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3 P.Jagadesh*1, A.Ramachandramurthy2, R.Murugesan3,

4 1Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology,

5 Coimbatore 641014, Tamil Nadu, India

6 2Principal Scientist, Fatigue Fracture Laboratory, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre,

7 Taramani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

8 3Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Road Transport and Technology,

9 Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. email:

10 *Corresponding author,

11 Highlights

12 • Characterized Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) material

13 • Original SCBA (O-SCBA) and Processed SCBA(P-SCBA) blended concrete exhibited

14 higher Modulus of Rupture (MOR) than control concrete

15 • P-SCBA concrete has higher Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) than control concrete

16 • An empirical equation is proposed to predict the MOR and MOE of SCBA blended

17 concrete

18 • Established a relationship between MOR and MOE

19 Abstract

© 2018 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
20 Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) is an advanced cementitious material contains significant

21 amount of pozzolanic minerals like silica, alumina, etc. In view of this, in the present study it is

22 proposed to partially replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by SCBA up-to 30%.

23 OPC was replaced in two forms, namely, Original SCBA (O-SCBA) and Processed SCBA (P-

24 SCBA). The mechanical properties such as cylinder compressive strength, Modulus of Rupture

25 (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) were evaluated for SCBA blended concrete and

26 compared with conventional concrete. Further the relationships between cylinder compressive

27 strength, MOR and MOE were established as per AS3600 (Australian Standards 3600), ACI318

28 (American Concrete Institute 318) and NZS3101 (New Zealand Standard 3101).

29 Key words: Cementitious material, Cylinder compressive strength, Modulus of rupture, Modulus

30 of elasticity, Constitutive relationships

31 1.0 Introduction

32 Developing nation like India, solid waste management is currently most important

33 domain in view of ecology and environmental aspects. About 960 million tonnes of solid wastes

34 are being generated by India every year [1]. Solid waste generated from Indian agricultural

35 sector contributes approximately to 13.64% overall solid waste generated in Asia every year [2].

36 With reference to overall production of SCBA across globe, India contributes to 45% which

37 shows that bulk quantity is available in India and it has to be utilized for several purposes on

38 urgent basis. In India, there are 500 operational sugar mills and is second largest sugar

39 production across globe [3].

40 The fuel cost for electricity generation and demand, has increased drastically in the recent

41 years. The dried sugar cane bagasse (heating value in order of 7.74 MJ/kg) can be employed as

42 one of the major sources of fuel for boilers [4] for electricity generation of parent industries [5,

43 6]. Every tonne of sugarcane crush, will yield 270 kg of wet bagasse [7, 8, 9]. The combustion of

44 dried bagasse will not contribute to Carbon di Oxide (CO2) emission into the environment as the

45 amount of CO2 liberated is neutralized by CO2 consumed during sugarcane plant growth [10]. It

46 is mentioned that an amount of 62kg of SCBA is obtained by burning dried bagasse in boilers at

47 temperature varying from 300°C to 600°C [9] per tonne of sugarcane crushed. Cement Industries

48 are second largest industries in emission of CO2. For production of one tonne of OPC, an

49 equivalent amount of CO2 is delivered into atmosphere [11], which accounts for 8% of overall

50 production [12, 13, 14]. And also, for production of every tonne of OPC, 1.6 tonnes of natural

51 resources are consumed [15].

52 In order to reduce CO2 emission, one of the alternatives is to make use of blended

53 Pozzolans like SCBA with OPC and produce Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC). A Pozzolan is

54 either natural or artificial which is finely divided siliceous or aluminous material, in presence of

55 moisture it reacts with additional lime at ordinary temperature and form secondary calcium

56 silicate hydrate (CSH) gel [16]. ASTM C618 (1992) classified SCBA as N Pozzolan, many

57 studies were reported in the literature and it was used in blended cements [6, 9]. The specific

58 surface area is increased due to reduction in size uniformly. The increased specific surface area is

59 directly useful for the kinetics of their pozzolanic reactions. By the addition of fine pozzolan,

60 packing density of mix will improve significantly due to micro-filler effect [17]. The other

61 physical effect is that with the decrease in particle size results in heterogeneous nucleation due to

62 increase in specific area surface for reaction. In this situation, pozzolan fine constituent part

63 settles in between the clinker minerals, allowing nucleation of hydrates on fine particles of silica

64 from SCBA and decreasing the energy obstruction [18]. Original SCBA (O-SCBA) contains

65 higher carbon content and higher quantities of crystalline silica which acts in adverse manner if it

66 is used as pozzolan. Other possibilities to improve the reactivity of crystalline silica in SCBA are

67 burning or grinding, etc. On other hand, SCBA consumes higher energy to grind or burn into

68 finer parts. This limits the usage of SCBA in cement. Although some studies were reported in

69 improvement of SCBA properties, but the procedures are not clear in terms of burning

70 temperatures, controlled conditions/operatable conditions, optimum conditions. In view of this, a

71 study has been undertaken to optimize the conditions.

72 In this paper, a simple and effective method has been proposed to process SCBA for use

73 in cement industries. Hence in this study, combination of grinding for 45 minutes initially and

74 burning at low temperature for 4-hours is proposed to reduce the energy consumption, reduction

75 in time for SCBA process to obtain the so called processed-SCBA (P-SCBA). P-SCBA has been

76 used for further studies.

