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Title register for:

4 Hillcrest, Northside, Workington, CA14 1AZ (Freehold)

Title number: CU131242

Accessed on 22 August 2023 at 09:50:00
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order an official copy of the register.

Register summary

Title number CU131242

Registered owners Castles & Coasts Housing Association Limited

3 Paternoster Row, Carlisle CA3 8TT

Last sold for No price recorded

A: Property Register
This register describes the land and estates comprised in this title.

Entry number Entry date

1 1997-10-20 CUMBRIA : ALLERDALE

The Freehold land shown edged with red on the

plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and
being 1 to 33, 68 to 84 Hill Crest; 1 to 6, 8, 9, 11, 12,
14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32 Burrow
Walls; land on the north side of Northside Road,

2 1997-10-20 The Transfers of adjoining properties which were

made pursuant to the Housing Acts 1980-1985
took effect with the benefit of and subject to the
easements and other rights prescribed by those

3 1997-10-20 There are excluded from this registration the mines

and minerals excepted by the Conveyance dated
22 November 1951 referred to in the Charges
Register in the following terms and the land is also
subject to the following ancillary powers of

"Except and Reserved in fee simple unto the

Company and their successors in title the minerals
and other rights and interests mentioned in the
Second Schedule hereto but subject to all
easements restrictions and liabilities (if any)
affecting the same (so far as the same may be
subsisting) to any leases agreements for leases and
tenancies affecting the same or to mines and
minerals thereunder or therein and to such
provisions of the Coal Act 1938 as affect the
property hereby conveyed and to any subsisting
liability to repair party walls fences roads or streets


Particulars of Exceptions and Reservations

1. All mines and minerals stone and clay and other

like substances whatsoever within or under the
property hereby conveyed other than coal and such
ancillary substances and rights as are vested in the
National Coal Board Together with full power for
the Company or their successors in title owners or
lessees for the time being of such mines minerals
stone sand and clay to search for win work get carry
away and make merchantable the excepted
premises with or without leaving any subjacent or
lateral support for the surface or any buildings
erected or to be hereafter erected thereon and to
get the excepted premises and also to work
without leaving lateral support for the surface of
the property hereby conveyed or any buildings
erected or to be erected hereafter thereon and to
get any mines minerals stone sand clay and other
like substances within upon or under any adjacent
or other lands which may belong to or be worked by
the persons or lessees for the time being entitled to
the excepted premises and also to do all acts and
things whatsoever upon or under the surface of the
property conveyed necessary proper or convenient
for exercising the said powers and for all purposes
ancillary thereto


Reasonable compensation shall be paid by the

persons exercising the foregoing powers to the
Purchasers or other the owners or occupiers for the
time being of the property hereby conveyed for any
damage done from time to time to the surface of
the said property or to any building for the time
being standing thereon or on any part thereof by
reason of the exercise of the said powers but the
Purchasers shall not be entitled to compensation
for damage to the surface of the property hereby
conveyed or to any buildings erected or hereafter
to be erected thereon caused by mines or minerals
having been worked or removed before the date

2. All ways rights of light and other easements

whatsoever actually used or enjoyed at the date
hereof and the right to enjoy and to make use of all
watercourses and the free passage and running of
water and soil within and through the sewers drains
and watercourses made or laid or to be made or laid
in upon through over or along the property hereby
conveyed and the use in common with the
Purchasers of all water gas and electric supply
mains which may now be in the said property

3. Full and free right for the Company and their

successors in title to make and maintain all such
connections and other works and conveniences as
may be reasonably necessary to enable the
Company to make use of and enjoy the rights
reserved to them by paragraph 2 hereinbefore
contained the Company or their successors in title
to make good all damage done by them in making
or maintaining such connections or works"

4 1997-12-01 The land edged and numbered in green on the title

plan has been removed from this title and
registered under the title number or numbers
shown in green on the said plan.

