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Objectives: In this chapter you will learn about

• Audience appreciation
• Software copyright
9.1 Audience appreciation : Observe the following example:

Q) You will evaluate a web page designed for children aged 2 to 3 to help them identify colours. When they click on a
word, the name of the colour is output through speakers and the colour appears in the circle. The web page looks like
this: Is this page suitable?? Justify.

• Text can’t be read by age group of 2 to 3. Instead of
text, there should have been an image
• Text is too small for any one to read
• Too many colour names to confuse the child
• Complex text of colour names – turquoise
• Instead of text, a colour button should have given to
click on colour Text reader relates sound to word

Factors to be considered to ensure ICT solutions suitable for the target audience.
• The age of the target group (young children will have a different appreciation and response compared to a more
mature group of adults, for example).
• The experiences of the audience (a board of company directors would expect a different approach compared to an
audience composed of teenage school children).
• The expectation of the audience (for example, if you are advertising or giving a presentation on a new restaurant, an
older audience might expect to see fine food and good waiter service; whereas a group of students might be more
interested in pizzas and fast counter service).
• Knowledge of the audience (for example, graduates in maths would be more comfortable seeing equations in a
presentation than a group of history students).
9.1 Audience appreciation :
Key factors when writing the presentations include:
• The language used - use of inappropriate language may offend people. Use of technical terms should be reserved
for an experienced or audience
• The need for multimedia - use of sound, video and animation will always catch the attention of the audience but
do not overdo.
The length of the presentation - Long presentations will only work if they are interesting and engage the audience. A
very young audience would quickly get bored and start to become restless.
• The need for audience participation (an interactive approach)
• The examples used to illustrate certain points.- use examples which relate the topic.

Audience characteristics:

Age range Very young children need to have animations, bright colours, large font size and sound
Older users will be more interested in actual content; therefore a simple attractive colour scheme which
is easy to navigate is very Important
Income Suppose the website is selling cars, It is essential to carefully consider the target audience income
levels; this will clearly dictate which model ranges are advertised on the website.
Interests Suppose we are developing a music website, we need to know the interests of our target audience
whether they like classical, pop, rock, metal etc. music? The website will need to include articles and
offers which reflect their music preferences.
Disabilities If the website is to be used by people who are visually impaired, then we need to use large font size,
use contrasting colours, keep the language concise (so there isn’t too much text to read) and include

9.1 Audience appreciation :
Needs of the Audience:
Young children • Bright, cheerful colours
• Animation and sound
• More pictures than text (less writing)
• Large font and simple short words
• Include games where possible
• Must be an easy-to-use interface (for example, touching characters or voice interface)
Adults and • Attractive display
older children • The content must be interesting
• Require a good mixture of text and images
• Careful to use appropriate language level
• Use bullet points to make the content easier to read
Older people • Contrasting colours (makes it easier to distinguish words)
• Larger font size (in case of reading difficulty)
• Easy-to-use interface (touchscreen)
• Make the display consistent from page to page
• Do not use too much technical language as they may be less familiar with this

Why we need to consider the needs of our audience

• For older people, people with disabilities, who have sight problems it is important to make sure the website has
clear-to-read fonts.
• Complex language can be a real turn off to children or for people who have English as their second language; the
text needs to be clear and easy to read for these reasons.
• It is necessary to hold the attention of the users, otherwise they will give up using the website.
• Good, attractive screen designs will attract users to the website.
• Keeping interfaces clear and easy to use keeps people engaged.
• Lots of typing can be very frustrating, as can badly designed websites where the user seems to go ‘round in a big
9.2 Copyright:
Software copyright and piracy
It is illegal to:
• Make a software copy and then sell it or give it away to a friend or colleague
• Use software on a network or on multiple computers unless a licence has been acquired to allow this to happen
• Use coding from the copyright software in your own software and then pass this software on or sell it as your
own without the permission of the copyright holders
• Rent out a software package without permission to do so from the publishers
• Use the name of copyrighted software on other software without agreement to do so. :

Software piracy protection methods:

• When software is being installed, the user may be asked to key in a unique reference number or product key (a
string of letters and numbers) which was supplied with the original copy of the software.
• The user will be asked to click ‘OK’/’I AGREE’ or put a cross in a box to agree to the licence agreement before the
software continues to install.
• If supplied as a hard copy, the original software packaging often comes with a sticker informing the purchaser that
it is illegal to make copies of the software; the label is often in the form of a hologram indicating that this is a
• genuine copy.
• Some software will only run if the CD, DVD or memory stick is actually in the drive; this stops illegal multiple use
and network use of the software.
• Some software will only run if a dongle is plugged into one of the USB ports.

Assignement : Page 225


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