77 2.0 Experimental Program

78 2.1 Materials

79 O-SCBA sample was collected at Bannari Sugars Private Limited, Sathyamangalam,

80 Tamil Nadu, India which produces sugar, alcohol and electricity. Samples were collected during

81 the cleaning process of the boilers from the factory. The sugar cane bagasse is burnt in boiler for

82 the temperatures ranging from 300°C to 600°C, reliant on the moisture content and feedstuff of

83 the bagasse. Table 1 shows a summary of the physical characteristics and Table 2 shows the

84 summary of the chemical composition of both SCBA and OPC. In the present study, sieved raw

85 SCBA is denoted as O-SCBA. The sieving is done for selection of appropriate size of SCBA in

86 view of binder materials. P-SCBA used in this investigation is obtained by grinding O-SCBA in

87 laboratory ball mill for 45 minutes, with three balls of 8mm, 18mm and 25mm diameter in the

88 ratio of 1:5 (volume of ash: ball), 1:10 ratio (volume of ball and ash: volume of mill container) at

89 300 rpm.

Coarse aggregate (20mm) Coarse aggregate (12.5mm)

Fine aggregate O-SCBA

40 400 4000 40000

91 Fig.1. Particle Size Distribution of Aggregates and SCBAs

92 After grinding SCBA, it is kept in muffle furnace for four hours at a temperature of

93 400°C, hence forth, it is called P-SCBA. This process results in energy consumption reduction,

94 decrease of SCBA wastage, less CO2 emission, natural resources protection, avoiding negative

95 environmental effects, etc., may lead to achieving the sustainability of SCBA based concrete.

96 Other school of thought reported that high grinding time and high burning temperature as

97 processing techniques for making SCBA as reactive Pozzolan [6, 19]. In order to increase the

98 packing density of concrete mixture, the combination of 20mm aggregate and 12.5mm aggregate

99 in proportions of 70% and 30% respectively is used as coarse aggregate. Fig. 1 shows the particle

100 size distribution of aggregates and SCBAs used in this investigation. The physical properties of

101 fine and coarse aggregate are presented in Table 3. In the present study, processed SCBA has

102 been utilized concrete by partial replacement of cement aiming at compressive strength is about

103 20 MPa. To demonstrate the efficacy of SCBA initially, the studies were carried out for

104 compressive strength of 20 MPa.


106 Table 1 Physical properties of binders

Properties OPC O-SCBA P-SCBA

Specific gravity 3.158 1.856 2.218

Retained on sieve 75µm - 29.5% 7.25%

Density (kg/m3) 3144 2235 2454

Mean particle size (µm) 28 105 30


108 Table.2 Chemical properties of binders in mass (%)

Properties OPC O-SCBA P-SCBA

SiO2 21.15 55.05 66.50

Al2O3 5.10 3.87 4.82

Fe2O3 2.62 0.42 4.67

CaO 65.52 5.09 3.83

Na2O - 0.94 0.59

K2O 0.35 4.00 4.07

MgO 3.04 4.82 2.87


110 Table 3 Physical properties of aggregates

Properties Fine Coarse Aggregate

Aggregate 20mm 12.5mm

Specific gravity 2.717 2.753 2.726

Water absorption (%) 2.25 0.45 0.82

Moisture Content (%) 1.84 0.20 0.32

111 2.2 Mixture Proportions

112 Six mix proportions of O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended concrete and one control mix proportion

113 are proposed to study and the details are shown in Table 4. Mixture proportions ‘O1, O2, … O6’

114 for O-SCBA, blending varying from 5% to 30% of OPC replacement. Another series of mixture

115 proportions ‘P1, P2, … P6’ denotes for P-SCBA with varying proportion in 5%,10%, …30% for

116 OPC replacement. Table 4 also presents the various quantities for several combinations. The mix

117 design for control mix and blended mixes are carried out as per IS 10262:2009 [20].

118 Table 4 Mix proportions

Mix OPC O-SCBA P-SCBA Coarse aggregate Fine Water

ID (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) aggregate (kg/m3)

20mm 12.5mm (kg/m3)

N 358 0 0 811 344 731 197

O1 340 18 0 806 342 727 197

O2 322 36 0 801 340 722 197

O3 305 54 0 797 338 718 197

O4 287 71 0 792 336 714 197

O5 269 90 0 787 334 710 197

O6 251 108 0 783 332 705 197

P1 340 0 18 808 343 728 197

P2 322 0 36 805 342 726 197

P3 305 0 54 802 340 723 197

P4 287 0 71 800 339 721 197

P5 269 0 90 796 338 718 197

P6 251 0 108 794 337 716 197


120 2.3 Method of casting and curing

121 Dried SCBA is blended with OPC for two minutes in required proportions in mixer

122 machine and it is stored in separate air tight container. The SCBA blended concrete mixtures

123 were mixed in a laboratory pan mixer. Initially two types of coarse aggregates are mixed for two

124 minutes in dry state, then the fine aggregate conforming to zone II as per IS 383:2016 [21] is