5 1999-05-14 The land has the benefit of the following rights

granted by but is subject to the following rights
reserved by a Transfer of the land in this title and
other land dated 31 March 1999 made between (1)
Allerdale Borough Council (the Council) and (2)
Derwent and Solway Housing Association Limited
(the Association):-

"TOGETHER WITH the rights and easements set

forth in Schedule A hereto EXCEPTING AND
RESERVING for the benefit of the Council and the
occupiers of all land adjacent to or adjoining the
Property including the Retained Land and each and
every part thereof the rights set forth in Schedule B
hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Association in
fee simple absolutely SUBJECT TO the Restrictions
(insofar as the same affect the Property and are
still subsisting and capable of being enforced) AND
any right or easement granted or reserved by
transfers or conveyances of any adjoining or
neighbouring property previously sold by the
Council or its predecessors in title pursuant to Part
V of the Housing Act 1957 Chapter 1 of Part 1 of the
Housing Act 1980 or Part V of the Housing Act
1985 TOGETHER WITH such rights (if any)
reserved by the transfers or conveyances of any
adjoining land previously sold by the Council or its
predecessors in title in so far as the same are still
subsisting and capable of taking legal effect




1. The right of subjacent and lateral support from

the Retained Land and each and every part thereof
for the benefit of the Property.


2. The right for the Association and the owner or

owners and occupiers for the time being of the
Property or any part thereof and all persons
authorised by it or them at all times and for all
reasonable purposes connected with the use and
enjoyment of the Property or any part thereof in
common with the Council and all other persons to
whom a like right has been or may hereafter be
granted to for all reasonable purposes connected
with the use and enjoyment of the Property to pass
and repass (with or without vehicles in the case of
roads and accessways) over and along the amenity
areas, footpaths, roads and accessways forming
part of the Retained Land subject to the
Association paying its fair and reasonable
proportion of the Council's costs in maintaining
repairing, replacing or renewing them PROVIDED
THAT the Council may upon giving not less than 28
days written notice to the Association or its
successors in title (except in the case of
emergency) from time to time alter the route of any
roads and accessways through the Retained Land
and if it does so shall provide suitable alternative
routes at its own expense causing minimum
inconvenience and making good as soon as
practicable any damage so caused AND PROVIDED
FURTHER THAT any alternative route provided
over the Retained Land to the Property shall be
adequate for the present use and occupation of the


3. The right subject to not less than 7 days' prior

written notice to the Council (except in case of
emergency) to enter upon the Retained Land with
or without workmen and others materials and
appliances for the purposes of repairing replacing
maintaining and/or decorating the buildings now
erected on the Property or the open space and
amenity areas and the footpaths, roads and
accessways (the Association making good
forthwith at its own expense all damage and loss
caused thereby)


4. The free and uninterrupted right to the passage

and running of water soil gas electricity or other
fuel telephone television and other services to and
from the Property through and along all Service
Conduits as are now or where there is any
replacement or renewal thereof as may during the
Perpetuity Period be constructed on over through
in or under the Retained Land as are used or
intended to be used jointly or in common with the
Council and all other persons who are or may
hereafter be entitled to connect with or use the
same or any of them subject to the Association
paying its fair and reasonable proportion of the
Council's costs in maintaining repairing, replacing
or renewing them TOGETHER WITH the right and
subject to not less than 7 days' prior written notice
to the Council (except in case of emergency) to
enter on to the Retained Land with or without
workmen and others materials and appliances for
the purpose of connecting to laying inspecting
repairing maintaining renewing altering adjusting
and cleansing such Service Conduits (the
Association causing as little inconvenience and
damage as possible and making good forthwith at
its own expense all damage and loss caused
thereby) PROVIDED ALWAYS that this right
includes the right during the Perpetuity Period to
make further connections and laying in under
through or over the roads footpaths and
accessways from time to time forming part of the
Retained Land such further Service Conduits as are
reasonably necessary for any increased flow from
time to time


5. The rights to the unimpeded access and

enjoyment of light and air now and during the
Perpetuity Period to all the windows in the
buildings now upon the Property from or over the
Retained Land


6.1 All easements quasi-easements liberties

privileges rights and advantages now used and
enjoyed and which would be implied by statute or
by reason of severance hereby effected over the
Retained Land except rights of light and air or other
rights which would unreasonably interfere with the
free use of the Retained Land for building and other
purposes SUBJECT TO the Association paying a fair
proportion according to user of the cost of
repairing and maintaining any such easement or
quasi-easement the use of which is appurtenant to
the Property.




