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,I ,

In the adjoining figure, 0 is the cent f h
re o t e circle. ACOB is a . (

parallel to OA is drawn to cut the circle t D square W1th A on the circle. Through Ba line
a nearer to A. Then LBOD ===

(1) 20' (2) 18" (3) 15' (4) 22.1'.

·- 2
50. In the figure below, AB is a diameter of a circle. AB is produeed to P such that BP, radrus of the circle.
PC is a tangent to the circle. The tangent at Band AC produced cut a E. Then >ICDE is

(1) isosceles with EC= ED (2) isosceles with EC = CD

(fjJ (4) a scalene triangle . Is
) equilateral . . t ther 12 congruent equ1 a
51. T . . ade by fittmg oge ? ·1 teral tnang e .
he star shown in the picture isWhm t . the perimeter of the grey hexagon .
'The perimeter of the s ar is . .
t . 36 cm a is . r----1'_-7\. I
(1) 6 cm

r (2) 12 cm

(3) 18 cm

(4) 24 cm has an area of 1. Wh at is the area of the smalI blac k square?

52. In the picture t h e large square

1 l
1 (4) 900
1 (3) 600
(2) 300
(1) JOO
.1,.Sll - . QS . Mathematics
the diagram R 1s a straight line L.QPS
In · = 12° and PQ PS
3· . p = = RS. How big is L.QPR?

(1) 360 . . (2) 420 (3) 540 (4) 600
_ Whal is th e rru;i~u: n_um?ber of dots iliat must be taken away from the picture so that no three of the remaining
54 dots lie on a ra1g 1me.
• ••
• • •
(1) 1 (2) 2
• •(3) 3• (4) 4
_ Nick measured a\l 6 angles in two triangles. One of the triangles was acute angled and the other obtuse angled.
He noted four of the angles to be: 120°, 80°, 55° und 10°. What is the size of the smallest angle in the acute
angled triangle?
(1) 45° (2) 10° (3) 5° ,(4) 55°
56. In the diagram there is an object with 6 triangular faces. On each comer there is a number (two are shown).
The sum of the numbers on the comers of each face is the same. What is the sum of all 5 numbers?

(1) 9 (2) 12 (3) 17 (4) 18

• The diagram shows a regular nonagon. What is the size of the angle marked X? ·



550 (4) 60°
j;. (2) 50° (3) be eeded
(1) 450 . t'l The first three patterns are shown. How many tiles will n
58. A pattern is made out of white, square I es.
1 for the tenth pattern?

(4) 92
1 _ _:(l ~7:6____~(2:l~8o~----(•3)•8•4------------1A1
59. A cube is cut in three directions as shown , to produce eight cuboids (each cut is parallel to one of the faces
of the cube). What is the ratio of the total surface area of the eight cuboids to t~e surface area of the original


I ,(
I ,, I
---1···--·· # :

(1) 1: 1 (2) 4 : 3 (3) 3: 2 (4) 2 : I

60. In the quadrilateral PQRS PQ = 2006. QR= 2008. RS= 2007 und SP= 2009. At which corners must the
interior angle definitely be smaller than 180'?
(1) P. Q. R (2) Q. R. S (3) P. Q. S (4) P.R. S
61. In triangle ABC the interior angle B equals 20° and C 40°. The length of the angle bisector through A is 2.
What is the difference of the side lengths of BC and AB?
(1) 1 (2) 1.5 (3) 2 (4) 4
62. How many lines of symmetry does this figure have?

(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 4
63. The perimeter of the figure pictured on the right is .. .... .. .. .. ..




(1) 3a + 8b (2) 6a + 4b (3) 6a + 6b 1;

(4) 6a + 8b
64. Pratap draws the six comerpoints of a regular hexagon and then connects some of them to obtain a geometric
figure. Which of the following figures cannot be generated? i
• <ii,

• • J
• •

(1) trapezium (2) right angled triangle (3) square (4) kite
@ ven blocks. It is possible to slide th b1 · ·· Mathematics
J re se be e ,1ocks a d
lr vJ11bo"t 1s the roinimum num r of blocks that must be moved?
roun so that another block be
can added to the
~\ •

(2) 3
2 ~ 4 ~5 .
tll quadrilateral ABCD Pill = BC, LDAC = 500, LDCA - 650 nd
~tPe , - a LACB = 70°. How big is LABC?