125 mixed for two more minutes in dry state. Later, the blended cements in required proportions are

126 mixed in dried condition for further two minutes. Once, the dry mix appears to have equal

127 distribution of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and the binders, then the required amount of

128 water is added gradually and mixing was continued for another 4 to 6 minutes until a consistent

129 mixture was obtained. The fresh concrete mixture was poured in the moulds (Cylinder size:

130 150mm diameter and 300 mm depth; prism size: 100x100x500 mm, width x depth x length) by

131 filling in two layers and each layer was compacted using a vibrating table as per IS 516:1999

132 [22]. The moulds were then kept in a chamber where in the temperature is maintained at 27°C±

133 2°C and the relative humidity was 90%. The samples were demoulded after 24 hours of casting

134 and immersed in clean water for curing. The samples were tested after 7 days and 28 days to

135 evaluate the mechanical properties.

136 2.4 Test Methods

137 All the specimens were tested for unit weight, cylinder compressive strength, modulus of

138 rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) at 7 (168 ± 0.5 hours) and 28 (672 ± 0.5 hours)

139 days. Cylindrical compressive strength was evaluated as per IS 516:1999 [22]. The dimensions

140 and weight of each specimen was measured to calculate unit weight of blended concrete. The

141 mean of the MOR from three prism specimens was reported. Loading is applied at a rate of 180

142 kg/min, in such a manner that load applied shall be divided equally between two supports and it

143 is mounted in such a manner that load is applied axially without subjecting the specimen to any

144 torsional restrains or stresses. The flexural strength is expressed as the MOR and it is calculated

145 as per IS 516:1999 [22]. Typical experimental set up for MOR and MOE is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. MOR and MOE experiments for SCBA blended concrete

146 3.0 Results and Discussions

147 3.1 Unit Weight

148 Table 5 presents the results of mechanical properties such as density, cylinder compressive

149 strength, MOE and MOR for various mixtures of SCBA. The density or unit weight of the fresh

150 and hardened concrete was determined for samples of each mix before compressive strength test.

151 The theoretical and actual fresh mean density of the SCBA blended mixtures found to vary in the

152 range of 2376–2441 kg/m3and 2381–2459 kg/m3, with a standard deviation of 18.13 and 20.95.

153 The density of O-SCBA blended concrete is found to be lesser than control concrete. The mean

154 density of theoretical, fresh, at 7th and 28th days of O-SCBA blended concrete varies from 2400

155 kg/m3 to 2422 kg/m3. The density of O-SCBA blended concrete is decreasing with increase in

156 replacement ratio and also lesser than control and P-SCBA blended concrete, due to larger

157 particle sizes with porous nature [23, 24]. In case of P-SCBA blended, the mean theoretical,

158 fresh, at 7th and 28th days concrete found to vary from 2421kg/m3 to 2442 kg/m3. The density is

159 increased than O-SCBA blended concrete mixes but lesser than control concrete. The increase in

160 density may be due to improved properties of P-SCBA like increase in finer size, proper particle

161 size distribution of SCBA, etc., [25].

162 Table 5 Density, Cylinder Compressive Strength, MOR and MOE

Compressive MOR MOE (MPa)

Strength (MPa)

Density of Concrete (kg/m3) (MPa)

Mix 7 28 7 28 7 28 7 28

ID Theoretical Fresh days days days days days days days days

N 2441 2459 2438 2432 11.18 18.19 2.31 3.18 13734 19619

O1 2430 2448 2435 2428 10.67 17.43 2.34 3.23 13079 19205

O2 2418 2433 2421 2412 10.15 15.67 2.31 3.21 12244 18032

O3 2409 2425 2415 2404 9.70 14.46 2.28 3.15 11482 17265

O4 2397 2409 2398 2385 8.34 12.92 2.05 2.96 10813 16392

O5 2387 2398 2390 2382 7.30 11.60 1.92 2.84 10125 15157

O6 2376 2383 2379 2362 6.02 9.32 1.78 2.61 9340 14044

P1 2434 2439 2436 2423 13.27 20.97 2.59 3.56 14431 21066

P2 2428 2440 2438 2429 14.87 23.24 2.67 3.62 15058 22176

P3 2421 2444 2442 2437 13.60 21.61 2.49 3.44 14371 21385

P4 2415 2449 2445 2441 12.43 20.00 2.29 3.20 13661 20573

P5 2408 2437 2434 2428 10.66 18.33 2.11 3.06 12991 19803

P6 2403 2423 2418 2414 8.77 15.88 1.89 2.79 11879 18331

163 From Table 5, it can be observed that the theoretical density and the density obtained for

164 fresh concrete and hardened concrete at 7 and 28 days are similar and the maximum difference is

165 about 1%. In general, the density of fresh concrete is slightly higher for all the mixes compared

166 to the density of hardened concrete at 7 and 28 days. Other general observation is that the density

167 of hardened concrete at 28 days is less compared to the density at 7 days. The decrease in density

168 could be due to completion of hydration process. Compressive strength of concrete is a function

169 of density of concrete [26], and it is important to compare the density of blended concrete at

170 various ages with compressive strength (Fig. 3).