1. The right of subjacent and lateral support from

the Property and each and every part thereof for
the benefit of the Retained Land.


2. The right for the Council and the owner or

owners and occupiers for the time being of the
Retained Land or any part thereof and all persons
authorised by it or them in common with the
Association and all other persons to whom a like
right has been more may hereafter be granted at all
times for all reasonable purposes connected with
the use and enjoyment of the Retained Land to pass
and repass (with or without vehicles in the case of
roads and accessways) over the amenity areas,
footpaths, roads and accessways forming part of
the Property subject to the Council paying its fair
and reasonable proportion of the Association's
costs in maintaining, repairing replacing or
renewing them PROVIDED THAT the Association
may upon giving not less than 28 days' written
notice to the Council (except in case of
emergency) from time to time alter the route of any
roads or accessways through the Property and if it
does so shall provide suitable alternative routs at
its own expense causing minimum inconvenience
and making good as soon as practicable any
damage so caused AND PROVIDED FURTHER
THAT any alternative route provided over the
Property to the Retained Land shall be adequate for
the present use and occupation of the Retained


3. The right subject to not less than 7 days' prior

written notice to the Association (except in case of
emergency) to enter upon the Property with or
without workmen and others materials and
appliances for the purpose of repairing replacing
maintaining and or decorating the buildings now
erected on the Retained Land or the open space
and amenity areas and the footpaths, roads and
accessways (the Council making good forthwith at
its expense all damage and loss caused thereby)


4. The free and uninterrupted right to the passage

and running of water soil gas electricity or other
fuels telephone television and other services to and
from the Retained Land through and along all
Service Conduits as are now or where there is any
replacement or renewal thereof as may during the
perepetuity Period be constructed on over through
in or under the Property as are used or intended to
be used jointly or in common with the Association
and all other persons who are now or may
thereafter be entitled to connect with or use the
same or any of them subject to the Council paying
its fair and reasonable proportion of the
Association's costs in maintaining repairing,
replacing or renewing them TOGETHER WITH the
right and subject to not less than 7 days prior
written notice to the Association (except in case of
emergency) to enter on to the Property with or
without workmen and other materials and
appliances for the purpose of connecting to laying
inspecting repairing maintaining renewing altering
adjusting and cleansing such Service Conduits (the
Council causing as little inconvenience and damage
as possible and making good forthwith at its own
expense all damages and loss caused thereby)
PROVIDED ALWAYS that this right includes the
right during the Perpetuity Period to make further
connections and laying in under through or over the
roads footways and accessways from time to time
forming part of the Property such further Service
Conduits as are reasonably necessary for any
increased flow from time to time.


5. The rights to the unimpeded access and

enjoyment of light and air to now and during the
Perpetuity Period to all the windows in the
buildings now upon the Retained Land from or over
the Property


6. All easements quasi-easements liberties

privileges rights and advantages now used and
enjoyed and which would be implied by statute or
by reason of severance hereby affected over the
Property except rights of light and air or other
rights which would unreasonably interfere with the
free use of the Property) for building and other
purposes SUBJECT TO the Council paying a fair
proportion according to user of the cost of
repairing and maintaining any such easement or
quasi-easement the use of which is appurtenant to
the Property.


"the Council" means ALLERDALE BOROUGH

COUNCIL of Allerdale House, Workington, Cumbria
CY14 3YJ and its successors in title and successor

"the Association" means DERWENT AND SOLWAY

and provident society registered with number
21411R and whose registered office is situate at
Apex House, 266 Moseley Road, Levenshulme,
Manchester M19 2LH and its successors in title and

"the Perpetuity Period" means a period of eighty

years from the date hereof

"the Property" comprises the land in this title and

other land

"the Retained Land" means the land together with

any buildings erected thereon retained by the
Council and more particularly delineated shown
coloured purple on the Plans and the land sold off
by the Council more particuarly delineated shown
coloured green on the Plans

"the Restrictions" means (a) the covenants

conditions restrictions and stipulations contained
or referred to in the registers of title at H M Land
Registry of the title numbers listed in Schedule D
(except for the avoidance of doubt any charges to
secure financial obligations)

"Right to Buy Disposals" means a disposal of a

dwelling by the Council to a tenant under the terms
of Part I of the Housing Act 1980 and Part V of the
Housing Act 1985 as amended

"Service Conduits" means all sewage plants or

works mains sewers drains pipes wires cables
conduits gutters channels soakaways ditches
watercourses and all other conducting media and
apparatus other than those which are vested in the
statutory undertakings."
NOTE: The retained land referred to is shown tinted
yellow on the filed plan.