B l

·i '
(1) 500 (2) 550 •, (3) 600 (4) 650

lo the figure ABCD is a rectangle and PQRS a square. The area of the grey part is half as big as the area
of ABCD. How long is the side PX? . .

D 10 C

(1) 1 (2) 1.5 (3) 2 (4) 2.5

8. ACamel who is interested in geometry has a collection of lx 1 x1 dice. Each die has a certain colour. It wants
to make a 3 x 3 x3 cube out of the dice so that small dice that meet at the very \east on one comer are always
of a different colour. What is the smallest amount of colours it needs to use?
(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 9 (4) 12
69. The big equilateral triangle consists of 36 small equUateral triangles which each have an area of 1 cm • Determine
the area of ABC.

(1) 11 cm2 (2) 12 cm2 (3) 15 cm2 (4) 9 cm2

I th f
70. n e 1gure
. a_
- o. All I·lfles OA 1, A1A, , A, A'3• ... are equally long. What is the maximum nu"'be
" ' rof 1·411.t~t
can be drawn In this way if no two lines are allowed to intersect each other? '"'•1~1

(1) 10 (2) 11 (3) 12 (4) 13

71. Esha has 3 tetrahedra and 5 dice. How many faces do these eight objects have altogether?
(1) 42 (2) 48 (3) 50 (4) 52
72. In the picture"" can see three squares. The corners of the midd~ square ore on the midpoints of th .
of the larger square, and the come"' of the smaller square ore on the midpnints of the sides of the middle ' '•des
The area of the small square is 6 cm2. What is the area of the big square? S<Jua,

73. (1) 24 cm' 2

(2) 18 cm (3) 15 cm2 (4) 12 cm'
0f h
A square Piece of Poper is cut into six ,ec1angu1a, Pieces as shown on the right. The sum of the pe •
t e six
. pieces
. .1s 120 cm. How big is the area of the square? nm.ten

(1) 48 cm' (2) 64 cm' (3) 110.25 cm2 (4) 144 cm'
74. The da,k !me halves the surlacearea of the dice shawn on theright Which d · Id
of the die? · rawmg cou representthe oel

- Mathematics
75. On the inside of a square with side length 7 c Mathematics
square with side length 5 cm is drawn s t another square is drawn With 'd
big is the difference between the bl k hat it cuts the first two as shown . s~e 1e~gth 3 cm. Then a third
• . ac area and the grey area? m e picture on the right. How

.~o- tQ,,
c., 0 -'l,J
(1) 0 cm 2
(2) 10 cm2 :::. (..f
(3) 11 cm2 '-/
(~ 15 cm2
76. In a convex quadrilateral ABCD with AB _ A
LADC = 650. How big is L'.BDC? (N0 t . I- C, the following holds true: L'.BAD = 800 L'.ABC = 750
· e. n a conve d ·1 ' '
, .. - . . x qua n ateral all internal angles are less than 1800)
(ll 100 I ;(2) 150, (3) 200 .
(4) 30°
77. The figure cohsis1ts of two rectangles Tw 'd
parts along the two lin~s drawn insid~ ; ; si e eng th s are marked: 11 and 13. The figure is cut into three
How lo~g is_the side·marked x? · ese can be put together to make the triangle shown on the right.
.. -

(1) 36 _
(2) 37 (3) 38 (4) 39
78. Each of the nine paths in a par~ are 100 m long. Anna wants td walk from A to B without using the same
path twice. How long the l~ngest path she can choose? ~- _

ll(-~ :A

'(> (1) 900 m (2) 800 m (3) 700 m (4) 500 m
J.,,, 79. A cuboid consists of three building blocks. Each building block has a different colour and is made up of 4 cubes.
What does the white building block look like?




(3)1Jl (4)ffl

(l)fft±] 12)@
Class VII/VI// ,..
.... u .... ®
. ; ; ; , ; : : ; ; _ . ; . : , ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - • d - • T h -.-e•ar•s~h•e~haschanged
80. Ms. Green plants peas C'Erbsen") and strawberries ("Erdbeeren") only in her gar en. 15 Y b d became
her pea-bed into a square-shaped bed by increasing one side by 3 m. By doing this her st rawberry- e
15 m' smallej ~"" d~ the :;S:ee17" belorn: Beete 1.rt~' )- ,', t \


ur-\ - Erbsen
Erbsen (i, Hr..

I Erdbeeren
I -b
t (1) 5 m2
(2) 9 m 2 (3) 10 m2
The diagram shows a five-painted star. How big is the angle A?

