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2023 Mossel Bay Eisteddfod


Hosted by: ArtSpace
1. In the Sea
ENTRY FEE - R50 per art work
2. In the Garden
There is no limit on the number of
3. Indoors entries allowed per participant.

1. Paintings: acrylic, oil, water colour, pastels or colouring pens/pencils.
2. Sketches: pencil, charcoal, pen, colouring pens/pencils.
3. Mixed Media: entrants are invited to submit mixed media. Heavier,
3-dimensional submissions should be neatly boxed.

1. Window period when art may be submitted: 18 - 21 July 2023
(Drop-off of art works - to be arranged with Abé Meintjes: 083-268-3718.)

2. Closing Date: 21 July 2023

3. Exhibit of Adjudicated Art: 31 July - 18 August 2023

(Klipkerk, Church Street, Mossel Bay.)

4. Eisteddfod Gala Evening: 26 August 2023

(Only art awarded “gold” and higher will be showcased at the Gala evening.)

5. Return of art to participants: 28 & 29 August 2023

(Collection of art work - to be arranged with Abé Meintjes on 083 268 3718.)

Certi cates will be awarded as follows:
• Prestige A++ 96-100%
• Honours A+ 90-95%
• Gold A 80-89%
• Silver B 70-79%
• Bronze C 60-69%
• Participation Certificate

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1. Multiple entries from schools, parents and/or teachers
Please complete the provided inventory of ALL the entries submitted. This aids with the
return of participants’ submission/s, as well as providing them with their certificates.
There is no limit on the number of entries per individual.
2. Labels on art works
All submitted works must be clearly labelled on the bottom right-hand corner, using the
exact label template (and size!) included at the end of this document. Please ensure that
the size of the label is correct. i.e. 8cm x 10cm.
3. Ownership
• Closing
art work must have
for entries: the artist’s
5 August name and their teacher/parent’s name and contact
number attached to the back. By submitting the art work, the participant acknowledges
• Entries
that are to be
he/she handed
is the in at a and
sole creator collection
owner point
of the (to be advised), clearly marked
4. Size of art
• Thefee,
Entry sizeper
of work
R50. should preferably be between sizes A3 up to A2.
A4 is also acceptable - but nothing smaller.
• There is no limit on the number of entries per individual.
5. Presentation
• TheArt works should
adjudication be neatly
outcome is mounted
nal and noondisputes
black, grey or white cartridge
or discussions will bepaper or, failing
entered into.
that, a frame should be created by using 5cm strips of black cartridge paper - preferably
• stuckare
Entries onto firm paper/cardboard.
submitted at the participants’ own risk.
6. No “colouring-in” type pictures are allowed.
• Each artwork must have its individual entry form attached to it.
7. No copy-cat type cartoons are allowed.

8. No traced pictures are allowed.

9. Assistance from Teachers/Parents

Inspiration and motivation from parents and teachers is encouraged, but no mark will be
given on artwork that is not created by the individual artist. However, help with the
framing is encouraged in order to make it as neat and presentable as possible.
10. Adjudication
All submissions will be respectfully adjudicated according to age and art categories,
acknowledging participants’ individuality and strengths. There will be a strong focus on:

• Creativity: originality, composition, expression, perspective

• Technical skills: use of the medium, contrasts, colour (where applicable)

• Overall impression
11. Risk
All entries are submitted at the participants’ own risk.

12. Adjudication Outcome

The adjudication outcome is final and no disputes or discussions will be entered into.

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AGE OF ARTIST or, if an adult state “ADULT”

For office use

Reference Number:

Type to enter text

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