2450 25
Compressive Strength (MPa)
Density (Kg/m3)



2330 0
N O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Mix ID

7 days 28 days 7 days strength 28 days strength


172 Fig. 3. Comparison of unit weight with cylinder compressive strength of SCBA blended

173 and normal concretes

174 From Fig. 3, it can be observed that a direct relationship can be deduced between the

175 density and compressive strength of concrete. Further, it can be noted from Fig. 3 that higher

176 density yields higher compressive strength. The finer size of P-SCBA fills the voids [27] and

177 reactions will be more active and in turn increases the concrete density [28]. This infers that the

178 packing density of concrete contributes to the compressive strength [17].

179 3.2 Compressive Strength

180 From Table 5, it can be observed that for the case of 'O' series, the compressive strength

181 reduces with the increase of replacement levels. For the case of 30% replacement of cement by

182 SCBA, the strength decreased by about 50%. The decrease in strength could be due to larger

183 particle size or less specific gravity or less bulk density. Pores will increase due to larger particle

184 size and hence compressive strength will reduce [29]. Further, P-SCBA blended concrete (P2)

185 exhibited a maximum of 27.8% increase in cylinder compressive strength compared to control

186 concrete. The increase in strength may due to finer particle size of P-SCBA which are well

187 distributed all over the mix. The finer reactive silica content reacts with calcium hydroxide

188 (produced as result of cement hydration process) and forms CSH matrix [30, 31, 32] or finer size

189 of P-SCBA, fills voids and increase the density which results in increase of strength [17].

190 The compressive strength increases up to 20% replacement of cement by P-SCBA. The

191 percentage increase in strength is 13.3%, 27.8%, 18.8% and 10.0% for the mixes P1, P2, P3 and

192 P4 respectively. The increase in strength is due to high specific gravity and larger surface area.

193 The maximum strength gained is at level of 10% replacement (27.8%). The strength gained for

194 the mixes P1 to P4 is higher than that of control concrete i.e 18.19 MPa. For other mixes,

195 namely, P5 and P6, the compressive strength is found to decrease than the control concrete. The

196 decrease in strength could be due to unavailability of the required amount of calcium hydroxide.

197 The nucleation sites are located at area of non-availability zone of calcium hydroxide or it may

198 have located at the area where calcium hydroxide can’t reach, which results in lesser formation

199 CSH which affects strength directly.

200 3.3 Modulus of Rupture (MOR)

201 Flexure or MOR test of the specimens can be conducted for determination of

202 tensile strength. However, MOR generally shows higher value than the indirect split tensile

203 strength. For design purpose, it is useful to mention the type of test conducted for tensile strength

204 determination. The MOR for control and SCBA blended concrete is presented in Table.5. Fig. 4

205 compares the MOR of SCBA blended concrete with respect to compressive strength for 7th and

206 28th days. Due to the presence of larger fibrous nature of SCBA, the value of MOR is slightly

207 more (1.6%) for the case of 5% O-SCBA blended concrete. On further replacement, the MOR

208 value is found to be equal or slightly below the value of control concrete. The reason for

209 reduction in MOR is either due to poor microstructure or less formation of hydration products.

210 There is an average increase of MOR by about 12.9 % than control concrete till 10% of P-SCBA

211 blended concrete. The reasons are two folds (i) micro fibrous nature of SCBA [24], (below 30µm

212 length) which is associated with CSH gel formation (ii) formation of aluminate products, which

213 results in thin plates or needles [33] due to hydration.

25 4

Compressive Strength (MPa)


Modulus of Rupture (MPa)


15 2.5
10 1.5
0 0
N O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Mix ID

7 days 28 days 7days Comp. strength 28days Comp. strength


215 Fig. 4. MOR Compared with Cylinder Compressive strength

216 These plates interlock between hydrate matrix and contribute to the tensile strength of

217 SCBA blended concrete. For the mixes P3 and P4, the reduction in compressive strength may be

218 due to less amount of alumina in mix which leads to formation of calcium aluminates [6, 24].

219 The formation of secondary CSH is larger (Silica in SCBA is higher compared to alumina)

220 results in less pores between coarse aggregate and blended mortar, improves Interfacial

221 Transition Zone (ITZ) [34]. With the increase of replacement levels further, MOR values are

222 decreasing and the values are below the control concrete. The decrease in values are due to lack

223 of formation of secondary CSH and calcium aluminate, resulting in weak ITZ.

224 3.4 Predicted Modulus of Rupture

225 Concrete design principles and standards of various countries like Australia, America and

226 New Zealand have suggested empirical equations to predict the MOR of conventional concrete

227 by utilizing cylinder compressive strength. But in this study, MOR was predicted by using the

228 same equations for SCBA blended concrete and compared with the experimental results.


Flexural Strength (MPa)

y = 0.6463x0.4974
y = 0.6336x0.4988



7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Compressive Strength (MPa)

O-SCBA Proposed Eqn P-SCBA Proposed Eqn O-AS 3600 P-AS 3600
O-ACI 318 P-ACI 318 O-SCBA Exp P-SCBA Exp

230 Fig. 5. Comparison of experimental, theoretical and proposed flexural strength at 28 days

231 The MOR (ffc) at 28 days can be determined by using Eq. (1) as mentioned by AS3600

232 [35] and NZS3101 [36]. The difference between mean experimental MOR and predicted MOR

233 by using eq. (1) for O-SCBA blended concrete at 7thand 28thdays is found to be 0.34 and 0.77.