(1) 35°
(2) 42°
(~ 51° (4) 65°
Three equally sized equilateral triangles are cut from the vertices of a large equilateral triangle of side length

.:x= -'l...)
A ::•1... (SIN)

~.-\t \ l'l,~
:& ,~-,"t\=t--..
6cm . The three little triangles together have the same perimeter as the remaining grey hexagon . What is the
side-length of one side of one small triangle?

('Y\ J~

1 :: 1'2-'l' v1:::~ k1
-1-l-- I) "),J
--r. r
~.;f ·.~ .. c.. .. ./
(1) 1 cm I): (2) ·1.2 cm T~) 1.25 cm (4 ) 1.5 cm
Initially the side length of a talking magic square is 8 cm. Every time it speaks the truth its sides each decrease
by 2 cm. If it lies its perimeter doubles. It says four sentences, two of which are true and two are false , in which ::i
o,de, ;, unknown. What;, the b;ggest po,s;b]e pedmete, ;t can have afte, those fou, sentences?
(1) 28 (2) 80
(3) 88 (4) 112 ,,,,
84. 9
The diagram shows the 7 positions 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7 of the bottom side of a die which is rolled around its j
edge ;n th;s o,de,. Whkh two of these posmons we,e taken up by the same face of the d;e? i

(1) 1 and 7 (2) 1 and 6 (3) 1 and 5

(4) 2 and 7

~-® . .
\f\ a square ABCD M1s the midpoint of AB. MN .is perpenttcular
95· the grey triangle to the area of the square ABCD · etermine the ratio of the area of
' - .


ll) 1:6 l2) 1:5

-- -
(3) 7:36

(4) 3:16

86. Three lines ~isect a ~ig triangle into four triangles and three quadrilaterals. The sum of the perimeters of the
three quadna\tera\s IS 25 cm. The sum of the perimeters of the four triangles is 20 cm. The perimeter of the
big triangle is 19 cm. How big is the sum of the lengths of the three issecting lines?
fs:. l. D

(2) 12 cm (3) 13 cm (4) 15 cm

(1) 11 cm
87. Triang\e ABC is equilateral and has area 9. The dividing lines are parallel to the sides, and divide the sides into
three equal lengths. What is the area of the grey shaded part of the triangle?
'1.. -

- X,Yl -

'0_ t-::' 3C
"' -:; , 'S
(3) 5 (4) 6

\. (1) 1 (2) 4
~- \ 88. Suhani plays 'sink the shipl with a friend , on a 5 x 5 grid. She has already drawn in a 1 x I ship and a
\ its '! t 2 x2 ship (as shown in the picture). She must also draw a (rectangular) 3 x1 ship. Ships may be neither directly
' l nor diagonally adjacent to each other. How many possible positions are there for the 3 x 1 ship?

(3) 7 (4) 8
(1) 5 (2) 6


89. In th~. diagram pictured, a= 550, p = 400 and y = 350_ How big is o?
11 , , .

(1) 105° (2) 120° (3) 125° (4) 130°

90. The perimeter of a trapezium is 5, and the side lengths are whole numbers. How many degrees do the smalle 5t
angles measure?
(1) 30° and 30°
(2) 60° and 60°
(3) 45° and 45°
(4) 30° and 60°
The five shapes pictured were cut out of paper. Four of them can be folded to form a cube. For which shape
is this not possible.

(l)[~r (2)~ (3)~ (4)~

Shape I Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape4

92. Vikram stacked lxl cubes on the squares of a 4 x 4 grid. The diagram shows the number of cubes that were
stacked on top of each other above each square. What will Vikram see if he looks from the back (hinten) at
the tower?

4 2 3 2
"3° 3 I 2
2 I 3
-I \
I ·2 . I 2

(l)Bfb (2)~ (3)Elffl (4)h

93. The sides of the rectangle ABCD are parallel to the co-ordinate axes. The rectangle is positioned below the
x-axis and to the right of the y-axis, as shown in the picture. The co-ordinates of the points
A B C D are whole numbers. For each of the points we calculate the value of (y co-ordinate)
_/ (x ~o~rdinate). Which of the points will give the smallest value? j
y ·t

(l)A (2) B (3)C (4) D

II a gn'd.1s drawn
fl a sheet of paperquadrilateral
shaded such that each of th e squares has sides
ABCD? . 2 cm long. How big is the area
f the grey

(1) 96 crn 2 (2) 84 cm 2 (3) 76 cm2 (4) 88 cm2

Each of the 4 vertices and 6 edges of a tetrahedron is labelled with one of the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
and 11 · (The number 10 is Ie ft ~ut) · F.ach number is only used once. The number on each
' ' edge
' ' is' the' sum
' '
of the numbers on the two vertices which are connected by that edge. The edge AB has the number 9
With which number is the edge CD labelled? ·


(2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 8

(1) 4
How many quadrilaterals of any size are to be f<;>Und in the diagram pictured.

