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346 Benzyl Alcohol / Official Monographs JP XV

Benzole Acid in this boiling solution, and add 0.50 mL of under Infrared Spectrophotometry <Z25>, and compare'the
0.02 mol/L potassium permanganate VS: a red color persists spectrum with the Reference Spectrum: both spectra exhibit
for at least 15 seconds. similar intensities of absorption at the same wave numbers.,
(4) Phthalic acid—To O . l O g of Benzole Acid add 1 mL
Refractive index <2.45> «5°: 1.538 - 1.541
of water and 1 mL of resorcinol-sulfuric acid TS, and heat
the mixture in an oil bath heated at a temperature between Purity (1) Clarity and color of solution—Dissolve 2.0 mL
120°C and 125°C. After evaporating the water, heat the of Benzyl Alcohol in 60 mL of water: the solution is clear and
residue for 90 minutes, cool, and dissolve in 5 mL of water. colorless.
To 1 mL of the solution add 10 mL of a solution of sodium (2) Acidity—To 10 mL of Benzyl Alcohol add 10 mL of
hydroxide (43 in 500), shake, then examine under light at a neutralized ethanol, 2 drops of phenolphthalein TS and 1.0
wavelength between 470 nm and 490 nm: the green fluores- mL of 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide VS: a red color develops.
cence of the solution is not more intense than that of the fol- (3) Benzaldehyde and other related substances—Use Ben-
lowing control solution. zyl Alcohol as the sample solution. Separately, weigh exactly
Control solution: Dissolve 61 mg of potassium hydrogen 0.750 g of benzaldehyde and 0.500 g of cyclohexylmethanol,
phthalate in water to make exactly 1000 mL. Measure exactly and add Benzyl Alcohol to make exactly 25 mL. Pipet 1 mL
1 mL of the solution, add 1 mL of resorcinol-sulfuric acid of this solution, add exactly 2 mL of ethylbenzene internal
TS, and proceed as directed above. standard solution and exactly 3 mL of dicyclohexyl internal
(5) Readily carbonizable substances <1.15>—Perform the standard solution, then add Benzyl Alcohol to make exactly
test with 0.5 g of Benzoic Acid. The solution is not more 20 mL, and use this solution as the standard solution (1). Per-
colored than Matching Fluid Q. form the test with 0.1 //L each of the sample solution and
standard solution (1) as directed under Gas Chromatography
Loss on drying <2.41> Not more than 0.5% (1 g, silica gel,
<2.02> according to the following conditions: no peaks of
3 hours).
ethylbenzene and dicyclohexyl appear on the chromatogram
Residue on ignition <2.44> Not more than 0.05% (1 g). obtained with the sample solution. When 0.1 /jL of the stan-
dard solution (1) is injected, adjust the sensitivity of the de-
Assay Weigh accurately about 0.5 g of Benzoic Acid, previ-
tector so that the peak height of ethylbenzene is not more
ously dried, dissolve in 25 mL of neutralized ethanol and 25
than 30% of the full scale of the recorder. The peak area of
mL of water, and titrate <2.50> with 0.1 mol/L sodium
benzaldehyde obtained with the sample solution is not more
hydroxide VS (indicator: 3 drops of phenolphthalein TS).
than the deference between the peak areas of benzaldehyde of
Each mL of 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide VS the sample solution and the standard solution (1) (0.15%),
= 12.21 mg of C7H6O2 and the peak area of cyclohexylmethanol with the sample so-
lution is not more than the deference between the peak areas
Containers and storage Containers—Well-closed contain-
of cyclohexylmethanol of the sample solution and the stan-
dard solution (1) (0.10%). The total area of the peaks having
smaller retention time than benzyl alcohol and other than
benzaldehyde and cyclohexylmethanol obtained with the
Benzyl Alcohol sample solution is not more than 4 times the peak area of
ethylbenzene with the standard solution (1) (0.04%). The
total area of the peaks having larger retention time than ben-
zyl alcohol obtained with the sample solution is not more
than the peak area of dicyclohexyl with the standard solution
(1) (0.3%). For these calculations the peak areas less than
1/100 times the peak area of ethylbenzene with the standard
C7H8O: 108.14 solution (1) are excluded.
Benzyl alcohol [100-51-6] Benzyl Alcohol labeled that it is suitable for use in the
manufacture of injection forms meets the following require-
This monograph is harmonized with the European ments.
Pharmacopoeia and the U.S. Pharmacopeia. The parts Use Benzyl Alcohol as the sample solution. Separately,
of the text that are not harmonized are marked with weigh exactly 0.250 g of benzaldehyde and 0.500 g of cyclo-
symbols (* »). hexylmethanol, and add Benzyl Alcohol to make exactly 25
Benzyl Alcohol contains not less than 98.0% and not mL. Pipet 1 mL of this solution, add exactly 2 mL of the
more than 100.5% of C7H8O. ethylbenzene internal standard solution and exactly 2 mL of
*The label states, where applicable, that it is suitable the dicyclohexyl internal standard solution, then add Benzyl
for use in the manufacture of injection forms.* Alcohol to make exactly 20 mL, and use this solution as the
*Description Benzyl Alcohol is a clear, colorless oily liq- standard solution (2). Perform the test with 0.1 [iL each of
uid. the sample solution and standard solution (2) as directed un-
It is miscible with ethanol (95), with fatty oils and with es- der Gas Chromatography <2.02> according to the following
sential oils. conditions: no peaks of ethylbenzene and dicyclohexyl ap-
It is soluble in water. pear on the chromatogram obtained with the sample solu-
Specific gravity d^\ 1.043 - 1.049, tion. When 0.1 juL of the standard solution (2) is injected, ad-
just the sensitivity of the detector so that the peak height of
* Identification Determine the infrared absorption spec- ethylbenzene is not more than 30% of the full scale of .the
trum of Benzyl Alcohol as directed in the liquid film method recorder. The peak area of benzaldehyde of obtained with the
JP XV Official Monographs / Benzyl Benzoate 347

