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1.Shalini a/p M.Jayaraam Kumaran - 1221302649


1. Point-of view
Giving bonus to civil servants. To civil servants give rm 700 as annual salary increments,
unrecorded compassionate leave for the deaths of siblings and grandparents, an increase in
replacement leaves and special financial aid for civil servants and Rm 350 for pensioners.

Help civil servants cope with the rising cost of living. National budget would be retabled and
the government will table its emoluments budget in the coming parliament sitting on dec 19, before
the full budget is tabled early next year.

2. Purpose

The writer brings to light the issue of better quality of life for the general public. Fighting for
a better quality of living by not abolishing incentives to fight the cost of living as well as annual salary
increments were brought up too. The writer also expresses that Cuepac (Congress of Unions of
Employees in the Public and Civil Services) hopes that civil servants would be given bonuses since
the last one they received was in 2012.

3. Tone
The tone of the writer is hopeful as he argue about the annual salary increment, unrecorded
compassionate leave for the deaths of siblings and grand parents, an increase in replacement leave
and special financial aid for civil servants [RM700] and pensioners [RM 350]

4. Bias
Bias is any Anwar Ibrahim should remain incintives for public servant in the national budget
table by the previous government.

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