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Volume: 5 Issue: 7 | Jul 2023

The Person in the Process of Music Culture Lessons Pedagogical Aspects of Maturity

Rustamjonova Dilkhavas Ravshvnbek qizi

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences and Arts, Student of the Department
of Fine Arts and Music Education
Annotation: This article talks about how to prepare future music teachers for school education by focusing on
extracurricular activities - the work of art clubs, which in this process will create the necessary conditions for their
independent and creative work.
Keywords: Competence, efficient work, civility, high qualification, high consciousness, creativity.

Introduction: The future of independent Uzbekistan largely depends on raising a young generation with full
potential. In order to realize such an urgent task, it is important to study the rich historical experience of the Uzbek
people in terms of education and to apply it to life in the formation and education of a modern person.
With the efforts of our President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, the need to implement the "Strategy of Actions on five
priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" remains the need of the hour. This
"Strategy of Actions" requires action and responsibility from each of us. Based on this, "Actions
The goal of the strategy is to radically increase the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms, to create conditions for
the comprehensive and rapid development of the state and society, to modernize the country and to liberalize the
spheres of life.
Literature review: Abdurauf Fitrat, one of the great representatives of independence literature, said: "If you have
love for religion, motherland, molga-jong, generation, if you have the liberation of religion, the development of
Sharia, the prosperity of the homeland, the peace of the generation, a good name. If you want a way to leave, your
first choice is education. Send those who are capable to study for education. In this quote, we can see how much
the great scholar approached the future of the nation and the homeland, and the education of the youth.
The development of modern modern society has made man history, in a situation where it is possible to form and
develop knowledge as an object of culture and one's life, it is evaluated as a "human being - a creative person". To
a person not as an abstract particle of society, but as a powerful force that changes the world, a creative, free
person demands to be treated. Such an approach is human the interest of the Motherland, the nation and the state,
which is full-fledged, that is, developed at the level of modern needs leads to maturity as a person working on the
When we say a perfect person, we understand first of all educated, enlightened people who have a high mind, who
can think independently, who are an example to others with their behavior... understood. The goal of education is
to form a well-rounded person in all respects. After all, the dictionary meaning of the word "perfect" also means
matured, perfected, perfect, mature, perfect in all respects. Changes in the current era require everyone to have
knowledge, potential, effective work, civility, high skills, high consciousness, creativity, and a sense of
responsibility towards society.
Discussion: In building a humane, democratic independent state, the development of society is only possible when
each person has these qualities.

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Volume: 5 Issue: 7 | Jul 2023

will have the ability. A perfect man from the earliest times as criteria of formation: - Mental maturity - Spiritual
growth - Physical maturity - Refinement education is defined
When we talk about finding a way to the human soul through such a powerful force as art and culture, we all
understand that every talented person is a unique universe. That is why it is impossible to teach creative people
some kind of intelligence, and most importantly, to try to control them. But in this life there are sacred concepts
that unite them and inspire them to new creative goals, which are inextricably linked with the interests of the
country and the people, the principles of goodness and humanity. If every creator puts these immortal ideas as the
main goal in his works, and can express them with artistic skills, then literature, culture and art in the literal sense
they have fulfilled their social duty by serving spiritual growth.
Results: It is clear to all of us that the love of music, art, and musical culture are formed in our people's family
since childhood. It is no exaggeration to say that it is difficult to find a person in our country who does not have a
dutor, circle or other musical instrument at home, who lives without feeling the life-giving effect of music in his
life. The most important thing is that today, the art of music has a greater and stronger influence than other types
of art on the development of the high spirituality of our modern generations - we, the youth. In this matter, the
importance of pop art, which attracts the hearts of our youth in every way, is incomparable.
Another important factor that directly affects the formation of spirituality is closely related to the educational
system. It is known that our forefathers considered knowledge, education and training to be priceless wealth and
the most important condition and guarantee for the development of the nation and human development. The future
of our nation depends on the education and upbringing of our children today. The foundation of our future is
created in the educational centers where we are educated. Education cannot be separated from education, and
education cannot be separated from education - this is an oriental view, an oriental philosophy of life.
Music, by its very nature, is a powerful tool that evokes emotional and spiritual experiences, cultivates a refined
taste in people, and encourages both the listener and the performer to be refined and spiritually perfect. The use of
this educational power of music, the formation of the spiritual worldview of the young generation, the changes
that are taking place in them, the teaching of music lessons among all educational subjects in general secondary
schools today requires further improvement of the field.
To prepare the future music teachers for school education, to increase their attention to extracurricular activities -
the work of art circles, in this process, to create the necessary conditions for their independent and creative work.
It is this activity that plays an important role in the realization of the desire and interest of students to work
independently, research and demonstrate their achievements in front of the general public.
Conclusion: Achieving a positive solution to the mentioned problems, improving the professional preparation of
future music teachers for school activities, and ensuring the quality and efficiency of education in general
secondary schools is of great importance. This, in turn, opens up new horizons in the successful implementation of
the tasks of raising a mature generation, raising the national-spiritual, musical-aesthetic culture to a higher level,
and thereby strengthening the spiritual-educational basis of our society.
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