6 1999-05-14 The Transfer dated 31 March 1999 referred to

above contains the following provision:-

"The Association (meaning here Derwent and

Solway Housing Association Limited only) HEREBY
FURTHER COVENANTS with the Council not to
dispose of the Property or any part thereof except
with the consent of the Secretary of State for the
Environment Transport and the Regions or from any
other person succeeding the Secretary of State as
being the person empowered to give consent for
the disposal of the property and for the avoidance
of doubt the Association shall only be required to
obtain such consent for so long as the Secretary of
State has the jurisdiction and the power so to do
PROVIDED THAT no such consent shall be required
if the disposal is an exempt disposal as defined in
Section 81(8) of the Housing Act 1988


5. The Council (insofar as it is within the Council's

power to assign the same) HEREBY ASSIGNS unto
the Association the benefit of all positive covenants
and other matters (if any) contained in any
transfers conveyances or leases of all land adjacent
to or adjoining the Property and formerly in the
ownership of the Council but sold to purchasers
entitled to purchase the same under the provisions
of the Housing Acts 1980 and 1985 as well as other
statutes so enabling and all other voluntary
disposals (in this clause known as "the Sold Land")
and which relate to the Property and in particular
(but without limitation) all covenants to bear a
proportion of the cost of repairing maintaining
cleansing or operating any parking areas
accessways paths roads and ditches and also all
mains pipes draining sewers cables conduits and all
other conducting media and apparatus relating
thereto located in over through or under the
Property and used by the owners of the Sold Land
in common with the Council and the occupiers of
the Property and the Association hereby accepts
the assignment PROVIDED THAT this assignment
shall not include the benefit of any covenants as to
the repayment of all or any part of any sum by which
a purchase price was discounted imposed on the
sale of any of the Sold Land before the date hereof"

7 1999-12-09 The transfers of those parts edged and numbered in

green on the title plan which were made pursuant
to Part V of the Housing Act 1985 as it applies by
virtue of the Housing (Preservation of Right to Buy)
Regulations 1993 took effect with the benefit of
and subject to the easements and other rights
specified in paragraph 2 of Schedule 6 to the said
Act as it so applies.

8 2003-03-19 In addition to the land edged and numbered in

green on the filed plan, the land described below
has been removed from this title.


19.3.2003 First Floor 1 CU184824

9 2023-02-26 From 1 April 2023, this title is administered by

Cumberland Council

B: Proprietorship Register
This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries
that affect the right of disposal.
Class of Title: Title absolute
Entry number Entry date


Society No. 7617) of 3 Paternoster Row, Carlisle
CA3 8TT.

2 1999-05-14 ENTRY CANCELLED on 2 October 2017.

3 1999-05-14 ENTRY CANCELLED on 2 October 2017.

4 1999-05-14 ENTRY CANCELLED on 2 October 2017.

5 1999-05-14 ENTRY CANCELLED on 2 October 2017.

6 1999-05-14 RESTRICTION: Except under an order of the

registrar no disposition (except a transfer) of a
qualifying dwellinghouse (except to a qualifying
person or persons) is to be registered without the
consent of the Secretary of State given under
section 171D(2) of the Housing Act 1985 as it
applies by virtue of the Housing (Preservation of
Right to Buy) Regulations 1993.

7 1999-05-14 The Transfer dated 31 March 1999 referred to in the

Property Register contains purchasers personal
covenant(s) details of which are set out in the
schedule of personal covenants hereto.

8 1999-05-14 RESTRICTION: Except under an order of the

Registrar, no disposition (including, without
limitation, any mortgage or charge) or dealing by
the proprietor of the land is to be registered
without the consent of the proprietor for the time
being of the Charge dated 31 March 1999 in favour
of M&G Trustee Company Limited.

