool between tyre and rim,

taking care not to damage rim or tyre.

5. After bead has been released from rim, invert wheel and
repeat item 3.

6. Lubricate rim, tyre and base of the tube with a solution of

soap and water or an approved lubricant.
7. Starting at the valve location. pry tyre off the rim, taking
small bites with tyre levers, and ensuring that the bead
on the opposite side is fully located in rim well.
8. With the wheel in a vertical position. pull tyre forwards
and remove tube.
Examine the bead seating area of the rim. Remove any build-
up of rust, corrosion or old rubber. Inspect inside tyre casing
for debris or damage.
9. Inflate inner tube until 'rounded out'. Place the tube in
the tyre with the valve located through valve hole in the
rim. Refit the valve retaining nut, finger tight.

10. Refit tyre. starting opposite valve location taking small

bites with long tyre levers and keeping the fixed part of
the bead fully located in the well.

A solution of soap and water. or similar rubber lubricant.

I::\. brushed on to the rim and bead will help fitment.

~ Care must be taken not to pinch the tube when fitting.

11. Centre the tyre on the rim and inflate to approx. 2.4 bar
(25 ib/in 2).

A Never stand over the assembly when inflating, remote

. . control Inflation equipment should be used.
12. Remove the valve core and completely deflate the tyre.
13. Refit the valve core and inflate to recommended
A pressure.
. . Warning

If beads fail to seat at 2, 4 bar (35 lb/Irr) the tube may be

pinched, do not Increase the pressure but remove the
valve core and release tyre from rim. Lubricate tyre, bead
and rim and re-inflate to 2, 4 bar (35 lb/ln2) repeat process
until both beads are property seated.
When seating beads, Inflation beyond 2, 4 bar (35 lbf/ln2)
may break the bead or rim with explosive force, sufficient
to cause serious physical injury or death. Inspect both
sides of tyre to ensure both beads are evenly seated, If not.
then completely deflate tyre and repeat the complete
remounting procedure.
13A 05





Remove and Refit 13A•02-06
Special Tools: Bead unseating tool
Tyre Levers

1. Remove inner tube as stated in operation 13Ae01.

2. With the wheel in a vertical position pry off the tyre taking
small bites with the tyre levers. The use of rubber
lubricant will help removal.
3. Place rim on the ground, lubricate the bead and rim and
place tyre on rim.

4. Refit tyre to rim, using long tyre levers.

5. Refit inner tube.





Most tyres can be water ballasted to increase traction or
provide added counterweight. In most cases the maximum
amount of liquid added to the tyre is 75% of the tyre volume.
Though water alone can be used, it is essential for calcium
chloride (CaCl2) to be used if frost is possible, the following
table shows the lowest temperatures, at which various
mixtures, will prevent freezing.

CaCl:z/Water Safe Minimum


grams/litre lb/US gal ·c "F

204 1.7 -7 19
420 3.5 -24 -12
600 5.0 -46 -52

The table of weights shown below is based on a mixture rate

of 420gm/litre (3.5 lb US gal.) and using Type 1 (77%)
commercial calcium chloride flake.
Certain tractor models are not suitable for water ballasting and
approval must first be obtained in writing from Massey
Ferguson, whenever such restrictions apply.
To prevent acidity, lime should be added at the rate of: one
part lime per 100 parts calcium chloride.

Tyre Size Water Calcium Total

Chloride Weight

Litres US gal Kg lbs Kg lbs

Front tyres

11L X 15 45 12 19 42 64 142
7.5/80 X 16 32 8.5 14 30 46 101
9.00 X 16 50 110
11.00 X 16 70 154
11L X 16 49 13 21 46 70 155

Rear tyres

16.9X28 223 59 94 207 317 699

16.9X30 238 63 100 221 339 746
16.9 X 24 197 52 83 182 280 616
17.5L X 24 178 47 75 165 253 557
19.5LX24 227 60 95 210 322 710
18.4 X 16.1 159 42 67 147 226 497

Tyre type Valve stem Rim valve Tube type Tuoo;.-~
hole diam. tyres tyres
-in. mm.

Front tyres Straight 0.453 11.5 TR 13 CW TR 413

bent 0.453 11.5 TR 87

Fi'cv.t or-rear tyre$ straight 0.625 15.9 TR 15 CW TR 415

straight 0.£25 15.9 TR 218 A TR 618 A

bent 0.625 15.9 TR 135 A

18.LX 16.1 tyoos straight 0.625 15.9 TR 220A TR 618 A

All ·the "above v~s are designed for air or !iquid filling except TR 87 which is
suitabte only for air.·

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