234 Similarly, for P-SCBA blended concreteat 7th and 28th days is found to be 0.25 and 0.60

235 respectively.

236 = 0.6 √ ….. (1)

237 ACI318 [37], suggests Eq. (2) to predict the MOR by utilizing the cylinder compressive

238 strength at 28 days. The difference between mean experimental MOR and predicted MOR by Eq.

239 (2) for O-SCBA blended concrete is found to be 0.28 and 0.70 for 7thand 28thdays respectively.

240 Similarly, for P-SCBA blended concrete the value decreases further to 0.18 and 0.51. The

241 comparison of mean difference indicates that MOR predicted by Eq. (2) is relatively accurate

242 when compared to Eq.(1).

243 = 0.62 √ ….. (2)

244 Using the experimental data of MOR and cylinder compressive strength, a relationship

245 similar to Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) was deduced by 0.5 power law regression analysis. The following

246 Eq. (3) for O-SCBA blended concrete and Eq. (4) for P-SCBA best fits the results, are shown in

247 Fig. 5. The proposed equation shows higher constant than the theoretical codal provisions by

248 AS3600 [35], NZS3101 [36] and ACI318 [37].

249 = 0.6336 √ ….. (3)

250 = 0.6463 √ ….. (4)

251 The predicted MOR by using Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) is about 5.6% lesser and 7.2% higher

252 than those calculated by Eq. (1) and also 2.1% lesser and 3.2% higher than those calculated by

253 Eq. (2) for O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended concrete at 28 days. Although, the constant value (0.6,

254 0.6336 and 0.6463) is more or less similar, these equations will be useful to predict MOR for the

255 concrete made up of SCBA. The P-SCBA series blended concrete shows better fit curve with

256 higher MOR than O-SCBA series blended concrete.

257 Table 6 MOR(MPa) of SCBA blended mixtures at 28 days

Mix ID's Test AS 3600 [35] ACI 318 Test / AS Test / ACI 318

[37] 3600 [36] [37]

N 3.18 2.56 2.65 0.81 0.84

O1 3.23 2.51 2.59 0.78 0.81

O2 3.21 2.38 2.46 0.75 0.77

O3 3.15 2.29 2.36 0.74 0.76

O4 2.96 2.16 2.23 0.73 0.76

O5 2.84 2.05 2.12 0.73 0.75

O6 2.61 1.84 1.90 0.71 0.73

P1 3.56 2.75 2.84 0.78 0.80

P2 3.62 2.90 2.99 0.81 0.83

P3 3.44 2.79 2.89 0.82 0.85

P4 3.20 2.69 2.78 0.85 0.87

P5 3.06 2.59 2.67 0.85 0.88

P6 2.79 2.40 2.48 0.87 0.89

258 Table 6 presents the experimental MOR values obtained for all SCBA mixes and the

259 predicted values by using the relationship given in AS3600 [35] and ACI318 [37]. From Table 6,

260 it can be noted that the ratio of experimental MOR values to AS3600 [35] MOR values for O-

261 SCBA and P-SCBA mixes are in the range of 0.71 to 0.78 and 0.78 to 0.87 respectively.

262 Similarly, for the experimental MOR values to ACI318 [37] MOR values for O-SCBA and P-

263 SCBA mixes are in the range of 0.73 to 0.81 and 0.80 to 0.89 respectively. Hence, the MOR

264 equation deduced for P-SCBA blended concrete by ACI318 [37] is more appropriate than the

265 other equations.

266 3.5 Modulus of Elasticity (MOE)

267 MOE or Young’s modulus is the resistance measured by any material against elastic

268 deformation to applied force. It is also one of the most important parameters for structural

269 design. The MOE at 28thday for O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended concrete was determined from

270 experimental tests and the values obtained by AS3600 [35] and NZS3101 [36] are given in Table

271 7. Fig. 6 shows the variation of MOE of SCBA blended concrete with respect to cylinder

272 compressive strength at 7th and 28th days. Generally, MOE is directly proportional to cylinder

273 compressive strength. It can be realized from experimental results that MOE of O-SCBA blended

274 concrete is 28.4% (30% partial replacement) lesser than control concrete. P-SCBA blended

275 concrete, the value is 13.1% (10% partial replacement as optimum) higher MOE than control

276 concrete. For 20% partial replacement, the value is 4.9% higher MOE than control concrete.

277 Similar observations were also made by other investigators [38, 39, 40].

278 The maximum increase in MOE of SCBA blended concrete in both cases is 6.94% and

279 similarly the compressive strength of P-SCBA exhibited higher MOE, which may be due to less

280 pore size, fibrous structures [6, 24], improved ITZ, formation of hydrated compounds, filling

281 effect and arrangement of micro fibrous of SCBA [25] in blended concrete. The MOE obtained

282 for 7 days is very less compared to that of the value obtained at 28 days. The MOE obtained for

283 the mixes of P-SCBA is found to be higher compared to the mixes of O-SCBA. This is due to the

284 hydration product formation, and due to the fibrous nature of SCBA, plates (calcium aluminate),

285 reduction of voids, resulted in higher MOE values.