9 The following are details of the personal covenants

contained in the Transfer dated 31 March 1999
referred to in the Proprietorship Register:-

"The Association HEREBY COVENANTS with the

Council and as follows:-

3.1 with the object and intent of affording the

Council a full and sufficient indemnity but not
further or otherwise that the Association will
hereafter observe and perform the Restrictions so
far as the same are still subsisting and capable of
taking effect and affect the Property and to keep
the Council fully and effectually indemnified
against all actions proceedings costs charges
claims demands and liabilities whatsoever in
respect of them

3.2 that upon any sale by the Association of any

part of the Property to a tenant of that part of the
Property pursuant to the Preserved Right to Buy as
set out in Sections 171A to 171H Housing Act 1985
or to any voluntary right to buy scheme similar
thereto operated by the Association the
Association will obtain from that tenant for the
benefit and protection of the Retained Land and to
the intent and so as to bind that part of the
Property into whosoever hands the same may come
a covenant to observe and perform the covenants
set out in Schedule C hereto PROVIDED THAT it is
hereby agreed and declared that the Association
and other persons dereiving title under it including
(inter alia) any mortgagee chargee or receiver of
the Association or persons deriving title through
any of them (other than tenants acquiring pursuant
to voluntary sales or the Right to Buy of parts of the
Property) shall not themselves be bound by any of
the said covenants





1. So as to benefit the remainder of the land

comprised in the said Conveyance of the or any part
of parts thereof and so as to bind the land hereby
transferred the Transferees will repair and maintain
the walls hedges and fences marked with an inward
'T' on the said plan.

2. In the event of a disposal failing within sub-

section (1) of Section 159 of the Housing Act 1985
of the property hereby transferred and being with a
period of three years from the date hereof that the
Transferees will pay on demand to the Transferors
an amount equal to the discount of .... less any
reduction as provided by sub-section (2) of section
155 of the said act.

3. Not to use the property hereby transferred for

any other purpose than as a private dwelling house.


4. Reserving a right for the transferors and their

successors in title to enter the demised premises
on the giving of reasonable notice in order to carry
out repairs and maintenance to the Careline


5. That the Transferee will not affect any disposal

falling with sub-section 1 of Section 159 of the
Housing Act 1985 of the land hereby transferred
without the previous written consent of the
Transferor such consent shall not be withheld in
respect of a person satisfying 157 of the said Act"
C: Charges Register
This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land.
Class of Title: Title absolute

Entry number Entry date

1 1997-10-20 The parts of the land affected thereby are subject

to the leases set out in the schedule of leases
The leases grant and reserve easements as therein

2 1997-10-20 The parts of the joint footpaths and passageways

included in the title are subject to rights of way.

3 1997-10-20 A Conveyance of the land in this title and other land

dated 22 November 1951 made between (1) The
Lowther Estate Limited (the Company) (2) Guy
Standish King (3) The Honourable Arthur James
Beresford Lowther and others (4) The Honourable
Arthur James Beresford Lowther and others and (5)
The Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of The
Borough of Workington (Purchasers) contains
covenants details of which are set out in the
schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.

4 1997-10-20 By the Conveyance dated 22 November 1951

referred to above the land was conveyed subject as

"subject to the Leases and Agreements mentioned

in the Seventh Schedule hereto


(a) A Lease dated the 2nd day of March 1900 made

between The Right Honourable Hugh Cecil Earl of
Lonsdale (1) The Right Honourable James Lowther
(2) and The North Western Hematite Steel
Company Limited (3) being a Lease of a Pumping
Station at Barepot with power to lay and maintain
Water pipes through the land hereby conveyed

(b) A Lease dated the 1st day of May 1903 made

between The Right Honourable Hugh Cecil Earl of
Lonsdale (1) The Right Honourable James Lowther
(2) and The St. Helens Colliery and Brickworks
Company Limited (3) being a Lease of the coal
cannel stone and coal and ironstone ganister and
fire clay under the land hereby conveyed

(c) An Agreement dated the 25th day of February

1907 made between The Right Honourable James
William Lowther (1) The Right Honourable Hugh
Cecil Earl of Lonsdale (2) and Fred Ogden William
Turner and Joseph Thomlinson (3) relating to a
doorway for which 1s/- a year is paid to the

(d) An Agreement dated the 8th day of September

1943 made between the Company of the one part
and the Central Electricity Board of the other part
so far as it relates to One Tower and earth wires in
the Enclosures Numbered 67"

NOTE: No further details of the Deeds referred to

were supplied on first registration.

