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Unit Test II: 2023-2024

Subject- Biology
Class: X F.M.20
1. Fill in the blanks: [4]

i) Cell slightly enlarges or even bursts - the solution outside is hypotonic.

ii) Bleeding is direct flowing out of plant sap from any cut surfaces in case of injury.
iii)Transpiration is the price which the plant pays for photosynthesis.
iv) The full form of IAA is Indole 3- acetic acid.

2. Name the following: - [3]

i) The plant hormone is also known as stress hormone.--- Abscisic acid (ABA)
ii) The part of a chloroplast where light reaction takes place.---- Thylakoids.
iii) The type of potometer which helps to demonstrate the suction force created due to transpiration.—Darwin’s potometer.

3. State the exact location of the following:- [3]

i) Grana—In chloroplast in thylakoids are arranged to form grana.

ii) Gibberellins -In higher plants , gibberellins are distributed in meristematic regions like stem-apex, root-apex, buds etc,

iii) Guard cells.- A stoma is surrounded by two bean shaped guard cells.

4. State the function of the following: [3]

i) Cobalt chloride paper. - Acts as an indicator by changing its colour. (blue to pink- by the help of moisture)

ii) Ascent of sap- Helps to provide water and minerals to the every parts of the plant from the roots.

iii) Hydathodes.—Through it guttation takes place.

5. Answer the following:-


ii) Study the diagram and answer the following questions:-

a) Absortion by roots.

b) To prevent the evaporation from the upper surface.


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