24 22500
Compressive Strength (MPa)

20 18750

Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) (MPa)

16 15000

12 11250

8 7500

4 3750

0 0
N O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Mix ID

MOE at 7 days MOE at 28 days

Compressive strength at 7 days Compressive strength at 28 days

287 Fig. 6 Comparison of cylinder compressive strength and MOE at 7 days and 28 days

288 3.6 Predicted Modulus of elasticity

289 The applicability of conventional concrete design principles for MOE from cylinder

290 compressive strength of SCBA blended concrete is verified and compared with experimental
291 results.MOE obtained from international standards like ACI318 [37], AS3600 [35] and NZS3101

292 [36] are presented in Table 7. The international codes ACI318 [37] and AS3600 [35] (Eq. (5))

293 and NZS3101 [36] (Eq. (6)) define the relationship between MOE and cylinder compressive

294 strength of concrete as

295 = [ 0.043 ] ….. (5)

296 = 3320√ + 6900 ….. (6)

297 Ec – Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)

298 fc – Cylindrical Compressive Strength (MPa)

299 ρ – Density of concrete (kg/m3)

300 23000

Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)


y = 5900 + 3270x0.5

13000 y = 5590 + 3110x0.5


8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Compressive Strength (MPa)

301 Fig.7 Proposed equation based on NZS3101

302 The ratio of MOE obtained from experiment and by using AS3600 is found to be in the

303 range of 0.89 to 0.94 and by using NZS3101 [36], the range is 0.83 to 0.97. The MOE predicted

304 by using Eq. (6) is found to closer with experimental results compared to the value predicted by

305 using Eq. (5). The mean MOE of P-SCBA blended concrete at 7th day is 16.26% higher than O-

306 SCBA blended concrete and for 28th day MOE it is 15.93%. The mean MOE predicted by using

307 Equation (5) for P-SCBA blended concrete is 14.95% and 16.88% for 7 and 28 days

308 respectively. Similarly, the values obtained by using Eq. (6) for P-SCBA blended concrete are

309 8.58% and 10.51% for 7th and 28th days respectively. Eq. (5) appears to be similar pattern of

310 experimental with mean variation of 1.50% but using Eq. (6), the mean variation of MOE is

311 8.19%. Table 7 reveals that 28 days MOE is almost 90% of O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended

312 concrete calculated by using Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), but there is variation of MOE for the case of 7

313 days.

314 The relation proposed for O-SCBA blended concrete and P-SCBA blended concrete

315 between MOE and cylinder compressive strength as per NZS3101 [36] standards by 0.5 power

316 law regression analysis is shown in Fig. 7and the relation is shown below

317 = 3110 + 5590 ….. (7)

318 = 3270 + 5900 ….. (8)

319 From equations (7) and (8), it can be noted that the coefficient and constants terms are high in

320 equation (8). The mean difference between predicted MOE as per Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) with that

321 of experimental MOE is -1.58 and 4.71. The negative value indicates that the MOE value for O-

322 SCBA concrete is less than control concrete and positive value indicates that the MOE value for

323 P-SCBA concrete is higher than control concrete.

324 The proposed equations for O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended concrete considering density

325 of concrete are derived by 0.5 power regression analysis as shown in Fig. 8 and the mean

326 difference of MOE of experiment and by using proposed equation Eq. (9) and Eq. (10) is 18 and

327 -5.72 respectively. The negative indicates larger deviation which is more than obtained by using

328 Eq. (8).

Modulus of Elasticity (MPa) / Density 1.5 0.19
y = 0.0398x0.494
y = 0.0389x0.5005
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Compressive Strength (MPa)


330 Fig. 8 Proposed equation based on ACI318 [37] and AS3600 [35]

331 = [ 0.0389 ] ….. (9)

332 = [ 0.0398 ] ….. (10)

333 Table 7 MOE (MPa) of SCBA blended mixtures at 28 days

Mix ID Experiment AS 3600 [35] NZS 3101 Test / AS Test / NZS 3101

[36] 3600 [35] [36]

N 19619 21996 21060 0.90 0.94

O1 19205 21478 20761 0.90 0.93

O2 18210 20164 20043 0.91 0.91

O3 17493 19274 19525 0.91 0.90

O4 16536 18003 18834 0.92 0.88

O5 15668 17026 18208 0.93 0.87

O6 14044 15070 17036 0.94 0.83

P1 21066 23486 22104 0.90 0.96

P2 22176 24816 22906 0.90 0.97

P3 21385 24049 22334 0.89 0.96

P4 20573 23192 21748 0.89 0.95

P5 19803 22146 21192 0.90 0.94

P6 18331 20324 20131 0.91 0.92


335 Table 7 presents the values of MOE obtained from experiments, by using AS 3600 [35],

336 NZS 3101 [36] and the ratio of experimental to respective standards. From Table 7, it can be

337 observed that the ratio of experimental MOE and by AS3600 [35] increases with the increase of

338 cement replacement by O-SCBA and decreases for the case of P-SCBA. Hence, AS3600 [35]

339 standard can be used for O-SCBA blended concrete. Similarly, from Table 7, it can also be

340 observed that the ratio of experimental MOE and by NZS 3101 [36] decreases with increase in

341 replacement of cement by O-SCBA. Hence, NZS 3101 [36] can be used for P-SCBA blended

342 concrete to predict MOE.