5 1997-12-19 The parts of the land affected thereby which adjoin

the parts edged and numbered in green on the filed
plan are subject to rights of entry for the purpose of

6 1999-05-14 All the dwellinghouses in this title are the subject of

a preserved right to buy in favour of qualifying
persons within the meaning of Part V of the
Housing Act 1985 as it applies by virtue of
regulations under section 171C of that Act.
7 1999-05-14 REGISTERED CHARGE dated 31 March 1999
affecting also other titles to secure the moneys
including the further advances therein mentioned.

NOTE 1: The proprietor of this charge is obliged to

make further advances in accordance with the
mortgage terms and conditions

NOTE 2: Original Charge issued in separate cover

and should be lodged at the Land Registry on any
dealing with the Charge

¬NOTE 3: Copy filed under CU30021.

8 1999-05-14 Proprietor: M&G TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED

(Co. Regn. No. 1863305) of 10 Fenchurch Avenue,
London EC3M 5AG and of

9 1999-05-14 RESTRICTION: Except under an order of the

registrar no disposition (including an exercise of
the power of sale but excluding an exempt disposal
as defined by section 81(8) of the Housing Act
1988) by the proprietor of the Charge dated 31
March 1999 in favour of M&G Trustee Company
Limited is to be registered without the consent of
the Secretary of State to that disposition under the
provisions of section 133 of that Act.

10 Registration Date : 20.10.1997

Plan Reference : edged and numbered one in
Property Description : electricity sub station site,
Far Moss,
Date of Lease : 30.06.1966
Term : 99 years from 1.6.1966
Lessee's Title : CU243523

11 The following are details of the covenants

contained in the Conveyance dated 22 November
1951 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"For the benefit of so much of the property

belonging to the Company as adjoins or is in the
neighbourhood of the property hereby conveyed or
such part of the said adjoining or neighbouring
property remaining for the time being unsold and so
as to bind the property hereby conveyed the
Purchasers and all persons deriving title under
them hereby covenant at all times hereafter to
observe and perform ALL AND SINGULAR the
restrictions conditions provisions stipulations and
other covenants mentioned in the Third Schedule
hereto PROVIDED that the Company and its
successors in title owners for the time being of the
adjoining or neighbouring property may at the
request of the Purchasers or the persons deriving
title under them release or vary any of the said
restrictions or stipulations and that nothing herein
contained shall impose any restriction upon the
manner in which the Company or the persons
deriving title under it may deal with the whole or
any part of their said Property for the time being
remaining unsold or be otherwise deemed to create
a building scheme for their said property or any part


Restrictions Stipulations and Covenants Affecting

Property Conveyed

1. No noisome noxious or offensive trade or

manufacture shall be carried on or permitted to be
carried on on the property hereby conveyed and no
act or thing whatsoever shall be suffered to be
done thereon which may be or become an
annoyance or disturbance to the Company or their
successors in title or to the owners of lands or
buildings adjoining near to or opposite the property
hereby conveyed

2. Neither the Purchasers nor any persons deriving

title under them shall acquire under or by virtue of
this conveyance any right of access or light or air to
buildings to be erected on the property hereby
convyed which would restrict or interfere with the
free user of other portions of the estates the
property of the Company and so that the access
and use of light or air at any time hereafter enjoyed
by the Purchasers and/or their successors in title
over the adjacent lands of the Company and/or
their successors in title without interruption shall
notwithstanding the effluxion of time be deemed to
be enjoyed by the express written (but revocable)
consent of the Company and/or their successors in
title and the Company reserve to themselves and
their successors in title the right to build to any
height upon the land adjoining the land and
premises hereby conveyed

3. The Purchasers and any person deriving title

under them shall for ever after the date hereof
maintain to the satisfaction of the Company and
their successors in title the present boundary walls
or fences on the North-westerly and South-westerly
boundaries of the said property hereby conveyed
between the letters A-B-C and D-E-F and G-H on the
plan annexed hereto"

NOTE: The points E-F have been reproduced on the

filed plan. No other points affect.

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