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Is Shakespeare still relevant today?

Arguments in favour of Arguments against

Shakespeare’s relevance Shakespeare’s relevance
• his plays are timeless • language is difficult to
• Shakespeare is great literature understand
• you are still able to learn from • modern literature is more
the characters inspiring for young people
• Shakespeare influenced the • too many interpretations
English language (creating new • old-fashioned storyline
words and expressions) (topics are no longer interesting)
• Inspires his viewers to become better • Shakespeare's language is especially difficult
people for second language learners
• modern theatre still uses the same topics • gender roles are different today (women are
(love, hatred, jealousy, revenge, conflict, allowed on stage)
war, greed....) • critical story line e.g. Juliet's age
• Shakespeare quotes are part of our • most students don't like Shakespeare and
language don't understand his language
• he knows about the human nature • grammar and vocabulary have altered from
• open to a variety of interpretations old English to modern English
• Shakespeare is part of English history, a • his idioms are outdated
"national monument" • his phrases are no longer used today
• reading Shakespeare is enjoyable • instead of teaching Romeo and Juliet
• his history plays make history come alive teachers avoid the difficulties of
• his representation of human nature is just Shakespeare's language and teach Westside
as relevant today Story
• people can expand their knowledge of • Students should watch Shakespeare's plays
English vocabulary instead of reading them in class
• his works teach us the power of words as
an instrument of communication
• Shakespeare takes the reader on a journey
• Shakespeare's language is a rewarding
• he knows how to write good stories
• his characters and stories reveal universal
truths about the human condition
• Shakespeare's plays become alive on stage

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