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- Cognitive Shortcut Bias- stubbornly stick to a

CHARACTERISTICS OF A CRITICAL Reviewer favored view or argument when other more
THINKER: effective possibilities or explanations exist.
1. Observation- first innate critical thinking skills - Confusing Correlation- asserting that when two
that people learn as a child. You perceive your things happen together, one causes the other
environment to be more aware of the world assumption isn’t justified.
around us. Mental notes of relevant details. a) Disqualifying positives- dismiss any positive
2. Curiosity- keep an open mind and propels you to experiences
gain deeper knowledge. Fundamental to being a b) Shoulds and musts- think about things in terms
lifelong learner. of should, musts and ‘oughts.
3. Objectivity- ability to distinguish facts from c) Black and white thinking- everything is seen as
opinions, logic from emotions and reality to good or bad
wishful thinking. Being aware of your own d) Emotional reasoning- believe it to be true
weaknesses, knowing how to separate e) Labelling- assigns label to yourself- ‘I am
subjectivity from objectivity. 1st step to become stupid’
analytical thinker f) Catasrophising- blow things out of proportion
4. Introspection- state of being aware of your own g) Over generalisation-
manner of thinking and train of thoughts. h) Mind Reading- predicting the future or jumping
Knowing when to shift thoughts or to stop to conclusions
altogether. Stay alert and attentive i) Personalization- blame yourself for something
5. Analytical thinking- on their way to becoming that was not your fault.
critical thinkers. Ability to analyze information 14. Effective Communication- when the 7c’s of effective
is key when looking at anything. Evaluate. communications are observes both in oral and written
6. Identifying biases- verifying the sources of their forms.
information and looking for alternative sources.
7. Determining relevance- look at its relevance to 15. Creative thinking- reject standardized formats for
the topic and the arguments that are planning to problem solving. They think outside the box and dare to
raise. Don’t be distracted by reputation of defy standards when deemed more beneficial.
source, complexity of data and popularity. 16. Active Listening- precursor to assertiveness as one
8. Inference- ability to extrapolate meaning from has to participate in the discussion first before asserting
data and discover potential outcomes when opinions.
assessing a scenario.
9. Compassion and Empathy- to have concern for 7C’S
others and to value the welfare of other people.
Clarity- Clear
10. Humility- wilingness to acknowledge one’s
shortcomings and see one’s positive attributes in Conciseness- Stick to the point & keep it brief
an accurate way. It makes us aware of our own
assets and flaws. Open to other viepoints. Concreteness- clear picture/vivid facts
11. Willing to challenge the status quo- you Correctness- error-free communication
acknowledge that everything can change and has
to be changed when deemed necessary. Completeness- everything need to inform
12. Open-mindedness- avoid launching into a
Coherence- logical. Relevant to main topic.
frenzied argument or taking sides- they want to
hear all perspectives. Open mind and embrace Courtesy- friendly, open and honest.
other opinions and viewa
13. Awareness of common thinking errors:
- Circular Reasoning- premise of an argument or
conclusion is used as support for the argument
HINDRANCES FOR CRITICAL THINKER: - Decide what you are aiming to achieve and then make
a decision based on a range of possibilities.
1. Egocentric Thinking- Self-centered/ Self-
interest. Focus only on what interest you. - The discipline to successfully adopt the attitude and
2. Groupthink- kung ano ginawa ng marami, ganon mindset of a critical thinker should always start with
na rin gagawin mo/ mostly para hindi maoutcast. yourself.
3. Drone Mentality- afraid of getting out of
- The more we understand ourselves, the faster we can
comfort zone. Hindi nakikinig sa sinasabi ng iba
develop critical thinking.
kasi ayaw nga umalis sa comfort zone.
4. Social Conditioning- cancel culture. The benefit of foresight:
5. Biased Experiences- unable to be fair
6. Time pressure Foresight- ability to predict future actions, which enables
7. Intolerance and arrogance- unwilling to listen to a person to proactively create solutions to impending
other’s opinion. problems.

The Nature of Critical Thinking: -It requires inference using existing information gathered
through systematic research, keen observation and
- Objective and not subjective careful analysis. In a way, we can say that this is the
ability to make tentative conclusions and plan logical
- Understands the connections between ideas
arguments ahead of time.
- Reflects
_ Rational
- Critical thinking aims to come up with the most
- Logical favorable results in any situation.
- Active Listener - Critical thinking entails an objective self-evaluation of
strengths, weaknesses, preferences and expected
- Rejects information unless proven
- Systematic rather than instinct
- Critical thinking requires the development and use of
- Quality over quantity foresight.
- Decisions made with critical thinking require
assessment of projected outcomes after application.
Critical thinking- to constantly try to solve problems and
seek solutions. The key here is consistency and - Critical thinking does not stop at the application of
adherence to the mindset of a true critical thinker. decisions and their evaluation.

Skills Needed in Critical Thinking: - Changes are also implemented if there is still room for
improvement. For a critical thinker, no solution is
- Objectively and critically think about a topic or subject permanent as problems constantly change.
matter or topic.
Critical Thinking and Critical Reading:
- Accurately identify what arguments are raise in a
particular issue. Reading Critically- Verifying and Validating the text

- Carefully evaluate the different points of view Thinking Critically- Evaluating the Evidence
presented to understand how valid and concrete they are
- Understand all implications of every argument
Critical Thinking by a Critical Reader:
- Come up with a structured reasoning that supports any
Rationality- rely on reason rather than emotion
argument that you want to raise.
Self Awareness- recognize own assumptions, prejudices,
biases or P.O.V
Ascertaining your goals:
Honesty- recognize emotional impulses, selfish motives,
nefarious purposes, or other modes of self-deception.
Open-mindedness- remain open for alternative
Discipline- resist manipulation and irrational appeals.
Judgement- recognize the relevance and/or merit of
alternative assumptions and perspectives.

Logic (Reasoning)- study of the criteria used in

evaluating inferences or arguments.
Inference (Judgement/ conclusion)- process of reasoning
in which a new belief is formed on the basis of or in
virtue of evidence or proof supposedly provided by other
Argument (Standpoint)- collection of statements or
propositions, some of which are intended to provide
support or evidence in favor of one of the others.
Statement/Proposition- something that can either be true
or false. Declarative sentence or part of a sentence.
Premises of an argument (Assumption)- statements or
propositions in it that are intended to provide the support
or evidence.
Conclusion of an argument- is that statement or
proposition for which the premises are intended to
provide support (the point the argument is trying to
Deductive- general to specific
Inductive- Specific to general/ based on observation/
rules or policies.
Fallacies- Errors in reasoning.
Begging the question- ex. Customer is always right
Ignorance Fallacy- ignore statement because of what we
Wishful Thinking Fallacy- Manifesting
Ad Hominen Fallacy- abusive fallacy/ sarcasm. Direct to
the person. Ex. Bago ka magcomment, graduate ka
Opinion- something that believes to be true
Fact- something that is true.

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