343 3.7 Relationship between Modulus of Rupture and Modulus of Elasticity

344 It is well known that the compressive strength of concrete is function of many variables.

345 Studies were made to establish the relation between MOR and MOE. if one value is known,

346 other can be determined or vice versa. By using the equation Eq. (1) and Eq. (5), a relationship

347 between MOR and MOE with density of concrete is determined for conventional concrete as per

348 AS3600 [35].

349 = 0.0717 ….. (11)

350 =[ . ] 13.953 ….. (11.A)

351 Based on NZS3101 [36], Eq. (1) and Eq. (6), a relationship between MOR and MOE is derived

352 without density of conventional concrete, which is given below:

353 = 5533 + 6900 ….. (12)

354 = 0.000181 − 1.247 ….. (12.A)

355 As per ACI318 [37], Eq. (2) and Eq. (5), the MOR and MOE is related with density for

356 conventional concrete as

357 = 0.0693 ….. (13)

358 = .
! 14.419 ….. (13.A)

359 From Eq. (3) and Eq. (7), the proposed MOR and proposed MOE for O-SCBA blended concrete

360 is related without density as

361 = 4908.46 + 5590 ….. (14)

362 = 0.000204 − 1.139 ….. (14.A)

363 Based on Eq. (3) and Eq. (9), the proposed MOR and proposed MOE with density for O-SCBA

364 blended concrete is related as

365 = 0.0614 ….. (15)

366 = . ! 16.287 ….. (15.A)

367 Table 8 Validation of MOE from derived equations and experiment

Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq (15) &

Mix ID (12) (14) (11) (13) (17)

N 0.801 0.926 0.718 0.743 0.838

O1 0.776 0.896 0.694 0.718 0.810

O2 0.732 0.845 0.662 0.685 0.773

O3 0.713 0.824 0.653 0.676 0.763

O4 0.705 0.815 0.664 0.687 0.775

O5 0.671 0.777 0.641 0.663 0.748

O6 0.659 0.764 0.654 0.677 0.764

P1 0.793 0.881 0.692 0.716 0.806

P2 0.824 0.916 0.714 0.739 0.831

P3 0.825 0.918 0.721 0.746 0.839

P4 0.837 0.932 0.744 0.770 0.866

P5 0.831 0.927 0.755 0.781 0.879

P6 0.821 0.916 0.773 0.800 0.900

368 The applicability of MOE equations of various Codes of practice and the proposed

369 equations are verified by computing the ratio between experimental results and the predicted

370 values from proposed equations. The results are presented in Table 8. From Table 8, it can be

371 noted that the ratio varies from 0.701 to 0.874. A relationship between MOR and MOE is

372 proposed for O-SCBA concrete. From Eq. (4) and Eq. (8), the proposed MOR and proposed

373 MOE for P-SCBA blended concrete is related without density as

374 = 5059.57 + 5900 ….. (16)

375 = 0.000198 − 1.166 ….. (16.A)

376 Based on Eq. (4) and Eq. (10), the proposed MOR and proposed MOE with density for O-SCBA

377 blended concrete is related as

378 = 0.0616 ….. (17)

379 = .
! 16.234 ….. (17.A)

380 Table 9 Validation of MOR derived from equations and experiment

Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq (15.A)

Mix ID (12.A) (14.A) (11.A) (13.A) & (17.A)

N 1.380 1.154 1.393 1.349 1.194

O1 1.449 1.210 1.442 1.396 1.236

O2 1.592 1.320 1.512 1.463 1.295

O3 1.667 1.376 1.532 1.482 1.312

O4 1.721 1.412 1.508 1.459 1.291

O5 1.898 1.539 1.561 1.511 1.338

O6 2.016 1.614 1.529 1.479 1.310

P1 1.388 1.185 1.445 1.398 1.242

P2 1.309 1.123 1.401 1.355 1.204

P3 1.311 1.121 1.387 1.342 1.192

P4 1.292 1.101 1.344 1.301 1.156

P5 1.309 1.111 1.325 1.282 1.139

P6 1.348 1.133 1.294 1.252 1.112

381 The applicability MOR value is verified by computing the ratio between experimental MOR to

382 MOR values obtained from proposed equations and the results are presented in Table 9.

383 From Table 9, it can be noted that the ratio varies from 1.233 to 1.514. A relationship

384 between MOR and MOE is proposed for P-SCBA concrete. From Eq. (4) and Eq. (8), the

385 proposed MOR and proposed MOE for P-SCBA blended concrete is related without density as

386 = .
!" # ….. (18)

387 =$ −% ….. (19)

388 Table 10 Validation of MOR for O-SCBA blended concrete derived from equations (18) & (19)

Test/ Test/ Test/ Test/Eq(19) Test/Eq(19) Test/Eq(19)