(1) 0

(2) 1

(3) 2

(4) 4
The area of rectangle ABCD in the diagram is 10. Mand N are the midpoints of the sides AD and BC
respectively. How big is the area of the quadrilateral MBND?
(1) 0-5
(2) 5 N
(3) 2-5
(4) 7.5 AL----- - - ~
Varuna has lots of pages of square paper, whereby each page has an area of 4. She cuts each of the pages
into right-angled triangles and squares (see the left hand diagram). She takes a few of these pieces and forms
the shape in the right hand diagram. How big is the area of this shape?

(1) 4

(2) -
(3) 5
(4) 6
99, Abucket is filled halfway with water. Acleaning liquid fills another 2 litres of liquij
bucket is three-quarters full. How many litres of water in total can fit into the bu
(1) 1OLitre (2) 8 Litre (3) 6 Litre (4) 4 Utre
100. Geet builds the sculpture shown from seven cubes each of edge length 1. How many
he add to the sculpture so that he builds a large cube of edge length 3?

(1) 12 (2) 14 (3) 16 (4} 18

101. Five circles each with an area of 1 cm 2 overlap each other to form the figure'in the
I .
two circles overlap, each have an area of cm2. How big is the area, which is co
figure in the diagram?
8 ·

(1) 4 cm2
9 35 . 19 .
(2) - cm2 (3) - cm2
2 (4) - cm2
8 4 .
102. 5 congruent rectangles are positioned in a square with side le~gth 24 as shown in the
area of one of these rectangles?
(1) 16 cm2
(2) 18 cm2
(3) 24 cm2
- (4) 32 cm2

103. In triangle ABC (see sketch) AD is the angle bisector of the angle·at Aand BH is the he'
obtuse angle between BH and AD is four times the size of angle LDAB. How big is

(1) 30° (2) 45° (3) 60° (4) 75°

104. The sides of a rectangle are 6cm and 11cm long. You select one of the long sides.
of the angles at the ends of this side are drawn. They split the opposite long side into
are these pieces?
(1) 2 cm. 7 cm. 2 cm (2) 3 cm, 5 cm, 3 cm
(3) 4 2m. 3 cm. 4 cm (4) 5 cm, 1 cm, 5 cm

1 C.f\
t . al Af3CD has right angles only in comers Aand D. The numbers in the diagram give the respective
,, ~1.13dn\c1ter_ ogles in which they are located. How big is the area of ABCD?
, 111e 'I f the tna . .
,, ~re35 A B

' D . . C
- '
(2) 45 . {3) 40 (4) 35
(1) 60 . . .
square is covered with 1 x1 tiles. The design on each tile is made up of three dark triangles and one
.,} 5)(~ gle (see diagram). The triangles of neighbouring tiles always have the same colour where they join
II" ' ht tnc1°
\19 edge. The border of the \arge square is made of dark and light triangles. What is the smallest number
3 ktri;ngles that could be amongst them?
\ dar
. (2)' 5 .-
(1) 4
(4) 7
(3) 6
Arectangle is made of~ equally sized, small re~gles. The smaller side has side length 10 cm. How long
107. is the longer side? _. ·. .. . , ,

10 cm

(2) 20 cm (3) 30 cm (4) 40 cm

(1) 10 cm
1os. The diagram shows the net of a three-sided prism. Which line of the diagram forms an edge of the prism together
with line UV when the net is folded up? · ·· · · ·.

y. ' X W u

p T
(l)WB (3) XY (4)QR


109. Theside lengths of a triangle are 6, 10 and 11. An equilateral triangle has the same perimeter as this tr~ngl~.
How long is one side of the equilateral triangle? .
(1) 1s (2) 11 (3) 10 (4) 9
] llO · A eye1-1st covers a distance of 5 m in ·one second. The wheels of. his. bike each have a circu f
e 125 cm. How many complete turns does each wheel do in 5 seconds? m erence

i (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 10 (4) 20


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