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Danish Latif

BBA (Hons.)

Roll No. 37

Session 2012-16

Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Administrative Sciences Nar (A.K.)

University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Letter of Transmittal
The Placement Officer

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

September 30, 2016

Dear Sir

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

This report is in response to the instructions of your letter in which you asked me to complete my
internship in any organization. I have interned with Allied Bank Limited Nar Branch for a period
of 6 weeks. I have prepared this report containing my findings, analysis, conclusions and

It would be pleasure for me to hear your comments after you have gone through this report.
Though while reading if you like to discuss any point with me, I shall be happy to do so at any
time convenient to you.

Yours truly,

Danish Latif

Roll No. 37

BBA (Hons)

Session 2012-16

Internship Letter


“In the name of Allah Almighty who is most sympathetic and most merciful”. It was indeed
only because of his countless and unlimited blessings that have given my strength to look
around, see the world and understand the logics of different things.

First of all I am very much honored to show gratitude members of faculty in general and the
respected teacher Mr. Umer Razzaq in particular whose guidance is always found necessary for
me to put most of the wrong things to the right. It is only because of their wisdom and
motivation, which has made us a raw material in to a polished form.

Thanking all the members of all the departments with whom I worked with, for their co-
operation and help. They fully solved all the quarries that I faced during my internship program.


Danish Latif
BBA (Hons)
Roll No. 37

Executive Summary

This report highlights the operations and functions of Allied Bank Limited. ABL act as financial
agent to its customers in return it gets reward for its services in the shape of profit. Being a
Government owned institution it plays an important role in development of society as well as in
development and growth of the economy.

Allied Bank Limited is one of the leading banks in Pakistan. According to international standards
of banking system it is one of the best bank in South Asian region as well as the bank of the year
2015. This report explains how different functions of ABL work and what are their services.

The main purpose of the internship is to gather relevant information to compile internship report
on Allied Bank Limited Na Branch Islamabad.

This report will mentioned all departments of Allied Bank Limited Nar Branch. The detailed
account of the history, brief introduction, hierarchy and functions of all the departments, SWOT
analysis, Competitors Analysis, Industrial Analysis, Financial Analysis and Administration
Analysis and financial statement analysis of Allied Bank Limited Nar branch are discussed in
this report. In short, it is the same sort of experience which I have dream for my internship.

The report is based on my six week internship program in Allied Bank Limited. The
methodology reported for collection of data is primary as well as secondary data. The biggest
source of information is my personal experience, observation while working with staff and
having discussion with them. The annual report 2015 also helped me in this regard.

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