sample solution is not more than the difference between the

peak areas of benzaldehyde of the sample solution and the Vi\ Volume (mL) of 0.01 mol/L sodium thiosulfate VS
standard solution (2) (0.05%), and the peak area of cyclohex- consumed in the test
ylmethanol with the sample solution is not more than the K0: Volume (mL) of 0.01 mol/L sodium thiosulfate VS
deference between the peak areas of cyclohexylmethanol of consumed in the blank
the sample solution and the standard solution (2) (0.10%). W: Amount (g) of the sample
The total area of the peaks having smaller retention time than
(5) Residue on evaporation—Perform the test after con-
benzyl alcohol and other than benzaldehyde and cyclohex-
formation that the sample meets the requirement of the
ylmethanol obtained with the sample solution is not more
peroxide value. Transfer 10.Og of Benzyl Alcohol to a por-
than 2 times the peak area of ethylbenzene with the standard
celain or quartz crucible or platinum dish, previously
solution (2) (0.02%). The total area of the peaks having larg-
weighed accurately, and heat on a hot-plate at not exceeding
er retention time than benzyl alcohol obtained with the sam-
200°C, taking care to avoid boiling, to evaporate to dryness.
ple solution is not more than the peak area of dicyclohexyl
Dry the residue on the hot-plate for 1 hour, and allow to cool
with the standard solution (2) (0.2%). For these calculation
in a desiccator: not more than 5 mg.
the peak areas less than 1/100 times the peak area of ethyl-
benzene with the standard solution (2) are excluded. Assay Weigh accurately about 0.9 g of Benzyl Alcohol, add
Ethylbenzene internal standard solution: Dissolve exactly exactly 15.0 mL of a mixture of pyridine and acetic anhydride
0.100 g of ethylbenzene in Benzyl Alcohol to make exactly 10 (7:1), and heat on a water bath under a reflux condenser for
mL. Pipet 2 mL of this solution, and add Benzyl Alcohol to 30 minutes. Cool, add 25 mL of water, and titrate <2.50> the
make exactly 20 mL. excess acetic acid with 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide VS (indica-
Dicyclohexyl internal standard solution: Dissolve exactly tor: 2 drops of phenolphthalein TS). Perform a blank deter-
2.000 g of dicyclohexyl in Benzyl Alcohol to make exactly 10 mination.
mL. Pipet 2 mL of this solution, and add Benzyl Alcohol to
Each mL of 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide VS
make exactly 20 mL.
= 108.1 mg of C7H8O
Operating conditions—
Detector: A hydrogen flame-ionization detector *Containers and storage Containers—Tight containers.
Column: A fused silica column 0.32 mm in inside diameter Storage—Light-resistant.,
and 30 m in length, coated inside with polyethylene glycol 20
M for gas chromatography in 0.5 /urn thickness.
Column temperature: Raise the temperature at a rate of Benzyl Benzoate
5°C per minutes from 50°C to 220°C, and maintain at 220°C
for 35 minutes.
Temperature of injection port: A constant temperature of
about 200°C.
Temperature of detector: A constant temperature of about
Carrier gas: Helium
Flow rate: Adjust the flow rate so that the retention time of C 14 Hi 2 O 2 : 212.24
benzyl alcohol is between 24 and 28 minutes. Benzyl benzoate [120-51-4}
Split ratio: Splitless
System suitability— Benzyl Benzoate contains not less than 99.0% of
System performance: When the procedure is run with the C14H1202.
standard solution (1) under the above operating conditions,
the relative retention times of ethylbenzene, dicyclohexyl, Description Benzyl Benzoate is a colorless, clear, viscous
benzaldehyde and cyclohexylmethanol with respect to benzyl liquid. It has a faint, aromatic odor and a pungent, burning
alcohol are about 0.28, about 0.59, about 0.68 and about taste.
0.71, respectively, and the resolution between the peaks of It is miscible with ethanol (95) and with diethyl ether.
benzaldehyde and cyclohexylmethanol is not less than 3.0. In It is practically insoluble in water.
the case of Benzyl Alcohol labeled to use for injection, pro- Congealing point: about 17°C
ceed with the standard solution (2) instead of the standard Specific gravity df0: about 1.123
solution (1). Boiling point: about 323°C
(4) Peroxide value—Dissolve 5 g of Benzyl Alcohol in Identification (1) Heat gently 1 mL of Benzyl Benzoate
30 mL of a mixture of acetic acid (100) and chloroform (3:2) with 5 mL of sodium carbonate TS and 2 mL of potassium
in a 250-mL glass-stoppered conical flask. Add 0.5 mL of permanganate TS: the odor of benzaldehyde is perceptible.
potassium iodide saturated solution, shake exactly for 1 (2) Warm the titrated mixture obtained in the Assay on a
minute, add 30 mL of water, and titrate <2.50> with 0.01 water bath to remove ethanol, and add 0.5 mL of iron (III)
mol/L sodium thiosulfate VS until the blue color of the solu- chloride TS: a light yellow-red precipitate is produced, which
tion disappears after addition of 10 mL of starch TS near the turns white on the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid.
end point where the solution is a pale yellow color. Perform a
blank determination in the same manner. Calculate the Refractive index <2.45> n^: 1.568 - 1.570
amount of peroxide by the following formula: not more than Purity Acidity—Dissolve S.OmL of Benzyl Benzoate in 25
5. mL of neutralized ethanol, and add 0.50 mL of 0.1 mol/L so-
Amount (mEq/kg) of peroxide = {10 x (K, - K0)l /W

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