Eq(18) Eq(18) Eq(18) (If (If (If

Mix (If J = (If J (If K=0.00025, K=0.00022, K=0.000235,

ID 20) =21) J=20.85) A=1.24) A=0.70) A=0.967)

N 0.970 0.925 0.930 0.897 0.879 0.872

O1 1.004 0.956 0.965 0.905 0.916 0.910

O2 1.053 1.004 1.010 0.982 0.982 0.979

O3 1.069 1.017 1.023 1.017 1.010 1.010

O4 1.050 1.000 1.007 1.035 1.018 1.025

O5 1.089 1.037 1.045 1.114 1.076 1.093

O6 1.066 1.016 1.020 1.135 1.093 1.116


390 From Table 10, it can be noted that the constant J lies between 20 and 21, the mean value for the

391 ratios are varies between 0.9936 to 1.0430. If the constant J value is 20.85, then the mean value

392 for the ratio is 1 for O-SCBA blended concrete. The constant K lies between 0.00025 and

393 0.00023, with a value of constant A constant ranging between 0.70 and 1.24 and a mean value of

394 0.9963 to 1.0093.

395 Table 11 Validation of MOR for P-SCBA blended concrete derived from equations (18) & (19)

Test/ Eq (19) Test/ Eq (19) Test/ Eq (19)

Test/ Eq Test/ Eq Test/ Eq (If (If (If

Mix (18) (If J (18) (If J (18) (If K=0.00025, K=0.00022, K=0.000235,

ID = 18) =19) J=18.48) A=1.94) A=1.33) A=1.638)

N 0.885 0.840 0.862 0.879 0.851 0.876

P1 1.120 1.060 1.089 1.070 1.051 1.073

P2 1.084 1.029 1.056 1.003 0.998 1.012

P3 1.075 1.018 1.046 1.009 0.995 1.015

P4 1.039 0.985 1.013 0.997 0.976 1.000

P5 1.027 0.972 1.000 1.014 0.984 1.014

P6 1.000 0.949 0.976 1.042 1.000 1.045


397 From Table 11, it can be noticed that the constant J lies between 18 and 19 and the mean value

398 varies from 1.0329 to 0.9790. for instance, If the J value is 18.48, then the mean value for the

399 ratio is 1.006 for P-SCBA blended concrete. The constant K lies between 0.00025 and 0.00023,

400 and the constant A varies between 1.25 and 1.94 with a mean value of 0.9793 to 1.0036.

401 From the overall, it can be summarized that the constant J lies between 18 and 21 for SCBA

402 blended concrete, K lies between 0.00022 and 0.00025 and constant A lies between 0.73 and

403 1.94.

404 The constants J, K and A related to the specific surface area of blending materials, density of

405 concrete, formation of CSH and Calcium aluminates, curing period, grade of concrete, etc.

406 4 Summary and Conclusion

407 The mechanical properties of O-SCBA and P-SCBA blended concrete were studied. SCBA

408 was added in different proportions (5%, 10%, ...... 30%) by replacing cement. The results of the

409 study are summarized below

410 • The mean of theoretical O-SCBA blended concrete density is 2409 kg/m3 and that of P-

411 SCBA blended concrete density is 2422 kg/m3, indicates that the pore volume of P-SCBA

412 blended concrete is filled by finer processed SCBA. The density of P-SCBA blended

413 concrete increased to 0.78%, 1.04% and 1.21% at fresh state, 7th and 28th days compared to

414 O-SCBA blended concrete.

415 • Relationship between cylindrical compressive strength and density is found to be directly

416 proportional irrespective of nature of curing period for SCBA blended concrete.

417 • Strength activity index [15] for cylindrical compressive strength shows that the enhanced

418 strength is about 28% compared to control for 10% partial replacement cement by P-

419 SCBA. Up to 20% partial replacement of OPC by P-SCBA, strength enhancement is

420 observed compared to control.

421 • MOR of SCBA blended concrete also followed similar trend like compressive strength.

422 Addition of 10% of P-SCBA and O-SCBA by cement replacement enhanced MOR

423 compared to control mix. P-SCBA mix exhibited 10.64% higher MOR than O-SCBA. The

424 increase in tensile strength in both series of SCBA blended concrete MOR is due to

425 presence of micro fibers in SCBA.

426 • Similar to compressive strength, MOE of O-SCBA blended concrete is lesser compared to

427 P-SCBA blended concrete. The relationship between the cylinder compressive strength and

428 MOE based on NZS3101 [36] and ACI 318 [37] Codes of practice for O-SCBA and P-

429 SCBA blended concrete is established.

430 • It is recommended that the relationship between MOR and cylinder compressive strength

431 based on ACI-318 [37] and relationship between MOE and cylinder compressive strength

432 based on NZS-3101 [36] for SCBA blended concrete can be employed for all computations

433 • Relationship between MOR and MOE of SCBA blended concrete is derived with and

434 without the density of concrete and cylinder compressive strength with appropriate

435 constants.

436 Acknowledgement

437 The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the support of Structural Engineering Laboratory

438 Technician and usage of DST-FIST sponsored UTM Machine of 3000 kN Capacity.

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